CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Mar 1922, p. 7

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16.1922.. ids o aids tise pr'o- of Ststes t l wa oi beot- last Mosn- ratlug a 30 daya atis aie- of fbigI- day sulgit ho md thé toila violating 000 oeSt., 1 file lI. lIe Cotin- ssl. pIeM-I stilI »ud aret i lu Il. no Mos 0e are ut- a of tiîo er>' ey srk Tv!» -Arkames s s' -s'. -. mt ~l1~ita~'.' fi Fred B. Smith, Asst. t'O Presi- dent of Manville Co. makes positive statement That the Jahns-Maflvlle plant ot Waukegart will ho operatlng wth a force of 3,M00 mplayes Inslde of eigbt effl ontha la the sartllng announce- umnt rnsda bthe Waukegan Dally Sun by Fred B. Smith of New York, MT. BSmith la assistant ta the prenldent of the Jolina-Manville compafly. This la fb. flnt positive statement that bas bom made wth regard ta what the blg tigimpSy plans ta do. 'The tact that Me. SmtIis dattes are connected wtt o e Maaend of the business Y*ais biman unquestloned authority. Ur'. SmtWo saMment witb regard ild tb. local plant *as made ta W. J. O@oU%. editor af the Sun, who la tak- lmg a trip arund the world. Bth men vere « board thse steamer Egypt ln t*o middle of the Chinaa o, enroute 0. onagkong to Singapare. 10,000 salles frein Waukeffl. The Manville company officiai andi lbe a oliof ithse Sun becaeoquite ,Wellg agntd ad i wa whle they w«m playlng a gme ofa decli quota ~t be detaila of thse local plant «&Me out. Ur. Smth canaented to inake a statemont for publicationl. The Sun edttor bas senîta oibis paper the resnît oi lishIterview. The repart that thse Manville corn- va"y plant wlll cost approximately 113,000,000 ia coniderably exaggerat. e4. accarding ta Pred Smith. He as .ya that $3000.000 la nearer the correct £aure. The local plant,.lbe aays. wll b. the last word ln modernity and wll be practically a duplcate oifithe eom Pany's Dune Plant at Manville. N . J incept tbat It will ho even more mod on. -O! the tbree thouaand people who vîli bo emPloyed. according ta Mr. Smith. a large number will bie women. Mir. Smiths statos furtber that the Nmaville plants operate a* open alopa' but hoe adda that the officiais alwaYa Inaintaîn thse most cordial rs' "P18 ioswth employes and labor troua )"s are unknown. Thse Sun editor aský,d Mr. Smiuh ManY quetions and thpse willIapppar tu a few day., ln one of Mr Smith's %Âronud the World- articles., ve Poaldent of Waukegan should read tii article for t lm thse biggesat piece or IawBta tiever bas brolten iln the cîtv. No more Importa.nt event could bap- Pon than thie opening of a facory ens Ploylng 3000 Peep . Tls* inanciai boom that wll reaui will b, of surti a glgantic nature tIsatit s h ard t, estimate. 000000000000000000 la* SAUGATUCK 0 40006é000000600000 Nîr. and Mrs. Mack and family moveý ta tse lKnox place. now owned by Mrý mesa. Saturday. Ur. and Mrs. van Haeke vialif( friands ln Everet Thse Wslçis family moved Iote F~ar wýell farm frons the Hawthoru ditrict Mr. andi Mrs, Mark and family mo 16ored ta Lake Foreat Tuesday evenhju Shirley Thamaa vited ber canai Mary Parkhunat of lIbotyvIlle 'rlda3 Ur. Vanierweri arrtved home fro2 Hotland Wednesday evening Mma. Jahn Hope wenitaoClicag Wednesday. wbere abe saw ber daugl