CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Feb 1922, p. 3

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ne ear .4bo»tor- cf 86 band saâ dmi P. ikoey, a mlsiary M br im -f thé tu eyrtoi, ateiîied tua achool Many The 10 làvhi & lneso 1olhoua. AmantLUt e rly settiere Ln ibis clis- st»U ir as do.nW dta l. itrit i trict worm: WUiiKtuegor, Matlas LMMne I'U11w UICafMonted Maithias Olp, who 11-ed on the yre Umbdenstock, Martin Gomailler, WiI- v to Si 1842-, In dets Kruegr faim. Th. diuuctwes organRatio, Gruesting and Henry Berghorn. tetsoe d .ede la .160. The fbacahool honta. An aid Gelinan Methodiat church was allt l 187, ein iLfum tallewu ocated on the William Buel tarm, SIyA.X. 8< %I8 lng tbfrtY foot long s4d twenty foot vhlch vas Iatoiy said to Fred Glas. A AsBat. Secretary Becurity Tif le and wide- vlth a heigt Of sixtes es ot . stage coach tran. raontBarrlngt o t l Trust Ca. The. furnttre in ttis flrst school.Wauôou" ouutil 1880, at whlch utime h Ousines of te recorder@ office for hm"duso WI ry CrUdo. The teaâcher'i raliroada vere bulIt noar the. commun- -J tie wvekendlag le8ruary il, 1922. 4«sk wt a smail table rou.ghiy lrewfl 1ly. l'uun, vas aise a postoffice at Il Ilumber-t coiiyaces. 124. oIc og.Tosarieomaef~" outeof lfo.hTheteltsmortgagdeofLongGrovel, vhich vas later moyed Willibér of chtruteed mort - v, 0 Pn oodt a"d theo toye, a large air- ta Prairie VIewv.B ;tu» U tainthate. faat long. WiU a large drum. The district progrossied wonderfully. n liai..3tte arny mrennae, . 1 on tDe Wat la the oneiur of thre roûm. and hs grown imb a flue, ridi coni- 'r Total nimber of Instruments fild, ThIl: 1b40#S vote protectod by oi4 mffty. i 11 tiutemd Wlflds. lu 1917 the peopbu of Ibis district f elt W T.4W i amoust of bntime118,842.72. Thte flr*t toacher vas Miss Sarah liait the aid schonl houa. ha"don.eitsai Dmua.s abu eaufalrly brlsk vith àubs ua"#ie reCoivd aaa rY OC "bit' toward educating th, ral ala- gen- '»M. abaT. thO averago. $20 per mointit. The sohool tertiovas oration, and that a nov séoliol sioulildf 'I. foflovlng are thre more Import- front tour ta six mnonthà,50oas tao e> b. er.cted. The nor building vas cain-e laWakeamL.WUlbur Lewisadal héOdrtpiat ako irimenoed la Autast and vas Dahhed lnut vi.boultbî the Chrter M. Parr fat=a during theo spring molutlls. October, 1911..lit la a to-roÔm struc- r praperty on North aide Madison Jake Miler, Mike Unibdeusiack5; turs, designea ln the latout Ochool cc -sat«oosetire staion. vitii 22 John Luther Samnuel Gilut, Mary, room, model. W. ae orklng for ime foe*frptge fr880.aa4gave bock P.vpeçMaUM. Mi3uWr u vmt gtheprovemenis evory year, a" ihope tu ic ile 8fr upllU tUtglaisshool. soon have as fine a countryaSoolas titi tgtheMaryLuse Tfe Bon H. Miller, of LibertyvIlle, 1anpwhore ln the conty.t Cb fl4 tpy on norta aide Vourth 5otv0<. 