-~ LEM -MnW - MMYIL WAT. FEMRARY 16. 1927- BEY UYUYI~!T!TRU eeSelourfrohbnmts vers served. clu FiilIUEiTise littie falits bit wlahusg Ridgey 8IN P4LM E T u ma" mare hippybirtiadaj., R M IM Arthur Nlcksiey of Couratis, Win., RIVE BRDCI viosan bemapendng severel mnh vins relativsnluKansas arrivsd Ilu ffea SatLsrdbay evensug. uRe viiispl North Chcago men trapped !n M veral dasa itis relatives and frand trck v a ruc ag lira. Orpha Harding vas a Weukegsn stream viitar Tuesdy. A mliscus t eseiape from deatis Mm aerman Kubleuk aud son, vas made laie Mouds-y ai terneson hi Mauisî spelaever*i dsys lut week tvo North Chcago men. Abert Jeu- vacF.ltlvpeinuC*ago.r tSk Mdaidtb brotber-l-lav John Wiir, lire. R"ph Roeu d son, Lavrence vison tIbir motor truckt, loaded vils soýntlFrdey afteruaas ith er mother, thmes tous ai lumber, vhlch hey lra_,L .L Rua vers taklng ta Grass LeAke, plssnged M. dM.AbetRerie is 'ftogiNtghtie ne* bridge over tbe Po% week-end Mvilerelatives ucndath IRiver bast vsit oi Fax Lake, tise we-n ihrltvsa acn truck beiug preveuted front 4oini lmrmJohn Rous 55ba" MmEmmi lite the valet 25 reet below by a Roe vers Waukegsn ators Satur-1 'orosaSeai. dey.1 Thse tva men undoubtedly vauld 1ia ztyHriivsiCscg laVe hen killed or dovued as ihey Me ooh adn a hcg vie la tise losed cab o! lheistrac ste aw y a«4 cosld flot have extrieated isons irmm J. IL Wells apontons day lutit sdwes.ek salmi b er dasltar, Mm . d I<r. Jentinis, lives et 1&49 Jackson Reiais Of Rond Late. atel, snd la tise propietor of tbe , . ,aaM MmW. D. Porteos &pont OSa 1Tioe Mter trausportîtial5 com- ndyvi John Parteous sud Mr, M luint batit bubrother'iu- aé ia e otasat an "LresiM inîetiStis sud Victoria Mr. &Wd lra. R.. C. Cameras vere g ghrear endi ai tie trucks braite Lut. Forcit vistors Sunday. hthse bridge sud M. Jentini Mise Lucilo Kramms of Hih~land1 the pleaki vers ratten. Il PU' S unday evengwt r 'rock etho 1 zinseliroutlà sthe sdd qen7 K " edfanily. hie. footfurtiser boc il Wdi bve ladtise bee nt!aidcar. Iii.. ondlMma.Ber S8wn aud fanllg mfllie I lo btiste sîreem. ve guette ai friends. lu Racine averj wu vasonly laut sommer tisat thse tis eki-end. van gewuconstmucteti. and durWgniMli., ud Ml ira. Zerm-n sd Muà. .tme proYmisof tise vont. Contractar W.. Tonner sud dasagiter. Evelyn philbo BSureos s " erbausiy iaimred von Wauksnvisitaré Satsudsy. 1 %" a sectlin afconcrets cllopoed. oi oe stos aLn rv 1%*vslaid op for severa veeks. Bed"y aRodr mtcan. Im Go "Çonalruti« on vnton ibis bridge Sbyatro bai zot been compIeted. Wlaen calai G-pe J. Smithssud MiesaAuna *'eehher netInliat fali tise contractor ffitrléb ttended tise mu«se rade at *0 suable ta put on a cocret top Long Grave, Saturday evesnsng. a*4,,Pt ou planta tsmporarlly sa that Mm pte Vodlkg t liauday t9 bridgecoulai ho used ti ivnter viti lber dangiter, lim P~hll Marne of ttýIng plnned ta put on lise cois-GIiser. "»b bilgai as but hitishe village D. S. Dolpi van a Ciieago vWator of Foi Lakte, visicisrecelved i ad iras» Mcnday. thse cossty for a psrt of tise vont. Misa Dorotisy Daltons entertained these Graianar rocs» et a Valetins party et1 ooeeooOooo#oo0o eli ane ou Fridey evenlin. AUl FO 0 LAKE p. eOOt rpota good tlii. *oe