ter. Mild-red. Mra. R. Thomoas la had a bsood bousesbullt. The exoarnnatiofla were ail given a week. lu seventlt grade Abert De Meyt atood hîgheat. Fourth grade are workitig witb filt grade. except in aritbmnetr and Lorelt De Meyer tood iigheat. Cieanoag a Photogroph. Taocdean a pbotograpb wlpe wti smatIclti' wrng out in varntWat and a litie asIMmon lit and dry witlua ailier cloth. $5, pubit inyqrhm"e a day Cotupiepaymeut for à FEDERAL Electric Washing Machine wifti a swingiug win.ger Eîectricity ta doa a week'a washlng cat about 5 ceth Dem«ob-laiou a »y0f on e vers hro la vlks, eclaeta 1 50cor. Pnlce lance DIE top t-J5 'aons. Fme te nm Le,&e SÉiden MNPW ~~7flI ni stteatded the bridai cauple. ln the eve- retary, Xi~ Y.ra AI Y LIYA SR NETIà>nsnira eceptiln was given al Ite Mra. Wm. KBÈ M D~ home of the brIdes parents ta their Miss Eleaiuor Moyer waz lb.e ~ ui~wa tà~aps~a D h1'III IEEE T vtes and firiend.. Thse Yotiug oC- end guei of Mila £dna Booot la tu IKIi' II% NUK 8~ M IIHI UL'R i - i ei homte in tiIr many v.aîîlteeWie. ERN C UNTIS ' IIRU FEDE ÀTOonl ihe Wmn. Steil ftarin, one-r Misa E£freda lnakWho la ate.siie THR FE ERÀ ION hall rn'le easi off towis. after -MarrIs 20 ing Chticago University, apfst the w.o- Egm COM T S A rn mbei of the friends ofaiMrs. Wal- end ai the homne of Ite rmnether, KMW ______________________ RNTY H.ÉMS NOT DESIRABLE - e i rplim cattËered ai ber hone Thors T. L. Knask. PLA 0FBU.L SSOIAION A Iest hity-ive contis verseer tells 4,000 England la'. a,,iing. MarrIs 9ih.Io celebrate Mrs. Ray Reeda enWertsiuOd thO PLNOFBLLASOITIN ýtlare ood fr th-e cisnobsInetgainShows aet 1eart one Foel rmay Jose many of her h. r ibslas BnbcO waS îla>ed and Young Marons' Club Weduesday aflf- Mol t ons fdéae Suggested by ar oodfrteras f in Fifteatu la UnderaizOt and Clna ossin prize., awarded ta Mrs. Gen. Whit- erno;n. Moi D ivisioI n HaColonial Possessuesionsoitale.oonrh, Nrs. Kirtch and Mrs. Walter The Fivp Hundred Club waz ent an-isl .1Mlwaukee, Vs i, %lar. 14.- Asidress Laun bainty r1efreahiisonts were seTv- tained b>' Mns. William Kiat TuesdUr an Izld rbana, . II, 2archla i0.-Because <Prepredby the. United States l),*t 1bnrdpros ibrel andthi .guests look forward ta e aiaternoon. P ".v s r d b y L à » U it e d M et a s . a p r t u l e n t p r ln g w b e a i r e q u i r e s a c o u ] l i m a t e , . 1 A gr 5 O u t u r.5 sin g s e v e r a l u dot s r ZO n , pW i l u rn n o e h p y r t u n f t e P . M y r d p t a o l c e b Runnea a ot50coial<sMinl GenWestd.u'euee aIZunpr[ts g n.nymor IAPY etrn o tth.e. Myo, epy e bon**to*o tf&aretosttume) lte 35 rouritles ln nrbr iîois naîe I p t l amont sîber lnsGennVtidtiat ;retIs se wsuolu-- tYWs erili streits a ob Modficatons of lthe buil-azoocl*tlon can. roughly iepeakisse. safely include the pobltrz dock sI l mn te se htGetlrti plan advocated b>' the dair>' division o sprlng wbcnt in thetl systema af fanm animaIs, yt It la a factor t emly of lier colonîsil sa5oi ---to lte cunW' tneo.anren' office WOe,' tise Unted States Doportment of Agri- farintg, arrordlog Io Dr. W. U~ eonaldered, and it la posible that in wbicb ol eiloe y*lefraoâo00 1 o O edy ac 5h culture are trled frequently. Iprac'ýcw lReiGrniý aa n m Kof urleson, hcad