r>pertyvfile éIndependen t AU . TON PRICL-40J0 PUR VEAIIISTRtICTLY IN AVANCE. Office TelePh«o.Numbr 1 Ir ustovvWe Exchange. SUI11TH ..-.. - .manager S.0. NALLEY .. ~ ..-. .. Local Manager MI SIû CfiRI ICAJH1INAI, RATI q"4 &J V 19 &W~PUA4 WiAXU1AÂ.1A4Ali a A11 Cdv-RACKED IIEADS ELECTED POPE ON BA1TLINÛ POICE SEVENTII BALOT Mk riot occurs Sunday night Deadlock is broken at Rome at the Lincoln dance hall this afternoon when pontiff on south side is elected Obe -an aboi; and mare than n Romte, FeIt. .- Cardinal Ratti, »ýe of others suffemtd cracked heads archhiehop et Milan, vas ioda>' elect- a vitched battit beiveen tva Wau- ed pope et tht Roman Catbolic church, i~ oieofficers and a moli et on tht seventh ballot. Ht la an Itll- îéi bundre dancers ai tht Lincoln an and ta understood to tavor recon- ~eehal, Nnthand Lincoln streets cliation heiveen tht vatican and tht lRay 1tnight aiabout ien-lhirty '- stat. à4L Thneughout tht morning great Bim 4damsky, 23 years aid, eiding crowds had vaited expectanilluint. à Yuetntb street, Northi ChIcago, Ptter's Square. As tht neon bour ig abot through tht righl art b>' a drt-w near ail tyts vert straintd upon Utm Policeman Edward Mihl's tht Sistine Chapel chimnney. Shertl>' woa:H as rexaoved te tht Viii- &fier 11:30 a'ciock a thin visp of r WW bo$al here lie vas atlendtd abolie merged fron thie cbimney. r23.- ý. ffley. There vas a bush for tht generai ex- TAO lKubayko, 24 ytars aId, HuIs- pectation vas that It wonld turu ta »%O M. wuVa fltd. $25 and coste ln an al>' tblack, thtesignal a! ne ele- Mt Wonday moing on a charge lion. On the cantrar>' il cantinued a ý belg the chie! Ixtaigater of thte[ light gray'. . >t. He paid thetnie and vas dis1 Immediatel>' a-grtat about vent ci> Mled. and tht crovd made n rush forward Ageordlng te tht police, trouble bas to gel as close as poseible ta tht bal- be 6ewlig betvetn tht patrons of con>' ni> vich Il la tbe ancient cus- *; lAncln dance hall and lbosteOftotn for tht new pontif! b appear and àe urteenth street dance hall, con- bies tht assentbled multitude. Weflte b> Phil Lewsndowsky. ever Announcemeni wîs made tbai tht ge. tbÀ latter hall vas clostd receni ew ontffbad chose tht natta e! .ýWürd vas paased arcund tva Plus XI. and he wîlIlie knôvn b>' ibis telm Mo, It lancbarged, thal thtei>fr tille so long as be accapies tht chair *» of tht Fourteenth street dance etS eee abc;dnii h ma of te Linolen"alup"Tht al conclave is supposed te have chosen ~~ o! tht Linoe'ln hal.Ttsati is ove mmd tht nnme be viiili e oMpinl said te have been made ibai iaffuciail>' knavn b>' so that ln tht M Plice vould "get theima" If tht>'ý eveni of election, he can make l î4U 0 iiterlert. knoovoat once.-1 Lib.e dance Sonda>' night tht man- Itlai custemar>', immediatel>' after or14D Il happeaIed te tht anneuncement et an election fat '14*u f~¶ic and Tbomtas Ibret cardinale te lead the 0ev 80v- bà te maké tht speclaters ereigo poulif loto tht robing roont !e:t 1§6 that there vauld be adjacent te tht Sistîfle Chapel wbere i6M ftoMM or tht dancere. Ibret sets et papal robes are laid out. fii. Pbiien teartd te carry out cOne la et large size, ont mediumt and r eqaet -Kubayko, is il charged, one le amal. Tht variations ars OMMnty refunedtula meve. challeng- made se ibat' ne malter vbat the *?oiicemm uMeMahan to put huma stature et tht new eovereign pentufi kl.A second later he staggered he wli find tht robes te fit it. Mk :rn a blev ihat cloBed ont of In olden tintes ihere vert elabo- ASecond bow in tht ci rate ies andi cerentonies througb W w: hnto