TO El~IIy FOR M XIENCY Twentyfive armd.,,men wil ibe.held InreàdiMu sto r toi'robbers the reurganizalbon uf the Cizeus - Protectîve association ut Antlocit. for-~ marly tie ld rifle Club, wus brought about ne ulY itbecas. of bhc doube aste.blowing ter., but beceuso bie autliorities are uf thcballe t laItc yffilage babeau maried for a big job. 'lbey belleve tat watch ia belng kepî byrok n htahu Ilb t t=PW fLrt oporuniy tat~ pybsenta ibseof. No on. professes lu have any reasoit for ltlklng lhls...t sema raîber ta bg ai "hunci" or gsemoutlou. At auy r. ratete résidnts p4qi tolub. un ther imgard au matter wbai bappens. -Tltce ta no tollng but wbat a gang r et ctefflwll Iacenti upon us some et bmae days:" une ufthle reBients et Aticit saiS. 'By iavlng îweuty- IKee arIdMe mek adY lu turu out on L sort notietbe chance uofecape wili 1M leredcedt bua minimum. Eacb mcm- ber et lie club bas several rounds uf F amoiblon and la traîneS u Inte use et i rrider 00000000,0000000 0 ANTIOCH ao 00000 0000<000000000 lir. and)lin. Beu V&nDuzer pet I s' t Camp La.e ith lira. Va Dser s »inter, Mn. Noyau. Ml.. Pouline Echerf uf Racine, spent twer Sauda aItle home of ber sont, lirem ha.Sihley- ha. Catiterine Scirueder uf Chicago, tpet over Bonday with Autiocit frienes. Mir. and lir. Samuel E. liebha snd mo, Junluor, ut Chicago apent over Saturday vith tuioch ieatIves. Nyrti. and Agîtes Peterson enter- tuaiedthitir Sonday scbool classmates, thoir teucher anti a few trieuSe on Saturday aflernoon aI Iheir humne. Gamnes were playeti sud a fiue lunch aeyued after which they departeti voStering wbo would do the next cîitertainiug. Harvey Watson ut Ares, calleti on hie parents Tuesday. Bien VanDuzer receiveti word lait week liaI is népisa, Ben Perkinsou «~ Onurrgo, IM.,.wiile out butng with bis.miels wuaSiacdentg abot lu the hip. Ahflbghio"yainjumo ed la àgettm léen sa ellas coulti ho exprele m aknsni a grandaun uMlr. us Ms. J.W. VauDuzr. Mms Leonora Hughes snd lira. Clara Turner wret Thursday te riit relatives at Norwood Park. lre. Hugees re- turnet home Saturday aflernoun, wiie Mire. Turner expents lu reman for a longer viil. Are. A. N. Tiffany ia quite ilI t ber homne wesl ut luwn. lir& Chaa. Sihîey enterlainedth Ie Ladie'Guild tan suaU day sewing t ber hume 1a~ Wednesday. Word w:àlýeived here lan,î week of te dealh ut Robert, th. ve ycr olti »wof M lr. anti lra. Mrlin Soenson et Chicags, formerly ut Antioch.1, lne.Clifornia itecompsuy inisheti bamesIuf meSuuday. T by baS w cdrt e, clear as a crystal. lir. William Smart in quite sick et ber home west ut towu. Ou Wednesday nightt uf lait week robbers enteredth le Sou hune epot and tic Antioch Lumber Coal C., sud blew up liesafes et botb places. At te Sepot liey rcceivedonlysmal emeunt of change sud et the lumber yard they failedte l open lie safe. the deatb of lire. J. E. Wowck, whlch occurred t ht er home lu Oak Park, Wednesdey night. lire. Worwick is survived b y Ove chiudren besides a nurnber of friends. The ueral aer- vices were helti t OaP Park. Sal.urday. Mma Worwick bas a sommer home t Cbanncl Lake anti bas spent the aumn- mers tiere for over twenty years. hEt one of our cus- *em ume;la credit ac- terni wxb 48 which en- ,*NIs ,rchases to, be mode of Electrical Appiances on sy Payuaents. Ontatmmg ain extemaive fuaniy FEDIERAL Electrie Washing Machine 5addition te the homshold fup mtof great econonsc - petue-a madile that averthtei.hardest