CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Mar 1922, p. 6

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ON AREA FÀRM s.Edwin Jones says rival Mefs are trying te appear guilty oftlaying egg The pi di af autborship sud cviii p v l opagiarisin accun amang tioies 'a ock as well as n bu- ibulsengs. AÎMmmonitl' ben egg as large as a 'Ofte egg was reporid as fount Sun by Mns. Edwvin Joncs af Ares, n In ber harn, lb weighs tisree- of a e spounti sud measures ton lu A circuintereisce araundthtie -i~nd14niie inches aroundthtie mid- -A lîbtle White Wyandote hsn wais fttIng on bise nest abtishe tins tryiug b look suspicions. but tise egg je cal- 0; ef At haI of a Plymouthl Rock," Md4 Mm. Jones totiay. "I bave hotis Indis of ciickens. The egg las large îetgi for an omelet. ail by Iseif. 1 ~ ~ ivetion s a armail myr lite andi tielargest i ever 55w. 1 dan't 4Lak, tbaugh, IlbAs any use te try te ittlx At.Double eggs usysi- habch.", ý4%e rival dlaims of thse White Wyan- I*es andthie Plymouths [tecks. mean- il. rwItlng a Sotomon ta came 0 ýudgment. tAREA 0 'Wel,"r Meyer matie a business trip P Chicago Montiay. 'Miss Viola Wells spent Uic week ta wlUi trIents in Belvidere. '«Ml. ROisert Cameran visiteti frientis ý.,X«IIwortis Sunday. '*M J. L. Roder sPent Suntia>' wis aned Mn. EG. Nickoley anti fam- U ogGrove. *Ps. QuaI Hol anti of lvanhoc spent t e aYswibb Mr. anti Mn. M. R. r v[I. ah have been ili. ,*%J. Gootiali spJent severai days wbek n Mlwaukee. Wels of Chicago aent tbcj '911 et haine. anti Mrs. ToienseixtithlU anti 1 BXýovder atentiet a parby n - Mrs. Willamn Arigis et Gur- l'tiay evenlng. m oUMtchell vas a Ciicago UalPis Rause anti sons aent ontksu witb Mr. anti Mrs. R. 0. . Welyls anti daugiters tâà U Gonvieve vers Waukegaxs JOl"e Jarrett As on tise sick lbat Z~ W. Chandlier vis a ss bien severai veeki wiîis relatives mrenet haine Ounda>'. -.tehYore a! Everebb spent vtis Mr. anti Mm. J. C. Dom- 1402ie 1liblbarti of Druce Latel g of e ber aiter, Mre. Frank s-el tisys lestAweck. lXo» f Diamant Ake vas -of bis dpaemnbs. Mr. anti 41 LreAanitagser of la«ke ar-e spentilng severai days Ur. Md ri. J. J. Jarret . ad Mrs. E. G. Nickolcy sut Mn. ~U. William Nickelle>' o! Long -ciet aitishe Louis Roder home~ "ad Mm. Everett Richsardsont b1bY con of Waukegan wers tise « tMr. anti Mn. Demt Ciamber *Mitchell aof loudek, S. Dsk. - 1* Artca Tuesday te vieit bis Mr. sut Mrs. Frank Mitchell ebattu serlousiy Ai. Bth Mr. Mitchell are sigbtly imprav-1 Bei- Turpunu>' of Chicago speut wth Ares relatives. .2AêSCHO0I. NOTES -6-n returneti tae chool Mon- tbfes daye' absence. WIViVuM xs s aIton sick Man- 90d batl te go home. ~NIININI o3, - ab"~-ue 1MA te Mlai sesd W"i "e ,1 Iffm-bw 5bq id,1 ir C"id, c"8114 gcisa t- --è, e. si ii, Q"iM cMd omuw thecCou. * emaeird b-l.ouig à 4 AiDU-, 39 C- 0n et w.a c.cas..,. srex Thse second tmi-month.y tect wsa conipletet test WeddUelay. Mr. Watson prusenteti tise $choc wAi an automatic record cleaner fo. tise pbonograph. Monday was mouse hnntlng day ani twelvs unie were cangist An Mis lhaines' room. Ralpis Vickury anti Vilo Wboeer rn turnedti t scisool Mpnday, &fter an ait sonce af tive iweeks due ta lieas. TAxe lecture on 'Sauts America wisicý wus given lasi Wednesday was bis hest whicis we have bati snd wu eci joyed biy ail present. Mr. Hotige kini iy furnisiset a pisanograpis wbici ati mucis talise entertinmunt af tise cvE ntug. Jutius KublankIt s absent because o lllness. Below are