iLLE j'-'à, INDEP>ENýD ' LAKE COUNTY INDEENDENT Lake County 's Big Weekly circuatio Greater dmi other Weeklles in Count>' Combined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN IN1SSTAY IN MURDR TRIAL; 4 19111 lORLIFU illeed slayers to Motor copi refused sepaate tial, started today BULiITIN Proaccs1r 8Sith will demand thee 1.51h penalty ln Utcecusée Of thse four allqed s esOf o!ter. cycle Policeman William Peteraafl it i ndcted n hic a.0lOAn Of s jury, au ho la not ptrisitting an>' tc romain who ýrt cppoied teo P ita1 punleismant. Up le 83'clock this afternOOn. nane of the veniremeln had-tyecn accepted.' Duc to the tact tisaI tonsorrow le ,ýturailsation day ln thse circuit court, the. statu wll rest t, case Ulti Wadne"ay, when a apecial - enire cf 50 taleemen willA ha ctl- .d. Thoer. are 40 new Casea UP for ,ssîuralizatlon and 20 thal have lîe s heid aver. .1IeClaire C. Edwardâ on Monda>' le" j.1 aquest.a for separaete tals .,l cOTtin5alce in tise cases o! Iguats lpetz. allege t irer ai tise abats tisat ~IIliesi William Petersen. Wintisrap Xiarbor motantYcle policeman. Jen. 13, ;Oan Bartale, accusei as driver of tise igunniena car. Mcaeli Radîcis anti Jus êpis Braduaeric. aiL of Chicago, anti tisir trial on charges o! murier vas begun Monday momxxog lanlise Lake couat>' circuit court. Prosccutor A. V. rnsitis demantiusg tisaitishe case hegla insmedlatel>'. Judge Eda-arda tieciared tlsat ise V'wIns t0 get tise case complsted go tit vsea tise case o! GO. Bll en- 55 sup April 3. sthncet wyul b. i-.ngtliy pisasa wers MatI le>'the a î ttornes ton tise tetensa. alit fi,, sevranrea anti' contiune«. 1a A -. Lester E. Wlliama, waakegan. at' i Jutiga Antan Zemian. Chicago, ncP n...iing Pots and BradaserlC,Rsakeil fsr a sperate trial tor Badaseie. on v-- geoundt iaItishe charges againat a.ý ýuch a nature tisat t a-ault Preju- È1is tise jury agàlfllt tiseattirer Ibree tic cndens. Tise> aske4i for a va a--~t~as ot trial. Judge Zemnan t ling that ise bati fot bacu able ta pro- p ire 1h. çffl, bavlng beesa compelleti t.defetiti a aumber of otiein l Chi- ex ta Ince h. isati isea retaituedOu t e Oone bers. Ail>'. Robert V. Baker ut Kenosast .--dn-Baker, aketi for a sevex' 1 ce tue bis client anti Att>. D. J. Ben i . ý1 of Chicaga, madie a similar re- U,,-'t tor bis client.Itadicis. lrosector Smth tiemanied I mmeti 1- trial, s5tating that Use peule ot i-count>' deMsý-ned tiat sift; jusl i.-- be meteti ont Ioa-boa-ver la reapan >ibie for Se brutal usurder o! Use Lake enoil>' officer. Jutige Ildaartis ruledt iat tise case g5 ta trial t once ad ordereth e, ji y Imredlately, examination oftise, %eoiremen beglnniag t il onlack. RE.PEAdL 0111SECEY CLAUSE IN INCOME TAX LAW UR6WE Oov. Blaine of Wisconsin urges' legislature te take immedi- ste action STATE LOSING REVENUE muatisiait Win., Marcb 22.-Attiress- ig tise Wisconsina legilatisme la spet- tl session Ioda>'. Govemnon John iJ BIaise tiecîsmd at the ls Ingle lax Issue la: "aisali a-e malte taxationi publie sud Soneeton sisali va esiais îlsau extravagantesaplanaga sYs- 1cm, lhrotugis inpectors anti audit- ara." Tise legislaturo *as summaned ln speclal session at 10 oacîqck -thts usornng. Govenr BMains prasonlet bis message o! 6000 yards la poist meetng af both hausesa lise assen- My >'chasasien. Guveenan Biainseurgeti tiseLegisis- tu-s ta: 1. Repeal tiese acnecy clause of thie alate incarne 1cr laa. 2. Permit examitation of mturna to corporation incarnes tor six îears isaclt. ý. ermite examinallon of Indivît. uali ncoins tax eturna fon six yeams bacit. 