't.'. 5- .5 ~5M me a, eaws~I~.U5~ * ~ - '"" ~ -~--------------------------1-1.---l-----mil sonR ADOE. 3 MON."ÀR _____ ___________--Editor Tax books oomp1eteti toufayI ~~~tTM~~~m ,___________1 aia show $1#4,030»89 ncrease O~ AI.EY ____________ ~Local Manage. over faut year The taxes ai lAkeliaunty bave lu-. &j« WASN'lT pRISO ER GUÂRDED? crsased ta $8,070572.19 for 1921, from rhe case6,585.30tha hik etai1144,U#»J, Le cae whe eth In Raukowsky eacaped from the D ractoally a"l of vhlh laln the elty W Hospital after being taken there from the County Jail vilen wty cir L. .£mnd. caswe of orna11 pox iu&dcates there is something wrong in turneid over the coU*Pleted booba ta ormomn prisoners are guarded. Of Ibis Increase $115,18224 la on behrthe fault lieu with the sherif f for failing ta pro- W-ueanDoery-The total tax gmmlor whether it je the fault of the management of the 162 la$107o.n a h$0 as ty ioqtelje otthe question. l fact je the manies- valuation, vhile ln 1920 I via $9.19. ~ i-jepîue18 nt Ti. . À statement of taxes and amou, #in4 n8fOW runnhig 10000e ome'w*ere prQbably exposingmont for 1021, viti comparative ilu- pepkto the dread disease of e8mai1 poz. It seam as u-e for 1930, as 9smucd taday by tie >bY#hn a patient of tint sort in brought to the County Acot lue as iled by kà~ that some provision ehoiuld bo made for ie safe keep- ]oad ai Re',tev *8,5,43L.00 À1 tkiat lie aiould Dot ho aowed to make such easy escape 'State Tex Cmmissionu 44,157,6562.0 , p tly did- Taxes entire Couny- ý =s4enee LCOuty Hooital has not any provisioin for S' . . .. ............. . .... -#r.peopIe ,who are undier, aiet t«Ml it woulçl-ean as C= ty Bond ...............1442=98 Tovwn . . ....8481 ïh i th cas ofa mn ý e arestfor evasion of a pro- ltoad sud Bridge.......... 268,47.05 wy law and at the urne tizne euffering from such a'viru- BugasScbooal........-.. .......,"781.1 ié&eaus emali pox that whoever je in charge of the Coun- Net hr agT it ..996 âpltal uhould have séen to~it thnt ho wras carefully Givel . ..... .........6U.56.8 City aid Village - . ........41411.6 C1ty and Village Bond .....83,061.14 Lwhuis crimnral offense was perbapa not extrene, the Park . ............................ "mxa that s a" pox ia so dreaded a disease by the gen- DistritScol ................ 646,12.37 pqiIc tt orne meana should have been provided for Plat $..... lot th s m am . T _ _........................ _80 k isot to the credit of the officialr hat a man in hie con- Totl $3,029,209.10 Lper.itted t u tlre Back taxes (forleited) .....24,24.92 rue ag.eInterest on Bick tax -.....17,066.97 S Omtted taxes-------....... . V. IHFLDON AND CHAI$. Mre. Marshall Walfe of Grayslaka, and Total extendad $8,f7,672.19 bMwSN~AfRlDMONDAY Mr Hatchineon leatisa son aofbMr. aid Fer Compeari1920.$2,826,86.80 Mm F ranik HutcuuiSfl. Cty Of Waukegan ~!rnege~ ~ lli~ Shl Mer a ahaft hoaeymoon lie nevly Total taxes for 1921 ail rnarrOd pouple vilI muaaireer haone purposas ................... $813,919.07 54 ~ ~ ~ l WaukHuetlfsa .so Total taxas ton 1920 al ad4say monnliget 9 'clock, purposes for comparleon 698,786.83 gat:lg pace at StL Jos- Bide for thbe construction af a Numiber' ai,'dascriptionis 0' tc.huith, the Bey. Palier drainage cana)l liva miles ln length on lai books ..................61,807 >bwe. teliig ie fliilng lergy- aulon teB. Skokle marIa, a haIt mile Number ar extensions af vest of Highland Park, vill ha open.