given two ataxies Jiiet a tbey wers written by twa pupits of th, second grade. WHAT I DID WEONESDAY 1 got up about sigis o'clock Au th, mornlng and tisen Roy Stark camn over ta aur bouse. He bad startedtit scisool anti he went An tise postoffici 1ou sa aq4 urelbitplo4 aSPOH '*RY'lPD% anti Harry anti i went over ta Stark' tt 10 o'ciock. Tisen ws w.ent bain, tanti 1 played jacks a luttle wbile. Th, telephane rang =anti iotissr answerei It anti Mr. MeDna asksd if the: coulti coins mer while bbsy were Inn igatlnig their bouse, and uxother cali tisaI abs hat one bed anti Amber ai I caulti go aver ta Annt Mary's ti sieep. Harry anti 1 made tise beti bset the table, gat oursevesa lfanec up. washedthe tise iaes anti cleansdtii houas, andti Uen tisey caUlei up ang saidt biey woult not coins tilt after i uer, sud alter tunner tisey came ovel anti we bat supper sut then M. Me Donald went ta sec if tise hous waÀ fumigatei yet. We washedthtie dise anti Aiher tiacket ber suit case an( we went ta Aunt Mamy's. There w4 a Party at tise LAbertyviuîs higis scbool So Amber taok ber suit case witb bei Anti that la wbet I dit Wednesday Februaxy 22nt. WHAT 1I DID WEDNESDAV Wetineaday morning I playet cktii Tison 1 abs my tAnner. Atter dinnei motiser and t pretentiet we were Mai qis' baties. Then 1 wenb davis towm for mother. When I came home 1 help motber wits Use dishes. After we hai bise disbes toue I -vent outaite viii Marquis sud trIedtot keep tise vatei tram codslng An aur yard. We got out lest alltiirty. But tisaIt itn't burt beceuse I bad My rubishrs on. Tisen I bad my aupper. Arter supper t play- suchre wvu Mar-quia. AndthatA i sow I aDent my holiday. MarJoons Kublank. 0 ANTIOCH a 00000O 000A0 00 C O00000 1 Mr. andi Mrs. Chris MoIrteuen MO. toreti ta Keuqeha Sunday and tivsitpd bise latter's moiher. Mu-s. Jullus Beibon bas been quite 111 tise Past veek. Tise Juniors are practtcing Ibr e play "Clarence" aI tise higi scseool F'rlday evenlng aI ibis wesk. Be sure anti attend. Mr. anti Mus. Frankt Wood anti son aDent over SUjday An Evanstan with tetatives. Mr. Murphy afI ivanstan apsnt Sat urday vits Antiocis frienta. Mrs. StOrY As vsry 111 at bise bonisof ber son, WiII Story. Mrs. James Totit, anti Miss Lita .3mock Of Richmiondi calleti an tise for. mer's motiser MrS. C. A. Clark. Miss Elsie Panovaki bas accepteti a Position An bbc Stabe tend ai An. i iocs. A dance viii be given hy tise Anti. ech Volunteer tireman on tise evenlng Of March 1itU at tise 1ev addition to tise Antiocis Sales ant Service station. Laat Montay evenijag tise frients'ai I slie Crantatl gave bAin a surprise Party An honor oI hAn birtbtay. Every- ane pissentibatil a deightfu thtîe. N. C. Jensen Ae quite poorly. 0. G. Nelson of Sandwich aDent Use f iraI a! bbe week vits Antiocis rela- tives. Tise teacisers afI bis cominnnity at- tendedthAie miti-year instituts St Lake Forest, Highltandi Park and Waukegan jTliurstay, Frlday andi Saturday. Tise Lçdies Guilti hati an ail day sewin8 hie at tise home of Mns. H. S. Roberts ai Cisannpt Lakte Wednestiay aI tissweek. Thomas Mooncy oI Chicago spent Suutiay ln Antiocis. Tise young min oI tise Methodiat Bp. Wortb Lý-9u ntien%6 tiseybug jistiea of tise eague at a party Tues- tida) P%;eing. at wbiclî .iveycne en- Jovcdtbeinseves immeuiiely. Dainty tefreshmnts vers serveti. M-r. anti Mrs, Wilt iQulnn cf Wauke- gan ii)ent Suntiay wit tise formsu's aont. Mrs. Sarahs Pullen. M rs. S. B. Potlock o! P;tiatin,3 speni le. iPwtys Ist wvek wvusAubineS rit- a-iics anti frientis. Beitei-'n mn le Wagon. ÏM Wiiin tva litie Irisis boysa sketi a vamfn Il, ian i-Ictric machine for a mAte, sAit. ookedt o tbIe uptunust Udirty fecs ant vi-ldnt reiai. NWhlle -- .dtriviixg ta tise sîreet îliey bcd deslg- nsteti the-v :it teu-fei-tiy sf111 witb -ine>es foitî-i,l .