CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Mar 1922, p. 2

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1~ TIMID F13 ER ate as resuit of investi- aation hmgfid, Ml., masch 9-Resulta inveatgXtIoB côntitcteti by the. deparient of public health ot ýtie grav, danger ta lhe pub- m active typhoîti feves- car- *blch are foundte t be ves-y nu- h.e investigaton of a mlld ont- idlfever la a Mr 1 lcen- tbýIi ovsthe carriers IFtâ- bprwt of cthe* sthealei-1 we'e flot providet i Inthe Ëj!fltver ln thse cormnnti C"àFz iaInstance e0f fs-om10 cases for the past 15 or 20 ce of a comnion source %fl'for any consîdes-able «j0 o.cme; hQWever, matie It Ot 40o single out ny on chan- I-tii m"or avenue of transmis- I~i~ ta Irmne the, number ~~ejpe I wii ~tssa4 tve hstorias anti wio carriers, io~i wmena organisation -to do lhe srvey vork andi a Mtooise canvass folloveti. Tii. ~tOn a ougit for and obtaineti th ,e naMe and atitisess of every *xvbo hpd ever been lck ith 4 .fover,. the.age and e of iè*s. tisé monlis anti yesr of k and thé place of resitence at a yeut 6f ibis survey thie oif led people viio gave ty- :Uvbato s ere ound. Thie eàinsutlon orféfes from 0persans. ta tietes-mîne o~r Ïiut they are carriers af 15 novDowlunprogreas. tise teparimelit sus-vey etiomre of thse carriers 1t lie ieteti as-as. Ves-y beuhr of carriers dlscov- lAireine wltb the. labo-a- that tuis investiga- *tp theviole iyiipolt f- ai thtie. pomt- In quest- eis the entemlc coudI- -from thse actvties af cas-- , othithe. ack of eau- iUsnation of siillow velsf togethes- vith the acreen- e la 3k a4the prope« fer theacarriers Wfio ar" #Obt sélve ithtcom- bIlye~the. eptiemia- eqa. toatnteach aial Ie coainull lanta ila-o V*mare nmerous and' are t tun n th iisusi- rna sanitary Iss-cantiofla tahten i the dItitrhstaf £«Igsu ef Bacon Fe Sal At ïMOND'S i,Groeer Mso M oaus' uth MD ORABB1 KMONMRING iNTy VIEWS 0F LIBERTYVILLE- MN ON SOLDIERS'- BONUS BILL Stateanen, clergymen,, belng InJected Into that Ways and ffiWsts. and dreamers . dreans, witb Means Committee io kil thUlt propoal- out.a calling or a profession. have beefi ton, or ta distrhbute the taxation bal ,workng andi advocating "Ways and t0 the workers tô aboulter. Meaus"'to secur Itis Bonus,, wtbout During the. war Urnme If was Taxation looting the. Unted States TreasurY. t, the rigbt pf you, andte t any andi Jut 'imt Mr. Melon lias i mid cvery llwqy Oul turned, and If 8cm. vian he termed "jit procetinre as of the 1FOWBS THATBN arejouccea "Lootlng- 1 lail ta understanti, llk.wlse fui tbey are going ta se. tiiat thie a few mfioa m2ore of the average lay- Maaaais are golng t0ashoulder the, mmnwbo sent au msny of those Con- burden. gressinen dovu to Washington ta re- We can'4 lelp but sympathise wtlit pr.eelt Our vieva. aur Congremn5n ln the. position which Thera la ilmdotaitbut tint the bonus the Bonus PquaWOIM h. bu e t questick a bepqmni1w £8 f5flxomlas th iau like the. Volotoad Act y Woer Loague 441 l IP 14 0t;Mýthei, 'bsthtreatened andi co«.ed, snd fairlyq yeara djaèl.lAo doflt i l becone drove to vote fer or agaant: theaea' = 1, »R*10« lunei~ Jsa on iotih WItIIthse Refofmersu Mon ai$,.Md 1 gl.iMfIi. s o W aarly have to the BrmweS'and Wet ad'eeate « Oh. tbnnk 3fr. MèdWR- for hlg Interemtin othar aide, the. Wasilngton Poliiltcta keeplas the Treamury frcS bei*g ol- isti bard Urne of 12 durig the. Vol-1 ed espeally when tise lcting o It teati battié tbroiigh the Upper and votalt help thse Aineim needy. BUT lower houa.. Llkewise