-LBERY VILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. INDEPENDEýNT Lake Co unty 's Big Weekly- Cimcultion Gmter tban otherWeekles ini Counîy Comb)ined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN T .TRRTYVIILLE INDEPENDENT,FEIB RUIIY 16, 1922. ~eoKToDcstîoy Immc011 DOS. UhIIQnnAt lion City Finds incendiary bomb under bay window of his home Tuesdiv -,,ge,>rnoon 't tARPOONS THE OIZICIALS An atttempt to destroy the born0 ot ~e.Thos. H. Nelson Tuesday nlgbt s.emade, accordlflg 1. a itatement stade by hîm et Lbertyviile, wbere ho gnductd a relival meeting ln the to$'n hall last ngbt, ubile hl'§ sdver- lai-r. Overseer Volîva. vas holding a >la& meeting in thie auditoriumf, a block a wa >. Rev. Nelbon decareti t-.C e OUfd the bomb lesterday atternoon under a bay window et ie hompe. The bomb was labeled "»anger;" S!snutactured by Lb.eaXMMOUd ExPlosive Company- ilev. Nelson duscrlbed it as bing a xo)uad, iron bomb. contling a 10119 fuse. lHe nid that whap heanid some tbers exploded 11. later they ond it hal sufficlent force and contalned sofflciefit inflammable material to bave burned is home. He decl&red 1 ie lncendLary bomb vau PLtned Un- O-r his home and that had 11. flt bef îound. hi. place would have been des- t oyed by lire lait nlght whie lhe and lutndreds of hi-g folowers vire con- litl)te Lîbertyville mass meet- i lie own bal vas com!ort&bly fiil i-i and Rev. Nelsoni Ihrew the harpoon i, to things and vsrious countY Offici- - .nil individuls ln geiieraý.. He took a few verbal sholts e tp- resentatlve William F. Wols. COuDty L;uperlntendefit of Scbools, T. Arthur t4 $mpsoa. Sheriff Elaue Orcen and de- clared that thoe oofflolas oa-d ho 1,ztired from office. He alite cricizeil SIltae'a Atorney Smth, declaringta ta tiie latter had falled tW set in some n -irlere in wlich Nelson had coniult- *Ihin . ...... .... .... .... ...... Rev. Nelson bad s band, COMPOsed nîueicians from ZMon, Wanukegafl * 1 Lberls'.ille. and also bail a glee flie Voliva maus meeting wai beld M;,t ibe auditotiUM and there vas a .tOd crovil. Te Zion band iid iloi ul'u iizappearance. The meeting %vas confined to the showtng of filme t oncering the various activities and intitutions under the control Of 0v- cisteer Voliva. A quartette furnisbed the music fo le .oiia meeting VOTE BOND ISSUE FOR NEW SCIIOOL 'Tle village i! Lake Bluff ou MoW dar voteti ln avor o! a $70000 boud issue t e h ued fer the constructien of a new içbool building, Tbose vol îng ln fis or Of the propoition nunuber oti 194, Ibose epposed ta filbelng 96. Among the proposei features foi tue building are Ru auditorium, gym, naslom aud svimming pool, and Il is îlanned to have a domestîn scient. tiepartmeut. it is expocted that Use vork et col sîructîonu îlI ho started as scOn Da vveathen vilI permit lns an effort t( laist fresu' br accupancy wben il' tal l erul begins. The olti scisool la hadly crowded liseno being no roons for eveti On tîore pupil. THRZE DEAU BODIES FOUND FROZEN IN ICE OF CREEK Kaneas City, Ma, Feb. 1.