eoo oo* ooo oo M loba nm i-di. gueit ef Frano, sd RolbertJohsa nnfoMery UMi. Henry Tomas nd lirm Charles Of the Fm a"t ahoo mv f eibrter and daeglsteof Long lame wthair. oPutGrove, are apu -faew dayn viJl Mt her londs.MX. MW Mlra= Rader. Atw Winklor, saba la atteudiug the Mm Morris Chandier vas a Waute- L. Ir. IL S. aposItishe week-end vîtis ton viste Teurmndy. big y -atl Mr. Md MrsC I. C- Meyer vers tise nmar« metCke, A. j. Smsih, Mis. puoti of relatives lu Chiscgo over tise PlUt Bm ansd Rd viite spent th eked iai, es4--etine chIrman 990000060606000660 of 1M Iueles, mdsvoad P T. A Bâtard"e vmlgebrssIril. Tape;o ADDER.SCHOOL o aEvuity <be,#0 0 0 0 0 *£"Yu tonf Ingleaide. rented eia p Oa f bsiostg a McHeury party Tise follewing ,popiis eclvei an vitaites saonor tse n i e nrage ahane n n~ for the luth pale Un4ar oerate an sescroam rmoulu cf achiol, w= cicsd Wdesi- P n ae ofgroceries. d :Emliy Sekwnat cf nvn d grae- y 'KUtr HlaWs oA R LAEo A Dlaicrc. EW s Q-uers 0O00O0OOOOO~OO O Man, of agoanigr*&:EdwardSera A peck o wiscounîn isnrwit lEI**milm «A dFruit Victor cf No. 18, exhihlted b> L. A. Heubseh at firet grade. tise UtlitY Coma Bisav et Urbias, Jan. M. aid Mra. Leo Kriataxs-are ne- i7i te 27thn fint prie IntlwObard Jicingaovrthe arrivai cf a baby boy viate viset )Clas«. and grisolsCam- e Tusndne' February 7. plqý oser ai vtaretieoat tise show. U. Mm.»md sPiip Biner sud Misa à&. 8"Mmit. 8 j MOa sd .OnIR M N a visite t tise baisse et are » ý « p' c .aaifor d ssU iasinsaislut Swqm- »r. and Mm. Tovm -Emitis vers Jnts uni fJnsr iegae W~oga nbitw~i4e eveaug. 'rmiu~~i »psemtnai fatteudauce as C.G.Sutil .~Seskesvisitur flwa: -Scventh. fourtis, aesen&L Bey svssslng. -'th.is, efltth Md uL s. oeris Wilcox ai Evanstan, spent lise Wilson & Ohm ai Wsuitegaâ, deiver- w«bend vils is parents. si a nov Fard touring car ta Jos . A-Smsiths va a Weukeguis viitor hUiler.Siturday, Feb. 4. We are collectlngBslloyamrn jejiy. a»Wmaeabsiest i tise ltiresidextà In aur itrict to ieso n &ytndsaitufoi Victor lasbu e alirsaitirn 1 1 10Pt - 1 1 a esilo filuer yoil*e0mos Iomatly 5W-. ut as gadwork an thse Saturiyfter- e.B e a éde uev ay ai a ýw4 cus-- aacredit ec- pveun to Le FEDERAL WuaIMg Machine 05 &&nom t â. hmuhold Àj;ûýeaci Mue dat h~~ m t'oeaidou. âwe- oumgh at a Cosd of about5 cids a w.ek for cmrent Y.. tcm W ytii.Feda for $5"do&vu Md *o5Ouust j e e htr received nov records for eu'Vhkola snd misa a foot bal isicis la very popular. Several from our district verse aUera a&t thée Armory sud Colseum duriug the auto exibit RImer Beckwith and Benis Epker were members of a thoatre party et Cohs'a grand, Saturday nugit. Tise piet, etUti Old Nev York" wau muais appreciated.- 400000000 0000 O0000 9 BIG HOLLOW SCHOOL0 S00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 00 ALlJAHfrorm ber 'uncle, Victor Demeyer'sa ~iAI~ FINE WL viere aise bas been- vorking since Wmn. Riebsaci entertained Knesely's PAINTINfiS LEFI Sunday eveniug. TO KIN IN WILL' take o-et udy iMr. Lahsti ansd son, William wen t to The illof ohnJ. allghe whseWaukegan, Saturday efternoün. les-li occurred last month at Wads. !. and lMra Namnejunas and family wr ,w5a5 Sdmfltted to record usa viaîted same relatives in Waukegan in probate court, andi shows Ihat he Sndy left property vs-lued ai $8,000. i.etîers Mr. and Mr&. Mack entertained com- wëre lasued ta Julia L. GaUlagher. peny Mosday.