CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Feb 1922, p. 8

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nf, g iste on athea rW py eiutien iln rent, Mag .'eex*âer, managing directo M3ou ,t£e% Patiousa Meta Ria5dation, anýth1e Natons ae' sSocatio.. ý,h1g'i*ctof ltiing aiso ilatdue "' lit Alexander sald. "te lbh )f coa andt other fuel, ant Ir Nttlle. Me milions of vonkera an( 8ý.l1es really vent decent lii aters at a Hlvng pnb. lb.e >eist tI I heir co-vonkers lI Iidlng traites, andI coal mines traasportatIon activillea, coi, rtem Ibeir armtcal var vage Woe their iworkng etflcbenc: un as ell nîher vonkers bav ;de. " .1uge Building Prouram e workers of thie couftry, b 98poon vag. deflationlent il1118l classes, bave Itlin 1.0e. Ito reduce rente. A billion do' wortb of building operation -1 AMMedately b. start& 1 ates votîlitb. lover ani ta îachinery generally vouli tI msore quickiy. Ait unemVlo3 wbisld b. retinceti or pmcicali: AeixantI-- rseit IinaufficeeuldE tu pijè- a nd vages vas t bstacle le the vay of a bus! ivvaI. 01delst oalareaityratte 7Ët fttmn producta." 0e sel( er. !**On. '-ahber and other basi p.s are e:then seltI et prices û Yr ies-q. The pnices of man joîpetipî,rytucta sund especis ail =îî prices . are considerabi ý*wa sr prices. »«e ôut Many S6h11 aI Peak imoevenuess ie prIas lquida ppl a manifc-ýî ln vaselquidî ,Wages ui .ndtstrial vorker gly bîvr tfloveti om the blg] e the mitl (,rr 1920 by frai 4 Dei 'c-Oit. but the vegea o " - t ;I:',,.r , ben reduce. 2 1 2 V-- e'vt.TO. vages o 'l'e -, buildutit rade employe bAihr lin-.-eipînyes aresail pieit. intid .effort 10 redueý rce %;~ <1 organizeit resistane, Intlmde i-c:increesed vag rco~St Iflvitîe. vOicO for tlb ie seage .r. andIbis fenilý F, 190. lied Mare than doublet einst .luly. 1914. bas been r- ie ilit: aiiit i; only about 6 M# highet thet il vas befor ;. anti that met-case la cliefi: I.0 letandtuel." »I0 o o o 0 0 oo oo LAKE ZURICH pt O O0 O00000 i tXRZurich bowling leaus vo: M.PaItne leans by 132 pins il h isat TbuntIey 4 Mmeý.T Atherat Hoetl tetui-ne( kW'. venlus tram an extende( moInita. sand Mns,. Miller of Bemringtoe 5UMaaY villi M. E. Lohman ees A.. Ob. vbo bas canducteti a farti ý_Sle eesî of tovu, vili 0evf ýou sale Feb. 1010 anti iove tI Ray evening the Rork club vat uWtY etertaleet et tlb i,Mru.. Heman Prebai' hetofSr. Ppter'atthurch bel laI social evening of the yeei Or eveulng ln lb. chuncli parlors -es'e pieyed anti refresbmentý &0 aboti 20. >13anti deuglter of r -wtt *buspent Santiay e wt fLatbenine Flooti of Cicago vis ~the veek end vith lime W. G. $%tqn vas 001 tSandsy ta set tl tire a et tcrae -ioe w eng belle vvlll aaae Prebni visitet is Oife lanti lit. J4 Chicago over tlie veek sud.. XM.g andI LeRoy Leetiver. Jes. la an4 R. Tonne atientiet the Slait veek- 10I% fluri of Lake Forest vis- antI&VAMoeday vith friends w: s v e n the si ck liaI lest Gahbeck apent Sunday foikzaietPalatine. Jr.. and son, Glen- ]Kra. Eichmann, vboïs et 's ospîtal recoverles frmappendbcitis. -elxMas. Jas. Suet- eta a buneo party. *;warded 10 Mns. Auguslt "lbavtng the Most voiuts, a »içms4on vas given lth. retmeshmneaus en leveaing pasaeitveny _ M 'oeft one day lest Wbeaylgcenbylatie àwi sir by Henry Wevetser. and Eahel xoatgomezy. Iack's vite, Peuti Bick- iJUs. a. SWE1NIwIserin ill 0be dmotfranIDae he naos; Siunsmua a c1Osériaec- BW JoUt MIst att.yUe Ond, as VirginiaBiliget Yrry's in- ~lJf*"'~' ady * 4kSoD ls tended vite. AouBen 210*, a Turk A.F. SStIonts viii mee 1 t aigMnde chucla frn u Aywt i g OU erandvesO 100 iÎTelderfoot Initialen. An l is daughter, Zuluka, a tender T1urk- hURtraN CRASh W meebing5 làis maliden. payed by iidvard Ernsat R -I RÀ ryrMeting