'USA trr r t~tb vaundudemtehetpiou".,i'iqhv 'I Â ~ oorl0 iia telgzam E«b De uts .t At tcçoroncrs la~ mt onday - YtiliEOt vusreturnéd liaI .yule DuigCVil war ne @ttOSPaffUAg VUthC eau" of ber d EndsouMM to Round Laia 4W F«rtw suMM ute baok MIN( Ogh CI a TwnIn @i0I sýsti,g*ôfl Àlopwù. éc= Vole busiessmani et ,Lake nuiwoUng oompanY'ls bOt- to hear Nm iread otIbilfr 3moUI utoor ounity o r 00 i-oiin &aveu mo*th"- XELL F SPELIN ~ InEE the sreotr W £IIW VetoLIVED IN COUNTY 71 YEAà$,TO #AME-COMMITTEE OF 10 Young ený» uciassuore t ic Tovnline sehool ln among thee aident Atrvast ohé matie r home at tise George lchardeon, 75. or E..P z#.efftu ~ a isý. Vouatvon gchool» in L.kecounty. At one tisas Commercialhotel. ",pae eieto àeO teflto thse deska and U c ette rhand i "@~january U. a marfflgs l Ir toyeseu 9WOi esite u et. s ou '*t a' atilth@ c m T#m g ff e end benches vere useti for i'etltatioii. Issuedté i" NisPibat ati flKOM tý ~ fqer fls Aelc fiaBr #bîes-ever. painteti boards for use as Y (omty dCevis LoY h ý. .RuBeq. tise Lom .Cout mti<oerai aE.Ift4lg _ bickboflltis Banadera seder andti pd'Tisez' 9"0 tfwar agesas U .Tbéeëcetouo*lc~ a a 0 s« or eS 4 f cal laà Chcb teti. te ,r ver. uso. ises-e vere 017sxtfct hanyrbe euutd .ac~"' , OoII O >aouîisa or sehool. The teaeiet5 er ZKô*b laln th e ~rut twligNM on= e.Bt te d59P pa y Isld fr011 elshteeu ta tveiy4v dol &t 13Bsret9q.W) alls- ri >8115 a ta 014"Obi" Fi"e~*WKo!116 iItUO t ars per- moth. A te, oldti lme teacis 40n, B..C. Ur. "bcard%=oacame t Liec i e os g ta '» 0v Css ver. lDudley Smith, J-«ne5lCO11ty tram uglind viti hWbatina1s Wake~fie11ldGIe 00>W-tL gy. john DeLcney. the inouîcesAleHçA*q y *~et.W.WkfOt.Guae W. eiîce, Jenny Start and Ms-. Dus-fY. A . Wou ol tura-oof94%. Âs-Aff; Bn ar on. Greta la tise iAne of the civil van tise *ah.iyomaa entenod th e oea M *t *Dmkor ?I1I1I4oLmkaoBan£m.e Wcl )p-e lu the.district vould gather at the bra »d anise business At V*1lo. Tlvomty-. 00,Cont FanuAd r01 UOf Y pchool on Sturdîy evenluga and ad * oecalshetia gntlmtoevl.m iryE 0t.O imO le y Smith. the onl[Y one taklng aw !t, teptleeooa n a uee tul Mub îte eing o*te rosltol >aper, voulti reand about the vas- ta . h COiftstr* a M ± b îo th.'m. Timea verehart anti mOflet vtbn Tscae e ares andlt iarv- a te p3fta lbocmber comiselledti hm Wta11Ir ààs«thé marketing of mlli la thc esz and have ta trade thefr produciats bhm ~ tiet i 0 loroE Uhtih UtOJgg tict 15 O! vu, ndbitaltatoef foit grocesles andi clothing. n £bt~ ittulled t' i *0. te am cUtierw = tb atry urmo atsh alore0f They vould otten go ta neigisboring O hmant idiiin l' MM £OCbldJ51 i »M D estl!cir mthtl tsn and d ;uhter M Iia ns amaketing at ps-sent ita eslVgac, ti ploaandi have spelIlisi mtch.. e rmout. cnt four brothers madl8 S ý b itaopteti ares*OiUs tiat 'Se uvlie acollvsy en ofteu n ioeas follev. a commise. or nine tialrY famer# le 'VCoin.Theyuly vet tn..Rc Eeu DunilI. Vole, MM clU* i<see rePreaetbt8tho Mi* Thy plo Pke Plecea ai theffe nerlcfau a bijsgbitrd. ateruDoeo! rmy"1&]MRobert Andi WtT 14 r.m ,oroetinig tic 0110*0hMIN apeli.ug matches. ls XPUfllutrOPillAmttet te MW Mm n f Galake. Danigi o Vola uA" Prqtiýer% Atoclatli, anti*tiré> ep The. sciool bas been Isuproyet i CI mon mUbird tiat çlivfia r W eGeorge o! st. Pauli. 