CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Mar 1922, p. 3

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UBERrNVIIE 2I»VWoef UMY. MARH 9. 1922. have been ordered frou tise1 State Library gxtension Divli desire ta make aur scisool housE ci center, theretore we have eda sechoal lirary sud a comi iibrary aItiseeme lime. Slee a liai and he sure la read feit Gilmer Scisoo1 New%. Vou are tu like IL. Illinoi.s on. We se a 80 AECUTYFMBRA order- >un for week'e L 0. Brookway, circuit clerk,!oo o i0 o oo o 0000 OS and iay Morse, assistant Co. o WI1LMOT SCHOOL oý Exeminations are flnised and we Silmner scisuol le prabably une ut art, very gladi, tbu We ar*e ready tn the muaI unique rural achoole lu Lake begin wurk for thse seventh month ut cotty and special progransa are be icisonjl lng given Iis week for thse purpose ufTh adTmsDnewâao- brlnging lu tise minds of tis. preseut ThHrd insDacwsasu pupils lie eariy history. A 'speclal ed. ceas and many outsiders reporteol a lion" ut ties chool newspaper named fine ime. Overy 20 was cleared. thse "Gilmer fichool Newm,' Volume 1. Thse Progressive Club met wlths r. No. 6. "for tise gond of the ochool' George Burnett Wednesday atternoon, waxt ieaued isy the pupils Feb. 27. The March let. Mrs. Flrank ipencer wil speciai containté colored illustrations, be the next hostess. Tise meeting wil tise work ut scisuol artiste, as le unique beheïed Marcis l5tis. and iterestlng. 1Sho a lsdTusa n L. . Broekway of Waukegan. dr- Siolwscue iusa n cei clrk f lke ouny. ot nîyat- Friday on accoai of teachers' meet- tended this scisoal, but taUgist tisereln.rneBomnadHlnioc lu 1876 for $16 a month -witbuut enbacis attended tise meeting ai Lake buard." Forest end enJoyed thse exisiit ut Thse Olimer slows for ibis week con. scisool ut sehool work aithtie Gortun tlna thse toiiowlng: acisuol. On Frlday Lydia Ruckenbacis No scisool Tlsursday and Frlday ot weul to tise iigis scisual. witi Almira ibis week, un account ut Teachsers' Heybeck, Elvira Meinzer and Beryl meid-winter lustitute. Taylor, atiended the meeting ai Wau- TheGo-ettrskegan higis scisuol.Tiesee-wing that The o-Gotorswa shown there waz very fine wurk. Zp!vryhlng cumea to thern wiso wait Tise Bspeakers ut tise Intituts were But iere's a rule thatas sllcker, Hon. F G. Bair, Springfield, Illiois; Thoxe wbo go ater wbat ibëy want lo.Pyo mt.BsoMs. M'fi ge ilal] he ulcer.tir. L C Jord, presîdent E. 1. S. T. C.. Kvery hour aisead ut you ls preclous, Charlestlua. ID.; Dr. Jesse White, Uni- Our Daiiy Bread versity utflPittsburghs. Tise presented i-ear thse Lord and serve tim ln by Mir. Smiths were e kua'P'pS;vFiP 1trutis, for congidpr what great thinge by Mr. Sinsti were "Five Planka ln an He hatls dune for vou. i Samuel 12:241 Educatiuuai Piattorm;" "Some Current ProbiemesunPublic Instruction;" "Ble. Hiory of Tihe Gitraer Scisool mnso h niiuli dcto (Conttnued an."e T esut se ofntheidualuEcalu." A. tPw whu have attended the an"TsTetutheTcir" mer Schuol are: Those give-n sy Ir. Lord were: "Mo- l,w Broc-ls-a- l'h rk Cw(iuit Court, j tive lu School Work;" "Sy'mbals;*" %Vaukegan. "What ShaR We Du Nuw?" "Deultor %Miss Zoa Moîs,4 esc-brer. Reading" , M(is Feni- Morse. Inflian Mission Tisuse given by Mr. White were. ar.Mi 's Iilv M4oi se. Tearlier 'Pereunai Traite" and "Tise Habit ut Jay Morsep Assit County Cleris Succeedlng.' Fil Wteeter, teacher. Muc-h credit is dui. ('ouuty Supt T. Some meepting-' tîld in schoot house A. Simpson for being able lu obtain Gilmer Band Meeting sucis fine speakers. Fatrmer' Alliance M.eeinz rKies- mroîgl sats Sunday Seisool Quite a t,,w of our trienda attended %Iilk Pruducet' meting twsp.ia lieGasIn ie sum.