ink te the 110cr. Tht_,ýht._ _ . »Mls uowîwt Âdamsky là aald rushed ni, cllpping the officer 'b..d ang eausing hi. bat to go aeross the ha]l Policeman ruibéd i)> to the assistance of toer oMeer and he received a Oe.eathen began to close in oticers who were obliged to ter clubs. For a few minutes club &shed briskly. landing on cranlnms of those who happened eaetac htttofcr M*iite the t htheofcr îw* ont nuntbertd over fifty to one be beld their ground, and presently ~biob withdrew out of range ot the Sgoi1gthat the officera had ail tht opg of It, Adamsky ran toward the W«r wltb Policeman Mihic In pursuit. 4.Âdaznaky reached tht outaide the M0Ner shouted for hifl to hait. Ht odd no beed. Then tht officer drew da gun. Hie fired tht shot loto tht air. ismsky palLi no attention. The next @ýM trck tht ronfler in tht arni. H-e eamta but diâ net pau-sa. Strained MU&i. Te organist at Gloucester cathedrai "eires thai lite lesent vogue of Wtaing hair over theeaéq I.,i responsi- Nea for a lot oft nor si,,ging. Hie ëfinion ls opet; te criticsii. lut !t i2 genîeraiiy adm,,;te l iat 1;t; uli e betteT If soete ingprs worc ilite hair over their iullis instea;.-Eve In't it True? Mu d cheaper youn mn your Àcv 1e etter? Then why ron ym~ time untli they blo'w out, w>fl jou camget thent rebuili ikà #»d as a neowont? Mm ts are theaper now, but "-wbsnySocmca'et your tire bill ý;1wal It'a cheaper yetà lant o your tires retreaded vltb a gd 'kt t o' ecme loose, b>' obpugdlag methed that ln ten vS bead ef an>' o^ber. WTat4JLfJINGA Mmmm sFm ised. _ - uiMEi h tonthentee POPe vas conutti feiig bis elevation to thtenlghti- est "'id botai office of tht Roan church . But .ethIese thte001>' one that rentmala tht coronation. Tht 0ev pnntlff Im in e crovotti within the next veeli andi cardinale, nov ea route for Rome vbo vert un- able to ,et here ln lime for tht con- clave election, vii lie at hanti tor tht elaborate coronation mite. Tht Pope', date their pontîfîcates front tht day tht>' assume ibeir tiana rather than fron tbthtdate of electien b>' tht conclave or cardinale. When tht pope ls crovueti. lie receives alec the fantous ishermant ring. wbicI- bears tht great seal ef the vatîcîn and is symbolle o! the vearer's high office. hIt s net rentoveti untîl deat vhen il is brokeo up and remoulded. Tht cief cenemonies et tht papal coronation lake place le tht Sitine Chape) wltere the elections are con. ducteti. Shortly aller 12 'cieck tht new Penîlff-Pope Plus XI. as lie will b. konalter be is fermail>' crowned -*---d u'ten tht vatican balz,0n1 frnflhng St. Peters' square. Tht vast erevd vhich f lleti tht fereceunt knelt lin,,-eveence ta receive tht papal hlessing. Tht Italian soidiers pre- senteul aris during the ceremony. LIBRT VLL IDEoeTTIM MA , FEMARY 9. 1 92i ________ MAROON ANU-WHITE STÀTE suis~ 1Eio-nChief-Eleanor Waldo Ateictant. Editor-Mavi. Gailoway P E E T~ i~ i Oesk Editora-Carolyn ButterfioId, Kathryn, Moiae and Ethel Hansen, FP EJi0 I MAROON AND WHTE Thetfirat teant track L'e are on a ma O »P UM NA Lust Prtday evenlng L. T. H. S. sut- roon Oval with a white border, the LUs .- .7;J (Tluursday fered a defeat at tht handaet an older being white. Tht second teant L'a are Warn that close association and heavier aggregation representing On an eval ef white wtb a mareon \Vauconda high sechol. border, the L'a keing tau-oon and a ma. thP iesidn ro o Tht gainte as btyond question tht roân 2 ta show It Ia a second teant L..hatyPron otei tastest basket hall saine ever vit.. Thet frot teint basket bail L'a are m.'