-TIse boulse ci Ivo mou and a vouias, al about 40) years aId, and as yçt uni- ýieuttiîl.d were found todai' frezen n rue ice o! Brus creek, noir tIse so.utit limita o! the titi'. They hasi ieen riding lu à Ford Coupe, visicis during te nîgbt bat iverveil from huie roadcay and lied plungoil 25 feet inb the cneek. Unahie 10o escape fron thte partI' Immerseil automo- il e, tltey lied perlabeil. eitiser !nont flirovuin,- or tram exposure In the iy Wthers of the crcek. COUPLE KILLEO INSTANTLY WHEN TPSAIM -TI; AUTO lauslug. lilii.1 i , .,-.- .and fji-s. Stanley B Clark vene instantl! killed tis farenoon visen tIse auto- mobaile l inchbthey vers rldlng vie trucit by a Mchgan Rallay corn- panp luterurisas car il Btler Cross- LI',', South o! Mason. Mr. sud Mrs. <Caýilk vere enroule ta Lansing tq at- tendth ie fuet-ai o! Mra. Clark's siQO0C0 LOS UDYFIRE AS ARDMORE PLANT BURNS tti,,Okîs., Fois. 15,.-Fine ta- is- , i-îoyed .tise tbree torY' piaut ,- 'le &:dmore Nut ConipanY, o ne o! tile lai gest ahippers o! pecaus and itunuh lu Usn te tosatr.Tise lcsa cVis estlmated aI I100Q00. la when the actrese sinedb b uit contirutîwlth the prodticer. BbcIol M repoted te bave beon be*1,0000=der Ils lermi for a series 09 ns picture.. thse first of vblch vas "Mefli'0.. C "SILK STOCKINIiS" OFFICER 14ADE DI l., TO CAUSE CLAS aSEnTR II IN CITY COUNCIL IIIS BILL CLUB la -- en Special meeting tonight in Martin Reusch gets heavy fine e North Chicago for redistrict- on charge -of resisting t ing city off icers in Zion ai TO ADD TWO MORE WARDS GIVEN CURTAIN LECTURE c Thse *silk tockhar e" cd <North W . 0< R t di Chicago> la etffilod th caue cousld-lao oft w leb erable ezcltettieflt osilghst a special tbIffl lu tels CouatrT. andi lawles- l meeting o!lise Cty cauueil, vIn.. thse DMala net golng te be tolerated la 0t nedistt-ltttg or the City i' yl ho dia- i Cit" said!Justice Emeut 11ar'. cusseil ta divîde It luto five yards,Wodtbn nayMrin etl j vhere nov Ihere are anly three. vis on trial for smoking a cigar on It t lat helbat the varda yl bethse Cerer of 29tb and Ezellel ave- laid out, iividing the cdty Into f ive nue on tbe nIgbt o! Fehrstary tb, sections, tise yard linos runnlug ectallnd shu fightaIllie vay, h hlere and veal, te enîlme beadtb og thee nidgeonraîl ailscuthed b, hlulelf City. This, il la declareil, isi'tUe veat aSpeclal ly isc l cte George nid iders. -ho cdaim la ho the '"cormmn j.ome sîffice Gorgeandtise ,alwgier People" vilI gte the oast aiders r anl opsy fle îhtvahy ".1k sockng"clsa onîol ! ecbothens amokiug a cîgan. He vas told yard. visere. if the yards veme di- ho vas under anneat sud Georeg Gal.- vided bis nortit aud snulb unes he Iaglaem proceedeil 10 laite hlm 10 ise1 vest sidera voulil have coutrol of police station. their part o!thie City. -Wbene ta your autitorîtv7' asitet r For tiis teason It Jse epecled there iis, v111 ho a ipiriteil meeting Ioighl anti eoreGallagiser testufied tiret be the. outone ia beîng valmbed wtil drev iack bie overmoat Iapel anid loiel estshoveil bis s&W, He also testifleil ____________tiret the defendatit saidth Ie star did WAUK GAN NTER D fot male an! dîffernce. 