- of the ti-atlr. utf-rhool: ts u~li iu rs ngse 1475. , Arni-tirng $6t per- monts by tise laite'ofuthtie Prest>yterian sit ouard churcis 1170, I,p>wisfiis ta' 41l taer Mu. Watcii tus,palier tor tise date ut tise sithout board.reding ai timetît and apell'ng con- 189.1 Tulia lardpn 3()test. 1894 J W Turrans e 3.0 iarr><Green ila muviug su Deertieid 1191F W se II 1 out hi-I week. 1896 Editis Towner 301 Misa Lathrup. Bureau of Education. 1897 C M. BeKno300 Washingtons. D. C., le visiting tise stan- 1899 Funice Arne-' (00lard schosuofu Lake couinty. 1900 Alce Corlels 4000, 1901 W. W. Decker700E TI 1902-06 Pearl Smth 50-00 4iURNEE ILAMSIN 1907 Eupice Aines 4000- 1909 10 Elizabeth Alîart 40 00 IjP5IU1 1911 Alvina Mundee 45.o00 DO BEiII 1912 Auna Paulson _40.00, 1913 Edlis Raeide _55.00 1914-15 Sixte Graf ...... 65.00 'ion Independents e feu ludeteat be 1916 Gerrude Lindaisi 6000 o fore lise Gurnee iigis echuol Friday- I'1i7 Jeanne Irvine 55.00 $15000 (4yr') night insu Grree by e 2, to 24 score lils atest and interesling ganse.Tiso Froe Books For Illinois Roadr Kenoshe American Legion tean i ost A Community Lihrary ot ifty (50) lu the (urnee trwn team 0> a 26 10 books, lncludlug fiction. travel. biog- 22 ccrr. pteyiug tise featuie gains- rapisy, liierature sud chldre»s bhouka, ofthtie evering. WIREFENCEzý You are invited to corne to oUr factory for your fence requir- mtesits. You can select from our f ull stock of a large list of styles at the following prices: - MUM HEAVY STOCK FENCE 7 bars, 26 ini. high, 12 in. stays.................. 23!/2c per rod 7 bars, 26 in. high, 7 in. stays ....... ........29v4c per rod 8 bars, 32 In. high, 12 in. stays........ 12c per rod 8Bbars, 32 in.hlie, 7 in. stays ......... 344c per rod 9 bars, 42 in. igh,12 in. stays _ 30c perrod 9 bars- 42 in. high, 7 in. stays....................._k per rod 10 bars, 50 in. high, 12 in. stays ..........----------33/c per rod 10 bars, 50 in. igh, 7 in. stays ......... -----..-43V2c per îud MEDIM HEAVY POUTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 in. Wh, 8 in. stays. _.......... 37y¼c per rod 16 bars, 58 in. high, 8 in stays ......4.. 334c per roc] BR» WIRE-80 rd spools STEEL LINE POSTS, 29c each .2-pt -og -.3.25 peraspool 2-pt. Cattle ._.$3.05 per spool END POSTS ...... $2.70 each 4-pt Hog ...$3.86 per spool 4-pt. Cattie.. $3.25 per spool , CORNER POSTS$3.90 each ADJUSTABLE STrEEL DRIVEWAY GATES Painte$7.85; 2-ft. $ .8.60; 14-ft. $ 9.15; 16-ft. $ 9.80 Galvanied- 10 ft. $930; 12 ft. $10.15; 14 ft. $10.85; 16 ft. $11.65 PLAIN STEEL DRWVEWAY GÂTES 1 Oft. wide, $565,1 12 ft. wide, $6.25; 14-ft. wide, $725 MTUE POULTRY GÂTES 48 in. high, $2.10; 60 in. high, $2.55. va"N YOU COME FOR FENCE, ASK FOR ONE 0F OUR CROW BAR&W A USEFUL TOOL ON THE FARM. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO PRESENT YOU ONE FREE. AMICAN, WIRE FENCE CO. SUNDS MSSONRY TO DÀK INDIÀ COSTS 0F DAIRY FEEDS Most feeds have advanced some in price during thse past month. Ilow- ever. there bas been no great change in the relalive price ut feeds. Feed Coet per 100 Lise. Digfttibie Nutriment& Wheat Bran (12.5% protein) $222 Gluten Feed (2l.5%' protein). --- 1.96 01d Prouees 011 Meai (20% protein) ..... . ----__ __ 3.11 Cotton Seed Meal (41% protein) 2.81 Corn sieled) ............. _ 1 Qats <No. 4)...................