1reatlng th. Pas-m Bureu., W be Tises-eare no bouchen aroun4 tbe eatoé.pan tIy t p vis wicis . PW55t5iservices fronti thse reitice umo Mas-ch 10, tise OMllsith scîtol ~us no, tser ir no 0 *M& té IIjlaceet food t e l"5e<' of Il yatternoei At 1 o'clocis vItis tume» ean effort to brins abouit more z1ov blackhoards andi A nov -.$lav. tise fd&. tes-nnt in Grant Cemotan?. pat1«àetory marketing résulta. Tier, la a Vitrla anti a lBbrarY nov. Thse building lx lu fais- condition but_______________________________________ te av 1 flr (M ,k.ât'i wlso as a pioner vent to the Tovulîne achool. Tisere vas on ly one g:ede in school. They coulti ---earetb00l*t any lime tuey-W Tlsere ver. vos-y ev books. pencila aund papes- uaed In those tisys. There vas one achool lu oves-y tvo sections. This achool vas far aval Uno M-.Finel'a home so0ie stas-teti iarted home lu the mosnlng lu os-er lu get home lu urne andi visn ho as-- rived at hie home It vas uauallY dank. <Edtors unote:-The Sun desis-es le give credt viierever possible, to tie 'authora of the ploneer notes aPPear- lng lu thus nevapaper andth ie LlbertY zile Independent, andi contrhbutors are therefore requestedto itagu them. TIhe items are heina s-ead vith muci Interest). _OUSTE4UD FROM col VICTORY 1MEMORIÂ Tissough tise refusai of CounîzPy - alian A. B. Brovn ta cas-e for Mo., Casroli ataithe Lo4ke Oounuy hosPîtal, Et ias beau necessary ta Put tise mcX- payes-s to tise extra expeurehleVIî hlm caret for ai the'VltiJ!St< '~lai Hospitl. when Cars-oUa vas aitO$l4ed lsy the C Wackegan police lasi t 4«ulg1t It vas ceeu tuat ho needed métilci aI- teuilon, and fDr. Brovn vas clleti. On biV, suggestion the 1.110v vas reMOye- edt 10tise couiy lail. Thse fellovc' condition became Bo much vos-se tisat Bient t Greens psevled upon the coun- ty physician 10 admît hlm ai tise cunu-> ty hopital. Tuesday mosnlug Dr. Brown causeti Ile telow t10hse bsought bacis 1 tise s-uuuty jail, saylng ho vas too nolay Ùl jte onues-paients- Shieriff Green knev Casrola *as too Iii ro romain la Jail aud called in Dr. IP".l Berges-, a cbiropractor. paying 1!.' tee out of is ovu pocket. Dr. Ber- gel- fouud Ihat Carrola vas.sffer.9 ftitiite ffects of an inJury 10 hie Laipr ini the eoening lthe sesif! call. el ln Dr. Foley vito said at once tuat t o pîsoner shoulti b. in a hosplisI. t This vas communicated to Supervisas- George Bairstow vho ordered that Cfr- ralla b. removed 10 tise Vicios-y Me- norial Hosptal v'hen ln!ornted tisat Dr. Brown had nusted bhlm from the c-ufily institutions. :nioua $:herms Falced. M 1 I sas lli tesevenuis grade e t a to rtS5corsffe5pidnt O0th Jtfet otus-al, there vere Iwo git 1 tlsouglit I vas lu love wîtis, but I couit not dednt. vici one 1Idi hoq. . hoone day I ubought I W»e&d write canît a nies love lettes- saactWl tise sarne aud I woulti tien oboose lii ou. wto aswesedthlie mnt favonWËu »tel wlten tliey got theis- letters.