~.J7 atvt nessed on tht home floor. Wauconda on a marooin dlamond, UL'a bins white. Tht state departuntnt of public city 1 etaried ta cage baskets ai tht open- Tht second tta.m L'a ane on a white htaiih ln urging means te prtvtnting pv2/i largement ing et the quarter. Titres baskets diantond with a miaroon L and 2. Pneumonie warns that close assoNm both mena were made in tht tiret two or thrtt -Mr. Teed then gave Ont the foot bailltien with patients auffering fione the minutes of play. But this made thteLUs. Tht foot bail L'a are white wlth digease la dangerous la an>y heaithy ~ ~~ad lmbti L. T. H. S. quintet 1'liven up" a littlt, a narmOw m&oon edge. pelr5on. en are thE i and Hook tallied two pointa ini aide-' - ach foot hall player vas supposet "Tht Prevention of pntumnonia must e r h stepping the Wauconda guard and te rive a speech, but Mr. Teed =oud\ e iargely basod upon gene, ai pin- more of a plant.Ing a neat throw frain tht fret Out that there veret to many boys. ciples guided by anaiogy frointit-f.t tif throw lune. Wauconda seemed te peu- lI bat moat ot tht boys fet lno-ier Infections," a stattntent on tht fis lsi etrate our giiardlng systein tinte and fortaiie; you knew that feeling that disease b>' tht depaniment gays. -An Whether the goitre is ci timte again, and te much advantage te o yip hpe you wen't be called d important tact toelit bornesin mind onadconstantiy la that germne which causet3JO ecaslesnth thent. They uaed tht much talktd Of at tht sairne tinte yen have a nie littie ibis daseseaiment sivaye comte Yethcaulisnte Wisconsin passing systent. Tht baaitapeech planned each minute Yon thlnk front Parsons aufftring or convaîts- nerve impulses due to pre& ended wlth Wauconda ln tht lead. Tht You aresons to be csiied on and then cent front the saint or front others oPenirs at the spine. Il scor e at this tinte vas 18 te 6. when lt'4 al ever you realy don't have carrYing virulent germa derived fronte In tht second haIt aur boys starttd te speak and you know yonr speech contact with a case, convalescent or ciorci pnlajs at a trerrlflc pace and for a whlle tht>' was a regular peach, snd you are dis- "carrier."rpati pnl dut held their own with tht heavler aggre- appointetl. -"1flIi in Most Instances carriers giVen a chance, restores no gation, but welght selon began te tell Âfttr tht awamding of tht L'a we ail of dangerous or virulent germa lie- aeytp rso m and Wucond scord seeil bsketsgavevarfos yen forcomtauch through contact or expos. aeytp rso&*e atd Waucondale' tor.dSvi akesgv afoayUfrtht boys who art te cases or convalescents, and Tefboco adgîr taLbryvlesfor #re soins te play Wauconda. At noon oniy continue te lie a menace te Tef)Od rladgir Had It net been for Parktr'e gritty oulr ever.pevvy cheer leader discover. othera teînporarily (Iùsually ibreetet SD)c 'iii o Lguardlng tht score woultl have benu ed a ne-w anake damce snd ve ail yell. tour veeka>; still there are sente in- M G MEI O ntuch more lopoidtd. 9ilook playtd a ed Ouratives hoame. dividuale wbo continue te barber bard gainteai centér, and .procteded Mr. Ray aise gave us permission te thesce virulent germa ln the secre- ItWas big and bard, bi te set knocked eut ai the end o tht e ll ewe tid.tiens Oet lItit mespirtor>' passages m eklosnra.Itt fauth quarter, thereli>'wtakeuing tht MIl togethernow-! 