CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Mar 1922, p. 5

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Reduction in Laundry Puîces W. ame maki" a ubstautWlredmeies mu persomal Iaukdy bun- du Mmdin fa.Iy vailiseyvice te fit ti. ee" of .very house- el& Look over the. severai services we offer Weow, and select thi.e m you prefer. Ejuher service à a dl"ict savng over any alLer Wa, muly have yo.r luadry work doue. FAMILY SERViCE No. i. On ail bundies from 7 lbs. to 229ms. per pound - -------- 23 to 25 Ibs. 0$2.50 lc Over 25 lbs., 1 Oc per IL Alil flatwork ironed and wearing apparel starched where needed and dried. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Your enie ftmilv xa finished complete,-18 including sof, cuff s!Výrts, per l ................. 8 Th1; 'cie mrti nclude ail your flatwork, as well as wearing apparel. UDarp Wash 25 pounds for FAMILY SERVICE No. 3. $1.25 Over 25 lbs., 5c per IL No articles marked, each bundle sorted as to colors and wash- ed separately. One day service. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 4. Damp wash with flatwork ironed..........$ 2 2& Po "n sfor*...........1---- -- -........- $ .2 Flatwork pieces ironed 5c per IL extra. One day service. The Reliable Laundr LAUNDERERS, DRY CLEANEIlS AMNDDER Hghandn Ppk and LibortyvMle Phono1 Hîgh ndn Park 178. Phone Llbertyville 67R. Ais. *» m alms ad have jour smie àhi ddat the IWeoemul MR FARMER Don't You Think it's About the Right .Time to Give. Your Seed Wants'a 1Good Lot of Attention?, Work is mot very rusing now, and if you wiil go over your land, make Up your ist of. what you are gomg ta need, bring it ia ta us. we will subrit you samples and prices that will surely save you rnoney and trouble. Our seeds corne from.Reliable Growers and axe tèsted. WII PASS AIL THE STATES SEED LAWS, AND WE GUARANTEE YOU AGAINST A DECLINE OR IIHER PRICES, which às worth while for r tbought. Corne, now. let's get busy, so we won't have to kmrr when you are busy. MRAIN TEL 15 COING TO BE WANTED SOON. BUY NOW. WOU WILL SOON WANT FERTLERMS. WE HAVE THEM Libertyville Lumber C2o. TEL~E0.-NE 47 MBH6. 1922.. M,. snd Mrs. W. G. Bragg and Mrsa Mr. and Mis. Lyeli Morris and 'drs 2 lîaUaReeves 0 b~ ~hed.Mises Ruth Dniry. Dale Collins (;.en Hoskins wpre ini Watikegan la-ut ilng at tire, 2red Hll1er bains and (i suen Hubbiardwerc ln Evèristoti Monday. 1 a n Wdaesday night to attend the second tira. Nettie Beach of 1Yab oe . ----d P UI 0annual concert of the Symphony 01-- Mrs H C. Richards and Victoi iRîrfi Mrs. Charles Kaiser TuS(MY. tiesu-a of (the Northwestern School f ad fuakRigt' tdth ý Mia. A. W.Whitmore anCàM w Short Itemns of Especial Intercet ta Libertyville People 11,lltîtligs htorme Fliday. 11Muisic. Ninnie. will ýeave noir MOM4aM 'N MissAdaHeli-ris l] a he hoe! r, nd rs. anià Nlso an \\alter t.igitbody aaied front Nev .Mî8 Gdanti Lskak sd l'or nîîrher, Ots.Colorado, and exxiect to M MeAdHefraiiaifr me M ayand Ms.dauel Volao ilî . okNe lhfo aiFacMis. Nichîsas Smith, vsuied tir.andt in the silvon ea5e for several i- on Brainerd Court.M a .i dLh5,Voaat . ii kMeci11h fr are, Mia Harry Payne at Area nWednesqda<'. been 111 wth Infiam foi ihe , tnhe- S. S, America. Ho (s on the 'iCharles Fcuner. wto recently. Art.hur Smih v-as a Chicago vislouri week, aie împxov!ng. staff o the Chicago Tri-bune and wilt M. 'oht;I> rt ed1.aon r his fainu eaat of Libertyvihie. WOOWl iast Sunday evening. i ieat i'oua pois in Europe or about! Jamues. \adden at the Lalte county day boulhi an acre tract at ithse et 1Brighit and eariy Sunda3 hi ig l,.iGenî'ial Hoapitel Monday evenlng. lof Garfield and Lincoln av48ins, i510 Mr. andlMrm. A. W. Lndroth werel Mr. and Mis. 0.0. Dryer of Chicago, Mra. Madden le getting aiong veryl village, and vilfii tri vrh -11of lu Cicago 18aturday. stere seen headed for (lie John lîr>er (Calin Bracher, son of H. U Brachernceyadepc t re'7utnn borne;on a new bouse, and maire is honni. lbey cannled a large laclage,.wfio resisSes about thniee miles nord hre Mra. Charles Kaiser wei'e guestis of 1 PeasyfrtbeveDroh 'a ri of