work lme home and dou thor- AtIy a eCod of about 5 èmt a wuSek for enrent. for TV W aad $L58a m.mth, partiulai At mr .p..Ia At the Meeting of te mi Wouma sclub wblcb vHIlb. bel Miouds> atternoon Feb. 6, titcy observ "BoieIrln"day anS un biv on old relie, pIeu.. eu 00%W00060000000000o 0 LONG GROVE e 00000000000*e0000* Tioee wbu w-ire pefoin sellng for tins week weme: Loe=Zsperslegr Budse Gceswillem, Arthtur Relmesan l'h. dock has been oiled santicleanati sud la in uminng order again. AlfredLuseke cati the miafortune tu lai and sprain bla wrist W. aumisa Th.eachool recelveti a new water fountain, whieb we ail appreciale very Mr. and lits Elmer Gooswiller anti son, Harold apent Sunday at tha Charles Goomwiler home. Miss Jolia Conneil spent Salurtiay lu Chicigo. Mr. anti lra. Wiliam Tonne and tamansd lMr,.udalra. enY on lmsunmdab r. and Mr. andi Mma William Sauer anti son, Victor, of WaucoSda, spent Sonday et lbe Victor Saner homne. Mise Ethel Unbdenaoc spent Sun- day with Mise Maybelle Keilor. Misses lisetha ant iÀLilie Sauewere Palatis callers Sunday. À --uber uf our people went lu hear a Missionary from i"d at lte St. Pl'a ciorci ut Palatlne, SuiMay lir, anti lra. Bruekmn uantiNr. D. Herscbbergel' ut Prairie View, speut Suuday aflernoos attbe Charles Heraci- berger, Jr. horne. lia Cora Gosawiîler of Libertyvile, pent thc week-end with ber parents, li.anti lme. Charles Goaswillem. A nomber ut young peuple attendeti lhe akalng party Sutiay afternoon aI tic Peres pond. Nr. and lire. Henry Co,de, Jr., vÎited Mlr. anti lre. Herman BrandI at Oak Park, Sunduy. Nr. andi lir. William Umbdenstdck anti daughter, Ethel spent Sunday even- ing utt lhe urn lir. anti lre. Mat Umbdenstock. 000000000000000000 0 VOLO 0 000000000000000006ô Eerl Hiropimus«ent aturday witb Wesley Ga. et a irchinot taf. Mr. anS lim G. A. Vasey andi daugiters speul Souday aI Gu.nee wili thelr daugbler, lira. Lloyd HcnweIll isliartita Peteraun ut Huntiey, was lie guest ut ber sister, Milas Ruby last week. Mr. sud lira. Lee Huson anti deugh. ters were Suuday visilurs et thte home ot Mr. and lira. Cruker ut Libertyville. M. anti lra. John Hrionimos anti chiltien ut Lake Zurich, weme Suday viitore nt Pleusant View farm. M. anti lme. Henry Krueger ut Waueonde, spent Friday wili the latet's molier, lire. John Walton. lire. T. Bacon anti lra. Chris Dillon visileti lir. Ambrose Raugbî aI Libertyville, haturdey. About Iweuly-five frieutis ut Jue Lenzen quietly alippeti in andti ook possession of hie hume Jeu. 29, in hunor ut bis twenîy-seventit birliday. Garnes were playeti sud a gooct ime cujoyeti by al, etter whici dainly rofresitients werc serveti. AI 12:10 ail departeti wihilng Jue many mare happy anti prasperous birlttisyo. 000000000000000000 0 LAKE ZURICH o 000000000000000000 A numbter ut frionde gathered aI the home utflira. Heur y Hlîman, Wednes- day eternoon lu celebrate beriirltday Everyone reports a muaI cnoyai afternoon epeul. Mir. anti lra. Ferguson Hsrkues8 aunounce lte irlt e11111te sou. Jantes Phiip, Tuestiay, Jeu. 24. Fergle was boey paslg cigare Wcdneeday. lira. Rolandi Bueller and tieughter spent tic week-end et W. C. inase. lire. George Wchrenberg and niiltren ut Neywood, are visitiug t H. Hefer's. Mir. anti lre. L. J. Rohinen vielteti aI licHeury Sundey. George Sponner ut Barringlon, was a caller bore lionday. lire. Fred Ho&fî visiteti lre. Wallace aI Palatine, liontiay. lira. Cha. Dichî