-ti-iglît îliendi, but s-heu thi * v~Ci iit -mtfie- lie-irt e i ye-u "Gee, 1i it tti , i'ri rdin' uticAe wagon, >1 - never bie mate a beautital spot witis. r ft~Jjf <~J~ J ~ OUt PlentY Of water, we wish tu Aet UI1%~L L7IU<U Ils.) tise Cetmetery Associationa*ats id P M T nioriai ta Our brothers, Harry anmi I'5IHIq~~I1 4 le, a deep water well. Wé will give E E A8~3AU484up ta $400.00 depending on tise depth, e .~...tu tahie Association for the making of Large crop of corn and the at. tit well, provideti there can lbe raiseti h tendant low price is reasgn b s UbsCripton ln the community an le of condition as nxaY be necesaary ta pravide a punsp n- - ootor, compression tank andth ie d- Festing of hogs la once more a psy. Praper housing for saine, so that the ed ing Proposition due to tise large crop water may be distrlbuted by meane of ýe of crop of lise past season tn the États shallt>W ,iig anti Ils attendant Iow price. aoeordtng ta 40 of I an analysAs of ibis situation pre- hudtewlco estai$40 sented by thsefeeIl bureau af mar- thse balance luit over may be useti for kets sud crop estimates for Illinois. p15ntng purposes. it also foilows that However. thse governient report if the Association sees fit ta accept le shows, the long perloti of low prices tiss aifer, that we may be selectsd a» 'for isoga togeiber witb choiera out- two of a committee, together wtth breaks tu many sections daring tise atiers selected by thse Association, to is t season has causeti a maral de direct the actual work of inatalling e crease ln the herds. Now, wben tse tiese Improvexuents. el armer realizes tisai iogs can he fed at toa profit lie finds it bard to get tisei. As It las mperative that ibis work,1 ce This shortage ls due tn part btb e ta 'ho effective turing tbe coming suin-1 egenerai scarcity of hogs n ailaece- mer. prompt action be takàen. We1 '8 t ions of the counbry sud'in part to tiserefore wsh ta stalle that this offr :' iack of cash witb wbich ta buy tbem wil e withdrawn if the abov odi- le when they are ta be bati. During the tons are not campiied witbbfr e recent outbreak of choiera ln tise sitt September 16, 1922.*11 sd many broot sows -veres ent to mar- Respectully yours, 1 ?y ket and their nimber on the IarmsGrrueMier anl. Il were materially reduced.GetueMlr aln 1 Id The demand for bomses and mule Harriet Miler. id bas heen amati during the year. the Eacis Fritiay r 'f ro mnow on tbe tfeeding of. cate bas not heen general- maving picturca wiit bu shown at Use O y Profitable and tbere bas been a con- cburcb. The admission wiii be ioc la satant loss tram sbeep ralsing for a and 20c. Everyone weicome. td long time," bbc- report sayàIý "As a r e iargaret and .10e Drago have been le suit, Abs numbers of ibese animais n asn ihtemms id thes aats bave decreased."abetwistemup l- Arisan. Loy anti Kennebh Alcot r ôOO00 0leo o a o aeoo0o0 os0.b have moved toWilson. oe LAKE VILLA 0~ The iourth. fiîtia andi ý.xth gradesi la 000000000POU 00000 are bavlng exauination Ibis week. sa Euulce Skinner bas entereti the fiftli Ld Dick Âtwell and fanmlly have moved grade. Sbe came f rom the Waukegan isack ta Use faim anti Mr, Stone, who schopis.j lived biere bbe past ysar. bas moveti Dorotbhy DeArxnand is improving. att- , ta Libertyville. îer lber .recent iAness. - MNrs. Beu Hamlu ascontinedt is Ae,' Mary Âbweli bam withdrawni tram beti hy lluesa. aur achool and i15iiow atentiing ai Mr. anti krs. Hendrieka 0f Ingleside Monavitie. "penit Sunday 'with Mrs. Sberwood. Butidy !lverett bas re-entereti achoot William Watson le spentiing some after a long absence. 