w muwrmi c ip D E~ MARCH 9, 1922. TEACIIIRS MS SET EXAMPIFOR TIHE1R STUDENTS So says State Supt. Blair in in addres&before 400 Lake County teachers in a atirring and rnateîly address hefo;e 400 school tte-ache-ns o! Laite county authie coUnty meeting, Gorton schooi. Lakte Porest, Thunuday afler- noon. Francis G. Blair, tata superin- tendent of publiI nstruction de- clusnad that teachera by their conduct must *et a gond exemple for tbeir pupila If lbe standard o! excellence- tIsatisla hing sought In the public schools of ibis tate la ta be uplield, and that the parents have a rigIsI fa expeet not oniy the béat methoda of teachlng for the advancemtent o! gen- erai knowledge, but sien the mater- tli care of th chid. "Tbey inut le taugbt boy ta lead dlean. wholssome livea, sld But. BIais'. "ol oaly f ront tsxtboo&s but abco by exempl~e. The scessfui teacher o!f oday.Is the one wbo com- mau"athb greateat respect f rom Pu- »u many Instances the ehiid ne- leelve, more valuabie training wtb regard ta lte moral weifara n the public achool than inlies home, not no much becausa some parents ne- glect their chuîdren but bpeause the teacher lu specially trained for the vork of éducation and knov bow in instlU in the mnd o! the pupl the fundamenlai principies thaf mate for InteMlgence and gond citzenshp" Thie aUdrasof Supi. Blair hîorîgbl heaty aplaune from the leacîers; and proved tbot ha la a greut fiend o! the leacisers o! Laite county. and bag been instrumentai in bnlnglng tis county 10 the front as a leader flot oniylan the state but thse nation, Lake county nov having scisools wbleh are being tudled hy Ahe gov- aroment as an example o! excelence. Plie meeting adjourssed Thursau aflernoon untAl thîs nmornng tIse sec- oud day's Intitute vam contln'ied ai Deerfield-Sbteids isgIs chool, Higb- laibd Park. the- teachers golng tothi eiiy n speclal cars tupplie ~h> th- North Shore' Eiectnlc ralîroail Ad- dresses vere tdeliverct-i Ioda> bu t- Lord o!f Charu'-s1 on It11rand ICthe i11- payson Smith ,Il-,i.-anlire-be-g rom) minsalonai ot iriatilon ,0ilMasgarisi sets The si'tî,î il, lt l f The finial 11-'tîîslih-A,1dii s the îîîwnghl' i -Slte -k gan lomot re'1W Huberi fontiver. o! Hiighiand Park Itad charge of the mugie prograr, today thie sersions being hcld In tue girl'm gymnaî'lum The ligh sch0o! orchestira furnlsbed special musc! Dr. Lord'a addres ay along 1h, Ane o! tha ieacber's préparation. !s individuality and charart- Llullîl r TIsa Hon. Mr. Snithbdelined t-,îiiî'Il Piankoin lulb.-Edicalionsi laPrttorm 0000000000 0000000. n DER E L 1 1 f ý i- "ý > Il CI l (1fi0O0O Mr anîlMi C--t. iatnd and Mis (bar ottF Ci nîl iif Highland Par] viited su the' W. W. Clark home las Sunday. Ezra Fritsch recelved vord Monda that is niece Laura Jonas Warre, vift o James Warren c>! Hiawathi Kansas, had died of îîneumOnia Stl day Feb. 26tb. Mms. Cari Mail Speni Sunday an Monda> vib vitb ber sisieýr, Nirs, Uchtnsan, of Des Planes. Emil Fredericit family arl out qitarantine for messIeg. Mr. and Mrs. Mms. F. Spencer aller cd the funerau O! Mr. Spence's ist at Harvey Saturday. M. and Mm. Harry Schneider si sos wer ethe gsest !M. and Mr Hesny Scneiden Snnday- Mr. and Mns. BE.