CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Mar 1922, p. 2

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sulo So Co. in report te- M9i tDday, outtne numerous lmproenmts bore JSelletthat ic bottom ar business depeaulon bas been reached ailS ex et or mmpee canfidence la the J*id5trlgresanss o! Wauke- s dadneat terrltoxv, la Been la suxeintedlt Theodare U10 !tl 4, allie Sfervyle, Cbaai o<~ottq~fll~5iiX*as for con- ataStSaat ttaliag mw» thons- bare ut ben utila! wi~Uh1as~ ublic ln wb vi. hq umaIreprt Of Iaeludelalu bis cosistrutio vark le, ~~-e ! jm.o urk;on the thse - ft 5~. GR *A*14aid thse ~lmun",I5for expasdlng to ton e ctc4gilen athse Ciy cat - wlqlt& o aiilan station equipt t r.- or MW lilavutta or frh Umm lng. cai a cl&t>'attihe Lae vimeNoth Chi turc o! thta 4~%~se20.00,and t la expet <ulr anilimate lavetlnent O5pSlVoltage Necaaary othe voltage o! Uic trais ,Wesat and south af Wau- l h8utStop la tsvactuel et the ffiant electii 00bizutb>'thse Public Serv- , er vbich gromknS bal a tisaied et lb. lati aon 0ftise it>. Work qt de lalanador vay à" 1it ltiseUifIatultequlplsed * aszy le Possibleor la- ,coie ede uo!t the yeer. catae .0vjP, teai Over *2,- ao S tev ixmum capso St't ltri isse tgins o! =0 le*0145bt le JodutrIl mdainita a te - habtr ito Iterratarn lr -lu1 bvai great eectrie XSUetiât I l grW til o! tits cli =4 imdieet terrtterir serveS b>' the 81l le ole oenpsng uri tthe *W xuar la spiteofaibustuefa depress- suý,-Ad tse vincus o! tIse maciner>' IÎO«7ta serve tue people, la sti à»Y4 nb>'thligures ln the an ; *M eut. Total. number a! eI- j..ÙLâo'etandpoer 'fe tise con *s118,804, an iscreasa LId41 dIndutrieaserved vitil Pa oçAt Maret ~Grocery IÎQI MAN'S Oit POulryDpa ~j~r~rdrous a card. or the territory IL vas iêomu7 ryar the big plats ta generte 35,410*14 kilowatt boira of energy, necesaltat- ig use of 400,000 toua of coal. Tile cn armaus total of 2.83,000 cuble. feet ot ga vas produccd, aver 100,000t00 « col aid coke, and more tIa t»&0 50 «plionso ofil belng nece$si' ln~ te àinfaturiig praceua. To protc the lectrie aid gu supplY of Ie peW Die of 2h. territor!, the compaS! bas purbsueil ia own coal mines aid laut year 98 per cent af tilla fuel came tram ita aIs mines. linkinu up thse remain4er or thse ter ritary vitit tisl citY are nov 700 miles or hlgh voltage lectrlc transmisioni lins. Tise campany bau 090 mille-of ga mains. To these arc lllked thaus- ends, a!miles of smiller eloctric lUnes aid gai pipes. lntihe territory a p0111 lâtios exceedlng 600,000 nov receive service. Thse cosipsy la nov avied by more #=IO 0,20 tocinoldes, prseFUY ail ot' wbOW;arec"iasat anad live la the. territory 'serveS, lu addition, cQU Jmn. 2x tlerc vaeo ,648 subucrtbe<u 38!