0f5l'cf North avenu, for in-_______________________________ bouffit tuwm. J.. i R V U Q fIV 1L fl l1' mpà N ortii aid. Washlng- IdE~~f~ 3 1K Y K ton 4tseuI, just easî o! Victory if reel for Wule $.00.Our achool la itugbed lig thecentral ibeautiful vooda and ian. ver. aiseo i Ala 2 eombou1Iht te c p- arI of Seetios 28, Newport. The land a lot of trios an te scitool grotiud. l T =ure just siatit f Mcinley ave vas given by Wî1ihls Broein 1869, (To be Contlntued) M aie for ladicated P,500. andtihti. chool honnat vas built the b Perry A PetersSon ld vif. boughti same year by Mr. Gaede. 0 l thé Raymond L. Lewis lot on Giliette Ib a blLing la 34foot 5 luches lu Misses Hellen ad Mlldred Young th avenefor lndicated 12,000. îength by 2U foot ô luches vide. snd vlslted several 9sohool drtng 1thetite P, 1A North -Chic5go-Eustace L it c nt10 r ed ss aeleotsctO a imd Carey bolght four lots on wvolt aide eskT 110 r ad lt aeteOrshciw lsd of Jackson strout. boîveen l2tla andde and benche.. vhieh ver. very The mombers o! the fourli grade c 121h streets front M. C. Docker aod mouid snd ieavy. are Inaproving ln selllng, havlng been o gave bacit trust deed for $5,2M10. Tihe larger bouches vonld hoiti six Perfect al thre itat weok. & la Lake floret-Jullus H. Zimmor or moen pupils, adver. movablo. Rabbins have been scienlu intir Yi- in and Etivard G. Hubor bougbt the Thore ver elght largo vindova ln clnlty. and thei honk oC the vild vguoee John A. Cook place nt soîtheast cor- the building. tvo of vhleh romain. la OccasQnIill herd, s0 that Mistres clun Lincoln and lindon avenues for l'h. roomvas heated by tva amal box Sprint la net far away.M Miliae . Laimer bonghit a lot in stoves wtbhburned vaod. The villa The actio! notto for l.his veek la blcck f, Rldgewood Park frram Anna vere vht-vasiied and hung vith a "The vasiti la a looklng glasa; If YOU bcbstir fer bla8leaIs.e 8,00. '1y gond Set of UAps.give smies itvii rellect suiles." George M. Dard bought s lut on Thre scirf oum ane as aurroandi -Kenneti Clark. Mapie avenue ln Mae?. a ub-dilsion __________________________________ front Chicago Titi.' & Trust Ca. for llfffW. J. Ellott and wite ta Louis Tru - laenon~GoreW.Hoizn r b, ar lt 6an 7 bok 1 e-14 K S AUTO T I and wlfe bought the Harry E. RiaiKasa 2nd addition. Waukegan.letn-ereW usnJ Y atlt n ,bak2 c WK RD. paeon west aide Sheridan Roand. $10- Stiflp $4.50.-O Anst~1i1 lust soutit 0f Zion for indicteti $1500 W. F. Stark andi vite la Emmettf [ ACIIi'.'T 1 lu Abiocit Vllage-Thoir G. Rhoades Bilinski andi vife, lot 39 andi N 12 ad vie bought part ot the jne. j. lot 38 Ravine Slape Soli. Area W. D. Morley praperty on easl anid e Fox $500. StaniP SOc. EMPTY rUKME river road for lndlcated $2,000 and J. E. L.arkln and iwl'Ée te Christo -of gavitsc k trust deoie ýar $2.300 ý prier Larkln, tract of landtIn. SE 1-4 H. 0.-Clark, veteran piano tun-d In%%s Atic--arh wa;tts Sec.15 Grant Twi). W. 1B. $10. Stamp Fi-pidhswywihol sis subdivision on 1luff La Le rfo" A F Beaubien and wife ta Jacob repair kit of Indicaleti $5.000 anti gave back trust Nt.mi -ead wlfe.. lot 13, block 1CCun- Cak eea in ,W edfr$0O.ming.s andi Ca. Soth ide Addt. Wau- tune -,ý t Grant -- enry F. Scttaefer kegan W. D. 31.00. Stamp 6c_ 1 0i Cak, lea wepianovtnerb gi««ti th,, Elizatbeth Stotf.-l i.7actes.. andi inventer, vho l elkoml ln Sec, 2_2 for $f*5 lýFait. 