4. Ses tlîat las rturs as seeion trauti are e>samined tom a e dafnie Psr lad back. 5 Sanction au appropriation ic tise state tax commission la restomf $40,00 tothlisoltiera' tunti horroviý la making a preliinary audit t asa certain If frauda bd batti commtaie lis laz returns. luatidvocating tise repeai o tise se crecî clans outhtise ate Incoma Ia: laa-. lie Gaverner declaredtUaI Ust' tis clause Ue sttais la verfeauti, ouI of millions o! dollar. He asketi tisaIt senLmitation0 tisece yeas, a-heu Incarne tai return wîîghl Se auditeti, b sîtentiedti yêars. He siti Se tesird an oppOu ta01>ty toaudit tnnna tor th yars 191 1i'. anti 1918. Theunuie ut the0 leter Q- dont froni tise Frenschs "isu.," meet A ti,*s Isa l In0r la O a-l a&li L-rBEiR'FWVTILL LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TIIURSDAY, _NARII 23, 1922. Whv She Smi'es heavieg tb5he otu DÉ Lottisjuil ! naser m i-ouhW; uglt for a &Mt a tb lsea, tia beomilng is ftr- ns a ipembea.i ZND ATTEMPT AT STAY IN MURDER TRIAL 15 DENIED CONTRACTS ARE AWAItIED FOR TUE MIÇW IUKPITIÂJl otuat work to start f irst week in Aprit; to be completed December 1 0O LAY CORNER STONE Recommendations of the building committee witb regard to the award- ing of contracta for the construction and equipping of Waukegan's propos- ed Victdry Memoriai hospital. were adoped In entirely by the board of directors of the boapîtal et e meeting Lield lest night. The contracta were aigned by Judge Edwards as a res- Mdent, and NIrB. James 11111, as sec- reine> of tihe assocriation. Thse gent-rai contractors asserted that thse actual work of construction wiil be started the firat weelc In April. Under the ternis of the con- tract ihe building ista be completefi December 1. .'you will be able ta est Christmas dinner Inx the hoapitai." one of the generai contractors said. ûMfcera of tise iospita Sésociation figure thar t thse ospital building and eqiitpmeflt wiil cost aPPraxîmatOl>' $297,M0. Wisen tise ispital firat waa decided upon Il was figured that thse building elone wonid coat $300.000. by walting for materiata ta corne down tise membera ufthie committee figure that thse boapitai building and equip it for less than tisat. For tisat reason they figure that tisere can be a net aaviflg of about $70.000. Tise laying of tise corneratotie wtll b. an important ceremony whtch wiil be held ln thse near future. Lt la fWg ured tisat tis eveiit wili teks Place thse lut week In AprIl. A committee conalsting of Rev. J, B. Lauerrint, Dr. J. C. FoIe>' and Dr. C. S. Ambrais waa appointed ta obtalinssPeakers and arrange tise corneestofle ilasn pro- graem. An otier columittee will tmske trip ta Chsicago tomorrow for thse Pur- pose ef seiecting and purcisasing briek. Pr osecution pushes case against alleged slayers of MUTILATUD I motorcycle policeman Bi wx Efforts on tise part o! attarficYs for tise defease Ioda>'[a tise mander case B A S IA T agaasa fUr mens acuedofai iaving aÀ S IÀ T miurertiWtllniPeterman.Wintisrop Hiarbor motonityie poiceiat. tfon a- coatinafnde becauae a! tise fect tisit John Silk of Chicago, says as- Use proseclition bas summronati igist aditianal witssea. taileti, Judge sailants mistook him for Claire C. Etiverda o! tise circuit court someone else rling that Use vonk o! getting a jury viii go on, andt tInl the meantinia tise dortuetmna> bave an OpportunitY CONDITION IS SERIOUS to Interview atiditianal a-11a0a55. Proscuotr A. V. Smith sud is aid. S. H. Block. toila>' r-eainetise -ork Chicago, Mercis 22-Ta-O myster- o! neaionmigpropective juron, tise loua assailantis enteredth ie home o! ora patinl utprsd1 tdtlnlvnJohn 811k, 48, a married maxx. timea- [ram abnexem24nc5adti. n4l enee .isa ou tise betiseaunifloon anti muti- iag temporaril>' accepteti b>' boUstise ltt S îi akki deeat andai prosecution. tise tria b.