eusaFb1. and Doris Schumacher. Mrs. Barrung-,__ Toplt% «Orme Freedomy pStnBridges,1the mober vho bad ber, Brother of Waukegan men fPosto t the re byeram.r bad ton akn care of ber daugh- f1il OBtlflat : leuMei l Pre. tors. Virgla and Mabel, vas Francs senfously ifjtired when mail bytei' ichurch nOarWionaen Lhan.The Irish Cory ladiy vas tran-sries u 14, 15 andI 16. Be sure 10 attend none other than Margaret y4jnr. vbo -a stone bh added comedy and look ber part ittbl Joseph iH. Sweeney, 40, was Instant- Rig5iiber 1h18 la Plaid Week for e ese id ate adecdedhi vth e- Y kllled, and Andrev F. StahI, brotb- Lake COUity i th or f O Anti- 9-eryone. Eliner Plannel <RIoantI Berg- er of T1., J. and 'Peter C. Stahi of Wall- Saloon Leaguet. A popular banquet 'T orn) hadl a bord lime convlnclng bi kegan, aerlousiy Injured, fate Monday ai the SaIyatIOn Arzny Hotei Tueaday, reatlves l>at the little, Turkishatrnnbeafs oonemi eb14. A speaker viii be at Ibis -matën w th futre rs, l.'train etruck tbe automobile In whioh 10) a. In. àatürday beforeshrdluahrdi ,, alenvas(.e utue n. tbeg were rlding at Wbesatland, Ws.cburcb 1eti. 101h. I No play ta complete wlthout a de t',Mr. Stabl, former s3herif 0of Konosba Copatcec rdyeeig al Is,,e Fred Bull added bis lune wilh county. was pannet under the cow hipacceabFndyvnng 1suces. In every respect the entire catcber and carriëd Ivo bundred F. J.- Wright, chorister; Mrs. Edward 9, performance vas a great succeas, and yards. I Sayre, orgaubts. le great crédit lat due the cast for their Mr. Sweeney, who lived In Ketnsha-- In splendid work. Mr. Thompson la t0 and was a member of tbe realtly ir ST. LAWRENGiiS EPISCOPL. libe congratuiatted for the vay eatch one of A. F. Stabl & company there, and R~ Batty, Pastr Lddid bis or ber roie.. ho vas employedt by T. J. Stahl & .fb 2h etae 1a ndy y- tSndymnun tr :f y-Company in Waukegan for Ibre. yearv -Tbe prieat-fn-obsrls viii celebratel , t u rn atarted je lbremfraat pror to goieg te Kenosha three yeers the HOIY Communion at Grayolake ai in erlusoriln tatedIn b ban a ,ago. was hurled fromt tbe car, and 8:30 a. m. a, tbe I.ake Zurich creamery. A Passing, sîruck more tban 20 fest front the Cburuh olmol at 10 a. m, William e engune on tbe"J gave the aiarm and, crosslng, bis skuli -belng fractured Walronci, Supt. es avakened Ed Young, who rang tb. and neck broken, Y tre ellant caie ou tb vounter Mr. Stabi vas caught on lb. cov- Mornhng prayer and sermon et 11. ,y tre ellandcaled ut he oluteei ctchr ad crrid *00 ard beore Sermon labject, "Whal la Religion?" e tire departmient, vbose ttmely arrivai catcherserdicarried 200 yards before badl tbe fire under control i a sbort' tbe ta4 couid lie stoIpped. Members E5ehl evc.vt drssb h lime. It vas feared that If il had 001 0ft tbe train crev found hlm uncon- 18ev. Cyrus Andrevs at 7:80. by been discovered vben il vas serions 1acioue, stIll pinned 10 the front of the Musical pregranm ai 11. Russel lir damage mlgbt bave been the resuit» nie . Fag ogne: ,IrAsml muto a a b i. "Tell my wife-'m flot burt badiy," Procesicual - Allelulia, Song of A amat amout 0f ay va bun ed. gasped. Tben he relapsed into a Sveetnes. sand tbe faithful teant of mules vers state of semi-coniousness from vouie-PAbthn. ~cenaumsd. 1vblch lie did not rally soon. The dead Benediette-HEalker. 2d Services at St. Peters ebhurcb for and Ilnjured vere taken te ilverlake. Benedict1ju.