CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Mar 1922, p. 1

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- t~ .-.- LIBERTYVI LLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT VOLME XXX.--NUMBER 12. ïNDEPE-NDE'N'.T WAUKEGAN WEEK1Y SUN $t.5OAYEARJNj Lake County'-s Big Weekly ~GmdaaQmWgutW igrWeekliemin(.onty Comblned LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COIJNTY. IWNOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1922. INCENDIÀRY WORK FIREMEN FIND; Fox Lake department dld vali- ant work in fighting $50000 Woostep Lake Blaze The complete destruction of sunny- brook Sanitarltuin a Wooster Lake on friday. cauaing a lotis of $50000 to Dr. C M. Paden. l'roprietor, was the work of firebrands, In the opinion of membps or te Fox Lake tire de- partment. 16 of wbose' memibers rougitt like Trolans -or inrea Jinura not only lu an effort ta sa'e te main hoapltal. but alao tn prevent te nurses homne and otiter buildings tram being destroyed. Paul E. Fier- tra M, i-oui' te stat- tire maimhal's3 o.Mice. le conducting a thorough In- vesigastion la rdelermin- the' eaug. of the tire. The blaze ln Ihe ho-piai started tin an atti c Aller the-lwuectre tiatientaý were remnove-d, sortie oftem wlth dflicuity. ta the nurses honte, a lire broke oui in a closet lu that building. and wh..-n tai eas put out, ln stili another part of the homi-. The pa- tilens wre, reiuovi-d fi-ont ite nurses home 10 anottîei-building. whicliiair,' was set ablaze in a my.,et-unus -tan ni-t-. amkin If necess!aiîy a u - moi-e te îatient.s. Mlien one oft lite patlents wai renios-ed tie matt-es- cauglît lit-e but waa ptu oui teforei thf.. occupIar. was bui-ned. Laid 15W0 Fee, of Hose. 'tL- F-x tLai. de'çarîmeiid va te Orly on->in aiaveapparatris lucre. At 12.15 1..n.ý Fox Lake teceived a call furi- pe and If, of hie 25 mpm- beris ot :ne- vountper derartment et that town imnlediateiy responded. Elgliî minutes latert hey bail rpachpd thte scené of the lire tour utiles away npye werp compelled 10 ptish liteir new Waters engue dom-n a billt ta Woostet- Lake. front wictlhey obtained titefr water itupply, being1 compelled tb iay 1500 fjet ofIbote. l'hey know they were "mable iosv -te «" hsu" eloUa,.it w*â ton far gone. but their work of icheck 111 lte fames Pnablpd tirteIr)savp the lter buildings. Was Former Love Colony. The lire.. sai-îed under the roof ofl te old tait of the building, witic i was part oifte structure bulIt by1 Jacob Bielhai-t, tounder of the Spri Fruit socl<ty. a love colony. Biplhari died titere and mas burted or.tte premîses. Lter Dr. Paden purt-hased te property snd establisited the san- Itarium which lis widely knowîî, and has been occupied by many promin- ent Chiiagoans andl otiters In searcit of bealth. most of te patients thei-e laking ti-esîment foi- nervoîls iisori dp-a. Thet ire represents a total loas he- -cause Dr. Pader. did flot carry an>' Inaurance. Thte officeî-s of! lb, Fox Lake tire departinent at-e James Reais. chief Har-y Daiziel. aasistant chief. Jav Laraon, ptesident, Guy Mcore. secre- tai-y. William Nage]. treasiti-er. Floyd Boyer laIn citar-ge of -the chemiçai and fit-e tr-uck. Hageri>' Nlaek being thte hoae man. Among te hîîndi-eds m-ho visited te scene ot the ire