- .11 l'BEiT Y VILÂAE iE DEPENDENT, TRURSPAY, FEBRIJAR £ 16, 1922. ____ LmREAKIRS tiT - ON "NOSE" BY. LAW ENFORCRMÈNT Li. <Contînnetifront Page ine. 48 counry eocites knowibgly or otiterwise are pintlng 2jlored' news sent out b>' te l~e r..i. tiestineti te mare People beleve titat ,ruilbltioo) bas failed i n ies purpose. Ho reati dispatcbes teling about isses gretios filmus howlag pic- ture of VoIsteati, andt ltInhoknewr front peraoal expierience suci tul oct te case. Ho alan deciaret it In conjiection witbth ie Taylor mortier case in Holywood, prp4anda la be- long sent out andt printet brotics tat movie acters anti actreseshv become atidicledti u druga because te 'unMOnonlonger Obtalin lquOr. *Rapid ime on te ocave of popular- i liy. weaitit, Idilenesa andi cIter lutin- enees gel people into trouble," Ir. Wgooinîau saad. "andti ildoesn't con-, cern me very mucit whether tbey alte lquor or tiruge so long as te> CC got to have aomethlng to utake te-mnl1UttY.' T. Artur Simpsoni presitied covr te evening session. 'Te Roi'. HOW- ard E. Ganster gave te Ogeflig iryer foloweti b> a short talL b>' Rey. Mcoiflhii, andt anoiller addtreais by %Ir. Kranler. pAIS RESOLUTIONS wbereas certaini elemOens &Mar filIng Our aewapps vith taise Prepagantia îictnring prohibition as a iideemaS fai tire asti magnifYing violations cf Pro- iibtory laws. we caîl the attention of te publie tulite tollcwiflg tacts! 1. Bootlegglng bas not been increas Pd but decreatiseti by te commingo! ,. ILeaders of every deparment of l'-gîtitbafe Industry anti commerce throug thlie nation declaro titat te effeet o! national prohibition bas been oniy 10 heip every line of legtimate business, 3. officiais cf ail penal. rererm anti rharitable institutions are unanimous In reportibg atonisiting cecreases lia Ilie ltotber o! lomates andi attribut- Ing te decrease te prohibition. t. Making ail allowance for differ- p-ries In estimatea, te actual derease tr ite number of our people trink.lng itnoxicants andthie qoanlil>' cf inlox- irants consumeti s nsetgrenta as be beynd te fondeal itcpes of t9ncst .-anguible. For tese ressens andi becanse we î.-,lîze tit our aihole civili zatWmle l ;ài efake in te question between iaw andi lawie8snest we pletige ourselves Io> eifpifly eiery power tliin or teacli la afit t ur local ceunty. state and national off icais le make or pro libilion laws as near '00 per cent ef- thuent as possible. itesolvei: rthalttis convention ..înmend te Hen. John P. Itranier for is efficient servicci rendereti v. 1hile national proibîition commission Smail Birds on.New Hats or and thank hlm for hls iaiing ad A a Si t dresses delîvereti here today. rTe yoiijc- ..r-ýenty tld of itesolveti: That tis convention ex- çroit ovted to- father wity Goti hafflnt prose Its appreclation of the wie and given tw zetuta stars as weli as efficient administration ofrte Anti- Îtriiles lias a nivt luinlîeýl1ttle girl Salonleauean reor or cnve ho vrçte ihi-,k-titof te ark : Balon eage nd ecod ur on',c"Overhoeal w. n agorgeous rslnbow lion that te more cloaely its prograni and i ienîatit te littIle ar; rode ta atiheret inl by ail lttw aitiding cîizl illl vrfu %trwt t, ens the sooiner conîîi'-î.- * oly .wî roi 'zOt romlie f aikes t i Ile be acitieved. -pouf-in .1 1 .ren 1snc ui h Ilesolveti: Thaf we aie î-nrouiaged United Stesliag lilng a Ile Los." by the evidences of te fuît de-moinin; -Boton Tav'lt sf100 of thte nationa. prohibition urm 1 missloner, Rtoy A. ilsynes andmiattr ney general of Illinois. EiadJ Great Secret. Brundage. te enlotue flie 1,it.littion A lna;ne.ss qtoicetrit ln Be'iqtnhau laws1tuite tirit.* 1bW- parigunf mnxirn pronluenily ds. Resolveli: ThAfttis ron ven tion payi-d ln as front sidn "A it pletigelils earnest support le ouri pleteti transaction 1,iuailset; uilit. states attorney, A. V. Sviiiît. in bis Iset businessalà; a liablit. A niot- berolc baffle for law andi order andi crn efficlency epert could write a egpress or hope tat ln te near fit 0 o,UOO-vord book on tîtat teit, and ture attention 2wiil be given toi every i thon realiy flot say mucit more. The toran cf iaw violation in every part ofi world la full of "starters" wbe nover or coulfty. gel anycitere. rThe big idea is ho Resolved: Titat we express our ap citoose only worth whilte objectives preclation ofte efficient work o! Mr. and then finisht witt you gtort.