of the agrouomy de. sons. cliaies hla of great 1 rtnO.itien or a great nonllseasteilà confede; DE-ER F 1 E L 1) * F'xeddl and Gisantes Keratsen thle eplana canslt of lbase agreems isapertinsent of the sale nlveraity. Certain It la tisaI nnderased iuwls are Ca te combatîtugia, Gerai r, apyalu , elra-n 000 000 0 te week endi et thse eo botweeno oo oebrees I oe Couties nnih .,fil the ino drawn netdelrble, nd itbas leen the -Cha ta cob a aîsan thelroad il M" rs 'sC. C. Nieuof HihladoPok o o os o ,bou.Kerse between theesenihernuoî,eacl s of etperwOredof mra. tmC.sNudbubr o!g bughlaeld-ParkdeTIseeC. T .eai t.ise the abytsYiaa ca wsoa orla orrhs redonya la 50150 betweeatnedoutern hacundies 0 may so as> emeaadutbu u bl.h dcae peni Thursd.ay witI ber motber, Mrs. enjoyeaî a nickel and penny aac»Z et in.Sometlmseetwo or more breed- ho laclutiet ln the primary spru int mnts te nb lot enyLni.4eCmunt oegauda oea excbenge their bulla. l: I 15int5wbeat bot offIlilinois. Countles north if ant outlelelsnftod. ThisIlathie Dy E. W. CROFT ai Mn. T. L. Kitak entertaineti ler ninae MnI cama te do close lnbreedling, andt of a lsse drawu ewenHi outil. canclusilonithat mayIllo arnîvetiaai aiter Four thousanti jersona gatheretle yet aval lnbreolug. enahoundare i we ntiP tthe thtie flgurcea nd commienta the Milwaukee auditorium SundtaY al- eidren and severa.l fient aSanda>'ThePl adies af thse PresIytrd yet avold nbreedIngItm bournareeplanningr tnd atteAndttde 0 Aepeelsht of tise dopartment Who countlaanansuthboaitheie ne men. citni sv y is eIImlnlry invegtiga- ternloous tabeare Volva, hia choir. band lu banor ai ber bkthdiay. hW aepnigtottdheA has ad xtesiv oflrtnit fl ob tied hoV hae podued eryanti orchestra. TIse great auditorium.; Misa Dorotb>' Reichelt of Chicag.ona! missinry meeting o! thse Clcê serae ht enalve g ~o n4 ofto ew stoied elove bav ea pou.eth ery - ioneo f thee ducat antilarges! in thse Un l¶.eigls called (on er parents. Mr. andi go Pneebytery uext WnitiY. movetIe etlg ! no ! Issestio earyapDr.ilisowiei tIs aiieiatese prs.w eol rs. j. A RpejcIsIeIt. over Sunday. Mrs, B. F~. LasiçworhY adtinoaMd inethotis. when ashel abouit their eue two ye culD. tusrl 1 e iats. ofon thse grount icieor anti lower gallonr lrwin Plagge bsataken a position thse P. T. A. meetnlg Frkda>' ftoitiUtI "TIe clioal esliresens o ,les. Tlsey lastenet Iinte5itly te an ad- wiîIs the Shermn!nauotel as chenstat. Mrs. j. j. lrfay afChicago api4 spring wheai are ipsy inuch tIhe . troas by Overseer Voliva il.-ail ap- sane as for wlnler wheat. TIse per- ý, rcae h ui e Pl ueýtzdn ftoi ann eea aslswe IhbrdtF paratiautof ai luplowed land th ue peltt ts ui dereti, as waa el uels.neto iers.gseea aala ek-ihbrdP saue r îsisg lsal s l outiho ,, shownaboya freqoont applause. TIse Zion 1 iactai'yftwbih htIe>'will open the Ztb tern, Mrs. Wm. Kent. saiforr othrin taçs aon ali baud playoti a few aeiectious hofore or Marrs. -J'amese McGowau la takig at ces'W gor an cilersp rin g hei l abeseeti- the service began anti ssen thse White iHaroltiPlaggo bas alse taken a pois.!11IKsatothel isftiO'l eti on aialk land. il wooid bc, beal l 't) robod choir marcheti leur ahneaat sItlon at Huie seman haotel. ln lte HighIlnd Park boapIal. - dIlsk