# O.'YP " i@Lil l4tli f«r-flsQU ne. meffp Otl. aolodrs ,1ara OSA vb étil a. tully palS ter . or jq 9.le Io a ovneiiuflipb>'emO7a5. la Dprortion ta nimber, o a=y Public uttit>' co»- thée $4«ër a!th 1.a .esr t l u lsthse ftlat il 1iettnov 145 upvarda* o!f8$M cau empai>' isu tle gresitsie I4i~s.nd1c ~15Jpf tilaCity m fývtétork pi l ShoUevea tIsaI flirebould le ho hIt 14 apîte af 11* business'esson, la builng" lseu ln à dhoreaed = iI la th eoi 1 eut 1aflthat 15 trlt l in t. ontry' vill mule «Chsa ra#il recaver! as that in Nartiseru11l11=a14 Tise vidcly diveroil1dt lsdustry, ts businces *111brins iiaabout idthia betveen coauzna00ties aid ihe Indust- rien scrving thesi." Annual Re*port Figure. In spiteofttse continueS higil price o! fuel aid ail matenials entenlng Inta production of service the Public Serv- ice Campui>'ot Northern Illinois vas eble ta continue payùtent of usuel dlv- blende to ilalders o! common aid pr.. ferreS stock. Tise aisital report shovs tilcie ovuna snumber 12,748, including those vha are purchasings acrîtiea on the partial payxnent pl=an d Prae- ticali>' ail are custamors, anS live In tise territary served. The repart contains atniking figures sbowlag tise xtent ta vl4cis tise lvesi ment necessarinta upplt tlie graving population bl xii xpded. Investineit la plant aid equipmcit aid mscellan cs propert>'. total the. vait amsiof $40.884,U80, vIle otiier belosiginua o! tise compas>'. natI ncluded In planta, brinng île total setu Sp te.881,8,30 012,218,815Te*41 Sales Total sales tlm .11ausomste& t ta$3 m*ia Litr ayetîor opcratltg aid Plant mna euce,' Interagit land maF poiinfor depreetfon tsure reinaîned $U,79,546 for payment ta stoc~pders, glving ample praof of the etabilit>' of the business. even Ilu the face of adverse, Ôoesdltios. Sbovlng tise grovis In the tcrritory and thc vIder use o! clectricit>' and s; tie repart gives ibis comparleon O! cisatamens: Clans o! Service 1921 1922 Electriclty ..... ..... 118,304 106,305 Gas... .... ........ 74,056 71,164 Water ...... .. .... .. 5,735 6,018 Heat .... .... ........1127 1,122 Tise sllgistdecrease abavu la tus~ nimber o! vater custameru la due ta a chsange, lua.eihod of registratian, visereby tise nimbes' or vater customn cru ta recordeS b> aoccointa of meters, ratiser tisai by familles servcd. The laI- crease la electi cuatomera accounted tar 27,900.lllowatta o! addhtlolpl bus incas added to tise llnoe. - Tise repart pays a tribisie ta Uic loy altY asud fficlency o! cmp'loyeea and laids tiseir efforts tovarde praduig betier service even la thc face a! thec Isuull situation viici affecteS ail businesa dving ;tise year. COUNTY EIDUtATOuS TOAtpOAL1Ma IÈ chool superintendents and Principals In *Mfventîon In Shoot superlntonýdentusuad princi- pals frm nail parts a! îhe country- "00 af timlacludlus tiose or Waî. tassa aid Lae couatn i>' l meet lu 'Cicago Pcb. 2f-, to a AoIS2,for the Sannilmeeting o! Uic deparimeut 0O siperitendence a! the. National Bed ucatianal association. Sceleow em pisasia vilIb. placeS an tise problus oz more ecanoical adminiotrtlio o! adbooli.