1 tither constantly or intermittently.", tesmomidebl. Prteuea uusu L be rt y ,"Illinois," the departmntg ays, *,la a miracle. MYbheartdomsno tay ftastably. P0rteous.is' a nMate i- l 1 uL Ibe Y nt ot tht statea ln vhich reporting bic Me any More an& the0 au>' ast ly ooer ork aise foture.boys fI Ietpnelinonia caues, isolatio ~of tht Certinlyno nt cn kck, or or bys ----saute and Placarding tht Prentses are troule W" 1 6 bd for ninc put forth ail tht>' had ln thein. Here's NEWS NOTES 0F THE SCHOOL required. Discharges front the nose hgnmc om up 1hoping we tntm DesPlainues on our owfl Mr. Rawk and Leverett are back et and ibroat muet ha carefully collect. fem" tMyMp floor next F'nlday night. eholnemr.td and destroyed by borning of dis. a spent a fortune doctorh -E. K., '22., ht gîtne clmsore. bay Infection.nergorlifntlIbg 0 The glee clubs re busy training "F'urthernore, ibese ln attendanc e ergorlifnt 1b a OEMONSTRATION OF AN their veices for this contins fflday uPon cases et Pneumonia and thonst oractie. I dioUght ro, OVEN HEAT REGULATOR night. So tht opera ls belng negltcted (onvaitscing tberefront should lie re- were nunibered, but now 1If Thursda>' atternoon, llebruary 2nd, at present. qle te takie precautions to prevent tht traneter et Infection to and i'tm a new person."-M. A.P rMr. Martin dennnstrated to tht ment- Marguerite Diltz left L. T. H. S. a tht secretions of tht resPiratory Chiropractic Research Stai bers of tht Wonten's Club and Domes- few veeke ago, and Ie nov trying to Passages. InI hief, ,ncoi t ibo is ttc Science classes an oven htat reg- like Waukegan High ScIteol, aur dear disease requires tht saine Drtcau-' No. 1 294H. ulater. tniend. tiens regarding tht departtpent of ail Ths e dvie ha mileuestblpersans concerntd as-bas Iteen teund HEATH 15 HAi NEff Thisis deicetha mesure tt iCalvin Bracher bas been back with toelie effective ln tht central of diph.-Geacinfrbtrbe hebat. With II, hy seiting tht tempera- us for seinte tinte, but as soon as he therla and tuberculosia. eacinfrbtrha rturc vheel at tht de&ree et heat vant- vas O. K. Edgar Harris decided to "In addition te measure,' which areteponn 26fra r d thlaeecnest thateprueîeî h basket bail bump bis elbow; more directly rtlated ta tht contre] and vill bentaintanetd at that peint iuotefeae fra tifar, etumnia, tht prevention ef pneu- ment. indetinitel>'. tu h eao o sbfamonis may lie censidered under two C A .~ Whai a tanialzlng suggestion te the DesPlaines contes here next Frîda>'. general headings, nantel>', pet tonal DR. CHA . D NI housewii'e whe bas ne maid - "Go eut Lets help tht test as ntuch as pesai- hygiene and praiective vaccination." an ejo te eatfu atenon hI1be with aur pop and yells. Don't leti 0f tht latter, tht department ex-. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICI, nndenjy ht eatitl atenoo."anether deteat came on tht achoal this plaies Ihat tîte results et ibts wark SPectaî,ts-..Correction of Defor eWith an aven heat regulator loy e are net as yet entireiy conclusive but eptratuce, long-tinte coeking le aise ai;tyear. Tht nev "enake dance" vhichel ppastîa peiiotacnainNervous and Chronic DOse; your commtand, permiiiing the caoking tht schoai gave last Friday is a grellt agaînst certain types et pneuManiiL Houre: 1 te 5 and 6 le 8. 8, of a comuplets and veli halanced meal succesi. are of value in lintited greupa ichen and Holidays b), Appeintmi hfor ibret ar four houre. Authoritie The tiark cleude have settied on contact te tiequettand tntimte. isa>' thai as high ne eeveniy per cent* ihose vha vishtd dancing afier eohoel. Receet trials et euch methods le Suite 1-11--Newcastie iHo' ofe a womnan's tinte la eçent in tht Na hottes for yen vlth tht ninthie feet. So utfin t eceotelaryLBRYILIL kitchen. Small partions of tht toodlWl ni h Itpry odrn tercn ol a t vicbhadbee prpamd vs vinilyWai unil ht exipany.give promise et leal that Pneumonia e wic bilbee pepre_____inll may ultimateili e conlroiied ln large eerved. Tht food Io deliclous and dote Cancer of the Toe-Nnl. nmure by preventive vaccination, net coak ta plecta. Ontetftht rares; ;i, fi-eltwn l in h eaîe;blee.