3r lime at MIlibuin with is sîster, who The seventis anti cightis grades are rtas ili. reviewlug for tiseir ssecanti tri- a Eti Caddock of New Jersey spent a monihly. Pfetisys laat wsek St the Albert Kas) A prograin will be given by the pu- ,dpie home. He was on bis way bomne pi% ofthtie Lake Villa scisoals Marcb fron the Mayo Broc. bospitai n Min- l4th, at Barnatables Hall, as foibows: rnesota, wbere biebati ben for truat- Rose-Drill by 12 ntermediate girls. Iment. "Wevc Gat tise Mumps' Eigbb Mr, anti Mrs. Arthur Thayer andi boys anl girls. Lawrence of'New Munster. Wl,., apent "That Blessed Baby" JosePis Berý a te wdays lest week witis Mr. anti noifo and Daisy Ebrenbcrg. CMis. E. Thayer.- Pabriotie Pep-Intermediate room. L. R. Sherwoti, Mr. anti Mrs. <eo "Americanizing Euglish"-tntermc- Hclm were n Waukegaxi on business diate boys anti girls.t M<nday. "Sa'-12 prtnary bays. John Walker Ais mucb improveti anti "The Quarrel"-Dorobby Hooper anti1 a tbe nurse returnedti t Chicago tant Antonio Setacero.1 0 Saturtiay. -The Irish Washerwoman"-Twelvei > A number trIl bers atteudedth ie primai-y girls. dinistrel show for thse Gayalake Iý>st "Thse Skaters' Watz:" "Primrosee" cmn Star Chapter Iast Saturday eve- -Milltir Veiget. ning. What Madie the Community LAve" t Walter Douglas waa home fi'cu Lake Grammar Grades anti Higis Scbotl. t Forest XUniversity over Sunday. 'Handy Andy"-Grammnar Grades. ? Mrm Chas. HamiAn entertainedth te S Buy Bees Wednesday aftero n o li0 0 00 * *0 0 0hsek SAUGATUCK o i Mr. anti Mrs. Paut Avery visiteti 0000000000&0000000 N iMrs. Averys Parents St Grayalaiçe latss iSunday. (Too lats for last week.) The M. W. A. beli an enthuslastie Mr. antiMrm. Van Haecke entertain- meeting aithtie bail Tueeday evenlng uti compiany Suuday. 1 Of tsst wcek anti took n three candi. A force of men froin LaIke Geneva a: fdates. Thlrty usembers came out ftrou, have startedth Ue construction of the Waukegan for the initiation work anti1 'arge new bain St the stlmer home V 1nobhing w- lacklug-even band mus.OfM.Frel le beflretise meeting. Vîsitra frm Mr. anti Mrs. MacIt entertaineti coin- ti Grayalake were aiso present. Lunch pany Sunday.R was serveti. Another meeting o ta îîks r. Jh Hope anti Miss Ethel Hope nature le betng planneti for tisena visitedth ie scisool WedneBday alfter- future. arnoon. h J. M. Cannon bas starteti work on is Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Thoxmas anti tain garage. ily spent Suntiay witis Mr. anti Mrs.G Thse work or evcavating far the base- Hope anti family. *ment anti moving of the Sjxepartison Jennie Namejunas tcf t scbool Friday h bouse bs been Aet to Peter Langbein on accounit of Aer folks moving away. h antid -HenrY Drecolof Inglealie anti She wili attend York Houas sacbool. t thbb work -as begun bth irt of tbs Mre. John Hope went ta Cicago *week. Tuestiay on business. Mr. ant irMi. XRay Kerr drove tiown Mr. anti Mrs. MacIt matoredt t Lakte Iro>m Waterford, Wla., Saturttay anti Fores tThursday anti spent