andl helped ta cari-y te patients ta sale ly, scores spolie in the higitest ternis of praise o!fte vaiant woi-l donc by te Foi Lake depai-Iment. whoae volunteer imembers at- e c11 îiained In fa-e figting work and who have a fine outftt. Seven of te paents were remov- ed late Prida>' afternoon 1ta 1he ,coualy poor tai-m ai libpitlyville and the others are itPing careul for by Dr. Palmler af cottages and oilher build- ings ai Wooter Lake until other ai-- rangements can ite made to lake care of tem. Dr. Paden ls undecided vitetiter lie m-iil rebuild or flot. Deputy ire Marshai Bertrani wiii seek evidence 10 determine m-ho ta responsible for telire, which proved bt lie one of te moal disastrotis In tàe lakes reglon In several years. lrtly because of te tact tat the building lsas compiete las andl alita because te lar-ge number ol paientà madie l difficuit la removre tiem andth ie fact taI there was no los of Ie sl 111e short of a miracle. Dr. Paden stated tis morning tat thee aloi- in a Chicago nemspaîîer t0 the effect that te hospitai mas fired by tomatea la erroneous. "Thte blaze started In n part of te builing 10 witich the patietst do not have ase- ceas," Dr. Paden said. Bielitart establiihed is Love Fruit colony i Woosier Lake afler lie hiait been ejected front Libon. mil.. andl latet- frontChicago. LIFTING THE LID At a dinner on one occasion a pro- fessai- tutugitt ha mold ask a <tai-ard cloak-room attendant a few questions about is mamor>'. As te attendant bandcd hlm lus itat le f9aiti: "Hlow do you knom- Ibis it mine?.' VI donzit know taI, sot,' m-as the ansm-e- "Titan m-b>'do you giva il 10ine," que" dthse pi-«eeoS - "Gauge Yiu7gai-a il 1tom, 'suit." BELVIDE1É RD. TO tBE PAVED TIRIS YR. 1Ausuîaîiue that Hlide e ruadbe tweet iMlwaaukee avenut- anîd au- kegan . witt be paved titis soîimre-. la itawn îy lthe tact, lthaI loliowlng lthe Lake coîînty deiegatlvj'i coler ence wittî QotD. smaiallad he sfal'o higitway dpai-toent, thée iiaIt'tflYt of lthe m-e.k, ie deparini-nt yî-slt-rda> sen t, a mtiîiveying, party andlmli, ai- ready slarteul work. Gov. Sotali îitomised lbflt lie woîk wouid b..- donc without dela, nil H Was lai-gely îhi-ough lte lIWIî..-ie of Supervisai- W. J. Sîrtton tualiat e res;otutions or lthe Chamnbet- ot (ont merce andllte properiy ownei' t-.- 'ceived sucit Quiik action on Il- l ai t of lteState. DRINK191S BLUE VITRIOL WIIEN LIFE ENMS BLUE Charles F. Kelîner. ex-motor-i man, despondent over loss of job, swallows poison Thte futur-e lookeul blue Monda) niglitti for Chares F. îe. ex-malarnian. týeg i"l lm t-'i [le dranl 3il grains - ie vitlril l is solveul in watet- Kellîte, as' n gi-ut ugony malut-n fond by Owlutandlady 'anît !,llow itOI-Atie i li- tcuîian Housce. cor- lit-r io! L.Aklu- ui t vî-see sI i pel -about 1I O*cloc k- -'î,llceman Isaac Lyon as- '-letd Wýt-I & l'il-i-son In rtîshlng<_ ii- pattent Io Vit-loi-vIlemorial boa- -i> jilial, a lui -.DriiF.L.Goui-iey quickly aInIiîniî,t-ei frst aid. gave antidotes. - aud waslwil the poison out or bis j S ' p)rompt m-aik undoubtedl>' sa%'ing KIlneis 4 lle and prevenling itau atlel- effoct.