lis land îlsoroughiy anti seetidwdh etr slmu ee MlesaSarah Stryker. wba la attend- Mca. P. Anderson e'ntertisut5 e' ile. ,rallier ihalis la jeay aedIing ~touchei at the ighb! it seemeti as IfI lng scItol al Evaunton. spEit Sumtiay lut circle o! St. PanI'5 éisurh Tkau.s for very long lu aider te plow. tbere waa an endless train of singera FosnetneteUsîniversity o: as tbey came marcbîug in anti file ins jwithb Ier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving day. March MI. For soasutlipuse e 1a0 iyonte echoir lait. Tht-e eening meeting IStýryker. 3~itIue enudf<s th ieo ln gpigwilseat - was also largely atiendeti. aithough 0. 1.Rockenbacis neturueti Pnday nae trip te Nov ank Sunfd"~. ~-. htime ai p aie s about the audience wa.,[Ssii quieas large asffreim a buiness trip ln Wisconsin. ùMm. Levi Schinsteenanti Mss. a. 6atdt Sir I)'a- yltiei outthe afternoan. Mr. anti Mrs. Liacoln PettIs suent Clapper snd dangiter ofa! G rq iafterauuîil aootith(. luth a! Aprîl. A iew musical numisers were ultra- Sunda>' vitItMrs. Petia' bratller, F. were thse gUes aof MM.Wln. ég " 1TIse aerage - l o* tý 'iirqi.ia for a duceti dorine useeveuing service anti Pukeiaw lu Chicago. Wednesday. 1 1perodof eas ws 9 bshls oithese acre aiuendittiv ll selsed by Ill' The Frlfndohlp biblo rIse as en- Mn. anti Mss. Elmur Clavre> M' a the- irai seeding. Nlat'h 6, anti 22 *Milwaukee audience. One nunaber byMsGereDkMod atnas rifoNwYk.9* Ibushtls for the lest seedinig of APril wbicb received gi's-a! apttiauae wasa a eri.ain, - d c. ereDc Mna'ato aa n l o ok Ii'viollu sala by IRichsardl F.Ilîre He e veitine. lu the e nst.tIse>' ili viait lMra.110 1 -Abe qualiy of wheat was boa! I Ilecieti ,jarasaie's *Z;geuuerwelseli' Th.- Mision Baud sand Craile Rol brothea'. Bar Kresa. -., . andpdii wl 5 puti --iîsi i. aîiîi,antes inouthei iano b> Isatia PartyvaethlIe church Thurada> mms.Bert ha Zeimih Blix died é41 By Breeding to Suparior Sira MiI<lk er husisel ta 54 poîsoda per buahel Good Feedimf lai w,ý ,aev.t .csasly ha s .. n wvs -beautîflitatft einoatit day, MarrIs 911'. at the isnofai 140t Production Cati Be Greatly In- for tIse last seadng.The acab roundi I ii4tste Runtincra ts. le,:2 --s.. u, ;narvelilu,, ev.anti Mss. MrD«weIl of Fostaria. fatier. Atigust Zeim8lsflhi. 'l't e creasd in Singe mdý, in the tàsi seetiing sas sevel iim t ie lyel Alus di. s tt' (1dial. Ohlo, former Pester o! thse Presbyter' 'wesheld i aIthe .Chapel «t sMa il GranitrEoonorny Effectad. , as gieat as for te fi ase' l ,i litinof rats andti tler s - 5oniý a sauner tIsa! alrrea hl,, entire ant . cisurcb, annaunceltse brhof a Consolery MMs&Y. ces.reiltltia!son.o!thnsvo -V arie), triais 5il:5 il- su, , ucled b> tise Untedl Sit,'. liart-51'ce. Titi'appiauise thsat flioweti wasta excllet rsaîa i carlei o il'tiail ' i llio', tuentl afAgriclturetti'. 