-Rf'ntsch axa Sauiiday at the B 0. Fritschi home HXhvood. Tbh. Dorc," Society realized Mo tian$90 frnt the supper given at BIl emGas Inn Tbusdsiy eveging- Ite 22 ceb Corapwoe paymemt for a FIEDERAL Dlemtie Washing Machine p ~ with a swingng 'winger Elactrîcity to do a week'b washing «oti àb.ut 5 cents Demombirtisa at a»y of o8 1 iw" the laut word lu baking perfection. wtrked, and ta ne!igerate the tunnel. Tisat this boo May reasciterey The neceasify fol' refnigertion .May home. eveny grOcer liasbeau ator, lie judged lrom te tact Iliaf th. ho# iSa f pleell±a qpyo!the Nev pn. lu the deepel partsof tii. tunnelrage Pnice Cobk- Boot toMt l urcbaueo ! m h as 150 degrees aeuhl Dg, nic'I hosbat Bakiu ,Phder. v*ben lot artifidlaly reduced. 'J D. w 1 Hundreds Came L3VEN though the weather man ushered in our Opening Event with a heavy flurry of snow, hundreds of women from Deerfield and meber h to thank al who s. IllC:RK ~ET emilydenatd. CON CON TO DROPs of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haggi.CO C N D P R. M.' Vent wa, the gueBt of L. H. Wilmot i Waukegan Tuesday. N A YFX G The Itunco('lob vwas entertained by BOUND R FXN4 Mrs. Abert Rogers Wednesday after- 1lpmanFrot laspurchased the II inOiS-WiSCOnSifl state lune buidink whicb was used for a pick c controversy Uip to commission factory, and has I nstalled his concret- of two states block machine. Mrs. Grady or Highland Park was Springfilid, Ili.. March 4.- The the guet of Mrs. Ilarry Muhke last boundary line between Illinois and Tueeday. Wisconsin wlll remfain m, il la un- Mrs. Gertrude Olendorf of Lberty- legs a federal commissinn decides t0 ville vas the guest of Mr. and Mrs. change il- HryOlendor! 9unay The consiîutional con' ention todiay H{arol etl wy gI teJh-kllled the article of the boundaries Harld autla orkng n te Jhnpreviously drawn by the commIttee. son Brou. real estate office. Delegate EIam L. Carke of Wauke John Haggie. vho lq vorking inCh-gin, speaklng on the suject declared cago. spent Sunday vlth is parents. It vas preferable 1 Plilminate the ar- Mr. and Mrz. J. lagie. ticle entlrely from the constitution. mrs. John Mooney of Hghland Par-k Any desired change. be aaid, should wu briedat te Money eTneM ha made by a commission named by vas briedat te Mooey CrnOt'TY Iios and Wisconsin or a federai SundaY. commission. The vote to kil! the gr- There wus no achool In the grammar Ztîcie vas adoptcd unanimously. scecioo'lTilraday and Friday, au the The convention also adoptaid the tuchers ere attending the mid-vln, preamble and tbe article on distribu- ter lInstitute. tion of povers. The hill of rights vas Ltte David Easton la quilte sicit consldered npat. A number of sec- vtth taniJftis. lIons vere qdo)pted but cdinslderatlon Mildred Meyers entertalned a few of several xas poàlpnci untll next littie friendz at a Party WedneadaY veek. &smon; theze vere tbe se.c- afternOon at her father'u restaurant. flans on reading the bible ln thse schools. habeas corpus and grand -o.