'WAUK QÀN NTER D Ofil you see any star"' Reuscb flhIIfl f Noeii, except vbeu the officer bit 'IN Hsa H Tsia M' T eoe heha Paîk -Btb officens lesîlfidil at Reuimb d ak esisted ail the vay la tbe police n Ok Prk igh ambool bas heen station. lie tbrev bis arms about awardedthe lis ict l ournamntothebc ildly andl vas genemally violent, at ýIllinois iigIt achool athîtit associa- lIae îrylug ta break avay. He admit- ýr tion, to he bell tbene Marcis 2, 3 anti ted to the court flthalho kuev tbe 4. in Ibeit gymnsatuos Tbere are lotur law anti bad heen arreited befome oin or teen teams enlee ncithIe series- am- the rame charge. Hoeisad livcd lu aong vbich are Waultegstt. New Trier tbe City o! Zion 21 yeara. lauad Deerfield fron thIe Norths Seetion For smoking the cerendant w as *o! te Chicago Suisunhat league. Ail fiued $10 anti $6.40 cashs, and for e- o! ibese are clasi A teas. astîng an oflicer viset placed under [ n tbe tourne! the size of the ambool art-est, ho vas fined $25, atid $640 le accoonha for the classification lu Ivo Costa. maklug a tcqLa oI $4780. 10 groupei, knovu as A sud B. Tbene are The court ievisncly reprimauded Be tbit-ty districts lu the stahe. ebo viii the defendaut. ueet in a touametit on Mancb lOtb 'Tbei are ou lte stattite 10 ho d. antilth. The finals vili be plareti at iscbys anti officera of the lav are go- le the U'niversity of Ililnis on Match iug 1.0 lie upisel lab the enforcetisu 1 Q,1 of Ibese lava," sald lise Justice -çc tý. , .,d b,înicet. Tîîîîî 1.iî. es, c hidi reached 11!g1) effi- Cieucy early iliathe ntcblniery ena sud are subject nl' 10 low vear, sltould rauk atise mnst endutring o! vorklngr mecbanistns. A dlock over Use gale- - vii of an Englisit castle la reporteil to bave sappeti, sud Invstigation bas brougisi 10 Ilgbt au Inscription ahociiig that tise last repairlng wii doue ln 1760. At lasI cornonut, lise massive vorkrs lav-e ticteil off the tlme for 160 yeara s-itis nattentiont except vînti' Inscct l-'cts Tlseateti CrOP8. The japanese beelie, brougiri ln aboult rthe sainete lne as the peaeh moth, lias airenidy galueil sucît fint foothld ltai, lunslest' o! lis Itabits sud prolutîgeti fliglila sprohaitly lu- capalie of extermintiions ant iiuas - i mateir oversprefiitilite United Stntea. Another foreign tstsIlu consparattvlty recett. p-sa lie Europeiscorn haret'. Inîfestations bave been discOt'- emoed ln sever-al sîshea, andt local quir- attiues, by lise federsi htorltk-tliril huardlihav-e been Iustlhtiletllu tO ielcul iles - o tte ct-ti lt. t Serma Sew! f TatOe mothrertif a largo ftîrîiiY Ile Io i:i ne tiarnet i aockilig at'ec na.