% IbIs poison uaually pi-oduces. According la frianLds atid stal matie by iCs8hae. iW Ing -ft, litsbroltwer, »«itegner, 1205 Northt Ave.. anti iad beau con nec-led witi t lie Norlt Shore DistrIbul- - ___ ing compan>', andl wben the aftaira of iht concerna gatInmb a jam ha m B C sougiti oter woi-k. fil massaidt lt headhis brother gol loto an argu- T ment overis board suid room anti itI(iaesK,'ie lefI anti got a roonit athie Sherman flouse. Kelîner wa5. despondent over te factlait e M I wa., out o! a Job anti unable o meet M L A K E V . lits finsnclal obligations, temporaril- ].Keliteîmas sutticiently ecover,,d Oblectors say they wiIl enloin Tsadtia'1t ev ~ tsia.H putting in the road over salt lia emas dolng. some extra mork for Earl Alden Monday nigitt a' 18 feet wide te ltlera sbop. 318 S. Ganese street. "Titere mas some bitue vitriol 1h riîuous opposition m-sa voiced by on the work benci," Klînar sed t 10 uOPle f rom te outlying district in day. "I went ouIt t gel some maler 1,ibertyville 10tte praposeul plan o! anti set il near te poison. Soma o!,itaving Milmaukee avenue pavet Inta a Il musI bave tiroppeti mb ltemaber. witito! tiat>'feel in te outlyingt 1 took t- drink lter anti aflerwarti district andl fifiy feet inside lte tom-f. wýnlt blte Shermani House. 1n 'erT-his opposiliton tievetopeu at te pub- 1 w-us purely accidentai. I lne e tchcaring belli lu Liberlyville last Iliaug ilt orcntiing ot>' iffe. 1 titi iSaluria>'. woi-iy a 11111e about not baving a ITite oppossition a-as so strong taI a sieatiy job, but neyer contempiateul compromise mas reache& wm-ei-eh>'il siiclîle. Nolbing 10 taIaloi-y at ail. asagreed t. bave lte road li tc i ani gaing bai-took laa-i-k liftaer-auty..ngdistrcteultidowntt wdi noon. ', aiîmenîy-seven feet. Titis titulnot Ketîner foi-meily reaideul in Ltbei-ly-, appease te objectai-a mho itolti firma ville, anti bas been in dif!lculty çtrithi t 10 eir contention titat te roatimay lte local autitariea on several occa- in the oullying district sitould te not sions. I-e spent several montius In jail wlder than eightcen feet as prescibi- about a year ago. cbarged mIt steal- auJ intite specitications for Route No. 21. stale bond rosul. Ing an automobile southm-esl of 4jii- Announcement la matie b>'te op- Ciicago, but mas raleaseti, atter ie îposition taI if nccessaiy tey will clalmed the amachine itall been alaceti carriy teir grievances imb courtl anti in bis banda for sale. He has also endeavor 10 oblain an injuniction i-e- teen arresîtid for oter pety offense. tralning lte building o!tlite roat Iin _____________ lte outlying district moi-e ltan aigitt een feel. So tai- as the proposition o! build- IflPAT~IflUing te roati is concerniedti iera mas RO LO ATIN tt te slighlesl objection trom an>'- lml% oneall are a unit in agraeing ltat il la FiGâ ON n-ceasai-> and shoulti be put in. Thte FIEiiT O FOR only argument la wilb regard 10 lte WAUK=WOODSTOCK idbo____ SPONGE SQUAD McHenry county routé scrap gets hot between McHenry and state Liberlyvilie anti Lake couint>' auto. moblilsîs wioto ravel over te Wau- kegan-Woodstock roa i mlIt be inter- Psteti bli te atucome of a big figitl1 titat la on at ,Mi-Heor>' 10gel te Sisti- le lovaîr the Waukegan-Wood- stock road, Rouie No. 20, trnm Vola ilutouglihi-Heur>', Il isvincterstooti thai a lai-ge nom- ber o! residenta af Mi-Henry>'anti West Mi-Hewr>'wanl te utaîe ta lo-i cate the rmail strightti îugi t hose ta-o tom-ns from Volo. so ltaI the mei-- chants will reccive te benefit of te totirist and 1tak-colnt>' lake. 