80prolongeetianti sn spontaneaus tbat daum;hIler, Mary Elizabeth. Thursday, sMn-. Bd Iis4mlisl speait V£W glxelen esisIfcrse ut, a ai rbais.;r ",-tiiai Illinois. As TIseInformtatlin %%s oatiiiscti rusu Mr. I-ire -as. blîgesi i play' one Tmare t Marei 9tll. ber mother nM'. Zoell**-W but Il eus.'geaiersl>' 'iiîupossiee tegetl - .' eae ~asua liasi neusrly 1,000 farmers t..,ssiot ques- aeleciion anti lie chose a simple but Mn. anti Mrs. George Labahn ofai'%- ai the bomne of Mc.S. .T thns10focton fr ac u He rl-yieltied Blstsha 11.5- Sni 24 ,tlanasires weno Sent . At'îi bs eatflatld ith,etttsiar plain auston. vesiesthe gneseaof Mn. esud lu Irvtng Park luslsaerant baauinginfiluees ,uah'l- - Din a t Iousise1. andtil- !nfsrnsera tore cassçdert'i iete Iýr tvenearn r:rse h-entils ,Mris. Fred Labajin Sundl". Mr. And Mue. AulstnPa s isaitlireftnt] tri tise regular hall sae- noir%,01. 29 hualie11ai [le Kaib lisisîtht- averatge, tise>'repsri 'btat iece .His bowing sas excellent, i ilisa.EsaIs Scopp anti taughter luth. Mina-, ihave a litUs socintion. For th.' nuitilut n ..-ctsssl tihe staie Tsrcent ofi Iscîr animais ser ndes- toes-cl-ar anti trop andt the expreii, 1Lillian. ofHighliand Park, weie tise bor pebruaary 2Srti. t '-heseIdes. le sat*.are ail %'sI',rslut.'. vas sl r ' ii-r: yvrsizeti te sucb a tegreetab; to is 5ll otl"la spre Seieccions hy tise, gnests of Mr. anti lrs. C. J. Letie Rt-v. E. A. RaunigeOf l if rlgit. hit the->,av liae o rkIng agree'. :eititis ;És niouih" vheat Ai cý 'hoir v ePralsîs rnchîsaîspreriaid~;Sna' vnectcsrbl tiefiSno iili s ,îs-îiîr t, oo-'- tt4'liii tsi24 bi.i %luva, .Tî -n.if s sretteh-audiene sud artîclarit 'Gloria' topis fio- iai"«frisit e *' s. , -" ses h<lds Irise for al forais -of lit s- sssatryrem Soeiety blli theta5nualferemre lt lpto. h r imphaslzed int ooi i P B. Newc p ihbn eUg tteC MMt oeon e o In 'utisa! moeatn 1400<1 t sireiiiiis. .er elThuadea. 'Tise followngofficiers vere nexi Sondai'. lt'îslt sreu-iasfr teses i~iW . ..d just s !'addittOu 6% Pt-r st-mt ofIlle POultry rereiveti7 1,s1 osnui--s .rgaal,.eîlin la u1riss'tlcai. cl ' dn-e 'on tioe farina was untiertizeti sebicIs'_______ vice presidenl. Mca. R. Pattoers: ;sfec lader for thse coeuiig yèa ,:er'it,i. luinsasike iia isl s ssrs"n ..,.s edi.tit' st s" mens lta!tbere l9. perbapa, evon a1j0000000000O 00000 0001 %hotir 'ts'sicini lreak lowetutise hlgber porrentage for thse total farse r. s'.'aiîîsllit~îaa lsussrh00000.',.'.esO OO ftetmltdSats n t.AKIE ZURICH Oieapu1rtot 0 o idiiduls %71iu uc 90 0 00 ,0 0e 0 00ofthelp)ied tùes 100600006*0000006 uIcain U- spo nrae tbeoranisutionlmeonbreeding and paon motînga. as a1Reot«hecnionf 0A P T A K 1 S 1 C casaetIepidaltraedlIF Hermen Heluer o! Libertyville Wasl g .i lea lotalît>'. he generall>' fiuda *00000090000,eê00 00000 tînguishînt runtinegs la ieatbered bore Sa±isrday. -i pi t '.isier ant i mre bemeficlal te fors Geoge r atigaS-tamtbeMsoc.ionais!nd lîe fnsensle lJ.anilia. ssse y$taitst Uie ai o âf zurc ereglar c-opratve bll afflocIa-untadgadaihe stc omtalnohrfr nas.Du=fIiostte M tis. lasisa srnorbl o tIe yp ~ Martha, visiltti ettIse homt- o! bis sS Tt la tIse consensus ai opinionuai 471 son, Junior, sud Miss EditHi yon Locatod let Lake Zurich, Stto !IlIela t0 c sofbusiness déli lilculiat a Gearto et ofbhrtypele ls!nrid-'. paulti'y ownem'u. ln ail parts of tIse vere Wankega.t ais's Thteiv. 