- "q kaov you-îou are WlILS-PII1 ing EImer Hines. Weukegan, 0110 teacis you 1 nuisni>' daugister,"' ane Bociselais, Norths Chicago, atBadEatoftiseniscieti. Siseaban, HigisisutPark. Tise attack. strikinal>' inijiar ta Atts. orlis tifeat a Uei exnitisaI of Jars Lillia b>' Jack CutiayIn> l Anat or cftise dores aen ea- Ianusa City' sane Yeara ago, Occam'- lnion o lis e iaslaiewen se>' reti ysatertia> aiteenoOn. 811k, 100 Mouson he oin as o wethr teyveak tram lise lots g! hiaod tu ias, dwoulti cuntidte . ree defendnsi nt heliti r frive isauns Butil Michael Ra"ii, John Bartole and Jo. ron tis fr f0 ein H Bradasenld seflcmplicca tauig-it'pqt1 ta un hi&bis vte lsaot ennt aY a-ho la cisargedti ilhiiving iredthe as uod e oiuaces i cAeO abaistisaI killedteraena, if the tisrevissathse la-o meal elet. repregelat- defendenta b.d knualcdgc tisat theise tUenielves ta bc hathroolninl* abuta voesabout ta b. red. This va spectors. Butdenîr Use>'081110d bina. the final indication tisat Prosacutor malnthtieaier o! tisa la-ou, a Smith me>' ttemplta oprove tisaI tisemais or about 40, accueiSi 81k of nuli- murder vas premetilteteti. Ing bis tiangite. fley asestiMss iselt i hm againt lise haIbroomfl f00 anti mutllated i-Sn itLs aJaci-kafe- RETIRESAI7IEII20 rn; kept telli Usani Ibat tise>' ent a RU ES A EIR 0 41 maing a mialake, UsaI I1a-as a mar, urin ' avliS> nîiedman, tisat 1I mevnotiing about II~AR3 I 1'IAVIan>' girl, but tise>' Ould'nt listais 1< YEÀR IN ÀVY me, . sait i 81k." Tise> matie a tir rible titake. Tise>'nisîcai me toi ie Afler ta-ent>' yeaea' service In Un- Mn. Bilk, visa hecaule histerical ,cie sms nas->' Chie! Quartermaster a-ban aie f outnd ler isuabatt inl a 15:00 ItA. T. (Gus) Fis, t present station- of bloodl. su ise a-as conviaceti0a c d t tise Great Laces, viii retire Ma>' ber hisband's Innocence. 19 frnm active service, 'He- viii be _______ D- rs ri 3a r- 'e id 'ae- ed se- td i ý16, Mc piaceti upon tise Piee aeval eserva' fro tan-eross.&fiar visicis ha a-Ilb. retireti "unfuli penslpa. File' geatd tbe ngery At Use ste ut fiteai> yeisu nti' basu bai a remant- ableia cer>. Ha bas masieti ail over lise a-antianti bis experieuttai are ,nn.I in5testh. gta Sean f BURN13D BY WMES; ý OUT 0F DANGER, SAUS OPERATORS AÀRE TO BLÂME FOR BIG GOAL STRIKE New- York. Mer. 22.-Ilt calilng a suspension utfmnlng openatiCthsr is.1 tisa bituminaus snd sutisracite -M1ns0 fieldase UiTuîtdMine Wanictà o! Amacnica bave ne dealna la diacoin- mode or inconvenlenca tise publie. The coal upentors of tise country' bave de ibenstel>' *aneuvered'ta force Ibis suapcaioll. Tise>' tesires 10dispose ai iseavy reserve coal stock et iacraeti pricea aiiare aise dssiroils o!f ono lag auna-arranteti reducti0flof vag as upos tisa mina a-aciers. Tise>' fUnti oi- hop$ la ha able ta deatro>' Usa Un iteti Mine Wonkens o! tis they> ans tiauretita f allure. Tise Mina Wonient v1ii fgit ta protect tisir or qauisatioff andt t oppose an>' decrss in vages. If itt la ta Se a finish figisi Use publiea muaI blama tise coal Opel tôte for an>' inconvenience il may sufer" $160OOCONCERN Ater beini tneclted ta-t anti *o verel>' burnet b>' au eîectrlc vIre S- IN O N À 2 GIRLSyesterdati5i mornlag, Malt Vais a! 2 Olaloéci1»1,%rKEDNantis Chicago,'la reporteti as estilli lin nu îwi'r a-hIda>' antiout o! danger ai pot- %corivsiior aer taction due ta bis Sprinsgfield, 111. Mercis 22.