CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Mar 1922, p. 8

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~$200 for vagrancy; rmn1ted if he wiH 0 bave ct".Wn &l«ý d avk i cte. s ie st- St*tea AlrmeSdM11I as hast- ruait Zion for probaisly Ivo or moi>. sud bas lireS un md shstier provided by bi& a1 iaa'-woi'kinu veeber- LI 4f food vas apt Msa ab#.nd- CËO wr c es ust ta 16 4i aségrumbie and *eaeraeily s>J«e rougb Jie fl5 n'ýt ield bis cousin wasb-tuit, anS ban a total tise. He vas ar- yeelerday by the ZMan Police baal'ed wth vagrancy. Hie inçd $200. the fine ta be sus- 1\Otl bi8 promise ta leavi lise C Mion et once. la a ndamer. Iu tise num- Ans. vitçm the bird, are stng- t ibe trese. anS tbe humble se bumming. ho viii lay flat 9- back , under a sisale Ire. Mê house and viii dreaut of koltdee of f. aims re, lbnenteS a machine (mont 4thil ln isbis isead> whereby a got wet ta the uMountains an, locate gaid galore. His U, z ~.etc, ,s upe:t I çlving pis.cipe biy. vlth tva sticks i can go Ld'locate gold,"' saiS Miii yen- as ise ld -af 'is invention -Elen police. MW$~ lut. of feliove nov-a- about locatlug gais. vîti bsugested Assitant Chief ;tt* aqI-lky carnled a cauple Mtita lu bis pocket. lHe id le St a vatcis-ttnkerer. He kt 3205 Gabriel Avenue. ýL,)4O-STEIN BREEDER - -SÊLECTS A FARM NAME IMiletii5, te. mark neme M Seca restve<oKiusîvely Ur PiýD Carl E. Jtudolpls, af Deer- a preffix te the reglar regis- humane for ail âulelein animale ý *0 h ItisRdolpis farm snd regis- *"b tise Hoitein-Fresian Ana-. Auneica. secording taus e announicement recently made e_ë?7F LU Haugiston of Brat- nsai-mals Carry le- .0Wnumber a fsunily nais 4lc th Ie ancestral bloocS aMensao! ldentylistbe establiasments of tise mark issues are reaerv- 4»eeilatiete for te elusieve fltte, an anmluce ldebktiied as te ils originsal UverY Holstein mas la thte - knosa t a acow named IRAssSnMmust Mceorna Stock, Parutoai Ocenovoc. grang lg "5Müll i" yinlhtse r«eopj»ad sas coeing tram bord et Deerfield. nuqz ame ln a gaad adyertise-1 msent il mark$, tise fana home,£E"d tise place cf bUsiness. tiattiies the. business n n Iressths ve U, potr spifoperty. It BIur a priSe la thse man- 1agement aid fostere lave af tradition. iA good farm nuseouanbe sold vits the laid and producta as tise goovi. o! a tlrm cen be soid vils the business. Certain localities ln thse veet have be' came faunaus itecause ai Iheir farma and lte Sistinctivuesa wbicb goes vits tise namtug ofthem. ln connection urUstiste naing ai the farta, il ln vel te tbink of dravlng -attention lu the passerby. ln these day. 0f autos aiS tourisa, tlalethse grasping o! a polottiai advertlaing ai: porlunily te dieplay an tise roadaidee at tise outrance. tathe tarm yard tise farus nams aid 1h noan aisddras of th ourner. Suepended tiserefrout migit lte fIlustration of a cov, a he. isIve, an ear af qoI or visat nul. suggesttug tise businétas specilty. Sucis vould serve as a mark afIidentlty.. 