CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Mar 1922, p. 1

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LIBERTY VILLE LAKECOUNTY INDEPENDENr INDEPENDENT VLM X MB 1.LBrt I KE OUW, ILOS, THURDAY, MARCH % ,1922 $ 1.50 A YEAR IN AM CJIAPIL AT ARI3A TO R LIKI3OUD "COLONIAL HALL" Catholijosohool heads deoide to reproduce historie meeting 1 bouse An "Id colonial meeting bouse- the Firs t Congregational cburcb or Lyonn. Cono-la to be reproduced at Area, as a Cathoilec bnrch. It la to bie the chapel of the new Catholle univeraity. St. Mary of the Lake. hWe are flot approprl.ating any- 4hlng f roni the colonnial architects. but ai,' nierely taklng hack our own," meeting bemme as a mol lfor a Cath olil church. 'The Adamns brothers brougbt fic- colonial, or strlctly speaklng. (,eorgian style to Englaind from Rome. andi the Romians got il f roibe G reeks. "Plans for the early colonial churchez were mainly drawo ln Ion don, and reflecreti the Adamsi craze, then rTe soguethier-e. 'lie originan plans for the Lynse meeting bouse. erected ln 1815-1817, aie supposeti Ln have coule f ron t Eglanti, as tie con tractor . une Belcher, wsa not an ai cbitect, and is workrnen were largk y ii, carpenterii. Tiiere ta an olti stoiy lnlu .>iiin. tlat -tlhe plans wir brouglit Irons England in n ie ifIlle Lt nuie WiI Be Brick and Stone. "lie prescrit Lyme church, a ieprît duct ionorit I4e-M1 buil! ln Isîl, wam consrruci:n'nl nirici Orsde5lîoyed i)ti, original ià 191,7'Flic reî,ruduction o1 St. Mary ui the halte university will lollow rl, >o lai as the exterlorinni concerne,excelir rhe <arbolic chai) eliwill be or brick and stone insiead of the whiite pine used at Lyme. The interiuni has bee.r rarranged ta con- fortirn t he needs ofna a troli, l'li lh.7i1easoin for choosing ith, <vetonial nmeeting houae as a modtel. according to Mr. McCarthy. waa to .c"rr out tihe decision of Archîbshov George W, itrîndelein ru builti the new unît eriity tr ilHe coloniial styles when completed the Ares universit, wfill be a tainiig uctool iou 000cati- titistes roi the îriesthood. lis six- N ai on.,aill jupplemni t he ise year trainîig gis en boys of tieCbi- cago diocese at Qui9îIe Preparatory seminar> bfie- The Area site erjbace, t1.00i) acreE includlng a takü a mile long. Fie buildings __a conv-enor oitihiFi ancra car i Sîtert r, leîI)IliuosOlîlutlecture hall, pliiloauih> uIorlllt orý, i eectory anti mpux1laînr t e hein Cormplet eti. anti were openedti u clasnses, lar rail. The ibeological section wiii be comrpleted by Seîtember,19. Work starteti in August, 1929. -Are Preparing Grourtd. Fise bridges have been brul and work is undci ayas rwari the devet- op[nietil of rue exte.nsive giouids. Two curving conclee ioles provide boat landings. fions whlch a terraceti plateau inn tu be i n i,vltrhe chai) el, with its gracefîri Wrenr spire ris ing 150 feet. or *1,1 fctunrabuse rtire lake level. ()rt eîrlier s de utlfile -chap- e, wîlilibe x[cn.rie'iformai garderie. Àsurroundeti zy a continuonual'ergota. Th, corilete itînt' ersity plans cal for a-cirapel. adnuilntatirn building. library, theoIo9g Ilual IIiGsOi9 hall. doînîutorie 'r n,,, x. lîtst tory for the meni anti lacultY or the Sacred Order, auitoriîumi. ina ium and swimnîlng pool. boaliiouse and helveru(ie. rush. reciot' and litciîen. greeriiuouSe, , aundu t. are- hause. puwer-hiorse