tise day. t stoppet fer Mr. anti Mrs.Jas. Kerr, 0 .1a Vn H -ek Ecio wbo aRccomPaWset thein to Chicago re- ataVnHek dtr t turning Sunday evening. Thsy viiteti Miss Virginia Van Haeke aDent a I Mr. sud Mro. George Mitchel. , ' very eujoyab'e weuk eud St home. The Lake villa Conxmunity Club Mr. anti Mrs. 1. DpMeyer eiitertaiuieti 1wlil i gve a social dance at thabs n. company Suniday. stable hall Saturday svelaung of tti Misses Blanche anti Grace Feezer al rweek. ladies osi brlng refrel o f Grange Hall tl»itsti Mr. anti Mr. mente. Al are weîcame. Floodi anti tainly Suntify. Mis. Athi ur IxpsoIIwss a Chicago MIiss Mary Parkburst visitet Shirley il viitai WedLesday. Tbomas Suuday. t Mr- Hatbaway Of Milwauskee visiteti Mr. Sebreck went ta LibertYville on S is wite et tise home of Mre. S. Sher. Tuesday afternoon.H !-4 ji4ay. . o O o O * 0 0 0 03* - .l brwooti was hums Oatlsrdsy and Sunday. I1VAÀ NU 0E 0t TheoCsytexa Cratthome As quaran- a 0soooOo@O@O@OOOOOO 0 tineti on account Of scalet lever-. Thie gi YOuugeab chlibas th iseae i n - .Kees or WooiwaMt, Imd. , etuned 'e intit form. home Thumstiay. le Howard Ransoin was a Chicago vis- LAKE VILLA SCMOOL NEW8 itor Thnrsday. lu Charles will4amnon.Bilor. iBrnta Mr. anti Mrs. Barm t Utta fia To ail members sud fzients o! tise An- ounPais. 28th. a son. Thse little 0119 lu __________ilved but 'a short Aime. Mis. lUtta las seriously III. . 1el] Mns. A. E. Ransoun was a Wauconta in j, ~ ~ ~vialtor Saturday. 1 r Ira E. Pearsal caîleti on Frank sO * Dolpis Triday. Mi Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Pazer were Mi L U D Wsuke-gan visitai-s attfray. Mi Il Our Business., h.,I A ler-'i our busAness cire tl i ui>'t -ultai' t1t ur mnd, bo rear O IKRLE t1i,1m.s, perfetvig,,rant Il -hsetfeeling ibat belonnga 10oOui-!53 M P nature.-Edmuni Burke. Gurnee and Waukegan young men ruined car M s~teck, dlaims J. S. Er ckson TYO Young min. Fred Hokans. 630 Me>' streÇt, anti Chai-les Johnson, aI tise Orange HalA nelgisiorbooti, vers arreateti Friday anti Tburstay rsapec. tively, by Constablie Dannis Cawley, on charges aI stealing an automobile Irons John S. Erickson, o! Waukegsu, At being claimeti tisaItbey approprI- atei tise Machine andti ishen iageti At letaf tis ent of several hundi-ed dollars by runnng At vitisaut haviug any waf su-in bise radiatan. Tise matter vas lirai taken up with State's Abtorney Sithb, but Erickson later swonc ont a warrant for tise iwo min bibi-e Justice Charles E. Ma. son. Tise> were ai-raigneti anti gave bond for $1,000 sacis, tbi casqe be- ing caubinneti until .tirch il. 0 GURNEE 0 OOOOOOOOOOo.nOooojo Dr. Young wi.l nove about tise firet Of tise nonth inoahis uv home on Grand avenue. -Suntiay. Ptarch 5tis. Mr. sud Mme. L. D.-Patter enlertainei trIenti Iroms bie village of Grayslake. As-s. Neli'e Snsesby, wiso bas been il], la nuca better. Mrs. 'Oison anti daugiater. Hazel o! Cisicago spent Sundey wIîh Mr. sud Ms-s. Heury' Lint af tise Viking Home. Mn. anti Mn. R. B. Strang anti tanîl> visiteti Mrs. Wiimsr Hook at 411 Frank lin Street Wauk gn, Tise R. W. M 7C urè taxa Ai>eniertain- id visitons tram Madison, Wîs.. iast Sunday. Evelyn anti Bemnice Dinsmore ',isited tise home of Lillian Pavera Friday afternoon. The higs scisoot's iast basket bail gaine a! tise sason sas playet i 'ntay evening. W. T. H. S. isat Zion City as fA oppaneut. Tise tovu team met tise Kenosha Loglun. Victory vas claimeti by baUi teans. Tise iigi sachool tests Axas not bati a very succestul year. Tise bien teain. a! 