----------1.4 Tise home grown teede continue to be thse cheapest. Due t0 the tact that there ias o mucis ditterence betweena lise price of the high prutemn teeds andM the price ut Corn and oats, there Je av tendency on the part of many dairy- men to use littie or no protein con- icentrales. Thse result lstisai widert rations are ted and the production le I decreased. It seems advible, under1 present conditions, to add some higb t protein concentrate to the home grown1 feeds. eepeclally for the higiser prodUc- lng cuws. Where pîenty of guod alfalta1 hay ils available the concentrated pro- tein feed can be greatly reduced. 0f thse high protein concetrates. Cotton seed meat continues Iu be lise cheapest suurc ut proeteln. Keep Cows and Give Themn a Chance The production of mut dairy herds can be greatly improved by a good systeuletic culiing out of the pour pro- ducers. Production records should be the guide. and each cow should be jud.ged according to her ability. A Con- siderabie amount ut milk which le pro- duced at littie or nuo' -fit would be taken off an aiready uver-supplied mar- ktet. Tise dairymen would wurk with amaUler but mure efficient herds and would obtain more satisfacttulY resulta. -t. S. Rhsode, Dairy Ext. Dept. Notice that prutein teeda are ait the 1iigbst in price. Production cost can be cheapened by growing mure ut the protein at hume. More clover, altalta, sweet claver and soy beane wll re- place much of the higb priced oil meal, cotton seed meal and bran. Tisese crops are ail legunles and soil huilders. STRAWBERRY PLANTS AVAILABLE TO BOYS AND GIRLS The plan ut these trawberry projeci has been outlined tisrougis the Depart- suppi yot excellent straseberrY plants bas been muade available at a verY reasonable cost. These wiil be dia- tsibuted as totiowa. 1. Ellgiblliiy. Any boy or girl ln tisestate between the ages of 12 and 20 years who will plant, care for and keep records of tise production ut islied du'in.g the second season may receive plants. 2. Variety. Plants will be of thse Dslap variety, which la the. varietY best adapted tu conditions in rlinois. 3. Cusi. 60c per 100; $110 per- 200; $175 per 600, or $350 per '0O plants postp5,d. 4. A-11 orders.sisuuld ie in as so as possible. Ordera may be sent lu tise County Parm. Bureau. Libserty- ville, lun-wiscis cae a money order or chseck, payable to tise Farru Bureau, muet accomnfy tise order. wsen al iindividuel ordeis,are lu e c7qib urder wlll be sent fusilthe total amount, Tisereason for the- Depari- meut out HortIotlture ufteriug ihis plan la tu increaae tise growing ut emali fruits on thse fanm. Tise îtrairberry le une outheut-easiesî fruits te tari. A large bcd cen ise started ai no greeter cosl than tisai nscassary b aetari a tew trees or bush- as et ther truits, Tise plants cume Into beering quickiy and a amati palcis wtll furuli berries for a large tamily wlth a suis lefatt to cen or st-il. Even a paicis of 100 planta is cap)able utflpro- ducing from 25 ta 50 gallons ut fruit when properly cer-ed for and will take about 1-72 ut an acre tu plant tse.nt. Orders ahosld be meiled to tise Parno Bureau et once. Cut out andt mailthlie biank below. Lake Cuunty Farm Bureau: Please or-der.