1 Over 15,000 of sucis names have been reserved by members ai the Holstein- Priesiai Association, sud pamphlets givlng instructionis for erecting appra- priate signa are dîstributed free by thse Association. SMALLPOX FtEES COIJNTY IHOSPITAL John Raukowsky, who caused quarantîne at oounty jail, sought hy officers John Raukaveky, prisoner ah tise COuItyJan iso vas remaved luteh catmty bspital Pet. 7 vben be devel- oped a case of amaîl par, escaped tramt tilt- baspîtel same tîme WedneedaY ev ening hast veek. aid bas ual been Beeen snce. Raukavsky visa la etil afflIcted vils thé disease made bis get-avay Iby making a rape ai bed ciothlug 'and i.-llding laetise graund. Braving a heavy davu pour of main vici must have suakbdhlmtae te skiai thereby- exPas 3ed hlmi-to-ilineso tecanse of bis veak reued condition, Raukasky made s smoolb escape, as bis absence vas nul -dlocovered by isaspihal attendants un- 3lii Ibis mamuing visen lte malter vas - eported ta Dr. -A. R. Braonvisa i tum notifieSrlte siserliff nd State's Atorney A. V. Smsith. a Wben Raukovsky vbo vas arrested neariy a mntit egoaet Gumuse on a charge o! vlolahing tise prablbilary >lav, Seveloped sutail poat ahie coun- ty Jli, reaultlug lu vaccination ufthtie lImatas, 46 lu ail, by Dr. A. E. Budde because ai thse Illnesa! Dr. Bravn. ehe vas remaved t hIsoslation yard ai lf te ccunty isuspital. 0 Thse emiters a!flte Watmeg IlN hChcaga Chamber e! Comm»ýtce a1e=is avof a lte referendum on tise 9soldiere bonus. by a vote efttres la t. according ta announcelnent made IIey folioving a metilng af thse board of eiecllon, rbo an 'fan- day aflernoon. canvaased Use ballots. Tise resuit oi tisis vole, vîli te for- warded ity telegram thIis aiternoan ta lte NationalCisaisber of Com- merce lu 'Wasington. TIse vals vas lu laver ai aIl tise . «e invited to corse to our factory for your fence requit- M. You cunselect fromout ful stocf a 1I lelo iai athe following pvlices:- ~ E IUMEAVY STOCK PENCE uge.,26 in.,bih 12 in. ty.----2'4petrrod ý,6 in. big1. 7 in. .....-29/4c petrcd gm3 n n ...........26!/2c percd wm 32min; he 7 in. stays.-.~~. .......344c petrrod bos.,42in.hish:12 in. stays ..- ... . 30r petrac W'w42 i..hiù4 7, l stays............ 39c per rod Wzi 5 in. h 2 ùstays............ -..33¼c per rod 4is,50 in.hWý . sy . 3 pertoA - U ME UIU VY POIJTRY PENCE mr446DL-hig1l8iLs=.-.---.37/cperrod r,. 58 in. hWl 8 in. ea2 3cpèr rai Va", 0 4 mm*-SMEEL EM m29vc ack .325perspool e ...-$e 3.05pet %mol END 1MOST.... .....$2.70Oeacli .. gIz ---$386per spool CatJe -41325 per spool CORNE POSTS - $3.90 ecd ADJUSTABLE STEE DRPVEAY GATES $78;l7 L$-8.60; 14-ft. $ 9.15; 16-ft. $ 9.80, 190 2 ft. $10.15; 14 ft.$1.85; 16 ft. $11.65 - PLAIN STEELDR1VWAY CATES le$5À.5. 12 ft. wide $6.25; 14-ft. wie, $7.25' s 1[ESM FOUIATGATES 48 w igli,$2.10; 60im.higb, $2.55. A W#MJ TOOL ON TUE FAIM. WE SHAIL BE GLCAD TO PREP~T TOU ONE FREE. CAN WIRE FENCE CO. % n, D SPaki ý-_ - JdWtise pestor vii-aiea ho, esti. oôd attendance -la S.L&WEENCI'S EPISCOPAL. Of EDIJCATORS Te 9 ' uli fe.Lwec Hon. Francis G. Blair statd su. liS, ils lira. Drury. perintendeln t ý- osoÇlools to Tise Wonsais uild af $t. Latrence churels iii bold a bskery sale on dmat, be heréurdaY, Mircis 4, at Wairond's Store. ?l rat Suuday lu Lent, Marcb 5, 1923. By enlistlng thse services af many I oy'Oommàun