CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Feb 1922, p. 4

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4 t différent. Maine vaged a t l ucky lie en en baskets vhieh Save tet~e le u £55L lIIV I54. It was anybody's gazae mtlitherfinal Wauh~egrn Wekiy wSi stvlate. Our foilovs trled theïr bard- m""nnest to turn the tide lut our fWyor. but Ih ttbeI>outoMm at LO»retyvI M B,,ai Second 01MB Mail Matter. was useleos. The U YEAR, ÎTRiT _ -Naetth. end e! the <came, lnit ss's SYon P*tC1 J0Pu ER SRCLy DVANOE* favor. Parker and Olendort at guard p1110e Tolopheme Number 1, Lbertyville Exchange. kept Maine b=rom cr-Ing many bas- !drakt% vblle Porteous, Rock and WaMle deserve praise for their fGoor vork MA& ENIN E - Local.Manage, and basket sbooting. Better luck neit PAS 0.NALEY-. -...-.... oca Mnag, ime. -Don Fîtz. 11 LAI'JVND WStratton from Fox Lake vere arnong 44"n.g-Chief-Eleanor Wlde Kathryn More and Ethel Hanson. the out o! tovn giteats at the P. T., A. 7 -Business Mnager-John Thles. Bessie Wagner '21 of Deab Nor- beek Igdite-Carolyn Buttârfl.ld, Assistant Edtor-Mav,é Galloway mai, vas in Llbertyvlle Monday and telepboned greetinga. W ULE8 FOR BASKET SALL as c"iman of te entertaininent cormy-telt, u entge 4 fdyAiberI Hagerty, our- mlttee. The pregram wva as follov5:Alc, and if they don't brlng the i* cîor, gave us a taik I as- Selectloni by Hlgh Behool. bt part of tbe score home there villl M our pais aystem and on nov Sketcb. «"Gettybur" be var. Ater tvo dldata, a vlctory $ât " raies. "CM lInkz.» 511,11 var vterait-Don- v ou]d Sound good once more. Ïi »iXeJd I bat the student coun- aid FitzgeraldI. 1Have you read anythlng about Japan 1» lent a groap o! peuple trying te Pally, his niece, Marie Boehmt. 1 or China? Rtemember the current abat., over th. sebool, but an or- Wilson ()endort and Wlnfrud Wîl., event prOgrant Wednesday. di*oS of the. students for their son fUrnlsbed the band music for thi!Help your Society tu ho the wînner. a Manid aslety. sketcheHEPPMETN 06 a d ety Boys'Glee lub iong.TH EMEIN WrtaSi mprevuents bave been Wasington Massaya (original), Car- The sditooi cheer leader vas at vOrk I 3 atRie pueaisstem. Nov the olyn Buttertield and Albert Ragerty. again E'riday durlng noom hour. en hi te corido mus OIifljcouraglng,& entreiing and forcing the «MI 0 S1nh e «conaieMAINE va. L. T. 1H. 8. 1mcl> oflusty tbroated tudents, lnellld- ot immola, more* cors enin lauing IN DOUBLE HEADER ing even the Frouh, ta Yell harmonioum 001E ly and ln unison. In ot.her words. for MWOteore stdenta bave beeu car-s. Ater aufferlng a long atring 01 de-- alltu yell tbe same thîng lte affe iat vewrltg gym abuses t nom,. feats, It looked, Friday nlght, as th&' tinte. »eseda 'wM he ibail vRille the Maroons vers golng tu ho avebg- 'me cause o! titimeeting vas the %grs are piaying. but thora bas ed. But, aias, aller startliig the first approaciiîng gaine vlth I>ePinet, la 4iUea tprovement the tvo gaome vitit a rush the second team ad- vhicb- la one of, Llbertyvllle's strong- * *âMèg th chiot taik. mlnlstered thte fir-t dlsappointzient. est rivais. ,%e neboel conld'net wish for a bot. Exceedingly -good guar-dlng by Casey At a tInte like this the tomi needS Aillorand should co-oprate and Duba kept Maine's score davit, the full support o! the school- more à hizn. wville somne good shootlng and floor than at any ther tinte. 