CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Feb 1922, p. 2

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Y5 F~9RUAKYZ19ZL lu Presl >Ipo etOY ieYYusG 1*lie 5aLO ING -M m. 4 ..MaetheraIa JR Y IN, DQ , P~o'lmai cars, a»lece o glsu fré athe.banner omes for the mositb cisUrCh forsixertz aa.ended bit George cd JanuNue a115K (il VEWrthS$EX0, w plm Mr.anS m aHaryM uon and clin. D T O ~' RSUTSof Petrlfedvooapair ofIch ~~~ggr ~ oeSAL~it< Ini e a , .a:pltu 0forLisicolus W* rensrtin ha i.ll45 eon isr4d mali smodel o a om 8 teaxGa luet td4h, tffl - Typemg to staîns of fox trot Lincaln y4imed ln Iea lacxieeof Prvate Intres ahady. have lil th Gw.lC.d*buakeoan9 ake Vill poves popular at Gurnee P ld lasx Ccs o nf gu tosd tnny '- omHig.hbleadPahosn ila . eCda ak~ e a nd Lak. e V-l d-Glas, son et lir 89a4Al»r . capsMW .i M0i gohool :rate ~ Thot amatu a po.alma iteon iie .ickliet for SOl4OdYJ~ eletoportupdne qilleau od pin; bm.Wws Xfch ado lbas been made ove, thecamidon beaded bY Canidian Indiana. Ta maeranglers in t. e O a. e vali hla aspeedy -re- tact that ty'»owrting classes l n 1.hi orseia s ma <ouity soop vil have ta go 0"~ Cedar Lake CaiJ;p. Royal Nelghbors uglern bigh sehool have lust adopted Tehi orsel nteemlswhere ta look forrfiahlng gromes 'U. -117he LadiesAid viii mnt next veek Ne 440. and Lake Villa Camp No. 1848 -tb plan ol typing ta mugie. vastiorousby enjoyed. les*a lieô~unty -board *pev1sa telý ieoMlr. .G.Mdte. ildt0ruk WO InsOfAlltin ! ic erli iîut at the Warren Township Hgh taeseoe ctonbeof fhgtÔ-e> e o'tforet the . dathe. eoolin Guee the plan in an old ooooo e0 ,0 4,#0 oIl «prvas intarentstain gf lulsvry uhdare.Tueayaî ù4use.iaîe TM la o tperinovetymusng aso EVERETT, SCHOOL :15kes of the cOiinty, la the. tofu nnday Ochool neit Ounday at lo0 by putOrac Mr.C. W. Tabo ad preaed h4 may. Wealthy ruïdenke, e . Promehjg service at Il a. nm. the bfpllpvlngiflw were lntalled adopte*iln ibis schol over tvoyears 1 00000000000000000 Il- l ponted out, are bu>ing tip the go, and ihbemnfoflowed ever ince . William irarnervas liauuing lois ta land whicli adjoinsihlakes and md and117:30 P. M. Wili you ha présent? ln tilr respective stations: gtvIag splendid résulte. 1the Hopkins place lest veek trom the proce.dlng rapidly toaclos tiiege Wb=en ve.yenuat ta chnrch. Dont Oracle.--oooro* Aver~y. NUusc -là guppied by a Brunsviob ie.Tetet o nhtatik ae aepbi. BvrilksYVtikta O m ian or Ye Oal-Mri .ln Wb"n It I Umne for the îypewriting rvrwhel.lhonIee tik aes oce wxe pulcned X vel lakeby ,±bità tua you re nssaliiCyourHamul s besom the. lnstrnctor slips a fox trot Tires.u ca a of la ahip w lomncevrba . tffivelbeau clos@&i? Coamelet un varshlp the Cac OrMratGaliger. tr one-step on thxe machine and a ta Everett Wrday-two for tMr. fnid, Buter Lake,,Hastings Lake, Fovl iard e lir . ito ad inuaael- n n0lzlm Hofr enut later lier, i.3 a merry Clck. I do and aone for lMr. Lor'd. er Lake, Lake Bara and Douglas Lake Mies Sppaga ataieânn e r v ies.n O4è SUte ni0l-PeUtai Baler. s of keys an the typewriters as thue Those Wha recelved 100 ln spelliig aready have hbeu cosed to the pub. Uèl$ra»a h onn evcs Ùe'Sni -«iKnr geth( 1 opératore swing mb othe for the. paut eek ÂdOlPh Van Lan- lic ad Rurt Lae tuldho dS lirMM Kitta.e exiectata leave mon for tisnmer-tiarY 1)alrympie, = Uni t the. music. Experience has duyt, 1141h Lhbley.