ýlboi, convertI ant i iimmsry. Eanti the tise bridgeai of St. Parti rite APOsrle. Si. Charles, Borroruco, qt. George. st. Thomnas. qinann an S Au n AWARD CONTRACT FOR 'E. SKOKIE DRAINMII3 DIST. Nelson j. Cole gets excavation job on bid of 10 3-4 cents per cubic yard Cantract for the construction of the Hast Bltalte Drainage canai vas avardeti Salurda>' at Highlandi Park to Nelson J. ('ole, of Greenvîlle. O., vhose bld for excavation vas 108/ cents per cubir yard, thunu being 14 an> tîtrhave be'n ruceivet in this cotînt>' turing us-en pre-war tinies, an fan as Att>' Martin Deckur, vho bas handted mnan>' drainage satters, cati recaîl. H1e lantlut the E. Sltoli pro- ceudiruga if the count>' court. The dx ainage canal yuil bu about is-, anti a hait miles In iengtb, and ailI extend along the E. Bltole lougît ste. t of Hlghvood, Highlandi Park anti Foxt. Shteritian. It viii bu necessar>' to excavate about 100,0000 cubic yards ai earth, aocordlng toa an estlmate ai Charles E. RUSelcîoaunty' auperinten- denit of higtsvsys 9U4 cotanty engineer. t SIMPSON fIONORI3D ENGINEERS EST A E 0F COST 0F PAVING AT INSTITUTI3 MIL WAUKEE AETHRUG THVIL E 1 At the coate of the riîrev day ses- 'dno h k 'oty TeachIfers At the regurar meeting of the boardi contract. Th board of coun nisuer Total s imate of wark ...... 17U.91.00 odemi setîoulte cher in thla county, of local improvements helti at the y vilhswekato-6;ýo siae cs ab p ian amto o et îlg aehl arMontiay rghr, KeIIkerj 1.iiberotd ndbridge comrnîtpe applied on engineering anti vote of thariksa t Corinty Supt. A. & tiaLeuw, of Chicago. the engineers! ro Procéeti #* the state authorrii-,; legal expensea ........ 10,403.46 Arthur Simpson for ltus success In unspdoyed by the village ta maire aný in maltng arr4irements for the roal, Total co8t comirlete .. ...$183,794.46 bringing rogetuier micI a ixtice nun- estimate of the cnet connecteti with The tate reMares the village oaas ,F'rom Ibis amnount approximately1 b.erutn or eas ,eiuatnlwok tePaving 0f Milwaukee avenue tlirui sess the costJ111 the Improvement anti $600000 ls ta be tieducteti, that belng resltng n he mmli ti rici'sufoil in the village, submiîtteti their report.,: ta carry the 8' oto frewr altoveti by the state for the paving ersut alsoendorseti litereoTheducrurh- The proposition as filed by the en 1epbi eei The amount ru be of the 18 foot roadway througb tise office andtivncd iheir spntinitent that gîneers provîdea for paving Irons the paid by the e la pait i drectîn, lutva mlles of village atreet. they were buckirng S1,ip Sîmpon north corporate limita of Liberille the cnrco nila tretitedta thei The caunty will alse aid In paying wboieheartedly tia what ia ltnown as the county farm public bj jéft the village. The saite' for thîs roadti.he exact amorint net - -- -- -roati. or Wncleter avenue, ta a widtb autitoritica inot sanction any îîrop- having been deterinineti. jof 30 feet vttb Cemrict. and a four foot I oaîtori of ths e for witientng the I The boardi of local improvements O FC R S OOaboulter of grave! on eacls aide. 1 od em 18 foot hase unfesa niued Saturday, March 18, as the la AIL~P5nr ' ilne of the C. M. & St. Paul rairoaci1 The coet wabds reati by 1 sition. This meeting witi h beiti ato Ur AI'AKI mr i rigbt of vay the cement pavlng la toi Jesse S. Hysgt Preaident of the huard 1 the village hall at 2 o'cloclt