CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Feb 1922, p. 5

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LIBURrvJUE D)PWMYTHIJMSAY, FEBRUARY 16,1922. uuuuuu..N.oeunuuunuuHMII .1 = M Y' EM = i i 'E E i IIINffiN-- --- - U------ e s s. .5 r. s s 1.. Wark is Dot very rushing now, abd if you wvill go over yaur land, niake Up your ist af what: you are gaing ta need, bring it in ta us, we will submit you sambsIes and prices that will surely save you money and trouble. Our seeds came fram Reiable Growers and are tcsted. WILL PASS ALL THE STATE'S SM)D LAWS. AND WE GUARANTEE YOU AGAJNST A DECLINE OR HICHER PRICES, which is warth while for tlsought. Corne, now, Iet's ge t busy, sa wc won't have ta humr when you are busy. DRAMN TIL IS COING TO BE WAHTD SMON. BIJY NOW. YOU WILL SOON WANT FEKTILIER. WE HAVE THEM ILibertyville Lumber Co* TELPHONE,47 r Sim.. Mary, Badr, wlio las been fili htl pleurisy for about three weeks, îa' ale ta be about the tbouse, and Mrs William Zoeiner as returnedti 1 her = Short Items of Especial Interest ta LÀbertyvvlle People lCiao ___________________ _______ Aubrey W~els entertained about 17, orlits friendsaia a birthday party ai Ralpli Webrenberg was a Chilcago Supt. T. A. Simpson was a visitor at i,,hm rta vnn.Tege ~isitor Sunday. the Liliertyvitie st-boots Monday. hsethoe Fidevening Thaeîg bon, Louis P. Sceiuer of Waukegan u is Mary Jane, eldetit daughtei r 11nM anti other games. The yOufglg0k,, en îted Lberî',alle frientis Friday. land Mrs. Chiarles Edward Carroll, la 1JOYed themselves immensely. suffering with diphtheria. Â regular Blue Devii for, dIrt ileTlie Hoty Naine Society of Liberty- Devil. 7-t Mrm. Paul Hicks and Mr ýI, vilte wiit present the picture, "Th- YoUng Wero aMong Libertyvil,_ Blasptîeîuier," ai the Auditorium next Miss Adali Hetter waa the guest ail ors ta Waukegan Wednesday. Tuesday evenIng. This is satd ta lic. fiîghtand Park frientis Sunday. r picture of absorbing interest. A tecý Treat yourseif today-buy- a 13v r.Eit oes fCic eol are turer witi explain the exhibition. îtacage0f nue evî Clense. ibis week vtsitIng her sister, Mia. J. S. Gridley, and famiiy, on raineati Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hulier visited 4 Avenue.. wtii relatives in Chicago over Sun- MB ~lC>it a ae ute* AHUCMN Victary Xemora. Hospital in Wauke Iws oanuc htIcr Mis. Arthiur Peters andi Mrs. Clara gan Weduesday, Wliere Blie underwen* rheumatm he adauc hat pile, Webrenberg spent Saturday in Wau- au overation. ie la doing nice'y. « -- kegan.entea and nervous diaorderm kegn.Mr. andS Mn. Gearge Trîggs are re- Without the us. 01 of eiin. or Mr. andi Mrs. W. F. Franzen enter- coverin.g trom their recent Itiness. Mr, druge. References furniahed on gI Utaineti severat out of town friends last Trigge wss laid up witli a bati caae of requetit. = Suudaî. ~pflaumnia, wie Sirs. Triggs sufferetiIA P T E froi a severeé attack of ~ieuri8Y. IiI PiR vislted thtir piarents in Liberti'ville n. R. Mack received a box of orangea 0 hplSre Tuesday. in Olga, Florfaa. Mr. Sclinell picked Phone 1008 lhe fuit froin trees in his yard. He WAUKEQAN ILLINOIS Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wheeiock andal waa in tlie creamery business here 1»**********i.***' lAmtiy &peut thie week end witli re!a- jtram J. D. BSel ho io now residing tives in Chicago. several yoars ago. M lr. and Mms. James Brown motoret Thea Ray Purniture and Paint Star., ta Waukegan SaturdaY, ta attend the. promises to b. a busy place next Sat- i l Anine-pound boy arvt tts readines for thse opening of the new D 1 1 JimaaiMn ad n. ard aMorris department of thse tore. Thse second lit. story bua been turnhshed on the plan of a~n up-todate bungalow, andtihle 111 For cakes, ice creain snd puddings,' firin bas Issued invitations ta the pub- n u CHIIU S Barker's Superfine Fiavors are sinîPly' tte v'âe its guest next Saturday. Sec ________________ m et M delicious. At ail grocery stores. ,the large dlsplay ad on page tour of Nir. and Mrs. Jesse Fishser and fam ise ly or Wleaton were week endi guests xt tiîg Lenard Disney hiome. êr. and Mrm. W. 1. Coltins returneti me Tuesday, after a visit iu Syca- ,r-, Ill., with relatives anti frientis. glas Marie Engtebrecht spent la,,? day In Highltandi Park at the iom, tir clati-r, -Ars. Joseph Petidie. lie Libertyvîlte banks wili lie cios al da> na-i-SI ednesda'. , ' on account of Washington's l rit- he Woman's Giotti of SI. Lam ce's chu rt-ta iilmeii on 'h i i ,iai hý1, ai W-i. tonw -of NMra. Herrlng- il -igilit-unit itaughier uosboa 'U i an Mis. Joseph P. May Tues afternoon aI îliree o'c'ock, aI the st Side Maternity Hospital. Mrs. ty was forsnerly Miss Amber Colby .,tbertyville. Mi-e Jacobi Feeser (nee Nettie May Brogden) died tbIs (Tiursday) morn lng at hon home lu thse Grange Hait dstrct nortis of Libertyville after an i loess of several monthsa Shv was 58 years aid. lu February, 1887, sie mai- rieti Jacob Fesser. To ti union were bain three chlidren, of who-n Blancee anti Grace survive, living witi their parents ons the tarin. Ttav tiret child tiied in early Infaney NtMrs. Feeser .was ie daughter of Jamvýs andi Sarah Blanchard Brogtien. She was wett know-n in Libertyvileý No arrange- idots bave been matie or tlh( funera'. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HiESVB GIVEN Iliat tlie second instailment on Spe- d cat Assessment Warrant Na. 14, Vil- lage of Liberyvil>e for Stornm Water rSewera wIll lie due January 1, 1922, and payable at 'ýbe <'olleetor's Office LYEYY H. MORRIS, 52-tf Collector *Money Given Away' For Ten Days Men's Suits, Ladies Suits and Ladies' Dresses Dry Cleaned and Pressed From February 2Otb to February 28th inclusive 1$ One Dollar,1$ FRED CROKER Tailor Telephone 147-R LIBERTY VILLE Tractor Prices mor lOun ii il T ed 22, T rein Fi h A dii> Wei Ma] of 1 I I Reduced Clausfied Adi. in The Imiependent seenre resuisdh'. etimmà triai ma y.. il b. comvmced mdm e a ve maisel.ct. Damp Wash Tlie New Launclry Service is well hked by the lao numiber of famnlies who bave tried it. It is being recommended to their friends and neighbors as a money. tme and labar-saver. We want YOU to try our DAMP WASH SERVICE. We know you wilI lke IL. You can also cut the cost of washig yeur DAMP WASH 'ni baif, by rccornrencling DAMP WASH to your friends. For every new pat« of oui DAM? WASH SERVICE r.ceived tlroih yon rec- .medaiomw. wiR aflow you 50 per cent reductiou on your next DAN PWASH. The cost is $1 .25 for 25 lhs. or under. and 5 cents per IL for each additional pound over 25 Ibs. No article is marked, and each bundie is carefully sartcd as ta colort, slks, woolens, ccc., and washed separately in nets. liii- nating any chance for shortage and damnage. It cornes back ta you in a DAMIP, not WE, condition, with near- Iy everything ready to iron. Try Our Damp Wash Service We know yau vwall lîke it. A large bag to scnd your wash home in "I be sold for 50 cents, if you haven't anc. The Reliable Laundry IJNDERERS DRY CLEANERS AND) DYERS Rigd" dPark masdIJiedyil Ph..., Hghiand Park 178. Psome, Jubertyvifle 67-R Advstiiyowî sales and have yourmiesaleh printed at the. Independi oie. T'hat kind of pnhulcity bringi buyers mmdgood puces. MR, FARMER Don't You Think it's About the 'Right Time to Give Your Seed Wants a, Good SLot of Attention? Samson ---and the WOMAN. saves Man's natural instinct is to produce, to carn; woman's to conserve, ta save. Saving is a matter of what you DON'T SPENO. And idia does the spending? 'fli wif e is the spender-the wise spender-of those quarters of the average family disbursment. And 'tis better so, for the American woman is a wisc buycr and she wil bave rnoney left if anyone. Ta enjoy the greatest good frorn what she saves. she should regularly place the resuits of ber thirift in a savings accouait at se goad bank like Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS FRID-AYand SATURDAY J. Warren Kerrigan "Thé Coast 0f Oppor- tunity" 2-Reel Consedy Featuring Neeley Edwards SUNAY Neal Heart "Danger VaIIey" 2-Reel Comedy "April Fool" Good If you jind if hard te save monxey, perhaps it's becatise you 're Iollowing a hit-or-miss plan-or no plaitn aal. Decide wthat you should save in a year's tinie. Then plan ta deposit one fifty-second part of that amount, EACH WEEK, in an interest bear- ing account at this bank. It's a fact you'lI get better resuits froi tus pMa than frons occasional deposit of Iargr iot Y ou'IH ot greaty miss thisuer wekly 4eW posits, cither. Dry Cleaning Speial SAVE 75c ON EVERT SUIT CLEANED AND) PRESSE!10 ING THE WEEK 0F FE!RUARY 20 to 25, 1922. During this week we wiII dlean and presa l 1 Men's Su.i efr ............. . * TAXE ADVANIACE 0F THIS SPECIAL; WE WILRU YOUR SUIT LOOK LIKE NEW. Let us remind youofour DAMP WASH SERVICE g1 25 pounds fanily wash for . .. .. .. ..... The Reliable Laundry Launderers, Dry Clemmers and Dyers, Phne 67-R Libertyvile, or 178 Hfighlami ParkL HIHAD PARK LIBERTYY Mis Pictures. Comfortable seats1 I ADMISION: Adulti, 25C. Cho"ide1 IOc. :mile away your trouble 0to'ers atways bring good cheer. FIOWERS coule t o ban. lai trouble andt t cheer those who are sati ar Sheart. Titre Is ambition to b" faunti in contempla- ting tliem and inspiration- inl thier fragrance. > Your lumber and building matei requirements can be filled here- your financial advant4ge. In other words, we wili save you mcii on these prices. Every price advant .sge that the m.wk, affords wiII be yours if you trade witbuq BOSTON-B-A..G $ $465 Fitted with Pulley, Governor, Platform and Fenders $575 DELIVERED Schanck Hardware Co. Pholue 39 085 W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANY-. Phone 29 LibertyviDe L.811 LIBERTY VILLE~~lllUUillBHllIi J! International 8-16 1 With Plow $690 Ti-tan 10-20 With Plow $720 1 1

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