-Henry Hulsonga, at any tiensethe property covEers ber nov home in Lota Âje, Catir. Retorder-.MabeijCoub. abee that botter results are obtalul- Clyde Vanover, Calvi Carpepter, Nil- thffl desr.d ta take such action. S0" snd ber daugbIpr Il b. veau' The Woodnren affitcers ver. Instai-. 94 front the use of fax-trots as te Ham Monte, Beu. - flèron Damond I*ke la anothler popular mucb missed inthelieh"'0i. . dby District Deputy C. T. Heydeck- stiadents seem ta flnd Il easier ta ke dWatr A i,..fshlng ground tiiat may b. cloSed ta lira C. H. Abr.ct - ttuded lb. er snd Spécial Deputy John E. Range UetIL1Conway adWle Seyl. fislermen in the near future as niucb perty given at lie Horibe«reh all bruck, and vere as fallava: UneIt. ttdta h lnbsbe oa hilp o 0 nraigo h adl4C. ». Hambin, Consul. oil stailed liea li pl andhas e Helen hllp at10tagatlg0fIenii l'u a ias jbeaui pur, lut Thurdday .venlgg d vlaited ili C .TiblWrhyAvmr houd e h vru'prctcalsu hele ti~ MtW~e. ciaed bu' »Ovate Intereats. la -lad ber sister snd friends until Sunday. iC . RiiW . RankeWr.h dvsr tiolal. Tii. studenta seem ta be. ahI Tii. boys and girls of lhe achool are a Purt of the. lake alrsady bua beauFe.nWUk akr t6 sirike the keys more evenlY y mklng a birda' mnt collectioni. - Wq <2105se1ta th pubiîc. FYad- AgmlnBscort. keepig lime ta th, munile, and an have six now., Those Who purihase land on lb. @ooaooooooooooooooc G. P.,)4«&=, Clerk. -evasi bnci résults. givlng the- type- Our- de0ot aget. r. orc---- a lakes snd procèed ta CIO". tla A--A. KOopen, Walbman.- written eopy an attractive. neat aPaget.e.pu.blie an . net 0 H AL F 1) A Y o~ oIeSnr' biem1ruce. Wuea onhp put back on the Job earilatidu'eae yar:hlâelo sa * :o Oo o00 000 IfI ttser,getrut.. At' h auea twsi high Imornlng. It wuas akOihat Mr. Swift aCo lie acage of v#t.r. C. W. Talbatî, H. B. Jamison, Phys- scoltheplan off îypewrlting ta mu-.Iland Mr. Ârmour ver. *golng ta etgel Suggèalnla 'made Ihat Ifthe Comiselaner Foot. la busu' ge<ttlug iiaus. sis bas been tried out wiih more orj their express at Highland Park. The coUnly board vere la remove tasse Misase slgned up for a 60-foot riglit Atter lie installation a musical pro- leus success. C. M. & Si. P.- railroad Company' said lakos tram taxaio, opeping of lau' alang Milwaukee avenue., Prée gramn renden4 bu' tie members ofthle OOOOOOOuOOOOOnOhaOOlase the. trade lieu' thlOn t10th.eipbUlc, liaI l'vauld hoa aPar4tory 10 building lthe comeret. road Royal Neiglibors camp andi a veru ln- OOOOOOOOOOO 00 0. woud ut heagent hack at Everett. gi-éot hon t10-lhe Cautys ai o f neit sprlng. Tbisls ns a ulte a "abterestlng talk by Neigibor C. T. Roy- GU ETiie Public 'Service Co. la putihng ad- îisei-en. for lncost of lie farmers along lie.ave- leeCkç,efo!tihe Woodmen Camp. A' ----.