hidren of thsesooolave s short propusu wbich cni of masie, >utuw-iÂewYuu5w~recîtation and dialogues. COIJNTV TIR lCjRK Misa Mary Paimateer, Probation pauiized thse importance of .ioo stole fro in rontatteudmancetlat ta regular. Miss Pal- Machine soe rmi rn mataer's wr covera a vide range o! of court house; left there but terrtory consequently she cornes '1i n CRAE 0 30 minutes stories cossvmnced ma thattodaylisa day wen ebdren wl receve ?,per urlsg Lat Quarter Couais TieaIsurer Boy W. Braclier cas-e eveniftIse goverrumeut asta Parsons Have Dons lef bs Frdsedn it'Irn fth ahuestaubinath reaci oe.ut et The "bett andr had ockd te initon u thadne-thera. Certaiuly, Miss Palrnater's campelgu, înqeagiiraîtei gletedIo ockthesterin whel s jtalk made thse people realize Use lrn- Sae eat to th pssbiit o tet adne et pa jrtance o! humais life Thse Parent,-Sae leeteî ed l, mndTeacisers' association wish ttetisauk thse Sutuif o! 19 t Miss Palmateer for lier wonderful talk. relaceiiieilt of ]ew-clü .ilr' racer est nie in report- e esaewas of vat importance imals wifb jîuns'brel air Ing tIse thefitaethe local police and er81.messageis on f passible a done ta ap Wal enleln il preblend tbe thiet. Not onîy werelI The Gurnee grammar sehoal lias been cseased inipetus !ilicr the lcal fficrs istiu tedt be ounsrving bot lunches for twillyesars. TIse spîte of deprsssiîiiilii1 thse wa ficrs ineîachiebt 'elunches have Iseen very saccessful. llve-stock busilness.I police of al che machine bt ie Edteators now realize the importance quRrter yepr enliîît Sc andMilwauefeeenfChbiagoaf a well nurished chiîd ilu school work. esn eefioli supplied withbthf ltceise number sud f Bi'tbe way do yen remernier Uth erefaueeprî decito.No trace of the car was1 frozen lunches yau used te et) Nov away witb ail srtît do you wonden why you are saffering csossbred sires uni ]lit, foà.fromt indigestion. - te use only puretîred ! Iu speaking of the matter Friday The cooks for this week are: Hattie for aIl classes (If $toc Mr. Bracher said thai atf rlirihe Lind, Ruthî Johnson, Mabel WeIsIs and shows a protniaing hi thouht is(an miglît liase been Muriel Patter. TIse dsl aihers are: two preceding quIsrtr 'taenby oyridera but wben it had Melvin Hook, Robent Stedman, Mary and U98 peros ri-n ,nt be found that nîorning lie be- Dixors and Doris Heury. -- enrolled. Tbere ws i caeconvinced il aas fakea by a reeaut thief. The mnachine, which The mena for the lat two weeks le gain lu bofh anlimtis was a12 niodel. was insured as fllOws- Mandai', park and beans; tsorted by' these soit againssi f efi. TuesdYvegetable soup; Wednesday, bined total for thli ____________ cocos;Thunsday, frank fartera; Friday, reachlng 108,9W6. chocoast pudding. Mouday, cocos; One of tIse elîcoui 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 Tesdyc hi&ped beef fuavey; Wed- rnts 0, thse camlaig o GURNEE 0' nesday, bakedPotatoe;Taarsday, bot 00oo000000ooo0oQ0o G iapple sauce; Vniday, com ro hpudl f tis ismprovement1 Bigrenovl aleetibeRealiStredin. All of the chldren like te bc the country. Fanmer -Drce nugCa. Wukean li. 6itcooka. Howeverorne do not ike te alknd n en -DueDu o. ,akgnIl -1dishwashers. are slgning tlie piedj Milds-ed Stublis, editor. Monday was tragedy day in Use bot oor blond lu t heIn iE Fau l Bohrn,assst. editar, lunch room. Thse ail steve leat a îeg, Tise leadhag sa ae In thUe cooka were very much frightened. sew membens foîrt William Patterson of Chicago, visited 1mautha was 'Virglnia,, witis bis sisten, Mrs. Thorne oiver dhe'RuyAsi a