In the bc 42 ted vwide vitb a cement curb! Of local imprtemn .ftrain figuresafternoon, and It is expected that a tiT fUqJTIVEt and gutter. a '1t subrntted by MeesVFKelker &?De- large nuinber of interested property ____ffty feetsettoth e garage the! 14800 cubic yards of excavation tien l xetdfrmthofse ovulng Detetiv an Co. Smth1 ai cenenpavIng 18 ta be 50 feet wlde 1at $125 per yard._ 18.599 forg nMlwauktee avenue on the t curbiv and Co.utterai cren 11800 lîneal feet of combine,! ce north and south limits of the village. in battie for life with Fox ý Then south to the Rockianti roati ment curb andi patter at 1.5 The plans have receiveti the tenta- Lake bootegger the estiýtate provities a cement pavingý 44760 yards Portlandi cernent trive appi'oval of the district englneers 4 feet vide with cement curh andi concrete pavement, 8 incites ut the state higbway departpuent. It In a gun battle lasting 40 mnulc gutier, tbiclt, at $290 per yard.ý 129.804 s understood the state wiul let con in wbicb an apartment bouse at 1603 Fronu the ttocliand road to the! 4270 square yards gravai about tracts for route 21 In sections, starting N. Wells street, Chicago, was shiat up. aoutb limita of the. village the paving i ers tour feet vide and a in a*, varions points. The roaîlway In the John Hoffman, convicteti bootlegger is ta he 30 feet vide, with a four footý thiclt, at 50e square yard l:175 sillage vil bu let ta one contracter. of Foi Lakte. wbo bas been a fugitive shoulder of gravel on each aide. 1ni 41 catch basrins to connect wiii, The estimate includes thse paving tronm the Lakte county affurera for three maltîng the gravel shaBitier on bath t he stors vater sever systenu ut treet interaections ta the proPertyt mnontha, vas captured i a 5:30 o'clocl thte north anti soutb entisuifl planneti at $906ac ,690, ime on Milwaultee avenue. Tuesday murnung hs I.etectmses Mc-to use the gravel anti tone nov on 1000 lineal feet of 8 Inch seveufil is reporteti that %one villagesc Queeney of tChicago anti Constable C. the roati.: pipe for catch basin connec nhrougli which route 21 passes have1 A. Brune, of States Attorney A. V The cemnent roativay ta ta be eight tiens. of 1 par foot.. 1,00o1 matie their estinsate of the coat an low Smith's raiding squati. incIses tbiclt anti reinforeti vith steeli1 350 ]Irneai feet of sever pipe fox titat a contract cannai bu let for ther The officei s urialilia walttng at vire Moah. Steel roda are ta be useti drainage aistalde atorm sewer work TIse estmmate of cost throughc ati he Ilînif'inae Mnere ani iat n rlnforclng the joints. The state high- district, at $1.30 per foot. 455.00! Libertyville is baseti an recent ex- nd ten do fficnene evendleti a vay authorities require expansion 600 lineal feet olf 15 inch sewer periences. anti the rrintract shoulti ho 45 calibre revolver -. hia beati andttjoints thraugh thse center. The froar pipe for outaMde drainage 900.00~ let esaaily within the estimatu af the ordered hius ta reach for the slty. In- tilts the etigea anti breaks tIse conter. 7 exiting catch basins adjusteti enginrees. ateati of tbat be backed away and andti ibs joints prevssts damage e tar> grade at $10 each.-.. ... 70.0O The paving of Milwaukee avenue jeacheti far bis bip pocltet. Detective the pavement. Transverse Joints arel 39 exis tlng niuholes atijusteti bas ben tIse objet tapie in Libertyvile 3EcQueeny, wbo bati been rînseen by alse laid, san that the pavement lies 1 Wtgrade at $1b0#Ach - --.