visited Mlre. Wm. Eihmnn, Jr., at te SI. Elizabeth hspital Mundey. lire. Eichmanu underwent au uperallun for appendu- cilla. NiaRuse Prehin andi Vemîla Geilbeck and Mia. C. Weaver visîteti lra. John Prchm anti son, Suntiay lu Chicago. A littIe daughter was hum lu lMr. anti Mrs. E. Houtchinson, Jeu. 24. Suntiey eveuIghlc Elvegelicel Lestc will bave carge of lte services et St. Peter'. ntchurchal 8 p. m. Plan to attend. -Wr-and lira. Otto Gieme anti lra. IFrances Frehm druve lu Chicago Mon- day tu apendtihe day. IThe Consumera finiahed putting op mce lest Tbursdey. j On Frlday cveuiug, Feb. Srti, lie higli achool will presecul lie thmee acl farce cornety "Setety Firel" et Bick- nase hall. T hie play ie qoito pupuler amnSg out larger bigit scital anti our local eiel meures an enjoyable eveTug for all ibose preseul. Bring your trIeudse lu ebre bte ton. Proceetis wi'l be miel for auldillonel hlgb sobool - .Admiseln,a4..G; Vieo fl iLake Couty-TilE iNDEPEN. $HOOT SHEPO.KIJJNG' DMS: Ne Coquul.ruon l,.uld BeGOhm OumhAnima@encd h4u"14ne Destroyed et On. Tii. shoup-Wllllo dot constitutés ou. of thé Ogrttat menaces to the beep ladustry. sncb dois not oniykm "hsP' but e out of the ubeep busi- a.m e *ho are otber-wlseaelcied 1 I t, s"Y sect4ulaaof the. KP» 8tates DeDartment of AgriCul- tué.. Bbeep-kiUlng dop woek bot istgl aud ln groups, but nuafly in twos er tire. Tbey do flot liait their ai- tacieinlth* lueka cf the bemedlate *bclnty ln wbleh tiey ane kept, but tfflel for mif«la ual direetions, spreadng desutruction uin te docks wttb wblch tbsy corne ln contaet. Be- eause their woCk la n0ofMon doue un- der the cover of arneme It lmaulmost imposibi. b cratch titan lu the at of woiTyng sbeep. Aflhr a dog bas conce formed the. babit of kililng abep lb amngly be- cores a mania wltbhlm and ho la sel- dom If ever broken of 1. He not only oFORT BILL SCHOOLo Berb Trombise'. foka from Geno,,4 Wls., vWsted them over Saturday andi SunýdAy., Bdi Luk spent Saturday lu Chicago. P. Wsgner apet one day lust week In W&uukegan. Mr. andi lir. Ralpit Davis andi 11111e son apet Tbursday evening et J. H. Curran'a. * red Converse andi-I.ew Lusk were callersu t lb. George Vogel home Thuradsy.* Mr. antiMm. Leo Brewer and Meg doline adt Frank Henkel atteudei t9. funeraI of their miel., John Gellsgher uf Wadaworth, Fridây. *Misa Emma Bacon speul Fridey eftem- noon lu LIbertyville. PMr. sud Mmra P. liyer andi nbildrcn ut Wedneaday aflernoon et lirs. K. V Elmer Hcndee spent Sbnday with rDiffley Cairran. lia Florence Rouie speut Saturday anti Suntiay in Oak Park. Fred Stocke was a vuetur at tue1 Ernest Hoffmieer hume Suudey. lira. Cunradi Nichois wes a 'bhicego visilur une day last week. lir. anti lre. Louis Poulman visileti te NiaI ttuashume Sundey. WilIam Hoffmeier anti touts Stocke speýnt Wednesday t te Ernest Hoff- A Hilghland Coulle, One Yser Old meler hume. li.anilre. Raymond Blistow werc destroya sheep himseif but icatie other Libetyviller callere Fruday. doge lu the work. No cosideratlun Misliarvella Keiler spent thte week- aiould ho given surit doge; anti If ad- ecutinl Chicago. dItIonai ioass froint tits source are 10 There was nu ecitoul Mondey anti be arciteti, teyshoul e ited as Tueetiay because our teanter wes lakiugl soon as their ihahits are knowu. e few tisys vacation. We are dune wlth our Illinois islory FEEDING CATTLE FOR PROFIT and arc now cevtewing sîavery. Maryket Requrementa f or Bief Arse Waukegan. Wednesday. Mun i-kiit lgcrTeededoi. i John Thatcher was a vsitor aethIe Year-8kîi Neded. Harold Thtatcher home Stftiday. 