at 7:80 aid 11:00. noled leaders in educationai vartt Ciurcis échool at 10:00. sermon iiub- snd gettlng them ta deliver addreas 1 es upan topis lunvisichs ulsy are spea Jeot et 11, ,3r«d Alaise." Musical, taHIizng. T. Arthur Simsosn. caunty PS'OV'S1, RusselliMYagg, Organlat superîntendent ar scitools, bas ar- IntroIt-4esvt, Lover of My Soul.Drkesj rangeS vitat promises ta be une orK ~.ioi.Hym-Far Frou Tisy the %,est Instructive *"sheouai" for lfevmly Hoisi,, Wlk&. OfferatorY- teacit,, era o te nl-ea che'W Sivir, -Wbom 'lPain Wotld Leve, meeting, Marris 2. 9. 4 lu Lake Far- caslfn.ft Sctus, Benedictus, aid Ai- est, Highland Park and Watkegan. gut.efllnpe. Caommunio-jeaus the respecliveiy on tiss.dates. ver -1TbQngbî Of 'lise. Richsardson. The liet ar speakers for thîs meel- 0 Sautirl HoutSa. Rtchardson. Nunc tng Io unusuual and te leachers at- te coatly vili attend almost vlth. Dimmittis,,Tonus Regina. Receesian- out xcepion ai fthse sessions., aI-WXtb, Broken Heart, 19.Vn. Scoo wllbedlsmissed visereveri - possible ta ensile the leacisers tae U'IRT PRESBYTERIAN attend the mngeting aid participate Rev. Mari C. Morgan, Pastor. lu thte vork lu vhich lisey specilile. Sbah eola :5a .%u The three day program viii ite a s abtSeslaI94a.m O rolove: attendancs le oomilg back ta normal Thursday--Gorton school. Laite lu spite e~tishe 8tckness. May ve »se. Forest.1 you next Salbatis? FrlSay--lHighland scitool, Highland Preacbllsg ea il a. ut. Junior con- Park. gregalion for cblidren. Tepic af tise Saturday--Hîgli stitoa; Waukegai. momnlng jnçossge "Why DIS Jeas Speakera -Hon. F. G. Blair. SprIng- Die?"'1 Qua mugic. Aivays a devo- field, Ilil. Hon. t'ayson Sinith. Boston. tilaervipe. Yeu are velcause.. Mass.; Mies Char Wlliams, Presl-. Christian Endegvor et 6:30 p. m.Th dent N. E. A.. Memnphis, Teno.:fDr. tog'o h etn etr bu L. C. Lord, president E. 1. S. T. C., ogs fts eeigcne' bu Charleston, Ill.; Dr. Jesse H. White. 1tise*"Home.'" The leader hls re. l4ar- University af Plsburz. Pitsburg. gai. Pa. - Preachlng at 7:30 p. in. Tepic of lise Directors of M usc -erujan L.,eventng message. "A New View af Walker. Laie Forest; Hubert Con- Wealth." over. Highland Pa:k; Messrs. ili The Boy Scouts wiii meet at the tame A. Patter andi 011o E C;G-aham,1 Club rout on Tuesday. liarcit 7th. Th1e Waukegan. 1arder of tise eveuing la drill un FirSt The motnaî-ing-esslon tviliibt-km aI 1 Clasi. tests. passiug on Second Class 9: 30; the -aflernuan sessions at 1: 15.1 tests aid Tendertoot Initiation. Lunch wIIl ho serveS I0 the cale- Cam>- Pire Girls viii meet etthlie teries of te high schoais Priday and manse Tuesday%Iarchlth. unlesa na- Saturday. tifled ta thse conlrary. Important bus- ,Speakers' Subjecîs-Mi. Smith, nes 'Five Planke In au Edot-etionai Plat- ieCngealniM-tn hc foru." 'Sanie Current Prublins l t as te be iseld, an March lot viii be Publie Educatiofl.' "Thse Elemente aIf the InîivIdual tIntiducation. Th'The held an Marci s th-Wednesday eve- Tests outhlie Teacher."' nlng. Suplser vii ho e -ved.promptiy Mr. Lord -- 'Motive ln School at 6:30 aind thte business session viii Work.