'î aie, hîî' il appeirs that an effort s al-;o .'ig matie b v otîerF -)t' ltlii miua lItalf nilli nfit i %!(lerP, Mclienri-s Is i i lie ciherfI ilii grat -uule t ii - uli 'in Chticago 10 Lake IXe.u, as wcll as tlîaî 10 anti frionu Fox Lakte, Pislakae Lake anti othei favorite sommier ra-sorîs.- JT'S ABOUT THE TIML 0F YEAR THAT-- LIBETY ILL IN DEIE(iATION (iETS WIN TIIRUE TIMES î APP-R OVA -L 0F GO. f ytyvll antoud frd rt IIM AY PLANS1 Waukegan andi Evanstan leams. Tte- Libertys-lle îom-n îcam defeaaed lte Governor says that state aid Evanstonians b>' a 29 10 26 score, money will be available m-ile lte girls leam tieteateti Wauke as needed gan 15 te 14. Sosie Fendick saan-cu until an accident put ber ouI of lte A delagation of Lake counly itigit- line up. Irene Kircitner m-a anal In the m-s>'officieIs return-ualtait m-ek from Springfieldi mhpri-c hay confer- garasitaving an engagement ltaI iepl i-ed m-It 0v. Smslt andtieliteatl ber tram accompanylng ltae teani ta hîgitm-y depai-Imant offiffiufials con- Liberlyville. Faulda macaroni leam cci-ning te i-otnty retond on stalet dafealedth ie Genci-al Boitera In a landl bond Issue roails. Gov. inaIlt bld slie gme.them taIlite relunti mona>' on Bal- alia gme.videre and Siteridan roada mould bea -fortbconuing as faat as the mork 18a approved andtihie contrai- t.I DEATH 0F MRS. H. D. POTTER ITitey jalso gol lite approval o!tlte 'date itigitmay depai-Imen on lte At lteitome o! bei- son, Henry>, o!, Highltandi Psik-Deerfield, Higbm-ood-c Deerfield. Mo.,- Mari-h 4, 1922' occur- Hal! Day andl Lake Zuricit-Waucondas ati the dealt of Mia. If. D. Poiler. . roatis, plans, mht-h mere submillsd1 several meeka ago, andi also lteà Eliza Ann Ru-h, lte oldesl o! a fanui- Lake Villa-Anîlochit mprovement,1 ly o! ten ciireun. mas total In N. Y. wh hCaunt>' SuPI. of Higitîsys Novembar 11, 1836. She cal.e m-It ber Citailes E, Russell 100k along titis ïiarents m-ten a smalt itild to Lake lime. count>', locating on t*arim low Gov. Sînaîl gave tem assurance 'om-nad b>'Andi-ew -Hertel, oý .Aàlegitan-i taIlite county wmould gel lte nattas- e>' St. Sitemas ruara-idte Harvey D. car)- protection on* cement but ati- PoIlar on Februar>' 20, 1861 anti Ilvati visedti ta none o!flte Illintois coun- in tita vieinil>' unlil the year of 18984,lies should boy cement Indlvidually whenshe wih hr fallyremvedbecause afler man>' oftem goItteir m-tn it, mtIi ar a.Al rouoedsîiptfly ltecement 'trust" mould to Fort Scrott, Kansas, m-tare tite> 10- hike te prie andti iera m-uldn'l be cateti on a farin. Her ituabanti passeul enough counlies lefI 10 igit t Iem. am-aY about aixîcen yeaa-a &go anti Theteate itighm-ay deparlment also si.noSttat tinta aite? bas matie ber homei granîti Ithe delagalions requasltfor w-itas- rcitiltiren. Site m-aso! a citeer- tm-a roadti rucks for maintenance fui disposition, a kinti anti loving m-fe m-aik on slale aid tighWays, m-bu-b and Mother, ant imlit be gi-eat>' miasat i wll be available In tbout tlmo m-aeka. t>' alm-ho knem- bar. Site teavas 10 Titose In thc dettikation baside SupI, Russell were lte folloming moua-n her