-($pedlaI - Uag. onPOUCer r. Tisa Grays Lais Gla- _________Vetia vas visitîniaIt1the borne ta stins Campais>'Incopratedti oda>' te Ta-agIrl, bos o tisni l lieirfinds, Jaspeh Ballinu,,22nd itreal Manufacture glatine glue sud ochenil ve grs, iekti UpfteInTeiraatGreen Bs>' roati. a-bn lie sa- cala «t Gra>'altke tisecapital stock la teesaeta-Orviras cossai anti auAireysarting: $160.000 a-icS biai been aubcribai and er oorS b>' tishWegaly ,I.palca lHs atteniptedte ta ick Up a vire anti ant iatinluaafollova Harry Epstein ant ves ltigti u iscil' jil.Tie>'rmase It frorn the danger o! e blasa- of Chicago $130,995, Thonias Ralpis gave tiseir ternes aud &adiresses as wbea bie toucisedtvi -re.,ise causeti Ternnt of ai emoxxd. lad. $10,000 iaIetW atragt 7Ga:ele ticintsosnt an Inceaseti volt- anti Anus Epstein o! Chiscago $5, Haien Brandit, egeti 16, Antiocis v. Hegeani asib.nt b uoiai ____ Accortiiig ta tisa star>'-the>' lId tisedu.Ha -sbunt about bots police tise>' came le Wauitegan lais ta.DnA,. uiatedate SHERIFF SELLS "QUEEN 0F hitndI>' la look for a-orlt but biailieelima THE WEST" FOR $3,478 unsuccesattil. Tise police foundt iens is an automobile epaîr alîop visera lu Stop, Look anti Lsten.SleifEmrGeî sedu se, aut sarie>'eisati conestetigtatals n "Pîcustures,.' asîiUncle ElI are "Tise Queen o! the West" IPtt ahitaorie t iletalsals it igbt, rnc ieemualiroama. De rîglîl kini Laits for $3,478,2 ta tise persans miii.11 Calaisan ufthlie Girls' Protectîveaman fine, but >You lias ta bes on de looui- levIedi agaînsthtie 7npc.The Leaglie anti se"lookcharge of tise ont fois tondatoos"-Weslerxx Cieacomplaînaista a-siArhuar 1lerusan glel4 tin Atvocia. Aanti bis aiter. 3. Allieti contraI of exportations anti cstomls.t 4. Issuance a! an InternatI ban ant uuireaseti taxes.t The alles are expectedti t senti a oea- coatrai commission toto Gerusan>' et once to atieuspt la bring about tisesreforma. Il la learneti troal bigisautisoril> Usa aI'nnce lanterng nEit".ilo- matic oopyeraationa ailSlise otise alli®antiiug hem commuication la be madetistatise UniitediStates re- 1garding tse Ameican iemati on ap- proxirnalel>' $241,000,000 for upkesp ai tise American an>' o! occupation on the Rhime. Franlce lakes tise posi- li tionsat t las "not a questioun o!fIa-, 5but o! !rinoiaip anti equit>'." Prance l a suxions for a joint commission la 1setlîsait pat andtftuure occupation- eai coats., q Tise foreignofftice- seastiat no inote bas ieen recelveti trous Wahing- 1ton. ANCIENT LAKE CHICAGO DESCRIBED BY SCIENTIST TisaI tiseiceseet tormeti durlig lise great glacial perloti ln Nonsh Amen- Ica finali>' uelteti anti retrateti tee- tiser noetis, leavlng iscîveen tise Val- paraiso moraine, tise lise of bills on a-hIch Vaiparaiso, Imd.. nov stands, andtihIe front o! tise glacier, su an- C'ent lake nov calieti Laite Chsicago, lis part of Use scientific alun>' veltten b>' Dr. Ellloît R. Dow-ning. RaRtural- ila lthle reat .Lskes regioti. to be publiashetib> tise University' a! Chica- go. Tisis anciant laite, a-hich loclutiotia part erth1e pmesent Laite Micisigan, stood ti tons level ior a long time, Dr. Dow-ning sais, long enougis ion Ils vaves ta est ino thie bis aieag Its shoares anti teposit extensive beaches o! senti, mat as Lake muichîgais la do- ing nov alang ils preseat shxore uine. Tisebeecisaentiet a Iovei sause sixty fet aslve tise present> laits- level anti il la b>' !oIloa-lag tisese plill,' niarltad sacisatiat tise Po- sillon o! tiesehlore ]Iue or carl>' Lake Cicago us deterusineti, accord- 1îng te De. Downting. ý 1 , -- - AUl thietrouble Ci aec gatI lto i preolreti for nysel!