--- les. LUNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH_______ The foil0vifg Sunday 'wlt he the o0o00o00o0o000o0oo0o00o00o0 pastor's tlut services at thîs place. He_ loos back over the put years work- H A LF DA Y o wlth lleaaure and with a wartn feeling 00 O00 O0O00 O00 O0O00O00O000 lI bis heart fur the littie bafld liera Mn. and, Mm. Ban Cook, Emelmne rvhbanhelabored so fithfully for the Cook and Mack Magon vent 10 Chi- wonk of the church and of rilhtecofr cago to see "Lightnn" last weeit and uses. May God's bieasing rest upon they report that If ls a masterpiece of fthe church hans and In lse vont for It, knd, and that if anyone bas the ,the couing yean. bisses they should go and see this play m Sunday lichool ucholans yl ha uI- as it is a sure cure. tterested li th ubject at the preacli- Laut Thursday evenlng several farn- ing servies Sunday night. The char- Illes f rom bere called at the Mils home 9acters of Elîjah and Elletia vIll ha con- and to say thai they ail enjoyed them- sl gdered and the lives of ech vWEI ha selves la puttîng it mîldly. Mr. and lustrated vltb stereoptcat lîdes Mrs. Mille, gr.. are soon to0 move intoi y Howard Stryker wil lead the Chris-ternwbue bc a e r tian Endeavor meeigvt h 11 cated by the DUabeit fami,. vît lic »ect, "Habits. Good and Bad." Lei ilanbsbrdwl psfe r The Womens ilonarY Society oLtewioMll e ds nd.- îlrsd meets thîs veet at the home of Mrs. o h l onaed Mullit. TheLiI. il. Kruger home lias lîracti At the Wednesday nlght prayer ser ca.i> lîl O iun-tl mb liospitral bel Yice, a nev cMage leader la 10 be elecî [5 5 i, s k randîîa Krueger an<l Pd for the tern of two years. i Grandma Siaocliff are both dmsn ,ick, i vitie Mis. Loui- Krui-gei and Fredl - . . -osoini, of C ie chii .1ren have jus( 1 gotiol iit bd Colds and 10 luenza i o 0 OA 0 0 Ue O 0 0 00 0 . ,t , nt n niuîýtý vî,:,; fzmil,.1 o EVERETT SCHOOL o ii .'o u o , -i')r îmrefll 00 0 0 0 00 0 0j0 oooooooooooooolu- Il,-n-t - il- , v-. s., , nlglectîli ni VV are very busy wrl'îng our ex - lin Ztlilsl aait io lns. L.îs1î I iayevefic lall 1- îl NIr, Swift sbîîîped a car load of rire iie-gave a formai party in the bal -tIýêsra 0the Chicago markt Monday. for tbe seventb and eigbth grades. and ~iîs. ixis epotadas n asenousthe youngsters ail had a jolly urne. -nlitlon. Harry Neweil cailed the Pastor UP ;ci. ts Stbley is moving 10 the neigli b> pbone îvile be vas iu Chicago lest t,,hood of Prairie Vie-w. ecit. He reportedl that he vas geiing 'Sier Hanson is movlng to the- Lan- better s-owly, but la tili on the sick .i caster farin. list. Harry inquired about the chuncîr 0 Thene viii bie Lenten services every and ail bils Haîf Day f riends, and be Suinday night during Lent au St. Pat seema 10 have a very warrn spot in bis 0 rick's cburch, comxencing et 8:00. heart for old Haîf Day. iss The Bumgarner famlly bas rnovad C. J. Herschberger made a business ýri to Oconomowoc, Wla. Our school vii i to1 Chicago Frtday. est lose three pupils. Mrs. Peden bas been on 'ltsicit Mr. Swift has recalved two car loads 11sf the past week, but is again able ay of ie. wiii' whii'h he wili build a new to be up. en. silo. ocial club a îîî gise a carîl par- M8yrtle Olsen is sick at theiligb land uni t> antidanc-e at St. l-aricks hall on siiik ous troub,. Xchp ur Frita>, Marcb l7tb C îtStru. nil George Yore, Si . a în s poolE 1 J. 0l1,Ilelil o Sil'ail1 Ninnl.a C. bealtb. tonnr îiiroonimate of our lasior, lZes' <'arlîeniei s are bus> tîuiding a n,-v - ha.w hile ai tbh' NorthfieIlil ofl addition 1 tbe bouse lonreIl>oc \ill île, siieftlast Sunda> iai pied by the Kostiai fsmily. The ni w Hall lia . Mr. Oueiiette is flot a min -<i resîdence iý ii be occiipieil b> mill ister, but a fine exaemple of a 'Chris ;ter Swift. than Busines