- taxes .............................-.416.470 t w on. a gavi aofligilI d Marcb 4, t ilaînd Park cltY Taxes for the Cty af Waukegan are .letto crepe, snd a iclura bat bail at IP. m. lu vas aunnunced ta- as follove: Me 'sud earrIeid hoqe t 0' day by Commiuastin William Eù 1921 1920 ý tlnstl=& The 1ndsml vsPtagge.- Andrew T. Whiteanmd Hiram State.....$33946.46 $30,438.82 Ojben SmIO uo Gsysak W P. Frry.. Couifty .........48,160.40 40,962.85 ~~~~~t. cf4asmo toidtha uili ha an open dtch, troam Couity bond ..24,868.356-'26,»6.61 wissàootr&71&k, gteàed, savon ta aigilu bat vida a&t1the bot.Town Tex..... 6,813.18 6,803.26 batqetom sud tram six to savanf eet deep. Itasd and bridge 42.148.11 6"66.65 ~~~O~Oya eiIls >~ Plans al epeciftcatlins ara an file Hih 801001....178,5t94 116,742.» Bai y is ,e:attehome a tela tise dIceofaICharles B. Russel.l tarifi. 8025 2638 - ooity elllOi.and Att>'. Erne0CtyS . .... -.......130,882.91 137,200.35 _O ytraSMai al.Mg sida'.Wuegs bond 41.823.01 14A38.46 'Waukoean Pk. 0018.08 32,62U.98 1EHAD NEVER-, HAD A STOMACII Tbureda4y Keaith Talk ?No. 13 By Chat. ."14Ixon, 0. C., Ph. C. WesternAWMM"mengmefr wasbi interviewed by a magazine writer. Though he badl spent his lhfc at it lic criticlsed everything and refused to soc anytlmiiinterestiàlg, hopeful, or human in miming. Then the interview- er swtched to the subjcct cf hcalth. The truth came out. The minmng en- gineer had nover had a stomacÉ, He was tortuxed and sourod by every- thing ho ate. -he t Iw ere is stopich trouble of this character, the cànke îin theuc pme, as eorwiso a chanige cf it fienteof the'vmere opressing upoa spnal nerves to - the atomaci,,lif ts the. pressure and Nature restoros qumoial digestive vigor!,, A good stomach makos an -FaI AUL STOM CROI RLFo "I vas troublievii aL ucesoi th. 3LI$ atmund aw as In a ilital for ai i ïm f SOpention. but vas I<o vo"iThon I l lnled cbsroractic spin altsmeals, -amI nov 1 arn feeling àasgool as evar. - 'hemre', Ibigbly ecammanit he ad- $uts to tsa .aicted thi tan- mK tc roubl»."-J. J. Schneider. China- pmile siliib Bureau. Statemeut TOUR HEALTI! Get actio for btter beauf by teluphc*m26 forai appoint- mot. Dam IIO &DAVIS I4wi teSaMd ftoS ads ',mo ue oia 1. p.eitsot , iU"Inw.u lu-m c MM 111 plat. .... 320.00 .... Bci ex2U60.4 1,267.08 Intereset a cot on Back tax - 1,062.94 558.97 Total aseas. $813,919.07 $698,786.83 Fifty nev subdivisions bave' been rcairded sînce Apili 1. 1821. Tilta creases 1the nulnhar of description iu extanding taxes tram approximatety 1200 ta 1500. Treasurer Brechar probabl>' vilI have lie tex boaks ready no that his farce can bagin thie collection of taxas by Marchi 1. SIIURTLUFF DOD41I3S COM4MENT AS SUC= CISSOR 0f LANDIS tae 'estate aid impravoments thae- On., t This mau that the Suprsme buirt has sustind the ruliug of the Local court, vhich l uld that tha. tax levy did nat speçlfy the various puir- paies and arnouts for which th1e ley 'smadeanad la Illegal aid vold ta the amauuat of 4-100 cents par as- sessad valuation, and that the -rausa of 30 par ocet made by the board of, revic' h -aillegal. Tho taxing bodies affectefi ara' the North Shore Sanitary district, Dean- fiald tüwulip, Deerfleld4Mhlld6 higil sOhool district. scbaal district Nq. 1 