- oti GURNEE LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF R. W. ('blttendiefl vas a Chiiago viior lasI Tburidar. Lea Fenlon bai a uev Siodebaker car. Mrs, Clarence ZimruiiSeit ehe talned the W. C. T. U. iaal veek Weduesday. Mnr. DoCele Of ChicagO sPentliasl week lit GumOOe. ?.ra. Ralpb Cbtteudeu enterlabueti last Frîdsy aflernoon in lionor ni Mms. De Celle. Aucion bridge vas1 played andd canir tefresmeuts, serteti. Miss Frances Louise Young Of Chi- cago speul Saturtiay anti Suuda)' wlth her giautiparenta, 1%1r. and Mns. Il. W. Keed. aI. sud Mns. WIilAibi-Igis anti sou o! Ares are v lsitiîig aI the home OI B. K. Mlla. Tise Misses Es-elyn Fenion. Esther Henler sut Lus Wth vho are at- teuding scbool aI Normal. Ilii.. pent Sahurday sud Sunday vîtî t teir par- ents itere. 2Iis 8 Estber Lam,sms.also la studekt ibere bas iseets homo the pasttwio veeks on accolant of Ilneas. The play gîven by the Iaculty of the Warren tovmtsilip Iigis ïc0to0l est Friday evenng aa a woneruli success. A large mcrd atteudeil. ILawbîeakcrs~ 'Il I FOL. XXX. -,Nu,,.O. 7.4ruu émi und Watoh long for Spook \Home of PArs. Catherine Mila- Ikowich turncd topsy turvy; sirançje noises heard il o.Law 1A. V. Smith promîsed that Swould flot deviate from resent proseoution plani NW OFFICERS ELECTED fthe ears of bootleggers anti blini1 ;ers tiugled Tuoîilay there ca. t se for t-tbe ouborcoment couti ae tom Lake coutty, vhlcb vas hfI i he Salvation Amy hotel. cbeie )"drys" lu afternoon and esening ilious planued vhat tbey are going do to lavhmeakers. bhey also Draised Col. A. V. Suilli havlug put more bootleggers sud )osinlea ujail in the lait fiteî n >nhbs Iban ani' ethr lav enfoîce- t offcr lu a halit dozen aihe, >I Smith assureg elonbgue ifiat long as he la sato'# attorney lie 11 continue vith is presenî poi- yo0 flilbag the jail anti fiulug bthe breakera. e stateti that Hure aternitof office 0 bootlggers isat d tbe prîce vitn jaff sentences. id that more thaas $60,000 bail been lectein lufiues. Prosacistor Sllhs iject vas: "He vbo breaks the iawi bmakeu by lthe lav John F. Kramer, fimit federal lav lorcemont prohibition commission-I ,declared that the conditions under ratlt1in I. mpossible ta couceive bnv ayoue coulti drInk 11. 'Soorisblue ot ouI' lanlte moet deadir poison t inla fne o. 11h." Mr. Kramer de- Lred. "la mi' home staie (Ohio) tbe fitems songlit a eaill for a long nes before, they finaiiy round il un- r a pig pou. He kept il. going thero, ose liste, VISpeu ameeti nébad oi coomers £01151detect thse dor ýthe mss. Brille usually are founil ider cav stables nd ouber places f iUth. "Thore la no iorsibine in moon- lune andi vhenth Ie dmbtkers fiid it ilt they tbemseli'ei viilli n the aonabhineri off the face o!f the eartb. Col. Sith dieclared ihe believed the -ibbtin tlsv a gond one becarise tmee-fourtbs of the sîshe lunlthe Jalon bave voiet iniii asor o!fIL "Lakte cout>ha., a creat responsi- lUty," lie satid. criae ield at- aunarable ho tliu yîoung men at Great Lakes andl Fuit .Siiian cho conte lera from esei5 couuiy luo eland,, ad there la a bundi ni bootleggera wbo are deterntinîd hi)iiiifl lrbehi sellfng thent poisn ilqiior. Tva o! ithee bootleggei*,5aie inti he coonty aii nov isecatise