vetehecolwsago eonI wee-en. ,gun, whicli was earrled thsough the was e good scîînd civil war. Robent Strang bas given a cee igneh - Dr. H. 0. B. Young is confined to is crystal rock taken by biis grandffather margin in tlie nuiîîiei borne vith a serions case of! the flu.. from a California mine durîng the gold POiîn'll Ypietigeti tn Il On Wednesday evening, Brusb, thie rush o! 1848. pîîrelreui ires. Nîli; Great Magician, presentef. the third BlePis'ofWsnvited eth -f i153', aud Kentul- numbr o theLycum curs. Th th Stedman home on Sundai'. 147). Oklahiomaii, theeni cIildr.tn were disappoiuted because lbe Tesho a raie huh hvn o fafled ta present.euougli tricks. Teaho isognzdaJunior thoglilis-ac Co Audubon societi'. Ruby Swansou siger. sbowiedIl îwite Srith's dry soýad raided thse Lovery pfeaident, Paul Blohmn is secetary wlt h 19 ne oufl home Mouday. iamr ruinor lias it that __ _____ rankq, c9miderable " home brew" wss con- Bisttcufy 1 fiacated. aa 0o o ô ô 6ô a ô o 0 0 fies lnii tticintyiiitn Miss Pearl Milia is suffering from a o- A RE A @ maed<urIngthie lt- broken nase and other miner cuts and 10 0 0 0 0 0 00 newsgps lri braises as a resit o! an automobile 000 0 0 0 0* ~ cvsgnr fii accident. Miss Marjonie Reese of Lake Forest coîînty, tîad 45, andîîiI Mn.an Ms. eni'Unzeneraiedwas the guest f o! ss DorothyIî d , Six coules in Virgilii M. nd Mns. Panrk Smieetb T d com Thuraday nigbt. 20 eccl. Three couiis evenuig. usy Mra. Paul Rouse o! Rochelle apent hamoreafclie 25 en Mis Dooth Conei bs ntured thle week end witli ber puretsMr., eiaia uhece allieorth Crnsendiua ew rday ndte H .Mee.In the twio years fIt Capaign u ipndn e ay l r.H C ee.hs b eeîîIn progre's with bIer parents. Mn. sud Mr$. Ed Joues and f arili' have been llsled hi' kIr. sud Mns. Norton Flood of of Gilmer speut Sanda>' arternooni with slgued thle Better Sire Russel, speut thse week-end witliMs Mrs. AIma Joues. piedge; alse 11,829 lie and Mrs. Leigh Vinscent -M. and Mrs. 31. R. Wells were tlie 4957swlne, 72,321 si, ChalesBron ntetaied heScout guesta of Mn. sud Mrs. George Grass and 404,7i7 poutr i Chop as-ls rown eenetane sd farnli' et Lake Zurich Sanda>'.. Tiss akes uu total of troop Satndayevenug. d Fishier of Chcago speut Thurs- Young People' meeting was beld at dywt radMs ,Cmrn thse E ML Metcalf borne Sunday even- dywt n.u r.R airn il". Mr. Chubis was the leader. About Mrs. Garrett Newbone was e Wau- thsr;ty-flve yoang foka were present. kegani visiter Saturdai'. Miss Estber.Lamb bas retus-ned fnorn evenal fienda peasantly surprised tise State Normal at Bloomingtan W1I Ragan Mondai' eveulug. Theeve- because of illness. Miss Lamnb intenuis ning was $Penit lu playing "500- after te ratas-n as soan as bier healtb permita. wlich daiuf y refrealiments were Mn. Tunrne waa a Chicago visitor served. ~londay. Mna. Robent Cameron was a Lake Thse faclty of Warren townsbip higb Forest visiter Fidai'. scbool will preslent Ueir annual pay - Mn. and Mrs. J. Marsalal Hutcbings «'*er Houas, the Mayas." The p1s>y entertained at a faniy dinner Tues- is soretbing about a vamp, ho bc- day in bonor o! the second Iirthday cones a Mayor. Miss DýeCelles .pays. of thein itti e daughter, Mildred Auna. Use noie o! the vamp. Sounds good M.adMa nbrBoka u doesn't it? ,lust wait untii, Marguerite M.adMs rhrBoka n raels ilose black eyes ofliens! children were Ares visitens one day hait week. lise igh school students ar condu-i ing Ueir annual "Country' Gentleen" - Grive. AREA SCHOOL NOTES- Wibmer Hook of Gunnee, ia having a .Mr. Simpson visited