-, oOO 000<> , oo 0 0 .. < ocditional vira, on lie pales by the. nue, ai moat a1 the. fonces are froet solendil4 supper was served and al Gerdn Gflina, dita. Rti orth-Western rail-oaci. O 00000000000 0000 * o5 to 10 test on tua. i-ad lrdlerty. Nev. aitemblers and pfrtende vre speatd lidnGligEitr uhJh- Te inbow Club Is preparing ta 0 o F OIX-)LA&£ 0 erthelesta, le are glad ta gel lie ave-idyer ppradohrgde. son, Asat. Eitor. gve adaneeFeb. lti. Foooeo.,,oo,.oo,o nue concrteci, and viii gladia, do tlb. èYTac novppliatndfo r oisu>. Gurue" von tram Rosperans, sdan rLflmfo iet fire vas s= rhdln.aii e. rte u eeyou o. -Warrea T. H. 6. lenatelaLubertyv ile d ak i vry îe s as Ilra. Jolhn Strattonof liiadeen DksdennCo811ati9l- ec-.4 tt b. ittai imIa od rlinsd IA Ykiday' basket hall gamtes at e: Tiursday. jterlained the nTIILake card. cub at oDi1e n eB ieniok troll ey ir se la pOat te by as dacotmln e c a 11b5101John T. Waddell bas a new Dcelge auction bridge Tliursday. the iLake Villa Camps. Tite Royal Neiglhors held theur tati îourlng car. Mrs. H. Hendrieka of ingle»Ide at- Studyevenlng. gov ls Il. boys- ni ntallatIon Saturday afternoon. Th'Cieoechers' meeting vas Weilît tended lie Royal Neigibors installa- prrt y smooli sleddlng? M md C r c e A o u1- tt e l gn w a Ib o s t aw e r e1 ten e i l y l e c o o i r n o f t r i n a t 1a k e V illa T e d a y . Ma r h a l i c lr e d e r , v u e f s a t te n d - * O o o o o o J O o e O , o 0 Ozd. butffy eghos eedistrict, W. ail had a gaod limne aid lira. Otto Fi-ana entertalned lira. lug bigi sciool ln Mlvaukee, spent a o0 I. A K 'V IL LA 0 la atlexd*Wice.vîsh eulsen. lMrs. Rusmnaie aid ira. Kit--fe* 4aus viti hie parents. 1ne vas gc-()9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V1'e Gurune.tibdgcta played Allen- teewul eaote n. by ai lunebeon Tlirsday. compenled by a scboolmate, via as tr. 'rad fi l prnsl ;Sîrangers are wanderiuag arounci in Salltvrl eott tleJl»of~a egt uvue uth radvstdbsprisl dWW.s rive Saînrday atternoon. Tii.'re ee a eotda h oh eP egt Mlakeme e 4Sae vus veil attended by local bas- wte s negh.aid.A hv mta ne ud Wils h home. Little Irene la the one a godgroving City. -Mcisgat r i a tora veeka. ~itbal farts (7) Wliu'hoiequestion? awifecver, salcia tamhavetrmlept aI aie af aducaiioecta ~b glaisve.eapt.Scr i- the Armaur tai-ms lant veek. Tlieu'I ieanahe rmorcmunl'euainfr Lake countu', spent lait o!