- -.- 390.00 for several years, aivIil prove af1 lioffman. steppeti bebint imi and beat i nlluliiao .s av ±$0. 540.00 incalculable benefit te tise isg.-TIse is tetehppokt n HO f ound t1 t The guttera are ta be laid sanas ta 41 çubf c yau roté 1 nYcul- qb«qVnectim*tte 4#umade witb a vlevt le v a s i a m o f n n u e iX t t ie s 1 % fe e t O e n e a c b a id e . v itIs c n r b s v e rts a t $ 2 3 . .. .. . ,02 5 .0 0 tise fu t é r ë I e e tis f t h eé v illa e . A aflash, plungedti irougis Uic glass beyond. 3300 feet reln.oimed tq ý placeti paveti roati coats soney, and vhen <our andi ras down a balivay as Bruneniee1e t 4 13.0dighewrI holhoderg. o p e n cd t ire a n ti M c Q u ee n y le a p e ti a I T h e s ta te jo in s in rh e le ttin g o f t ie , c o mp l et n u v e r t, t 4 3 . 0 t o n i e w r t a o . d - e d n i l huilera. McQueeny aiseoopeneti fIre but Hoffman zig-zagged thraugis teIAKfA TWNAEC NYMN FVE ADIA S corridors and stairwaya of the hul-, A I G N T W A EC U T EC N I A E ing anti reacheti the street before tbcj tietective leapeti upon is anti hurlej(i lÀR RO ffi O' E C TDDINRIEEIR D hlm teoflic pavement. A tun minute ly got the hanticuffs on hlm. i OU ' C.aptain Geoige s. Young, former FOR LE4ISiATURPNu Hoffsan, vbo apparently hat heurt1 OUT LAKbt VOTE Lakte caunty boy anti a son of Mrs. tinling. lureatenedta itlll flt onIt ___Elizabeth Sutherlandi Young, ta nov __ the offtcers but alsn the states at- d ofcmmnt u one ot the imita tof the Representative W. F. Weiss treaccortiing ta bis captors. He 'M. P. u ,lger defeated for Asst. ifitreeun t'.S. shuppîng board steatnships was convicteti in the courir>' court~ Supervisor; lace is taken tyfieti up at Camp Eustis on the James arnd Thomas Graham, are in beru antiJutige lP. L. Personsasuntenc- ieor;rokV. by Lk Cut edhi t 9 dysinth cuny ai; rak ureConcerning thte 300 sbipa tieti up ati___ tri addition ta a $750 fine. Wben sert that place anti wbich hati been report Repreaentative William L. Pierce or tence vas confirseti, Hoffman tisap- litec iaukegan trivn republican pri eti ta bc neglerreti. a Norfolk nevapa Beivitiere la a candidate for return ta puarei. rmars on Saturtia> brougbt ont about per aays: the stise legislatur, from the district Durig te sootng n te aart180s ores whlrh la rugardeti asquîte "Melviltu Dollar, ut the Rabert Dol composof »oe McHenry anti ment bouse scores of occupants ruhrpautiv.Iwa ocaieht lar Steamship curnpany, fooitIse iie Lalte cotes, n is eii a eti frosa their beda anti hundreds con steel veaseis at Camp Abraban stis been fieti at Springfield for the pris- gregatet iIn tpe treet ta watch the te vosen cast nearl>' as rnany.votes yestertiay un sjleniiid conditian vhen aries set for April 11. combatanta. as the nmen, showing their growing i0nsmaling an inspection trip. n1e teciar Mr. Pierce occupieti a proninent po- The officers lound Hoffman, -lto Istaret in franchise. eti that bu luat hearti several reporta sition In the asat legialature, but was about 40 tears pîti, lis ng witb a won Tite defeat ut M. tl. ilger for re-el- aI lax methotsisn caring for the itile net inclineti ta be a canditiate agalin an, aguti 20. The girl atimittedta to he ecina sistant supuervisai-. causeti steamers, bat aIl those