'ae, bas been tioing Borne very brilliant anti bard piaying Tise Kenosisa tean was a very god one, anti Wsrren's vlctor>' over tise Wisconsin leani atits another lmPort- Sut winning ta a auccesafut seasos a! basket hait victorien. Thusda>', Fritiay anti Saturia>' uue happy tisys for Gurnes youugsters. Wisy? Teacies' meeting. Tise meet- ings were issît at.Lake Forest, Waukb- gan anti Higislandi Park. Mn. impson pmesented soins ver>' gondi speakers ta tha Lakte cosint> toucisera. Tise beach- ir tram Gurisee sud viciait>' vis at- tentiet vire Mr. anti Mm. R. B. licnly, Mias DeCeties, Mns. Antoerson, Mrs. Slaugster, Miss Westentunt, Mn. Glel, Mr. Wlley, Miles Melnwammlng, Miss DeVrIes,, .Misn Faster. Miss Haines, Mias DheWoody, Mu-s. Joues anti Mr. Hoardi. Tise montisly cisurcis board meeting was iseltiSunda>' at lias home aI Mn. utd Mm. R. B. Dixon. Arthaur Stubsa Intenda ta nove la Waukegan in tise nea- futurs. William WasbbUri, visa recnI>' me- tumnet tram MaYOBras. hispital An Rochester, Min, leAs erAouSIY ià, Mr. GliAgs visiteti Lakes Villa on a business mission Ssiurday. Jutius Bratake Ia serosal>' IIi. J. R_ Bracisir of Waukegsu visitei kuee frientis Satu-day sud Sonda>', Tise Young peopes . meeting vas Leit i aIhUe home of Mu-s. H. Spones- burg Suntiay evenlng. Mr. Wley led the nmeeting. Tbe tunîrai af Robert Drain vas helti Tibruamy 27. et Use Gurnes Chis- ian cisurcb. Bunial vas et WarrenU cemetemy. Mu-. Êlaughter paît s fAtIng tribute ta one aI Gunneea besi hétoveti men, anti Imients remernieret ibAnY> sending flôral tribubes. Gurnes can isver forget aur tsar Bob. . ,Mmre..rain o! Waukegan As vlsiting ,i tise Hovant home. Miss Mabet Scisauber of tise Jane [cÂlAster isaspitai, Waukegau. visibetl the Hetra famit>' Suntis>. Sunda>', Mai-ch 5, Frenk anti Robert Stedmn LaVes-ns anti William DlxOIn, loaant ith snt Mn. Howard vent, on a lAike tbroxxli Use *oods. "We ujgoyet tiie- bexAi.Mss4, lesauti eve-- bing," sait Mn. Hoaad. LaY'euC Dixois anti Howvant Sitsv'aüiedti t go awi*ming, but *tld not ventus-e lu rissi they>'foundth ie river SURltlo f [e. Daine Rurnor (or IoaIAt Dame GOSSlp) bas IttAt itise'Domone>' ant Austin familAes Intendti ta suae froin Guru-e ht tise near futuse. Priday, Teb. 24. Mm. Nettis Snoeffby mbertaineti at a four-course luncissan .n ionor o! hem bii-thtay. Tisa tinlng nons vas beautAhuiy dtecoratetivits reet pesa antiterni. Guest s Inclutist ira. Coiam Haggert of Joliet; Mr. anti ira. Aubirt Paddock of Round Lakte; ir. Robent Mutav, Miss lieel Seils zd Mme. Raymond LevAs aI Wauke- an. Ms-s. Sneesby vwas tise recipieut nais>' preity gîft, anti a sbaver ai i-tii tram GUruce frieutis. Itowa, tSis wvekI. 1 Hovardi Ransons visiteti bis cousin The Rîghi Sequence. *attise Lake CoTubi>' General hospital' "A topflixe quobaitian Au s contempo- tise la of lhe -wek. î.aî'y rotas: 'Tell mp my fnuIts and Mns. J. Chamberlinvtsited Mme. H.- mcliiiyoiîr owri.' Betore stisrting an>' Van Plev Au Liberbyvilte Weduestia>' tiser uuxniitng, nf'ltrlisor. suppose vs *antiTisursda>'aIlstvsk intt îînil bise uioffo sneas togel tise Tiscre was 4os chool Thuraday anti prapêr teqlîxr'. ln't bis better: ,4«0=>'ou3cait of tise teaceiea' meniiy"ur o"triA 'Itultm antid oti institiate. -- ec mne.' "-Bg)aton Trautacript. HOUSES FOR SALE -Two new bouses on Fourth Street that we will seil right. These were huAit by us of the beat nsaterlala andi by labor on day b»agi. There Io no sham about them. fflty-foot. graded lots. Shade treee andi valka. Houses have large living ront, kiteben. two bcd rooms, thre elosets J and bath on main floor. Bo)om for two bed roomeonau eond floor. 