tbey are 150v -If tiser.s u &fév million ta coutri- coiifrotted with Public Sentiment on. bu2p'ýta-Ihate, aggted by- Our Cîlef one aide and tise Bg Intereet on the o1 Commerce or acase .qualiy Interna- other. Wbat the. average Lymani tionp»ly lamons indifiduaI, vhy tien wanlts te klio in la i- the anatter vOUX bhé dfférent, as that la Mr. Melon s utborlty as to the re- wouid b. a HUMAUITARIAN propo- nulle of a Bonua settlement? là ils1 ition hIle tiesoldler Bolnd laflot. personai attitude (gacti- bail or indiffer on the. face of the, questioun, It la mer.- ent) taken by Congresa as PINAL- ly thse question or vho'a Ox la boreti. Stemns that Congreas are, flot standing --its not for me te reason why,, for on their owu legs. They are net stand- YOU ijtier PMr CitiSea, BonUS, Or no ing on the. legs o the Conatitutevisa Bonus WE au l vu havé to psy, aomne sent them ta Washington to represent 4f ua ln cash, andiorne of ns in cash their viws. JugglÜng the Publics v,'ewa andi ln te. flash aie. Wby spenk of bas become an art, It bus beonue "cnomlc conditions, Industrial criais.1 Of the flner arts la State$menahlp, ande andi production dépressIo, andi labor 1 b.artllY agree ta give us saMeO!fthse disputes, andi lay the. above zientioneti ne-w tomae, leglalative perpoat ennc-t-1 things as the. basds of an excuse ln mente. evading thse Bonus Issue? Thse ques- If the. band that rocks the. cradle cen tion la beoomlii as hunserous as the . f lotsne, - i fot pesform the. dutis Probition enforcesut. cajieti Legisative bodies hetter In looking over the perormances of theon the majoritlr of aur Representa- our Womau Pollticlans throughout the tîves ve sent to the job t Washingtoni country, I tiik tIsanomre of aur very TaW iit.e o-syfrts vsirfe notable Indilvdul hadtioeter realgn Tat If l. cGeeJ r etlI the r*fa o Statearansiip te the. cpo- fyub sok eo etlI site sex, ne t la a positive tact liat 'au b. endDweti with the. intelligence tii., could nt ptaaibly make the. mess of a ten olti achool boy or girl, 1 of te Bnus tewtbatourMalePolvfat toasak- Are We Entitioti To A oftii.nus e. ia u Mi a-Bonus? Dose it not aeem absrti'a Iticana averend daily of the question handeti out Tempus-idlng wth-ltelllgent voman fomWshnto.'W'eean la lems expansive, ond aima sanacks vitb fsaea w o ar gtte m nti ii lest of that Blg-Interett Stuff. Yes Bo re In ong d t e tt money?" "Give me Liberty or give me tiesth,, u ocusose le te ARTatetinphae sald Patrick Henry. Andt tat phase of th argument lits ln. LUt me cite stirs the biacti of any boneat-toGod otime incidents. Manufacturera palti a Anesicat, Eurapeaniam for tour iears bonus durlag thse war, andtime of bas beentth. tati. Give-GlveOGiva Inter-uenaeytE-rotet r so nationaaly, five alxar a doien Amern- tvideti viii a BONU afir eiroe- cens bave uheir pîctwreaIlutiie Enuro- mination as tise Nations Chief. Ailhu- pean halls of faine, andi at the expense man beingase cure a bonus mtees otis of -WHO-1 YOU! ToIil andi Yba' Ms. proviting they have Ilveti the propos- reatier. 