-Bxeisuige. itiant Harding anti oblaliset a Pardon but young Anderson waas re-arreiteti at tise gale o! tise prison on a charge O! issvlag forge&. a post office moue>' ord or. lHa vas sentencedtotaserve anotis er ta-o yeer terra et Leavena-orth. Il vas tisaistiset thse mutser vake tO Wahingtn ta seslise presîdenitn ber ion'a beisaif. "Tise pardon hasn't came - thraugh yet but I1salIt alk bacc te0 WaablisI ton ta oee tise president agrin If ht dûexx't comansuon." tise mother saiti Ioda>'. "Persapa I matie a miatake la nul a-aiting a-bile I1a-as tisane.' Mura. Anderson sais Ibat anotiser son a-as kîlle Inlatlie a-anti aar. She says ase knoa- tise Hardng tenu>' perBonal>'. addlng tisaI Dr. Hlardin. tatisar of the prealiant, uset ta h bel famil>' physicen. "Il bas basa years &Ince1 lîve Iin Waultegan" ase ai, "ad it Il ex. Inemel>' dîffîcult tor me ta fisE n>' YO! my aid acquaintances." NAVY REDUCEI> TO -15,000 R BIOUSE TuS P. M. Washington, Mar. 22.-Dilaregardîng tise recamnsatioiss o! Presideat Haedng eut tise genenal staff, tise hanse Ibis atternoun tieclaretifotan a an>' of not mare tisais 116,000 met. Vating agalast -tise adinisltrations tiemanti fr sarilllary tance ut 143000 onlatet mais, tise bouse ifeti a parut amentani jani tram viicis regeti: DeataIoa!tise admelitratlata ani- entiment ta the an>' appropriations bill ta provioti fon 143,000 met anti 7,000 pillippine cous lnatadtiof!115 000 rcomniandeti n tisa measure'. RefusaI ta accept san endmient ta raduce lise an>' ta 100.00. Defeal of su ernentimenl peoviding for s 50,000 mais pover seul>. .1 Acceptance ai lhe 115,000 asem force prapotal. Ir the stenogriîiber le nîldleiesed anti plali tlai na Iga lise wife la tui tise lubiit a!dropplOg La et tisa oMfce once ina a a-ile.1 cation otis>'la announcig plans On' Use decenal"isegan almuat alasi* tansoual'la Jinejn, 1912. la DeXAlis and Kanakea conUes.1 "In memor>' o! thîs siart. this I- nois, AgnlcuituraIassociation bas nr celved mas>'requesta [n tise Lat 70" tisat sucis a nelehration be slA<a4, andtihie executive cammiltes of th* aasoiation la Janua>' paiseti a nem> lution tavoringthtie move. This Wc ta Use appolutm5flt of tiesa omllte* a-bièh met-at Chsicago anti urganlasei loaerrange tise celaismattols." H. B. Parka, o! Gemsua, a banisi'. famer, vas elecîti Presda5t O! tise commîttee ta laie charge o! Plana. rB. &. Brat.banker.faener. o! DO- Kalis. treasumer anti G. E. Metagan cf lise Ilinois Agrictiiturai asociaatin secreter>'. IIARRY STRATTON BEAT ANTIJ Ha)F4S tta itetei .3.D£5 table for supervisor of Lais VIUa teva 6blp la tise raent primanT. Mn. Bavai table vas a candidats fon ne-eLec4oli. t a-as annouascedti oda>' tisaI8SuPeI vison Baraslabi l a-tII m aalut 81111 ton on tise l4dependenst ticket. Mr. Baanlable bas heen a "r7et acient supenvîsor anti luas heei cou- senvattve lu bis actions on tise boardl la Use interests et bisc mtil5itlitt. .Mn. Stattôn la a fermer sudia-all anti favonahi>' ua-a llu te Scomu t>'. Ma la a brother