CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Feb 1922, p. 3

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as on the- front, >Y,Êva votes. I~ - uerng Ir~ to thse Iu!dlldtu tort0ft u aie local Indugt- kely Winl act ON no tisat hi canq, n decide to ad-. g plan as ln for wil be madie et,. s loto effect ln e 9ý' -0R A BE AUCTIONEERING FARM AND STOCK SALES À S1PECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN PHONE 2441 bReverseCharges ooasme Caïd LUERTY VMLME3111AY. ~JB ,92 EAflY. HISORY 0F MONA VILLE IWIJÀT CROP Mtate ds indlate that the Wnj fibis éMmowfI Th.e snWM *1 ~vrpracti6ally -Tt.e afftufl viais U uVida dd thle protecLtio aslbplantdurog tise anovftR. bas aldedthie rop III&la 1j, ly isci la reportai! Kt tisaclose iof the, montai t» b. ta excellent cadi- saov fou a"Mt tise lmoti f tise 150.1k, tiserepon osl,. coeriag prao- ticaily teesatire daIte oa teptsof oaa te artac hes l b s «.eea lerefte naIrt anti extreasoqtistise Ummliaresa ruuatmd besi.Tis98 vas foovetby aa Mivaves &"lamper. *arues bave reushi ai a normal or te- loev blae. vwitltt gehoUcfa e ratier wam lisli4g iicis the seov medt oeeal7 ThIe pie. of cannls5been islng A4ovly sls*tishe mitidle of thse montai ,auigsi a1rprta that inoveilent le "tisearSa rt tise tam vIsci han .~nmalt ieretsfore bus been ln- Wlater vlst hati no cover until lOt Istant,, vina a tal of a fev incis- es covered raost of thé. acralge. Thais liasi argely inlteti la tise lent tev daya but bas undoubtedly bean of ben- efit taie plant. Sore baavlng of thes gront uas been reportati but It ibas nol been extenaive. Tisa genera con- dition of bise plant la raporbeti ta b Tise condition of rya remains excel- lent ila racticaîly aIlUaas. Tisa condition of ail classes of live stock among wvhutisera isaitibeen iconsitierabe alcknen Iisafait, ls ne- portedte ta beenerally good. Ties uppty of fanm laisor la mucis ta exceas of tise demand, fanmera ra- -part. Durlng tiee montais. little islp la neede on taie farma. Pnîcea belng palti for aay have net basa very aatlsfactory tise farmera *-anti but littIe hay bau been movlng from thie fartas, according ta reports. Prospects ton the. claver continue ta - be excellent. 000000000000000000 0 VOLOe Mr. anti Mrs. Eimer Nichatis of Me ,lâ"ry ,Isttdtaie fomer's siter. Mr.s eVrallk Hironimus. ans day tise past 111r. aud lira. Rosbert Rîcisardiaon of EIt4ge.fl visiteit tise latter'aslte, lins. ChnisDillon, Tuesday. .-Mca. George Benveli of Round Lake vas a pisasant caller In aur villatge Tuesday. M. anti lra Mike Wagne-r enter- taineti relatives Suntiay M r. anti Mm. William tDillon. %is. Mabel Benveil antiMrm. Jaohn Wallon spent Prtisay in Waokegan. Taie chicken pie dinner aithtie hante of Mr. antiMms. Frank Htronimut, vas vail1 attantiet, ant i al enjoyedth fe bounteous dinner andth ie soial tinie *together. Miss Bd"naBaxter. instroctor 0f ne î liglous edocaton, ort Evanston, wilt speakat taie Vola M. E. chancis Suntiay atternoan, Fais. 12. ise la a very en- tertaintng speaker anti it lt hopeti tisaee ilI ie a large attentance. Last Saturday atternoon tventy-five achoolmates ai Lis May Huson gatit eredati ec hamin 1 ionor af ber tenili birtaiday. A merry titue vas enjoyed by ail ptaying msoy gantes. Attr a fine suppar ait teparteti, anti il vilt aie a day long remerisereti hy ilite chit tiren present. * liMm. Bannie Geary spent ,,be pasat èfeek vitis relatives 1inCblcaga, anti han daugiter, Mrs. Pitivooti. anti son. Fret. returnati home vitis ber for a short visit, Mlr. anti