schetaoinetso An Excellent Type suie. He plans We move We the city. Vance Rey, Ruth Hodge and Fren- ces Keilroy o! tIhe grammar roo-ea were ýanilfuel.Of the Mrs. James Eddy and daugitar Of' absent asat week Berftha Zeracu aaa owned i>' leersons usi kIutchisnan, Kansas, have been vitlgiasn odio!tsweknîietbllhetP the W. C. Barustable famiiy the Clgasn - y fti we.nllstehih e veek. jai The report carda for January were trsd feiiles lm found GUNE ~gis-eu outi n botli rouais Friday- t04.7 per cent. Of thi GURNE GRAM AR S:HOO t r. A. J. Mark7Cey. district bealtb per relit are purerel GRMA ZOL Supi o, the Ilinois Dept. of Publiclier cent, o! lissesf1 OnSatanday evening, Feb. 4, the Health. caihed ai the achool Mondai', 18.7 per cenît, andîîiof Pareut-Teacher' association served ~andio ow1an saftc.-ehertOt f ftue fil supper lit thse Gurnee grammrar achool. 1in ok onsm ttsis ele ot Thse menu consisted o! bot reluit beef, aiso tefi some pamphletsa lu regard ta tî'redi iy thte signera 1 sandviche with pesa, pickles, jeli, !vaccinat ion and a susceptibili t>'chast standlard lîresi. __________________________!_for eacli room.. Ill the rntiber of *wu YIN* u*.rrcikIa" "qà s Md m'i Md C" fa 24g L M d m. n Uem Al thse cibdren offthe primaryroom wlio vere abaent last week on account of colda, returued to school Mandai'. Thse pupila of thse pimari' roo r se bus>' rakiug valentines. Thse article ou bird trapping by Lu- ther Srnalb sud bird migratlug 11> Car- olue Kublauk tisat were atts-lbuted to flic Aines 6ccoo' in laat week's Inde- pendent, alîould have been cedted to tIse Areasachool. The teetis are coisidered aa mosr Important parte o! the body' sud tbene fore ahoald be given great cane. TIse bah>' ieetli sboubd lie given as mucis attention as the second set of teetli. These are off en neglected 1b'acause ve tbiuk ainc we are to bave anothen set It does nat matten if tIse>' deca>'. TIse six >ear old molar should neyer be pulled ouf, but shou'd have apeclal care, oc, that it wll not deca>', 1e- cause t la a permanent tootis. If this thia toath Io pulîed lien thene wyul be a vide space between tise f ber testh. TIse lait four teelli ta corne througis, calied the VIsdou teeth, are Moneneg- Iected, because Use>' are so Iard ta reacis. Wiseu vs dean aur teeth tise h rasIs tata oui- jav boue sud this ps-e- venta it !romn cleanlug these teetis pi-op6rly. When ve do nt cleuntIse teetis properiy, p>'aiea often results, visicisis a dIseuse of Use gusis, cana- lng Use Iseth te becomee 10e. sud drap out. Tise teoUs sisould ha dleaned at mugt tvlce a day. W. need never losa tootb of ve give tIsa.prepos- Cam-Oeaevlee KmA. TIWSAY, FEBRUAY-9.1921. - IETTER ifflE -r of Vear tday uie Away Wlth 1Grades. '-Better stowk cilhi' Hie United of Agriculture lu' ta stînsalate tise sass hreedlog ant ;res sud tmproved itîcendl wiflinl- recent months lu fl lie farmlng and During fthe lait Seiienlber 30, 804 il ils lîas-ng daue, 1)and grade or iving determined 1sires liencefortis c-k raised. This icrease over Use -rs in w-hill 714 *spertiveiy, ver. 4a correapanisdlg sandl poultry ne- :ners, the com- fe bnee mnuths sragfng develap- .n ta the spread ideS tbnouglioft ns sud breeders y allfthe atates ige to elîrnînate îenîls ansI docks. f lie namber of fleic lst thie syitli28-4. 