-, P. B. McCleaaheu !oeabuMoines preaideni of thc association; R. R eanses of Cleveland, pteSnt of! u ,departsient -a! auperlntendence Merle Pr¶snty a! Tulsa, Okla., pr..i dent of tise National assaciationo secondkr>' Schoal Principals, soi other edisettèru vii upeak. Tise Natioal Vacattonel Gutdae< association vilI isald ita canveuttai tisere lP.b. 23 ta 25, tu conside metbadu o! asaisting liihs 'Écol %i dents In selecting vacations. Moi tisan 1.000 Selegates are expect4x Speakers vilI be Preuidetit WaIte VII Scott a! Nartiwsvctern umlve ait>', Miss Jane Adasis, Dr. Ague Loy RogersaiofGoucher Callege, au Peler A. Mortenson, superintendei ai tise Chicago Publie aciools. E T i l : M w-e REALTY *BUSISS FOI ~STWE Loans f« iwZk anio ted' to, but $133O hihse &~d ed asqutie&.l yA:K. DOW£$ Ass. Secretary Ssurlty T#t.4 aTrust O.mpahY Business ptýhhie -ut-fer thle week endiig"PJ= 22 NuMiier of U. . 8Axpy 11l85 21*001er or çlattel,alt= *IV Number of trut 4.48 id ldzpg ~~tel number .o! itu"Nta a"e Tow Almouail a 88 138.50.00. Bu31imeas bubeen fairt vitll 0.5 abore theavferage. The following are »he more impart- 49t. dealu:ý in Wankegai: Ed*mrd IL. T.v. aad *ite boUglt a lot on veut aide Palmer Place:trSt Tho..i. ILGriFf«2 nominal ciaideraton. jolm nj. *&mn sCaBaaibauglt tiitherem t ciMesCMIa ala the O&ab»,*aprfflrtY OU P=rualln tVet John W.* cllpbsia"aidvit. .ouqt the, Wm.; W. 'MIudisIlpliceoa = . nide North avenue, luSt nOrth Of 4th Mt for Inaftf Ou . uead li*ooufbt as tt i oý»jtxidQ »*.aO£strebt mut caët O beailitut de o 5 WàUr H Itude btiglta lot on ita tram Boni. Parmale. for indiae ý3000 ad gave back trut deed for laI Lake Bluff: Gustav Anderson boughitishe Mles J. Cony> lot os Woodlasd and Suisili avenue for In- Slcated 11000. li Lake Bluft-Asile L. Kappes isougit Uic W. A. Thoas place on Suile avenue for $4.500. lu HighlIand Park: Mildred Bello isought tise Robert G. ELvais propert>' an sous aide Central avenue uai esat a! Linden avenue faorlaIcated 11100. Mldred Sullivan houghi the Cari-ý rude K. Cviii place on Nonti side Skokie avenue far Indiested $4000and gave bael trust deed for $2000. I Deerfleld: Raymond J. Clave>' bauglit tise Harry T. Clave>' place os est aide Second treet fer Indicated $4600 aid gave back triai dced for $3000. In ULibrtyviUe: Josephl SinuSera bomgit t he Ricis W. Stafford place et soîtheait corner Milwaukee aid Park avesmea fan iudiçated $P000aid gave bacl trust Secd for 82600. lia Wot àlol ie Tintera fo2 0lted =*1.0,000, * Mrn Atan Jrne 5ai ,e hsugli -tuse Oscar B. Carson lot on .yllgp Bluff Park subdiv. nas BIC# LAIcq t fça$3O. J. Eruee~tBrook eilea ew-ov ubdifvi ion khavi as.Woauad lPalk1hio. 24 an Bluff laé bow ilg 29 lots. I Grant: Win. B. Schultz isougisi tise Katte Grasiier lot la Marvîne. suis- div. Fox Lake for $1000. John W. Jensen bought the josephs- ine Jensen lot, la Havard Highlands et Fax Lake for *2800f. In Avon: CharIes B. Tutile baigisl tise Win. Hatner Place Iu Blatherviels au Long Lake lu sec. 10 for lu- dicated $2600. Gerge J. WaIsnsley aid Cors Walzr ale>' Iougixi Uic Elles Renlisati 55,ac res lu NW sec. 30 jusi veut ar Round LaItefor $7000 sud oave baçk trust deed for $4000. ln Fresiont! Oscar F. Jomsuon af Oak Park bomgis thUicStnnat fariai 278 acres lu secs, 19 and 20 fromn Leraî A. Kilng for indIcated $6000. a 0 0 0 0;6 90 ý00a Fal. 21, 1922 D. ri, Jaut anad vifs ta teI Axelaoii. B 2U ILtlot 5&. WJhsn'p lu2 Sul. 1,ong tale, Dbço $n0é,, miB Olliv*er BilaI et a tg Bèraio le and vite, lot . block 3, Hoclk anw %evlle l~sLake Sub. W. D. 110« BaM)cClitock to IL E.I ru Imî>ud, lai 7, Blok 2llnmlhgloz Sib.