'me attitude -e- work shovn hy Walrond kept ours up. af the students ln the gym flda)$ tTA. MEETING LAST FRIOAY j But thte pace vas bard and in the lait ahowod that they appreclate boy lm- ev miates o! playe tvo1long abots portant their vorkla ln the vlnnlng ffPl". Pet,ý 10. an appreélative and-a-ree throwvXot Maine von-thernto! a gante. They responded heartfly Iusegtbered et the Hlgh Scool thee gante iy a score of 14 to 11. tu, the dircetions o! the dheer leader, ~Ito hear the patrlotic Pr- Encouraged by thte suappy gante thte for thte "Snake dance" and the rest o! Ivuby tha hlgh school studonts seconds put up, the fTint teain slarted the yells--esipechally for the yells for « tgneil.ln vIth a vengeance and gave Malne ik4lvlrai players. ww in s, the president, read an ar- sucb a surprise that vo flntahed the Wben thte bell rang, the crovd dis. W coer-ing the blstory-o! the P. firit bal! vlth the score lit our favor. persod to go to their varions clauses, la Llborryfle. vii Mn.Wb But ln lte second hait the storY vas bonnse and broatltess, but glad o! the cbamee te' do ibis bit 'for th. sehool. Àn5,t by te vay,t vho la It that bas agent heurs of gatlrlng effort vltb a bunWhor atudents, trylng to get thont te yefl. viiben aUl they did vat stand &Md look at hlm vl±b a dreamy and aniused expression? Tbat's Dave Plats vho . ba done the moat, and deserves the most credit for wbatever thte stu- dents do ln the vay, f0! yellIng and eUcouraglng the teamIn i foot ball, bas- ket bail or any other sport.. Ready novw! And Day. vould say "jivorynbody' on your feet-ldt's go!" And eren If our cheer leader woeit lead us, let's make It loud and long. Yea! Bah! Play. -R. B. Bayera. ADIJITIONAL LOCALS Ear-i Klopper and Art Smlth were Waukegsn vlsitors Tuesday evenlng. That sour smelly sink viii bs. pow- er qulcky---l you use Blue Devil Cleanser. 7-lt Mss ate Carroll bas been Ili for several days vîtit a severe attack of Mnr. Byron Colby bas been confined tu the biouse for more titan tbree weekle -vlth broncbitl,4. "Mrs. William Rudolph and son, vE non, of Bikbland Park, vlslted Mns. Henry Baker Tuesday. »bOut twenty-five friends of Mr. and MrS: Henry Baker sur-pr-ied tIm at their home on Second street Satur-day evexing. The evenlng vas pleasantly $Peut Play'Ing progressive euchre. Thle gentlemen's honora ver. awurded to1 John Surdanr, Henry Baker and Chtaa. Kieppor. Tbe fortunate ladies ver. XIss Marlon SIuaaer, Mn8. John Suy- dam and Mii Florence Klepper. Dell- clous refr-ethzents vere served, andj everyone reported a good tinte. . i George Estey, age<i 86 years, died ati theCounty Parut lasI Sunday mornlng aI 4:45 o1clock. Old age and bardening of the artories vas tbe-cause of deatb. For more than twenty-t'wo yaars ho bad been bllnd. Mr. Estey wa, born parentO te Warýren tOl%&U vhèbho 8a eve yoaraoage. When aïoitt 8b~~eas ld o oved té. Chatavortb, MU.. where he servred a tom as ustigce e1 thte peaceand aima ai asessor. He wuab ais menmber of the. adhool board at tbat place. Interment vas made in the Warren cemetery. Speaklng of hard luck, the littIe daugbter of Mir. and 'Mra. Jullus Trep- tow of Lbertyvllle, has encountered IL. Only a few days ago site was i-e- leased from quarantine for scarlet fever. Now site bas been quarantined