'ne feediug uoflet u:uttie forthue Merrili Weiskopf te h)me epending e marketbashec hiie a cpi-cial Une of tew tisys. work, whitlh equtres a higit grade ut skili lhruuugi unuderstantiing utfte> feedlng caues ut different mterlals 1000000,0000000000 used lu lie production of heef. as ci PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL o weii as an epprecietioru of lhe ne- quircints of animal nutrition andti0 00O0OO 0O 00OOOO0O00 0OO0O shrewti business ebiitIy. Witoul these Tueeday, Jan. 31t, cudeti aur fitt prerequliles te feeder tes dootuedt tueniool month. recelve very emeil returos for his la- Titose witu have heen perfect iu spell- bor. The imarket roqulreiintt for îug titis mout are; Cocile Amatin, beef nt present are munit higiter titan Frank De Woody. Grece Bronkeuin, lu former years. It le uecessauîy, titi- Herbert Goulti, P ete r Yusgkivuzus sud fore, luncrder tut oblalu jrlees whIîîni James Eul. will psy te feeder for iis lime andl Rutht Hoîdrige, Agnes Naute anti outiay, lu prouluce ua luird ut renile as Guerdon Brocksom have mieseti oniy nearly uniforto as ipossble lu eppear- une word ecn. suce sud quaulty, wltlt a llgit market Titose wito have been perfect lu et- finish end -ymtttetrlcat l dvepmnt, tendance anti puiàctualiiy for lte muntb parllcttIarly lu t ulse parts whicb y Id ae:GreeBrocitaurn, Rutht Hoidritge bii-priceti cut In luiwlci te prits .Cenile Amanu, Rut Bronksoin, jîsabel lie for te hulcier. Gree eft, Russell Brockson, Neomni DeWood , HerbertGould, JackKerpan, ARRANGE WALLOWS FOR HOGS anti John Kerpan. Water Muet Be Supplied Not Oniy forî Drinklng but for Animais lu Coul Bodies. Hogs lu pasture wbere titere le- ou water are likely ta sufer, ngt ouiy for drinklugwaster, but for water lu wiirh ta coul bluir hotu-s. Siops are nul suf- ficieut. Thte hogesitaoulti have water lu tem trougits anti luntewaliow bu cool titemeelves whea te turnng raye ufthule son uuuîkes tieir iives e torture. Hugg have o wîuy uf rlddlogtem- selves ot troiil)lceoine paîraites witen t-ey have - iiudlýY wallow. Nature, it seetus, hellus titem lu survive as bbc fitteet alien hier- lr, a struggie foir ex- istence witti parasites. Hoge thut inut hoe penCu shootS have shatie anti plenty of wter. Itlal baS enougi tolie k9pt lu Peu witiout e sîugg iathltlient andtirîmt. Gîve tient shate andi aster. PLAN TO PREVENT INFECTION Newly Purchaseti Animais Should De Quarantîned ln Separate Pins for Two Weeks., Titose witu have hi-en perfect for the tnire yearar:Cecile Amnn, Rutht Hpoldrikge, an roo Rlt Brocksom anti Isabel Greenicaf. Those whu have perfect recorde for te mout receive a rewarti. Mies Matile Aman pent lte week- endi wiîtber cousin,.lira. Durham ut Chiciago. Nis Bernice Hoas, te teaciter ut Progressive scituol, epeult Tueeday uight et Diamonti Lake. Mir. anti Mm. Lawrence Amanand fauiy entertaineti opu y frn W augn anti Lake Forest,Thuredey nigbl. Evelyn Ames spent Wednesday evon- 9n witit Mc. anti Mrs. H. E. Loomer ut Beach. 000000000000000000ý 0 A P TA KIS IC o 000000000000000000 Miathias Wickershcim bas been ou lbe sick lit for several tiays. At titis wriling la agein able lu be out. Clle Patte le Iaking chiropractie trcameuts tram Drs. Nixon & Devis Do nul place uewîy purchaseti stock, Jacobt Lcikemenulno as well as ho bati stock pronuceti or torrowed for breed- been cf laIe. Dr. Davis is iu attend- lug porposes, or stock exihibtied t suce. faims mmeditiely wllh your berS.