vIsicI came un owing to thse fact that bis legal pract officers site ditinI t now lioffman vas et tisas er his etc seemedi ta bu in fineie la large anti requires a great deal a marrieti mano Hoffinun tiescrteti bis îunsiderable surprise as Nir. tlrger shape" of attention, but of foie influential cit- vite anti young tiaughter at Fox Lalte vas regartieti as aisast sure of lanti zens of tise district, parttculariy tu anti the rffucers foundt hcm living atirtng. He waa defeateti b>' uni> 14 votes. fIUVJ ~TlTMcHny antiLalte conurtes bave rirg 1783 Ar-nitage avenuie, Chicago, in Jîoseph Jatiricb, rît>' attorney of Nortb COUJjT LERUN c ism sotr,.gy ta oait a re-cîse- sncb destitute rircuritancus (bat they tiutn't htave enouéli clothing ta go in- Chicago, aise vas tiefuateti, but matie OSTSlion iA the legilature that he bas de- otainheatrte ofm auth riti sr inveut idatshw nlTheA. Webb.franltd- E I T citietitaeise a candidate anti bis peti 10 Ie al et. offartla pospron a oot shwutt. Te accestu cati-tien bas been fiiet i a Springfield. igating bis record in Chicago ta see if Burke ant Iira W. Hoitiritigu. Mr. UlT la a candidate for reeIection as la he vas involveti in booze running. taNORhTpaeHfM. ige.I¶ iai tIIAdftU Charles H. Francis of McHenry. Accordin gto bis vife, Hoffman saîi BurketesCltheiplHayesoffHMrvari bas a te officera vouiti neyer gel hlm alivu. Mr. Hoitiritiguvas r-electeti tespite nuCuhars Hysf aardtiae.aBe the fart that bu is int the south anti Graves reffitrain off lezer bsha de.,,u nthe .,,., v r finiesiin couiti fot put up a apg- i AT ifrienda attentiedtt that for hlm. OFFIC RS A THEFolloving is tise result oI the vote for assistant supervisan: Frankt A. Webb----------------..842 NAVAL STATION ARE F rank Burke..........850 JsA.Jadticb.........571 IN DOUBT ON REPORT M. P. Dilger . '..833 Ira W'. Hoitiritge.........847 The Assessor BaIlle Staton ay coseiulylstbut Wben Richard S. Barnunt anti Staton ay coséJulylstbutCharles Armes ran for the office Of no officiai order to thiat effeot assessor two yuars agÔ, the nesuit vas has corne from capitol extremel>' close. The neturnn shoveti that Mr. Barnum hati van b>' one vote. A rpor tht tse rua hatesnavMr. Armes asalet for a recaunt. This A îreportngatthonGrato ls uîna: reaulteti ln malting Mr. Anses tbe vin ant trainin ettion1to arclaeirî stnfer b>' six votes. and e trnedint, areclmmain Tise samne tva men 'usere candidates camp for tIse Injureti var veterans 15 for the office this year but te out evIticntiy erroneoris. Itepeateti inquir came vas more decideti, ies at the naval station could flot aI Tise voie stooti: tur the repart vhich came b>' vire Richard S. Barnum..... .... .... 606 tram the capitol. Commantier M. M. Charles Armes .... .... ....03 report vas new sia bIs. Capt. D. W. Highway Commniasioner Wutzbaugb. commandant of the sta The race for commissioner of bighl tion, viso eavus the firat of fext yava as a bard fougbt batie ail theu month io halte Up tities atSBan Diego vaytrnbaiieouan vsn caulti fot be ruacheti at Ibme nuaial a oubt lintii the ver>' last. Mn. Taylor ton fada>', vas re-elIecbed ovur William Tunugan Several officer ai thte s!ntan.are If b>' a margin of 71 v-oes. clinedt t believe thbu report truc, hose The voie vas:i (,-or, inasrnncb as the decrease in tite Wîîîiant A. Tayýlor..........889 xhe poice ln lien ai bonds, TT