7, 19=22I Watikega.n and Lake county bas ar- p Yrak Stontuti \atgt,.t I Dtetz andte ie lu. 1J.ui rived ln Californta afier a month's MitchFIl l ttotictrop, J. o ... vs-sio,.NNpart W'IS E 1,Sec auto trip, according tea aletter mat lt Gnlle i.'.tTîlf o F- st i. - I111tî.0i Twa t. teceteeti by. C. OShea. 1lis former .,,livt,îon, i S- 1t foit tnominal \s.SzI-tuga lu ('lat ît.zoe-tki employer.I r cottdal att,t lots *-Il:and 22 block 5, %lahtîuitt Mr' Clark matie the trip blu.-,t Fordth Mar t, ,s-.îîfitî o-tt Litbdi P-'a-i k, Nordti hoago. Q t.1) tt, anti titciares ilifte hati known of it *r Ni t.Osion tl I; oliu t-c,. 1,ltl ' VW. aC. kî tttT Hl)ui tlt soaner he would have stacted back ta rt on Fx take. 19t n ~It ~ 1" . 2 block ,. W-alttu-n Iltk Wttukegan in an effort to wtn thteO ttin tk.- ilaBrtat, iý Nrth i' oW 1I $1" Stamiît î,ze Saturday for tite Ford that an- a 0 bortglit ti4lise ltîtvhl- li e.'ylt $15j), St ttes frontitegreatest distance. In for $4,800. t-t-, taleof Vît ýGise-.det e ogoing front Waukegan ta the coast Rusit, V lus'î,antd milet ,'ught , " Wllernnng, ltact o!land inta he lr ook no îloney anti ont litis m.tingw te Steltarîlon lînopert,, s on Fox par Secs. 12 anti 14 Cubatowlnsnhip, and repair kit, With tehle earnet l' Lake r.aad tor nomîinal coniietittott tlect 89.301.-JStatap $950. eouglitetatalke bitemthrough nicely. f Elizabetht Johntson bought te 1.S. Spuor ant i wfe t,, Frank Mr. Ciarka vife anti son have lii et Frank Jolin.on [roperty in Tr-trac'- .danis. lot in NE'4.. Sec . 24. Liherty- in Californîs for lhree yeartt for their Lavît subdivision in Sec. i; o Fox ville Township, W- D.$750 itealtit ant ihe has Joinedthem. Lake for indicateti $3.000. _____,_192 ln Shieldis-Thos. Il. Hlan. Jno)Fb ,12 P. Kerigarriandi David willamts Mar, L. ('fildte oMethoditOt bought tire taite NI Ganîmon faim in peopies Home. 13 ft. in lot 5 Ozter--Io LONG G R OVE o SE 1- 4 sec i; on west aIde Greet, Blay Northt StîleSui). Waukegan. W V.D.$f. o o oo oo o o oo o o oo roand, near Fir Points for lndlt-atetl Statut $2- $17,600 enti gave bat-k trut ieed foam 1 . N ot le. anti wtcitt T G - Those vito were perfect in apelltng $10.000.Rtae anti wife. parttlot,. 15 anti 35 for tir e mntir were: Grace l-itzen In Fnent.-nl 3yton .1. listol Antiit. dpeeti $20. Stamp $2 tiae1 niFiei tiig boughl lite Josepht Dieiz 5 acressln A .1. Nugent t0 Sataht Watts. lot-s 1Titucsaamorning whe onoea the- SE 1-4 Sec, 32 for $700. -I est u.1 e.ctiie aet cta hybn In Cuita Pied W Henning it.-tgltt 4 etadtt1iorit, 1) $10 Sam1p - d wtitanbroken lt-g: he citlind a part of thitetWm. drace esale farct-m 4 ttttoh .D 1 tm dgwt bknlg Tecide * Secm' 13 andi 14 for, $9,300. i Otbco'ght hlm ta scitao! iontthe littieT lu %Vruaon-Ros;e B. liai-let htugiî' Andrewteil.aecki antd wie ta Stan. Stahi boys' wagon, whicualite enjoyeti. lthe TairaIt faimînb Secs 15 anti1,22 te Wysaciî lot t1, block 6. Waukegan They put hlm iu a bird a! hay in te front Minerva E. Cook et ailfor nom- Highliantds. Northt Chicago, W. 1) $10. Wa)odaied. Miss Canneli, Afredi Las- " a conslderation anti ga ve bas-k Stafnp $1.0.cteadOitKlbrne atda trust deed for $35,000. A. WV. talkins anti wife f0 Helen Leeat rdKlkrne ceia la Deerlielti Herian Il Ktigge Caikins. lot 6l andi W. 25ft of lots 6 ithysicians. bauglif lIte Otto H. Enaci.