Mrs. Frank Hirontit. anti Merman Moittor vent ta Lakte 'illa Saturday. Rose anti Jasepisine Stoffltsuient tise veek endti thtie home of Mike Kraft. Mr. anti Will Frost and Mr. andi Mm. Henry Staittielti vent ta Kenu- iha Sundaq. tMrs. Hironimus anti taogisi.r, Eve- lyn, atende a party at tise haome of Mc. anti lis, Ray Seymour Saturtay nigait. Mca. Essie Fishier viiteti ber taugh- ter Mn, Wlftred Graver, tise past -week. X,. ant iM.. Witt Hironimos anti son Chester af rtound Leke vbsited Rosi Donnili Sonday, Tise yotulg people of tise comjnonity attimded a party la ionor af the 2lst birtlmday otflira. John Wagne's 2lst '61iWay, attldsy eveiiing attise home ofXiloe Krapt. Ail report a vsry Zooti thés. visai. scisool vas th.rovn in an uproar. Tise mail at tisis tinta vas irouglst ott to tise Esat Fox Lakq poatotýlce tvlca a week, dut-tng tise Civil van, anti ticea tintes weakly attar that. Tise postofficeataiona lime vas ia ot ln th a Ulger home. vailchinlastill standing, anti later on lb vas hlntise store building of Alex Tweed, viîc la alse attîl standing i Monaville, Basl For Laike. or Monavllo, like atiser tavas net on a raltroati lins. rapid I eclined aller rairoatis ver. built -tarugis thtg part ai taie country, and nov it consiste merely of a graup of hiousse anti no places of business, excepting a blacksmitli sisp. 0o MONAVILLE SCHOOL NEWS Tise visa hati a perfect waek ln apelliag for aest veek vane: Frances Tweed. tis grade; Heltia Tweed. 7th grade; Chartes fillingi, tis grade; Lana Nelson and Willilam Nelson. 4th grade. Rate Billinga, Srd grade; Lloyd Barnstabla, 3rd grade; Frances Mar- tinîs, Clarence Galiger andi Morts Wil- kinson, 2nt grade; Bertrand Galiger. let grade. Tise pupils aftie second grade have been 100 par cent perfect i peUing for tva weeks. Morris Wilkinson isad the haut reand- lng lessan sCl vetek for tise second grade. anti Marguerite <ljiger tae hast In tiird grade. Doris and Vern Barustabia are tl unabla la came back to scisool. bol are feeling mach better. Tise P. T' A. iselt a'meeting Friday. Miss Walshs ta staying at taie Bert Geiger home, as ber home la qu.aralI. tineti for acarlet fever. T'p xeltoloing wvan perfect in at- tendance fan tise montis of January: Bertranti Galîger. Clarence (laliger. Nelle Martinia. Frances Martinis, Gar- don Martin, Lloyd Barnitabla. Mary Ga'iger. Lna Nelson, James Marints. 000 00 00 000 00 fis;The pee tsihof the cool y : 1 was bgitfogfrJmnes 1.1Gallagher for & O LAKE - $0opnd later aaisistrip was bought Big emoal sle i te ReallSi' over an acre. lli reovl sleat iseRealiStre' Thie achool received ita name from -Druce Drug Co., Waukegafl 111. 6-lt1 Mrs. lames Madden, wbo donated a Mra. George IN ilon was called t. P-ace0o land to the finit schnol which iw» but at the intersection of thse Elgin by thie death of ber husband Bulkey and St Mary's rond. Then thse Thursdav. Thie sympathy of thse COIU' achool was bult on present site in 186a munity in extended to Mrs. Wilsonl in and kept the same name. The district ber bereavement. 1 hired carpenter Slack to build tbe The Gavin scisool bas been fumigated school. Maggie Mahany was the firt and thse caiudren are again attending. 'teacher .t thse present school; the in Mrs TrmanWily eteraind a, inow acting as Sister of Mercy in a Mn. ruma Wiy enertifle atChicago hospital. Some aoftdie other luncheon i bho r of r. Doa Rich of teachers were; Mr. White, Thomas Grayalake, Frida. Theinvted guieta McClurry, Miss Partridge, A lice were: Mm, Jo &.aaMc aulien Stewart, Liza Brusbawn, Sosie Fagots, Mm. Rusismore, Mrs. rGsmeyer, Mnr. 1M% O'Mah 1 ' Kathenine Magavic. Kirby and Mm. Hanna. 