(JIBE RTYVILLE INDEJ'ENDENT, TI-URSDAY. FEBEU.ARY 23, 3922. Lib*rtvville IndePendent LaieCounty 1ndépçndens Wauleegan Weeikly Sun NOT SO MANY CROOICS ~<Chicago is the home of about 1,000 professional crooks reporte its crime commission,.Mtat mans, ane crook ta each 299 law-«bider. -Criminals are docidedly in minarity. Pity, they cafit bisgrègated, like the oU English system of export- ing her uidcesirables to, Australia and other penal colonies. Crime je a contagîous disease, MULTIPLYIM iTAXES The pratest af the motor car people that they have ail the taxes they crave in the sdate icne fee, the city wheelage tax g and the personal praperty tax without inventing any mare spea4~,f,à number of million people. They are puttipg up a niighti' objection ta being singled ôut for more taxation. Their money' alone la building about all the concrete roads, the benefits af which are a present ta the general public. Ac- cording ta their way of thinking it would be well to recognize t'ne outstanding resulta of what they have donc instcad of Ioad- ing a free horse with more. EVERYONE 15S NOT A PROFIER I n spite of the bitternees engexidred by war probuemas and olitiWa differencea, the world Àa Juat as full of kindly acte as ever, andi perhape a littie fuller because there is so much cali r upon .eneroidty. * In one of the eastern dsates the piroprietors of a nwnber of '-hgh dasa restaurants have sh*uldered tht b>usiness of Pn>vid- ing ,l*als for poor famies. A conununity ki±chenf has hotu es- * tab1iieM where the f ood ie assembicti, havingbeen cooked et .the výriouç restýuyant..;Ai this headquarters it la paclêedca- fully MAn decently ici baskétta andi sent out to homes seeect from hà liât of needy pereotis supplied by locaf'welfare organin- *,atons. Ail the exprest idborne by the*estaurant men. Meni of this Ola" have been scoreti heavily Lor profiteering. It ie pieau- * 'nt to s5ecthcm shouldering their àaeo h wr4abr Hlenry kinut, , 3Fou 4W Lac,.%Vis. Nu41e .1 fcK*ei 40 FMidLqci EdsI1~Bearder,1, fleàver flan Carolias Mletcky, 24, Baisas'-Data Eimer J. Rodmér. 2?. iw -~e -Lourtta Blckgty, 21. Mllia*e Royal J. Moine, 26, livwaÜkee;"WI. Sopi41a H. Helmer. 24, Milwauikee. -George J. Marquis, 22. Wluuètks. 111. Flornuce M. Bécin-s. 20 Wauke- gin. .- S Jess Sharp. 22. Chiîcago. - 3larclet Peabuis, 28 Chîcago. Geo. C. Weber, 22 Waéveutosa. Wis. Viola . Gnoesnihel. 22 Fen u dcc >Yflirvârd Lister Mhd,'l wi Ethel May Armnstronig, 19, Chicago. ,Jeselit G. Elcar, 23, Mlake muriétV. lMême, 20, Milvsakeç.. Robrt>Breb i 6Chcg Jacob Fair 8 Ua~g1 - Jmep Pczybylo, 21 Milal. Jobuma Podaezewsi, 19. Mlvau 15e. Wls. Herman F. Ehieri, 26. Baaver Dam, Wîs. .Glalys Clark Stumpf. 