Refemrng fo flr. Pr ~ I career Vr';vipr'* vpry hjg";y LONGS TO BE % ,rOWER zior. lil.-Voliva on Stipd"v 'cele 1) ai(,(]the illîlianniveria 't lf itaad îîîstiîat;on as Gcne"al I nerspi'r of zi'Iî. le srrived ln the C ty of Zion t!,ni Ausitralia, Fcbiruarv 12, 1P06, and 11W, charge tmmedlatelv as Cflee'al li ever He went 10AUqitralla Oc- Io berl. oth, 1901. and four vears lter 1eeîda cablegram, trom Dr. Dowle. i o w%\a tien at Kngstoin, Jamatea ti sng te recruit bis broken hoalth. Riefeî ring le Dr. 'Dowie, Voiva ssld i-teriay afteriiooii: -"ion Alexan- 'il' Don le was thie greateat nman of ,..ttime God put under lisa bat the f ine" nateii ]e ili~j ~f' V'(diva nas bore _March 101h, 1870 ja 11111e wo-roomed liouse on a foain !i.'.r Newtowli, Fountain County, ln- di Vna. 1-e preached lisa tirai ser lien cn le was 17, and waa or- neith te nilnitry wlien 19 î'ears 'age.lie waa educated at Hlirani oltege. Ohio. and at Buter t"njver ti.îî, Indianapols, receivt'îg "M. A.' andl "B. A." degrees. 'Thie ambition of niy Ille was tb be a law> er" said the Overseer yester- il iv lite father gave him lisa choie ani offered te educate ltr alor'g iic er tne lie chose. He chose ii mnistry, betteving lie was catiraI "Gd for Ihat work. However, lie 11A a streng hankering for iaw. . One of the tiraI steps taken by 0 îeiseer Voliva on lisa arrivai in Ziort fioin Australia was le eut down the payroît'î. He eut tlie pavroli o!thie î: leaastral Ilpartinent $72.000 e' soid leasof anotier departinent baed their albwances reduced $0.000. ««0f course, Ibose aftectedl loved me very tiearly," said the Overaaer. Hecjoicd Zîen February 1899. waa nade an Eider, and wae afterwards ordalned an Overseer. Froin 38 centa, aiheduled in the Laka Comnty Court in 1906 lie now controts preperty val- iied at $3000,000. *SpeekIng of bis polIleal power in Lake County. Voliva said: "Inm the Ettlie boy thet sita on the teeter board ot Lake County. and 1 swing the teet. ci' board any way 1 want to.» Goiog beyond the confinea of Lakte County, Overseer Volîva sad yaaler- day. "'m gong to mare this old woild sit np and scratch ls bead'" NORTHI PRAIIE DISTRICT NEWS Mlr.anîd Mrs. Harold Leblew and famiy spent Sunday evaning t WIlI .;Ctt'a. The Ledite' Aid society met et the Y home of Mrs. J. J. Oould last Wed- nesday. A large number atttended. Mr8. Tom RlIey and hiaLuet Blîey spent Thuraday afternon vitb .4 t'. Agnes Formian. William Larsen end Misa 01.475 'Ieiviile apent Sunday atternon and eîening wittl Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel conneil. Mr. and Mrs. S. Crawford and tamt- i spent Sunday witli Mra. Lana Met- %Illte and famlly. Mr, and Mc. Seauel Johnson cadi- cc at Ray Ferry's Suday atternoon. MJany friends cailhdl on George Con- Oeil Sunday. Ha ta nnproving rapid- II.- -lisses Hazel Melvile, Charlotte and Helen Scotsnd Catherine John- on spent Sgurday with Ruthi Craw- i oM. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lobla',sois liamtty nl move te Donovun. I111, ihis week. Mr. and 31ra. B. Robinson of Zion, ,-.'