Ioas, six icbilints Hen-y, members oflte roati anti bridge of Deerfield, Mo; Itass, 01 Indiatoma comumiilec: Ra>' Paddock, citat-maxi, Okia,; Mis. Jerome Strenfle, ot Colo- George Bairslow, W, J. Straalon, Bdi- iado; Mrs. John M- FanIon, Mi-s. la-m-lu marti A. Brown anti Fi-d Kfrscilar* Mosher anti F'rank, o!fPt. Scott~ Rans. aise Lem- A. Hendee, county clark. Aal-er mesoat er bcd-aidam-tan site pas- . sed away; titi-e stue andt wo trota- WATERWORKS PLAN TO SE ers, Mii. 0. L. Pari-anti, Sumunet-, Im-a: ICSID NWU£ Ma-. Peter Ricit, Neville, (tanada;Mrs. DSC8 O NWU GA I. X.Fanlon and Mi-. Chas, 0. Ricli, of Graysiake andi Mca A. L. Reee, of Thet $1.000.000 fîlter plant andtimIer Wenkean; tmenty-four grantcicldlren, works systeinmilI te prasentadt 1 ltae a toit o! otiter relatives anti friands. Waukagan council naxt Monda>' nigitt - ai whictlo ima renolion m-IIl bu pi-e- Hemm-was a lng a ati use uia.Ste -ented togetiter mititan estimae! wasatmayswttingant enlou lOthe priobable coal anti the passage o! itelp otiters. Her luat viab baesm-as :n ordinance callng for a special elai- atout. four yeai-a ago andti ltùs mho t ion for thte purposa of voting bInbe hadth ie privilege anti plenaure o! met sojeco. lng lier m-ll ramember bei- b>' bei- T-te estimateti coal la in teitanda pleasaut amile anti itapy diaposition ir Mayor Bitilugar antilte axac-t fig- "Passed fa-ont this,,etlito1 a peacefulltures are 0e1 kitowt, but il la utidai-- i-est, stoadt Iat ltae esîlmata Is sligittly un Catiatib>' Goti lî knom-elbtest. der $1.1000.000. Alwys u Or mmor wi 1Tite éeaction pt-oiabiy milt t e li .Atm-ya i our ento>' -h abs-c1 In about tm-o monti at a slte eal mattinf. liest t I leian be callaf untier ltse - tntill 1n taven wem-ee t agatu." commission form o! government plan. finDs VOLCANO IN URUPTION George W. Robinson, 306 Southt av- enue, mas playing mIt ire, liqulul lire, Saturtia>' nigit wm-bn Prosecutor Smlt's raliling aquati arriveti aI lits place. Tite affi-ers founti a moonstine s1111 in ful rupîlon. iThey also scizeti fiva gallons a! 'lava" sund a botillof col- oring matai-. Robinson mas taken 10 lte police station loi- sa!ekeeplng ov ei- night. He mas arraigneti Sonda>' ba for-e Justice Il. C. Coulson anti i-leans et i ntier $2000 bonds. Information will te fmcd against him lu the coun lv court. Tîte sponga squad also brougtt In Pauîl Mazikus, 924 Helmhtoltz avenue m-lu mas staggering arounti Nor-ItChi cage andl upparently tati got 100 close la a spiritua frumenli vol-ana. IHe alsc aDent lte nigitlaI ite Waukegan pot- tece station. JWIIY THIE SIERIfF IIILJIiU 1 fLkI Undersiterff bas iteen cituckling te himself for a monlt over an exper- lence ite hadin Chicago m-ien ithe itrougitt bai-k Henry Ulitette as a pisa- oner tramt Buffalo He"was at lte La Salle depol witen a man cama mbt te waitIng irom and yetled: "Taxi" lite officer had oniy ten minutes t0 gel f rom lte depot 1telite Northwest ci-n station te catch lte 2 a. m. train. ('an you gel me lteeIntlime?" aak- cd lte officer. "Sure" -replied lte taxi driver. Titey waiked 10lte s trest. -Wiere's your car?" lte officer ask- ed. 