* Round Lake, W. P. $400. filai JourfWacu'ra m ' alt -and ?5, sakS ~J~itP~ i, Il so, partl10Shdrit .aks k St. 8mb. Wtegna. .* m~Se ktiflnew anS vite ta Margard &- 'Trotter, lot ila Fox le, W. D. e240, a Stamp *2.60. o m5 ael cu!4 Cltu W.FrN C, ~ ~ ~ 1. Wa.sbof..9 g WaleSi W si- jka-Po . D. ».. 2ta Or MIIle 1Irýct. L J. Lly 6 0 D. $1000, Stemp t'Lo.'0: M C. L. Harder and vile ta WiIla! eT Curtis and vife, lot 12, block 2, Lu- Sers Smb. Lake Foresi W. Dc re Saamp 81.00. bd- I$gge IL MêVe>' anS biaIsaS er Mina X. aid Walter A- Odcnitlc ei' lot 7, Greeni Bey Ad. Lake Fare &s W, D.>S1. Stamp $1.50. Dd Wt. W. Gnffla Or, aid vite ta J. ut1 and N(ary T. lOyleID40IL.ortw. os Lot'1,llawrenabu Sel, . F ne W. F.$10. Stami $41& Emme. A. Bavardensudiuabuai Mt . A 14014, tril Grays 1*1., W. D. $116. Stamp 80. »MO MW I M. " ý AM .9 ________________________________________ '"1~ Wm. DCapeaina as %v if. te MAX Ml daubera, -lot 20 block 6, Rldg'ood Park Highland >r, W. D. $10. Stamp .3.J. GlIfoy and vIle te Anna ClInge «ma mrsla 5W % Be4ç.1 Caba Twp, Teb. 24 *122 Sarah A. Higglns teo P. L. Udel l lot 12, block 7,' Exmaor mdcl UWigbiand Park, WfD $1500, stamp Lottis Butterfield and lusbaakd ta J. W. Past and vife, 0. 50fI., W 100> t lot 44. bîpe6, Rimoar md(L, Higil- laidPartk, 1*T)$3700, fstfiln.S4. - P. T. Favier and vite ta E. A. Wil- tai. lots 5 4d 6, block 2, Buruett's &fte Lake, Villa, WD 110, staixi lavina Pillifant et ai ta A.Ir. B*au- UW tract of land on S. Bide Wýhh ln#'on treet and en H aide Elm. wood avenue. Waukegan, WI1 $10. rÎen>um Sans BankIotaL. .E. Olburu., lots 14 and 16, Ravia vooda. Hihand Park. Decd 810, et amp 14.50. Feb. 1%, 1922. Elen Renebai ta G. J. & Gara Wgmsley. tract of laid In Sec 30, .,wmuiwp. Wl) $7000, tSinp $7. î. ]L. Evans and wtett Mildred àÏJ1o, lot 5, block 27, Highlaund Park. lm 810, atamp 81. .T.Me Culloug#.sudaid Ie ta C. Cashume, t ract t f 1ud la Bec. 23, ytrrust" .WI) $10. atalbp *1. O. E.' (lrsos and vif. ta Antan 4j;raae. MsS vite, lot 10, -A~%ig' B4S Park on Bluff Lake. WD $1200, taxSoderman and vit e te Sophia 4len, lots 7 and 8 (ex S 100 ft.) lock l,11. Lditand George" _add, WugaWD $10, tarnP -q 7asa Bumberg and wlt* taG. E. lx» Mdaid et, E 38 ft.lot 16,.SlocI 1, Smtb & *dama North add. Wa- kogan, WD $10, sasiP*1 Pcb. 20, 1u. E. P. Oterman and *Ile ta Eisa- betil Kent, lot le, aster=-&i' sub at PeerflelSWl) $10, sta-p SOC. SWalter Keth and vite tP J. J. VlIMbher, lots 3 snd 4. Clark aid MiV.e uh, I.ake Forest, W» * 10, stamp $2. . irasl Cuden and vife ta Jacobi Babrdt and vife, »lot 10, block 18, Washhurf Springs. Waukegan, WD) $10, atamp 14.60. N. P. Dedge and vite ta W. F. Korkbsln, lots. 63 and 65, Belmant add. Waukegan, W» $308. stamP 50c Hais Hansen and vite ta C. L- Pearsonlolt 6, block 2, furets' Southl aide sub, WaUkegaui. KnutR'tsel ta A. F. Kreft and' vIle lot 9 1-2 and S 26 fit. lot 9, BrophYs tub,. Fox Lake, Wl) $10. stAmp $7. Foi. 14, 1922 Virginta Ainlie ta J. W- Rhtne- Sm h dnS ite, lat 12, block 13, Port C an, ighlaid Park. W. D. $600. Virgla Ainglte ta 0. Cý Andersen aid vite, lot 112ý bock 13, Fort Clin- ton, Eigilland Park. W. D. $600. Stamp Olliver il4aaleet AI ta John KazUl ai. ite, 1t 1, b100k 3, 1Rock ud 2Ne VoiUe. Long Lake Snb. W. D. $700. Stp 100. JameQak Ea .Clark, lota 8, . 