îtertained Mr. and Mrs. Loblew. Sunday. ,disses LIlIIan and Agnes Gibson and Jane Flicit spent Sunday. at AI. Cîbson's. The pupis who baed a perfect et- tendance last montli are: Raph Ulnd- atît. Mariorie aud Lloyd Griffin. Mebei Pr1'ieeger end Ethel Giba.on. IThis and That BY JDeWITT H UN TER It was ail riglt for Ban Franklin and George Wahington te wear their lîatr long, but thara in no excuse for li lits day and aga wlien Yeu cau ,ec a laibèr pote at aven corner. Ttîe easiest job ln the werld là sait! inlie that ut siîoottng fiali, but Atty. IUeo Fariner 'wiii tati the *orid that fi isn't se.Ha once sbot point blanb at a 'musky" and miaefi li a Mite. Wien You ses a tial in th e water. ae- i-ording te Atty. Fariner. itin'L mhiexe ybu thtnk itlil. Cllectiona have been a ittie alow of laIe, wlich probably accounts for the fact tht a lot of peopta cen't s-yen cllect their thouglts. ('on'.erning Henry Fordsa announci- ment eft te purcliase of the i.bncoiî motor company the more or lessasau teemed Nearsttear tated: "Hi$ filai action waa tb cut the ntca f rom -bi Wili-âv '"t r. aindeé vli beys si4. Popula r'Ivory iV sj Wtth the all 9 gwnone invarlably finds the sinsyt won; a .r in.g an IvMr pendant on & black velvet or gr'esgruln ribbon whlch a >nds qulte beow the waien. ?hmea Nouveaute desifni ameOf th* type mast usmLDu are white and Qut. fiai. CANNED FOODS ROSECRANS NÂMED WI3EK IS FIXED FOR (iENER*1L WHOU FOR RÀIRCiI 1-8 DEFEATED BRA66i Alil Dealers Urgeèd to Make Pupfil at Rosecrap store Nisplays Showing New writes interesting htory of zand OId Prices Lake County spot WINDOW DISPLAY FREE 1ST STORE THERE le~ '662 Cannera, food brokars, and Wliola-Thi efOlujwiig as wrltten by onea lotfhePuilîsoetRoeec'ranasehool. saleanmd retell dstribtors are il,_ Each waek e Listery et varous lewns gtanng te grasp the importance and lu Lake Ceunty viii hae prlnted in the pesbilltles et National canned the Dsiiy Sun, wrlttlnby pupils ef foots week, te b. held Ilimnout the the varions, achools: Jonathan Aines settlad lu Ibis le-z country Mmrccl 1-8, 1922. Co'epecat- cality about iSoS. tOllowlng the voca- 1 ing ln theia cmDalgo are the tellowIng tien et a hiecksmlith. Ha vas suc- 1 larg national organIzatlens* ceade hy a man namad Nellis andv National Rtait Grocera associa- latar by enthar nena Rosa. 1 lion; National Wolesata Grocera In 1862 the poetoffice a ostala- aseecation-, Southei'n Whlesale Gro- IlIhed liera, wltb Lewis Tuck as iot cers' "sntation; National Food Brok' miaster.,a ara association; Canning Machlnery Etwart Amas hiapt a store and and Supplies' assocation; National poatoffica In the atone hall vhlchr Cannera associatien. sîil stands.u AlsMate retafi groers associationsa During tle Cvii war Gen. Rosa- havaehe l nvted te perticipata. In- crans, vise balbeen a prîvatae old. dcativa otheb.Interest Ib the cain- er, vas Pcemoted itelua reditet pmlgn his bien tha rasponsea nd co enertali th le Union aemmy sud da- eperatlon et the raliroads. A ltter la tastet Gan. lBragg, commander et the bing sent te these officiels sisklng Contedacate troope. et Murfaushor- thaI spaclal- streamers ennounclng ongli, Tanu., InSePtember, 1863. Hlm the avent ha placet in rattroad sa- mollo et Murtecaboreuigl