1 P iet Muleny Robert Kelly Miss A surprise party was tendered Idre. RCkne1, Kitty O 'Mshaiiy Liza ýeeny, Banni at thse home of Mms Gui Landry Jae aeeF. A. Hutàsan, James aon taie occasion of ber birthday Satur- IGISason' Bas aron, Mr. Aibrigit. day. rhe hotess and guesta pnesented LeRoy Lske, Mamie . Ryan, Alice Mrs. Basai with a table lainp. Staples, Mrs. B. Kristan Joe Wall, 0. E. Churchill, Ida Irnnt, kate Guerin, Mra. Basai ententained a group of Adelaine Miller, Buela Tibisets. Miss ladies at a sewing cincle Tuesday after- Miss Oson, Miss Gelling. nloon. T. A. Simpson viaited school Tueadsy. Mm. Halpin entertaine'd at auction We are one anng everal achoola that bridge Monday evenirig. Tbe honora will make anoehibt for Lake county went to Mra. Aassi, . Mrs. Landny and at thse State fair. Mc.Rusisniae; tise gentemen@ t Mr. Ruaismoce, M. Larson anti Mr. Sayles. Rebearsals for tise play "Safety Firat" ta ha given hy tisa Woman'a club in tise near future, are seeil undervay. B3enice Wifley is on tise sick lijt. Tise regular meetingai tise P. T. A. yl ha hbelti at the Fox Lake achoot bouse Fitiay afternoon. Saturdayý evening the P. T. A. wl have a speaker at the acisool bouse. TIera yull aiso be a musical progratti anti refresisments Henry Goti visitet i vtistise home folk8 for tise week-end. FOX LAKE SCHOOL NOTES Editor, Edith Peterson. Rýoy . Wyland. secretary of tise Unitedi Arnenîcana. will aditreas taie P. T. A., Saturday evening. Feis. 11, at_ ?igbit o'ciock at the achool bonse. Topic IAmerica the Hope of Hnmanty." Everyone welcome. Admission free. Stewart Smitb andi John Buttertield nf Libertyville. gave an interesting report on thie first young people Sunday achool conference wltich was held recently at Bioomingtont, 1i. Miss Edith Rockwood, executive secretary of tise Illinois League of Women votera, stidresaedth ie Waman's club, Feb. 2. Topic, 'Wosnan anti Governmett.' Mca. Marvin transacted business in Libertyville, Monday. Tbe Morris Co., compieted i flling tiseir ice pant Saturday. Anna, Winkler visitedth ie borne of ber parents taie week-end. -G. T. Wlson wiso bas been iii in a sanitarium i Pgin_ for the pat year ded Febrat 2 bunial at Oakwood ceretey, Cicago. MeWeitis Hendricks, vho ia atending taie State University at Madison, spent ,the week witlî his parents at 1Ingleid. The Ga#in achool vas loeed tise Pont week due to scarlet feyer in the Wilsis bomne. Evelyn Borgman anti Helen Tetour were the vînners in taie weekly spelllng conteta Roberta Scisvandttoa second grade bas not been able ta retirto' ascisool this veek, Genevive Dalton, John Epken anti Mary Victor ai tiird grade were perfect n spelling foc tise waek. Miss Lyda Sebvantit visiteti Miss Doris Kaiser ai Libertyvilte, wvisilîl at ber home, asat Sunday. 1 We are clebrating flag montis by putting ap flaga in tise scisool rootu, o MI LLS'S CHO00L o Mi. anti Mrs. Westo.n ant i-M. andi Mrs. Fred Tavttier caleluon lits. Catit Mason Wdtneatiay e vening. lira. Jutison Mason mast a Chtcago Wednesday evening. Durothy Fry- sisiteti sch-'t ut Prbday. Mitas Kigii isited tse CacsMason t:,atbty Suntiay. Mn. anti lrq. Vbne nt Dmshek antI tiaugister, lren-, vîsited tlite Coon tam. ily Sunday. Mir. anti lis. .Martin Hickman anti fansity also calieti on tise Coon family Suntiay evenbng. We have a numiser of 0ew pictures vicb vs bougist vus tise noney va