Libertyville, maltes the statemnent Saturday- ee Area'friends Wednetiday. Beln fen. we oro. that he la thse champion haliuclt gu>: Gee Folka! Ant this fine w, athor? M. 1 Codi secin i h cony etFrdymmn HARTER No M414 RESERVI DISTRICT NO. s Mm Pm Gawuo idsfflndin fie had an argiÉment wltb the business: Lts hope 10 gayas a wfiuie. few dys is e e ith lher Cçouain . i- end of a Fond, anal as a rest. susts.In Report of the ecoditiu o f Mrs. Anna L thonn, who bias been 1 Danielp Nelson. . Bsh a turned haiue ed a broken arxn. Lasit NoveushorCa ill or bou a l"k isimpovig. ast Suaiday frm M1.1500*l vhere sfio vin bsd one or bis legs broken vbulej III~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~pn fothue wei mpoug viti ber Imele, Frank i practiclng vitjit(ho foot bail sqtîad of- Mfr. and Mrs. J. S, Brow n einiahned Tileker. L, T. H. S. on the local fid re.tlvea frn Mltwaukee Sunday. Gog of f sre.wie___ Gerg cdf fLake sre_ hl MArs. S. P. Evilsîzor was lu Evazitou, workhug on a 26204 'grader last Satur- Mn. ud m. Ripl Peersoi o =Ch . = stil*& aroulOe nh oad. Ithat the second ustaflmeflt on SPe- ,. Mr.andMrs Raph etesS f C He ow h an a erekM viet bone in clal Aosenesient Warrant No. 14, Vil- cage spent tb eweek Eusin lsLiberiy* bts rlght bondL lage of Libertyvilie, for Storm W.%ter At the cloue of businem un Msscb 10.115. vIlle.. Mn.ud Mme Stenley Hanity, ,-ho ,gewers vIii be duse.anuarY 1. 1922, Mia. FrakHuber vas ilu Chlcsgol have he viytt lîr. and Mr job. pya lYe so iseColetRAIS fic. I12 n udBaona............... ........124.6w aeveral days t(bis vsek vlsiting reia.fuÇaler aud o001rertv& Iu Lbety- 4: H.ÙOllB j . &OTs¶ t eimiti . -. tiea vfl fir~ ~-g~k lft<~~52-tf Coflector a D>. leil temeràcn1aon ("dsrurvalune) 508. 1e. rImaet ette Dom effla nismber 0fon b A obertTintod eta" GovêUMt um eSurI me...... 6.» A. C mr netifi ubro Woduedz j feir 0bol», lnWilliatii ________- ____-Total U. 0. Gosrwrast securtleg......................... ___________________________ 0. ankngBouse. ,002: F'uruturs snd ftutures.0,180198.... friends f ron Waukegau on TNo Yoe. dud sts- iandseci' Bank................ evening. Buse of the Imnwof '.. W l u..ff.1 Cashbinvamut and amoasis due froin national lbanks..... 1 . M s 8 tecks onsothar lu n e b.lme itiror towu es reportlna en Fboyd Rittiernle among the numnerous - î'iaisand M-r. Whitu6.Y, the Womn'ism lifI O 111 Totlf ts 0sAnd la ........................ ... 1I2.1512e residents o the sillage Sufferng wt lt of 0! S &t. «eCels clsfrch vil 151 uu 1I~ 5edemption fund vlth U. S.Treasutrer sud due freim U. S.Tresurer .. melatteret7Tburoday, ntead IA 9 1 10 K iU li iToW ......l........................................... 4IL Mis. Robert Spellman and daughter. annomceal. Miss MUher, voie Waukegau vîsitora' Saturd.ay. Monday oviitn thse Libertyville 19.E. church !lrpt tesm piayed Round C. Gagllzrdi bas joined thse ranks of LaIte firet tosm, thse Lbertyville won 1, u vlctims5ý aud la Wad U p et is home by; a score of 8" but setterward il was ou Broadvay.1 a fie game beoalla eo ofthse Liberty Mx,. sud Mms. Hamr Titus spent thev lesmnw otfbuds veek end at the bomne of tihe lattera George F. Rober'ts amld il:ughiei pareets i Chicago. Mise Olive, bave moved to Luk- For- - neqt. vbere, Mis. Roberts bas been eus- Mrs. Auma Drun>- vas n Waukogan ployed for several years. mi. obr' eeverat days lest weeok sihîng fier-vil stlIl conduct bée nursery agency Ulece, IaI. Andiva-v Effinger. (n Libertyvîlle. at least for aA hile. Barker' Superfiný. Flaorsflof-lý Mr. and Mrs. Werner and famili), alcoholie, give baking the real tastel Mr. and Mms. WIlliam Martz of Ch!