vas "Th lions. hattla nmust lie non."1Th Prominant Concerne Entorse Week About tbis tina thea uttie settia- National food advartlenT ara an- ment describat aboya waa n md doing the movemant and wili add Recrans by tlie govrninent lu hon-h turing Iis mntit a great amount ot or et the great Union generat Rose- natihnal advertsbng ut the canned crans. foots veait. caing the attention et The first store was lttin 1866, te public te the avent. Tley area'belng ownad ly John Page. Soe aiseo crcularizing fren 250,000 te 300- time leler the store cbangad hauda j ffl etai groers.and Michael Horan became tha pro-1 Window Oisplay Mataial Fres priter. Then the pesteffice was ne- The reail grocer Io net asited te movadtote ogan's store. suake eny coerilbutlonofet tnds to lu tlose deys several etoes, the varda the campalgu. Window dis- blacksitili ahp and a cohlera sliep ^Ia mteralwIl b tunihedtohlm veca lnsy, but vlan the Chicaego. iray ofetnLaIf wil a fnnltala te Mlvwaukea & St. Paul railreaitvas I f ront is jobliar lia may get Il by vrlt voîlian Rous sectin, Wna Il iasg te Royal F. Clark, chairman. Na- Worthiraad assseat na, end Reeccran tioual Cannat Foots Week Commit' rales beanslsatesantetfocr the tee, 1739 H Street, N. W., Washlng- ibasbinlssad. ueta corste e tou, D. C. Tha reaeler la simply ne limes tha palica vas teconursuiof queted le omeke spacial efforts tole epaadthefIr eras dsheit l ins-d salicanad toct durus he wck.sali. Wadaworth, vliare they ais opur- ThiIseffort may lie 1 in te rni et eased their grocerbea and aitier mer special Inducaments In casa lots on cliidis4, se that tle mrhants liera th ofteing etfasortat iots. . werafIlnaliy ftreatotetunn te soea ThIe loilng suggestions regard. othar vork ho gain salvelllieod. Se ing National rannad foots week arc ais ihhecîta mata te the dealer. n :htecbls Urge your clacha te lalk nîî ranned The coblar'asiop tilstands, theia foodsweek.btseksmlth sbep lias leen removadt tfeoda ue ineeormetsad a nendentul gacdan'thnivaa thenet ofttne ttufons i ssrinuseacli yaar. Thte store was soit byi e e rannet fed fnd. ee n MNIchael Hogan te James Welcb, wlio( i aer teecant to wcl ayonr rentadil u as a tevu hall tocrema tcwi r Maka spatial utrmscon sales-case yesrs. Lest year Fred Leable pur- rlots or aserteit rases,. ar itr chased ibis bujldIng and let andt fur. 1 Hae yur tatoner cary ýefi-_niaheit a store vIain provedIo le Hnet ava er fnst ee Quile a succasa untîl thte kenoaauu ence to candow es stove, In the cesîdenCe portion oet S0dlaplny ito Mareamr h1 eathîe store, axplotet oeaday 1atsoin' *~~~ ~~ 0iayprete arI f yen bave mer, attlng fine tte tha building. 1. net alr'aaty caqusedtlits streamer. oi'Iilr was consnmed by the flamea. tdrop a postrard te, National. Cannait SlîrtIy biera this another les Foot Wak Cmmîtea.171 IlSt-, belonging te Mca. Roterlok Aines was N. W., Washilngton, D. C.' bonnedto the ground. Look ovar your stock n atanece or hrl a rettl earn tL the data se that yen may le stockait lu hcurswee Rîigtîsast upWitim a complets lina. I ty orearoCaiinnnh Flusa basteu Meke an attractive dispisy ot six YeraCte. ill sarve bas lissat r canis. ascIivariety et cannat foots lu uauen. t a.erie steouty r yen lhave n stock vith Placard show- In ia m er anjoymand te a g r-a t Pigrce I achica1lob. 