21, .,»bver SDam, Win. - - John Wlhhack. S. YC~ 4,~ (élis ilias, 64, Fox LObe, Id. t e fpresalon 'thé- " th eC refernilia te nerspaer wv i cntlifpd taeElmua lhEske, l uoéilu .rhomil Ckaulve87 !t ec- ture oti"Berousa5* R«oeWAb1 >,,as aine- "There art Ibre* ~lsla pirliat-neeL but la thé. er- Jgi iaryjoé«&toe anaits e ,4 nmocs- ,nprtent feu Iban déê:iL #lsi asla 1530.la this ',Aptry brb~-er cisadistnctions,&-u*à bde poutt<ilp-lttw e ves' ln bsr&;gtàth thieestte-tit. uchlIt, teýcIergY and the peope-buat 1h. ternu "ourtit state' la compratlvely common. Tise )yu vien sllera vogid not tlsuk of mil'ln. vithoit a chaletor pocke1pfece of »» mt"ble w. ad éf badliuckr. Wind beals vers a favor- lIé aud la nesrly.ee«y port, versi stildtna tte ellt Ibm..Tattoost ver. éonsidered éssetilW b on voyag, 'depeclatly thé butterfi>' on tée shoot-I de predérinatel tor gélu&ac. A Îig tattooed ou thé foot wosaru- finete man wouid nérer drovný kalors used to m> not a men la kuad * havé drow nél If hé pogesél Iis *fgnlficant charni againslt atu Bu>'y did chvres for thé women et teneigbrbod. Inbis egeruesa tn t outto W hebal grovu careleas ou»up *littie. One day bhé iIInot to isvork sud bis tstheqthink- ~ghé has froten eminidéd hlm 14. ~e tact, vi'be sai: "Bave quit, , coidut stand 1k: va ge1t'ns. Lucicy o Unlucky NUmn*trf Theré ale tbome Who uist ho1t I)ý dca-ad etthé auunhay13 la of tpodeý& 4o-igli, umkoov 10 due aioent3,.Cer- taina l la that maay ggara ago Ibre ra-re Ihosé Who rcgas'ed thé nuniher a4 fortuaté. Âmesg teram'was Pope Gregory tée Gréât, vho éverf morulug gavenainet-i to tweive Ipoar Vesons. £)neit nornltng Jésus appearel as a t trineentit ma-mier ofet té oupai>', atîd theceater 13 wis.he u w hê. tuci>' anulblesed nun>r.-Wev Ye*.k o~ igb"s ~, Yen Re iesbvU -imer a a M laMWura that bhobh" ueegn n thbe flcne, 1.341b. ffl t cunfly. PAINTED BY- BRET ARTISTS ln Olden Dayas e! aiuiTurto OuI swlnoloq *Im That Were. Tté staringgnaM bal haVe &0 IOaN cfne thé eyé 0& thse top. cUt bUill lxgs uitzateiy viii h au ii mS pi>' for thé roa O! Public Saétti Beards etlire unadeu*iens chect thal the structures;e uUfl t.ae la Prea thé Dames, bol gre&«y blae thé ai- man's vers. Oujmsicia ttlb mandate lucludl aIL thse encreacit ment of lb. i ocd, 4ýremerttati Bamu Uty lIas. Mdin dligeetly adyrds'is hiwa eren here te day of the frescoM gent ocraithée 'cupefi ab is>. ui lu thosé cl Isys tWq deaire for on' tem vas temper"l-by aa er ocar an AncieÙt 1sanitkisîs' hôp, bW taaeitsg eue nad##*4 qthe çte b*ht sud wavIng tihe mate lu bis chubb, tend, lsa àthing ci heauty as val a a symbot of trads. Thé pltereiqu owiegug boards et dôane genorallé. past avre outgrvths of tb. disia: cf armorial hellega eud héraldi, créas, aumpttieus dl essing le thr la Isys gone hi artiaseoetnote dl net scorn te tlv>'e tnfee han& is such signa. Thée 'a. asd Muleteer, su éal>'work of., MWggO, vas éilj InsU>' palutél tauLm. ]MAni royal académlciali'iia gven thé put lic a lion or a -MI~cocu. Thée gt teilîtie aigu l tI4qý eev.d It &&ah biow lu thé rl! ter ue vitén sncb erctéiu1411iunder th Pumpernli Cmoud Food. 