9h10 -If f 250, and cx- a coiiaiderable -i if animaIs sud li unes! ouly ta -îîskit sa lîrd. i-ky foutii.with sexf la order, al- nipîiraiveiy few c-.,prt'aît intereat, is jtIiiing the hit, tel the couu- ini fs' prtigress tquarter, sîffih54 i., anîîtbcr 0hi0 fckiîîg cîsunti' 39. titi fii more than îltes iu Kentucky' cli. andti free lu bs'd 20. lai tlhe campsaigu ss 102,437 ratie ymen ivholias-e reg-Bet fer Stock orsea, 493 asse, îeep, 2,780 goats, have been lhsted. )f643,943 animals >e of Bulil Calf. e breedlng stock sing ouI>' purehneîl ereentege o! pure- nd among sw-lne- le cass ilsieu 36.8 rd, o!fîmares 12.6 3per cent, o! esees ýfnaluni' guts 16.6 femele poultri' en- 619.1 per cent were persons ta wbom s-erificats-' liave been lssued Vinginis leasmsitiî 1,509, and Nebraska la second ss-tlî 89. The latter state, boivee, leads In number of animals anîd poaltryI'listed, bavlug 51,066 and 101,6,3, respect iveli', agahuat Vinghnia's 43,110 sud 01,U63. T.be ten leadiîîg stetes Iu memisen- slip are Virginie, Nebraska, 0hio, Soufth Carolina, Kentucky, Washing- ton, Massachusetts, Texas, Vermont sud Connecticut. Thene la now a total o! 5,184 pensons lu thse United Stutte who have pbedged f0 use no more sires of au>' kbnd net a! pure breeding. There are six. pledges lu thIsiland of Guam asud onelbu lonto Rico. Fetedhng 8ilage to Shaep. lu feedbng sillage te sheep, cane Phoîstd be taken noý ta give thse ani- maIs aiyt>'fiat ls spoiled. Sheep ae pecullanli' susceptible to lnjury fr-onu feeda wllch terni gas. Feeda Nimaded b>' Coite. Tise draft colt aîbould lie w-eh fet] lu os-der ta keep It grnwlng and lu geoul 01 ealth- It Is ibiseaniy !eediug aqiu ciere au animal necelves whlch dete- t-mises bts qualit>' ant, de-velopment te àa large extent. It needs houte and Ssmuscle-huilding ffesIs. t-Fat on Bnood Sow. A Àbnoad uiîw oujtht ln Put eo) soute v eIglit sud fati îilng thse ehuien, but r lt as excertuii i ttnuut. a- tîisesl r ceedlngls i:,' ý- -s " hurdeîîe, Janid ot.her INorth SBhors to" vI U toi' 0F NTERES TO THEto keep ln "tune"- with Chicago busin. Lae Edited by together, ieaving came of the materlal B falosvt ftecucli C.E. W HEE.LOCK, fie whkbwe caU lay, some aUlttle Yuaiusvtofhec»C i LaeCounty Farm Advisor. coarser-Caled silt and sand, and thewas decided to set thee docks abead LAKECOUTY OIL corget ofallwe aJIgrael.Theone hour on the tant Sunday 10. Axfli L.AK CONTY801L curau~ 0fa~lwe au gave. Te istead of the last Suuday lt Marcb The followiZI la the lirat of a serles temperatare flnally changed and the'and ta set thern buck un the tast Sun. Of articles en the sBOUE of this COUDtY: ig bulk of Ice began to meit. The day ln September lnstead of thse lait XL tie age et soi caui be rec-koned material.that had been carried alons8m(19Yundy Octcber. Accordlng to the in thrme of youug or old, thse surface of or 'wae mlxed wlth thse. tee a drqiped edlet,,tIse daylight saving law wili go i:Ake cotmty ta a dept.h of 100 to 200 wlethe tIe e changed ta vater. Inta edoct on April 30 aud end on Sept leef, and ln some places 400 feet, la Thee eapsansd piles of material 24 iln 1922. only au infant ln years, compared wlth foriued our bille. The roltng cbarac- The proposed ordtuance which will thse sonl la parts et soutberS Illnois. terstic parts of the county la dué al-1 ,,The Lake Michigmn gigoier. one of moet entirely ta depasits f ram thir5 thée lait of the glacidrs, DIeveo Its w&y glacier. aver lpake county hundroda andpraba- Thse vater that trickled out of thse isly thauiand. of y.,a,. after a sL.r n etlng le' unlted lu strqgrns and prcs a uvrzdthe Isard cruat waabd out gullielere and there. per-!An a! thse eartb fartber soiltb and graund bp ctlg up a !ong h into several t p ta a. fîneness that wauld permit amaller aues. and probably forrnlng- plants ta grow and flnd lodgment for Useir rmots. Thse proceas o! preparlng thalasai lfos plants. then animais and finalli' sunsan beinge, vas pretthi slow as we moeum etlne nov. Tise preueut av-erage apan of lite or eve4 seventi' or, elghti' year, wauld hsave shavu lîttie chsange in tIse pro- ceasof soiftrnakiug. Geologlats teE us UsaI ths glacial foXmatlon, of visicIs there la undenia- bie evîdence, acceunts for much o! tise différence lu elevatlons; alo Use dl!