__________________ -O1 cancer et thten. l, y fou aim -t-es le- inthet raining campe, I ie ett FRIOAV'S A8SEMBLY. îng on record. Tite most re;; nt e thai the incidence at pnturnonia a-as a] iot.s (If Infection, the department Lasi Prida>' aur boys were avarded l --ltt tFI; alstlta.. wc ' ra mog'nacn;d.a . tarly diagnosus i., important tht long looked for L'e for track, bae- the tne;III-al ci ' of Bell,, Bell, as ame;tg recenti>' sace.,;. .i ,- ~ tcp, oainf0 ket hall and foot hall. Wilsaon flen- Herizoutt- ht-t-ut. hIl il;;;;'If ahi-cruits. Amo.; c sasourd rO;.the othe. i . T-.a;le it.n titu;; 'ran 3difference vas even grenter. thero e lieIOtintained lt;t-'antd ott' i a 3dort received an L for track and aise bonerttg,-tt -.xty, ',ho hal il ýj; thte n letsvntie s mn lt-hoali b1) .1~" n1 amedal, ne he had tht bighest number nul of li,-. igîit;grea; tee.lit toecaselor ;evemni men as.' ,n ' lehns eto pounts, a total of 33 pointa. wa 'îalfî tht olla;;. ,;îî;r- .sacci natlt s atneng t he vaccinatedj Don.;,;;s, nu; sî sý an.d altit t ah 0 It bas token langer ibis ytar, as thtte;;l tt--î.lî-';ti>'rh't, OWtoc%smen. te*;dant,- ipon o! - n tut,;on!] t Athletic Association base een deciding exailltùe;i tttictrorîIcaly ,and co- Succesetul contro] ef pneutuonta ïhouid sv.,; sa g.uzt- ni K at o n L'a that vIlI be elven nU tnt tinte. firni;ed iii,-;iagt;ttIs.q necesitales lundamental recognition gown which should rentain in tiie-sik i J ---oe tht ac; that each case ies apaien; .ront îpon leavtng t'. ;t. London. Feb. 6. -Cardinal Ranti, arcl;bishop ef Milan, bas been elected popte, siicceediog tht Ite Benetilci XV., according te na reuter despaich fitel Rote tari>' ibis afienneon. Car- dunal Ralti a-as a candidate o! tht sa- calieti 'rescet"part>' vblch favars reconciliation hetween ttht vatican and tht Italien state. Cardinal Rstti is over slxty ytars of age and he vas choet a cardinal less 4ban a year ago, ai tht lasitanou elator>'. Ht le a native of Milan. In recent year he bas beto papal nuncinore Poland, baviox beeo sent le Ibat ditordereti country' b>'Pape Benedici XV. Spectal services are being heldt Iis aflernoon aI 4 'clock ai tht Imaco- laie Conception churen. This heur vas set te give thte chool chiltiren ot tht parlsh an epportunit>' ta at- tend tht ceremnta>. BOTiI LEOiS OFF, MNw EDS OIlRL IN AUTOMOBILE Being unable te Waik te tht mer- niage altar because be lest botb of hie legs on accouent e! Iineas, Chares P. laufntsn, 29, ef Milwaukee, ciaed a marriage ceremon>' ta l e ptormtd la hie automobile in front o! tht court bouse at Wauktgaas laesWed- ns a ftomnoan, tht bride hting Mise Maie Riesnem, 21, al59 of MU. wauItt. o. ilsidOt n, 1tht car vith tU êdO*ay, records and g ot XaUtnU'a signature te thtlie- gênât &lUatloa. 