-.5venth Tone, Id Sunday, February 11. as follove: Peter StahI bastened from Wauke- 'nTa >, SnaySho e :0a.m e gan 10 the bedolde of hie brother at Offlie Rymn-Tbou, WhoonTa vicsu lii Sermanat 9o:30 a.n. Se- midnight. He found Ibat lhe bad a Wondrous 3ourney.. vice In ermn ai10:30 a m. silght fracture of the akuli and that OUerory-O, Worsbip the King- e- At 8 p. mi. the Rev. Mr. Schoppe villilbis igbt leg vas brpken belov the Maiteder. .e lie Installed as minister by 1ev. Vocks! knee. Reports recelved bere ibis morn Recesonal-Tbrougb the Night of si f Palatine. lIng vere Ihat bcelit restlng easier. 'ihe Doubt and Sorrev. .~ 1'lda eenlg t 800 seio chir fracture vas flot reduced Monday su floty eenig a 8:0, enir coirnight because of the weakened condi- d. pracitice; Saturday at 2:30 p. m. junior lion of the patient. A T CIl~T e choir practice. Messrs. Stahi and SwOëney bad gone AUTO AC IDENT~ et Fridsiy, Feb. 17, t0e Ladies Aid vIll to Burlington, Wis., on a land deal and ri give a birlbday party,. e short program vwer. returnnng 10 their homes ln enT-L K a' nd efesheno wll e ervd.Ev- osha in a Buick sedan. At thé Wheat, FATAL O L E 'yeryone la invlted 10 attend, and each land crossing they vere stopped ie- one la 10 bring a Venny for eacb year,' cause e freigbt train blocked ItL When <rf<f~T lthey are of age. A goodtintie la lun'lie freigbt pulled up they stsrled FORES R Ei IÇ EI>L'T la- tor fo yoingandold sepla togo.acrosandI did flot see a southbounti stora o on niod opa og. mail train, approaching on the oppos Sn £ ' I- eh lie aide of the freight. The automobile S oo promlnentL akle Forest tus demolisheti. Sweeney vas drving Realty dealer received frac- ~ MANY MILI~ CASESr. Sweeney leaves a wife ntue skl of1Mrs. Sweeney la ea ister of Mrs. GfiO J.aei 5 no sCliamerî, foreriy ofa226lack- aMr. and Mrs. John Griffith, promnent ;~sI1e 0ofLUVNiClla : J. M ant acto a and wealthy realdents of Lake For- ce OF W AUKIEUiAII idiga 0 eadsret it.Tusa onn t3oco when býrthe, lft h otheg fr Waukean bis automobile strtick a Ire.. e That many cases of la gipe ilaitk. mThneorSlvr F.accident occurreti on Sheridan Waukgani raliy ar î,,ldcass TO hoy 0 Mr Sveneyvasr.-road, aI the rifle 'range, near Fort ly Wakgnltraiyaeml ae Tébd fM.SenywsrSheridan. They vers 001 driving d, of the flu and would have been solI moved 10 Kenosha. 1 more than 30 mlles an hour. Some- e- dlagnosed during te lu evidemie Mr. Sweeney viii b.e buriet i eOtak- lhing vent vmong vith the steering 6 ber. a, few years ago, la the tate, vooti cemetery on Thursday aftemnoon gear. th, bottom of vbiCh became e ment of a well known WVashingtofl Th. funerai services viii bie conduct- loose, anld the machine, e Franklin ]y physiclan who hati an opportirnity 10 etI et Ilansen's Funerai Home on Park sedan, shot off the roati. torough e rtange d nisin lluehe sut '-losme avenue in Kenosha et 2 p. m. Th=~- fence and smashed against the tree rane turig 1e lst plumie day, Feb. 910. TO.elteverend S. W. on the range. 9 -rie cases thallhave. conte to my Chidester of the First Presbylerian Young Griffith vas In the reaity attention are extremely mitd and church of Waukegan will Officiae.. business wlth bis faitier and was ilo 00 there is nothing t0 gel ali ed i ________the ie e id. "Froi ny observa-ileest nD 0eautomobile acces- tion .1 arnconvlnced there are a nmsoybusinessawth Robr eoz n be, ofthes caes bl-, ut rýiw hohwas vitOhMim vben the fatal l ea flis atahu it ny o- h u r eh ier vices Icras toccutreti. They hatI been et t hem are little more Ihan lard colds.I I people who become il v,il exercise th% automobh,' sho',. In C'hicago, and ti ordlnarv t recsulions t cre probabty FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAI ller amidigh t ppe tarteti for ýd wil te no complications. Charles J. Dekey, Palor. oe SundaySeboo aI 1 a m.Il. A i : tt h O t r. tîrted a gainaI SAVE THE CI-IîLOR0Ea. m. 1)n A.1te steîing aheel andi then againat SAVETHE HILREN oung Ge. Sut10e dashhoarti, fracturing