- t lots oti andi 9 block 21. Lake Bluff. W. D. $10. Misa Elsa IJmbdenstock anti Lewis o east aide Deerfielti avenue liti tdi- Mary A. Chtase anti husitandtiet G Arno of Park Rlidge visitird vitit Missae cateti $2.500. -A. Seaverns, Jr.îtart lot 122 Lake L'mittentock's parents, Mr. andi Mn'. ---- Fotrest. W. D_ $10. Slamp $1.0t0. Malt Umbdenatock, Gunday. i 0000000000000 0 000 OO E. J. Lehmtiann et al ta Rush E. Mr. anti Mrs. Chtarles Henscliterget-,V o0 REAEU S 4MltETAliSFER Hussey, lot 10, block A Lake Vlla. Sr., andi Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Hensct- e By A. K. BOWE8 deed $1.00. 1 .L egr rvstd wt r.Jh 8 ooooooomooooo 0 Ni. CDecket anti wife t .breJ. ilidwt soooo3000 0000 00 0Cacey. lots 9 10 12. block 12 Dreyers Me-yer at Palatine Thursday.0 * Foir. 10, 1922.Sttb. Northt Chicago, W- D. $900. Mr. anti Mrs. Herman Brandit, Jr.,o Oliver 1100k and wife la Atiglit f SamP $1.0ft 192 are vlsitlng viti Mca. Bra4dtt'syarents Ertimann anti wite. lot at Gray's Feb. , 122 eteJ .Mn: anti Mca. Matt Umbdeustock. J Lake, Deeda $10, attiaitp 5c. t). 1).(Campbell anti wiet .. - T. W. Dvyor andi wlfe te j. M,. Frencht ant i wfe. lot 13, Campitelis Misses lgaybelle Keller andti Tllea 1-onisa, lot 18, black 14, Wasihurn Deerp Lake Suit W. D. $10. StamP 6$c. Popp visitei ait the William Umbienra Springs, Waukegan, WD $600, stamp Chiicago TitIe anti Trust Co. ta G. stock home Saturday afiernoon. c . Faloati iteta .. . wi M. Bard, lt5NIh ~ubin blhock Mi-. anti Mca. Charles Fshi anti ant i vie,E 22 fi W 66 fi lot 6, black Jane M. Gammon and huattandte atagteMraesetSniye 12, Original Waukegan, WD $1, siamp T. H. Horan et ai. N. 80 ace9E, h ece .Ubeaa. oe 18.. Sec. 6 Shiletis township, Wv. 1D. $10. Miss Coca GasswIller anti Miss Editit P. MI. Loîtti ami wite ta J.1. Xl lund Stamp $1750. Sedamn spent the week end wlth Miss andti wle, lot 1, block 2, Bucnett's Josephi Krause ta Lotuise Wanka Gosswiller's parents,' Mr. anti Mca.C atiti.Lake Villa. WrD $10, stampi $1. paît lots 25 anti 26, block il Wauke- Charles Gosswillec NichlasScioizn ani wfe a A gan Hightlandts, Northt Chicago, W. D. S. Weeka, lot 1, block 2. Suotiei'lin's $10. Stamp 50C. J. Brehm returned home Wetinesdayd lai atit, Waukegan, W $0dse Cort Dtmn niwteta0. i. f ram a viit lu Iawa. $5,50 itîckenbscit, lot ln SW'/4, Sec. 36 Ver- Mr. anti Mrs. G. B. Ilmbdenstock vis- -- ~- lin. M fORSE State universlt, aiter experi- ments, exploMe theory to the cor#@ary Contra-y tb ho OMion sometimea aXPrissedti at caM Irio t aiod for harse. and amies, thre Universi ty of Illinois agricullural capetimen t sa tion bas fonti, au a resnlt o! a se- ries of testse.lust completedtata Sound oar can rma iriy ted vîi lesume roi4bage is a boaltul anti satsltaciory foed. Resulis of Misse tests ai-e cOntaineti an a bulletin pdiblle a tiday, lthe wark af Profoue#M.3 IJ. U dmonda andi W. 9. K4aml0ge, Accordiag ta tia publication "recommendations for feidlng farm vork stock. haseti en. liasse experisue4b - ouki ho: Te use soma grovu