CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Feb 1922, p. 6

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HU Ewec-k end.i 0 0UhI13It G * ro <le ance given at the opera J 'W1tTbrda voigfrthe - ~~~~Mis.L. Larson of North Prairie es tthbs bilaoain WM d ne éo d daughter. Mra. Oscar Douglas. Mr. Motley aeonLkeCt . mmWJ.MGSntam lr 'M dej>atm&Ïta Uf abe a~d Mr . .G. Poulten of Round Liaki 1nearAnlcheW bdn# -ata kUn pry dia to save mansion ver. Sunday guests of Mr. adMrs.1 ed; BuiId amile of ohannel A wu pal1atial $100.00 home at Lake J. M. Camoron hau purcbasedl the aid On.e o the mont extensive 11=11ovo ~$J. M. TseOint, 1mîliionaîare barn on the place receutly bouillt by men~t projecte of tii. lako regofWp té Jackson K. Deertag Coul oHsosdi talgi on f anu±oa 1la tôho Stttd VU1IIB lb% .tewr, v ï19trdw.' A, dofotivo nulu Clrecn hrwaexts 1enly e lvooka 1w 3m ertloy n- u oo i sb4y'ilpou *Ifth Offices at 1914 McCor, hrodla eelySio gdyse xditn l Moth lit.u ao IvweLGâi 1......ig1 Cage, burnod te th.e ie«ppointed potmnaster cf aur vif- a h ltkn>asQat '1Ws pit ygsnav U Gii r part, of the onneue la believed lage, but bas net -eceived bis com- Lake Catbiru $~o isltethr.~prst Së u- th -e cause or thetire. mission. fo la1o ~u~IgislttLk ete vere dînecWered by ser- W. e r. vry much grievod te heur uorti te tht bobudmry of the. section. I $ aiv iAden, 104 At 10> 'ciock. At faon the. tman- SuuLd.4ý0f the teath of little James Wheui the. pittting a empcoie&ltht.tI.e.iW # qn r L ! to boger'dêe On5e te leshow Wl tbs oel ampa. oui . of00 lot,,moafve ome iiiae a oph Kua" vont ho atteid ti lef 1,ke counti, was a jpile cf fifW uenui.adorh&t"0ls»mtO dÇWUhv' buntaee elt ynpathy gees eut te the sorrev- ntage t he Ipublie bnu of~~%~ut lr1h t * Brielol.d Dpeeings spenti about seven îng futher =4 istoi iat btarbc ttpbi ht. ~j fis of the year an Iheir Lake 1way ruiiuln a ev huadred teet frein La. HSmi0f Bril, eat.hiaede tefot ed Ti-i )MeKeusie and bis aunt, Mr.' the nertb ondi of Lake Catherine. ,0 eztae. lactea the pr en tIi. -P vent te Chicago Monday eve 1 y planning lbhedhaiinels lu a dlv- wIiéb tue wintering ln New Mexico. atuf. LDd from thera Mrs. Price. vil 90 Ifon, there'willlbe an Isand lua h. lieWu~ à yý Aithui Simnpsoin. theeCure- te iRochester. Kinu, for a vlilo. .11231conter of the subdýiison, upm t hicii- dult V pw rî vnza ,yae4 tht fir"-tgbt- .MKeniSie vilii enter the eniploy 0! the *ver a bundred lots viii be ChaitWd tg#w»nt on tâte place but wilh- Yellov Taxi 0"b Ca.. and ie *frle vivth abnest every on. huving a front__i vasii ê~t 45hV. S gTdsay forerlim ueent vite lMrm.fred elleon th* chiea.-Thls WMenable wàW ni n ùundrod to tehb.e ne .oauIygbotrtebettr the. overa te 'have their evn vater a ss ~ Fe i1~u Ii ý,bdflV'#dtote$= QIte etrfiontage for docklug their bouts sand pê o er afa_ b1ça"dWou voforAisefaim a lplace for svrimmiug, as o~b tf bIends, etn L t ýl* 44 0 the roli s',r thte cmels lo t ver ve' tliefr Wq we ey =rw, eAGthe Oune- tr l lholti et the fot doop. *h gu' -Imuao tbta4ed sub a tau-tthat ciiNh boe ovey Saartla e ela the present plans, nov bog plot î n~êt~8ersEs uobt ee ue tar h ts t 7.0. lu charge of Miss Ilator, vho Iat . te oe1i. ý*&t le chered fla director et r.Hlim seducution of ;mmu..M0rely vIihave a park oxtend-.- and &* ii bve re Mr. smr ýJ. IL Deerinut estate te on. cf the e.unty. and an expert ln that liae. in& the comilete iength e01tthe olougliand '!