5 Fine, higis cemented besement. Water, gaâ. electricitY, citoris. Prie of one $4.500.00 and other $4,200.00. Piret paynxent $1.000.00 Balance easy. Witt put An furnaoe for $150.00 extra. AMERCAK WIRE PENCE CO., 'ph... 80. JBRY ILILL WHY LET YOUR HOGS GET SICK OR DIE We guarantee our remedy to gave 95% of the sick boga. stop tise cougbing, and dsstroy ail worna hs ix days. If It don-Z do wbat we say, money refund ed. Geta more worms tiuais ny other worm. capsul. Write for fee Information on dseabes and cure of hoge andg chicicen.. EFoeaa Sock & Poulty Fine, GalatiaMe., R. 5. Philip Jaeger General Commssion Merchant Eatsbld" dlmS s PEICIAL aftt*Am glim te thse cat et Dr"E08114 muttou. veel. PoulI->. HIa etc. Aiao Butter Md zw-- P r ocetdsa0f o.saitemAt promptly nemtlet. This Je tbe oldeat bous, on the siseet. Tagn andi piicilats foenlsbem o plicstkLoaCold Storgeffl M. stalle I end 8, Fulton Sti'eet VWheioenA Markcet, 1 wiula to amoffle that I kv semued the. Ageucy inLake Co.ty for W. Âtlee Burpee Seed Company of Philadeiphia for al su&dareqfed f«r lie gadei. Plae yow «odm shere and save ezpres. LAKE FoREST SEED -à STORE, A.ÎMEI,'owwior. Tulepaoses :-Lahe Forcit 952; Reuidence L. F. 762. ESTMTES FRMNLS1IE FOR REBUUDING 0F GARDENS AND LAWNS Seed Catalog wli h. madelg free, on requeut. The odore H. Ouret' Preuldient W. B. Smith, Vice Prealdent . W. Churchifi, Secrotary and Manager. TELEPHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE-& TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE - TITLFS GUARANTEED Capital: $125.000.00 WAUKEGA ILINis Knotted Cords Make Noisy LUnes The cotb-covertd cord which connecta your tele- phone instrument with the bell box and the cord running to the telephone receiver are-each made up of a numnber of fine wires covered with light insola- tion. If these cords were flot made in this way they would flot be flexible. They are necessarily delicate and egsily put out of order by misuse.ý . Subscribers are requested to avoid twisting and knotting the telephone cords as this uears thrcugh thk instlation, breaks the fine wiPes and caues sh'irt ciruits. The fir teffect q istisally . ,rarch"ill ) 1ý in the receiver and later ite telepi ,ne is put mit of service entirely. ILINISBELL TELEPHONE ILIOSCOMPANY So says in addre C( lisefras;a400 county at i scisool, Lau nooa, Tran' ciaredti iat muet &et s pupîls If tA that la be scisools of andti iat i expeet not teaching foi irai knowl. tlcars of dlean. Who BIais, ".Dot also b>' e tefther a! *Iman ceives moi regard ta publie sci n o mucis i gict tlir teacbes-I work o!fè Jluin Au1 fundamuenia lemlgencq Thse add heari>' cpu proved tht the Acacise heeninsmti county ta Sli> la t Lakes cou wbieis arc emmrnt a- Tise me altenon unsd day's Deerflied-At laud Park. Ot>' In iD North Shi dresses wq Lord of C Paysan Si seloucu Tiseaiti The' fli tise iuiwuie ssii toma H uberi Itad cmhant taday. lise gini'm gvit orchestra lUneof tii husividual Tiselion. Planuue in 00000 "no- Mr asud tChar ci tF visiteti ai Suaday. Ezra F wift of Kansas. day Feb. Mm. C Monday Uchlman Emil 1 IluartiIil Mr. an, ed bise fi St HaivE Mr. ar so» ver Henry S Mr-. ai Saturdea Tise I $6.A 22, 1ý /-"lý 'Il -,

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