it,3îîîed t seoit ooze ta rte boys at Fuit Sheridan." '1'm golng to conltie aendfng Ibern to jal, but I1jueed the' uiiiort of the ood people or. Ihis ctlunh5. The lIes. George Mînfiniia, former pashor 0f the Baplist ciiîcitl ,VaWu- kegati. but nov jiti Je cItsuîtcrlnteud- unt of the leagtie, itai chtarge of the meeting. At ii tfhefltt0fl. sessioni the Rev. W. C. Ruthertid opened the prognani wvih atlral ci. folioveti by astaleenft ot lite lirsire nf the neetin, by Rev. McGitinis, the Rot' I. W. Chideiler delttiviig tIse ad- imeis of velcomÇ. Jus H. Collier, i- temuey for the Illinoiný state league, was on te prograi, lits suhet be- ing 'Tbe Law Euuîîîceisieis Problent.' Mtrs. C. T, Tibbehls of Lakte Forest, pmesident a! the Lakte county W. C, T. UT. belng au the progiam Ion an-ad- dreis couceruiug tiîat organlzation sud is vomitof aitiuig in entorcemteu of the probiblhory ia'v Mmi. G. M. Maîhes. tuiperioteudet o! lbe vomati'a deîîaîhrnft Ithb Anti-mlooti League, sîsoke upon the sub3oct: 'Wbat Car, a SVomati Do?" Tise nev oflicens nf the league vere electod, as folloc s. Prosident-Mrs. F. D. Es enett llghlnd Park, Vice Presldent-R. G. Sauts, Wau luegan. Secretary-Lyle CGOutileY, iligisîani Park. Treasuten -- Att.v. Clarence W tiver, Waukegahs. Exocutive Comrîittee. A. W. Fletcher, Illgbland Pari Judge V. V. Bamnes. Zion; C. T. TIt behîs, Lake Forest; F. E. De YOc Norlth Chicago, and the Ies. NI.0 Nlumford, Autioch. At the banquet aI 6 p. ru. AIl3 Diver pmesided as loasîmaslet. T; bigla scbool' 1orchestra turnisiied sas .eoal fine nuimiers under directfou Otto Grabamî. In a toni-minute tlit Mr. Eramser & clared thal thousanda are dying bt-c moonsbîne poison, anti thal onIY Oet Ientb of lhoaO are reportedta to authonîItis. He s Idti taI ere las mucb poison l is te piodîirt no! I moonsblten that lthe pribibitiin: muat leste no stone unlurned 10 Ii isb tise job of tiniving the violati out o! business as qluickziy as PO sIble. Wbiie soute are drinkiug no lui a spirit of Prolest, ho deciare thîs feeling la rapidiy subsIlDînS. Janmes M. 'Noniisgavp a te minute talk on "Pitîlesa Publiitî le deciaredth îat uuany nwsPsPerk s nf asin 1 1 1 18th. 1 Illa .41apin L;-, ý homiie 111 a". i,,,,1, et s1 ight. t%%lie li % îiln-, a u. Ni,. iuhaud.n Nlilakoct ,.1lt sukIhas enue. a[)* cae,01 l it i l i-. it liai Illier [lace, it1Lt t 1 ,.Fiiiùýitin iicharge iii tlf. tii tin 0addition tb Mrs. (horg liiimli, .,. Winlow as enlie, Mris N l a t ndIl tlie lattera byet cbildleil ,ati îiî uni il da> lîghltoday theloi en tiiting lt ie re-aPpearatice ofthie *giio-.t" witich test Tiiuraday uîgbt gra.sitel a Nvaiher hy tihe shoul- pope ptiis XI vas bom latenWt.met bomne shown abve. rbtt der sud dlsapîîe.ieîi hefore be coutil isMar' 1, 1867. at estio, outide Milan. Francesco pttl bIie faibler. be recognli-tl. te liuse being plung- v a a lve r. H I. mothef vwu Terom a G lli RilattI. Both Prets tire ed ltri darksueu . inow d4.54. Te wathers ant uighl Iteard nieon the staîts sud several