-. ..... ..Dunlali straw berr-y plants for wisicis 1 enclose$-- I will plant, car-e for aud keepî a rec- tord of production ut my sîrawberry bed. Naine -.......- ----- Address. --- Edt.d by C. E. WHEELOCK, Lake Courty Farm Advisor. S0V BEANS FOR HAV Tise soy beau bas nul been used very exlenslvely lu Lake cuunty. but due 10 tise tact tisat litune ut unr ricist prte.n îîîuducing plants ltsisuuld be une ut uur muet profitable crope. 15 le adaPled for use as a bey cr01>. for seed tu lie ground for feeding sud p anted witis corn for tise silo. Mucsofuthtie succese in gr-awiug tise co-p depends on gelting tise rigisi va- riety, une tisaiwili mature ln ibis cil mate. Tise Ito Sau Maucisu Mongol are edapted lu uur latitude and willi mature isere. On salI lisat la free f ruruweede aud- fslrly meliow lis eist way to plaut tisent la tu drill vitis a wheat drill et the rate ut a bushel or a busisel snd a Peck ta tise acre. Tise date ut piauiing le about lise same as curn plantilsi. If possible tise seed bed ehould be worked up fer enougis sbead ut tinso su a second berruwiug just before tise ptautlug will kli any weeds tisai mayl have started.1 Pleut tise beans shalluw. not over I1/ luches deep; ibis le imnportan t. One or two ligist cultivatios witisaa weeder or roter-y bue atter tise beans are well up vi i li mors ut the weede and give tise beans e good star-t. Cul for bey wisen tise tinet leaves begin to tur browu. If cutting le de- iayed tua long tise ieaves will feu utft. tise bean pods buret and tise seed wiii ebatter. Tise iay leaiandled about like iseavy claver, but takes a littie mure time ln tise wlndrow or cuck lu cure. Tise heans alune ar-e nearly elluailu cotion seed meet for feedlng cattie and make a guod substiîole. for takn- Cge lu feeding isoga. --- GRAINS NOT GRAMS Tie worm medicine recomrnended for pige as give fin a recent issue sould read twu grame uf calomel. sautoine. alolu and sodeum bicarbon- aie iustead ut two graus. 1 AND SEt FO S NUSS BADGER BR, RIAS BEEN BRISK Loans. for the week amounteti to $1 74,274.83; number of local d*ais By A. K. Boves, Aset. Secretary se- curity Tilie and Trust C.o. Business urthtie Recorders office for tise week endlug Mer-ch 4. 1922. ix ep o Number ut conveyne' 87.^ Number ut Challel Mutgages *0 Number- of Trust deeds and Mort11g Ge gages, 33. Absolutelv 1reedom F Total number ut instrument, filed, . 160. hv Total amounl ut noana $17421483.hv Business hast heen hrisk wvltb bans abute tise average. f Tise fol loving are tise more impur-la r B tant deals:' I IN WAUKEGAN TeLretSle jas. C. Osea and Louis F. Bidin- h ag s ef i ger bougbt tht-ciDuris Murray PalmerFo Sa property on Npî is side Madison St. jFrS edjuilng Murra * vBldg. on lise West, for $7500. sud gave back trust deedReibe eae for $5000. eibeD ae Tisos. E. Gray iougisi lie Frank H. fltlef bsouse ou nor-ti aide Maeseua Soe Diût Avre. between Ash and Poplar Ste. for 1lndlcated $3.000) and gave beck trust L T W L S S E deed for $3000. George Williams iought tise Neilie R. Croolte place on west aide Asis St. jusit sauiuth fCenler St. for indic-ted genadwflt4,SecrsMh S250)sud gave hec-k trust deed for glansud vted, Wot 41. Stefamlg- $2500. ten.0 Wuda..D.