ý-aep nle 4o una ili o. tra. Saules enterlainec i Staucîlon j tteded lbe dance ln Heracherger Sunday bere l tor o i edae.da ~marnlng tiey came ta the W=. bridg. Mondai'. RallPrairie Vie-w, laff: Tiursdau' ve lira. Tom'Brompton. via bas heen semntes vtjn lio'm n - iian bld1 ia iy: They'liad llved quit, aericUSopération ai the Clii- lionor Of tuelr san, Lewis, sud lis motieri ra. Pltman, came dovi tram Je attending the tliversi of lb ii-e f aoGesieral bospital Mosidsu. Dr. bride, vio bave' JuW returned from an AntIacli far«Stra m udy Ilalansviiedhum a se usertto PNrana acompanled ber 1 he extended h9îvmoon tnp. Theré vas lr.Wl ihrhvsîî eaie W*M je ol&ureew W ber bed hooPilal and reports tliahe a doiîg a large crovd ame a fine tinte »Michigan. Barme. illmho.e tivr ufoice wulasel! t utlies WeIl as cold bo exiected. iBountul refr.abmnents ver, serveci Mns. Roper spent last Fi-day in - wrd, vwe limabtn Iill <lui-1could net finci work, no be staed ont Alice Ruabkinor.elerttalned tvelve'andidail agreec lie MglIs'a are niitt l.,o U»lttw veen", la on tie ioacithe ramp. t 0lhrplaces tlieu- story u' ntsaai hu n b oaor o!tlier broth- 1royal enlertalners. W 1 lthelb bride iMr. and Ma-s. Leonard bidas guesi It 'eotir.differed. He aisa clalmeci the voman er. Caritmonvareliains Io Champalgi jand groom manu' happy' uea-s. Olier tie veek endMr. and lira. Jo, OURNE SOOOL EWS as iristaier.Tieu' ver, a umiddle ageci Saluaday. Borne of ouri- youngei- generatîoîW' Fbei-îer, Miss Rubu' Leonard and tva a. oURE-a R EStidrsetFla' atcul.Ti a a llsx feet A stork siover vas lendereci liratockk ite movies at Highlandi Park friendo, ail off Chicago. m aCm tde petPoyvii-tali, the.lady abouti fve taet fîve. JOo i-OSean. t lhehome <f lir. Saluaiday evenlîg. Tbere vas aise an Mri. sud lira. Carl Bruekner ha%, e 'th bo ludimen fo laî Eei r iday, Jan. 27, Margaret Sneddon, Gog atJ. etralei oyaler supper on lie pi-ga-m.-but as moved ito lie Luand home, recenr-il Th o ucena. urlsay, kHelen and HarolId Tulley wvore visitora tirs. Ai-hui- Smithi trtidteoie of lie cars vas delayeci on lie vacatec bu'Mi-. sud lir. Whitîe. xu. _.Mpuding; Wedn esday, icorne t oI l. vomen ai a régular îelghbhoxood par- vau' over. lie ti-st section, 414 lthe tMr. and Mra. Rippberger vent ;a Maîdau', Jan. 30 Mike O'Boyle viait- t lutsIThnrsday. towu, i-,plenisiedthi.ii fuel tsakisud Chicago Saluaiday tea lie fuanerab »WeitdUr; Thuasday, liu' apple sauce; ed tb. aclical. H-e saici uho ac nel been * 0- made a listu retreal betare lie secandi of a frienci, rmi ni odai'. Wiamacaroni vili tomate sauce.; ln scitool foi- 35 yeara. FX AK CHOOL NOTES secion cauldc atch Up. Alil rigil, Mri. Mr. sud lira. ger ci-M.dw v:tmte er. doîated bu' Mns. ;Mini' cases of liranchial pneumonia Hugmax Hartlett, Editor. Sith, yau cent vork lie smre gaine fi-cm Whtitewaer la., Sauaiday snl Birtrdad'hnu'. l'hetug aO ~e beesi reporteci luth. pasl week. Evolyn Borglian vas lie vinner in an us Ivice. tsa-t plPe<i efregi a a c k tca om tendftlks of the boyeosluaveasoeclacau' biltck Isîsuci. Editi Peterson and DvIglil Rians iseauglin ad lie miatortune la auto ait sad aghesapn ý1Wt«tIs nst wichwasbuLtby , .. Satut-day morniîg. Jan. 281h. are absent front school. break ils leg, and hope