- Symbole." "What Shall 'A,.begin at 7:15. Reports tramt ail de- Ino Nov.'* "Desuiatnry Reading." partinents ofthtie churcis. eleclion of Mr. White ' Pereonal Trails.' ev churcis otticers, and arrangements "The Habit ai> Succeeding.' germene ta next- year's pragraut viii lie en t, he dctn,'fAtili ,.h,-i nsider CwhirchJrzcs ST. JOH-N'S LUTHERAN. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Chemiesa J. Dickey, Pastar. Tise Passian seasats, viicis tegine an Wednesday ai Ibis veek, lastlng untilBeaster. viii te fittingiy observeS .al etJohseLabersu cisurcit. corner Broadway 4W SPins Place. Digine services. to vhlob ail are velcome. viii ite ised every Tisuraday eventug et' 7.30 o'eiock. Iu these services tise Passion iistury yl lie esS and spe- clal sermons on tise suffeningsanad dealis of Jeans vill be Selivered by lhe paston. Rev. B. O. Buerger. Thel first one afi theBe services viili e held 1 Tisuraday (haday) Mercis 2, lntise Ger-1 mai faiguage. Tise ioliovlug Tisurs- day tise Services vîli b. lu lbe Ruglisis lauguage. Ihus alhenating until Bas- ter. Durlng Lent a epeclal offert"g vili lie gîven tfmrlise missions and ln-.- stîtuhlons of Synad. FIRST MIDTHODIT EPISICOPAL Charles J. Dlckey, Pastar. Sunday iScbool et 10 e. um. D. A. Young, Genergl Supt. Public vaorsisip et il a. ut. 0005 tmusic. Sermon ty te pastor. Subject. "Tise Art of ling Peaceably." Epvortis LeaZue devolional service -aI 6:30 P. ut. W. R. Rubitard, leader; Mies Eva Willamn, presideul. EverYbodY's service a.l 7:30 p. m. Good congregalloualsi enging. Briei Sermon ity tIse, pastar an "Moode. euS What ta Do Witb Theut." If yau're lu a happy maad. Came and let do saute goad;- Ift yaur muaS le colS and gray, Came, lake e happy moo iavay. Vou are cardlaliy InviteS la tisese Services. Tuesday atternoan ah 2:30 a'gfttck. Use Ladies' AIS Socletgr meeting. Sire. Jack Bradford, presiSent. 1Tuesday evenlng at 8:13 'clock ls foutUsnumber of tIse Communlly Mn tertaimient <Corne. ga. pavie Be- tise Cokomcnlace. tii tiseir cburch haute anS conîribute Iheir support lu eny sens. la tise vari aI Ibtis cisurcis are cardially Invited. CONGIESTION AT Co. JAIL ,SJiIFF 1S IN A QUANDRY Bull pen and corridors are fil- ed with army cots for the prisoners Sheriff Rimer J. Green la ln a quan- dry. Tisr. areforty-six pisaners lu tise couuty je eaithtie preseul lime, flliiug tise iastitution.,to capacity. HIe doos nat kuovwisalt e vili do if Cali eS upon lu care for more pribaners. Allishe regular -celle aid bunks vere fileS sauete ime ega. As mare prigon-' ers vere received Il vas necessary to place eSiional army colahtIe huit peu. This acon vas filleS snd evên lise corridor around lise bull peu useS- for erercise for tise prlsaners nov la filleS vils cota nigittiy. These coa are f0111 ed up durlng lise day tiutaherve lisefe vouid be no raou tolamave around. Thte condition became vorse Monday visen the Waukegan police «Out six Prisoners. fiee men anS e voman to lise caunly 1511. Tisese prisoneru abattI bave beeu remaved there several days ago but could fat bc admitted because -ai tise recent sutailpox queranine and lise cravded caudlauios. 