'aWighaid Park, East Park dis- trict and tb. City of Highilnd Pari. SUNKI3N GARDEN Is SIÀUTY SPOT iN lWILSON 9151T. On lihe Edellyn tarm ut Wilson, ovn cd 1>7 Mr. Wilson of Cicaga. la -a guakea<lirea obatubOted and Plan- luS bt D. Ponlyý, thie landsape tard- iOl oUuloyed by )ET. Wilson. Thse gardai la aven one hundreit and fti foot long ,tblrtY-seyeu lact vide and «Oak mort tisai tva leet lata tic «r& Ti. anaarive steps îaadtlnl te .the .garden, meYade o!rnmaie rocks Ater Stala davn the stops Mdaide tic fo6;otalle la a fontaiti mmdc of rocks; silia twclve feet Bonce and aven Iee at la height. The vater la farffeS at Irougil the center oi lbe foautain and talle over the rocks. laO thse ba.. Sterling tram thc front of lb.ea1 tai %*4 leading around Il thon. la a iite gnavel valk au llier aide sud Joins t tisaeback of lia fauntain, cx- luuding ta tic exrrme end of the gorden visereaia the end oie cames upan a large flover pat, about four foot aonqos. This la ta cantaiii a van Isly at Doens. Ou both elles af tic pati bolveean the tauntain andthdle lover pot an. flaver besvhich viii caitain ai enarmoils numbor of flow- Out beyand the lover bads sud reaibluto thue auter adga are a greal maby ditenent kinde of bushes and shraba. Those a11 bave cama tram diSf croit claIes. The gardon bas beau under canstrut Uon ince lu falI and viilnot be compleleti until spnlng. YOUTIIEUL FOR- 41ER 15 ,PÀROLED TO luS BROTIIER Wilbr Ceaubnsthe 15 year ali ZIn lt bihoCo= tad 4 thf iCoaeb mud Wukgau, le to bo gi an aiotheir chance. HIe vas umnalgpe, fn coilnty choKibis monini an a del, Inquanecilchrge and vas panoled tc hile brother, 1pruee Chambers ot Zior Wbo pramîsoilt ta give blis a position Yaung Chambters vas arrastad ai lia Central bovliug alleys vheu heaia tempted ta, cash a targed check there lHe admttad bavlng cusbad tbnee c four bal checks before that. lu vai bis finsu offense aid the state's attn [ey's affice va ncllned 10 ha lenlant Another May Go Fre Alton LaVine vba vas armasted a the Bon Ton wben ha attampted t, cash a $45 check ta which the nameo Earl Allen hal beau targal, alse a: ga free as il vas reported taday the Dr.ý PercIval Pearca af tha lBon Toi *v' 1 rtyviae- fndependent J*P» Utt'LY IN ADVANCel Il. t :f n AUDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs. George Root, d augh ter af Mra. court here Tuesday, losing " lio tg instituian Mondai the termMr. and Mm. Chaies Proctar attend- Julge Elvard D. Shurtlef!, af Mar- cd a birtilda>' surprise party In hanar eura. *,is Iu Waukegau last uight ta at MM W. B. Biglai, i Waukegan, lîold n briat cession lu the circuit court Tueaday evenhng. and dlslo8eado! a number of mlnn Me.Sotai agitrHchI b motions, niso Inquiripc concernlng bis r.Sotaddugie ahl h rhanrearta succeel .Isî.ge Kenesaw have bean frre .vlsiting Mrnd. d Ire. Mauniain banIs as faderai judgc, lia Chartes Scott, lat Sunday tar their latter .having reslgned ta give bis homik 1h Eetbervhlle, Iowa. tlmmý Ia bPta.hall Judxe Siurtief as a ne about the A. CABmart vent ta Marrocca, lad.. rprtad -1appntuent1 to the federai Wadnasday, vhere ha yull play i an bQncla but ha dtplonmtlcsly aide- 'orchestra conduoled 1y bis brotisar, et atoppad ube query oi one local attor- a dance tanigilt (Thursliy). ne>' and the allais didn't bave the btwintho question him furtben. Miss Myrle