11lts pon ertj.If there in une unre- limIer no ses-los; an approisension Of deemlng fenture, la there on. argu- 1 Qottug the Treaaury, 0f a danger of a ment can ho advanced, and proven tiat catastrophe no syftl la It any wonder thi e rvice mans la Mt 00ttled toan that the. ONUS question bas created bonuga? Why M > ur lXspéasialitvel snbhaILPevefulvol-s amg the Big at D.C. be o û iat1Wýioù7d nide- tInterasat? The ttaxation raultlng fsoe clare tbçpnsséea on tbe beeNot abon.s setiemeni . lag ta hurt k.e W - cI>ectos, ke iipp! s- Ptotiteers. It ia golng ta "ýWb.cen ve get the .mon.y frein"? tak.e the. wladom of mare tien on Soi- Vry truy,, ornon toaevade the. outolie pressure BMXT WILLIAMS oêOO@0 0.0 0 0 00man Schreck far-ni The Kaeand Me- o MADDEN.SCHOO L t cefr hc.fratenrhr 000000000000000000 iioudry of thie lferlng farm. now nn Ms. A. HeriMck of LaIke Fouset bas the e etsiide of tis, s-ant. Daltous iseen iinuing trees f s-astise vootis on are psesent matubers cf Uhe district. tise Ben Krsltan f as-m for an estate a Tii. laie- William ÂSPeliman livati on iLare PFs-est. the fes-m known as Use Folly Pas-m. We bave recelveti a ne-w bat to pay Tii. original fns-m cansistet o!, slxlY hlal, viici v.e ejoy ves-y mucla. acres vest of the. rond. Then slx!y Emily Scisvaadt anti Sopie iclsvar- acres eaSi 0oftis, rond vere pusciaed kovaki of thes, seuhianti fous-tiifront Peter Meier,. whiehi ncludedth ie grades resectively provedt temselves present residence site; at ouher 21mai 100 pes- cent perfect la attentience antijlIse farm vwas enlargeul by purchases effort tu aemansnth. Bultabi, pnices f rom Ms. -. elinge, anti Ms-. allen un- w*ore coaserreti upan the vinners. tii 12 renuhed i is pre.nt sine, tva Prevaleni celdotetre-eti is-g- huntiseti forty acres. Ii i l o! tis ve ulas-ty la attentiance dus-li aur sixti muai rernembes- that vile ant ihushanti nti af sCiso; the tollowing vere provedt heauslvea excellent pannuera pérfeei: John anti Josephs Vicies-. Irene ciieesIng anti ielping oncis other ta the Enily anti Gerts-ude Scisysistt; Lucyn- aUfleMslleipletioa of tihe tanks tiey da Milles-, Etina IS Stinu Sphie ftiliticoisfs-ntisg th.m. SIvsrkùVali andi Agnea Guerin. Most of the landi isatita be cleareti Our sciool s-om ina been Weil before it cotait be brougit ta, Its ps-es- oleaneti so w. have the. opportunlty eut Btte Of Production. ta ae a frsi atari on tise ast hIird Wausni.liM a his-place o!vas-- of Ous- yeXoar'avsk- 8h11>, Vont office andt. trading houa,. Irene. Gertrude anti Emlly Schvandt 39r. Effteng dieti about touteon andi Lucyntia aler *rots coumend- ge&arac. leavnt bodas ils vite) a"le esa»auticSs cavris lasns veve chits-en ant i sx of tios eaé «tu.dIeýdus-ng the past tirse mosalis. ursharrieti andi are viti thse mother an ______________the.farin.Ota#«& Gemprg e sdt. l"ra- ON£ 0F OUR OLPER REBIDENTS cea andti Blibhbei mas-lied Bnituaek brotiers ansd live la CW=paa;Edwas-d Misa Mary Pits pame fs-cmGerumaurandmtiisfA",ssirade Ila Wa*egan; to Amesica lath tii sr 10 visaie Clara h8on n farm fleu as- azatdek vaselaven yeMsu Ii, er parent, Ms. i viiih r husigati , MaVndrv-fanti anti Ms-s. ernan PitzS Mthte five1 B6hI'td4". f dtiangiesvere OU the valta for tour' childirn;Feift ant i is f smiiyare at weeks Iu a sasi5 b.-R. M». Maxy Ntering la stiuI an active Tioy resitietinlaCccl Caty ton ýresideil aiIsMOu ues-Obitren, stop- tour yens-s dusig wvis irats one chiltis-n, ambetrfeevnden- lgrar tiaffgter tiei. Tisn uiey movedtu tad111W5 ôryýveL e this omasty rseading ft omre yfflîn sintes-CathieasPila resldee lnLhberty- aur disltrict ne utns. mat vet o! ^"'Il. 1 tise 10fris rss-eMea. Ai autierthnel To the mini aeqaatancea of Ms-s. Nast nos-tu ef tie Md.Sage seadencei .RltIerizg, ibis lady t e. 1«lndustry. on a past of utehe B rilan tes-ns cheesfuineas, andti mainy love. la Joue 188&. attise German Ca iiollc ciarci. Mis arsy vas mars-led tau , enr eus-y ii, avwidoves- v-h six cil D-N -ci% is de.tise ldesi atout tirelve geara