that ho e n Igu 1re. Peacockan ugts tJ*etin net viel va hult b' a____________William and EailSchultz at Chicago, bave a speedu' recovery. txe -wek endi aI iIt- home here. en- $o1r of redving bl4ekblrds. Uuîdred 0 0 0 o0o0 o0o0o0o0 o o o0o0 o 0 o)apent lie veek end, vii t eir pareils, Lait Sunciay heiu Rev. Keiliatis Jcyiug lie vinler spcor's on the lbate. gt%s aiso buugin hoa ehiekadees Mri. sud lira.Wm. &Schultz. hlrliday, lie vas preseibeci vititati Mr Lyvers caii.a ouIt ram Chiucago nant io FREMONT CENTR o A daugiler vas born Iotir. aid é legant hoquet of carnations bu' the Sutliay ta speid the day a-tihber son a-s al enjoy où a curie, 0 00 00 000 0 000 00 0 00 0O lra. Joseph Eraismai lionday, Jan- ladies. hilciheoin turu arderecli tonket t htiHuclier homne bal hti-.Mise Marie Fre-deick la spendingliai-y 23rd. 1 ta Pet-eu'MeLauglil, vixo lisn helb A!> ut Ihîrtu' )t <ho triends off ic.1 Pritay aftet-n oui-rgi-altar sehoal 'severai veeka y'li ber suit, Mma. Jo. tir. Riggi aid lits. Main vîsitec i Hghlandi Park hospilal. W. about aid lira. Fred Haiulin came in-b baci a otof eCt-ie collection.Ailli e Guérin of Waukegan. saboal Fniday. alvau's remembier lie afflîcteci, as speici the eveiinx with tleumand belp -ltdren broughiceo,wvilci ver. 1Mr. and lits. George Obenauf, andi Jane Warrinei- offAntioch aDent last lien ilie',olime vien one appreclatea celobi-alethiel- 181i weddlng annivet- 'Peeslagly enjoyecibu b Il. json. Bd-yard, spent Tiuu-mday withi iel- liOnday lk FUxLake. il mostly. . bi-y, aid a vei-y enjoyabieetvnig -'There n.ere three p~ain.î a' indian'atîves at Arligton Helghts. tMr. sud lira. E. Davis oft fIlcago Talk about <lMacs Hot Air Boya!" va' pi.Rteinnuvrsre tOXcagdna, tva str.igs of ne-. d3, ai.Mrraid lira. AllIent Beim spent last vilted Mr. aid tirs. M. Boysen laitBrie Leium Io agent for a "Hot1 Mranad ail joinec ink vsîbng thetu many piee. of Indien Potier>'. aid quite a Iluisciai d Fldai vîth relativea ho Suiidau'. Lff>'" Tiese lampa make a brilliant mare anniversaries. Av ai-ov bends. «11onthe ,'Iodlai Chca,..1 Ruiavald Olsen sud Carlton Rush- lîgit equai 10 etlecînie hi'le Use ai Last Wednesday WiliIHieker anci 3iàe o fgoods. BealdcathIs lies aer. tiemorlal services for lte îatç.I'oipe mars are home tramn hie State Univer- 10 per cent of doàI 011 sud 90 per CentBai-I Hueker ver, crosslne, Céder Lake .v civil vir guns.a. 'Cossac-It word, Benediet XV vet-. belci a; St. liarys aity fr ti-5lime. -h ot air. Wia cai bétItI? CalI On viti Ibehr ligi truck and broke brt- là iind grenade Inn Itawder flas.ks and Catholie dhurci Tiursday mariing, The foliovlng ver. inured the Pont. Erinest and let him dernotrte Il - thie le. Some dilfleculty vas encaun- ,»Me Cbucktitot tto.rupoîle viiewa-- Rev. Faheç. Bai' ottlcbating aid deliv- veek ai thxe ice plant. Arthur Schiultz,' yaua.lie îext Invention *yul uidOUlt- lereci 1n geîîng out, but fil>' imade Lue. Tb'-e vas a crystal 'lcn ~ et-kg a fine sermon. George King, Joseph Ki-cimman aid J.