3uallce J. V. Bals performed tht ceremon>'. Tht Justice ooepled tlie reer seat of the ainsit, and tht couple aald tht necessa w#dsas tbey «at la thet=,irot t i WITH GOITRE? Y.Health Traik Number 10) lBY Chas D. Nixon) is due toe bnormal glnd It causes a disfiguring en- of. the neek, and claims and womçn ainong its vir- i a majority of &ses wom- isufferers. No disea$e is s couJ ge te women because- Ïglring posslblhtles. of the watery or the fibrous dicsturbed action of spinal %sure umon dhe spinal nerve 'hs Pressure is removecl by îments and Nature, being ormal glandular action. The ere quickly t adjustnknts. ýe. responcis more slowly. )it Do0w ~ik it is tt trou- le years xie.J mg, but ,an with mydays feel like atemnent mlth býy appoint- 0ON AN omit, os, eacs. .undays Cent. Icie liEALTII THE ?UUDWMIUMIS AM HzlEAR1 PANCRU SPittA %IDNCYS BOW[LS SAPP NI TELOWER NERVEt UNDERTIE MAGNIFV* i ING GLASS 'S PINCtIEO BYAMI5ALIC.NED JOINT. PINCIIED MERV£$ CAN14et TRANSMIT IIEALTHMFUL IMPULSES. ClIiROPRAC- [TI4CAlDJUSTtNG RE- NOVES TH1E PRESSURE. 714£ UPPtR NCRVE 15 VEEMAlllAErrN IND pus , * * Saow's Auto Lerv-Taxi Ser- -vice. Phone Libertyvile 306-K Buver and seler of ail lands of Liite Stock'- mise dressed beef. Tel- enhone Libeîtvvlie 124-R or 261-W-i. 2-4t 1NATIONAL TEA-COMPANY BtWIER I E EI INEGGS We carry only Fresh and care- the finest ob c u f u 11I y candled tainable at the Friday, rebrùary 1 Oth and Saturclay, reDruary il thi,1922 and graded at loes aretLIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS owest prices. ket prices. SUGAR Granuated Pound.. 51-4e Specimi Bargain Item Grape Nota ............... 1 C Special Bargain htem Special Bargain Item Cilce, PilsMr 1-1b. can .... .......18e Bran .................... 14e Special largim hIem Special BlguaItem Salmon, No. 1 Fairy Soap, small. size. Ba ker' Ç«ooab 1/zlb tins . ............1.......- . 18C Bakes's Prmim Chocolate, l/2..b. cake....18c Cor. met iite or yellow ....... .....-------/l- pamndle Soap ..... ... .. ......... ......- ----S/ Nmola Oi, Pints .... .................. - .....26C Aspargu-Pratt Low No. 1 square tns.........36c S(Large size tipa) 9joiaaogo. Ila alfÂprkofi, good syrup.-.....16C payalap g1 oui m Baelib.rriin ti yrup ..... .-.14e wèw Ni. N,2 tim s Lira Ch"iCreeu SageasRsu SnrU-me e«May" eNo. 2 ins S d&.t..I le ié NOTE ý For effective saving in your Groeery purehases, try "National Every-day Prices," a few of wbich we submit herewith for comparson. A visit at the above mentiened store wiII further demonstrate how you can eut down your Grocery BOIS. Naional Cocon' 8-oz. jars ........................... Ise rab Me4No. !2 tins, 6-o7 ........... Tmu, No. 1/2 tins, ail white, Catalina Brand ..-21e Lsaaberies0, No. 2 tins Hunt'& Supreme . ........31c PUants, roasted fresh everyda.......16 Ams. Home No. 2 ins Gr*te Pineapple, in syrup 21c (Excellent for desserts, cake toppings, sherbets, etc.) Cooperators No. 1 Fkt'rm .Cinoek Samo .3..... The finest sa1non packed) Wà* tapioc.a. .......12c Kiwit datin....l.... 2C lesu S" Be aus, mediîum size ýs * - I _______________________________________________________________________ Special Bargain Item Tomato Soup, Van Camp's .............- c FLOUR Gold Medal '/aBM.Sak ....... 98C Special Bargain htem Special Darga.itehm Novelty Dry Slîimp, Dromedary Shrdde No. I tin......._-_...... lOc Cocoanut, !/-1b. pkig. 15e Special Bargain Itm S4" Bl arga In em 40/5 Lage SntaNational No. 2 tins 40/50 ar e S ........ i Fancy Telephe Peas 14c ClatiPruns .......16c weet Mud Tender Rd Cross Mc«tuiorSpahtL - -.. Nu o SnCe met..- -- - 17e Day Broms, eacl. . . ........ - t DMi Piclil, Gold Medlal, quart jar ....... -- Sweet Gherin, Banquet. 12-om jar.~. Galvani Sop ..-......... . .... --. .. .......5. Old D"thCl . 0-Ceda0O1 Ped4 12-m .45c; 4-oz... ......23c Uaivosa id 09 M is large, 56c; sn&all....... é Lyubinle, 8-ot jar. Blue Rbon.....--- Premie, 1-lb. jar, Cony Am rm 2 (Raàpbsrry ot3trawbera) t E E E = = i E E E = = E i I E lu c ~al »41