limes were ee aokliitg soumds but no WOMAN SOU(IIT T SON0Faritiono}D ppear .But Mike Dez- W014 N S UfifT T SO lirnifnWO D a itte igar acory t heir Wall- ST wavnue address, is riot a auperti- CÀRV OFFCILIIIII9 l afralid of nothlng ini Ibis world oir BOOTL£ 6,Nû he nexl, admi,.s Ihal white be and Jack Sehiosser, a teamsier resîditis CHÀR E; RITPIIL4STE 14LY nu Lcia avenue. were on guard a: thie baunte<l bouse- it TburîilaY niglit be hall the Ibrillhilit1e. aens Gorg Garit*.!kenby f- "About 3:30 Friday morning ira Dry agnt dsSImeu rnrs. Gog V.ariytnbyso- iandlttg near a door iu the sei- Nellie Cizauski armed with f bers; Sold whiskey to daikness." Dezoma declareti ibis î - ternooi. "In a front room a lîgbt vas butcher knif e, dlaim soldiers is charge burnlng and Scbloiser vas iu another - mont. Suddenly tiiere vas a weirti ~ a l0edor. lu mfy band t OFFICERS SEZE A STILL IRRITAi r. THE FATHER -ileatheoîdad1 u Js - - geîlîng ready te0 sîrilte one, wheun the Brandishlng a big butcher knife and George V. Garriîy. son of a promi 11001- flew open and aîruck me In theo atimptiflg te recover a haIt gallon tient Higliwooti merchatit, vas arreit- face. wbfle a band sbot out and grasp- jug of moonîhine. it la chargeil, Mrs.etsdbonoer1tieGadur ed me filmly by the 8hoiilder. Rl was Nelle Czsuki.122 JaksO i eet atndghtoudoivier c h rge nd 'bJuryg-tîat of sometbiflg or souiebody pov- atele i o aie 12robiactson tiere ls ih ntecag f"ote.erful. 1 vas bandled an rougbly the atme t cr f prohibStioes torte .î,g' th Ie soldiers at the Fort nmatches were knocked out of MY m.e.n V Smfice ba offie.Tute'sdAtoy lr hgiltti an0 poat Before justice band. M'len i shouteti. Scblossaer ennui,lte bye officers being comîteil- Cihas. E. Mason thie case wa-i Ieard aîîrred and lihe iand that grasped me ed 10 dis rm ber, as dra cu bacit an t i siiappeared. W e and Garrity, unable lu gise bonta made a hurreti search but thse room Mrs. Czauski as arresteti sud a te time. vas sent t0 te ront jal vas empy.' ii,îîiiday nigbl Dezonta warrant vas aiso issued for ber bus- until bis father. J. v. Gai rity, alto uofspent the entire nigbt In the %ant- band,. lgnatz Cisauskl. The officers Hlgliwood. caine lu Wýaliltegltfl aîd Mis. MilakowiCk aîîpesled te the report tbat 3.frs. Clzsuski umade a slgned te $20110o bondl.th ed bouse- but cisnîlt moiesîeti. strenuous effort lu recoser thse jug ni Irrîtaieti oîeî tIte arret iof it Birluka because bei datigiter Hellen "mioon' lu break il aud desiroythlie youllî, j. V. iaîîiî(v camie Io \Wîuke- tines ibeir iîoîsewoik whiioteliey are I eyideuce. gan andi JoinetiliIs son lu piociaiintg woriing in tie lscloi'y. r The off icers also raided the place of 'You bavent anythitig ont me." Mrs..Iilakowit-li bas rour other EJosepb Lîngesicli. 