î dyesl st îea-IIar iI tbtiedtk o4Ic bo m a raon ci coarv. i , i Valetla Rau', lb. 13 year aId D. Rlggs. !wouîci surelu' reduce.liebiliocetIof Doris aid Verne Bat-nalable have NlltrmsI-n.odkaaP c iaugiter aof lit. aid lira. Nick Gaîster. tira. A. J. Smith attended a -wemen's lai lbmeigl hcg a.2. tiving, as that commioditu'la15 1' io in- bSn veru' iII vttbrahi-nial pneumon- - died i athé borne of lier parents1 lbmetn iegoJu.2. tful aid venu' choep. la, but are on lie gain. Waukegan Wediesday evenfiag. Jan. Bai-I Ruabmai-e, Jr., traniact.d huai- Sunciay Schaol as Usual at 10:30 a. lira. BaiPatter arlti childreî off - 26, atter a tee' dau's Illnesa of scariet ness ln Waukegan Tid5u. m., sud lie choir V21I price. igil. Hubiard Woods spent tie tii-et of the lever. On accouai. of the contaglous insteaci o! FXidaY oeig. week at R. Poller's. <1disease lie fnerai vas privaI, tramn 0 0 Oa0 0 000o 00000P, Don't fail ta attend lb. ente-tain- t<eep ik mincitlie date, Feb. 10, andi th le home Thursdai' afterntuai, vili 0 PRAIRIE 1V» Wment and baxa ive bu' the I ie te place, H. Pattées, lie aupsuern sd Inlet-ment aI St. liary's cemeleru' ut 0o0, o o 0 o0 o o o o 0oeo0o0o0o0o0oAid Flday evenag, Feb. 3, alite tovu parcel sal, for thé heneffit of lbe Au- YYemot Coter. Mr.and Mrs.Galff. . aIL e pme, id WtOf an ex- gala erneru' socbelu'. Yeu are auna ithir incres sypaty t th ho evrda wua doiddsucossa. :Roiser Jensen of Chicago viii ieider tractions, tac. Core ne saee. Tb. fisieral of Michael Doner, a cii-d pi-ésent. Th.e veiitag vas pent nin& v-inlie spent ln plau'ing uuncon e acres of the place of land ovieci former resident of Fromont lownulp, la dancing aid playug carda. Abat-' after vbici sefresiimenteavl b. serv- bu' Dick AlvelI. lie surveyors ver. Wh i e BnayJn 2,ws dat iidngit -lunch vas served sad ev. a dmusgla, inludgluniuch, 60e at ork Satusday mit. - k n. ,.oe. ~ Moriyg i1 er îî m11 t ytS. arys t Myil, sud trG anets mui til;wi'. ri birUmewMa ydi l ga e and 801~ed ti-.,F. lark.Mm lcot. f aSuI.,vi liepubic ie ooc aI tite stre m. C.H. aie nit],vabotc2 a. l.e c vor yiibue en omIdisva i0t tb remouna ema-igsrceeh famt- i l ltni u emivi oh ulybic aia-dy1.sdIllse ve etnIane h l ter r. anermvicesai ~~~*eIuàgipup* ale-n ri eorgeviii mi vand end allywir ome, trlglaDd xntssdGoge8a ifJi A rtel uary.cneec iible ~ *r. s . Mrt. aand rho bl e ld il:l i e Ti.Camkatk lb Corewr met atur of Our astt&bu eea rd egrU.iW811as la lieaxate heon. Tu 1s ta o o folth r fa sélieu' on't b ave ailt. g e ..G. Hteate, suri fauI4', et.iut j a t e tof un we hewu lbavn qti e eaon mabuappor iaIs ome Sun- Si as 4heale , n e e vlason s-tlaapITueisie'amoee tdaa nnuao us e ay ai ah.htah tedD1 - ~isris~.have rown 1ev ra>' alas es-Mfosa ndn' Mm.oRge ayveBu%& #AdSudau' pê ve det Motecaitte omtne 01 Bfni- l Sk antutheefor e four Sundaoi s UmmWb-w t w Fe 7hb Thewlcvrspodet b u hlg e, err oi-lng Olhoe rmYatg