-AI- George McOlnnis au sulserintendenl 1brt Siney (lregg. of the Ncrtitern Disîrlat andti ecial- ly te preparation and execullon o! lte progralmof !titis convention. Resolveti thait itis convention titank Arctic Siheep Raieung. te Salvration Army for their splendid Thf lthe arctic lands of nortnern hospitallty lni providing the use cf Canada, wlère thte thermomeler gees teir Îlote] for tuas convention andi for Go-wn Ic 91 degre below zero, ofl'er te sumptuous banquet served ta us unusuai oppoirtunuîiex< for growtng tonigitt andi aiso titank the Waukegan aiteep, cattie, Siberan alfalfa andi even itigit scitooiorchestra for te beaufi- fruit, ilte announreetibelle! o!f8an fut munic se ably rentiered . mele nagrlcuitnîwi extert, ln Popu- Respecl!ully Suibmtled. jai lac ecittlsniaMagazine. He recon- 11e-. M. J. Mumford. Citairman. menis te crosu-bre-eding ofCasln Mir@. r. G. Peterson. landi Silerian siteep to gain te hardy Rer. F. B. James.quîîiviruqîîre4. Com on Resolutî..n- fiAS Co. SEEK S He IsAÀicing in the TO DE' FRI1NDLY Relief of Rus8ias WITf Tu PULIC Famine Sufferers Pres. MiItard says reduction isu othate e pny othe Cmpante y r IS TRENLD O.F PRESENT TIME Tht thlie North Sitore Gag Com-' panly seeks t lanIntain lte frienid ils ferma wlith ils Patrons ln Wau- kegan anti along lte nortit shore wasI indicateti yeslerda>' Wýhen Rverett 1 M7llard, preoldOnt Of IlteCompany, fieldi & volunlar>'r dnctiOli lu rates wiitt lte IflhiolaCÇ=Mnuc Om sion, ais annonne tu 11,>taie .y Su n "The decresse ww ale o malgiR nef waratied b> Profita w. are mal Ing or b>' an>'reducticti ef cosîs, >1 Millard said. -but ratiter because reduclîo 1invarions lines 50001v be the trendicf lte limes anti becati we hope to umle up for Itib> crease lni business." The proposeti reduction ln ratu. .111 go 1010 effect MaeO1 providit i te abats commZISSIOn aPProve. il- retiocîlon witicitIl la expectedto 10 i lin case ne ligitt la madie by te nut cipatit>' or ty lte Public. rTe fact lthatlte company w, nouncet lte decrease ln rates s il out making Il necessar>' for lthe(l to lie a petitian ant imalte a fi - before lte commission -places ift r favorable ligit. 'ri,- ve oil f nbesuIliul kunu--no, va'. ltulcite 1 ite greatest plh..,ire et 99) omitonltof Tokyo, lti e-n e- 10 a quetionnire' sent out Ftl, i [10-lutis Toký o lai'. Âttentdilîtgîle titeaier came oext witith 2 M -- calliîug il licir greateat je>'. O<t Ii, inD dre i li ifty women answereulIt-t tngfr---' as te gveaestuttii- ton ùt lt" Th ~more simple liirv[-l- 100 inaiietts repL7edhatgI golI to etst are lte grealeat sottr,----- if tbir bearts dtellglit. Thte m-.r- .-- VilicaIed 50 answered 'beauty of tta- ture" as afforting tem te maxiittîtIn CE p leavuire. üOly 30 wotineuun fesse-i tlu r gre ' ' -wer.li. Ink Stains in ,Liner. To riiive ink taîn n li u-t 'tl - h1tloîimrtttd Umn e te staîn and i- t mlIt iflnar. De 'lot show 11,ii - fl ou to sld long on te tati-- %vil] !A' iaureti. Aflerte 311.1n peut -oILthetCgootia. fcpe< iv-o are relia-r fastillus abot Ero ah on Thal Head. lt ir luileta 3 1h, are tIdle«m sot.:- - .,- iali,.st l-k temîtelves tu> makete Ieir hair Bm stor. "BACK-FIRE" SUVES BARRACKS AT CAMP. L06ÂN TIS P. M. Two story house at -Zion was destroyed by f ire thie orning ANOTHER FIRE IS FOUGHT ýA two-vtory bouste, the propeîly of H. A. i.eiman. 2315 Gllead avenue, was deatroyed by lire at Zion thîs morning. rThe lire started In ltheroi an %a ~ruing fierceiy witen lthe Jlire departmefll. .tth tIheir auto trucks jarriveti. Every effort was matie b s ave the place, but wllhout ai-ail. At- lent ion was then turnedti t nearby bouaes. andti ltse were flet damaged. fiIs t said titat 1part of Lehmane fur- niture was sared. The. hoffle hgid erlgbt rooma. A hole was burot lni à roof IL 2713, Elizabeth avenue. * co.1l alasjeams. from Camp Logan asking ald!