toid& Co make ieg- ime iray an Important Part off the aoughage, footing Ih *long viither toi-n. or pi-eferable eer corn anti Ratio of Faëding. "Au a general rabl, feed approir- tions ludicate br 1iacreaiag lthe amount of grain irhon the auiaias are ai bardiverk an# 400reaslug tte grain andti 4eéâW*thie rougitage sihen they are dolght vork or are Idle," tie bullietin bmttuues. *Ei- corn and alfila boy alone are sufficient ta wMa1taJnfarta hanses tad muies doilug ,oi*erble amount ot mfedium la iar< W sx . Havwe, tr, nore aallsfactory magements may be matie aud P=aks. scseconom- Ical feodiag Pfflt w*4vis part o! tho altaifa or doigr rougbage ha ne- placodti vii llothy'b«y, oat lia>.at strav. prairie hai"0'pr i nstover. "Farm grava let eed not spe laIl perparaiosit. sn as codîtot-ota hi- commercial me" teeda, tte ýstur- ceestully ted ta eliber hansen or muies. IIARKNESS- -(il EN DJVO""'v DECRE Vife of former candidate for state commander of American Legion oharged desertion James tI. Hai-kneas. Jr., et Wauke- gan, candidate toi- alate comniander tr rie Amenleau Leglon lasI fail, te- day vas divorcei by Nf ns. Mai-ganet P'agan Harkne.s, Zird anti Krislan avenue, North Chicago. on charges ot demortion. Harkness.vito iras been active ln tho vork oft tie American Legion ln Waukegan anti Lake county, antiis wite- hat been matrangoti for tva pesrs, anti action htas hmen pending bar, . BiAch Foad, firat, eectrlc lsMP; Jobn tSirep, 126May street. secod, .fi 3pu , ' . atY. "O Oldut 8111luFord, 1. Petine, "0s S. Citapel elreet. tlist. euectrtec lanip, Manon Malders. Lake Bluff, second, photo &ra». youngepe >y tinFrd. grand ao o Nul& Pteysn, 312 Bidgeiaud avenue, ageti 6 motua, rat, $6 batk accouai, Ftank Flary, Rot;td Lake, second, j bol valet bottie. Pive prettest girls In Ford. car tiiven by Miss Barbara Pope. 409 Water street. van fbrat anti second prizes. byve paires of silk siockings anti ive pouad b«o f caudy.4 rive tatteat meir uFbrd; no en- tries no In order tb create o neIIfeel- ing the lutiges anti mana lof the dayi tookekrivepz, Èye $5 meal tileis. Doire Nolan bain& the -mral lod Frank Burke CaMISnIDsg u a a pa enter ln lie judgs's car, driven b L«slie George. Oldest malu parade-4r.saor, c. P. o., Great Lako; ftrei, pair of blaukets, Fr-ed Shaimuan, 1018 Wasb- Ington street, Second, tlen pouudà ool- tee. Best looking Ford sedan, firai, B. T. Sai-gent, 19-plece alumninum cOooker1, Nela Pearson, second, tisaitype ail can. Ford neetisg nMost Paint. A. G. Hughes, Autlocli, Irai, paint anti anti brush, Nlck Larsen, second. 133 CiesinUU street, second. Clark car- niage hater. naa4somegt couple ltu Ford, FaresÈt euanlgs, 1lglMld Park, brgt, bit fur poart. Peter Joitanon f Joins.f Manvtill ca.. second, man's macki-' nav. Beat Ford speetister, Wayne Vogel. Waukegan auto exciange. i-st, sveater coat. (Noa ecanti prize.) Boit booklng Pord truack, Antan Vol- nacy.: 30-gsl drum auto ai.