is akuil. st Public worsbip et Il a. ;n. Sermon Scbolz was not injured. Th. latter, Happy lt that land where the chul- hy the pastor. Good music by the choir realizing Griffith vas i0 a dying con- fdren are happy. America le such e Under the direction of Jack Bradford. dition hurredtieluFait heridan and ep happy land. But ln poor, famlne-trlck KOvPot-th League et 6:30 p. nu. miss summoneti an ambulance. When tbey Ien Armenia chiltihood la flot happy- Eva Willams, , president; Stewart arriveti. Griffith vas dead. Cold, bunger, deeslaîlon bave diven Smith leader. Griffith was born and reared lit ~ te ailefro 10 fae a chltioot, Yu ae cdiaîy ake Forest. He servedt in1te avili- e aou bils pl t 10e goo o reuIce îDill vited 10 ihese lonbranch of the army as e lieuten- leadIntlisMacf .e idr ten 0o f 'e- reveiycniget,.3,ml-anin Texas. He vas veJi known le deat. Mst f te chldrn o Are'l ednsda evningat :30, md- Vaukegan andtih1e enlire county. Inie, are orphana-made so lit1te vorid eek service for fellowship, bible stu- Bobh Griffith and Scbolz are meni ve wr and the repèated massacres of the dy andi prayer. "Every member outItiers of the Glen Flore Country club, . nnaeeakeble Turk. eat leest once e monîli.' Waukegan.. Afler the, war Griffith sa Just suppose that 4Ihese children' -o- of Yours ver. mothertesa andi father-:LAKE COUNTY SUBDISTRICTeNUb 1< 9-ieas; sick and ta sîing, in s Country, MEETING DSRC NOi IfARRI.I., ASx b blasted and left deeti by ver. Suppose At the Methodist Eiiscopai church. that. only cilîdren were 1.11 in Amer-l Waukegen, Wednesdey, the 11 h lut. i e. Suppose thal aIl -the0en bhiti Dr. Allison F. OYork, Diat. SupL yuwIl SI3RTS.SAILOR; lIAS -been stain, and th0e women driven int preside. Afternoon session begins eit UN WI ew 1A r bondage, and lb. roada, le winter vea- 1'.30. SupeNeEte huchetE AIVL AD ether, verè full of wandering cilîdren 1ociock. There vill be tvo interelitlng valting ta dîe--children vho lied crieti addresses et t0e evening session, be- n 00 much tOit they had no more tears i ginnIng et 7 o'clock. The officiel ment- Charles Bronson denies mar- te shed. And suppose thet e ittIe boy bers of our church are urged toe be age té Waukegan girl on Pf yours, terrlbly deformed by starve- prestent, bath attemnoon' andI evenlng, Jn tion, too veak 10 fight off devouring If possible. AIl others are InyltetI . e ar y 31 insects, vas found boarding tbree dry'pestor desires te knov flot later than sOed---bre waermlonsees-te Snda evnin th nuberwhoex- Chiarles Bronson, gunners mate at aeed-thee alenlo seda .Oe nndy eenig 10 nubervho ex-1 naval station, voujol be e much On' food left for hlm in aIl the worîdl ýPecIta b.lie10cm. for supper. mai rietI man if e vedding eniiounce- Would you aay that civilisation hait 0 nient appeerlng 11) 1the Dally Sun lest gfailetI? Woufd you féal that the beart DIAMOND LAKE Saîumtiay night Was correct. The an- of Christianlty hatI died-tbat Boule- COMMUNITY CHUIRCH. nouncement laid of bis marrlage et tlhtng vas tragically vrong vlth a Preacblng service ai 2:30 p. ni., foi- Milwaukee on Tuesday, January 31, vorîti thet couldn't get belpi teVOUR loved by SuntIay Sebool. Parents are to Miss Anna Paulkne,. daughter of rilttle bey? urgesd 10 cotite endt bnlng their chul- Mr. andI Mrs. Louis Peulner, l109 Thatla he stuaion n Aemni. den.Cummîngsaevenue, Waukegen. Fb. Thalla te stuaton n Armni. drll.announcement stated furtber Itl 10te Thousanda upon thousanda of homle- On Thursday, the lth Inst., at 10 couple vould reaide vitO the brld's lesu orpbens--chlldren of e-evc a. m.., the LadIeS' Aid Society of Di- parents untll June 1 vOen tbey voulit0 men wbo fougot and tell as our allies amand Lake moetla vîtO Mme. hnsmau. go te Indiana 10resille. 