- fes-ence la flneneso! soli partiales and even thie deposits Iseresud there of sd sud grav»1 that IsqIp to make good roadsansd concrate structures. Ituaglue a Isage, Uslck sheet of te gradussl>' pnsilg Its vay over Use csisst o! tIse earth, perhapa rnovlng osly a f ev luches or test a da", forced esisitaistly onward by Use great welgist of piled up te behlud. It moved lu mucb Use saine vay Usat glacters do nov lu the fan north visera thse edges are pushed out luto Use sea and Uera break off forrnlng the, tee- Serge that float southin lutUe Atlantic ocesu sud finalli' melt and disatipear. TIse sheet a! ice tisat covened Lake county vas probaiPs'.smilar ta tise ones that puas these great cJsuske-el tee out Into tise ocean. Tisere slow motion and great weight scooped ap rocks aud stonea and grovnd Usein saine of atm present -water courses.1 Fine partiolea o! soli wene vasbed sud caried aWay'leavfug course sand and gravel beild. Latgs stoues and boulders released frorn tbe meltiug Ice vere dropped bereansd Uses-e. TIse>'ray isave iseen carsled mani' miles b>'tIse s'ov rnov- iug masso ofice. This vas ail a ver' noagis proces sud took centuries of freezlng sud thawiug, vlnd aud ramn to smootb off thse surface aud farthes- dintegrate tIse rtocki and atouei lu tIse formation a! soli. &RED& TI4AT GROW Vitaliti' sud freedor f rom noxtous weed seeda ara the two fl-at Couaidera- tians lu selectlugseeds for planting. The' Staf e Departmnt o! Agriculture at Sprngfield wilI ausiyze seed sans- pIes free of charge and netum you *thse sesult of Use analysi.s soyng tise pun- ît>' o! the sansple aud gîve Use naines of veed aeed present. If ani'. ln fact. Il lis necessari' to- bave seed soansai- yzed before a!fening it for sale. Time can 11e ver>' profîtabî>' spent nov In loaking aven thse suppl y o! seedr. Test tiser for genminat ion sud exam- ine for purity. Care lu seed sèlection yull brng langer yîelds pen acre at dlo addltioual expeuse. 000000000000000000 The prograrn will constat of Instru- 0 D E F 1E LD 0mental numbera. readings and .iongs, 00000 0000 0000 0 ud will begîn promptlyý ai 8 aclock. ooooooaoo 000 Come and boogt yourhban(,talent. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pettis returned o frein their wedding trip the iast of the United Ejiangelical Church week. They wlll live lu the uppex flat Next Sunday nsorning Rev. R. Rl. of the George Pettis home. Brown, Supt of the Missionary Alli- Mra. Alex Willkn will critertain ence. wiii speak at a union service of tIse Young 14atrona' c7ub Weduesday, Hie two churches ixt the school houle February I5th. at 8 o'clock. Rev. Brown stira thse Mrs. Robert B. Petîls wjll bc hosteas conunulty wherever hie goea 4nd lie at a card party ta bie gîven at ber hiome leaves it better than lie faund It. Ev- Saturday eveniug. Feb. Ilth. eryone. a meinber of any churcli or of Mrs. Lincoln Pettîs relurned haule no churcli. la cordilly invited aonazix Wednesday from thie Hig-hli.ud Park Suuday nighl. Special rnUSIC wfI b e Isospital, where aiheliadt been for over given. a week. In view o-fthle above meeting the Mm-. Martha Kinder eutertained ,*n Christian Endeavor Society wahi mec.