- Itest decoraied Fbrd, Pin. Lavn Dalry Fara, Sheridian Roand. $25 warti of dry cloanlng uni-k. Nuliheat Ford on vieeis. Roy Caldi- well of Bai-ke & Writt'ai, firai, a ham; C. G. Gustation, 125 GIlletie avenue, second. Thoass timer eleva- for. Altbhiailaaie vas flot nlutietinl any clama, Mca. P. Brooks o! Antiocit. recelveti an nonorable mention, anti 1he general appearance of ber car vas no neat, the JUtlges decitietiaie sitoulti have a plze of some kini, Ho r Wilson- & Ohm avartied hier a liyea gallon eu o! motoz OlL The $W10 vot 0of prIies worm do-l nateti by lb. merciants. The vinai-a eau get tielir pi-zes8 titis afternoon ai the Ai-mory vheno a big meetiug la bourg helti foi- tai-- era,sth, att-action being motion pic-e foresand speakers on tai-m subJecta.n Sevenal free piizes ai-e ta ho given ta ' t hase atteadlng titis meeting. ThaseJ who do not gmt their pnizes hodaya can cali foi- ttem Monday ai te1 Chamier of Commerce imatiQuarters.b K. IL. Esche vas in charge of tht- drawing af parade ballots. J_À_71 INQSULU AS STUI)UNT OF PLATONIC LOVE te heing arieî-ed ta con.trubuate te ire support oft bîeir litile son. Harkt Wife, seeking divorce, charges t-sa organizesi anti la5tîctm major ot he is victim of "Shadow ire Waukegan iloostet cotps, a dlrumi 1ttd btugle corps. wutîcl iormerlèl vas Skirt"; wanted "Seragilo" filliafeti wtirta Hmer Ilairinger Post -igta aeIoeSinr of ttheLegion, but it îeýntiy ttuîîeui Chtîgttt leiwe kne. aa> train thittocgttnizatatt kttown as tire Jazz King of Chicago, He- was t-mPlo.-ed ti tire Jameîs rL. ta a philantier stutient efthe Platonic larnotss baker - ithe-lonsaiwhlcir Love scitool, a canfesseti viCtitnOof we-e rt-cttiti, tlI.,tstd Iy cnt-itans, , tire Siadow Skinî, anti wauts a seragý totichi.- i cînlîctti y ira l orhar m .rs Inez Skinner, 1120 fa tht-t S. Jackson alreet, Waukmgen Tiursday -Mv. aiknIt-- tn inolter. stafetiSimed suit ton tiv-once in tire Circuit tit ht-n son diii nul spend ,Any of court ht-rt- on groundls of ailegeti tie mon->0f thtl aker in pnomlting crut-lty, tiraugir lier alterne>, Lester bis camitaign ltoi ,tate commander-. E. Williams. Skinner, aisu knowîî as tiseTu flAfl A~ tidoBird ai Paradite," ila aformer FORD DAY~AfAUL oimirber af tht- Great Lakt-sband witle John Pililp Sotusa was tend- mastel lu chef, andtihie divorce sac tion is tireuficamne af a 'sac ronmance PRIZE WINURS tirt had t s iegining a i the naval A RU ANNOUNCED evrino aing plactie utlMil , 1921 Hewasin tile navy twio years antd tottrd tire TT States wlih rhouands n atendace;thes-btnd as a saxapirone sali Thouand in attndace; Mis. Skuinner charges ftat helr bus $50worth of prizes award- baenti, wîol lir e son oh Dr. C. A ed fr 20featres Skinner, praminent pirysician anti ed fr 2 futres surgeon et a soanint, Boutlder. TirusatisSaîrtay ttnasa fit-Cola., lias admitmit anti confessei ThouandsSatuday itnesed the rtaf he is a vicfim aIf the eladow Pond Day parade andîl î prove t tate kunt anti vanieti a hait-m andti ta ont- of Ie, Most attusual anti Inter- ve ieatmlt arrsm il esting eenta t-ver lit-inhoWaukegn. hlm ire vouiti teveîop eafaf e oimen- Tht-e e wee7 entrants for pias tl anti physîcal paroxysM. anti scores of otites rîvhng Fors par- Sire also charges titat whte ai a tîcipateti ho tie parant-. headîti by lte dance at Eeieciie Park, hn Wauke. Waukegan Boosters