lEvais la sulleilng vlth lu le rparlcd, howpver, that Julge obiliblains ît ha" boma on Wright ShurtIef 'e chances lao ieeel d u. eCourt. Myrtle geys bW skating Ie fine banil ara vcry goad ail ha la one sport if you dcn't gel 0011 îlot. oftirea most frequentl>' mentloned In ti ormritlozt. ,A con vas boM ta Mn. and Mr$. Judge BShurlet! imprassaeWaukc- Orille iuefohing- on Wedneoay, Pcb. gan frlande liai ha voulha as cap- 22, at lie borne pi Mrs. D3ueecilug'5 abIs a successor as Uic people ai tisl parants., Tfiea Infatdled Pr .dy anl district could vaut. me vas former vablunlad Su"dy. miS.Buollng FPeaker aof111e Bouse in the alite leg- nmvr ati z*'CnhosaSie Isatureansd maIe a fIne'record. wurmvdt té =rm ___________ efl cg, viorO se ioed TuemWa nigit SBie vas#toraaerly elon Bart- lait, ald vasolu egitem en y ol01. TÀX-O K TFi unrl services vIlI ebe ol Pillay WI I ~ rimc afternoan, MVa -r2. t thilla WIN IN S 'PI EE Buuehng home at 1 o'clack aid ai the flamand Lake church et 2 eiOck. ~A1TRINi nerment flb. made i helumn COURT RUIsfi La e estery. . -- ÂA imuber off UbartYivP/Mq-ui el'fpd h. 22-The Supreme vent ta Whaling Baturday 9aile&OOn court t.iliy .ýharle-I ovra s'aopinion t tan seu etn iVtu cupl mn hIr 'dturrer ta the plais oatn eWmeigO i- l'a 1111erpnl casa af Lake Caunty, vins badge No. 81£ P.& A M. A R W. Brftebar. couîty tressuren, banquet vua sored ta the viitais au Loy A. Hend", coahty clark. and six o'cîock. ThseIgastar Mazan'e de- *varionis taxlug bollas, In. tieeegrec va conlctore upan savon, And. vhicb Frnk P. Havwkins lu lie Cir- lie Lienyvillc visitons essisted in cx- cuit court han. accure aan rden ne- emplifyih tse degnee. Thase vha etnainlng 1the paymnt of ax aes in ex. 0vf«t trom iscre re W. LI. C0111fl5, mase of87$U6 0* «Chifour aie-bain ltisA, mp ow 4te &UT 4r*dtbi aofasseaad valuationf,. tI vn , Varn GM ,A.IlH.Kaer, T. yorUà&>uaig tiUblie propet1 l IP Suai Oa . o llineA. . Cais-. E HlgIIMd Part and mère, hle ~u laotE .(oln.Ci.f per dent OfauIltaxiw extemdm iii 41810b0110, I .L » vl. le.Andlrews* egoqlP*Itsbook 5c« 1420,egainut .au Tarest Imihi a" (Ius.nuiuIIery-. Briugs Certif led ElectrieService To Libertyvile and' Vicinityý Witli t" appointment of L HL Die7, CERMMIF ELEC- IMC SERVICE i made available te Uboertyvile and sur- rounding torritory. Now. no fiudthr away than yeur toto phono, is boaclquarters for depeadable clectric Iight sud power; brigit, cheery light for your borne and your haras --power for operating scores of time and Iabor-saving convenionces thnt meauý botter and bappier llving coi- tions and greater profits." Back cf WULYS UGHT to assure you of permanent satis- faction and unquestioned rcliliiity is an imense nu- facturing organization-ulimited resourcs-aiid years of eitperience and practico.Ail diii means perfection and advantagcs on which you cai rcly. Upan such a basis wc take a great amount of rd in the appointinent oflieributorsbin, ci WILYS uçIii knOwmng Our succeis cai only be made tirougi the neputation oIf a good prochuct, bouostly made, sold at a fair price and guar- aiteed to render ftd portion cf tic service cxpected of il. DetzýWiliys Light Co* LIBERIYVILE, ILL' 'I I 1 e Thore le A WitsL*ult cedas ~àpue o." . lfttlpow.ar as "osu sa $295 and is> o $595 on conveiiient terms 1 i- H lui, 9 AND W I TEwtile ak. kVst» U Atair littie prospec'laseO I Edtor.ln.Chef-Eleanor Walde Aisiatant Editor--Mavis GAIIcWAY eîetalng o, stalvart Mawm ofai i, Uainese Manager-John This& junioralndu h te comereiil onM Deek Edtore-Carolyn Butteufield. lCthryn Morso and Etlul lHannon. et nSzn Tilay becu» etoln«terete _______________tbat tbay netber heard tthe bal? for . FRESI-MEN PARTY «grill." Soea ati! Tea!, Rabi, for Uth hir Clan. Thasviii neyer do' Thuraday et 2 oclock, Misea ad Mr.1 the retreabâment oo2lttee. 