î Bunco, Club Wednesday afternoon. at 6:45 p. m.. lnstead of ai sevefi. i Mn. and Mrs. George Bock i..r] baby is cousecraf ion and decisi on nigbt for Of Milwaakee spent tIse weec end with the Young People o! the league, and ail Mrs. Back's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I ll have an nppartunity of making Albert Hagi. decisions for- Christ or of reconsecrat- Misses, Gladys and Florence Uood- ing ibeinselves for ibis service. nian entèrtained a numben of Ch icago! This decision niglit wil' bie a speciai friendB over the weelr end. Itapie for prayer ai the regular lsrayer The Dorcas Society will meet wifh meeting seriee next Wednesdaý aigh,. Mns. W. H. Kleat Thursday atternoon. -- Fred Horeuberger la rernodeliug lîis Presbyterian Ghurch News. house into a two-flat building. Plans for the new churcb building Mrs. R. E. Petits atteuded a iunfch- are îrogressing uicely. The Board ai Con at the Hamilton Club in Chicago Tute xett pon h ul Taeadaying connijttee this week. TSeverai of! The Ladies Aid of St. Paul's Luth- fera baNe already been made by par- es-an churcb was entertained byiMs ents interested in the churcli achool Minnie Jabreud Tbaraday afternoon. for, heip in furniahing the roo;ms. It Mrs. John Carlson entertalned 12 la haped ta bave the building ready guests at a lancheon Wedueaday aftei- for oecupaucy by the corning autunin. 1noon, in honar of Mrs. M. L. Thomas. The special missionary service whlch Adol'ph Bowrnan of Chicago, a cousin the rnlssionas-y department pikt on one of E. H. and John Wlllman. was burleil week ago was one of tIse bets meetings e t Rosebill Monday. of the ypar and brougltthie mission ) Judaau DeYoung was the gaest of problein squarely liefore Our peuple, b is uncle. J. A. Stryker, Sunday. The chorch achool exepeets ta taire up 3 There wai a dance ziven under thlethie Support of a child in the Near East auspices or the athletic club at ihe enabling Ilta recelve a Christian edu- school assernbly hall Satarday eve- cation.> ning. Tliey e.eared $45 which will bie We are sorry ta hase Mr- and Mrs. igiven ta tIse P. T. A. J.A. Reichelt, iar., f rom our commun- a Mr. Hery EosMm. acWae'sity, but aur fua la anotber's gain. 9mother. lett Mouday for Mobile, AIS., They have been a constant source of wbere aile Vill Job bler busband and profit ta tIse entire community, anld 8spend tbe balance of the wiuter. their husa wlll bie soreiy feit. ËI Misses Suste Baston and Eleanor Meyer, VIsa are teaching et Haivey, Next Suuday mrn-ing Mr. Thomias spent thse week end at tbe F. il. Me> er aàpeaks upan "Cbarcb Membership" borne. frarn fat Cor. Next Sunday eveuing ii Mesdames Roy Hutchinson and ROY 8 o'clock there wlIl be a union meet. Gunkel of Chicigo were tIse gueste of ing. as announced in the U3. E. chus-ch tMrs. Ray Rads Slaturday. notes. . Mr. sud Mn. Raipis Peterson of Chi. TIse choir continues ta practice eacli cago were thse Sunday guesta a! Mrs. Wednesday evening. Tbey are getting FrnPaesn ready for tIse Easter cantata. If yoil Thse card party gîven by the Progresaucan sig, plan to joîn tbern; you will >fsive club o! the Wllmot scbon- i the receive a bearty welcome. John Haggi ho)ne Saturdey evening________ was well attessded- .1 Miss Claire Lyous of DeKatIs was ths ~ AYLfH 1.week end gst of Miss Doretby 1e- C TD Y IH m heMr.an Mrs. Bruce Blaiue and ihr. A I«2M 1 T S ley apeut Friday wltI Ms-. and Mms. À IÛ2RO T S Wesley