'RigitIbei-e."The tecer nearly coliapaed. Thte "taxi" mas a 30-year- olul "crowbate" htorae, hltcited te a rig o! like cinlage. Thte offIcer miss- eul bis train. POISON NOTE IS id. vartel? n slseV~ ats r* as lu m-anteit bac"s lats b É%e il $1.50 A YEAR IN J Ir -l STATE WILL Iricludes road from Wo north 7 miles and 2 14AI of Lake Villa " Ia* Springfield, Mai-. 17-The S partment ot publicemorks adu6 i announced loday tlit Itilm-Wq bids ln titis city on Wlday, 1M for the paving o! section 1, «V of state bond Issue roada. a"d 'd tion 4, of lte saine roule, betit W county. Section 1 m-filbe Dfd distance of savan milesi »à%t Witaaling and section 4 for &.4 of lwo andi one quarter l" I from Lake Villa. At a confarenca Manih 3,5tI Governar Small and - ofialals Stale Higitway Deparlinetý, 4 ment m-as reacited mith the Lsâ* ty delegation ltaIlite State ta vertisement for m-oa-k te b.let-A 31e1 mould Include munit bido Mg Issus Roule No. 21, (Whoeling 4 tIocit> for wbic thlie rlgt of been obtaineti. As practically ail o! l4i - m-ay tbroug thlie tom-n of. ygiU been obtained tirt-h ie o= - forts o! Stanley T. Peote, al by AI Mastiter,, Supervisor 4 urere, Section 1, w ehirue lte Tom-n of Vrnorn or te a way betm-een lte Hal! Day Oqý tyville, m-as decided upott forl It m-as aiso decided te inciê tien 4 from lte Shildon roàd t avenue ln Lake Villa. George Mi-Cradie, the H1itwax missloner bas been very actWe euring titis rightl o!rmay andMeà te have ail of tits eci ltat teHighway Departaagm 'd nolifted'Iy lte titt of may on Sectioans sente barder Probienu, mi lettlng, possibly s6'o lu il m-as lte Itetfm ci Departînenlt tejet anl or Lake county seconde& b Stralton' Influsence, acqulascence of lte* ment te lt change so that m-lit gel at leasl a hDut OÇ soon. R. B. Wltt o!flte eex's office lasI meekt-t on te rigitt of may cGI lt» ruati as mell"as lte Gr&yslb. If rizbtî of may hadti f lot.d~ of ltae route lte m-bole oUl advertisad for Maimcl $1. , sý' This is statement of WI kee newspapers on VoIiv flat earth theoey By EDGAR W. cROPlqý Nawepapers ,thtrougitont lte aîlil comment on YoZlýVaLs ica ltaI lie agilaflaCttat i1t. Motion, lta be sun »la 32 dlametea-. 2,700 miles fro titat lte sky i& a 5015kdS $un, moon affdl stars.rmvnlt immense cii-cl., ithIthe- as lte great oentrei piqo lte moon basu l ltes. anti many- morea ilatements matie by 'o lte Idachingu'of modemi as taughl i l scitboohs mla ltrougitout lte )an&ij mye terestlng aeading toeinflus mel te wbolevoridtb»tItneg The Milwaukee SentInt lu tat Itorlal on Marcit 14, saysý -'Tlt people wtQ believe m-it ibkm, va), thtit e esi-tit fiaI, &aa4 be suspecteti ltai liere,. zrs ; many othea- people m-ho bi4,, doubla as 10 modern sc"lUI lei but m-to aie afr*g_ te g Voiva lands W. J. Brysc aàUt tireti spirit. Mr: Eryan Cesil#i attai-ka te Darmin, but " i wbetiter on close queatlobtàio mould net avow doubîsa. 10 o' Mns. '"Mucttlifte scientifi- itoU.! average Otan resta 'on noIt"a titan tVI iiutiority 0f 5llinfl there 'n tidoubt a zgoOd~I apoken. latent dissent froml'* ory of lte matlinen !t W lte law that uncoilteul As soe0Sue ln etc-iliiiOu Illpda o0 1 loîrii '- Ili uIc ifaeff la fixi-ul .vlîu.cb nllt llb Ova liiea14 &04 a ýgnoidélai of$ ACCUSEDe 0f iRAFT Corporation Counsel target -of anonvmous letter; hints at white wav contract Hinting ln a ve iled way ltaI Coi-- poi-ation Counsel Artitur Bulkley i-e-L cel'.ed gra! t Inconnection m-Itltet awaridng of lte conlrttt foi-lte orna. mental ligitting aystemn, a "poisont pe n" letici wrI-teu- bas taken an under- r tiandeit siap aI lite Waukegan *offI- ciaI. i Att>'. Bulkley Monday nightt ahomedE niembeis of the cil>' council and, olli- ers a letter matted ln10Cicago and adi-1 dressed te hlm. contalning lte follow- lng Message: Mir. B.