- tbat stlisfies Ai al iii ocerY stores. cago, Mr. anld Mis. Thomas Cooper Mr,. L7<ýr Khîb) and cluildren of and son and 1Mr. and Mrs. A. -H. Wehr- Es~~~~~~~~ antn n m éeuCie rnber.g and famAly were 'Sunday guests Mattoon, ai#. spending a week or heý tteAtu aeshm i! parents. Mi. and MMI 1r.E. Granoe. wflo ha. becn ai theo il E~ Izor jMay6 Bro'hers' hoapiial ini Rochester. ng hi handMîmii for seYeuý days. is reported as <e nu. . ,'. e fisfin aserlus co<idiion. Mra. Crane left i, i. Ti.,nd flui-.flhl ne of ai fl< ini otor oeester this (Thursday) mornngn - S endeil% as a result of a mlixup to be wth her bhmband. wl.h the gears, o.f a iractor on which lie was aorking George baya fingers Mx. aoad Mme. F. IH. Atkis. of Es- hnd gears don . rîesh worth a damn In canaba. Midi., were here Sunday vis- high i>owered tractora liting Mra. Akhn 's sister, Mra. E. E. Ells'worth. Mr. and Mre. Atkins were Suows Auto Lverv-Taxi Ser- on thelr way to ClInton, Iowa, to viaIt vice. Phone l1.î.tyvifl. 306-K . heir son. Prancie Atkins. M a -i - - - Prices Reduced On Edison Records' $1.35 Records now ......... .. $1.00î $1.85 Records now ............. $1.50 $2.25 Records now ............... $2.00 Corne in and Ieamn of our proposition where a payrnent of $5.00 down puts a Genuie Edison, in your home. Deeker & Neville Phone 55 LIBERTY VIL ICE NOTICE Having hem asked by a grea mumiber of ice comsmer.inLi bertyvie t. à" he eice huai- buàm sysef, 1 lve decided t.7ïo se. I have condutd the ice buineu in the llage of Lhertyvife for the. pa five jours, aid during that tinte have net missed a trip. I vil contine to give custurs thse saue excleut service. On and aftet Ail 1 eu 298-M-2 NlON PmuICYE FRIDAY and SATURDAY J. WARREN KERRIGAN -The House of Wbispers" "lSweet Mamma" Comedy SUNAY EUGENE O'BRIEN -In- "Is Life Worth Living?" "Beat It" Comedy Featuring Snocky, the humanape MARCH 24 and 25 "'Carneron of The Royal Mounted" Taken f rom Raipli Connor'a ONLeatHooHof heST CLNaSS *PICTURES ARE SHOWN AT TIS TMUTER ADMISION: Adlnltt25c. ChIden I1OC. Deep iun their hearte the finesers know s .That Heaven gave (hemr thie rght to grow. et the protty. giaviouE f thinga of ilfe - inter twine your beart. Let floyers take tboîr pioper place in you- 1f e and Steacis 71ou the happlnus of each hour's nurpos - 17. Capitaistoekpald in .. ............. ............MA 19. Surplus fond................................................. 19. tn~divi proftta(cet)........... ....S 16368. a B.serred for Internet sdtla.Zre.... ..866 b Rmeed for Lows..................... W 80.648.58 ,'Les eTret epenea.ntaeet ud axe pad...........32U.12 17.4*.I 20. Circiatine notes otstandinlg. ...... ................... ....SUU.L 2,3. Amount du.n0<' State banka. hankers sud trust corovanlees.............. .SI Total <f Item&218 snd ........ ... ..................... 03,M83 Demand deposita: 26. indlrtduakl devota silhlect to iierk......................... . ..1.l Z7. Certiâietes of dopoSit due in teus titan 30 day8..... .... ............. U~4J 28, State, county. o ther mnicipal depoets secured bY ledge of *meté o! Total0f demand depoaltasubjectt o desrve, Items 26.27, 2U...8W1.45778 Time deposita subect tou Semrve: .M. ertiffcatas et devst ober than formoney bru )..... 34. Other time depo site............. ....... ... ...... .......... Total of tlmedeposta subject tu Reerve. Items ta23.. 1 tAO.7 40. Notes and biflheredlacounted. lncludlng ereeptanceos othhr banks e ud forelan bille of esi..anue or drafts sold wttk ldorsemt of *ibanbek. S1LATE 0F ILLINOIS. e COLITY O F L"Kg., 1. J. S. Grtdley.('sabler of the above uaued lianO. 1«1slemnly swsar that t"e c e#a meut in true 0<' the hast of rny knowledge snd hellef. J. S. IIRIDLEY..sble Subscribed and sworn te,, efore me thilslith day of March. 130. ADDIER S. MILLER, Notary Pblifi. Crrect Atteu:-B. H. MILLE2R J. L. TAYLOR. ALBERT RASÂUR.flireetose Your lumber and building materI4m" requirements-can be filled here to your financial advantage. In other wordi, we will save you money on these prices. Every price advantage that the nmrket, affords will be yours if you trade witls us. jCURTAINd For Springý Housecleaning Usef ni 36-in. White Scrimtc per yard......... .......... o Crean and white Scrim20 per yard ..........0 Cream u white barrd35 Marquisettes, per yard..... 35 whtpr 1fd ..4Oc, 45c, 75, Neatfinepatterva in lace75,$1 White and cream Scrim 45 in. per yard ........ * W.W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANY, Phoime 29 Lubertyville, Ilu. il .,Ï// . 1

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