$0. t IN LAKE FOREST 4100 John Ezra Baker bougiîtishe Rum- J. S. Haase t0.OW- Putter. lots 29 sey eatate property on norti sIde Deer- and 3 Oaks Suis. Waucunda, W. D. $30. patis Ave. et Walnut Ave. for indicat- Stamp 60c. ed $23.000 and gave bac-k truîst deed Vctor Tommala lu Heur-y Luma- 1 for- $26,000. tainen E. 41 fi. lots 16 and 17 Wasis- IN H-IGHLAND PARK humn Springs Apuex. Waukegan, W. D. Auisrey G. S. Morris aud Tisas. H. $1.00. Siamp 60C. Morris huught lise Chas. I. Herbaugis Isabelle C. Kendalilu B. H. Miller pl ace on Park.Ave. opposite Bale Ave, part lots 2 and 3, block 1. Frenci's9 for ludicsted $18000. Add. LiiertyvJllie, W. D. $10. Stsmp Herman Bleckisought tise A. C. 50e Thtomson lot et Nortiwesterly corner F. G. Dietmeyer and vIte et ai te R. Wad e sud Beech is t. for indicaîed F. Pielac-bmen and vite, lot 17, bloc'k $3.50t) .1. Kirk sud Pavelîs Add. Weukegan.1 tN I4ARRINGTON w n D . 0.Stamp $Ë.00. Albsert R. Ketel isoughit tise Johîn H.'Ml A. Crane and vite tu Anus M. Hennings place et James and william and Wm. R. Feisrow, lot 6, block 1 is for lîsîlcated $5000 and gave back Craesa addition lu Ares, W. B. $10. #rit deed for $2500. Slamip 50c. IN LAKE ZURICH A. C Thsomson sud vifete l Herman Augurl H. Meyer isotîgit tiselier- Blac-k, lot 9, block -7,. Highliand Park, min ilelfer prupert>' ou Park Ave. for WV. 1) $10. Stamp $3560. Iulcated $4000. E. P. Osterman sud vIfete l W. J. Pied C. Pepper 4auneht tise Emil Osterman and vIte, lot 30 Ostersaus Frank proPerty ou Park Ave, for in- Suis Deertleld. W. D. $1000. dicaied $5,500. B. C. Ames to B. E. Lehmsansn E. 80 IN NEWPORT TOWNSHIP acre SE 14 sec. 2 Lake Villa Town D. T. and C. S. Alsisuler bougist lte shii. W. D. $10. Stamp $12. Jnu. J, Page tar in l Sec. 4 and lu Fois, 28, 1922 Kenosa Co.. Wle. tram Maria Beck A. J. Cerrak sud vite to Chas. HIe- suber-g for ludicated $20.000.- vs and vite. laud lu sec. 12, West An- IN LAKE VILLA TOWNSHIP t loch, belveet Lake Cather-lue and Ernst E, Lehmann baugisi tiseDel Chaunel Lake, W. D. $350o. Stamp 50C. Rosie Chieaeasd buaband toe1P. J. bert C. Ames tars utf 80 acres in SE Kacarek., lot 17 (Ex 8w 2Sti) Brophys 14 Sec. 2 for iudlcated $12.000 sudSusunFxLe.W .30.Stp gave bsck trust deed for $M0. Sb n$o300,W D 300 tm Frank M. Hamlu and Vite bougist $ . M. Flynn ta W. J. Eran, lot 18, thse Henry G. Aweil 10 acres lu NE'4 bluek 6, Fox River Sprilngs lu Sec. 10, Sec. 5' fur lndlcated $7000 and gave W. Anîlocis W. B. $10. Stamp floc. back trust deed for $350D. J. S. Hovlan<d sud wlf e luSven IN WARREN TOWNSHIPSeno lt2.Hvada Nti Tiosonfre.tais o ug0 icrsintisecNs Shore acres lu Sec. 16 Doertleid Twp, B.nd1 J fuotr nict10e s lu5,0Secs. w. D$550. Stasp $1.00. 9 ad 0 or idistd 3500 sd Mar-ch 1, 1922. gave back trust deed fgr $18,000. G. W. Mctartisy and vite tu T. K. Anlon Lodas and vite baugisi tise BlaIne and vite, lots 9 sud 10, block Heur-y L. Wilson ferrm ut 170 ares in 2, Lindenisuret add, Lonk Lake. Wr) Sec. 6 Waukegan sud Sec. 1 Warren $10 etamp $11.tO for lndicated $13.500 sud gave beck lexandris Iwaskiewlcz et ai tu trust deed for $7.500. Katie Char-cnt and isusband, lot 15, Thomas E. Mugg bougiitishe Henry blocke 11, Dreyers aub, Norlist Ci- C Edward 47%/ acres lu NEU Sec. 31 cegu, WD $300, stamp 6Oc. for $3000 sud gave back trust deed for Merle Beclleutuerg sn ud bssnd IN LIBERTYVILLE TOWNSHIP Sct ewD.o.rantC.p.andlulu