14aat ai tise pisoners voeechargeS vils booze vi- olations, alttôu&h onue lO cbarged vilIs torgery. Tise police bave four or fvee more prieuners bhou t ley erpect 10 remave ta tise cauuty Jaau tiiseek. Wlsene they viii te .placed la nat TUE REVOLUTI40jN WedneSa ev nt I7.30, miS- Alitert Stnunk ofst1137 Turelitis at. vesis praper meeting, Bible atsqdy ansd Northt Chicago, DI., le lise poasessor af tellovsitip. Titis vHi ibh follovodl by a bronze modal isueShla nar of tise neglar montisly mieeting of tise Barons FnIederict Wiitam Van Bleuis officiai boar& .Importanîlbutinese. Ail eu. noteS Prussien-nliltxmy aour miaiers ures taattend, visa reducod himae5f460povety by Tburay aflernoon aI 2:30, meetng cuuflttlng bis i 50151005 i ghtig for of tise Woutai's Mîssionary focIety, theildepetideice 0f llh&Çited Statua Leader, lire. Raton. Place ta be , an, nislEnglan&sd , O - - nouneeS Inter-. - 3h odl vas foualn hw~6 Choi réearal Wdueday about elgbt )ycarse ega, "y hWe ýrtlse Chor rbeaselWedesa veni. Frank. Strnu, sov- Seceasecri vile The Gym leaopen on ?Ionday and makiigsnout excavaicese. Wedueaday silaliga for Snluan sd on One aide ai lie meelalbemra a 1k. Thsur ' da>t and FriSa>' evenlaiga for tise nesof Baron Von Ottubon abS lie bon. vardsansd date: "ln Commemratlan 0O-of Our Independeace; 1716.V The atit DAOND LARE or aide beare lise likeneas of George COMWJNITY CBURCH. Washington anS a similar Inscription. Service ai vorehip et 2:30 p. ut. Set- Friedenich Baron Van Steuben came mon 'b>'the pestor, ta thie country lu 1777 aid affered bis Suda>' Scisolal t 2.15 p. mt.lire, services. He vas given Use ranis of Caroine itchll, uptMaor-Genetal. enS proveS of Eeet Cara evitcel, th 9hpI. ,atvalue by Iulroduclng and eslablieBhng Tisusda evuiu. lse tismat, 1't-systeutni fdiscipline and lactics, bav 8 a'clocie. therç viii tE, a meeting et ing acquireS a perfect kuovledge of lise cisurcb under tise auspices 0f tise miiitai'p tactice undet Prederlck lise Commitaity Club in tise luteresl aifCGreat. on December 7._19%k e statue Christan Educatiats. Rec. C. J. . hewltt vîtu, unvelied ia WashiugtWn la bis Dîrectar af ReligIons Education ln Gar- memory. rett BIbilal institute, and Mise Edua Barter viii1lbe present, together vils THIE INDEPENDENT7 alwaya put. R eu'. Frank B. James. aof'Grayslake, Lbortyvle flhgt. Dis»D-At ber home on Moise avenue, LlbertVile, FebruM y27. 1922, lire. 7floreuft A. Day vIte -of George P. Peb9rte,aed 84 yeara. Rer husband and daulîey, OMie. survive. Racine. Kenoha. Walvortb and Lake county Waa~,~p~'~t. epermt.. 4nrun "Y.y4110q garpu rpp4l.s of @lm. Cam fUsMleh help *0 run a gleh"ul. farm, Have l~ ie ftimoe en dalry Fm. AffiM Mils, Box 176, ILibsty. 1liw«oa"evarPetu for flty centa a runnlog yard &Md fuwnisl var. l]Ïe. Nuit 6AeU- Toroughbd Ccie maie 409. 8 mo*fths o dl. L oe 209 La"e at.Waugeah. FOR ItENT--QArage. electrie llghtc-d. hait block tram business district on Milwaukcee tve. Reastonabie. laqulré 336 N. Mlvaukee Aie. 9 45-tf FOR RZWT-250 acre dairy tarm, new 197rôoux bouse, erranged for tvo in- dividual familtes; bard vood floors electrie. llghts. 