CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Feb 1922, p. 12

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l>n au#..e welcm où ,sim t oa4t the n6utm . Ir aight s"d tAt te body wu iiî to tbe ,laduet la au automoW lier alayers. . îsýi C upressio 1- Peerle's Pis n ng 9w n.stock in al uizes and ovçrsizes. Wholegal. and retail. - Car Owners 1This inthe iins you have been looking for. - Garage ment Lu. ~vest1gate this very suce85~lPso ig - You dan get Peerlegs Rings here and sava tiins and money. J~EESGARAGE Wukegq Phone 384 - G(rgnd Avé. and Genesee St. i * Tii-oo«q mmotaie les »otser right arccarrynz OUI tt»OUthe aùuence. 1 etcuer...l inte imme"t ay under the heaviet au Senrchuug lite- rakeof Kieer- bocker theatre, Waahlngtou for. de"il Md in- jureet aller the roof of the famabe motion, picture keoue olapsad, kig -114 andl in- juriug more tihan2M0. inmuen, soldie nsd citizen voite1ar' 1 ibouat 'à N@t te umasive ited girlens vl" SUP'orte4 ltae roof a" ltae gret boits of oenoc1 'lt4 fbu wheu lt xe rs gave wy aunder lteWwet of snow- At t le lait e oe bit Iokeangird. nsanbese .. ~OLIIR~REMOVING- VÎCTIMNS oroupe of sodWr uelg e i te ' hmii'fextu îl~oe the.ra Wasit. - btt.u, wbm 114 vs"fld sdmmredme no0 ýhrt whLen ts ro"m coapM'& . ouc e t deptitd tlta ov Wv is t alieuit te Teav "ea Mepansbla er£« ecoflapfaet Ue*ta terro»d WAUKEGAN LOCAL& The Women's LUbrary clug oJ,,m6 m Chicago heid thels anlnual banquet on laut-evening ai the P"azahotul. -S membero vere present. Prac9ding thqs baqquet at 9 oclock the mambars n joyed a theatre party ai the Academy, lirs. Wilson Gee ef the $mari Sbop *as a business visiter ln Chicago teu day. - Mss Frances Rayunas, 1326 Lincoln streat was a visiter lu Chicago yestor, day. The choir of St. John's Reformed Cbicagovil] give au entertaiument toliowed bY a cafeteria lunch Mrday Diglit at the Presbyterian char&li The tire department wu caSi! t tii. city imita ou Blylderea treMe Ilast nlgbt ahortly aller $:*0 ooio* hy a muramSu No damage VUdon.. C. 1- PersoUs 0f 418 Grand avenue. transactued businessla chiCag. todw. Jamie Fulton will ettertain t» MeMplers #« the. hgh schtol cItes 1918 Baturday evening at bis borne, 410 North West sIbet. A- IL Andrews & Co., of Chicago, today lied the. praucipa ln a 15.000 damage suit againat the Security Say-. fats balk, te Circut court hema Verna P1&ey,1Ci. 6541 IL May street.Chi g le âback home today, Ssom;7what dieiliusloncd. verna left J- là 15 th blgb hoPe, of adveuturu. _She walked the aireet gaveraI night., r qhe sa d, and later worked au a bous.- 1znaid for a mission lu Waukegan. Bbc returued home lant' nigbt wttile poliemen wcre qPl1 looking for ber. ]P rank Peiro< Phyoical director of thc local Y. M. C. A. lu Chicago t,- 'daY on Pursonal business. Pred Wallerwein of Waukegan at- titnded the third annual imoker giveu. 1 Y t h e N o r t h S h o r e H r t i c l t u a i g o J rbc Ainrican Legion wiii hold jtctregular imeeting tomorrow aove- jijtJng ai th* Armory. Ail members f arc uraci! to attend. Thé, Community Councl will hold a Meptint tomorrow afternoon at 4 oèlock ait tie Chamber of Commerce. * Mes. John Boblits, 210 Fai.rvicw Plaés was calisd toUnioi Grove. Ili. ycs'tarday bort6 adekth of h"r cousin * who pamfci!a'vay T'ueaday miorning. Tiie Queun stber te'rlow, W. B. A. will bo their regular meeting t" e veniug et bbce04<1 Fellows Hall. George R~oth; Grand Reut or the Illinois Royal Ârcanum entertalued th bbc Rgenti -of tii. varlous lodges of the state &ta banquet lai t eveniug at 14e Hotel LaSalle, Chligo. Porty- elght rpgealtn wure promeut and Royal C. Iledecker of Washington Street, looal ragent of the Royal Arcanum atteuded.