'nhé Teuton bréad-biacult la a aile *purnpceru)lcke, etreiyene .î,a probait>' réprésen» thé hl1st d: veioppttt t t iis k#bi o0»re t rés It nlitvsys conés lu lise, keeé4ïoettit yurs If letclouansd ilailu tap d*déniit- hitlas6hhklo 1s ut t WÂUKEGÂ* LOOÂLB h - . m~uuppuyJ The Xoffét Park Athiette Club viii the iré a dauce4at thé Hul Hall titis evé- -. i cag aime. DeLuie orchetra viii f umwlai thé mue. Z( Mcm C. 0, Diéeké and daugter MiseW Ireite ef North Buîick Street visitedF viti tfrieiada la 1Rysuston ocer thé Su] veek-tnd. Plu Mca. .J. A. Lic>t et Chicago visted vilji ber aliter Mcl Pr-ànces Dit spi meyea' $02 Sheria Rad. att 30e Akalu ai Md ise Anna xe- r Parlan" visited la Chicag,) 5ugtay and attétide4 thé performance cf "Thé Si Luet WaltLl W Robert Diger of Carnation Court aiitéd vith frieuds ln M'ileury avec C ,the veek-end. bI PriloUs idMiàsa ra Cole. totrmerly r ef tiis Cty, nov of savteile, Culit., vHIii héPlessed te bear Élhéela a met&ém- ber o! thé "0cr Cuba Orchestra- at ..C Ssvtellé, vhich. itiai t Hanih¶wg. jnez er's coot gandén ln Los Aigelelest Mooday eventng aud the airainst weré bard many hundreds of miles through vîréléas teléphoné. ;m& The local bmuke viii close ail day ztw WUm**10 U a bai Wadneaday la hoflor cf thé blrthday DvidoB ' 0* Lon"éE ié'C analyecsary et George Washington. Coul.- 18 la. s.ee'mt cthé The W. e1. MS.et thé>iletIidIt PWt poet, legém IM6LUe ha church it viimeé t Tesday atérnoeon band la e iNq"ie a8eitbm yto n- at thé houte of 3Mra. E. (0. Hindeci, gLYBdon tSI. »0Vut 326 Franklin treet. A îplendid pro- 1,t.u grant bu been -provldéd hy Mra, C. ng A. Kelly.. Members and friendze ~Mc..and Ma. Fred GiUllnsd àr. hIa Invitel te attend. ansd Mm Sition "ses of Gurnteet dei On Wednesdsy evéning. Psbrac tendéd thé dinuer given hy Mr. and ser 12nd tl'1:45 'eclock St. Ctherl".g iMca. Austin Savagé Friday at hcrt Guidwili méet at n4e hom, of Miss home at Anttech. Rut Béaey, 112 -Cisyton stret. Men- bers are requested te aote thé changé Mr. sud Mca:, Charles Bell of Ei an train Tuesday, toi Wdnesday of fthis stou spent Sunday vith their pa - -ni..* vesi. -Mr. sud Mca. Abdcév Bell cf 1i al The Order eofEsatenaStar t*111 hold nut et. hx a publiloe nd ssrty eu the Mssouic John Bennett of N. o Oest is Temple Tbiaca&y éenlug. recovrins fr001 à fév veklaile k n(.