Drum anti Btigle ganlsJueacsm htrfgon corps. out vitr anti iovlng a sailor" anti Carl Ohm oif te firi o! Wilson & tien struck irer. tilsgraclng andibho Ohns ibis attennoon expressetilsatis mlaighranta easotuk faction aven lte autcome of te eveut hmlit ecitadaIntitia ituasSark, of vuicit bis airm was theirProntater. Ner thCiaget e dne la Posa Park, Tii prize vinners, selecteti laerNanti Ctag. anr tnigto otlial Jatige E. H. Cliffoîid, E. H. Bitiuger lailt-n.banti tathc aot oan.l adR. E. Caldwvell er annonuceti Ulinantnotirer occasion. white niding as foilowa: lu att automoileit- th un toshauti Finaltidrawing Itnize,. f. Cocon, Ci- anti infant cîtîlt, sire charges, ire cago, $100. titreelenel tutleave hen bunthe mid- Second drewing îrîze, Harry Wal- dis0f tht- toati anti let ht-r waik teck fer, 634 Aasit streml, $15. oiwethy ersvramls 1 Titird draving prize, Walter Diacihn te con try, u-m evral iest 227 Wiilams atreet. $10. *b h- cîurcottIui trt Pond coming grealeat distance, aligit tramt thire aecne. Arthur Hermann, 6114 Evanas sreel,' Mca. Skhnner isa e taugirter of Mi. Chricago, 50 miles, eîumînnm caser anti Mrs. Otto Helme. 1120 S. Jackson oie. street, wirishire ha ating ht-rliante Ford carryhngmritetiople, C. An- eit preseot. denean. Waukegan. liitt îoad" of 32 Skiant-r is itow. pIeyiti-wit h t1t firai, $10 in tratie. John Shorman. Nonit-ro Scit-naders hon an elaitot 703 Archer avenue, second, ilve gal- aie Chiragoescae. lie staîted biis Milt tons t-e cneaM sicast care-clit Theinmopuilis. Wyo., ne- Mlst dilapidettetiFord. M. V. Smlith,'cmhvlng titspit-ia d1 a tred 12 S. flot nck streei. $45 accident pol saxaproos wltire litait ulru icy. sexapitoot-'wtzard.".iBor lttLin- Talleat man lu Ford, AI Peairson. coin, Nelu , it, attîdiel otusuctil thet 845 Granti avenue, mîan's irat;W. C. conservio-y of Nebtraska five vars. Coon, 201 Hi-Ividi street, second, He- startetl iis sexaîhon-- career in Photo albutîm. Waukegan witltli thelîtperial Itls>- Sitaiteat man In Fordt, E. . trown, era, led ity WIitur llitîzeli, tiiolinist ZVon, men's tet; James Salmon, Skinner la roportedti l have bt-en Waukegan, second. louer lObe, lu Weukegao lotiay fauct-tain lnwyët-s Noiseat -Ford, Win. titis. 410 Sien ,to -represt-îl hlii tthe divorce ttc- itian Roadtiretna, 12 plionagraph r rer tion. antis. John D3. Williams, 215 N. Jack- ia naoCun -TEIDPN soit street, second, aide o! bacon. rs naeCUt-TEIDPN Bet-a equippeti Ford, Walter Scier- DENT. AunERFIR66w BY QIJARANTINE. Lake Forest. man, convicted on auto theft charge, oan't beffin serving sentence Wlti his Iapers aIl matie nut andi ready ta go ta Joliet to begin serving a sentence o! frani eue ta ton yeara, Alger F. Robinson, of Lake Forest, la aIl drosseti un but no place bo go. Dute ta Lie tact fiai John Rankaw. sky. of Gante, lu the counity laul on a charge of Vlolating thte prohibutory lav, bu samailpox. noue o! the prison ors at thre jaîl are belng remaveti, anti no vIsitors are aliavei, anti Robinson. vito vas sentencrd lasI woek by Jutige Etvactis for having stolen an automaobile tramn Henry Vicicerman, at Lýake Forest, la one of tiose wito yull