seas giv William Tonigaxt............818 aval pensonnul vilI nul swarrant thte Charles Jack foi' tosen cterk anti maintenAnce oft rire major training Chtarles W. Tornquist for trutatevure plument of t4 iseaîps vilI rail for, but unupposed. Lukelte tbe tovn cammit f. e rutits anti the training vIl! 5rob tee consistlng o! Fred W. Bock. D. E. abl>' be confîned intahie shipa upon Carlte anti W. B. Smlth were re-eiect- wblcls the fcv men arc pleceti. eti vithout opposition. asks information concerning 1 location of graves The halke Cuintt Council of Lu- gton posta beidtirmomnthily meet- ing Monda>' e-enxng at the John Shar- vin Pest club roins, Narth C<hicago. Officiais anti nembers o! tIse High- landi Jark, Fort Shteritian, halte For- eal. Lalte Bluff, Lit)eriyvlleGrays- lalte, GIreat Luikes. North Chicago anti Waultegau posts velu present. Final plans were perfecteti for thte Legion caunt>' bulli vich viii be helti at (bu Armor>' St. Ptriaclt's night, Fritia>, Mardli l7tu. Al Indications promise the hall ta hie one grand succeas. McInui-mick's orchestra vlill furnusi theltu usic. There vilI hie a meeting of the gen- erai comtrittees fthie bail at the, Arnuor>' nexi Monidas uevening ai 7::t0 Preltarat tons seule Onie for the bilg athetir carnival ro be itelt i a Fort Shteridan, Thursda>', April 6t!, utnder the anuspices ut the Lake Coturt- tv Counicil American Lugion. If titeru are a>' persans ltxovirtg the tuabf" ns' grave or burrial place ot us setivice men in the rotin- t>' lthe>'are requestudti ru sbînit smn to R PF. Wuni:, guaves tusiraîbun ou- 1ficer. tare Aruteixceax Leglon. 'uin- 3gan, tuobllpiIn building up anti tmain-' ttainlng a grasvus registration recordl for the years ta cosu. At the close of tIse mec-ijlx a so'Aai bour anti refreslitenîa frIoved. Ycars past but neyer bas succeetiedti lHe is a democrat. Thomas Graham of Lakte caunt>', also a desacrat, bas an1 nounceti bis intention of runnlng. M r. Grahsamserveti as representative irons Ihis tiistrict under ibe minalt>' plan. PROSECUTIONS BY A. V. SMITHI NET State's Attorney today turned over check for $8,708 to treasurer for quarter State,- Attorney' A. V. Smith totia>' turnuni uts r te Cont>' Treasurur Le- tuy W. Bracxex a ciueekl for $8.708. amunl eprusenting fines anti feus cal lec ted tluroogb îurosecutiuns turing titi 1,;nt tîtruep nonîba. Titis uIakei, a bofaLu$51,10t2.54 fl fines andi feus ni the state's attorney's offic< :incu ProsectilorBSmithx vent in tîx office. Theu fines anti fees toliecttil aincee Pruseî.ttirSmniblî oultoffice are as foilova:. l)ec. 6, 192t) to Mai'. 7, 1921, $9,088714 1 Mar. 7 tu June 7, 1921, 89,248.45.. Junu 7 to Oct. 3, 1921, &418.43. 1 Oct. 3 to Dec. 5, 1921. $6, 194.00. Dec. 5. 1921 in, Mar. 6. 19122, $8,7081 EXCIIAN4E BAKERY FOR fiURNEE FARM H. P. Cameran' prorninenî Norlt Chicago restaurant anti baker>' man, has tradeti hi" establîisment on Sher idan roati for (bu Bîrome fans 11sar Gurnue. Mra.