800n the for a buslnos office girls. Frebme entetalne tha ollOW ng m115 ue ba.0k to modem dan', Mi" Bryant VUS unable to meat beo, Frshen enertined th folowng.and caiitInued titi six. Dica tveryone <classes n Mceday. Ilveryofle bopes "(esers, Senior, Junior, ad Bapho' enJOY the Freabman Party-they dd. to e, ber again soan al L. T. R. S. more, and the Mipses Senior, Junior Weaega0oknwta atl aidSapolire.Th Ocasin vl aea ANTIOCH BASKET BALI.. CAME Chard in botter ater a very bar-d time honored by the lresence af George Tait, Rash, Team, and maY other wth scerlet lever. ldred Howard Washfigton (Abert Hagerti), Martha aiM aOf pop Wve t ted ta the ears jla elI 11wttthe sanue diseebt Washingtan (Bdesas Herrngton), »Aj>oft4oea vbc journeyed tg Antloch lait vs hope tbey viii soan be back vitb raham Lincoln <Frankli Lltchfleld), Wi*iaY îlght* There vas a gond shov- us, Ywhen tbey are o. IL and ancyLincln (elenmors - lng of LIbertyv1lle .rooters via o fld . aid aicyLhnain Heln Mos). net be atWoucby' Atiach lu elthor ij_ H. DIETZ l'o DISTRIBJTE We alone ave thc privilee toý say, yllla'orf enake daicing. WILLY& LIQHT IN THIS SECTION "I bave "ean, met and canveraed vith The urnes startcd lkte on eoccount- Washington and LUIiCaI! ai o a broken balt, vhIicil he te ye L. IL DIXt..ý for moae tino dealer for Mr, Ted nazI took crge Ofa aMe w5 elded, a da 1ev lite payers. Wlllya Ligt vi.k or the lactrc cafled l'Sopot Tour Tovi." Tbe sn-The «> <rat urne vas Playod by tbe Kuto>lit» OospoetAïco< TbIeo,010i, dents vereclassea acordigt t he a!- L. T. IL 8. llgbt vsigbt vs. Antlocb bas biena îwa t tad0towdtkl- phabet. Ail ttsWvio"lu at narne ligit velgit. Although they vere a01uthenéltlre IirtrWe torrafos7,, began viti A ta V belanged ta grOUx>beaten by ane point, Ibeir phîylng vas vblcb ineludes a unumber or cotntlesale, 1; thans from G la K baloned to a cradit ta the coacb and ta L. T. M. S. nOrtbea.aernI1111101a. graiip2; those troam L ta R 10 otiPOU S 'The game vas very lnterestlag tram The lncreased activhtlesof air. Dicta and 6 ta Z t ogrotip 4. Eadh Crouip tat te, finish andi lovera isarnes they làsthevorting out dlthe PolOf thie vwent ta certain roasmi ad 81sin s h ad Aztlach boutoi by a 1ev pdlnti. WilIys Llgbt Div ion t lte iimtY a clty, aleated a Mayor, tire maniaI. ALPO- The llght velghts bail bard luck shoot- permanent service and sale ortanis- lie, suporlntendent of Pub>lie lIUtrue ing free tbrova. tion throughout the0 c<maW. This Pol-, t1cm, and a long. The, second game Was. PlaYed 1>7 ley, glys Wlll Iht usessmqre sa- in group i, Edward Bixier was oient- L. T. H. &. tiret tes= vs. Antacb's taies la being la closce. n ivitishe ed Mayar; Caralyn Butterfleld, Police- tinet tearn. organisation saula lieïr services ba.. vamai;- Joel Chandler, publice istrue- This gaule vas aa very fait aid needed, and mnekes availéle e a wC.;> tion; Helene