aId. N .AL 1 mitu hs ions. caesthé voannvi rhoI v-as able Kke tue second mohes-of,!L E UP AlAI Abraham Lincon, ta béco rne ranI maties-. davoteti ta andl denrly loveti by ber step-cisiltisen. (Speclal, ta the Sun> Tis îo husetavîli is~caa. a'Springfield,1, I., . Ceb 10-Tii. as brde »3ýsoo relacd ya Illinois Commerce Caa Iisslon ta- arn a buildngvas80accus s-e Ilcé aby day stfor another ieaslng ln Cii- buidin (881 viie laatul, cago nxi Wedne.tiay beoe-e Gm- vr mangtale home for lthe fmi> The misonor Sulvan tise compinint of - pses5n bu ain er*e&flewibn 1 theus.City of Zil,#4 tbÎ2 Zian InsU- Tise atgbbom inludeilthse Gannans, tuilon, ant I ndustries of the retissai vW»»e Aueat 5ab.mat*w ivet. The of.tise Chîte4oMM oitisWestern lmneatbo m T a m MM 5~tllkuova h' Mw1ay te sisage th ise ao f thirs 91.Wart vere tation tises-e trai mon City te CIJECER PRT 816YHuIYIOXOtD, Waukegan contender for world champilon at draughts, has -, 24'prMlems out william i. Wooti, o! 202 Clark. Ave. weil knovn locally as a chéchor ex Pas-t, aisqi visa bas made an Interna- tIonal repsulatian as a vltard, bas Mliii been algnally iiéncred. A,-ney D-qg* asckm*sers. juat off ithe Ps-Os# caieti .Iensesss Itrced Ciieclers, ln claties 24 Droblimas aving a prautioli ela.ot 0f 'total nusisber-of j9 pbgma la the book. *hen Oee tops to consider titt hougands of pso-ai- l1«"a-lava been puublisheti aince1660,1 whiinthe fis-st ciiecke- Problema vwer. publalseti b>' n paniard, It 1la agreat houas- Mrr Mr. Wood ta bave 24 pro)b- lema in the biok of this auuhor, AI- fred Jeliie, Bngllsii and Scattliih chaion, ti e aly Cpiayer vho bas ever hlibath honora at Once. Mfr. Wood, forner cheekes- edîtor of the Watikegan Dally Gazette, viiose ciecker coluinit nov appears ln the LubertyvlltiIndopentent, sud through that pulblicatio» han bis Problemas iradeatedti t practlcally every larg nevapaper% la the, varîtifeatus-lng ciecker% siqot ouly la an expert On the. game but mao as printeti a book of hfs avis pecialjziug lu 2x2 probletua. THE CIJEFKR BOARD SCendut.4 b1y WILLIAM . .WOOD. Ail cammunioetlans lntended f or thla columm should be addreesed ta William J. Wood, 202 Clark &Te., IWa1kgs14 m Gain No. 167. i1-15 21-17. Fs-cm J.eem!s Farcét Checkers, a new book 1just cff tise press. t11 15 25 21 17 14 21 14 22 17 121 17 811l 10 17 6 10 13 22 9 13 26 17 Thia position ian puzzie t Ue expert for iii! a ceistsry ta s-lad ithébeet lUn. rfor bIsaI tou ollow. if 'liera is a choBle It Io . 829-25, "-6asb leov. Blaknas a strOng game nd ut itise se time vokI idaal çqompioatis: 4 8 9 18 ' 69 Il115 30 251 29 25 23 14 23 18 5 1 6 10 2 6 15618 9 13 23 26 25 18 24 19 27 23 25 21 1 6 10 19 16524 18 27 10 16 26 30 18 14 28 19 32 23 19 10 14 9 5 1. Il115 811i 5 9 3 7 14 10 27 14 25 22 14 5 9 5 1 5 6 9 1 7 28 711l- 11 15 31 27 80 25 17 14 24 20 19 23 Dmwfl. JXen lva. jordeai. Tii. fol*W11to« nueeprofr4elfs are rram tlbe mai» book., Proiilem No. 243. By J. A. Kear. Black-21 K 24. White-29 K 21. Wite ta play aiRd draw. Prçblem No. 244. By C. P. Barker V Mt-1 23 I Vat oMb t mw Frbi4 N. c.B Hg dorun en- Blnck-13 15 17. Whit-26 27 K 24. Wil, ta play and vIn. Solutios 4o ps'cblems Nc.'e 240, 241, 243, 244 anti 245 iunei«t1ImUIte. Graphite. . Down to 1850 graphite w s oalaiitet ciefly troasthe Bos-sowdnile misse lu Cumbes-hauti Englanti. Since tisen Ia supîs- as been tisavis frorn ente-Is Sibes-la; fs-rn Tliers-oa, 2NewTorI atate; - Buckinghamn, Qauiiec; ndtBe- rhemia. Graphitéeleala pxoduceti Lu <isylosi. anti Madagm.Astiicia1 