536 Porter street Young Garrît y, it lis cliargeti, acteil childien. Daniiel, Lena. Fiances andi where tbey founti a stiltinl operalion lu thse cattacity of a "go-beiveeti" for Anna. the latter heiug aI the TaunerY. sudfilve galionsoficrm masis, a gai- sonne Hlgbwood moonshnluein 1 sel IDaniel formeiiî vas eîuploypli thete. lon jug of uloon", itl, l chargeti. Bis lug bonze lu lite soidiers, Iroui dhit ,e Du îlgbl. atesetamer, Daniel de- 1vîfe was binuglît befote Justice Chas. theîteiII,,came Ibat causetilbis ai- ciarea, lie antillts bed vere moved aE. Mason last nigbt sud, arable Io iest. \X'ien the oflicers, vent 10 lts fions une ruons 10 anoîber whitle ho r give bond, vas sent t u te cou ul3 jail. iborne i l"ma t hie a resi oung Gar aep i. an ti e did u't k ow arytinifg riîy sail i toth e iear tinor and abolit it unîilithe next morning wbeai aieu IetI b ake a gel avay IbrU lie awoke. t e réU rb an., W ie Ç a rIsoul ho conductsa aobole ILA s hIe ol icer u aked wc lb the a- repa r s io li at 114 W ashingtoni treet e F I L LIT0 ieri. bo rotei icnGeorge Garnir sund bis comîîalotts ere watchbitlIy y OFFIC A LISrTF liaitbeen away tor attlînour, ail fficer wsiîing for-lthe giosI' prepareil to e I A S F PJn oice ti so neone iir i te ear of te greet hlmn wiîb four sho l g lais, loade ti IhL I% t~L3 j ouse. Tuey veul aroiud tlie aide witb bucksbnt. the strauge voice vas j Furnlshed by the ansd mb hie lbarn ti-iere young GarIîeard ou the ilairsaitt Mni. Mtlftk- I_ LAKE COI NTY TITLF AND i iy waa discosered preparliîg 10 owiclit. wb la ou the verge of nervolis TRISTr COMtPNY lete, piacing hlenîîndeî arresi. 1prostratioti foliowing nearly îwo yeas a- A str cts f T tle. T iteisG arri ys tailler l a the o ne t of a or m e utlaiangu sh. co iltI unt certain Abstract nfTile. Te meat mairket andl giocery atoie on iterseit andi che matle s noise, tise un- 220aWahntoiidSt.aukegait EnaîlIn luigbeood. The kuocu soumis, 111ikefottJ5elos.cesse(]. 22 Vau gioii11I. nlher, ILlelasalidttade thlres ditI l, l'portnoumerotin occasions, Mn.Mil à- Wauegaine ti wouid hrîug suit againatthue cmunIr akocicb deciare, thie 'apparlliol"7 Teinine because 0ftlise arreat o!flhie sou. bsý calledti Ite nanies of variotns I-t .eeinembers ofthlie iily, awakenltig _______________ ieni front ilieli ',iuiiberis One nigbt Frank Pb. 11, 1922 MANY PRIZES FOR lat sumuer the amly vas awaei 1 FakCaileon et ai îo Elizabme-h Jobnson. tract of land il NElý, Sec l nAI,,setigs.led thie>* ounil that lumps o! eonhp .D 1o I D A A 'I coolsiaitsdbeen Ibrowu around in the, re36 W. Aniîîîclîiwliî,W baseraient altiiougb tbey bild no coaI Slamis $îîl. U AIV iA 2 lef t 0-er from lait vinter. Cpoti that t., R. L. Lewis andticle 10 PA, Pet- WA EG NF B 22ocsn r Mlkwhapeedt erson andt i c îe, lot 6, tu iie llii N o i Iiie os p au r a o t r f S u- Side Bob. Waulîegan, V . 