__________________ Koep sont stock ousantitictinlu Op-- arete pens for t leasI two weekà., XI. andi useocame lu téèdIng antiattend- In to k fro reen arlpns. El af tO ltio tock taeeu t cr ng ntr BOAR lIAS GREAT INFLUENCE' LIJI Breding Animal Shoulti Be Placle rreIno God-Slacti Yard anti Away Froni Rest of Herd. <D g How about te berS huer? Getli 7C out in a gotdiszeti yard, away froni tb. rn t fbtheberS. Reiember he lo baIt cf Ute breédlug pcoer of te heyS, "dant einluuence on te profits for bbc yeer emouInts ho mors: RvUt QUICE RKLIRPE han taI cOf any one SOW. à&18 nommamommeaxwe. K.sistatGis youngesamonooflir.tooooo0o00o000000000msFath BukUeEI sud Mm F.,E J. Gien, waetaken to the' O E iet te wek-md hosptal Tueaday nlght, very sick wîth 0 BO ESCHOL l0eC . and .. .0 pnemoi T.Mr oGsastayng atthe o000o000000o00000o The Method>a hsita wlth hlm. We hope for his recVdy.Our fur trapper, Mortimer ,mes mg at te r onflece lire. Bunton je sick wth tonailîtis. reports light returna fromn hie traps. D. of Chilcago, in The ohn argil faily ere OmePerbape lie has caught everythlng wear- Th JhnCagii amlywee om ng fur. Frank Callansrentsi ibis over Snnday.HeeYonDrtyebeLtr on Hawle atreet to ROI Hele YongDorthyLeale,]Leterfamîly 4,Calsh E. Gest aan motoreti to Wheeling Lucas, Everett Clark, Ernest Leable Stra It ael a'td Saturday nigh 'a'steatrcinand Cyril Dietmcyer wmie pet feet ln Dysaryt. Emil? attendance lait montit. Six others were E. Geeat, Alice and ftlIexander Bouton, absent only one dey. J ames Mcliuan, Who ilA. vioited at N. F. Busch's, Sunday The eighth grade are rending alond th Champalen University eveninir, the songe of the Civil war and plan lu week-end nt home. Alice snd Alexander Bouton visited sing tbem when hoarse voicee cease. Mrs. J. H. Barnett left wltb their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. epolton fdirct1ha morning for Southt Bet& J. N. Bosch, Sunday etternoon. increased nby one. Mr. snd lire. Fran air e will op n Af Mr adMr.Ma ile, amodClark andi amili are rejoicing over a sxgrltvs i andi Luche nse led on lir. and ar. J. fine baby girl, A ioe Marie. panied be nfrashe» N. Busch, Snnday alon on Mr. Miller's Sekn fteCet;Cale Caittain Rbode and bis parets t Hîf ay.Luces snd Renneth Clark attended the of Vlaukegan, helti a Georg Volz snd H. Potta were busy Farmers' Institute at Roserrensansd, service at lie converng .iw in te field lest week. dragging down'Kennebt walked awev with frsI prize Snd I vnxng.W e boy, Us corn stubbles. Tbat's right lboys give in judging pige, which, was a pig and cnfn i ovntn ufte us a cheerful feeling signe of spriug., second ln judilg cows which was $2.l E. R. Moore and familr haw On Toesday, Jen. 24, occàred teHe also received a butlon with e blue lu their residence on Wsêexý l deutit of Valarre, daugiter of Mr. end1 and red ribbon. The have marty frienda lu tbit lMrm Nlck Gaster, foirmer residents Of Te egt rde ae lenn ho refi o uextenti te I thIs vieinity, now residenta lu Wauke- i 'Barbare Frietchie", the fifth gradie hs ecre ga.Valarre took sick on Sundayud -The Children'oi Hour" andthej second T. P. W5I5 returueti fr01 dldthe following Tuestiay cf srt and third grade iwta. Waukesba Mud Balbi s n ondW fever. Huril at