%tezeu er. iu MiÎ- 49st iu-to-ds#t e .fotu" nti uWheher iyou are a t«elwtiin the in- u on both ida14svith oee ntrailIca.o tbb ~ . %te. lie bas an expansive stable tday chool or net. you yUll be very don for a public dacklug place. 1 !.~e*eKbap pn e rfes iRlieiihave won prizs et a%~elc(.me and you are usgedt teattend.. b omlt0po a bu abn- asss ve k wutabet aie a ros bai-se shovs. Portunately. isThe.witn voba ee o adfeinteeplot bot a hu tif Lakelieraui, a. tables and atiier buildings o r.B .Wtn wo aceufdYrd rmtenrhed flk orIn talai were leoated et nome dis- quite 111,.le mucli btter, but dosesnot Qatiitshe,- sud vien It la ecosfloti .capo utaient voe fa ttie bouse andi vere pot recever the use cf lier voîce. cometlno duriug the. spring -viii ai- caledto t the Dering home Satur4ay- d by the f lames. low aem a, t Channel akè, Bluff leosti. -ha tas of the bouseg dhss been lelegispheti te Lake sud Granss Lae via boat except av*bt theebldnvabuet rd in benteegapedtoM. 00 0 000 Oj).0 0 o00o00 00vwen the vateriselov. btitdnggtç,g*d.e %g snd it is expected tisat lie ' JBBRJ) druji home anti take charge c'Iof M USCOOL o -- Misa Adde Scofèrspent a fev tiys 'UMIson MIr. Smpso.licare foooo.o.êo.,*@OOOSoê0 ..0oo@ lautveek buying a large supply of .exîcbed the opinion tliat thet1), 0 ANfTIOCE qw eilfllno- Y. She expecta lier ÏMS ai leasi partilly ceveret 1 Mu. Simpson caileti at oui- echeol0 timmer here tliawoek. urance.j Wednesday atternoon. 000000000000000000î Mms.Both aJamesýl1brtof Cicago, gtin'ste ci $100.000 onth Wm elsvite a the A i Mr. aud Mms J. Wison McGee en- epot ovar Souday witb ber paents, lisferishoga 1.talit Lobmau home Suaday. tertalueti tht torner's brother andi vueMr. sud lMms Joa. C. James. =oiely couset vatîve. .i-scllc- ofe Chicago, oer 3unday.________ Mne of the fi, ýshin 'S wpe Sickneas bas causedth te absence cf. iMrget Graber. Robert Gruebnan blnr.1Lula ViceocfChetek, Win., le eOo oo eo ao o o eeo o o o e sud garl Lohman. * bre vsihing ber psrenta, lMr. antiMu-e. G IK Gideon Thayer. o0 eOia0 GU NEE0 *e>oeeooO0 Ome of the Young peple of thie OO pOOOOOO LA0!V'L dslriect etded the.psrtylven in Agues Peheronhbas been quite sick 69006000096000 0benor et Grâce Peppersa birtbday ]ae~t the sat week -witb an abscees in bier Paul Bloha,. odutor. 5 O O Stinday henig.bso. ail Barustabie, as't oditer. Mby D'Armand. vho bas beenî MeivitujBergboru sud Etivard Pohiman Mr. and Mrs. John Clark were in Mrs.'Cors aaW toe Joliet. la visit- Il tht past tva vWeeks I. lm-~ enjoyedtlhe rse racing on the ice et Waukegan Friday. lu g ber sister. Mrs.Nettie Sneenby fer IWaucccds. Supday.The Juniors are bsh paticlng to ew dy Pec o Eanto. sen a1e FsnkBlet IîttheemloefRiergive e play etthieigz rle1 nte Aunouncemeut le madie of tht mat Pek fEvnso, pnta e Fak lit lf te mlo f lmrnerfuture.rigef Frank MeCesin sud Miss Aile st veek -ith heu- sister. Mrs. Heidoman, Wednesday te enter business ~ .Adrc. Hpleat h bny litsmm 'eck's cousin came up luEgI.lre. Mary Adams bas been quite mooners. idy sud spent the day. 1 Our average ettendauce for tbe fie iooriy for some tine. Bbtblotuetht.en Of~stf Chicago and Mis, menthe auat completed in a99.35%. We Frank' Spard a ae eaBobbed i aircoatinrers are bc th 1 Cdde fLaeFre eli e toba ram éther achools Chicago hs Fty r1 a ae oaBbdhi,,aotreut r ýýUdra 9jake Foest w" ut Frday. vbere bie ienlon, Evelyn Fouion ahd Rsther1 iegrtiugthir ttndne.ue'drvent an Olistutioa for aPPudctis, Benley. jThe