-1 Thee yul of Mys. Auna E. Middieton 1. Mee attended the milk ment- moliser of Mrs. E. P. De Wolf asoo vas lin, t thse Co-operative Trading Co., in adrnltted to record îoday heme Mmii Waulcegan,. Tuesay- Mlddleton iet ait Bristol, R. I., anti . Hop --.e businesstrpo ber estate congisted fo property at ~ atpt 530 sM Sheridan nos-i where the De Chicago. ruaseY- Wolfe matie their home for mauy R. n. Thomas vinited bis mother, years. Who la vety in,. lu tise viii Mr. Gallagiser beque-tis A n&ew VmuHeeke, Victor DeMeyer, large number of fine oil paintinga. Lea Delier M Shirley Thoman smre iy old masters Io rela-tives. rselived stars le spelliiig for thse week. Ms-ny o! these palutings are lu tise izabeth Vwenererf la stili absent servants home the oid homestead at eo*,a*5fliyl sl u Chsarleston, S. C., persoual property .,.,somttea tistaummilycnbildren vas estimateti ai $10.000. ~ Ie~lvs 000000000000000000 0 WADSWORTH e 000000000000000000 We isai 100 per cent attendance s-t scisoal ait veet. Tisere are 32 puaplis in atteunc. Lait mentis tises-ver- Rg_ erPenn;vis drves a Ford ta higlh=lscai veryday, lied trouble one = Xes ,,htiu bin. TheobIndai ale age atteniane teas3.3. O O O O* 00 0 0 The foliovlng pupilI b ave beeu per- T K SI o lect in atesimdaue«itagtie irai tirs0 AITAI S moitbaafcliisl: Herriet lRay, "dths 00000j@66906600 RUU-a. ibiytis Ptderon, Mrgaret Mary Btsruloisr vai an tise siet lait Loi,ý JolieRey, Edmud Bartist. Alice i'eek vitI.iha. Caashmomg sud &rmeftliieltis. o4 Bu-aob, vho vanon tise a tih lkolVlag pupils recelvea tise litst eut l« e agin ibis ta ta out. blîbeat average i spellng durflag ibhé Mra 1. We - l on the siet fitber Pet montis: 7th grade. Robert Retite. motiser, Mr&. Schiestaying witls ler. ,Utlta Iuntar; Bib grade, Margaret GIay jý1 enal o4ot Lus-; 4&hs grade, Grae. Shisids ,Znd si.Glas a ia n blth e put grade, Clitton Lu«; lai grade. Sybilla Dgratliy BaiS as enUtsepi May Lcan. vesit. .A nev little girl amive inlutise dis- DaVlel Hareiahoge sied ai the1 tict Jan. 31et. Her us-me is Marlon J. N. Buacwbasas iday1evening. Loraîne Sisea. antise bsacome to iarnc Jainsd AIes- Buton stay.visited et thebaiee f Ray Buch, Tueutiay aftemnS vs ieda aValen- Tugga evenlag. tins Party. Tise girls md.a vry R ay Bach vistea et tise hume of1 latie vlentine mail box. Haroldi Cash- N. F. Buach, Weduesday eveniag. mnore wvss hosen tc, met anpostuaster and delver tise-valentilue. Wes-o J aeob Weli vent te tise ity Tisurs- olayti0 1 5Mm. George Pflter vent to Area OBITUARY Tisuraday. John J.tialiagtaer, sa olt i poneer, E. Geet sud lira. J. N. Buschij paised s-vsy et bis home in wady- motord tu Arlinglon Heighs, Thora. wortis Jan. 26, 1922. îday cvening. His fstier, Johna Galiagisen. ernigrat- IAies- Butxn, S., eslied on Henrsy edto mlîlinois lu 1845, coaîng iy vs-y Pabinie stWiseeling, Moudeyaftermsoia. ar tise f ramti Ls@. He tact up fort> liMs.Brbeis Riehr n sd MMa. p" acres of land.- troins lie go%,emsment. Hordrcimo tlated tissir mothes, Mmn.1M1 Tble ld vwu tbictiy vaade-i ami ue Knmpf oe e fternoca lust veek.