18 And 19 blac ,Kul s8,4b.. Gry Ll, .3) 100. Kai utie.r adhuband ta W. W. Schlultz, lot 1, block 1 MarvIns Suil. Fax Lake, W. D. $10. Stsunp $1. Feb. 1 6, 1922 Elizabeth ILavery ta Auna K. I-lun Part lo4 4, block 1 and lot 1, block 2, Ridgewoad Park, Hitghland Park, deed $1.00. Stamp 60C. josephine Jensen and husband tQ j. W. jehssen, lot 7 Havard Highlands, Fox Lake W. D. $2800. Stamp $3.00. WOMAÀN AND FORT& J M IEIAR SOLUIER FII3 É IE VILY p* 4 7W' - laite is a matter of tobacco qutality WC tuitis Y ouihtt beljcftha i rlta ihccos used in Çheter9ld arc af finer qusly (end isence of heiter tute), thorn lu any other cigafette î t» epies Lèrw et »07,rn ?.â.wCo. -I s a am je ac Taken on~ disorderly qonduet oharge aiso wth bootlegging to soldiers justice Colai Tiesda>' tmloeed a severe penalty upon Mrs. JOSepil Be4qm ! llg~qu4 Pa suad Fraak tru.a sol4, a t Fopt -Sheridan, Irit djbrdilycoaduet. Off ers tram Prosecator A. V. Smtk'i oft4ce lest nigis t -kunlarl.i lu tiseï »edroam o aM'. =k'a lun tiseab' sence o! ber h,bgnd Progereutar Smli ba Ia rel$ information tisa t 0 m4155 .119 soonhine ta, àaîS1 SAi t Seiaiu Tl a uthir ed.Mea. S kosba ei hais ted.tvachar l5oi~ vlolaigi o!oftise ihhibition iaw b.In' peniing ageint lber lu -the coUsi coirt. justice CockLsolifiseS lur., Usd1 MdS Berlu $200 ecI. 11,m gain te break îp thuae free lave parldt0i ileav7 fincs vil dû h,,, declas'ed île« justice lii proswUMiOlig sentence. ~F I lulý 9- M Lo * ýîà t Fares to , round trip T o n Waea ml.tinai md thînd Tueaday oi wenon lilth 41'omi Mareh to tieveauber lnueslvt. ro pints la #iofth and Seuih Dakota, iMentana, Washington and liaI4.' Finit rclnd'u IlmîIt 21 day. Frr Ui prt*W*lc*4"air- ý,wawueonT St. Paul Tiî itioz tssa unma leadil bc J. andi cae .ccor job ed t Who AS P. 0. CÀAiDÀTE aere a"e five applicaits for thé 0> eof postauter at Harvard, vith lary of 12,70, oe f vmlaa mrried voman of tbat Place-.e ing candidates are canidered to JH. Viekeru, former legislator nov a traveling salesman, and m M. Davidson, e«-service young and teller lài the First State bank. rding ta the general talk. Df MAN TAXEN AIWAY IN IRONS )h Berry.gavernment prisoner, ) lacharged vith hiaving threten- to knock off the block of sayofle )attempted ta tale hlm troin the <i 'The Pleut Lsugh. couni>' lau ta Chicago vas removed trom isere Saturda>' afternoon by tIre. t)epîty Unted States Marabala They ivere vanned b> Sherif RIme! Green, who reporteS ta tise United States Marabal isat vl tisMet BerrY vas a dassqrous man aidsaiould be closel>' vatclsed. Thse uarsiala vI toal hlm ava>' handcuffe 4 Brr. Sorne autboritie« ay 2tisatiMe ti*t lsugli vusn't a Iungh et AMl but an ex. eastatton of triumph. l'rewlute ma, livfing ,qnerged vkqtorienuu from an ask- eouflter wnhhie neliyhior. eteodt Muoed "ha ta expres.