10. Faîer Jseth ucrioftu, slle nlSI Shamp $2.00 Inuian Day wiii ire celebraledin l member. andlhie orgaizeil a number id Elizabeth Stoffel antI iusband 10 Waiuegtiu Feb. 22 and wili include a o!f Wa1tegafl business men, onue o! H. F. Srliaeier, 60 acres iu Sec. 22. big parade aet6 p. M., matir fine prizea wbom la a bauker, and tbey vaîcheti 71r- Grant Tocwnshiii. \W.'D. $650R. Statip to 10bc given in four eventis. the pro- the place for several uigbht itis e $4.500. gramt belng lu charge o! Iligging '«gbqsC' failedte1 put lu an appeitaute Anlots Ve-uîley anîl cite to Edcard hoibsm & Douglas, local represetua- upoti Varirusaother occasions Mrs. lit Vans ant ifie. lot ,, Slîady lanitnlutises o! Indieun Motcycles. Miiovc laeclares, the curltifliare b. Sec. 21, E. Antioch totwnship, W O D. The, psrade vii starl It-oul their tom fmom the windows, twe ascike o! o,. $650. Siaiup $1.00. store on Souîth G*nesee aîreel andilebur ail 50 pounda of itigar vene scat J. Pb. 13, 1922 go norîli 10 Grand avenue. ceaI 1.0 lered ail over the boîte.sud similr Benj Parnsaiee snd vite Io 'N Il. (ounty adsudîoîb to Washingtoni outragea vere contmltled. The 1"ippar LY. Rauie. lot 3, Parmaiees Northt Sieri- streel. The jutiges vill hbe'%loyr J. ition" neyer pets lu au appeararIce or be dn Ioit Sîb. aukgat. W O.$10. F'. l3diuger, Frank Burke sud Il- Il. miales densonstratiofl on, Monday eV'- ev- Stansp $2_00. Clifford, enînga. of J, G. ioeper lu Mike Tintera, part The es-enîs andl prizes wiii bie as Stales Attorney A. V. Smitîh lu pet- lois 1. 2, anti 3 Caimnis Suis. ou foliowa: ticat decoraleti aide car mit frieuda lu orathîemselves and de- Lakte (Catheine. W'. D. $10. Stim $10. otlitfl-lsi. Corbin-Browu Speedo- guard dis bouse. The prosectitoi' advii Sus T. K Gray anîd vite to E. E. Tewes meter. Corbin BrownScit cew CnrP; eti lier tbat uolbing rash shoulil ho ne- and vite, S 48fi. N. 144 fi. lot 12, 2III 5 gai. et], Standard Oi1 Co.; îri. doue but if anythiug more occunreti be block 2, Gleuilale Sub. Waikegau. 1. spark pluge,. Higgingltothaml & ihere 10 let lilut know and be would 80 Mtauîrice Grabise mn G. Il. Giattie. Douglas. baye te police guard thie liOle. lie lots 9 anid III. block 5, WrighiiiAdd. Beat Decoratei Solo-lsi. Pair Least soîmmer Jerry Womtka whtO lit lts Liberît tille, W. D. $10. Siamp 50C. puliies. Hl1ggintothant & Douglas ; ci in an ripper fialuetis heeuPCO "d fn- Mary P. Staubon to Chicago Lut- 2ud,' 1 beati lsmp. Etivarils & Christ avay becauste of the sirauge carrI Ina ®rs ern ibule Scitoîti.loi 'A' Sislîiof's Co.; 3i. 1 piiiiip~, IHggiiigbotiiiiifl& on -taisultours or thse nigbt. Hoanid oet- Ltong Lite Sîtab. Deeti $1600, Siatstp Douglas. liit îatttiy are novwlitng on Tentîh at LCv $100. Most CousIcai OîIItft-l.ni 5 gai. nil. re, L. A. Kling and cifete 0O. F. John- Standard Ou Cii.;2itgai. seritdac sou, tract et lanttinl Secs. 19. 20 Fre- Poua8h, Standlard Oil Co. aoy. lHoUackeeplflU. Le- mont tocwnsip, W. D. $1. Stsusp $6,,. test Icyc' le Onifit ltI 1 tli5owoeltikhaas MU ty." Gertrude K . Cole as u sboin obicycle. HettileMig. Co. Znd .t1pair- te nave - iik aI uabOtSalla bin Mildred Sullivani, lois l1.block 3, tier._('itîcago Cyrle ('O. - lIts .1iss (qltl aiubaa. - Exuloor Adil. iglilanti Patti, W. D.1 Muet lbe -0 eniraisîs in btcl tic sec cai ojteiiet îitay are eqolppeiior t&~ tlsas I i $4.00. _ eaw a Irosi- Intel iencer. -