hCr M 1113 biI atqo& n-. *enaler tu' s ue.Arh U-1ewill." vE1. rs is wtcmm- -Yý rel irhb lorie ber muiduli tnga lstoI- r aMiesE. èr.PHamsapead taialgb. d *jif Il abeucake D. A . otCmilpak.1the monl uservie. taâaa mýtu - t ~ he publieth od Ue vi s ies»rol st e 1 it. . . Mret roickait eei ovore it tM Cn les u rdt -hlbésenai h s.lksevceF 10 et* Etablished 111111 IIIS PECIAL !att» lymg1 Phi Ju~a ger ste a 0 141111 lduttOIy v«I, P ut. db etc, Aima natter a "Iwý GeneràI -proc;lyrltd . blame Merchant FUtOf Hant 1 and- Flo t* W leI*l. Marict. -'hodos . OurortPresidant - wJ. mitx, Vicq Prealdent P.W. Churchill, Stpretary and Managgr. TEIRIION 81 1SEWURITY TIRLE & TRUST Co. Capital: $125M00OD Wauw»MM"M *0160- ý ý - Y ., , . ýWm-" - 1 ý 1- . heu as use a aI7:30. 1Uus-yonp lm veleat.. toauaIl£aithèse services, LAKE VILLA SOMOOI,,NOTES* 2bOe basins & perf evek InkD #piflaig lut Woelk vos-IoeM Tweed, I . 1 oftte Geligo mud Lloyd Barnatble, Loue tFr-Iét tui; Yrtnes Mas-linis, Neile as-lii te tue at Fr In iu amers-Is Wlklsam and oiarende d4s., makies Plea for consera- M-e- 1*d. tion:of- WiId lite Morris Wilkinsen sud Clarence qali- aIger, ad' grsade, bld lhe besI rend-' lu a lecture on hlelogy Ai lb. lIme. d ng bessonsla 1h1ei l amil vook. Cottuitu' ai-morsInstitut, il. CIUsrýý Ussel Tweed 'bmd lie boat ceaiuag Bi-of 10f Gira &nid: le*om a atle ltai-i4040s. Ou M d .#ilaaiM L r4a4aiiou à urie sud Vos- Barbatele have ho cbex-lshmd sud piotected fer tb*' a qute 11 wth botwh osood lieu' Pan do If not for astt-- qui. II vl ronlill psemoaiasement. Our i- 114lits la a sgt trust b ave boomU nablo 10 Attend ichool ie -vl lihihb m e inloto Our boP-- pasI~~ veok.,ag4P4 -vas nolaeed Nier. -te ho Pracés Tvreed aise lamabeon mlck uri &t yull ho ouri 1Mile !Our luth, tbnuffitis. M5i'»'U '- Iloa us v hhile- k rsm Thomnas Brait la carng for rIoo Wàr ~ b4,femv oottcg- ber xnohet- lir. J. Soremsn vbo laIl' taï]Ibblf5 Mies Ida Galiger a! Round Lake vin- 110 vauI tore 01 aunu P>e lted ateIL. .L7.Gelgelorn e tram aur Car. We spak of the.lJIt> Tundy nt Btuda.resmeeseosf Ouri-nation, hbi tlu Tuesiu' unil Batu-dy. i.îiinîi...but lie &i-end ofOuerlIn- Chales Biflgavielted friendis abiants. lt vas but & tev u'ear Runi Lake over the veek 0end. 08o Ibal lie bion avmend oua, lrai- -- ries ln coumtiesnuibers, iaI the. OOOOUOOOOOO*0oo.o0 viii Pigen- darkeno4 the sgwn, ye 0lbe. Igon la gome sud tai he b"sur'- 0 S K U G A T U C K IYextenrninatd. EacI~ib IsA ank l 000 909 000 900,00mallia beucoing Ii 19 Edts-, Shirley Thmaa. $hmsiefor lie beIterment3Jo! l MM lbU opevistedschM T e- , u't at tune ho bas ta-led toa - da are on Hp iltdbblTe-minate taiem Uli-i ack ef katqleiSw day ~ ~ ~ o aeron ethe god itiiy ere perfoygtu. Mr. and tirs. VaiRmecke atteided »s~ ou.Cthr the fine-ai of Mr-. J. Callahan, mon- 'War liaibeen vaged agajjut thli day moiuln. uiake. Nov Il fia kuiovi haI us. DAVld W: Bliscif TiMon Nebraska, maniera one suaie la oqual la lihre. mand ID.Swan of Lthertyvili spev, cala. Tieplaiss of anclenlthIme Thursdau' vil tr. aid lire. R. 0. hi-ougit about bu' the tAbled locnsta, Thmasa. vers no mare liai attackm eftgrass- Severl farers foin aound h oppera. Wllhoat birs-dmand reptile, Seveal armra i-ou arunc hee leyu' oaven-un pu- ceuntry' b.