earnsti thlie basket social last faîl. Tise pîctur s are Tise Gleaners, Tise Angelos, Tise Sang of tise Lark, Abra- ham Lincoln anti George Washir gton. Tise scisool ntonth of January andeti Mantiay. Irans Dushek anti Banl Busschingwers lth anly pupils perfect in attentianceduting tise montai. W. . Waadin matis a business trip ta, fecatur thia wsek. Helen anti Lisais Mitis viiteti Mca. Rab rt Route at Diamonti Laka asat Monday. lira, avis Mille andthie Misses Hel- an anti Liailise lt vers Chicago vis- itons Wednesday. lins. Vînoent Dushek vas a Chicago visitor Ist veek. M. anti Ira. Cash Mason caliet ai ths Etiards home Sunday. Lucy Fry spent Salurday atternon 1-itis Blan Mason. 00000000000000000UU Mr. and Mca Fred Tonner andi dan- o0 M A J)D)E N. SCH O O L0giter, Frances, spent Sunt-ay vibi tise Ono oOOOOO OSGeoc000 00Geore erk eamily. We bave starteti an honanraol for tisa f ticm andomLunyFrday. i a h -mnonts oi February. Thos ieet in Iika o udy attendance, de ~atment and applica- MnrHckman timmedth ie hetige n ton are inld(rTeeana thicîy-one front of tise schooi groUns Iiat wesk. 'isonor pupils. It is a great Impravement. ln gatboinn neya about tbe history We visai ta thank Mt. Buesching for ,of'ew scboe4, ve ond taie tallowing putting bn aur nsw Estove pipe. Many yeuxs bafore the Civil war was fongait, a littho log cabin vau built among thse treea aofBasI Fau Lake, 110v calleti Monaville. This cabin vas usati as a scisoot, a ciurcis and meeting hous. It vas a crude structure, bUntlt hie forent, but bere gatbered tise chistdren of ail agas ta iaearn the three RB This building diti fot stand visera aur present scisool -building ls, but vas bitat furtiser vest on the nortis andi sota roai. 'Tails building ta tise Mtat I-t old setter can rentenaer. Mira. Margarmet Galliger. an eId set- ten o!fjI<savllle. titinot attend tbis log cabin sciiooî. but hec brotsers titi. ant aise teila us tit litre vera no tankso! any sort. Tisa pmils aut on Ion# banches placet on al aides of tise roma. A'igisar beach neareat tise val! vsa for tise older pupila anti a mualler bencb int front of taiat for tise youager clildren. '19y. but tiser.muis have been a great scufl;t Q get ln tisa rlgit places vhuS tie bel rang." Mae. Gaiger vus too yo»g g 1 attend thia acisool. but attend tes chool hullt later visera aur pramsen ciool building stands. 'rails building, Part of viei still makes up our icisoo hanse todily. vas bilat about tise time of tise Clvil var. Mn.. Galiger. viso vas bora in Goadale, nov known as Grant tovnship, tella s vIerY intereait- lng tonies about taie Indians vis liveti on taie bankao!f ox Lake. Tbey lived apart l'rottise white settleca itise sommer lime, but In thse vinter bhey beggati foodi anti provisionSfrOm ths setlers. The settien. vould ive them supplies ln ntan ta keep them peac8- able. Oten tise ludian voman voulti brtng tiel pepooaes aong on baise excursionsý Mca. Galiger tells of an unexDeced viait an Indien mateie n tiese cioal roont. Tise Indian cusised I PrObablY only t scare thse chistdren. visicis ai cstain'y succeeded ln dain.g, for tise, Fais. 2. 1922 W. B. lngvoldsiat uanti vIfs taH. C. Carlton et ai lot 159 Pteasant Hlli on Long Latte W. D. $550. Stamp $1. Loytis Barrett ant if(e et aI ta, J. G. Wainvrighl, E 4,,fi. lot 1, block 7 Smsiths antiAtiams Noth Att, Waul kegan W. D. $1.00O Sanip 50c. Jasephine L. Seyl andt husisandtl t Wm. Capesins, lot 20 anti 21, block 5 Ritigevooti Park, Higltgsandl Park, W. D. $10. Staasp $4,00. Est, of H. B. Peaboîitiecti. ta R. W. Burnis, Waukegan Cartiens Suis, excspt ail lots sot] Ouveds $9254,90, Stamp $9.50. S. W. Hindt ta, ill~ie Baicock E 100 ft. lois 104 tn oit itSRtvinia W. D. $1,00, Jamuary 30, 1922. Gea. A. Riaistanti antdiifs ta H. E. RiehI. 