- The. a*a" ,GactiWshington Thomat s deeér bas rettu-îî o banqt vIii be held-et tk Viret Bsp- Mu otaLa lliabsasa ni Ual cbuçch Tbszeay .venlng, Feb. Franklinn et T~ AD5t'i1«1» U AuxltarY laid Op et hh» odie vîit a had itix'k j vii o*U tb4r lé,bseas Meeting titis of rheumstinm. jveuing et -ý20 wVCicak at tii. Am- Mr. sMd M.Wetrelsd uN cri. leilsiwloi theé buat eeting o! Cihicago spm'th week-end 'euh v th. Northa Chîcago Autffiftt havé IheIr parente Mr. and Mra. Iho ace been invite- te be péeffet for thé Gercy of Sévward et. th social meeting. Al membera are Thé annul banquet o! the (-oir ea' ut-ged ta attend., ,- Thecé 1*fil -hea ameeting tif thé of Christ chufdi viilb. beld tuoor 5X WomaiýaAuxll aiy of Cogrégation cow eveuing at-thé Parlah lieuse-. da hoBhlTue dXy ai 2» * ý Thé Ladies' AMd vil serve te ban-.bh et. Waakegau Jeviah Ceuter. 'BaRblilqut -, a Burger vili address thé womeu. lI- The Womtaua "Union of the, Fl-pt lui portant meetiug& Chrisîlan chunch viii meet Tuea-aday A benefit card Qarty for thé Wbrid aftéruoou ai 1:30 O'ciock at thehaiomfe Id, var vtérans mlii hli givés by the ef, Yrs. Lonts Onieatnf, 11Ç", But- a Woméne' Relis! C orDpi.tosrov cw ick -atret-vl.ne eveulng aIi8 o'ciock lu thé 0. à, R. Mc. ail Mc . M. iasie anti chil i hall. drnu, Mr%. C. dbriaîénsin, M,, . 9 Thé bouse coemutee o! thé Catit Auderson -of EvaLLgaton vexe the codc Gils club wviliientertalu et1IL gueste ai lhehome 0f Mr. and )rM ca party thia e' enlug foloviug thé. r- T. Chiifteson, 5Nottaiane, Vpar meeting of thé club. Sunday. 33Nrh&eu h Àamson as bora ta Mn. snd MM. lins. Fraukk[iUesz leit foc Lei- homie is PPitili iomsrén. 133 P AI'vgeOv la Ashton, S. D. mter'apendiug a few ne Mma. tiolmngcen vaa !omerlv Cels veéks vlth h rdaugitér Mca. C. W.- Walt. hlrg' aeurs5Coper eOf i iu a Street *ho ha, party 'eiit held 'atthée bePlitoAauelie Hieuss ltrida7 -eveuing. braY Mc. aid Mria. Norman ClodJeau4 sud 24. . hlren sud Mcr. Wiile Horen o! -Ms .G: Murer eattitnaiest- Oicig tlo te aWazkegau Xester- teien guefts et.a bridsé »5i1 Setu day aud ristéet oee c day taftermoénj& honier >fJsjrpp, ud Mca. Chares Weftel ot Washing- nurse at thé GresaLkis# hçsPj$s. tsa Sh'éet. ý1-, t Dity cefreshgeutU vers 5g1ré4. Frank lirortlu sMd Joseph toiér HungeoBeuter of La SalieEzlselO vho have heen namuatg thé Suzdsy wl University viilbO lhe speaker &taZblSt deucés aitthé* eioveiilc 1Ha119, - h vekly meeting of thé Kvlwàgayhavéaddél Ivo plecea te thé ocehes-aa club this évenîngaM thii-lzahetel. tra. A sevén pince orchestra: fornlah- Thé Womau'S Club are celebrsatMlg es thé muaic nov vhich la unusuaily FnU,,DereDy Iodai et the. parisb good. A i'ery large erowd atteuded m BoUse. A pisylet vas présentéd b>' the dance let evéuiug. t aw ,M.rnbis o! thé club sua a receéptlon State's Attorney' A. V. Smth a Mud tes folowed. . is nev quartera toda>' lu the L. P. Àuong those vho sailel lob. 14 ou lieue building, southliait crner of the . S. George Waahlugt- 1thés' i.Wuehigton sud County street4, aboyséU Meliterraulan croiseé woca lMc. Daa-l- the nev home ot tht Secuctty- Titi. & l un Miler cf Lake Farçat. Trust Comhpany. Thé Svedish iptIit Citucch., cor-. Mca. T. H. Burke