* M. G. Strame took pas session of the baltcry thia morning vhile aCseron vho hati grovo disîn tereateti in tise business at Norths Chi caga, bas asaumedth te management of tbc hundreti acre farm. 15 DEAD AT ME i E OF 104 YRS. 60VYERNOR Sought 60 day stay in or* round out Ietting of confr for roads The trial of Goveraor Smal postpanedti t April 3 by Jigé C. Etivards late Monday. Thts action vas takent afièr sel for the governar hatimab« affidavits under oath that MMi posîpanement vas taken St tbhia. it varsitiserlooaiy interfere v2M ulaborate bsrti madea building »a4 Itiat rnw lau ,,nto the rv errl Deceased ived at Zion; was by mdaedrcin The gvernor bai asked for ai far oldest resident of Lake day dela>'. States Attorney. une County anti bis aides vlzoroasy reiatt. motion at firat, but finally agre "Grandma" Deitais King, oltiest res-a- cmrms o ac itient nf Lake courity anti perbapa s acopoieonfads2.C tIse atate, Io deati at bier home in ZMon for tIse gavernar sati tîc eutuu oftihe age of 104 years. lira. King ce] Bible moment tise aprin% 1*os&. ebrateti ler 104t'-blrtIsday on January nectlon vilI tIse letlng of hatti 23. Her tièatis 100k place Saturday contracts caribi be gotten oMI60 at 1 a. ns.. at tIse Bethel, 29th and va>' vonit be April 10, but tbbt Elizabeth streets, Zion. visore as sure tise camplete lantstclg matie bier home, plan sIxty daya vaulti hé prie -'Grantima" King, la abe vas affec- No More Delay* tionatel>' calleti. hati been In excellent Jutige EdvsrdsA fnaiydcd bealth np to tbree years ago brit a de the campromialng on the e~ cline in ber condition vas noteti atter anti set the trial downfr iê bier 1Olat blrthday. 0f late sabsbildOf next mrintb, vtI it at become nearly blinti and vas qtsité that there vaulti be no more m deaf. In spite of ber condition as anY kindtiet accossodate ym casî a vote for Hardilng for presitient. reit Borne unforeeeen delay tba Prier Io that she vas a conspicuoua posible on acunt of statomj figure aithtIe poIla at ail electlona. visions. A few dusys ago the agcd woman Jutige Etivarda vas preparedëi rontracteti a colti ant i lier enfeebleti cecti vîit the case Montiay, bi*j condition vas rinable to combat ie b n cse fft 0,vi ta ! Thse faneraI viii be helti next Monday Smaft and Colonel C. R. MWo, b aftorusoon et tvo-tblrty, o'elack andtih ie Public Work.s departamt. may he held IitIshe tabernacle because M.te governmeut, in wbi e« lra. Kinegs pronibne. Obe sang anti data vèesest forth te, i t-s -b&l'~imuportant It W»* that - Mtre. mKîes*' v s b<rn ai St. Johns, "s 11hah deti New Bronsvlck, in 1818. Bbc vent tea1 manded 1h. entire tlgie. Calfornia ift>'yeara ago, aeiiilng In,,executive', the. cout îZW Oakland. In 1884 aise canfracîtid can-j pressed vitI tise cer of tise tangue, ber aliment beinairia.Ads~ pronaaneti Incurable. Sj e' Attorey Morti ni About thbstflime asemet Vr. Dovie te atidatia, t re va. àWi wbo vas preaching In Ban Ffanclaca.nts fiaitbtisme He pryed or be andshe caime tî me that héoda't tisjsl He raytifarberSid sse lSma bist ard roati building prograut î-ured bier ai ber aliment. Ten t'eara allowed ta auffer under 1hé ago site removedtiet Zion anti llvetia there ever sînce. nof Cal. Miller, even It theé Not so ver yiong ago Mrs. King pro room.'e fessedtietahave bai a vision In vIsicIs Whatuver ativantage lun1the $ se saw Jesirs Christ. Bshe saya the election tIse proaecutlan May g Bavions toitilber tIsha se voulti sec ai the trial nov yl havé le te i Hlm before shetileti, Intlsating tSial cýd vîthîn anc ee frs.p4 asevaniti lîve te se tIse Millenlum. April 10. As thstts iih Mrs, Kingw as thse mother of nine edl -tn i u î chiltiren, of v os five are atill ilvig the triai yl be a! misoh adva* Thse oldest, 96 yeara nId, reatiai et a-Y of tIse appoalng political a Burlington, Cal. She alse leavea 17 seelting tIse gavernor's dowfl, grand ciiltiren anti 15 great grand GdSu a,,-, chîltiren."A goat seti beti sbould lue f ras the botta up. For beat id eft witer vIssaIlIse land wi WEDS64IRL VEKI Ploveti asSoon as tise prevîmona have beeu resavéti. UtaT Wbere It la neceaaaryte w lu M LMsP*rjng aeedlng it la recommend« the vork be dans ln tise fa5lLn ALmust recagnize. havever, thstt Cg. NOSPITA are conditigns vbere spring'pli la te be preferreti, i--.