- Carl Carlson today pald his fine of $50 for disturbiug the peace at a dane it HiIIbwood, Satut-day uixht, and vas released from t the county Influzensauofthtbamaliguant type wbieh swpt th$ Unitedý States lu 1918 mad,»Ib lo,,rorted il Marengo, noi net4qïr8ta r o mreiirelembars of the bousehoM etof lames gglns, a farper.i, a ti ubuv .T othuro arc noar death. lu ilý- nespneu. Moula poeaedudt" a nlita. Tontorroir IP"nry 3Udj4 Grouni! Hog Day. WsaU bé isuh o~ * Don, Thoeigon u *«,paled bhW wite le*Citcago vharè'hu 14à1'ee ibis cvepýIng fr San Autto. 4Tmnt. * Tbc Snuteg'UtpmMt coàmgtteor the Çgmlan 1lozCountry Club iiuld a meetlûg lait a'eing ait bh "e of John S. Whyte on Nthgeette St. and made plââts f"_a JýtAujirade Balil 0 abe atthe CÔý#Kt* - Club VaUetn N i4V brairy ,l4 mis Sll Me or , « Wltica St.. in vviltng it friads lu CitMcago to- day. i Mn. sud Mn,. Goeonu e of NortIL Genesee Street leavoa toisonnow 1er a thne moulu viit la irft lUeg c Cali(ornia. S Mr. end Mnr. JôseDpi Siobeo! Oounty Street-artaDaeDgg#g the day ClubbgtÀ A usband" wblch wilt bu ec feecetaIthe Parlish Houie Yri4 ecnlg pot #uat.~è avery idelightful colnedr. AàIduce vilnfoi- *$W thc Play. P Rffe ?A7h These Mid-Wi*nter, C1earaiïice Specials WILL HELP HUNDREDS of 'FEOPLE SAVE MONEY PERCALES 35c A Yard $~did Cobinandor SPercaes lu ~O&i~tof weaves& IMuouscoo fet. 454-inch ail linen tea 010%9 with henistitch- gr. -slightly !puase froni handling. 40-inicl Crepe de Chines in ail the new colora, such as Tiger Lily, WbIrlpol Orchid, flurnufla Rose, Cadet, etc., J.48 et yard Women's ail silk fgahioneid hose. VerÜy ;ryWOV-en and 1.98n RAIIEM A Yard 1'hese mra alimport.. ed Washable Ratines ln the. popular sport col- ors. Thay're al 86 inch- es wlde. A Yard 36-inch Art Cretoumes 'for dràperiesg. Beautiful color combinations. A. Mui third under* last season' price. TOWEIS 25c Each Ffamous iPoott Mil& Towels Wvith heniatitch- ed bordera; 18x36-inch ,4izo and are very ab- sorbent. FILETNEM 29c A Yard 36-inch Filet Curtain Nets in ail over pat- terns. They are creani and white with finish-. SKIRTINGS The new 411-wool plaids & stripes for the new Spring Skirts. They are splendid quality, 5429 inehea wide at the yard- 2 9 UNDERWEA Swomen's union suùim lu light weights. Bodice 'and built- 8 More of Those Women's Stylish Purnps ýOxord s worth #a0 8.00 at, rThege Plonps, and Oxfords an aU uwatlsin i i F4" ~and widths. $ee then inu Our windlow and if ecçn- ozl1Y 18an7 ob 0 tto you do't rnim 1hsaae Iaclude& are oxfords in tan cai, blAèk Vici and Patent leath& ~amd Pum"pain Satin, Patent!,and tan Caif. Many ini one dtrap style wlth Baby Louis beuils. e e a -l" Ob 0?5sbcG wli Shop ai the Globe &1Sa Money CONI Ignatz lleld 'Couuty confesse Petersen ~sWinthroi jonfessti died the. meut au * statee a "Yes, Potz. 8 Yeu wby coutof Renoua The m Who tire body. John i street. fi dren. aflý Michae Wbo was the mac fred. The m ff'lday n las Kolle of the r wben thf Jowing a by Jamei MC-Queen operative Kano Setiers Smith gt mtan, Wh 4«clined bue in DRESS GINGHAMS :4 heautiful araor clsp, new Dresa h in ulovely Istri~m ehocks and p=laids. The'r in every wanI color combina" Mn. widthe are 27 and 32 ices. Yot 'Il want them as - woon as yo-u e theim Speciaily priced at ./ yard .._____........_______17 1 __ -douItedl) was the obtained. the aitihq *hope of f * Statepi Mcqueen doubt ah * the "deai clared t10 It wa,, dy. Two 'We had know be', of the mg to the C Potz shoi riding a sued tiiel Beach. af Ing ai lth had aimC -wltbin l( The ma * belongs t hai both Savage p were us4e -lhe shoc d e mlitte ln Smih ew Men dowi the couni invoived. edup foi Mer Accordi men had ibIertyliý bunted fi *bit. fîom On the-w ernoon thi South of for the re got nome Cleu The grr Steinbuclq Evanston eag6 of i nusted se MeQueg Brune 0. Aftanoon ' tOred the, 'The cou '»*a'tole a It* doo Hie tut Moi rei-steà th bomne. P tbey arrn p "Where fellow W, iayilig a .1-t- 'fi1e brokre "I dldz ISire," Bai e '4 i ,! I

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