Fremunt. Her 131h Ilg The treatmente proved tol birlhday would have been ou Friday the,___ bnfît bu hlm. day after lher burial. Tic bereevetilr.Et ed0 Hs rr family have our deepest sympathy. .000000000000000000 vsited ber siser, Mrs. Glen (r The young foîke uf the liatonaek G R A YSLA KE 'o last week. family snd acveral of their friende molured. ont froin Chicago, Sunday 0O00O0OO0OO0O00f0 nOOOO00O0 Mr udar.M. E. Mie "0e afternoon lu spend the evenîng oette lr.HnyCbeaipudg the, Suuday with relatives in K.nshý hoeo .P uc.i week with hier sister. MrEL. Petereon lun John Bornitofen, Jr., froim the city! Waukegsn.Ob.tnto mkel i came home lait week ou the ick list lb I, l .ela11L At titis writing ie again able lu ho ouI: The litle son of Mr. andi lre. Chens. In utite Seventeeulh e-t-7,rj Rayon Mile, on f ir , iMe.Schroeder le ilI Ibis week. Englanl*. tirst sînoke uîwîoîle, Rayrond Miller, son 1h Mr.ilndeà re. Max Miler of Libertyville, wbo bas1 Peter Crery snd femily hae ovd oyu rotth- ltylua dlti been ill for orne time with glendular to te upper fiat of Mrs. SerahtLne îltuie.tu uto"11 ueu tbroat trouble. nowlie getting belter. baugit residence. egi nlt eiv h ilfi, We hear that the faithful old milk _________________________________ train on te Soo hune may be diecon- tinued lu the near future. We are _________________________________ sorry ta heer thet, as we will not feel quite riqht without the aId "feitbful sandby ' will ho like looiug a friend or rallier several olti friende. Surely PB I AE evrbd ilmiss UB IC AL 000000000000000000 o'MADDEN.SCHOOL o Robecte Snbweudt1h as been absent from school Iwo week. on ancount ut ber loneils diseesiug ber eysteun, scil unde i te doctor's neye. Meuy peuple attendedth ie mno W ry gîven by lire. Fred Mortihouse, edoeeday, Jauuary 25. Nr. aund Mm. August Gummerus are rejoicing aver te arrivaI )f a 9%' pounti haby girl, hum Jenuury 16-e t lte Vietory Memuriel bueptal tn Waukegan. :iladye Mulder anti Gertrude Scitweldt ot lte fifth grade receive-dti ll', perfect marks in spelling. Henry Numeen ut Wsconsin, ita moveti un bisfteitrs tarot, Peter Numsen, ana bas bul a emaîl building anti wilI begin a tin shup. The progrese ut eheddiug conofr Gibert Haieme was eluppeti etter two deys b y lie arrivai et Ronc ouI tfancar of mce for lte Whiteitouse terni. The tarmn help are beuling the ire lu lite farm. Beunie Epker anti Elmer Blenkwilh moored tu Cary ant i vewed lte ski ijumping menagetihy lte Nurge club lest week. Our anituol enrolle flfty.bwo pupils Ibis mout; lte leageel lite second grade enrolîs fourtren andt ieir workers, fourteen; the emeliesl nîs it e seut number twu. Jeumes Gucrin bas purchiaseti a uew Delco igitI plant. Bessue Miller le absent froni scitool ou ancount ut au at.lank ut appendiclîls. Tite huard ut direnlors motetalte hume ut Abert Snhwandt, Januery 24. Ttc men denidedti lubave lte enitol el-ctiou Salurdey, Pcb. 4, fo- vuting on the ie ut the new schodl tuilding. n011000000000O0000000 0 MURRAY HILL o 00O0000 0" à0000 00000 lunnle Hapke, Editur. - The seventit and cigittitgrattes bave finlithe th e ceviow ut Soult Anterne anti have begun the study ut Europe. Agnes Delîz anu1 Ketiryn MoisIe have the beet record in speling lte pasî week. Leo Delîz etumnedt ta cbooi efler an absence ut two weeks because ut illneas. Ralpit Betieeke, Abert Deitz, Viola Betiereske, Marie and Ague Delta have e perfect record l intec