1 acre in S 1-2 SW t-4 Sec. 27 Hsnton Tvp. W. t>, $200, J. J. Spelîman anti wife ta L. C. Tewes. lots 4 anti sois. of part lot 346 Lake Forest W. t. $1000. Lake Forest Ice Co. ta John Spaîl- man, lots 4 anti 5 Suis. of part lot 346 Lake Forest W. t. $10. Stamp $3,00. Mary J. P. hsham ta Sarahs A. L. Barges, ltt 1, 2 anti 26, block 87 anti lot 9 btock 96 Nolrtis Chbcago, W. 1). $1,00. L, E. Ray anti vifs ta Grdon Ray, lots 62 anti 63, block 2, Crane's Suis. Diamonti Lake, W. t. $10. Stamp 60c, GoaWeoban andti vis laH. C. Griffis,,- tot 7- Green Bay Adi, ta Laike Forest W. t>. $100. StamP $2.00. Nicholas Schaffer ant i vie ta J. S. Nfattiesev et aI Trustees, 70 acres in N 1 2 secý 21 Grant Tvp. W, D. $ 13,600. January 31, 1922 M. A. rane anti vifs ta Gustave Rnapp anti vile, lot 6, block 12 -Cranes Suis. Diamonti Lake, W. D>. r$50. E. P. Asterman andi vifs ta Augusta REALTY BUSINESS FOR LAST WEEK RATIIER QUIET Loàns for the week amountedi to $85,168; several deals ctosedhe By A. K. 110WES Assi. lSecretMiy Sèculty Titis anti Trust Clé. Business oi the recorderas office foi tise veek andins Fabritnary 4. 1922. Number et cSnaacea, 122. Number ai ciattel aaortgagea. 28. N~umier ai Trust Deeta anti Mort- gages. 36. Number af U. 8. army tilacisagea, 3. Total number ofIinstruments tlteti. 189. Total amount of ioans. 185,1 8.7b. Buiness has beau a ittle quiet. vitb lousa by tlie average. Tise follavlng are bise marsebas port ant tisais. In Waukegan-Rautdall W. iturns took tIlle ta tisePeabody tract on Granit avenue at'Butrtck street, naw subdivItied as Waukegan Gardent, foi $9,214.90. laIner G. Autboay anti wife isaught teT as. E. àdcOreal place on Northt sdWetClayton atreat at enti of Philippa avenue for IndIcateti $2.500. anti alsa lot adjoining fram tise Lyon bains fornonminal conalderatton. tlmma C. Grlng boltagithebaie i S. Faulkner property on easti site Paplar treet. near Seaan sireel. for inticated,$5,000. Roy HIII anti vifs hougisi 2 lois at sautai eat corner Massena avenue ant i Wlliams street tram E. A cua uiga tan $1.005. Sevetn FH. Hansen ant i vie tîugli tise Beaulien property on W'e-îstsie Sou tîtJackson treet. juFt naît 't ot Belvitete ttreet for nominal ionsid- eratian anti gave isack trust îl-io1r $2, 700. In Noitis Chicago - Etitînti Discati bought tisa Leô E. Galitglteî Place ait IWet aide Sa. Park a,neî bebveen 17th anti l8th str5f-t- for $4.500. la Lakte Foret-Ernest A liinilil ttougist tise Elsie C. Clow tuait ,tî il miois avenue satd1University Plit- for $12.800. Diavidi L. Wells hougisi thti place an eassisida Oakvoaot inuti tan $6,0(0 Louts C. Tewes hougisî li,ah,- Fotest Ice Ca, propprty on a,- t îde Western avenue from Jno .1--,i man for nominal considerat ion In Highwaod-Pennsylvantti;t il Co houglis 100 test on a-est suid- Wttke- gala avenue opposite MWalkî-u aenu, front James E. Allen toi toîbîcateti In IligisiantiParki, l.Ornte Bais- cock bougYmt tise Sanmuel W. Hbnti lot oit aauthveat canner Ragera anti Will- iama avenue and ti id street tan nom- inat consideration,* AnnasScisosit hougltit teWi. Capesins place in Ritigew-vanti Pit foi inticateti $1,000. lu Deerfielti Village- Peter J. Job rend and able liaugisi tie Aiman Frost pralterty un Lincoln a',enue lin indicateti $3,000 