has ceturned ta nec of May snd Marou Streete. viii hec home 419 Hickory street alter a hi hol a séries of meetings heginulng- fév daya visit witi frlenda lu Mil- da Tuéeday eveulng. Tuesday éveanaSwaukee. o lte service viii h.be lllunifaglih, Mise Margaret Ilenati and Mine Syt- th Rev. Hedberg o! Chicago viin speak. via Mesker o! Lakte Foret vée eWednegday ereutug -P-er. 11111111« ef.Suésta0of Mies Aberta Chambens, 404 Chcago, yl apea. Thuradar <éee WubiinitOtt Street Sunday. h ate< ReV - ScherOei etEranstoS. FYtnIk Cbfham ra of Chcago vlilted These Ivo meetings viii bis lu Sved- Uth hie listera MS Louise sa4 l)il -lah. rrida>' eveetng 2ev.,Beistroin of Cbhi7iiberil, 624 Bel, idere Street ies- n Ulgevatér viii speak. Thé service Mr.cad s lrnc hipo willi hé luEnglisit. Ail are cordlali c u ca lrne h4po Iinvlted to attend thèse meetings, and sou Junior o! 905 Washington St. J. Donald McKtnnéY Of NOrtWGene- viatel vlth Mca. Jetne Milter ait LakeéC 4 SeStreet arivel home Saturdày Foi-est Sultliay. i trois Muakégon. mlch., vhers hé bus MIeSB«» MeDermiott. Ciief Oper- be' taktng a Élvéb l.éi rlê J « »4t<>r at the local Teleptone O=io thl et thé Shaw-Waikecr aer. He baisatlending a Conférence ni Chicago te- t *loinél thé salés Fore et shaw-Wii- day. ber ompny mI m l comecleI Mr. aMd MM .HAoid E. Pt4t M.en wth their Mev York Cty Office. Mr- tOut.laéd fév eud aetthairhoeyna MeKinne>' letfoc New York SuudaY on9. 'imvoo4 vnué 'saeturdy en- Doe. lS héCIiga etrtiu tt Fred Eston of Second Street la able vas cardsansd music. Honora Wartcéi A' te hé up sud around after being con- 'ov,.iléI te Mr-.and Mrs. Xobn 'C. ES fin el$h home for thé past sevéerai Buft Md lRaymond Pillifaut. Daity lé laya vitittheé'*Fin." . réiréhyjints véné acve<l. à. Mr. sud Mca. John LutrelU Of 119 Mr'. aRUMml. Thomas D. Gardon of le Lincele street, Noth Chicago, ans the Laheniiflé, Wl,, parents etf Mci. prend parents et & sou hemn Satarday Robert MaKW*iy. 420 Conter steset, it 4 a. m. L'ar Pédlag a fevdays hère prior te L. Lévy la ou thé job agala aftér a 't&klng UP housekeepîng ln Hghland .allgt lilesa.Park. "Buck Meriman cf Clarke Street John Powel af New York, %peut bas purchasèd a two pessenger Sec théevéék end vith is t mothér, Mms car.George Poveil. 958 N. Sherldan B-<*.d Thé Meuzte famil>' of Kenoaha vis- Mrs, AaPeihiki of North Ciii- lted t thé 1omp of Mr. sud Mr@. & aie,. 1ed suit for divorcé Saturday td askr f Cark sree Suda. futm Stanley Paihiclîl, chacglug I Taser o Cieck trée Souai. ., Thé Paliits bave tirêe ) r.Beh Boîman et WadBwan..Y hlrfladacrdn e i Mca. ahildi-enned sudndsccocdrthomtebtt11 30 Suéétraudfrel thr0 th*y' vers maried Ma>'19, 1909, and *: 3duday attérnoon. Whist vas tht e ueeepele ls retreshuteeta veré secvte. ta 110W" melàtoleave blet ky Auna Jackétt of l030-Lncclu Street Jit.27, of