fsnilty of W. Týjý1 S. presoitteti tht play "lier- Honr-tbe Mayer" SfridaY ovenlug. Tue pluywvas one o thtinet uteestngplaytat bas ever tbeeu presentot inl GrlAUl cf the A ~pluy-rs teservenmqch prause for thefr lii 1N NUIL S LE success. Those who teck ~at vere: AmlrngeLotsSemaeti. lar. Henley, Mise DeCe Miss WeBtei-lund. Mrs. Siaughteu-, Mis. ____________________'Anderson, Mr. Henley.1 Mr. Gléi sud ClFeceWelch of Cicago, pn Mrs. Ralph Chittenden entertalueti un honni- ofMu-s. DeCeiles, Friday afternoon. County hesterSunday evenmng tht Young People's Evelyn Dinsmoeovisit.d et the homo cf Mus- W. J. Young, Susudea. TO BE HELD AT air8 Russell, Who bas been il itI the u ismuchimproveti. Y A ~ K L. TU.T Mis Helen Smithi of Wilson, visiteti i I~mu u , i~mv~i E"A II et tht Stedmen home Sundey. MWs osephine Foster spent the * vweek-end witli lier parents in Wads- Round -Lake, N , Iiitrtiede teMil hm 1922 p Head Sows and ..... t..8 At this Sale there wili also be offered ».Head- Of Milking--1O Shorthorn-C attie Next Week's Issue for List Of Consignors GRAMMAR SOHIOOL .. Mu. Hovard veut te Chicago Satur- day. Frauk Stedman matit aur Valentine box, whlcb was etoffeul -haovts-fiovung vite mauy velentines. -' Monday afteu-noon the <tub anti sixth prades matie ncoin,hdbls. LeRoy Richas-dson yull seon moe.te Wisconsin. Ruthie Swauson, Dorotluy Welci, 'Bernice Dinsuiore anti Lily omoueyý a're taretakers cf tht bulletin board for tâte veelc. tWe sure had a fine time Vaeile's. Diti you? Pocteasnd tht People. J The repittilon of tic. great pools bas tnt he-tuinmade by the Selulariy * 1ec, tIitly. but rather b>' the plain peeple or thelu- ewn time or ef tht, yers Ininueflaîtely felo*lng.-Brander * Matthews. iReai Geuoroslty. A A ouple cf Yankee deacons were talklng of a pu-emînent citizen of wliese Ilberalit>' there hati aivays been ccon- siderable difference of opinion. ,weu." "Adt Deacon Diggs, 111 have always' *beld that Brother Brown vas ontetof lte Most Charitable mon u i a toWLs Pci Instance, 1 have neyer kuowu hi. te refuseta lenti h1à plug bat ta an>'- body w h ed elhlm for 1." v k Co oner. Tayor found grad- mothehad blMWiliuor without adultel'atioh Coroner J. UL2fle fl 0 Lbortyrihe conulucteti su inla tgaon flay af tarnooualato ti thé42mllmue* atz Mod four vho dieti enter mystositeu circqtlnisa 84os t pbi bM Qt ber grand putii, .ïàk, * Wlla ifones, ;aiwt 09'e =~tqtnpar cary setiuL B -eupb- tbt-*l hati boéi r i gd1ka undulu ed vhUstr6r slboi s t o0f the ort$laulbott4 TkbuwlsL-m«Oesg for Trht metheroaithie chîld >ta d anti ber ltter liv.. au Woodïtwea. - tt grand motbgr Ixabout $-Mitms ora.. A ceoonr.Jury returnoti a veriS that tho chult bai ome to her <bath as a resti a aerieas.a et leoba or vWbMOy. Th#ut dld Dn7O v eofiau anIY action atalst the gr-sud mother due te bers.a and ufortunato con- dtubilunthe ho. ThO. chUd's tati. iIt la underatooti do" let associat. viith tefuily. o LAÏE ZURËICif ghton ave à bfrth- BarTIngton, and a number froin Door- Mm. Chat. Weaver sud daughteos visiteti et Waukegan aver the week- John Froelicb vas a Waukogm caolle Saturtiay. M- . iaormian bas been on thte d liot tbe past voek. Anouceàm e ades.o0f diabirth oif a littie ms oeMr. end is Howe = m)IfeluyOr at their hme lu Fred Grlrmunattendeti thetuerai of bis trienti, Oscar Blake lu Chicago lMs veek. Mrs. L Adai nud chltren sud lira. Frank Grasse of Joffermon, spent the veek-end vith Mm s8neugee. Misses Rose Prebm Rose