anti gasi- tiusaideeti back fan $2.000. In UbertyvilieIsiinan Heiter antia-le isotglît the (1-o. Kiepper place on L.ake atrest foi inditateti $6.1100. In Aiea-J. tat sha1I t ilcinga anduit e biouglit ithle Hartlet tlot at Northeastt clrnet itaaley siteet anti Ciicago a'enne lor ;$1.50 In Nevîsort-Martin Cr-osby blitght tise ait Faisrnev bfai-m fl2oîacres in secs, 29 anti 30 ftom XlitetiE, Owens ifnv*i nticateti $39.000. It Grant-PbstaquaIi utîs 'rcust isn ts trusteesa tok ltt tiste NIch- olas Sisaffer, 50 aci - , n sec. 21 an Pistakes Latte for $1.: ansd gais isack trust test for$95 Ia Fox Latte-Antîn tienson anti vite isouglit lise Edain \\'hite lot In Tweeds seconîd sîb ait I ex Lake foi $2, 200. 1000000000000000000 o REAL ESATE TRANFM o 0 By A. K. BOWES 0 ,00000000000000000 [:. allacký lot 15, Ovners sutis Dean-. field, W. D. $1. 1 Frank Cecis anti vife to Etiward Tend Sly 1-2 lot 2, Stanton Bay Sub.' Fox Lake W. D. $10. Stamp $1.00. John Donlea ta F. A. Krnby and' wlfe, lot 7, block 2, Applebees Suis. Bomington, W. D. $560. Staosp 41.00. R. C. Kent andi vite to A. F. Brický son and vifs, lots 99 and 40 Kents Wauconda Suis. W. D. $10. Stamp 50c. B. J. Lottua andi vite ta Aida Loitus, lot 12, block 2, Batterahalîs Suis, Grays Lake, W. D. $10. B. J. Loftus ant i vie ta Ivais Sho- ber, lot t, block 2, Battersisalla Sois. GJrays Lake, W. D>. $10. B. J. L.oftua anti vifs to Eani Lot tus, lot 6. block 2, Battersisa)ls Suis. Grays Lake, W. D>. $10. H. H. Smth anid vife ta Aida Lof- tue, lot 11, block 2, Battersisalîs Sub. Grays Lake, W. D>. $10. C. A. Nevcomb Jr. bis Albert Prze- rrocki andi vile, lot 28, block 38 Nortis Chiicago, Deeti $200. Stasop 50c. C. A. Neweemb Jr., ta Jozef Hebia' and vite, lots Z8 anti 29, block 16 WassbUMn Park. Nantis Chicago, deed $1860. Stamp $2. C. A. Newcomh Jr. ta Edigar Ban- croft and vife, lots 40, 41 and S 1.2 ot 42 bslock 16 Washbyurn Park, No. Chicago. Deeti $2126. Stamp $2.50. EmUly A. Bush ta Edw Schneid er and vite. lots 9 and 10 Ex. S 60 fI. lllînc 12 Wnighta Atiti Libertyvîlie, Wý D. $10. Stamp 60v. John Buckinghsam ant i vie ta Vi- lette W. Pennypacken NW 37 ft. lot 4, block 22, Higisanti Park, QýC $1,00. Fob. 1, l92 C. L Harder alsd vife ta tD. L. Wells Ltid wifè, WV $10,00, stanip $2.00. lot 56, Green Bay atit. Lake Forest. Adele Miller, et ai.,bis M. S. Miller, QCD $1.00. lot 12, block 2. Burnetta atiti Lake Villa. R. 8. Faulkaer ant i vie ta Emma C. Grins. WD $10.00, atamp $5.00, W 100 fit., lot 15, block 8. Smlth and Ad- ams North addt, Wankagan. L. 19. Gallagisen anti vifs ta E.V. Driscol. WD $4600.00, stanip $2.50. lots 3 anti 4, block 2, Ward anti Divers suis., Norths Chicago. Geo. Klepper and vufe ta Herman ilelfer ant i vIe, Wl) $10,00, etamp $6.50. lot In village of Libertyville. A. F~. Beaubien anti wife to -8. H. Hanson anti ife. Wl) $10.00, starnp 50c, part lots 14 anti 15, Sunderlins Souths Jackson atreet suis. Waukegan. H. H. Banblett ta J. M. Hutchinga and wife. Wl) $1800, stamp $2. lot 16, block 4, Aires. Estate of Geo. R. Lyon, deceaseti. Ia H. G. Anthony and wife. Wl) $10, stamp 90c, lob 125, Lyons suis of Fair Grounds, Waukegan. F~. R. MeGreal and wife ta H. G. Anthony and wite, Wl) $10, stamp $2.50, lot 124, Lyon's suis., of Fair Grounds. Wsukegan. Jan. 27, 1922. Estate ai Lucy Bensinger, tiecd.. ta A. G. Hottinger et al, tract af land ln SE cor. Sec 33, Newport twp.Deed $550. P. P. Crandon and wife taNlay Skowzgtrd, lot 20. block 15, Wash- hurm Sprints, Wsukegan. WD $250. May Skovxgnti andi