deanledt cotest for te past week. Raymond anti Auna Delîz bave been absent for ovor a week on accounl of hati nolti. Cari Priese vielteti et Lake Zurich Sunday. Mr. anti lre. George Perry ut Gages Lake, visiteti et the E. R. Moore hume Wednesday. Nisas Gertrude Quentin viaiteti lra. Gertrude Teouras laet week. Abert anti Elmer Hapke attendeS thc basket bail game at Wauconda Friduy evening. MinhelI Dobner tIcS aI the corme ut lir anti lrs. Jue Dobuer, Suntiay evenlng. Mr. and lira. Christ Hapkce audiMr. anti lir. Henry Hapko atteridedthett tunerel ut Peter Ninagrean lest Mon- day et Wauconda. A number -ot young peuple in thii vicinity alteudedth le Sauce at Long Grove, Saturday evening. Hias Oeme Reffon Aluye (rsat Britain i la a" tu bave the sie eatlon lu a strIp ut glven icngti and tlelkrtemo" xr.. tven tem, Lindenhurst Farm Durocs at the farm FIEBRUARY 11, 1922 at 1 p. m. sharp 40 Head of Big Duroc Sow mated to two of the best Duroc Boars ini service in Illîbo GREAT ORION SENSATION 4th, a winner at Illinois andi' consin this year, and Grand Champion Boar of ail be4 the Lake County Fair; and JACK'S GREAT FRIEND, a this fali %îith no fitting, and one of the best senior pige fn<-jé State of Illinois. EVERY ANIMAL IN THIS SALE WAS DEVELOPED AT .it DENHURST; Al HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE - m'm TREATMENT FOR CHOLERA, AND WE BELIEVETt IMMUNE. Lmdenhurst Farim Lake Villa, Illinois PUBLIC AUCTION Having Ieased my farm, 1 will seil at Public Auction on the j ises known as the A. Hl. Mey'er place, 2 miles est of Wauo 6 miles west of Aiea and 1 mile south of Meyer's Creume Monday, February 13, 1922 Commenclng at 10 o'clock e.nm. sharp, 46--HEAD 0F LIVESOCK-46 20 mllkere and springers, aore fresit; 3 1-yeariold betfera. Ht stock bull; stock bull i yeer 015. The cettle are aIl my own ar anti MBUetYHolatelus. . 5 HEAD OF HORSESq--Bay ecdlng. 5 years old, wl. 1800; bal wt. 1000. black coacht mare, wt. 1250; bay geldlng, wt. 1100; i fug, wt 1300. HOGS-18 bell sits, wt. 80 Ibo. oaci; 4 brouti cove, braS, RAY, CORiN, GRAIN-12 tons upiena andi s tons cdoyer a" à2 slack of corn staîlke; About 8 tons shrcdded corn odfler ln bi bu. oats; 76 bu. bariey; 20 bu. rye; 20 bu. wbeaî. 400 bu. O= a *4 PARM MACHINERY-Corn aqgthin bîndero, dcliisqs0 lier, roller, 2 sets harruwB, curn planter, tnuwer, bey rte,S 3 sulky nultivalors, 1 bors weedeM 2 truck wagons, nai.ow antd box.,îullk wagon. eurrey, 2 top buggies, open bogSybua cno eeller, 2 bob sleigits, Ilgit bob, cuIter, 1 sulky ani 4j pluve, ridlug britile anti saddle, planker. cicken Ooops, fueti Dower fanlng mill, ecaies bog rack, grass seeder, majafl, grain baga, large sndd maIl cs.uvas, 6 mllk cau, tourlue ewý ble barnees, 2 single barnesses. HOUSBHOLD GOODS-G4ood 6-gritidle W&U*eele *0 self ,teeder beater, 1 sinall andi 1 comblaedS or « bça., lot'oflother bousebolti goode a andmany otherm t* HOvau8EOLI ooD-Bix moathalUme vill bankable e»tes, burteq 4 port it jbut 000000000000 00000' o GRIDLEY SCHOOL e 0006600000000 00000 Mn.- George Thataie anti sou, Roy anti Frank .oisou epeut Tuesday in Chicago. Felix iyn ist lte mistortune ut fslllng fromi e achool bouse porcb andi burllug bis heut very bati. He was aiment ThSdcay atternoon on acciont of bis bruitieutie. Tiome absent froin szbool lest Tueetiay weme; Emma, Clara. Ernest sud Alice Hoffmeer, MaIshl, Priseilla, Dwona sud VhWrlnaThatcier and Estelle Puits.