-ead letthîe aIses- knov, nalto makb h«, jealous. 1 vs-oe each sgain, buqtt g..i no seply ut al. e ri« mesttuelfita. -0thtie stars abore us luec" Wissbs raroundth iesu? What lu tisit pus-pote lu cseaion? Our- "star," -blci ire ii thé sun, vo fontily bellete lo for Lil. puspose o glvlng otcUr t grain vo call th.eus-rti, wasmth ligis. an liaI ve may liv. and more. andi have eus- being. Ai v0 ginWt abou utideujoy ourpetty aClýl 1l1 %leuts teedo snot allen cont«natDis «asrs- vùuIt abou'e un. Perlsips lt 1 just as weU »,. for viien v. sccr<I eut thse kuovletgee ofisp be.vq boy vo abrinis i oy vo shrk*ý -. Chf"e-, .ouna of Comimerce. 11 V' , 1ââ â * B B B e S S S ê B e SS~rrr.rrrr-r - - - - AT LOWEST PR ICE nbpaFooring, Beaded Ceiling, Eoai*e- 1MST. êG., 2x4, 2z6i M2 2K1 2i x1, Gan4 0i S tberu. All of our luzuber às talcen down carily witb, il puU1era- Carpontmruand bu0md scousider it &u satfatd ry ua nov4=*er. Corne out and ueeo for yours&l. Ope"al luuoment- te carload. pur- chuer". maoL8 wiNDOWB, »Q0S, BOOfluÇ PArPeu, WALL R»A»DPP BYRON.E. VE&ATOH, Ttudée.. 'Wr«àing M2d Rigiment: Gommurent Bldgs, Camp lAwrenco, Great Laketi. Phtone; North XLlhtcapo M. Yllow our signe- I a**********~********** s sese~v Tillv E±H- Wt wed bSuitù 1 I r '3 SpeisiyPrîcedAt- Thée cesons nniwest crottions art thos. beautiful, sott, tweed .,mftt vtth theWi-retty coloringu, nov boîta. pocisets and ti tr t-s ing stylà- touches on tit and ticu. Ail alzes cIt tus vos-y 1ev price. A Striking Eipent li the Great Sale ot-I [ew'P.olo Cloth Coats .175 ý50 ý$' Neyer were Coate moýre popular tissu are these of elegant Polo Cloua iin a vide vaslety of Inev ahades and colora, la belted, seml.belted; many silk-lîneti andi viii pleateti or 10o69 backs, new aleevea andi pockets.J j Now Cornes A Great Sale of-j Sensation;aily Priced At. I Youll look long anti fis- before You find a'collection o! dresses suei as w. vîli show you bra--net a toasu, fît ty or a hunts-ed, but literally thausnde lu Serges, TrIcollues, Crepes, Battus, Vel- ours, anti Crepe Kuit lu vanted colos-a anti sites. # -t', VOL Cathi to re An thse F Area, univef "We Jos.ept line meettr olic c brougi speaki from from t '.Pis 'Chus-ch don, a t hen 1 plans erectet have c tractor chuteci y tilil s'tol brougt I': [fi, duce toi Coltsiri lollow ei wili lnterio 4 husrît 'lie <.eLonii accort .eC"-1 Georut Wen viii b dîdabe, idea,c Neari e ceao i sem t Thse iucludi isulld le eau Si hall, ii and rtc ed. au starteo Two c boath plates el, wi iug ir lake If el wtl Th,- for a- libs-arî hall. tory f Sacre( ju an and kltelte bouse, and i of St. Bot roi A&qîtn AW 1 L.A6 - - - - --- - - - - ,qwl9r Aý ý& là, À àL