ho tietaineti iereutil the county itoaltit physiclan releases the restric- lions.' The laul la flot exactly under quar- anine, but lthe sierift la taklng pro- cautions fu provent tite apreading a! amalipox. Robinson was Indicted ry Lte De- cember grand jury, andti ler. ver. msny charges against hlm. ant ie conviction ia bellevedti lahave solveti ftho tisappearance of many aulomao- hiles in t tly. CAPTURE MANIAC AT IHLAND PARK; BROUfiIIT HERE Police in that city apprehlend man long an inmate of Elgin asylum 'Hlie Highlattnd Park police t-arly ta- tiap capturetic. E. Allgeyr. a nianiac who escaped i >clray tram Elgin insane as> litai. lie was bcaugirt ta Waukegan titis ntonning anti nefurneti ta lthe asylum titis aitennoon. lie vas sent fa Elgin troot Cook coîmnty May il, 1907 and wat epet teti as lteing awfuiiy cmazy.*- Shenjif EFlnîer Gm et*t-i uputit-s fa- day alsa 100k to Elgin Ennest Meatie of Gnayslake who was fournd insane Wetiîesday alte-noontri thIe County court hefare Jutigp P. lt'"î sns; Meade has ht-en knowtt ta he -off' foc a long time Iti ,t wa, regam-detil as harmilesa ant ititecelote ntt action wits takrn againaf hlm. Wisdomn Lies in Correction. Dom'in Iîke ft. ttttitit tîf lthe ftttlti anti finduttgs of tt- tttotilyott tvon ho gootd ta yoîr-elf. tîttI datif(ittrry your saut oî-er yttîi t.t Iittîlca-înd mistakes.-Ada C. tfw.ei. FRED ORABBUE AUCTIONEERING FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN PHONE 2441 Revers. Charges on Butine#$ Canla ----- ---- -ne ---- - -- ARLINGTO? 4HOTEL * " FOR ALL TII EI FL J o INDEPENDENT..410.A YVA5 ELHANANI W. COLY jOffice at Home, on Cook Aven»e Telephano 163.3 LIBMITYVILLU, ILLINOIS. MAN C. DECKM Attorn.y-at.*W. 315 Washsington Street WÂUKIXiAN, ILLINOIS. Office Phono 848. Ros. Phone iê LYELL H. MORRIS Attormmyat.Law LIBEIRTYVILLE, iLLiNoIS. Res. Phono 136-M. Office Pbo*ý Attornoy-at.L&w LIBEItTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. - Telepirone 83. J. E WALTERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGUOII. Olseases of Women andi ÇMl' as peialty. WAUKEQAN, ILLINOIS. W. W. JOHNSN, D. D. S. DEMNIST Phone 841. 112 No. Qoneo 8.#t WAUKCEGAN, ILLINOIS.' DR. 0.. F- BUITERFIEI VETEIRINARY BlIRGMON' Assiatan t at*Vtetrt*arlan. LIBQRTYM.VlL, IlmYois. DR. J. L TAYLOR Office ln Friat National Pank Bjý, Hours:-1 ta 3:30 ud7 lt$aiePU Realdeuce an Broadvay, opposite PU*~ LIBERTYVIILR, ILLINOIS. - CHARLES R. WICKF4NS Washington-Cointy Sts. Phgua.1U WAUKIDGÂN, ILLINOIS. Publie Accountant andi Autts'. Accounting Systonts, Audits, Poateti Perlotilcaiiy foranfl do not neeti a Permanent»om3 Phone 26 Hour 3 t 8 P. DRS. MION & DAVIS Chiropractic PhylIidm Speciallta-Corei-on ef Deforml Nervous anti Chronlo Deae& suite 10-11, Nov Castie eoul. LIBERTYV1LLn ,ILLTNOL. MARBLE bND GRAM MONUMNT Cemetery WoiI.1Evg 'WAUIKEGNU.a j, s' 1JfGÈR BkAND . ExceptioialPurity fflg Gemin 1 Absolutely Freedom From Noxious W"ed have made Badger-Bland 'Seeds The Larest. Seller mi the Northwest Fo« Sae By Reliable DesSers Everywhere moe Dlutulhuor L. TEWELES SEED CO. Milwukee 1 lý

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