1lUth day 'Of MasCis 1922, as madte thie Anditon loi PisblielcOW ,d I"t country', that the iollovwimg causes are Mn. anti Mrs. Wlrt La'wreuce antisana state a! Illinois, puruant tol lav. "bnattempta are madtetoorgan. HOu-ry Pfistor lalaid no vitht Iot chlefi>' responailile ion the romuts fountto! Barrisagton spesit Sonde>' oiternon rz sRt abll.asocation lle noari>' al-trouble. ln feaibered idocks: vitb relatives.o oiREORE w~saysethse rase tIat most farmers agree James Maousek Caroline Busch, ser cesnt. llsRs T13eatiMs le.Dee 2 Loana u on elEate i a ) .on................................. readlly. on general pinadplea, thatthie Cla-enoE ani Ped Bure"h, Alice andi Per e1îng ......._. .............. ................................., 3 Otbe2 Loan ClatealSeurc(1............ ... -... ................. plin fi, excellent ion the other iellcre. I Alandoxauder Boutoneeing nantir lHans>' ..L.t_ lIti ete hicaoneester on daandstt Oosr oans(Ici.........v-r...C......g................ ..e ...y..lest. lut ua alexanfordernsîf 31la1Thorsdav salenrier reefltss,-,,k ....... tisi veek. l ut noq frh -f T aweit ta LIb>ertYvilO 'astParasits, esi.elui].îtî e... . .....R .Courlis look tIse place o! tIse Rtv.-vI' O-erfa1................... meesary tn have a ranmuiuit> tison-t n .git te st-e a gaie of basket bs-IL Negt........... ............... 1.45t oua' itht- t- 0 U. S. Government Invostients 1>........ .. .............. y.ougisiv Iniereled lis the plan. antI' ln t Ci a 8s! Set Ponsiosing ........ çDonueîaon u ns-pt a6 Osiser Bauds snd Stocka (4)---------------------.............----.. fiiliuur '.itli lis isethoi o!f pr E 1 vn Is~ eeha'n . .. . '~i7 Banking Houa.-. F'uriture anti Fixtunea (5)>.................. titil-m. l'nei-ader ainss!ibrngtht-etsurtieOZ llF- Giay osine sri'sssig. . ... Lr'Lu a pn ae FI 9 Due from Bantks, Cash anti Other Cash Rosourcea (7, 8,9)-.... g thingIf about. '- adilse iis s a rrimeai Mcaj ig ta.htr.hme.uDe Total Res,rre ................................ . .............. if niytàý ter tar a xtn i the honmeoas-Mr. anti Tira Jailli., Lsik r__etssC....'- --........... ' Plaine.. sI.ýsptll i., thss hawrk. Eveit a an Thur-da> etenine.. "' isrcisaaerd thtvaatClotzgieauranka 'r lsîrtiti-rsl)ilp nifi vssmn1la ritluenltly .Ja.ob 1wl-ikenisa ack irs iiiil'lit i.s....s.t....s....f ruste imuprlnthe vacatett-ofPack ank CptlSok It... . . . rosnt o ttmset vitis tht- sasse sîlflculi>'. çta u s a .iti t ugi- Imprta ncesil r. a det 2 Suroeth-Pak rd rs- 1 C ptlStoki . ........î...............)...... 'AfAter a prapertl, oreanizetl assca.cla' s n e u ' a c r ii ý hý,,,flllso o lil ie c n i. u pu 2 ... ........................ ......... lissaIl"as eens ;eriecls-d, Il lias la fi Mr. anti Mrs. Max Milles 1usd citai ' nui. ti li i i, ttAt t -s sinth ie taile slit Tee ou nd fh -gS he- 3 n iie Pois(et 3 .. ......... ....... ... - sr t iels' flar>' conditions for permia-of j_ Gsts'sbusiness lai-. Saîurtia) I'.Ille. fi .issr' lit reîsti%..t-l e der- T Is oe meuis i h ofLakeu-i'4 Univet Pofit(a () ...........................t..... utue Yet a tirectlng supervision l 19 îsile Eit v as s-a>' on busine1ss dock avisera are failllar wit Isle ad- Zuirisa, onite R od.oe iessut i LBekry 6 Time Deplits14 ...... ...... . .... . ... 