1 -are lookleg teotIo andI America for Dinner serred et 1o o'clock for 35c. "Ils al vroeg," Bronson seserteda ther delly bread. Armnenia la the oltI- Everybody-men as vleli as vomen- today. "No one vas authorized te est Chrlstian nation lilb.te nwd; are Invlted tb tb. dinner. * moite such e statement, even If ve C Amerla lathe o=l;t an therich 0bhd bean marniea, but as a malter of I Amenda IstIse yeugesttant the niO ac 0 eddlng 41id net take place.m est. Shal l is battered remnanit of a FIffT PRESBYTERÉAN There la the beat eson i the worîd IMbie nation, long persecuteil for lb. Rarl C. Mergan , Minlater.. for ibis, for I ame mers'id already, myc Boare of ighteousesa, look- te us for Sabbatbhool e01 t 9:45 a. ni. W. G. v ite residîng In Wivauke~i,ý have f UN~ KWAIJ W ILL BE 6iIVEN TEST Overseer of Zion pleads "1not guilty"; must go to trial on Nelson's accusation WjIbur Glenn voliva ii,0 <î 1 trial on e charge of heving lilieled the 11ev 'l'bos > tiNelson, fariner et dier le the church of the Overseer, Jutige Claire C. Etiverds ruleti today ln Ihe Lake County Circuit court at Waukegan. vben 0e Sustaineti one ledicîment anti quasbsti Ivo atiers. Th. indicîmeel upon vîicli Over- seer Voliva wvIltbbe Ieti, chargea bum vîihevIng relerredti 1 1ev. Nelson, pai or Grace Oissiaeary citurcli anti leader of the teliependenîs as "Pont- Olti TornCai Torn-Fool Nelson," 'TO. Wilti Mai Of Bameo" 'A Tbnraiigbly l)iscrediteti Winti bag," '-A Monu- mental. Bruzen-laceti, Sitameless Olti Liar.' "A flirty, tIti Foui-moullied Blathei-skile." 'A DIII>' Goal,' anti t- Ici-ring ta 1ev. Nelsons chut ch as a (tant Hanse." Overseer VoIlve pleatieti Not Guil- ly" through bis ettorne>'. Jîttge C. P. Barnes af Woodstock. 11ev. Nelson contendet ithliatte -Tont-cat, Tom Pool" phrase mans thal h. le the aubjecl of pily. anti Is a llcentiouisaneimal, anti that"The Wild Man of Bornen ntocans that h. la încivllized, a bumb anti a tr-amîp. -He alsa cantenda that the 'lilaîhler. skite" phrase mean that 0e tises ob- scene anti Intieçent lenguage. The indicîmeet charges Vola de ciaret il's,)elsoe crazy or le lie a crimInaI.' TO.e lteged tiack is de- etaredti 1 have been matie Auguat 28, 1920 ln Volivas publications, te an article anti elsa a cartoon anti Ihai fi belti hOtnui)totaPublic hatreti, cantempt, ritilcule, andl vas intentied ta injutre hlm linancially. Overseer 'oliva itobabl ilvlI nat 0e brouglît ta trial unlil aller the case af Gov. I.en Smaillai finîsliet. JIOTEL MAM FINEJ) $,O;SENTENCED TO0 60 DAYS JAIL D. T. MoOWen, fositerly pro- prietor of Genesee hotel, con- vîcted of booze charge D. T.' IcOven of tb. Hotel Keno- sha, vba onducted tbe Geeeaeel botel in Waukegan fIve or six years 1go, and Ia vWOU knovM there, vas 1he only Penson sentence Ith10eCircuit court et Kenosha Wednsday morilug, belng given -e total fine of $3»80 antI slxly days In the bouse et correction. McOven vas the fis-st one 10 0e calltil for sentence as Jndge Belden finall et 11:30 o'clock book the bencb. The proprielor of the Hotel Kenosha bail pleaedi gulty ta nin, ceuinIs charging unlavful possession and sale of intoxiceting liquon. Judge Belden sentencetilhlm 10 paoy a fine OZ. 1500 antI cosîs on each count vitO the ailes-natve ot imprlsonment iu the bouse of correction unlil the fiue anti coats wvepaitInot tb siseeding six onoels. le addition MecOven vasJ tenfenceti ta sixI'ty ybconfinementI al 4ard labar -lu the bouse of- cor- -eutibon.j The surprise for McOven cgaetj the end, vhen be foand le thé large "'akage" Ibat enionted ta eothing les ban $1,000. The total fine voulti rUAT~ ~ bave SIRgatedtI t 84j900 but et the fII