2 batbe, utrictly mod- ern tbrcqkbout; cav ban for 50 bead af cattie and completesnet of other buidins. This le a choicesteai and umder'a hlgh state of cultivation. Tý J. Stalil & Co., Waukegau, ll. Tele- phone, 2lS or 688. 7-3, WANTEJ> TO IIENT-Furnsbed - or- untnrnished houese for six montha or year. Inqitir elndependent. 8-3t f NOTICE .J. B. Anderson. dealer in Live Stock, bas 40 bead o! good work horees for sale, fram four ta nune years aid. Wll v elgh trom 1200 ta 1700 pounds each. Telèpbane 230-W-2 Shermerville. Res- Idence on Dundee Rad. tvoailes east of Wheellng. Address Glenvlev, ll- ANNOINCEMENT Schottscbne(der. ludependent pho- etographer of Zion City, lli., bas opened a Photo Studio over Decker'5 Drag yStore. and viii bie open every Thurs- day. 8-2t fFOR SAL-OSmall kitchen range. In 15 quire et 215 N. MIIwaukee ave., or ý eiephone 133-R. 9-lt eFOR SALE-A nearly nev 7-roam house. one of the best lu Area; hot water heat and ail modern Improve- mente. Sutail cash payment; balance like rent. F. M. Harding. Phone 184-J Ares,1. ?ii WANTED - Cypherus luncubator. Frank Predrick. Grayelabe. Ill. 9-1t. FOR SALE--Six-room, ail modeM vod-frame bouse an.Austin Ave., es ciudlng barn and chicken bouse, an lot 100 ft. x 400 ft. WUl oell et roes onable prie. August Eadlaoff. Lïberty- ville, fIlnals. 9-4t. WANTEiD-voman for geneval bouse vork; Germai preferred. Inquire at Independeut office. 9-lt WANTRD-SIngle mai 40 ta 50 yrs. aid ta *ork 01 ari mlacated 3 miles fr0111 Waukegan. Thte Job consiste af easy work about the tam and gas'en. State age and vages ezpected, aid ret- erences. AdreSa "N-14" c-a Dally Sun Waukegan, IIi. 9-t: FOR RENT4-7!/2.acre farm on* mile .... north of Antloch. Apply to Mis. Samnuel/Straghsn, Antocoh, or Wm. M. Quin, 827 Grand Ave., Waulcogan. 9-lt: W&NTED)-Mau vlth car ta seil tbe BEST Ford 011 Gauge made, $10000 per week aid extra commissions. Ben- tan Harbor Accessorles Ca.. Benton Harbor, Mlch. 9-lt VERNON TAX NOTICE Taxes are payable te me uitil March 16, 1922. WIII be at the places namned, durlng the moruing oniy, an the follo*- lng dates ln Msrch: Buffalo Grave, Saturday, 4th. Prairie Vlev, Monday. 6th., Aptakialc, Weduesday, Sth. Wbeeling. Mouday, lSth. t'lrst National Bank, Libertyville, Weduesday, lStb. MAUDE A. KNOLL, 9-2t Deputy Cllectar. VULCANIING MWstUp-To-Date Tre Shop la Tne State Every Job Uncodfiondly. SPECÉ-ÀIAL OFFRrl During Maich 0nI F RE E T U B E With Every Fisk Red Top Lake Cou nty Tire Shop- Phone 34-J ROUND LMXE Ub RtIle ta moeet Rfversd Il TirdSasofTourney This Aterneon (BY Thoodore A. Berchtoid) Preparsîlons for lise district basket b3fl tounamaent ta, be buiS ai Oakr Park on Titureday, rldsy, andS atu,- day Of lthis veek are rapidly gsvlug into shape. Tise f»'at ap of Ust orn aMeut viicis is played off on Tisre dLs as follove: 1. Aliaisit vs. Hiadale...-2.00 p. nm. 2. Nev Trier vs. Evauhton 3:00 p. ut 3.' Rvieraide va Libertyviîle 4:00 P. m: 4. Waukegau vs. Mortoi.....:00 p. M. 6. Elmiturat vs leunn Ff1y 6:00 P. M. 6. Praviso vs. Gak Park 7:00 p. m. 7. DesPiaînes vs Barfngton 8:00 P. M. Tise final game, vblcit viilb. b.