E- Fraucie C. Farweil bassght tise FredSsca.dNewport$0. apan$20.en Sciroder 80 acres lu SWi/ Sec.35 AshG. Miller 10,sd iuuisn20 for lndicated $24.500. snd aiso' 40 JonSne. ier aid4, umming e& acrs l SE4 ec.35 romSeais At' Ca 'e Norths ave add, Weukegan. Wr) kiusou sud others for indlcaied $7500. $10. IN EILA TOWNSHIPMac 12. Augsi oiensan ouisilis Pl H-IL. Wilson sud wife bu Anton 1J. Pailen tarru lu Secs. 29, 32, sud 33 Ludas sd vite, tract ut land lu Sec. 1for nominal conplderatiin sud gave 6, W akn t.lSe1,Wrn back itai tdeed for $9000. tpW l) $1nt.110. Sec 1,.511. lte DE .IPIEnd TONSHINellie R. Crookssud isusband lu - Walgte5r B.rsdiAn liseMetcaît Oea Wiliames, lot 2. blok 4, Lyon &. HenuyhA.5ears luor$2Sec. 34 tror Huicisin suis, Wsukegsn. QC $1, Heny A Persos fr $1600 sud gave sîamp $1Z.50. rhacli trust deed for $5600. Doris Murre> Palmer end ,busbend tu J. C. OSis ansd L. F. Bidinger. tG00000009000000000 undlvlded 1-8 par-t lots 5, 6 sud 7 o REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS0o isiuk 11, original Waukegsn. WlM 0 0 B 1y A. K. UOWES $7.500. 00 00 00 00 0 0 F. H. Butler and wviete l T. E. Gr-ay,. lot 45 Cumminge & Ca.s Norts Merci, 4, 1922. ave. Add. Waukegan. Wl) $10. stamj Hl. A. Rumsey sud vIte et ai tl$3 r Jý EBaler, uer-t lots 129 anti 131, H. C. Edwarde to T. E. Mogg, 47.40 D Lake Forest, Wr).$10, stampi $23. acres lu NE 1-4 Sec. 31, Warren twp. H. G. Alwelsud vifete l F. M. Wr) $3.000. Hamlu andl vite, 10 acres ln H 1-2 N J. H. Henuingesud vite A. R. Ket- SE 1-4 Sec. 5, Lake Villa îwp. Wr) $10, el, lots 6 sud 7 HoIse' suis. BerrIngion .stamp $7. Wil) $10, stamp $5. E. A.Wlilton sud vif e lu Angola P. J. Paiten sudvte te Augilit Cemeiet-y association, lut E aide An- Johusson, tract of land lu Secs. 29. ktiocis road. Village of Lake Villa, W 32 and :t. Ela Twp., Wr) $10, stamp D fl), stamp 50c. $10. t Serais Alkinsan et ai te F. c. Far- C S. Harbaugtî sud wlfe lu A. G. Ilvel, NW 40 acres SE 1-4 Sec. 35, Lis- S. Morris et aI, E. 100 fi. uf lot 16, 5 ertyillie lvii. Wr) $10, Stesp $750. block 29, Higiland Par-k.Wr) $18000. Pred K. Scisroeder- sud virte l F. y C. Farwell E 85 acres SW 1-4 Sec. 35. SUPERVISORt 0. K. e Lîbertyville tvp. Wl)D $10, sîamp PETERSON AWARD $2450.Tise Board uf Superviseras viciscou l-Evelyn ilyTne lu T. J, Stahi, 190 vened iode>' for tise Marcis terin ep , ac res lu Secte. 9 sud 10. Warren îvp. proved tise action of tisefinance corn .Wl) $l10, stamp $35. muttes un ufferlng a reverd ut $1.000 Mrach 3, 1922. .for tise Captusre sud conviction ufthtie Emsii Ftank sud wlte te F. C. Pep- layers of WillIam Peter-sou. Wintisrop lfier, lot 11, Kuebkers suis sud lois Har-sur mutor-cycle policeman. I ,10, alnsd 12, Helters suis L.ake Zur -______________________ ich. WI) $500. 1>. A. Pearsons sud viet,'0toW.Fn 1Mait aud . itie. 54 acres lu S 1-8 F F ) A A R 000000000000000000 e A PTÀAKI1SI1C 0 000000000000000000 E. Scisley la sunrevhisaundithue weather vush a sare arui. Tht-Scisle>' Brus, porc-ha>. i: Fîtil truck. Tisey-,alao have a Ford itî car. Tiseboys su .]'ly kom , i, tru? userils ut a Ford. Weil, nov. vudu*tt lii.Jus u A s-et irpart> Isluis esustai>inz at boume cieady tof or-ie tissu a inutis. aud tise ctl-ct evonir, decidedio ibase i1 cait ntt tutauy et liei front hum- . V iIl. :,!start-l sell; as. îved ai tht i1 :te- ins gond toue imnd a!] seemed w-til. jaisd part>' 1-adtbeen ,'ari- ut tise la,« - Oielug suuevisat cr'. a esehl. bit l iii-' susî,ected'Il ole ,, r, sers ere. Tii' ,:ti s tt-ud tirese att-smsl rigist going, bu, wac-lr il c-azie to je urtug-thi a, <t busil Wd car tsriln'î s ougis glur i-- 1:- :0 îv,-u s-ai r * MIîtu:, Wel S, 5.5, lInit 50002 t,);-iuler hie ._t lsrsceed c-n liae .