this year. 4c la very l iii Frank Pétruaki of Nortit Chicage be A ancew e héid Wednsday er sud Aima Onekunaskl of Waukegis,v euag at thé Jevisit céntér hy tké Obtainél a marriage licénsé itéré Set- Wetern Stgr Order, urday. , Ben C. Siegel et Prescott streét vis- Wiiaone' Banéck. aged 20, ef Ru*- 1151esilivé luKéashi ond eil.1 sd Georie D. Redmen, 93, iett r ellfnens lu Meilvsa keBndai aryPik,16 Ifj'oct CI---e, )Ar. Lois amash et ndvard St. J. R. Bracher of Williams St. $peut 1Satn frS mm rH e week end vlelting Moinde ln Cht- ago. John 14ironlmuii and famliy et Lake 'rich spentjunday vith Mrs. Robert Vaiton of C restnu tSt. Frank Upham of Chicago apent ;nday viaiting hi$ dtughtér :>3419 orence UPbmz et CheutâutCSt. Charles WU.il, [r., of CbeétnuttSi. pel1t the véeI-énd In,* Chicago aud tended T»e CUMv piaylnî atthe Mis ohleial (0ne poU ;înd&y viii ber lg X rx. Chattes Setretar> ILC1tQrd of lte haseber oI Coxnefl wse e0ngned ta, ils94-tjodiy wit*'*ft ètIack !J Tu ut. the x ine osth h j John " ul.redandB t for a comblation 108k. Mépibéra - ~~ tch serve the pretty leustoni of decel#at- g the pulpft 'ptbMUweru 11 eemefl- ' Stin la fswlu a etro as a ~UBIImeium for'ne a* p*rte&<,Ve. TwobOight red M beonW Ieu e lot UIWoS hem-"j cr father's memory. Mi-. Clarence Bock c! Sewaxa et. s tuile ill._______ There vin hé a unique birthd.y )aity at the Methodigt chuirch "~7dl- ay evemng. Al mv*rg of *0lite , ,ia> &id aoclety Who havg ta*i -birti a nNovember, December. Jani- iyand Fehruad w viii ehé otgash mi each one munt brJng n-niai *flt5 as site la yeaxa 91d. No deplit here *111 be soise start)lag dIstl,5 J. Lyle Pfe snd famili vho a4é been comtaaed-to their bbxeéen Î North Geneeee stredethé jast. veek wRh ilineas, ame able to hé Out again- The vire and pI.4aXmuaf te Anierican Steel and Wirc cm)Ppi,. ctertslned their faMilles agjrpuda . -' t t an Informai daecln&,,, ViS4é- .; .. ay leveaies at theé igu bu4'ÀE undred Vists e wN£a tegn4" t 5j- -:'. . and eWutye4a..ant delIgbtiLik vs, 'làt Isg. itefmsbments veraW~vedb.,,iW ài Boirai Hakaman. a vef knom ru-e.u lent d" dat his -hove, 123 ýe*XhI i avenue, last uirht. folleving aunI IC Nn iaoâhaba& ckÀI*dul"a*th"tilibb eot wor± oses of two weeks, due te itt ipaP rouble. Buil l i behoWed*eb*ayý Mr. Sud.Mis. Austin SayageQt Anti- MdV ~~tintItl h ch ffltert&ined forty live friendsanmd ..ae. la' rlatives Friday at a dianer lt, being hl:>utOUJ ?4ca Clarence Bock of Sevîrd St. ~ ~ ~ .iug~ ~t~. so~ arecoyering from, a 1ev dat a sick- WOMMdiSOCIlY t essa ______ i~ncw d têtske This and Tat Î a Co: i tif i s&eae 8prtý .Y unrto hd infr. P S»Fvrt t-«PMteÎ&ttM y BY hât ber coeiditldu , i tcZi frimd & d'tvfe a vetf«, dom' De WITT HUNTER are t&àzn Why *caietshoudaJw bo!Wsestr _ Thé Chicage youth vho Ilansg ~ AP*JFI4IP~ 3 I '11h h*'rlg svladled huidreda out 1Wcie rin0UI.U o &ugn*ttIfy to ite matit.. 