huabandti t Steve Sertics. lot 20, block 15, Wash bors Springs, Waukegan. Wl) $200. Tablas Jensen andti ve to. Mary J. Durkin, lot 220 (Ex. S 35.54 fi) Cuisi minga & Co.'a Nanths avenue sudd o Waukegan. Vl) $10, atamp $6. IF. T. Fowier and- vife ta 'r. B. Rhoades ant i vie, lot 10 anti part lot 3, bslock 4, Favler's sui, Lake Villa; WD $750.. J. E. Putnar tao Oluf tteniiksen. lots 5 anti 10, Farwell's adti Northt aide. W'nukegan. WD $10, stanîp $5. Jan. 28, 1922. C. E. Daniels et al ta Chas. N leisen and vife, lots 14 and 15, FIrst atit t Sunahine soli on Third Latke. Wl $1500,, atamp $1.50. Inhanna Kirchhoft et aliot 'la Clanslng. 2 acres in NE 1-4 Sec :,6, Vernon twp. Wl) $10, stamp 'Oc. Andrew Young andti vie ta Annle Y. Macfarlane, tract af landilit Sec. 21, Avon twp. WD $1, atanip 50c. C. M. Nlaciattane ta Annie Y. 'lac farlane, tract oailant IntaSec,. -21. 22 anti 27, Avon twît Deetis $1.00. N. P. Dotige Jr. anti vife tÀa 0ina Scisumaciseti, lot 67, Belmant adît. Waukegan, WI) $150, stamîî 50c. N. P. Dotige Jr. antt wife ta Anni Sehumaciser. lot 67. Idelmant atit, Wsukegan ,Wl) $149. stansp 50c. P&. R. Yeoman anti wife ta P W. Petersen, lot 4, blockt 2, î-eaub af Cooti & Lintissys suis, Waukegatî. Wl) $1. stamp 50c. G. W. Yeoman anti aife to lPW. Petersen, lot 5, bîtock 2, resub ot Coon anti Lintiasys soi,. Watikégan, Wl) $1, atamp 50c. Everts Wrennanti vile ta liumlnic De Santo, N 50 fi lots 6 andt 7, block 4, Wreaois atit, Highslanti Pari. Wl $12.50, stamit $1,50. Clarihel G. Turner ant i iusisanidta C. J .Block, lots 104 anti 105, Ravinia (ex E 100 t>J) $10. etamp $7.50. C, M. Stierman andti vie ta C Jý Reeschlein andti wfe, lt 4, block "Il" Cralgas suis Antiocis. Wl) $408, stamr $1,0O. Feb. 4, 1922 W. B3. lnvoltistsd andti vie ta S. K. Lunti, Deetis $20.00, stamp $1, lota 166 anti 193, Pleasant Vtew suai. in Long Lak<e. W. B. ingvotdstad and wife ta John Kragerud ant i vte, Wl)$625, atamp $1.00 lot 95, Pleasant Hill tub. Long Lake. E. A. Cumnmings and i wfe ta Roy Hill11ant i vie, Wl) $1006, stamP 1,50, lots 192 anti 192, Cummings anti Ca.s Norths avenue atit.. Waukegan. Wmn. C&pstua antivife tû Annta Scainair Wl) $10, stamp $3, lot 21, islk 5, Rigewood Park, H1%hland Park. J. E. Allen ant i ie ta Petinsylvania -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ARLJNGTON +HOTEL * Good Meals 50e WAUKGAN, Lii " FOR ALL THEf NEWS 0F LMCE.0 " COUNTY, 8U980RIBE FOR IHE* " INDEPENDINT.41J0 A VEAR q ElHANlAN W. COLBY Office at Home, on Cook Avenue. Telephoue 163-J. LIBBRTYVILLE, ILLINiOIS. MARTI C. DECKER 315 Washington Street WAUKE>GAN. ILLINOIS. Office Phone 848. Ras. Phone 1100-.W LYELL H. MORRI Attorney-at-Law LIBJIRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Luce Building. Ras. Phone 136-M. Offie:Phone 18. PAUL Mac GUFFI LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Telepisona 83. J. E. WALTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olseacsaof WoMen and OMî1dren s Specialty. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS.- W. W. JOHNSON, D. D. S. DENTIST Phone 841. 112 No. Goesse It. WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. DR. 0. F. BUITERFIFI.D VETERINARY SURGEON Assistant St. Veterinarlan. IBRRTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. DR. J. L TAYLOR Office in Frist National Bank 01dm. Hours:-1 to 3:30 and 7 ta 8 p. a. Residence on Blroadway, opposite Park LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. CH-ARLES PR WICKENS Washlngton-Counity Sta. Phone 18 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. Publie Accountant and Auditor. Âccauntlng Systema, Audits, Books Posted PerlodlcaIIy for lirms 1'Wk do flot need a Permanent Bookkeeug. Phone 26 Hurs 3 teap,.M DRS. MION & DAM5 cLfro,c Pbyuaam Speclaiitst.