graphite la alto brA4g mtfsafotur-e& faste is a znatter of tobacco quality W.fe tueas monr bonma bejlefthat the tobacca uscd in ChesterIle dare of fiuerL quallry (sund bance ofhbetter tute) than in sny other cigarette st the pricc. of 2TwMA aaad Domoesdc u oe-bI.. 00000000 . , 0*,ooo 0, wlli govea -celpost socla lt 100000000 000000009 0: IA N H O aMas-ch 25. Ail are requested Io'la ing 0 HUBBRD SCIOL The cotofhch lasn to 0 00000000 00'00000 Tise cemieeiy ocl.ty viii Iid a avse- be leas than 10 cents »sOr-Mme tian. cmlmeein attié hul o!Mia B- 6 cnt. Crn ani s-ig Our frieusa William Pobhn-man d ithelit ladk cial metin atthehoma o MI Em 36cmt. Cme nd rin y m'lof falling off ils hors.andi spsalnlng ma Radike.hi tla tn b. hopeti tises-e Tbiere viii n aCd progrinu niIu sts~ wiii be a gocti attenamcet as tiee.18 lgt refreshmeats. ~HeunMbl er oi lots of vos-k an band.,- Mr. andi M.s.William Hertel and maisandi Heebert anti l a-IL aa. Mr. antiMs-s. E. A. Ransom vialteticlilîduien vlaltet Ms-a.Hertel,% parents. hav been absent on account of said- thelr alec. aithte LakO COUity fiEU- at Glîmer Sunday. De"a Éral bcupltal Saturdeiy. Choir ps-tice ffda eenngat Ze Tii. o, rera n Ih The. Philatisea clama met at lie home home ot Ms. antiMs-s. F-gaI ffl familles sent a ves-y eniogable ew- of Ms-s. lied Dufin Saturtiay attes-noon. 1.t vnnir abo&i the Bagter nias- nlng ni the. Wrobei home gatursday. A very pleesant tine van enjoyeti iy Lts lm eAlma Loim-n, Lee Pobbnsa anti Ro- ail presetut. te anti play rehearsals. bert Gruebra ere perfect in apellnt Mile Buelm le quit. scaid tfils Ms-s. H. Van Plew of Llertyviliel tihe lî mouus. wrn.anti daukihter, Mm .E. Brale. ad dullj inrotisy <ruehirau villa amark of Misses Bertha anti Ruby Kuebker tiras offlaoonain visitetia d i hmd 1 inbnug et l.sisc uts apent tise vek end viii their aites-, ofMs-. antiMs-a Clark Du= iSinidis. receul bexarninstion- h coli Ms-a. Frank Lampiels- la Chicago. Churs-mesvice next Sunday ai tiec. lma Lohman had the be-at aver-age William WagiIer was a Chicago bual- usual Urne. Tise sermon viii be for the viii 89. nesa cailer MoSd&y. chîMtrenL. nIe ssbject vii lie "The L.roy Groas viii an aver-age of s56 The, Wamen's foaciety of tise cbghascBOYiiocd Of Jesai.1 led the boys. 11= I The Ease Way On yous- next trip ta Chicago--emensbes- the acivantages of the Nos-th Shore Lisse. Oves- thîs hassdy soute yau travel in camifo,-t and enjay eves-y mile of your jous-ney. The cleats, soomy eiecîs-ics rail smoothly and quietly oves- the. heavy sails; the employes as-e aies-t and cousteaus. An excellent rate cf speed is main- tained-with ample assurance of safety. Yaur asrival is prompt. The ses-vice is convenientiy frequent,-doing away with deinys and tiretsome waiting. Trains leave Libertyvile ut thirty-mimste inteurab frons :48 a. m .ta 10:48 a. rs., tisenat 11.4 a. m. andieves-y Iaf bour thereaftcr uatl 8:48 p. m. Then 9:48 p. mi. andi evexy aif hour thereaftcr il 12:48 a. mn These tramn make conectiom at Labo Bluff for Ciicffl. To theSo hSidie- Fîve fait trains are operated daly froun Lake Bluff to the South Side, Chicago --63rd and Dorchester. These trains atso stop at Loop Statios.4 43rd and Calumet, and1 63rd and University. Cicago North Soe&MlakeeR ?ANR {TÀIG TBJPBM74 Tif Grap at kIl 1 -i lei 1 -i (Dire hIr trees. this 1 tg ru a gre the e Shi for fn nat ln tiful t reas ieggy proac Tii to kle by c tbelr babit cf p grow off il t reat flot 1

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