ý "Tise preparation or corta 'a Miss -Mary Hart and Herman bean land shorilt ieh begun er~ Jacobs of N. Chicagonarrie wes being an a tilaeveif e. by Father Lauerman 'It vilI net patn ta pîav alal Ithe sPcing for oats. Thse se« Miss Mary Hart, residing at 1808 aboulti be tbaroly pneparefnby 4b Victoria atreet, anti Herman Jacobe, and barroving. botb ut North Chicago, vere marrled Weee osbets r~e Monda>' rornirtg at 1n o'clock at the ut the aeti bcd ahoultihbe grM Lake Count>' General hospItal, visere 80 as te kilI veeds. !ôrS «epo the bride ta In a very serions condii- theoil anti ta re-establlIM M, tion, te ceresony being performeti relations vîtis the aube raSti b>' the ltev. J. B. Lttermn. paster ut St. Josepha ciliurb IiTIITiIE. The uusaual rorentous vas per-.iIIK J'.J II) formeti becanse aifte tact tisat thse brides condition Ia sucî t tat there RAD! I Ii The tbtide ila s uaugLîler ai Mrs. Anna Hart, ant i u 0t.ig man l9a P son of Mtr. anti 'ls_ Heniry Jacobs, CLOSE n $104 1816 S. Park Ave. le la 25 ve-ra olti anti site ta24. Mr. Jacoba 18 enupfloset iaine Vul- Barn and several utdn can-Louisvîlle Smeltin-: u'nunpant and MieWrzfmetFm bas kown he ;otîig V, nfeu' mure Mk ît amo r thontwo years. bsia destroyed ceremony. Tise >'ung wuinan wss A large barn anti several ai talten ta the count>' iospital Sonda>'btuildings vere destroYeti by ft afternoon. Hec condition vas reiort- thte Michael Wlrtz tarm. tvo eti sllghtly mmpr-ovu.dtimlss' iai tehait miles vest ot Arcs. In YiW ituspital. tovnahip. Manda>'. ut la estnst Accortiing10t the moîber of the tIse damuage vili bie In the neI bridegroomi be anti Miss Hart alipýpu"n d otiuu$10.0000, lava> te 25th tiuy <il laaf Aune and ij The bin vus atrtick bv a lu ver rnti-leti by a Justi'e ut the leur- lighlîti n~a! 9:00 O'cloclt but did n Indiana. Witen rlite rnturnoti rui bru tie unril noon. Atý North t'hlcagu te tnnuxutx soran con titit"'. ,; intining fler'ely. Ne Itue(Ilru lve a! lue rlhuume witeuthe ihontsuillt ln.i , hi'-3ftorufighti I&e tIr yoing nmatnumode hi-n homeu vith his brtiixnn prarentsa*.,Twonu eeksa ngo lue, bcorîgb "he 1n n. gtr,act. garage, i lis s w iuo tethii acoitu honme, and! bu- shaliuxltn tn i silo, salvew cause uof lieu'rlritînes. anti for strùn ut 'lie v,,n kera il; * - tihe rea-,nniluat h, is outhnueCatîha rerw:ti. -'ive huad ir ouf lié ti lIaitiithlet woei-reins tricti ut Fa-î e set u ,I W t vi tailtle Innés ltie Ltie nrxuan Mundan I Most of 'hr tu çmlng tisaO Mia. ,fac bos. mother oiflte bride- Were 8aved. grtç6-niiT-ad Mi5ts Elizabethi Jopea, pril ISome dImculywpA vate nturse for Ite Jscoba tam fly Were I yeutlng *e'-tee virneases ta te ceremnony,. _-, .letu wts à*, 't -- -- 1" itL Lake &*lnty's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEELY SUN, 1 I r ats ~es # "a, I M Il I lu M o

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