- itow munit diti vou gît? We ail tigux-about. 1,000." Titere. was no signature., Titi "poi- sonmso wmltlensa4a mdtiet iîd tva titadi~s imler 14 a. bili-' Usée Vian.' Corporation, Cotnsel Euikiey alateti ltat Il evidenti>' relates te bis action ln conneclion -it lte awardiug of lte conli-act for lte ornamentil ligit- lng aystem 1telite Kalley Construction company, wtoa bld mas $1,700 itigit-1 ci- titan ltaI o! tbe iraeemnan-Sm-ee compan>'. Mr. Blklays contention b. lng ltaIlite Kelly people aitoul M I-e ceiva lte contract because ltey speci-, fiaul wiat kinul of poslttey would i use, white lte Preemnan-Sm-eet coom- pan>', under their specîfications could use any kinti of pont, and lte cil>' have no m-a>'of knowlng m-ieter il mas mitigit grade post or not. Ilm-as a god bit like a man enter- lng loto a contract m-It a pai-son m-io agreedtietafui-nitsh'a walcit, Att>' Bulk- ley 8aid. "Il migitt be a 23-jem-el IM- gin or a second-band Ingarsol," When lte malter m-as up for dis- cussion E. H. Clittord, secretat-y o! te Citamber of Commerce, andi Da- mon Alaituler, former prealdent o! titat organîsalion, botof m-tom have worked bard 10 bring ltem-ite m-ay paoject lotoa realit>'. expressedtiIern- selves as being ln favor o!tte counoil signing up m-th lte Kelly Coostruc- lion compan>'. The "poison note" m-as unsigneti. The council lasI nigitt recelvedth ie contract bond fromtlite Kelly Con- struction Company' at Eau Clati-e, Wls., ltetr surety being the ltIdellty & Deposit compan>' o! Mar-yland, tha bond being for $7,685, IIAULED MORE WOOD TItAN ANY LAIE G"O. MA; I3TSUP John Guerin or LuIberyvîlle and Josepit Guetin o! 764 Grand avenue, Waukegan. brotiteîs. lefI on a six monta swestern thip tpIis morainge Titair tireI stop wlll 0e ai Denver. TitaY Intend tlavastes-aabout lta-e menltse' western trip last Thursda>'. inas iealtit having bepn poorly of laIe and ite being in need o! a iest. Bot bhiera have morked itard ail titair ]ives on lte farm aI Libeityville andi have relu-ad. 1Josepht Quarta bas a large fimily and ln orderte1 give bis chltiren the ativantage of gooti scitooling ite movedte 10Waukegan lesItfaiti. btiyng lte Rosh Priie place on Gi-andl ave- nue. John Guerlu has lte distinction o! having hauleti more cord m-ood ici Waukegan titan an>'olter man in Lake county. Ha starlet aI ite agP of 12 years il tesari>' elghtiies and conlinued untilt tiere was no ntoi-e wood lef t on ltelai-m. fie hauled almoat ail lte wood from 400 acres of landi near lte DespffiTtes river, ail beavy aak wood. A good partîto lte limneite woîilut Litu two loada tn one dey, filbeing aeven miles 1e Wauka- gar., he would travel 28 miles, lte î-oadis bru~g very bafi, At bil aI ih tjîe,'s wer no gravai ronds at a1l atîd tite planks bal been wm-on ot lte Plank road, nom- called tielvidea-,

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