- bailt a log hous, tise Crgillrecidence laut Sonda, tise lu ibis loi houas John J. mallgser rsijiltur eigseveTlr tise day. vs-s born Nov. 1, 1861. Afier tise deetis a.Géest van a visitar eit tise.Max of is fstiser ho basigit tise fs-m 9sudMIer - , e t Llbrtyvilk emimuuy. stilI avedIsimiet the lime e! hi tisaIS. George StomzniS., enugiter. Ensm On Nov, 3, 1880, lie van united i r. ms-r- and grand daugisten' aria, spost niage ta Juili Hankel. To ibis union Sondai et the home of Sale nais George la cWildren vere bars, tes o!fvison et Lihertynlle, tise ltter bui been SUo are atil living. for 50155tsie- Aller OdosIai bt is vîtes faiben sud motiser ho bougiitishe fsrustbey >o-vxed, vbieb adjoineai bis. He moveai bis famiy irons tise logbeuse te tise frime basne os thia place anti eided thons astil four yearsa sgo. Ho mon ted tise fs-mm tabis on, Louis, wvis mii worka IL. Ho bougist a home tanWs-dswortls. visons ieIlivedat et tie reof bl§de- mise. Ho beaves tu mosan it bas- ieiugvie, oMs sieur, ten elilareS. m5oisilames sud Lbl, ene un Over- measervice durini lise vorîti van. !*900000000 oeOOoo eFORT HILL SCIIOOL. ooooêoobOOOOOOO Harry Liant of Graysamie. apant l'aIda> aItishe Loy Luat home. Mm. pN Ib eelan iiifit Fuida> vutis ber t4lgbionMri Fais Moyer. Dr. Gesse of RasutI mk, *v a cl- edt,'1 tlie NIbÏph bDvin home Tm aasy t. sesotuu s115*15 son, W-visa iqulte siet,ý but wabittpr et present. Mms. L. 1. *Yerau bs retursasaite Chies-go sfIer spending several wes vush ber son, J. H. Currais and tamnsly. Le Broyer van a Waukegai a elier Satuwtiey. Mr. anti Mr. Herbent Davis caleis st tise LAeeCounty boasPiFrits-y to ses Mri. Davis' fstison. Seyei-i ranstiis nelghborbçad ettendeai the basket bail game et .Ws-kegau Toestiay nigist. Clama Davis nisteti sebool Frits-y Ms-bl, John and Emneat Myer visît- ed at J. H. Curra's Sunday aftemneen. Rail Daziel, Dorols> Daziel, Viola Mm. LU V. Luit anti chldnen sperit Daisiei. Jeromne Tonymu, Vers- Larid the week-end s- iber 'hornebora. andsaiUllrd Tonysis recived e hlai Dr. Taylor ms-de a professions-i es-Ilr iadsTedy OrbeMRpen8ctmin th iis nelghbonhood ESuisdsy. 4atnssebmlngtIsansntusotjauUary. a_______ Helen Tonyan4was pentect inspelling .0000000000-000000o0 tIMis eek. Some ai tie ciiltrsu bave leen0 SAUGATUCK o skatgaon a posànear the shool house 000000000000000000 but tise lat fsv day. have beenoisIo Abr eiyr tr varia for skating.AletDMyr do. Miss Shooban taok a viating day lait Tise Nartis Shore Dair Ca.,* bsai Frida>, tiserc-far tiers van no aciool. sutier mieeting Fiday nigist, anti Russell H !wit wun absent lut Thumnsvrlo h ameswr rsn. day becs-use ofililneqs. Clara, Mrise aad Louise VânHaekeî Mari Toys-t ha ben abentfmondutBIIhTomas ,isited tise Rneaely Mari Toyan as een bset frm, hilarea Sonda> afteracen. scisoo l iam nve pnt.te P Jute Wiseman neturnedti taR. E. Mia.Wiliam enyu spnt5eRast Thomas' sfter visitiag Nov mexico ttd lCincif. and Californie. Ulr. anidlira. C. A. Larkin and' Mm. Thomas anti Shirley visilir, apnt Menasy eftenoon un anti lMu oi, Sonda> atemnoan. WilM" Norton wvas ent tramn boya~yfaos 15e Deliegeroo "boi o ckY m»onhile 00% afine Sg bgo Ia Bethe Delioyer