cloue, Judge Belden s@truck off tbe 7 fins ou the lat Ive cunIs. making ROUFS . BAN)I1'S the total fine 13,600, l Ra t ý A m v Oen )ou retumned ta Keeolia." sait! 1 0 S 0d.0o the judge, "and ascertaind what thej - ilIt1 oriter the execution on thee sgOîli andi ninth couts t1lie suspendd.I Mrs. Annie Krusandus sur- 1,A nueio a ree prised safe blowers, who the piromises andInte district sIttr-1 t ev lhol 1,o ne>' instructed b tatortprosecution 1 leve ithord $1000 to the end thal the premises 0ie no r Mr. Jhn Kusadue a srubomýuaed for violation of the liquor 1ev an, slepped Ibrough the front door e , t5:45 a. ni. Tbursday, routait a gang o nim , afeblovers frein the Argo -31*1. D 3Bank antI sayed mor-e than $10,900 ln iI I<SA N à saes VIch the thugs eve.prepar' fng te dynamite.- They escapsit vitO 11 U $1,000. M U NT0 1 Mrs. Kmusandus, la a sîster of MisasU~U A Liberty street. Mme. Krusaedus lefIIS VE Waukegan about 9 yeerse go. 80e liveI lne h ons. of Mns. Annie Has just heard Qf battie of Henditrckson. on Uttca street. near Chu1uTi ?dl Bevier eeet. C uu h e . ad i Thie robbeîs apparenly hait been mc xiè ta work tn the bank since befere nid- Nev York, Feb. 3.-Seing four niiFht. At that lime tOrse men ver. aseBn te leave an automobile panked yeas behind the Ulies bas ls thlla. a block avay. Tbey cul lh. vires of Henry Musîtenden, German £armer the bunglan alarm systeni. andI forc- of Menorville. LU I., bus just rue unte ed entrance through a rean windov. the ballet of Chatean Thierry, andI Front a vauît they obtained $1,00 nov bie las exciteil Os can't do a lu silver aud currency afler cbopping etroke of wonk. Duing the sommer tbrough a 14-inch brick vail. F05>' Husteniten raises berries; durlng the had drilied a bols le the door of a vinter lie slto aed ligtens te hie lar-ge saesand w er. prepering te le- vite read froni e caneful>' hoardei Betibols ln the door et e large sale stack of German nsvspepers, armang- and vers prepartng te insert an ex-stI chronological>'. AltougO loosii plosive vhen Mri-amuandus surprisei groued aýediJy, iHustenden (wbe theni. can't rosit biniseif) bais neyer aliov- «'Whe therobbrs hard Mr%. cd bis vite te skip. Lest vintar 0e, "Wbn l. rbbs bard go 09 0 . tesinklng of lbe Lusitania, tKnusandua enterng, they escaped and coulit acarcely vlit foi tat t through the Oack vlndov." said Wil-ctoe. luam G. Keoedler, the batik lresident. "Btouko h Ii "The asudden appeanence of the voni- Bu haven'tyunt he( ,1 an saved the large aum nith1e Baite. country vuas ar a ail aioeg?" askeit Tbey evlitently triedtI ttaler off t0e a member of the Amenican Legion. combination knob betore iteciding ta "Je' seitI Husteniten, "but 1 vas- une dnamie." ntI ieresteil because 1 badu't gaI te Police Chief Allison of Summit ne- iw. vn."h pesall." Lgoar tifieti Chief ai Detective Hughes. vhon lesr wo. nd" s li te adit, il' sent out ahaîgun squads ln entamo-- ailyvern."H. e t a Iboutg biles to walch ail rends for 10ehe a-] eîîîngl. cal toi af 0e bas. cracksmn. The batik Oas been the wr ingtectos ftebg acene of sevet apectacuier bandit w lt over yet for me, ans- raidserei Huateniten, returning ta hie raide, vile andtih1e itack of liMiera. Nelgbborsaxae ezpecting te bear a vIid celebration lu Huetendens8 bouse LIDLL INDICTM4ENT aiong about ApnIl vhen lie gels ta AGAIN I VOLVA the false armistice report. 15 SU-STAINED A VALUE 0f OIL University of Illinois engineers enied vhen the train vastmoppedi antI interested and will test backed. The truck a-as talken tu IKat- ten miles osh 0* tvat the de-'.