for dlphtherla,.. l Sows Auto Liyev-Taxi Ser vice. nlom lbetyv&L s8.Ma Just What You Need Han»dY Pocet Guide Handy PctGieçfLi ertyville pbled by fLaee 1 Warren, containin t i m e tables of the Chkago Northi Shore & Mikwaukee Electric and Cbicago, Milwaeiee & St. Paul Ralroaci. a calander for 1922. and much other valuable information. -Handy Pocket Guide FREE Fiftcen Ieading Libertyville business bouses are giving them away absolutely free until their supply is exhaust- e&i Be sure to 'get your copy. Use fu Every Day Thronghout the 'Year FIRE!FIRE-! TWO IN ONE DAY Both of these losses were insured in the New Hamp- sbire insurance Comp- an'y, and both losses ad- justeci the same day 4y CHARLES- D. PROCTOR Local Agent Phono 154-R1 HOUSES FOR SALE Two new boUses On Fourtit Street that we Will seil riglit. These were built by us of the best matorlals and by lsbor on day basis. There la no sbtn about titem. I'lfty-foot graded lots. Sbade trees and waîka. Houses bave large llvlpg ront. kitchen, Ivo bed rooma, Ibree closets and bath on main floor. Roorn for Ivo bed rooms on secor d floor. Fine, blgh cemented besement. Water, gas. eiectricity, citterL ,. Pries p of one $4,500.0 and other $4,200.00. Firat paynent $1.000.00 Balance easy. Will put ln furnace for $160.00 extra. AMERICA WIRE FEPIC CO., 'Pheme 80. LIBERTY VILLE, IL OPENN AKNOUNCIEMENT Sat urdy-Febury 18, 1922 WUVVe desire to announce to the public the addition to our Large Furniture Store of the rooms known as the Hanby Flat. This we have fitted up sitnîlar to a Mbder Bungalow or Flat, showing a fine selection of House Furnishings from parlor to kitchen. We hope te have at leait oe representative front each family in ad adjacent ta Libertyville cdi on us some time durig the openmng day or eveming, Satudy. February lIM, andi inspect our complete lunes or Househeki Goods, aints andi Painters' Supplies. We desire you te look over our price tags andi see how reaicuable our prices are. Andi for your benefit we bave marked certain articles at muchl ess thon con. If you find these articles andi wish te purdchase them you wiIl find thera rare bargains. As a Special Inducernent- we wilI give to the person making the Iargest purchase during the day a Ten ($1 0.00) Dollar discount on their purchase. To the persan buying the mast articles of different kinds, regardless of valua, Five ($5.00) Dollars ini tracle. To every Tenth purchasar during the day and evening, for either cash or time sale, we will give a spacial 10 per cent discount, regardless of tha amount of the purchae. MMN SURRS AWAIT TOU. BE SMR TO STOP IN AT OUR 1 MINUTE fUTURE AND -PAINT STORE SOMTME DURING THE Saturday, February 18, ODEL AND UP-TO-THE- EDAY OR EVENIG 0F 1922 The Ray Furniture and' Paint Store Teiephoge. No. 9 Open Monda y, Wednesday and Saturday Eývenings Liberty ville, 111. i liE i E E a i I IE iE i i z +1 B i E i i WE HOPE TO HAVE A LARGE NIJMBER 0F OUJR FARMER CUSTOMERS IN DUUIG -THE DAY, AUD WILL DEMON- STRATE, BOTH AFTEROON AND EVENING, THE FAMOUS REB STAR WICKESS01 ffSOVFS. WE WILL ALSO HAVE DEMONSTRATIONS 0F THE DE-. TROIT JEWEL GAS STOVES, THOR WASHING MACHINES, HOOVER ELECTRIC SWEEPERS AND THE BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH. SOMETHING TO INT EREST ALL.1

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