-Corroction cf DfesoMittiu, Nervous and Chronie Dieatoe Suite 10-11, New Caitls no1. UBUITYVILLEtA, ILUXl0j, Cenîetery Work of Ivuy BADGER BRAND SEEDS ExceptionalPLurity High' Germination Absolutely Freedom From Noxious Weeà bave made Badger Brand Seeds The Largest Seller in the Northwest For Sale By Reliable Dealers Everywhere soie Dustr"btor L. TEWELES SUED CO. Milwakee 000000000000000000, 0 RMlGE IMM e S Arthur E. Wisnefski, 22, Wheatland, Wis. Rose Ellen Humphrey, 20. Troy Cen ter, Wia. Maybee Hiaibitta, 23, Chicago. Alice B. Blooti, 28, Chicago. Lawrence Roskom, 23, Milwaukee. Ruthi Frmshkland, 18, Mlwaukee. 1 John Hein. 24, Milwaukee. Lilllan Burke, 21, Milwaukee. Donald 0. Venkler, 24, Chicago. Frances Chapmnan. 23, Highsland Pk.1 John Raschig. 21, Milwaukee, Wis. Rose Hoefer, 20, Milwaukee, Wis, Chartes P. Kaufmnan, 29, Milwaukee- Wis. Marie Riemer, 21, Milwaukee. Wis. Frank A. Bones. 33, Milwaukee, Wis. Suson .1. Hudy, 21, Miwaukee, Wls. Chartes J. Lawrenz, 39, Miwaukee, Heten Trandt, 34, Milwaukee, Wtt. Arthur Gewalt, 41, Milwaukee, Wis. Tiltie Trandt, 30, Nllwaukee, Wis. Arthur Petet son. 41, Jacksonville, Mich. Anne Thompson, 41, Jackson, Midi. Etiward J. Waller, 31, Milwaukee, Wis. Josephine Goyk. 35. Waukesisa, Wls. Jacob W. Sprnesset-, 34 Watertown, Wis. Mautie Fenerstienn, 27. sanie. Dennis P. Mangari,21, t'ondi di Lac, Wtsý lirnce Lintieti, 19, sanie. Herbert liaite. 30, Milwaukee, Xîs. ('lais Stytoanski. 23, saine. Josephs . .owak. 22, Chticago, Ilii. Juanitti Chrnuick, '-1. Waulestîa, Wis. HenryvTr (urnhih, :I2. 1)ljbuiuela. Cota Anderson. 31, saine. Leo'nat d Petertoi2i iii'aî Ili, Steita Sadiistit -21) >No i ttiitago- Jantes Il.Richards. 27, Chictago. cago. <e-ti B.Vtlitn,î. 7 9, Mtilwauikee, Ais. Atiella Kenîni, 39. sanie. llenry Johînsons, 3.Raine. Wis. Minnie Reese, 2î, Joluît (art, 21, Wau1estîa, Wi-, liertîta Bfiis, 18, sanie. lulis JiiI, 27, Malwaukee. Wsi t-rnti inger. 23, satie. Ole L. Telletten. 52, -saine. Sofia tiristiansott. 42, sanie. Franîk J. Woriei, 37, sanie. Marie Puetz, 38, saine. Thos ,Adiams, 23, Hairboo, Wsit Mautie Criai. 19, Fon titiLac, Wis, Christaliter Barane, 28, Chicago. Louise Oakley, 24. sanie. H-arold L. Sciierer, 32, saie. Mav B. Krîeger, 30, sanie. Antot i.Gosor. 219, Watikegan. Agnes Kosior, 24, sain( Metrte F. Bennet. 25. ixeiostia. W'i. loseîîtine Kruniçio,, 18, sanie. lock L. týirirti. 21, Mlwaukee Wis. i.ydiia liasse, 19, sanie. Jacob H. White. 48, sanie. Zmilie tilijt, 52, sanie. XVnî Fin, :10, Kanosa.W, Julia Padlunskt, 18, saine. Albert Walter Kyntiberg. 25, Wau- kegan. Mary Emily Ilui. 26, Waukegan. Peter S. Hyno, 21, Ciicago. Effie Starkey. 19, Chicago. Etiward Torlecis. 28, Milwaukee. Hetitg B. Saget. 29, Milwaukee. Albert G. Dax, 22, Chicago. Cara P'tinda, 19, Racine. Wls. rChlarles Louis Austin, 22, Miuwati- lcee. Eveleen Nolan. 20, Wauwstosa, Wis Lyle R. Slsty, 29, Waukegan. Margaret Mauti Qelling, 25, Wauke- gan. Frank E. Markwell, 45, Waukegan. Cors May Raston, 84, ZMan. Oscar L. BaileY, 21, Rose Lawn. Blz. M. Black, 19, Waukegan. .,TSý 22 Jbe boold OR DIE do visat we Drn capsule. R. 5. ken te 24-R Night rium lob"ionaMw afsfl ITsSs 48ry ' , 1 anI s p T CQ. 1 ---------------- "ai

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