bui retomsast E. Gest vent ta Highlandt Park Tuesds-y nigist on business, privaIs vo presume, just for tva. Clarence Buech attendedati etiue et Everetl, Friday ngt lHe enjoyeti bineli rery mucis. Alice Buscis visited ti ster grand- e ea Ma. sad Mm. J. N. Buschs, e.;daiteo. Tise olti âmne dune.e t Wiseeling, Saturdey nigit vas e grand maccess, e veny large cruvt d a &se lime vas ilat. Il 550ms the» e eltins. ances s re becoming quite <*rtvrseit. Tiere vil hoanse e Vkiie wsvil tise nons future vo aisd*tand. George Poter vitod et J.'N. Buaci's, Sudy evnlg. Alex Bunton andi Clarence Buschs vers Prairie Viewv isltoma Suuday aftemnoon. iai smre exciteint hi lavis Sun- day niorning, wvison liivagan vas turmd aide sisdavnis, 5nately the horm sduln't get aE s to aise vau Mab ile fo ibrt.le a call.erever hnSuna y. allgc thir ome SAptaleisien . ee Geo'wrePte r east dsuna bastabe ati h" t ree nal.sace Jigohn agliahnti -ilyrelgrn. t Il aurely van ta badt tahave to eut il davis, but George did il vils bis 11111e bachet Who'd go s Porslan Florlat? Persa, snys an exchauge, bis a driuk whicia gives men a mania for throwing atones. Pernîs must be a poor land for tise greenhause huai- 0 . tax,no LuatoDS LAKE CO. SCiJOOLS TO BE P.&TI'N To I-state Owners and Gardener FOR U. S. SCIIOOLS; Representative of national bu- 1 wish to annoýice that1I ha4e secued the Agney breau of education cooming to in LakeCouuy for studv rural schools ýA. Simnpson, Countv Superintend- W . Âtlee Burpee Seed Coinpany. Editli A. Lathiop ai the Bureau of of Philadeiphia Eduration. Washington, D) C.askidng IL foi ada; wl he leÎDYilit son- tfer ail seda required for die gardeà. Place ymo miiers he oftýStandard Sebools o the coun- ty. She is particularly axont ti1 he Hawlborn Farci School. one M ad Save expres. ST R of the Supprior Schools of the state v.hich has received cotiiderable pub-~ A E F IE T ~ E licite because of its modern equip- L K , F R S E D S O ment aud the ad vanceti ideas under A INE rpitr which it Isconducteti. A M ,Poie Miss Lathrop la the specialist lu T1epoas:L. eLForest 952;---t'---L F. 7"2 rural education ln the National De- ~51. 51UU~L V. partment of Education and ber pro- posed Y iait la a compliment io the rural achoolq of Lake County. Supt. Simpson la much pleased that guod reports have eminated about some of! ES TIIAE FURNISHE FOR REIUUDIN the rural sehools under bis supervi, Sion. as she will use the tit Ideas 0F GARDEM AU LAWM6 or thie local schools ln patterving rmra schools lun al parts of the Unjt* Seed C"s a l h e mak i xed ouo reut. ed States afler tbem. 0000000000000000001 0 FREUWU CERM o 0000000000000010000' Don't iciget tisees-rd party sud basktet soal t tise Fremont scisool Wednenday ovenlng, Februeny 22. Fran Drflereha latisu> niGrayi- laits, causa on relatives bers Sonday. Joe sud WiII Hirnirnua speut Mon- day et tise Willov faima. Mma.Fred lMîtceil sud 1111e son ai North Chicago. are spendin tise veek vith their grandmotser, Mire. Agnes Dorfier. <"AIbert Obenauf sud Bornsard Ewaldi vers Elgin bsiness cailera Mandiy., Qulte i number from this vicinty attendeai Ford day at Weaitegau lait Saturday. 