- Iveen lise vmnnere of Sections A aid S, yull te played off on Salurday nigbî ai 8: 00 p. m, Tise vinner aof Ibis game vhhi bcteisevnner 0f lise tonrnameiit. Waukegau's liraI encaunter ai tise laurnameul viii h. against Marlon Hit ScitoorutCîcera, Ill. aad vil, - - - - - - - - - - - - tak bae.t 5:0p.mai 5b4 il ex.n p~ictidp10,,ber, seRt gane îa clok vilS Oak Wciock to decide tise dssnsliouhiip. AOYIDICATION NOTICE Public motta. ia 1e'*y gives 1haf lise Siabscriber, Mminlstrtrlr of Use estte 0f John Fouet, Seeoed, vill -attend tIse £oumtycbeOfa e ciii- ty, et a tenà Usereof tg be bd" îhe Court Homsela Waukogaala sail -Coisnty. on the tint Mousday of May 00eC4 1912, visk BMMvirbe al LPeT- are nolMieS sa requesled tu present tiese me te muZ Court for adjudica- tilea IzABETH FOUT. 1 Aul tri£r. Waukegaus, Illinois, -rob. 27, IV=. 9 10 & i. 1s Lyeil H. Mms'iS. Attoraey. les %lrs Walka. Caytain 11d4 strode frcsn lb. .eg. «a lunsiergard vitit a yOiley of ail!? ceibaaid a tigist grip <on bis cuUaa% egoun&! " he fgclairnede ebis liflu. ast. "Il'a ImpasI4biPfor s ma bu be a pirae ln luth~ se xtartton.u'y lnnb Orne ,celi't e"ed ufori ea plauk t' Announcement Orval J. Gause, M. D. Round Lake, Illinois Round Lake Office Telephone, Round Lake 24-R Cails Promptl - Answered Day Or Night r Resident Physician Sunnybrook Sanitariui t Teiephobe. Round Lais 42-R-I ZOTH PIREUEN'Z BALI To bSe gven l4 the.Volunteer Fire Company of Grayslake Friday, March 17 Grayslake Opera Hou8e Reutenster tisis la tise regular Firemn's Daice Titis uteans tisaI nu one i iilibepermitted la go avay vithout isaving s good lime. JusI camne bers, lisere viii te a prize wInng costume tere tor you, yaur vraps viii ho iaken came ai free ai charge, yaur auto or torses viii also be taken care ai free ai cisage. 'Mare Iban a doses prise groupe have teen arrangeSsAiS ail but a teur are casht prizes. Above ail reutember tisat Ibere vii be a super servd et mldntght. Six Piece Orchestra Dance Tickets 50e A Persn Tractor Prices' International 8- 16 With PIow $690- Titan 1-20-nu Samson With Plow ý720 $465 ~VOL. ~ UNU This 18 pu ant et tise JAi luat ten or bie resignal of lise -Iseq visons.acc apparstil tact the CM ta have 00U hie nlatu vaderlire s the eunI>' 1 P61ated ta i #~Autmcatî aceordlng t ty boutd, b *table cOud Brown bau Of Use stipe -----*qgh tilw ta Il as "as a 000517 t Cm gel lii Vas ltat» rerred te charge fret visors, Omlî tise 0codi> eS b> ipe limita bave ingdaiti taI Use dg tissaIs vWso Superria bave t5'5s Complinite viiciDr. hîsîtitimU Dore tise audstl .of Sm# ftis o th aitl lu comeiOt saiS, tisa mnatai>' $31 estimate t departle rosa.but iust Wmli $100.000 i seembers EiraW tit * bat-k. 'Ille rei aIel>' $10, tram lIse patient l1 vwhaterer n set v Arroge] tiets an, ofrlise eh plilai slp of tise lx assertinfi tua meai Wabto John r CARI1 walte W. Bail F mes1 hI lasI nil drivîfg ere Fo eS a Di noticeS vise lms * nai7ov driving gat ant .5 lte ar thse a revo eredbl lie did ITaceet eS $2.2 curreni ta ke nm tisey a backiL r could1 eau tbo Fitted with Puliey, Governor, Platform. and Fenders $575 DELIVERED Schanck Hardware- Co. Phone 39 LIBERTY viLE i.-. t. *# - l'

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