'lbnece -Vute cIs. ou tIs e uiati. yu h oarry 5§ Deeani eposiets(4)------------------........................... .ta ~ ~ t uosartalis issleRt surceas, ant i A'Lre anti Alexander 1Bontesai J. tanlaires o ar itchîssilOg, boltihose ta csîsri atb gvnl> Is eoe ttessdedthie Play "Tise MYstt-rioOs v"liado îlsesr 1 1t lhlng esart>' taIndil a ~le- flt et.vihacr'df eev cons1--------- Rider"slan om'ganîzattOeono! tIse dopant'dRsder"ts-t LihertyFolIteouanaenoae eve. tils freinbenelil l-',urTotaleace, ose Marris....iras.......t....Mn...........Tota..Liabi.tie.--------------------- etnio rottltigeiztstIs o te dagrl-nn. tesrsy,'a!y I iMy tder vas borun Ari.182.l GemasY 1, A. J. Crawford, Cashier afthe Siate Bank of! Lke Zurich, do- ment .C"Perting lth te stae agr- nin. chicens btchedafterthe frst o Juneand a tisaae tiseelabaame esAme-emont tla ttr boee10ateh.t laa! o t!thu>'t -t=y wMW -=WO culural colletas, andtihIe amaütf f M. niMsGeorge wesand andici Ichibs itrts luto uea.sFor-ttIse - Yoffts e lvenie o ae s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mr aandî ais- ene uta. Ttose isf<ie thia were I. atbe>esnieUviluovbellot, andti ist thte items antidsaoupta aboya abore coros m î t I epthnt rau ho rendereti will tiepessd Geo. Benodire spent Suda>'ai'lIenomhn ee iylS uOctober. but silice thet lime isatiroaeseithe items ueand limonaesbonlu the report madie te thse AUdlUt« bron v elI tise forta aiorganisation homeofaiMrs. Tllls2saf TIesasme rare and fiteti wsro glven ta stateOfaiIllinois. In 1889 lie vasliMar- cauasStateoa!Ilîlinois, psssuant 1e law. A.3 RAIJU a-flu inwit thlIe other vork of tise GIadys Gls lasiclt vitis a batirolti. aIl o!thtr-su.'Asotlor obser'ves. "WItos'.rieti laMiss Asella Junker. He lesTesl - «h "h-plan ai action ombaodainthe Mca. Peton Seivera la oM tIse sIA î1 ge! my cijeks hairbo inluAprtl andtieta ouM s dieepartune isa vfe, ane STÂTE 0F ILLIN01S. COUNTY 0F LAK.S r egula foint ai ro-openatîvo bullsagso- lisC.-May 1 do nt liav e rutaluns>' dlock." 5an1 Pnank. tvo braIsers. Joisn. oi Subscribetid amu ta bofore me tbs 15Lis day o! MardhIs.lS cltiuslaa la aprvei >'exen- Vernan Glas itadth ie mesies and til8111anoîben esîlmates tltat ane-tird Lake Ziricli. and RymuofaiDtamnn (SFJAL) I. A ence. Il dosa btter tisau an>' other vitu ztissu vitIties hbo-tok sirk with !athtce srmt>."InnoLe;oealt.Muatsc.o!N*'YUO plan u us.TIlbas been trtoti. and ths-oet trouble. also bhie brother Har-oldti.iscks Iater IbsisMay' 1," ise sa>'e. Beecisen. lU'.. andtilrteennelas andsl_________ 1! wonke, Some sot o! ra-aperatiOts We isopethie boys viilbWihwl Baon. allstI being.ere at arrnt heiHier wa~s-a mai îrIove MnalOFFIICIAL PUBUCATION' for tIse maintenance ai btter sires la Mue. EmaaSturm calheti on Mue, angaurs! lbred inthe W. avee no &as hochne Ivsm an *wi belave>'s-lRprciteCntona essentIel 10 the fuîtes! develpsent ScIsIe>'last WedneoSdaY aftitomPo Vlrtnina frmer, suha ad4,a' 'We buy' ussaed iu the CannMiIUty. 'ise fanli tf tht- daîr ndltustry. anti 1 ahoulti E. Schlyis' aable ta ho et vark agalin.punebroti rocks tram e dift'ret ttrain have thes yiuatIsy et aui n tuein &o-DE R ELSTE Bj tl _ atiîse an>' who are latemete tay~ J. Hasoard'a tes-lasi-vaiketi 5W5 andi oser>' year." "Koep purebreti fowla sud rov et ,bis hows. E ML STE n wth tbe regular esotilatIoan euanti iertbiasthie other day vhilolia evos cag b ieeo> ea'i iel- Mr. anti lis. Rymu Schneider anti Lcsated at DeerWdlt, State af Illinsa at thse lose 01 busies 9 I carry It tbrasigh vitIsout compromise." ptitaes ae !b- okiluthie jnbo !aohl anl'aii-odLIe r ' de>' o! Metcis. 