1 Muas Lorette, Hertel ai Fair Qaki college, Wauitegau, eccompanleai by ans, ai ber claisiates spent tise veek- endit ih orne falks. M. and lra. Joe Lois-en ai Vola, gent Sunae> vh is an sd lira. Jos Tekampe sud farnily. 00000000000000000 o EVERETT SCROOL o~ 60 0O 00090 0000 OSoo Tuesdey. Febmusy, .thifl *M i1 h a MardtPwtY Mdduft is gve. by il. SocialclubfaS tise inae4t fthsea Patriek's cimrcis.Everyons velcorne. Thome perfect in attuudance fer rime P&Umontis werr: Leonard Labeck, Beptt Coawiy, Georgs To., Oorrisi Sibley, Cli.v n vi~ e wey sudAdalpi VanLandut 'hm eperfect in spellng'fer thse p vek ut o: Steve Koud4ial ~i S~yGne,", leaCrac"r. HenryRaHu, s, Clyde Manver, James ROBERT McWADE AUCTION Frîday, Mancis 3, 1922, et 10 o'clack, Robent McWade viii seli ai pub.ic s-uc tion lu tisa village of Deenflelti, an Deenfielti Ave., opposite tise Deerfield acisool, 20 HEAD) LIVESTOCK-7 henses, vi. fnom 1000 ta 1700; 3 yr. Petrciseron blas-ct aslite, 1 yn. bs-y colt, resu Giierasay iseifer vus esif; 3 sprI-lgera. 4 miltera. 2 boiers 6 mua. aid; bull 6 mas. aid. HOG-Durec boan. neglateneai; Duroc nov in pig; Yorksirsinow ln pig. QRAIN-160 bales tirneibybs-y. MACHINEItY- 3 sets double bs-mess, 2 drlvtng ban- ieas, 2 ridisg saities, Nov Ides-I (Deerlsg) grain bludon; Deering curn binden, Hoosler dîme seeden viib fenil- lirer and grass atiacisment; Id"a seeti- on vush grass attacisment; nov Cane corn planter s-nd go roda vine; John Deere sulky piov, nos-ny nov; 2 John Deere wlking ploya; 2 sulky cultivai- ors; t new 20-dise pulvenîzer; I-aoc. spring tootish hrrov; lut, bs-y leadem; lut, ide deliver> bs-y îedden; bs-y ns-te; McCormick 'nover; panter; 2- seaten cutter; 25 hanse colis-ns; set ai tois for fixing hanse teetis; 4-lacis truck wagon; 3-spring wagon; 3 tan ceai box; grain box; hear> bob lelgis; 2 ligisi bob lelgisa; top buggy; brek- ing esrt; fanuing mlii; 18-fi. latdoer; 3 log chaîna; 2se. harnow sad other articles. Tet-ns-Oven $25, 6 mas., 71/, John J. Wlck, Auctianeer. J. A. Schimnke, Cient. BIsG MORSE SALE FEB. 23. Tbursasy, Fois. 23. s-t 12:30, Ls- nonce O'Connuor viii seil s-t publices-uc- tien ou bis fs-mm on Telegnapis Ioati, 2 mites nantis a! Deertielti, 1%~ miles south af Evreet, bla-ckthanse 12 yrs. vwt. 1350; bs-y hanse 8 yra., vt. 1450; bs-y tes-rn 5 yrs. vt 2600; 8 yr. aid driv- ersad sa-tdien, . 1000; 6 yn. aid bis-ct watt hese, wt. 1600; s-il tises-bore are well brute. COLTS-Tes-m colts 3 yrs. wt. 2300; homse 5 yrs. vt. 1100; hanse 3 yna. wt. 1200; gray colt 3 yns. wt. 1500; blsct colt 3 yms. wt. 1360; somel colt Syra. wl. 2400; bs-y colt 3 yrs. vi. 1500; dant bs-y comlng 2yrs; roan. coaing 2 yro; good top buggy; 2 sin- 1 gIs bs-maous; 2 Red Duroc Saws te plg;, Chster White Boar. 16-.s.». geoilso, eagine, anti otistr ertioloo Terms-Over $25, 1 yeer, 7%. John J. Wlet, Auctioneer. J. A. Scisminke. Clerk. y e.Ambrome Conway. lxiretta Tore. Walter SeyI, Loretta Yore,. 