'mpr th tInuniaer of people if tilay wont comas Dris he lu k Mcraeri, 921. o miel aida other In a odial ay, e-dur Wtg île "vfoknd.Acoaa in ltes 'ug churcli questions on the sida. t- ovawth cnnit oot. guitplan Ti ,Williams gceoot eue- mile north an la tu dlsplay a nies dis et cannet tîlsrdvsblltntean - foot witb cana and tîtacards arrang of 1ail iet tawubul or'tb e vlulut sn about it. Change Ilie dtsplay daiiy. t liailt) le tome tewnu and a n ______________rat irici.building*,as aractad abont isa ý arsa"agd et iblas bean namet CEN. NTONIO PRUNEDA le aihai tosecrans. n- PLACEO UNDER ARREST TIi aupie etofr erbeel try te pro- ýd Sn Anôni, Teas, b ' 'asmolle et Gencrai Rosecrana d" Smtontônto. Tas, al. 14ty n.-G '"Time,3alle Mut Be Won," jIn any n. mander et Mexican fer-ces aiong the dfi kwihcnrnsten Rie Grande bars eau Laredtoanui ae Browveavllîa. lias blen arresteit sait FiFTIEN :ÇILLED IN B3ELFAST d taen .te Mexico C'ity for trial on .'IGHTING IN 48 HOUAS s charges et Plottlng rebellion. accord- ing le officiai Information îeachiîîg BIct.i eb. li.-Fitean paîsees. tiets codsp. tnciidiig : veman and tour chiltran La- have Iccu killet tn figltug betwaan tl ARMED BANITS HOLD iJP Orangame t éeut Sinn FeInars bu Ibis e AND ROBS ANK OF $25W0 city atd suburb% turing 'li a et 48 heurs. Attar April lb the 13 cents par lot Soeth exploaious anti rifle fusil- Si. Paul,. Hinu., Feli. 14.-Two laites netîlat tlireugh thie sîreats dur- artaed bandit. Iis afterlloon blaitup ing mnt oet h ulght. If mut rbbledtheb Cierpétee, Btats Bank 1 Tiesalter border bas been "seat' - he of $2,Z00lu cuirrnçy and mde et" f0 Civilisan taffic, gccomtlng te un- eecape inau ~Aut4boo .torsati.on $tam mhsu.> FULLER BILL TO-- TAKE CAltE 0P THE VI3TS AND WIDOWS Ail civil war vets and their widows are affecteU, by the proposed Iaw STATE 4TH IN PENSIONSý Ilt IP b e p a n 1% The date. tormIlle id-year teacliara meeting ase 'onruntsed by Ce. SUPI. Simpson ara Marcb 2, 3, snd 4. A vmr eble corps ot Instructors la previdet andth bameetings shenît net a higli mark for tntereet Two S tata Superin- tendants of Publie instruction are oit the pregrain. Hon. il. G. Blair et lui- notea netlon..Payten Smiilth fBBt- on, Mass.; Mr. Blair la se vaîl known le ha ovu atate that ne comment la nacessary; Mc. Smth la regardait as one or thea stronga mtn In the atate. Msany et the teachaeston the firt lime will bave an opporttlnity te hear the presidant et tlie National Educa- tional aseolatlon; Miss Chari Will- tinms et Memuphtiý Tenu., the prasent irsetutill giva esn ietdreselhe- tome tle intîtUte; aba is a neman o4 splendid mantal millty and et un bonnitet enth-98lamin fo er enchosan profession. Dr. L. C. Lord, presidant efthîe Esat arn Illinois Stata Teaaham's Collega aI Chlelston and the taan of our state normal achool men wili gfve tour attresses and Dr. Jesse H. White, th. beat et the itgpartment et paychlOlgY of the Univareit>' et Pithsburghi viii speai twIici. The meMgs vîlila ehaIdt atLakte Forest, Highlalnd Park aud Wanitegau CHOIR ENTERTAINS CHURCH BOX SOCIAL The Ftrst Chlietîn Chuncel Choir entamtanee 60 guest55 last at the elinrel parlers ah a Vaientine B,x Social. A daliglittul programa vas rendenat. Varions gainasvire plaed itand refreshments vaee erv- ed. The banjo-snd Plane motos rndn- eneit by w. T. Hulobinso>t1asd bMca. litlmeas %ers especlalty gond sud Ilia Violin aut Piano trie by the Harris 'titldcem vas oeefet hIe ast saiec ttens avec Iteait.