-bis maataetiom end reief. And trou Ibis Ohat "bai" our lauigb bau grown.L w .. .. i - hp Ph* 1iger Geneiii Conminio s PWCIUL atumom s"m et tis e cf orUc Eep Muttes, Vent ,Punr>, f . "i AiseCputter au prmpt1y remite&.nu w tis oIdlat boas" on thsa auget Top aMd Pdnices afSsulle plîction. 0C44 M NIeW Fulton strece Wthclaearkiet. CHiCAOO, ILL. I b y ATrip to Chicago If you have ever made a trip to Chicago. it is reasonable ta suppose that you rode on oie af the fine North Shore trains; and, having once tr;ed this con- venient route, you wilI adopt it as your regular one. The advvantages arc manifest ta everyone who has enjoyect a trip over this line. Excellent speed is maintained without the sacrifice af a single nicasure of safety or coinfort. The çmployes are always courteous and attentive. Your arrivai is prompt. Trains leave Libertyvilie at thinty-minute intervals f rom 5:48 a. mi. ta 10:48 a. m., dxci at Il1:48 a. m. and every half hour thereafter uitil 8:46 p. tu.; then 9:48 p. m. and1 every haif bain thereaften wstil 12:48 a. mi. These trains make connections at Lake Bluff that take you direct ta the Chkagol Elevated. Loop and the South Side Terinal. New Sèrvice Five fast trains ta South Sie, Chicago-63rd and Dorheste- leave Lake Bluff daily. Ilese trains maie stops at Loap 'Sta- -'tions, 43rd and Calumet, aid ,s3nd and UJniversity. Chicago North Shore & MSIlaukeeR. R. 1'ASEGE SATUO TEUIIOIE74 1 >0 of Tu rldahandDmeic tme-bL sdWB liq ;i'à 131 4-ý . 1 14000- *8 MW (C ries "e i t yoIJ let m Faces strear wbids ia tire vomas. ber, lite; a witi tison0 Tise oaid old selv. es nDi c1 iili* et thse mav et U almoat deadl faces trean é thes- O0"eface à Wfl be *41 si tro09ing une lta , thon t' .jowed hlm oah 4be maw Marion l,.b Rall As she fol vent back o' ýOrpet wva sity of Wlamo attended ual One wintei !ouid in thse est. the Ilpa t tIc visite fie fleeks ver. à vyealed ahe di tsssiim poinc Orpent vas learned thret >f roui the uni retirniig tise lers vere ifa girl had-we weli. Rendez Tihe poison been taken visicliOrî,et wau ftnaily a vus neyer general belief a rendezvaus broughl ber staod passiv.e But, mused ise doing in S I Tise outhis au apartmi T1lowed My N. '*rpet, aoh. -and thse yu issuattng leur Dawson. Ti. nored the ai. '"Whtat are asked-and t 'l1'en tryin.g crled. "Oh, f< leti mc alace' 'ILova Tise vamat gallon. Bbc lu Ssn Fran had married i He was agal marrtéd in a "l love bil bride. 'I don", Please let m There vas court room. hIe throat 6e "Discharge, walkcd f rom amiling throu 90000*1 H. meyel State bsssk are ta le ri Treaunrer at 1 Mr. anddUMi Park, ver. til Eugene Euddr Mr. nad Mn -a nimber of tI ,S aturday oe« UMr. and Mri auwsdon r'urber af the 'Wua thse gawu A aupper w ladies of thel1 Blue Grass In Misa Mary Lbertyville, aid Mra. Ezri Mr. and à nounce tise bIc February 26. mmr. .J. I "Young Matroi Irving ParSk o Minses Ma E er entertit et mins, «sunint. eLadies'

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