- attondei the meeting aI lie North <lai'. lat vici w. have boom try- Shore fai-y, Tiuraday nigil. 1 ing taelsamp ouI lias retIleu omthe- Mn. sud tira. T. A. 1Snipson an>d Instrument t o u-suces. tfamil', tir sud irasu ai ad familu' lier. are approxlmatly M200ri- and Mr-. andtirs. tiondiorat and elles of lie epai-iov kn he coutr>. te-nl'yapent Sunda isuhliMn. sud tira. Tie Onlu'one vhici la troublesone ithe Engllsab pai-iov. uet ve have B. Liorna. aged var upe them AIL lieu' area lit. and lira. Novsk ente-laineci mail valtaable ini lie keeping dovi Company Stunda>'. cf sîrigé. lic. sudinsects vicr. viti- Rerman and Wihsai Mack andouaithei- beip routa ovei-vlohm us. Shli-le>' Thomras attemd.d lie leacitera' "~In 1889 Pennsylvanie fanmesslac meeting Satunda>'. leglatoa efoected vie-ebu' a boum- tir. and lira. Jolhn Hope aid fanublu't>' vas Paid on ail lrowksand owia. apent Wediesdau e-vening vili Mi-. 10Invto ears lieu'. ver. sgata bolore aid tirs. R. E. Thuomas. tbe legisltlure asking tor a repeai lhe tii-st 'liii-,grades st-e beat-ning tle naines of animals, aise tie dais tif Vides Dispose of 8.wso& lihe veek. la Boston sud manu' ollir cest oit. Thxe fîfuli grade have comrn.-ned les lie tidea are nlllimd lai hs lIeu- slnd>' et Europe. disposaI of sevage, part c et le-J Pur- verv lunchse- for lhe week, hsld ta remavoirs until stusl.g vene ricespudding, bsked poîatoes lgta urei aoivl~pi tIce, couosandi saierk-aul. l otaes' ewlua o e vItido lb0. lia been cars-tefe tastut, IlP» sureIyl micone rnledavi im mne boe gr Tt ine ens>enougi 1 t ed sne!edle s-ivrater andi la reiidore bau. u a iimu'stck- -If yau ail on il. 15e WHY LET YOUR HOGS GET SICK OR DIE W. guai-antee our i-enedy to aave 95% ofthas- isck boga, stop b cougiing. aid desiray ail aormis 1 lsisdys. If Il don", do viai vo Bay. maney refundei Gets mai-e wvas than snouoSer worm tapsulis. Write for tee. information on disesses and cure ef hogsand chieens Evemm Stock & Poutsy Faun, Galatin, mo.' R. s. Announcemlent Orval J. Gause, uMIJ. D. Round Lake, Illinois Round Lakte Office Telephone, Round Lake 24-R Calis Prompt-y Answered Day Or Night Resident Physician Sunnybrook SanitariuM Telephone, Round Laie 42-R-i 7M FIA& _rot eau' 10t; th Ratoai, os- esof lu]i -a. malm -cape ai i 4oin th -John M. trota h bonror t leer. Ol Mihae ,*put : imver g t Xtlla 1 eosolutot mil e -1 FMi -Hmbe's yarmagv tltdSi 19" cosm larmes 1 mnake Iut Mr-. Ha -&go, aid Farm bei -or m» fi- tamaris si stio and Ait -0000 tir. and miss E Park vlail tir. aid suotcfC 0f Mir. au Mri. Pet - dailht;er- puit vo. lias.E' vuth triez

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