-Misa Cohen gaveaa datlittut reading sud Mins Mme Brenton gave tby ervanenterlainlig soies, Restiy Gîta N.>wbema. '1 ' j a n IIS troulltc's la lais -wtl , suit Utice Etuami. "qlittlsi hrP . .i-te orry ail' 'dtji' ;;Ive n» Norther M 'a. Greatet Store, For Womien Contznurng Our Sensationat- Feb._Clera-nce Great Sale of 'Suits values up to 39ýO- Attlie&a hwo vucy low ph-teesyen vîli amui rolors and many are fuan t'iiniet. Civii war veterans -gr lheir'wldows all over Iliistnna nli heaffeoted wler te taea of an oumibll ui ut ne portedl by tlit commîttas on invald pensions. of which Rpesaate Charvlas E. Fuller eorltha Twelfth 1111. noie district la chaironan. The bilUllias b8en tmvonabiy re- Derted le the 1-buse laY Clairman Fuiler and ta now pendtng on the caIý endar. The measure take up Indlviduaiiy the cases ut mille titan 280 Civil war vaterans or wlîtows , snd tocindes the naines et a score ef ltinotaans who servcd wOit linpoisunits i li e Civil war. Illinois Fsîurth in Penisions. a, Illinois ranks tourili b the number ef persona 'tithin Iiaborders wbo aie clrawlng pensions Item îlte pension bureau In W'ashington. For the year ending Jonc 30, 19121, thie receut re. port of the bureau siiowcd that iliere are 39,977 veterlîns or their wtdows In Illinois, îtzasing a total et $18,271,- 087.61 in 'pensionis. Ohio. Peoylva- nta and New York are the only statua whicli have a targer nimber ortlien- aliers, ranktng In thaentrer named. Thesa figures incinde thie pensioners anmd wldows of ail wars op te the Werld War. . A mmjority u.1rthlie pensions souglit .Oder tlie Fîi illi would affect vat- ornseor vidons nbwosa claiuashave net b enu a11owe, under the genaral pensionss'asbecausaetoftailuna 10 tomlywilh osea ecbnical ,require- ment. Mýost orthe casas favorably raporhed by the committea are Ihose et veterans, or Wide'ws et veterans, 11b. o becd e few dmys long than the 90 dmym requiredto1 put the vataran or lis wtdew on the pension relis. ZION MAN ADMITS DRI VIN CAR TuÂT lIT A LOCAL BOY A. V. 3icracle, 2116 Euoch avenue. Zion,- callad St'the Waukegais police station today and admitted thal h. waa dx'bvlug the automobile which ran dowu 14-y'ear-old On Roas et 116 Belvidereastzeet in front of the Salvation Army hotu lelst Beturday niglit when tb. younigser *startoad acroe the streat On roller skates. Accot-dbng ta Meracle ho id not mun away but remainat on theasceau util spectalora carrled thea boy loto thé Salvation Anuay notal i.ehn lha droe aeway. Whon ha raintthe papa!'-last night that thea police ta> tendadtot communlcaze wlth thea sec.