-*"' s' excang. _____etI se7-tal o50015 vitOlim' tbandits, putt Treels lo determine the beat meth. tIn1tb4c a., rosat, oda s«f ali, s mais andtih1e economir velue of such roatis after oiliug vill bc starieti lu Urbena soon b>' tbe -ff A S UnvritafI llinois, Illis FOR WAuI ABS The vork v 111 0e unter direction aof__ the iini',e rslly'a teparimentofaivi FRRENT-Garage, electrie lightctI. engineering vithoail coispanicea man- Oelf block front business district. on utactureis or maclitinerl anti Cham Milwaukee ive. Reasonebte inquino paign ctntyl.33N.MlakeA . 6t "The parpose or the experitmeet. 1 .Mivue Ae 5i accnrding ta Prof, Wilson, vliawlll bc ln charge. 'is ta Ilit wiît sort of SAVE 30% ON YOUR COAL BILL- - roati is best adepteti for olI. W. Make your ovu Coat Saver, fîtteen shall keep a cens-us af the lrafflc on cents vamih of chemîicels, obtainable the roadîlanti select ant i titti ithîn et eny firat chase drug store, yl com- whal linits ail le thte masti eonom- Pound enOUgb Coal Sever te Ireat one ical salut ion for the. problem.' tno lbrhr msf ol ie Road Near Urbana. tno lhrhr rsf ol ie Sanie atretch of main traveleti 30% more beal andI les 5001 Revives roati near Urbana vilI 0e selectLd. liteleas ceaI. tequIres legsa fring andI Work an gratiîeg anti îreparatin redulces cllnkers. Enough chemîcal wîlI stai I early In the spi ing. M'ben cen 0e mixed et one lime t0 last al 10e preparatnry vomit la lInlahet i ui- viater. Oni>' requinrs a fev minutes ferent sor-ls of nil yl lie usetionu tinte. ÂbaoîIutely Sae..SentI us a short stitchtes. andtihîe tumoltet antI 82.00 moeey order on draft antI ve vii methot i yl e varieti. About tee alyaIi rve oml o 0 miles vîlI 0e olleti, sceortiîng talires- mai o tbia e mla corotne ent plane. aigofhscenclom ud Five ca'taatie nI oi have been con knove as" iÇole Save.- 31 vili not tributeti by oil companies, a gr.îdtmg otliy save yau dollar. bat yl elimît. machine antI operator by menufue- your troubles. Complete directions turers anti a tractor b>' an atomobile andI instructions vith each formula. flrm. Labor viii 0e farniaheit by the Requires no specili ork or idme. Club caunly. vith. your neighbor ant i .videteb - - oat. Stete, Coanl>' ant uicial PROMINENT FOX te splidwiht gcheîea.. ond gym I~ui1g&g<' pplication. References, D)unn or L.~ I UriLAL~Bratistreets. Household Chensical C. 180 E- 3,d Së. St. Peut, Mini. 2-r. HO0ME1 IS RAIDED FOR SALE- Puire bred Holstein fejf- Moonshine still and hootch Viev, i'l. 5-4t found in home of Ed- I viti veave vampels far ffty cents wardFicheraerunnlug yard ttntIfurish varp. Mns. ward F chterA. Moltienhauem, Long Grove, >11. 5-131 Fox Lake is usedti 1 sensations ai FOR 'SALE - 'rhoroughbred- ColII6 ail kintis but 11. vas Dot prepareti for ml o,8mitsot the shoek Ihat came tlIsmorning 29, ak S.maisug 8Ïoth ,ga.L. . Yulloft. .110 the raliing of tbe home of Rd -__0___Lake __________________ ward FicOier, vel kuovn officiel, b>' WÂNTBDPrle State. Bueeyeos'r States' Attereey A. V. Smllh's tiiy Cpesicbln.EmrBai squati. Yhr ubtr.EmrSal P.tcbter in the olti days conducted a Pjalri, Vbsv, ni. phone 411-1t-1. Oie dance hall. Ile Oas been a residant of RSLE oUfI hl1Caln he Fox.,Lake region ton many yeams. Mrcedes Pollenttc; 14 m t It; At1 the Present lime O.e la an aider-,MresPota;1 ot ld man of Fox 'Lake andI is assesar for 1875.00. E. Wilcox. Ares. IM,. Oil JANUARY, 1#2z A WARM MONTII Was above -normal for 47 years, recordis of govern- ment expert show The Inean for January, 1922, 22.5, lu 1.3 aboye the normal for 41 years. the monthly report of Miss AllOe Hol- deis, goverolment reporter, shows. The normai la 21.2. Lomai oe meau for January vas 30. Jautuary, 1880 had a mean or 37.4, the bi#heat on record. January, 189e, had 1.7, the lowest. The botteat dj.y on record for the month vas JanUary 23, 1909 wheft the mercury rose to 86. The colde»t vas 28 below %ero on Jan. 5, 1884. The folloig are the record da3'e for January. Maximum Nllnlmum Deg. Day year Day Deg. 47 3,14,31 M92 24 __ 56 21 1921 17 3 49 29 1919 4 -19 33 216 1918 18 _22 44 9,.29 1917 14 -17 59 27 1916 1 : --il 41 16 1915 28 -19 57 29 1914 12 4 53 17 191n 12 - 36 22, 23,, 1912 7 --20 49 2y 1911 5.,1' -5 '0 24 1910 7 -il 66 231 1909 I6 Iz 47 21 1908 29 65 7 1907 26 .