Tenu, anti Anita Scioppe ver. In Chicago Tliurs- day. Tht Evaugelical choir lied a ver>' evenlng ut their social evening lu the church Parlora 1'utsday evening. DaintY refreibmtnts vert serveti. Mis. C. Erust spent Thursday lu Barrlugton vitb trientis TiUZMsaY elternoon a number of frienda Baye a fareel surprise party 1I Service muet G0on TiiâeZzard- uf erntersd the cytlons ud ultudertoris fmumerareîhcinveterateenemica' of d* tutcphouie lervic Elpýrelqce FO .8 bay cas u enbled the B e !muy to t eo ds Irfo-a fprotcc- tion thde best vejuo f efeuiac iias 'farc. In spite eof ail efforts, however, the destreying eitents sonictinica bave their way aud thctetle- phone-lunes go ffl of servce. a In such emergencies the Bell orgartization is instautly ou the job muking repairs as quickly as possible and insuring the usme shsortest posai bic period oif interruption of service. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0& Mrs. H. Boiter. She waapremiented 000000090000000060 and &U tbehev ll<* MILLIURN zu~é~win ho Mr. and lira. D. M. Wbite apelgt the *do..d by a humge cide-o e nds. w eck end wlth Miss Bertha White Lu Tbey expoj to moe to Libertyville Chilcago. next weik. MinseLillian Strohal spent the paut Mms John Prohin snd littie son rie- veok ithi relatives la Chice«». turndSunday totbsir home from M.] jrI ntegl Mic1ago. MimeTlls oiKeah i e The dfrectors held their montlly Du" -nteIn t the loeal liani T ur*i* Mrs. 8. A. Fock la 51111 51k la boL. attoiiOI A Christian Endeavor social(bard Mi. and Mma W. C. Bicknase attend- limtes) viii ho lield et thie hall Satur- ed the ile races Tbursday et Waucenda. day ovenlng. Corne and vear youlr aid ciotheâý The entortaimnent at the achaol lI;a Oggs Art & il'lday ovenlng vas vory good. Tht A remai-kable and lnempiteiable tact soin of $20 vau rosllsed- about the. cuek<ws puegm fiçthai t ey MinsIda KuflYardet Âutllcii vin- very <'ommoli<>fl rueenuihthe eggs of ity epent the. veek end at theihom.e af the bird In wli,,î'ae ,u the.% -Are laid. Dr. Jainien. Of' nT ilel zi:,4 i~-'il e l*uhýrin Nat, Miss Mary Kerr- of Lake Villa tipeft urdl il' v iIti uiî.uunt, 5l.rkugre. Ia veek vith ber uleter, Mrs. SPrlug. semble 'lif' e=1 i' Ilhé î.euParent' Mi-. E. N. Cannon lsa aChicago YS- ta t.nlur andti ieuiuug. Itor this tok. Libertyvill Residents Travel. Regularly on the North Shore Line Residents of Libertyville are coming to an appreciation.of the conveinient and wholly excellent transportation facilities afforded tiien by the. North Sh ore LUne. The ad- vantages of electric locomotion are mani- fest to everyone who has enjoyed a trip over this route: Ilere you have a good rate of speed without the sacrifice of a single measure of comfort or safety. And the employes, always courteous and atten- tive, are bent on giving you the uitmost in service and accointnodation. Then, too, there is the assurance of a prompt arrivai at y6ur destination. Why Not Take-.Advantage of This Convenient Route? Trains leave Libertyville at thity-mimute inter- vals from 5:48 A.l R to 10:48 A.M, then at 11:48 XA. M, and every haif-bour thereafter wmntil 8:48 P. M.;- then 9:48 P. M. and every bour thcreafter tntil, 12:48 ýA. M. -Thes. trains make connections at Lake Bluff for Chi- cazo. Chicago North Shore & MilwaukeeR. R. LIDEITVILLTKETOR1IC PASSUM E STATUO TUIUM NE74.. vi wl tIr ai In 'ori fl ei thi lid i D wv rnday, Feb, 27,

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