- retary of stata- te leurn who lied teken ont the lcensa number on the car he dacîdet lie woult cominboe and tell ies tory. lu thea utemobla wlth Merecleaait the lime the accident liappened wer. Mrs. W. A. Sommera, 29th and EEUz& belli streata, Zion, and Mrs. Rose Meraciaetofthe saine city. Spectators tell et bavlug sean a woman gel ont ut the automobile ant> pray ever the injured boy, Tht. vas Mrs. Summars, accordlug ta, Meae. The police sént hlm te, the home Ot the Injuraf boy te 1*11< over the mal- ter wlth hie Ptrenti. DATES 0F M YI3AR TEACmER 14MTNO FIXDI Values go $10- -jju75 1975 These tbmue Drasa plecîs afford sOo .reallY grtat vlues. Thor* are allk and wool dresses In tbé neweet styles, plain or elaboratîlY tinnmad la lb. nost bieomlng manner. Clearance Women's Coats. Values. <o $20- Values Io $3e- 035, voLim Wil devc 000 a * sbgued bI» S tates Dis * Preaident 1 Judga LA itten as a 'vote bais en bal, etwli em. 20 lest. Fif teen aceepted 1 s nmilsaoner 000. Protf frein the t lu dpeede bell lits b tles and as thme baseba Iliat is J,, ycaî vas 500. Fitteen i propositioni place on t job lias cf ja tee ardu ihete arc r te continu, lices" vas iing II. Juitge 1. bencli by Mfardi 28, a month1 'HIs vigomo nasa made 1er-aimes Vîgorous gprang Op acceptance cemmissil ment app. force hlm basebali jc Lau gely senator D Repreaenti mtimat. an laupeachi in congrus i ng emploi capacît>'. becanea ei the casa hank-teller dis rejetas receignîzan meager au officiais t ot large a paît Sei cizeit Jod gardat as rogatirtea. Attempt pearlimen ever and tien makci Judge te 'r'have flot Ruinera realgu ha lia accept' inrist aI i values 10 s50- AMU À-omK I Non ls Ithe lime te btuy Ceets visen yen eau selet frein sucb a large aut elabll stock aI sncb very lev prices. Tisera arr ies, styles and colora toc averybot. DEERI Asks 2 proper N Claria Intentai. vas coin ograpli Martin, Laure M 'Hightlani tant Pet -ty gbs'e1 land th( pose et angineei eut bis $871,200 uaten!ý Juat t t reasitre qîiltly departiti thxcd by kuos' n lu the i tng rein The road la .taet. Values up to 59650O- n i e remaaîkablY fini Subielun anted mai ci iais 3.98 Blue Serge Skirts 1.049 Womensa blue Serge Skirts In gooi style., wlth fsncy poèkets; a grest bar- ala at the prica. 'r I 'jWooI & Silk Skirts To.14.50 5*75 'Womeîn..s Skiarts orpis anmd plait woolos and aillas la Ilglat and dark col- ora la ail sites. Values to $23- , Values to $35- Women's $1 .00 Co0veral -Aprons 45c women's regular $100 Coveral Aprotia; speclai for tbis aile at 45C. ChiIdren'a 50c Coveral Aprons 29c Children's Coveral Âprona in geed Col- ors and patterna3 and wanted aises. SiIk Petticoats Up TO $7.50 3,e98 Pettlsoata of I>aasy Wiilow and ail sik Jersey Bloomners la ail colora. $5 Wool Sipover Sweaters 3,o98 Women'a and -Mismes, wool ailpover sweaters la god colore wlth naw collars. Silk Waista Up To $5: TIlJ assorent Includes fine silk walets et crepe de chinas, georgettes, pengees, Iricelettas aud Jap Sika 1n a wiîde sîriety or coloresud styles. Corsts to $2 100- 'etTh'de l'4 Child's 1.50Drçsses 79C Chldren's dressas 10 good stylas and wanted aises, la tht.s pecial Fahruary Cleanance Sala at the vary mil prie et 79C. $1Mulin Gowns AndChemise -45c Feb Clearance Drese