> 0 1006 9 4 5 1 1905 10, 14 -1o :19 14,._10 1904 4 -20 49 29 1903 10 . 51 9 1902 27 -17 'l 'le p r e r i ffi t a ti o n , 1 .4 2 , 1 8 0 7 0 e - 10w ihe normal for 41 yearo.»The 1er. mal la 2.12. Last year's precIpitatlon was 0.81. Jawusry, 1,897, had 5.89, the hlghest on record; January, 1912 bad 'Ihere vere .16 cléar deys. two part- iy cloudy and three elondy. The pre- vailing wind vas est.. t Watcbfulness of a& ratlroad defect- ive early Iaat Saturday frustrated the theft from a treight car on the North Western raliroad of a hoslery corsign ment estinmated te b. valsied at more than $10,000. TfLe attempted robbery oci7urred about 2 a. mi. two miles north of Wlnthrop Harbor. Fitteen large cau es of stockings. esch weighing b.' tweeD 700 and 800 pounds vere dl'op- ped front a moving train b>' the thieves. The detective, ridlng Lni a way car, witnemaed the bold theft asud stop 4e the train which vas backed Dp. A big, red Kissel truck vas fonnd -l the Iovn or Grant, The raiders are atiegedti 1 bave fourni a veil equippeti moonsbine S1111 Ini Pichter'a home Ioitay. Ie addition thsy are allegedtI o ha've found be- Iveen torty andti f Iy galions of bootch antI heit a barrel of masO. The Stijl, booze andI masO ver. con- flscated by the raiders andI vili be Jield ua evidence. State'i Atty. Smith Plans le Ale Informations in counîy court charging Picht5m vîth violation of th. prohibition 1ev, YV 2pues u eu Vi n4g ineO 1 JO etil lit u,I'saleplxd lutIn, uUn D1 'moie mntous jo apue LIhnonununa ittnîpu.i jo miulr 1'Wfllputi wou.1 tol5W0;yJUH POil RBNT-TvO flats (upper andI lover) on Second street. Inquire of Mrs. W. L. Atttldge. -lt FOR SALE-Malles-t ducks for breed- log. plimposea. Bush Pari. Tel,.- phone. 278-M1-1. 6-21 fOlR SAL-Pur, bred bull calvés; froni A R. 0. danta, antI 80-b.sBlre,* elle griaRtsan of a $20,000 bull. Sons yery niqeB caiveà et $25. E. J. Gis. Prairie VIsv. Phione 26--1..-lt YOtlNc#MEN, WOMEN, OVER 17, de- string goyemnment positions, $130 monthly,. vite for free 1sl of poSitIon nov open. R. Tes-s-y (fbrmer Civil S.s-- v1Çe Exnmtiner> 1309 Contnental DltIg.. Wasbfngtosi, D. C. 6-3t *woý MMIPAY 911921 Local bat* HELD IN Cari Bn7dar( s8f9à %, a farm undor Ait police libdo m about a ofai .etthe à h-os e es faIed by 1 the VAU" &.49Aîa et the à illiyder cashei $15 in a Uavtm aneveti Liy 5115 bave teit. On the sal" eged e i1.Ca *fialeriniald boy Cli Oxyder 1 *&Id tli Uw .itoitau IL ~ i5borne :00 à vths taï edp Aflie d woerth Ave ENFORCEN mis. Auna avenue. vho 1 or the 1ev bel lon vas arn vas raldetIby offie etState Th.e uricea utI elcohel amt k'glaises. Mri. Cudeei the lev enf( Information ' f lstggen coseiess adil isdý' »nlth ai raidena tui obi .qeattty 0f Il They oaiy 1 banad andIsel and iif 10e> i te Convict 104 are opposeit i vbo isy 0e (hein os n Us4 excellent OP sight 10 se. the City of Zi meny persans y Woharv let cione set ustnies, or pletut-es ver- )fole, local are isald 10 i rua1t phases nlOIrftent.! lig oîoces e] net.-the langi woire. Il ia olght te se. siolimi cvery sertIee t SI ne ýdotb7t sur tuile af lb. Zion. TO.fil Inaielosuî'pr oblp ofI Wilb Boi! te John fa*ries hs an ev of ahson18ie, r &iang, apro' jiwayother 1$ee. TO. ]p ntyvilie BANDITPlil

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