CampbeI1,.tira mffliil. lntereating. Tha boys had bard luck of supply for vialau aceessoles, t They sang samething about 'BaIl Bas,- "eedlne" their farvards and vers a uin I>c ui.d vhen electrlctht b oo te% Hall,, and kept tiai upabout t ive trille slov covaripg up their appanents. liiitalled la the aome. minutes. Edvard gave a mont eIoq'iOit The odds verse ainast aur boys 1>0- tM r. Dieta leada til bis allergies speech, vhlcb vas considered thse beet cause thay vera playlng an a amalior a£1 dthi re lto ? etablimbineut of a by the judges. Of course. tho e OIIvasfloar thai tbey versusca, totapractliCIflunetvark of deslermipe viic il ISOP- ail about baked bains. Miss Rpseell' on. Nevcrthcleas.thse boys areltoe ente under bis direction. aid expeCte and Mns. Pinkertan vere advleors Of cammended on tisair %ad Portma- that In a few veeka his entire oWi'g- tuis giro1p. a hlp aven the lasing. naion viiib. comçleted ta the extet GronD 2 chase Miami ai their City; A gaad Urne vas bad by al aet thal complets electrlce crves* tg ev- aid Milonn Kltchen ai Mayor, Robert tend.The score la as fllove: jel7olle vio vents It ca be giron. Groner, police; Cecelia Bas, Public Antioci, laiteain-ZO; Ltgbtweghti, 1 Mr. [iets bas rccently sald Willys 1Instruction; Arthur Raruberger, ai tire 9.s* ubertyvllle-Plrst teaza, 16; light. : ,glt Plants ta tise faflo'wt. Mars"a. Robent Grenar p.u octa e iegbts. 8. ;James 1Giienfin. ILiertyville; Joui. the 1>051 sberlff-tut4lre Job for Yau. I-Raro'd O'deIl. '22. 1Bruiner, WVads'worti; Lmx & Lucas, *Gronai. WdI -4'n-GogeUMel0ct t Group 3 chose Chicago as tliair cîty. Wdvoh.adGereU dntck * They chose a yell vitb ga in It, but LT1.B.NYS'a orGlie' 1 t1e lx' omc.A ui ag The teachenu' Instituts la tisl Thurwa CX 0 X X X X a0X 0X a *they chose,-Baill Hall. tie Galles AUl tY >o THE INDEPENDENT leal06e & e Rare." Caral porteous vas Mayor-; suhare! x mntwldely rond aewspapPer ln X Milrs Pateus.Intrutin; .!Boys, basket bail practce le called 6 LUle countty. a McClalfl, tirs marebal; Olandorf. Po fffor thlvetgvtCiiei ,gXSo O S C 55 lic e . ________________________________________ Grop 4 chose GIlY as their enter- prlslng Mayor; Leone MWlghtmsan, lire, marhal; Tegt-neyer police; San, L- -OS S O & L structioni. And dear littia IlallYwOOdi vas the town. Gllly vas rather avi-, w ard wth bis speech, as yen ses bed' Tv new bouses on Fourth Street that voviii saili right. Tboeev. re juet comae fnom the country and vasn't buit by us afI ha test matorlals and 1> labar on day buits. Thera le used ta balng fussed up by so Dl5IY no sbigm about tbem. Elfty-taot grnded lots. Shado trees and valks. actons and dalla. The bast sang be-, Rauses bave large l!ving roam. kitchen. tva bed rooms. ihnee lourne Id longed a nHallYvad, vbicb vas 5ung; and bath on main floar. Roam for tva bed roms on seoood floor. Le ta -.,%y ld Kentucky Haime.- Miami* Fine, bigh camanted basament. Water, gaz, alectnicltY, ciateffl. lrice a m yehllng about their vanderfili son- o »1M0 n te 4M0.IrtpYet$A00 aac abIne, but vs bad »cm boit vltb aur O n 4500 i le 42000 ia imn 1900 aac mInd ee.aiy. WIliIput ;n furaco for $160.00 extra. oWhan aur jave began ta ache 1ra lagbn. a aced the Virgini l eo, AmERCANWMR EC C,'hno8.IBERTTVU±LE ILL. 2untill vafaît empty, tieu cap, thse _______________________________ 1 --- Qa