6* Wslter Seyl. Besale Kostial and Robert Conray snd Beagle KeétiS. Tare. Saloma Bumgarner ham ,etus Tihe dance given.by the Rainbow Girls acol lait Frlday evening was a decided aucceas. Mr. Swif t'a men have ba The second and'third grades are still lately training horses and saVxn having arit.hmetic contens; second Friday thse girls. vere iy grade là stil in the lead. 1smaller girls a merr-or~ Thuraday, Februsry 9, tisere vas a by svingin 2 em e V~e~ homse. shipped by tie Ovonsia club beam n ysd Lake Forent, by express to Ellis Jonc- ,herde r R sbe,, loWîa. hadcer Faer yuva Those who lid100 in arithmetic for am' t br 4d hmei thse pait week are: Elizabeth Kostiei.an amgNidhnê *e George Colby, George Lunham and;______ Cyri VanLanduyt.j L;.t.* Offensive Us» e1 Ar Clyde VanOver of the third grade Th4i n. ,,f, " et 1 won $6 lu the Tribune Horocope. se1 t à% wuurdI saide lhe wasa agood natured egcbi tw nl emeI~ 0hien ocuzrod l Thon perfect in rednjtbe .t bos'.sandi arrows at EdIns week vers: Helen Philip Lesie VM] han-rr,%sec Over, Marie BIonueLincoin Seyi, 111<ilîreeron er Is Corneliua Huzegi, William Lubeek, iasd ohr Mavtsgoeild My ftire, IW off* et publIe egotien, et tf.. mls *ma*t»f LibertyViUll, on St. Mary,* R«a& just sorth ofet4 RailIrouion Saturday, February 5I Couaffenoi et 1 d'cm*. mM., tihe ofllewing prop.rty: 1 Sorrel Horse, wl. 1100; 1 sprlflg Wagoni; 1 Bro-wu Mars, WL. 1100; 1 Top Buggy 1 Bob SIelgh; 8 Cova, one giving milli, the 1 Dguble Hay îEte; - other two to fregbenIn l 1 Set Heavy Doie Nh5»q on6 month; i 1 mge mfc 86 Cictens. 1 ~tIh aia 1 Waikng Plow; 2 l'wdrae; 1 (lulti*ator; 2 1OsMxdHy 1 Deerint iMover; Qumntuy of corn au maiC 1lDm.g 6me *MaW; 1 single Cutivator; 2 Bambelé se"d Coam 1 tvo-herse dise; Alats Comin3ete set oet 1 2'erm Wagon; holàl Purniinga. TERMS OF SALE- Al aums of $20 a-nd under, cash; over that amount e credit Inont4s will be givon on bankable notes& bearlng 6 per cent l~* frorn date. No property ta be removed until settled for. Charler- Fenner, Prop. FRED GRABBE, Auotio rem Auction Sale 1 wili oei on the SISri Parrnast Gages Corners,à2 lles ste 4 lake, 8 ml1les west of Waukegan, on the old Plsnk Ruai, now a1 cernent road. aon Wednesday, February M Startlng et 12:M p. mis, 5harp> 87. Head of Livestock 8 1Gra-y Herse, 8 yearq old, wl. 1700; 1 Çray Horse, 8 yearss oi 1600, 1 Bleack Horse, 7 years o14 wl 1500; 1 Bro'wn Mune 5 lmnM 1440, j Gray Mare ô yre. aid wL. 1800; 1 Bay Tosla 12 yre. e] 2800; 1 Bro~wuTeins of Mares, gaud 7 years, t. MO;@ 1I Esg' 0 yrs. aid. vt1100. 1 Gray Mare, 9 yra. ald, wt. 104011I BWY H« ira. aid, wt. 1100; 1 Mare6Gyrs. oaid, vL IM: 1 iWelsaPoy= CATTMLt AND H008-(One ut tisese ca-vs la eUitt~~ nlahed; six pure brod. net reglaterei.-12 New ulkJE nIY Pa aide; 8 Mfltera; 14 Eeivy SprIngers; 1 PReglaterod llê Good Grade Holstein Buisa. 1 Boy viri vigi; 18 abotee; fz farrow lna 7 weeits; 8 Pure Bred 6hotea, vitis papers; I Pue re latered S«W. due to farrow iu 7 -veeko; 2 Pure Bred Bom; s;w "ote. MACHrINER-8 Ses Double Hrerus; 1 -nci Stougltea 'I 1 Set Gravei Pianka; 1 Iran Wheot Tarm Wagon; 1I o*U III* Flow, 1 Manure Spreader; 1 Deorig lComa Binder; 1 Con O6el 1 Now Top Buggy. 1 014 Buggy; 1 Good Surr'ey. 1i PIvoItO.Il DrIli; 1 LIme Sower; 1 Large Stock Tank; 1 Gisesp D>qT*.g- e TERt48O0F SALE-Al aima af 810 or UMosais; mlu tisat amount ose year'a lime vii be glveu on sOedi Ing 6 per cent interetNo property te Se rOevelg Oettiemont eau ho made vit lerla deter tM aile. TOM MOGG, CPropl FAED cGRADUE&, Auctionee. O .~! mi; LM 1