1,00,.000 probabiy ill le fcee vith &l Wmelwba'u1fp h àM'inw Âàôiràn aum invi*ed te a gap on the viat. gyj FittjfhgI adH00 wf5O, A Waukegpu deutiat vas u4ing. a if1tA oi5IAib toukéy wrench on hi, automobile cskiu 4.Kgt vheu hé sal4: "Now don't bA hecVaow<m; aarmed-,fImt ian't£lg la hurt mucht a ph."mas sent in: "Ail argumenta are Pae ______________________________ Ld mmong ihe loungers nM thebe i- rW& office." - A Waukegsn preachér would have eeon shocked If hé had atfendel a sunce Satucday nlght. Ten membeca tf bis hockvére thé héit daucerg au te floor. A Wankégan youag min vho «"i ho vîli mar-yfhie opposite. If bis liuwAcb cames lt-ce, viii ieîd a vét'y éensihle girl tb thé&lier. Aman entered a music store y*i- éerdey. aud said Ihie to a ctèrk ..I Uk. te boy a certain record, but 1 tan't cemembér thé name o! IL But t la that plaeélthe orchestra plays lu the théter vben e vomnnlunthé play la sneklg up ou anothèr vome1.ii thé pla, luteuding te choke thée dt: light eut cf hér." Thé vocld, as a mbl, des not place a bhicb mark et intelligence te tine crédit of a penDu uwhosé oui>' adJec- lyvs are "Juil horrd," and "grand." Who la théeIteanéat Man? Tîn't hé the man vho makés a fortuné lu hie ýld Home Toue, thon retires, Mud moves to axoîhér lovu, sud then bmocks on hie 011 Home Town? A bore la a person who caut hé la-ý suitél. MJiseny loves compan>', but iais thé company very misecablé. Mater as a Measuno. Thé méter le thé unit o! léngthIs 1 sclentille vock. Almest &uI thecous. tries o! thé vorid.,tvth thée ecsptLea et the Britishi empire anId the- Uaited litatés, hure satptéd 'titis tnlt IDeug wllh thé reut e! thé MéittlcaYntem Of whîch itlai a part. The t9eti la M".3' luches or 3.28 test, aniahaolpté Uflit, wvilé the toot là.-arbitedti. Thé iný,. ter - ln. the teu-thUiotet.. part ot *eon quartes' et a terneilcial tuecilan, dueS La o! s dégrée o! léngtttusié. It la, accerdiog>'. basaI oun-suan ebls dIstanceelndcat i ho éb5ked 'ai &W lime. Immense flmand for Naidieï. Thé vortd usés up su) aerage 8,0W0.000 îeedlèaà a <é>. means a great sËvirig toyou Sou»eitem. abemveuebael d Here Are Only aEewof theStwigs: $3l000DUOFOID j$8, PO ROCERS, SOMi SUITE, mhogany, ip Oken sale 4.9- holstered in $19-~ a Velour, enly *149- ININ S rFE ~ooooç~-~j complete ini every. de'. $30.0 J&HO n tait- BEDRWOO8 BieDUe4 MS Im iee t'O "77to WMLNUT BED. OO00 uTTil'E*, Ieduc- $M~.0LLOYîi1 a -for thîs *3W.5 RIAGE, sIte tsi __- 39-. priced $fêi $12.00- FELT, MAT- at ............. ,-, T1UESS for $6.69 $W0 SELLERS Specigl .e%0, GV'T WO Cabinet 4 95 13 S $0.95 Special --eudts 1V WUX ia3« o' to makla your seleeticnsa'dur- -t =n titis ade if yon 'rf need yu furniture iti two aoih or six nncrntbga5 We yWill store FREE any seleetioiis uade êrnths ae,, o. o off o :1 J I