Man' anld be gavxe os a ver> inspirationai talk i0 the Sunday nd ScbooIt. as weil as during the evaning ns 0O 0 0000 000 000 0 service. He made sorne very fattermng st LONG GROVE 0:-ras about o., new hurch builk B in most homielike cburcb bie bad aeen for Mr. and Mns. Henry Laseke and a long tine. i sometimes vonder il onre daugter Mahel vere Chicago visilors the people in Our cOmmuflity are as the Frlday. proud of this ne-w churcb building as The Martha Satier returned home Sunday the people from afar aue. after spending a veek witb Mr. and Choir practice neat FYiday evenini Mms William Sauer at Wauconde. at 7, at the Town Hall. Mrs. Richard Relmers la on the sicit Sunday tichool et 10:30 a. M. Bye- list. We hope sabe vili be il 500n. nîng service at S. Sermon for second Mrs. Henry Tonne and Mns. Charles Sunday In lent is ,Jeanis the Man of Hernchberger and daughter Donolhy Prayer." calle-d at the Hans borne Friday. Boy Scouts meet Saturday t 7:30 Mr. and Mrs. William Umhdenstock in the eventng. and family -asted et the Edvand Umh Ladies' Aid SocletY meets et the denstocit 'home Supnday. borne of Mrs. Roy Stanclff! Tbureday Mr. and Ms William l-ftfllz and of the veek. son called ai the Henryr Laselce home The P. T. A. yull meet Friday of titis Friday evemnfg. veek at the school bouge. the meeting The pupils are ail glad to be ln being called f0 order at 8 P. M. schoot again after their vacation. Mx. and Mrs. Grant Cook, Mn. and Wednesday the seventit and eighth Mrs. Ben Cook and Mn. Smitb sPent grades decrated the aebool noom. lesat saturdaLy evening ai the Chas. J. They also washed the vindowsansd Put Herschbeirger home. Up vWhite cutains. Thinga certaInlY -1 nover kev one man or vmn looked different &fiter they gofta-ilu. ,Whoanteadtly avolded tse boso f miesaConneil attended thse teachers' prayer and Public vorshIP olah Institurto whlch vasbe-Id ThUrsdaY, Lod'a Day, vso ditd not corne t gref l'rlda>8 and Satnnday. and brtng other peope to grief. ____________The Boy Scouts have donated 2500 "H 0 M E B A K 1 N G towards the elecetrlc ligbt fitures for _____the nev churcla. This is, a fine spirit Wben one tlinku of good home bait of the boya. ing. f oday. ther ta always a mental pIc- @ lime of grandmothei'5 goodies. But Tunnel That Holped to Dig Itueif. I store during the course of the day. We are very appreciative of the business you are giving this new organization, and we will try earnestly to continue to deserve your valued patronage. We have established buying connections in Chi- cago, Cleveland, Ph iladeiphia and New York, and with foreign representatives. This assures you of gettingl'he very newest things and get- ting them soon after they appear in the -style centers, at the lowest prices. We will be pleased to have stofýe and see the displays of arranged for you. you new corne to the goods we have We also wish to Announ.ce the. Opening of our Shoe Depart- ment on Thursday, March 9th, with a fuli uine of the fa mous OW $6.00 and A $5.0O. Al fresh, new stock, bought at pre-war and selling the same way. Our -Motto: "6Quality, Price, Service"' Deerield Mercantile Co. Deerfield, Illinols. e. TelePhone 240-J High Grade Meats, Groceries, Fruits and General Merchandise Prompt Deliveries Any Time, Anywhere ME cente miles around came to the re 0 prices,