Wrighst lu Chicago. A Lake Forust car contailnu BI4iNSAmL3 ,d baya undcvra tecresSU ,lday ulght. It vas a rnlraciiloiiB that Id no one wai aerlouS'y hurt. Thse duc- Wattkegaii and Cther North t. or was cefled to-give fis-st aid ta two Soetwst olwCi lu of thse bays w1ho were cut about the Soetwst olwCi i face and hisaRds. maois Iead Iikely A number of Our people weut aver ta Higslad Park M ondai' eveulng ta cee Cîtilens OPPOSed ta the dayhight sai thse fire and' ruins of Garuett's depaIt- h uge ordimofce Istd sane cause for ns lemeât Store. JolcIUg ThUrday by reeson ofthtle Chii ct The Deerfield Orchestra, under thse "DCiy c>unellia kliig thse yerlod .of longer eveuigg two months alfôri laupce othe.U.ILclrch, wM gEWe .rfor the camung aaaa tUas -th(e a comocrt on the e avmlsg of V*. l7th. pr5flt law requis-ai ieonmuas at tbe b2eerfelitd .011001 aa5emblY hRll meantisat Waukegaii, NaJ'th Chlcagc requIs-e Ustrpet Ola 051on tiI. rear of housez u veli sa on Use- front, Of tisisus as pàsed by Ive voté». l% vas spousored by AId. Guierg I whï Isad it refers-ed back la tise jt!dlofti' commîttee. Secretery E. Il. Clifford of thIseW kegan Northi Chicago Cisamber A!~m merce declas-ed tisat tlie local Induât- ries anc4 InstItIons hlkely vîi act ons this proposition soon no that lu eanq, these committees ;>gnln decide 10 ad- opf the dayUÏht iavlng plan ai lu for mer years, tise change vlili e made at, tIse saine lime t goes luto effeat lu Chsfcvago. inual DROC SALE. Of BRED SOWS &,GUILTS, At ILAWNDALE FARM- One mile souteast of Vol. February 15, '22' 1h30 P. M. Pathlfinder, Orion, Cherry King, WaIIs Top Col. Sensàtion, Col. Jack, 'Joie King Orion and other popular boold imes bred to Pathfinder's Orlon Boy 6th Own Son of Pathfinder Wm. C. Dillon, Round Lake.- ni. WHY LET YOURHOGS GET SICK OR DIE W' guarsuf e aur remedi' ta save 951., o! île sicli hoga. atol) lie coughiug, and desînai' ail vorma lu six days. If it don'; ovhta Bay, moue>' reftsnded. (Sets more wonut tfhan ani' of ler aanî capsule. Write for free information or~ diseats ansd cure of hogs and chickens. Everman Stock & Poultry Faru, Gallatia, Mo., R. 5. I - - - - - - - - Announcement Orval J. Gause, M. D. Round Lake, Illinuois - Round Lake Office Telephone, Round Lake 24-R Cails PromptIý Answered Day Or Night Resident Physician Sunnybrook Sanitarium Telephonc, Round Lake 42-R-t Entabllahod l1M P IIIp ae er SPEClAL attenâtion Sivae P' s' Jàe e s sui"e of Ds-eésed Ros. Mutton, Vaal, Poultry. fidé etc. Also Butter Mam :- Pr oaedail!0of utiaî.sI G eneral "sMptly s-osifttsd. Theia l*t0 oldest houa. on thse stmose lTa C n ad prisse lista tsralisM on Ma- Com m issio plicatton. CoId 8tSffl* 1118 M erc&hm - Fulton Street Whise.sale Marhket Theodone H. us President W. B. 8mith, Vics PrealdenÏatI FW.Churchill, socrianyand Mapsumn. SECUR1TY MIE & TRUST CO, A STfRACI3rOF DTL - TTLFGUAIARrEýFY Capital: $125.000.0 WAUUGAN * - - lLLIffOk~ - .- wÀS 10 j Mtie S«e Tes uti 'wa mu"ottai laWIsXoeoJ" bunau 04 51A Tire MOI"l tuse protection Il wih <ta7r thse Montllte ots oua raytt bae rt eit yteenI ie ctaudthi tock auong a-rt livrle ri joed tombe p beaer>' ait ronThe fans - beexllesnt. talkhe rinu Mi. asd Me igeteld vii es cvda ra tailed elytis Mi uad M Mbe Benwe lent inFrri Tise chlckt stockattende conleous dît ogTher.upl Mi xcss of t goas eu bsbaoratestc ead bat lie i frimtda aes exlent. M. and Mr Mer.an Mol Mr. sud luDI -Mrs. fGeuri' * sha Suda. Myr, andeM Mr. sud M ofMr..andMe - -< - teoun.gdi biss lrdao AiluseucI FvaRM Ahe AteooF birthday. C -ý i 1 -