*)-uit trip, amsi again apésesî 7PtL, vien ho-r)s "sîrt iii' malter --'i.tis is car;' ;ihe eisC'Wsc u2cul everywht(-ý aud tîs.o0 JSli Sparxi. -,.t. výre "sU Itag ( i' li e rear-43 -t&eu s.-î ' i u..t Ie .ie crispiion C.,Ms Vîsuv u, * Welý.nov iselug uses t, se sud .aala on ery crovd il. au th1e extrec e end out ttisip va., c ual pl'i-ed unlise liSte, leas anybalva e:y Wallace s3sgr.-"r-de tisey ce -il usiug Tie> w.uld _ave tise pai 3itf bu3 ing a lP-i ce Ais ruv truck. Mr. Prochuow shredded corn for H. Puits last Tut-aday. - AI Buton, Sr. was a business caller ai Weulegen Wednesay. .Fred sud Clarence Buschs sud John Birnisoten attnded a dace ai Buffalo Or-ove Monda>' nigist. Henry and George Pfisier motured la Libertyville ou business Wednes- day. AI Bulon. tSr., vas a Liberty-ville celles Weduesdsy. Irving Staht waa taken aid ai tise scisuol lest Wu-tlnesday and biadlu e b talen home. Jus so.neviset onder tise weatiser with a sort- eye. Enil aumetiniua gels tise nases mix- ed. but lise dates neyer. Tise jezzy sounde ufthtie buzz saa wero iseard ail over tovu last week. Ih played ils lune ai H. Patta, G. M. Weidner. George Voiz sud George 1Ptîster homes. lire, Mathsias Wicisershisem le euhl On tiseck liat. We visis ber e speedy t recovery. Tise Matousek youug folksand tiseir trlendes olored oui fr-osCisicago te spcnd Sunda> aItishe hume ut N. F. ýtBuschs. t Mr. sud lira. J. N. Buschs euiertained atise taltowin glast Sonda>' efiernuon: aA. Bunton sud famil>', Max Miller sud yfasuil> snd Misa Martisa Vs. 1-E. Geest bas eold bis Econosy trucki lu e ?esldeui in tovu. Elmil says il tua isard te guide On rougis ronde. tIn tava an tise payed streets ut vorks fne. Tise scisool cisdren liad a two-day vacation lest veek. Miss Riehin, tht teaciser. attended tise instituts. e E. Geest sud lira. 1. N. Busch mn- tored ta Arlugn HeIgisTisureday. lire. Buschs la isaving qulte a tîme vilS ber teetis. lire. George Sturs sud oblîdren of 5Libertyville visited et tise base ni George Sturm, Sr., lasi Priday. Emil Geesi cont4isplates pur-cisis a new Master tr-uckt. jams Matousek, Car-line B.uaclt sud Mrît. N. F. Bosch mutored ta Wao- kegan Saturde>' atternon. Mir. sud lire, John Meyer ut Wheel- mng called ou Mm. sud NMre, J. N. Bîtacli Saturduy attemnoon. Emil Geest motored lu Wht-tlintr un Friday evennig. A. Steisi and tasuil>' wtri c-tllersaia Wlseeling Souda>'. FîRST IN LAKE COIJNIV -The indelpendest ýMAI.!UC OV MARBI£ AN» GRMN MONUMN' Cemetery Work oe9v 7-' 1 E. E. Grove a4d w"ife to R. G., Lund- 1 ial Purity riination 'rom NoxiousWe me -nd Seeds r i the Nottwst' ale By ns Everywhere ributors 'D CO. Milwauee Roi PLn 1N0G-M. LI'RYVLL, lT.,0. a Sooilty WÂUKEGAUNUW Pho041. 110 No. 0 n0 0, VEUINARY Susse RlU "INEENRT-LE"ILI A DR. J . I.CMLê~ Ofiece onRubonCook LIBERTYVU LM Re. hne 184. w~s J.E WÀ W5A LffGOSJ PuistAoeo oftaet and,.aMW, ro DRS. F. 0B' & Âib > rvisand Ciatr oaedom»rà LIRTYVILLi. UL.UIOIW Rov«» Cham*# on 9941»"

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