*> r4-i vent Borne buildings tere W-1n struction on arcouamt of a praltie 4rt. Thte Mon firemen quickly resPended and titey burnt lthe grasa aroundth ie barracks to prevent the lire front reacitng the wooden buildings. AI- thougli the ftameq teaped elght feet high ' a% îhey rushût owards lthe bar-, rackv fhey weî-e ciecked by the back. fire methiod of lte filenen. No dam- age Pts done. N- a eI .ý lvjo-Ible lx Mir aa, ore , andla excIet- aliil>iekty popillates] for a territorY withmîtt a smati --n-almost 500 to the square mile. tre la a popula- tion f 142ï.88t, - ,ýdig many ne- grooe> vlo .f i lia rd work. The cliltr Is o eUl vieln Juqi stormsf don't biow ae 11fil tt eQfl o. A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN is usually a healthy womnn. If lier blood is good, lier complexion is rosy and bier skin like satin-she atîracts the mien Lid is the envy of the women. For ot-er fifîy years the ment and ivomen of titis country htave recommeîîded anîd u-,ed Dr. Pierce's Golden Iiedical Discovery for purify- ing the blood and eradicating the poisoni wlîxch tnuu'tmiate in the av-lenL Vint, vigor and vivacity go -wiilî good blood and putre, rich blood followa the use cf Ibis wondecfui herbai tome cof Dr. Piecce'.. Soon after yen start taking titis Aiterative Extract, you feol its revivifying effsct-you feel dlean, stroltg, vigorous, instead cf duli, spiritiesa andi > zqopish. Afterwards the pin- i skin clears up, the cheekg talc. on a rosy hue, and bright eyes ue- ceed the duil, lusterless cnes, with their dark cirdles. This Goltien Medical Discovery of Dr. Pierce's tones up the. stomach, ant inf 1very efficacicus in indigestion, while iii increases the. appetite, ma is a system builder that thousands in every stateo f the Union have i uccesfully used. Now is the tiras to try t"i extract, whiclt cAn b. obtaineti cf your nearest driagg1st~, ini tablet or liquid forni; or 5exid 10e to Dr. Pierre's Invalida' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package cf tablets, or send for froc bookiet on the blood. Corne To Waukegan Tbursday,, February 23, Whilch Will Be The- Most Sensati*onal Sales Day of the-Season A Day That Demonstrates the. Buying Power of Your Dollar. là Lake County's Shopping Center .-.,And the Bargains Are Worth Co1gMlst hr _ - = = = 1 ------------- amall birda of varicus materils are qulte te amarteat of trlmnn jtW i s ee.on'g bals. Very swagger la 11115 large, uiervlng brmmed Idaire bat wthi ts black taftete. top accented witit royal bue bird* photo by VsOerWoO4 lu wf A CTIVEFiin te work of te Amer- tcan Relief Administraliosi, wbicit i, now engaged in carYlb$ ont ils Pro- gramn o! .- feed"nglie iamine-strickefl in Russia, te Edigar Rickat, tirec- tor of the ARA, whcse iteaeiqiarters are at 42 Broadwray, Ncw Yrk City*. .our purpose la l- save lte lives of a, many .of titese auliering unforlu- nates as possbl," aays mc. ickard. wio is albo a menikbr of lihe Purcias- iing Commission. for Russian reiief, appointed by Presidexil Harding short- iy fter lte sigming of lte $W.0,M0(~ Russian relief aPPropriatiot. . Fitert Hoover. chairman of lte ARA, is lte iteatof lte Comsnsion. Ofher mtmnbers are former Governor James P. Goodricit of Indiana, Don t.îvussoo, aàre-esetaive Of lte F-arn Bureau aWiState Agriculuri Co.Moislo f- oruetit Dakota. and E. K MFesi, treaa Ofercthse U- S. Grain Corperatson Tte PnrdxLasiiig Cocmisiot for Ru.ssian Rýelief is beatiing ever> effort towartis f . iahntte Speedy shp ment o!f te nectrdcommodltieà 10 te famine regloxiL Large qua tiles of supplies, grown and p riaeinm Anerica are being sent as fast sa Americaxi aha i 11- 0 eclirtereti andi loadeti. Secretar>' Hoover itas anncrunceth lat 3,»MO~t bushels of grain have been. 1aitippeti asof january 2Stit andtin- Etructiolls given le rush te sipcnt Icf firlier cargoes. - Fastid ausBears. v.- .,e-tI"I- thtne- tr ibi ht 1 1