1= asematis te thseAuditor o! Pnblse Ac«i0s 'o0111 _______otieaisf_-Ybaco!etonofIsshe pulsanpnuranan0t taoid ak; M.bnd0w.ý car. iblis oxperience Ill ivplcsl st-iaui ' tiet lis. Heur>' tatetck. af Beeciser;f lns psattea. WARMED WATER HELS COWS 'Te wagon colideti wr.h tise carner Farinera' exçerIenres wtls oas!> John ttrbno-itien of BIMl; Âng. Mn.iu oi E. Gita aiset andt UPd o00 tisa iatcbiug tally wilb tbe nesults o!fe- ai Chicago, Mn. anti Mue. Faulotedk 1 Loasus an IReal Etate (la).............................. Catill That Mua! Drink Ica Cold We- rack andt raIe tise b"IteI'. but S!u005 perimuente b>' lIe bureau of animal end Arthur Kuckhau, itsere sonme vsWhoa n OltrlScri> l).....-.-..- te r S h o 0w R e stit l a T h iier 111k. ge l h u rt , In du tr > o ! t Ie U n ited i S tat o m D p a t- a t n e i i2uen - i ) r c n e d r 3 O a s o n L oa a i e u i 1 ). . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . ..) . . . Gv î g Q u aiti e. M o re ox.ctem e lt in a !a w a' S w i a e t o g i u t r . I h f x e t t e d d t fnl S ouda>'c n eimont o! AL oa (l ) .. .... .... ....u.tissas.. .... .. ......iro... ..ont.. .... ..ova.. Have yen even expenmmentot i'tis eriug LIela'milIt on tise iet5tsfttrip, a iaer}ed aupernoitotven thift ur- Has hie sprint tovr ome yeux va>' &5 U. S ovrmetInve.tmntst( 3)-...................... yet? varn eti ater for cova'? Of course GorLeiItan's Ihorse becaine uusasu- poseI>' batchetitte. Tisons vas a 'rise P. T. A.-bellithie reguls-r meet- :6 Othen Bondsaend Stocks (4) ...........-....... 11.................... Ï vaton eboulti net be ver>' versbut Il sgeabte, cmssn d405h isoat i ke a noticeabli' steliti>'degradation lu ize pgFriiay ait the schoal Isouse. Tise 7 Banking House, Vuraiture anti Fixture (6) ............... ehpîi av He hiI aIonOu -0 1stes-uk o! nling santi seemingly (jeu. anti type ai th@ laIe cbilk5 rompared te , j' l u !o shCs niGIe'Cs aosc(7,8, 9) ....1 DeAn>' cavte ci t adrnk oueoraId cunit 0Int ttsn ot tar tenaugi aaed Il stise hatcheti tart>'. I eedls-..... gave walter showthie resuît ln thoin milIt- hittint .Jothn Barnhitfen's nov buggy Promatheso aite igbts t la eslly iwanloe b'taena uties ReasTtlRmucn......---------.'-" gîîn qstlle.Ire raid vater chifla vo dii elsent-a ththlie questions o! nuntinesa vre glven ~MIldred HthsssaLIÂBILITIISS tise animai 3o tisa! addltianat food le ho lenmeti i'ito ts-I igaud tsrned It ems' goond ive-stork management are G;rade B -atling nti Ir aiwtzaer.i tc 1 ......... .......................... net-essan>'. t - cosel>' relateti andt ar e lied up vit Te Proga a7_oei'> il u-i Cptlaak(1----------- up evutheuirty. ecîbtsomîrbugartan"t aitgros!'deImportance. ithersvado2tsrpencoura...e.Hie...arber.......d......r.lus..(..)................................. anti fel! out,. but banusg 1tIseth membeca of tise P. T. A. te have more 8 Untirelded Profite (net) (3)------------... ..................... DEPRVEDAPI-ETIE 0 HEI No. ABuetise Sr va ctssiltg ov ETERINEEGGPROUITIN aten -hoe_-2-tng1.-1ITim----sit ..)---------------

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