o! Superviser Wla. J. Stratton. state game a-ardeli. sud 15 succesafal anti Infitential. Tisefinie requireti for tisa issU,& uilîilIo concelve a alSin soigluIl bIS býeca îtlnated i a a ta-aiflis e£a ee~ anti, Pos§er. ThIqisligure WaSalme at tram expecissetits, proliusg tit ft 1 InspoebiSe fan a mais te obtalt*AM tisAisteti ContractiOos ettbc o *4 e«ch second. If th ise ana*c lt more Conîtractionls, ;leibecau le t o! u-illl nt-iulres a en t iMe ,ustb sucseseilatio'.atel fo10%'w anotiier aet[o s('- utu,& IÀJLUJýi£b.L JL Y En a e $250,OOO HOTEL Hero in Politcs ANOTIIER RE3D lIERE IS KLAN Of SCIIOOIJIOUSE ClIICMiO IR : '5 TO DISAPPEI3À eý Weber Department Store stock Ingleside awartls contract to S salesmnan seeks to interest Wak an im fo localcapial 4$1 5,000 school WOULD START THIS SEASON OLO SCHOOL 40 YRS. OLD Consruction of a hotel [n Wauke- Anotiser littie Red Schoolhouse it ge.coting $250000, la tise proposed ta disappear from Lake Count. plano heWbr earm soeTise board of directors 0f thse Ln- p l ia o tis W b e r e p n a t i n t o eg e s d e s c io l d is tric t m e t W e d e a - o! Cicao. stabisiefiin tat il> luday afternaon and let tise contrant 1840 and J. Weber, presidelit ta said for a new two-room scuooî building te, be lntensely interested bib e prai- ta take tihe place of tise ancient one- .~ cet, and represeutatives il eu eo t in ere for fortyfie pupiag. Watikegatn next wcck for t b in retht oonisbuiligerectedfort>' yveara ai> the purpoaeTise new scisool. wisicis will be on thse o! getting s number of tiese t in- flSite of thse present Scheel, tisree- fluetialresdent ofibiscit te akefourths o! a mile tram tise-village, s'iocuen teidetlt scitpayta take siLai wiets in wiil coat approximately $15.000. ANie. Burke, representilig tise stock candidat» er te enomnite&iOli fot a aare t Cu iomnotion proposition,. bas interview clerk Co lk Cosint>' II.Th< tatr eesnadW$ iWu ed a number of local business men Americail Legion la bcing bu kegan. Leonard Latz, Waukega ar- thiý wek, utlnin th plns or te Lhrnn wn mny ar ati chitect who drew tse Plans and S~~~. . ~ otl w et. oThin ter las fr iCb imYieos County Superintendent of Scheoele T. t oe t uprojeC t h e C m atter baf Com - A . Sim pson, w ere Present vie n the m ene. i is i a m e t O l contract as aw ar sid. U nder t ie UTÂI1 ~ UJÂ H. lerms ofthie contract grounti forth Tise proposed botel isla b av e l100 YYIII4RJH- Me, o is A r e M on fi. rtRI nugi 000 w orth of stock lIn W aukegan. M r. IN i T O N a IN T E R . re d I on p i 3 a e tsa.i n O! f r A i fe g n d ain ' W e b e e, i t* i s t a t e t , w i l t a l c s a v e r y LP re~UI I I I ~ b i d i c ng p r o b a d e w ill b e ise f n jei lretbok pth atok ybleing teWlidig PRES Illbeth min«Uter c e al N. asannunce g l*to i ber enafge m aerfr St.eville Peax la d e stcbeielng tiseE WIH P E twa omusechool in laie caunty. sais so aitisefomdara! t. Ds lme ouîdbe bi prPO 1,41JI. Iflwili passe ai al modern convenien .iohns-Mantille company expecis ta be s icil u e la to be mov. e a>' in operation bers in 18 monthea with soo asoucnsise ateb o is amplitas 300 e loy s tand a nner o! tier M rs. M arg. A nderson, form er- The board o tf iirectrs ot ishe Ingle- L. Nu? IRL. LU omùpany>'and thse Greiss-Pflegcr tan- Iy Of here, walks from sioux Bie. distratensanti Nies:.WIL- nlng company. are planning ta expand LFaitsJtonWashingtonalani Stretton. flft ~ d ol perate On a matis larger scale FTise littaehingtonaLentncd achool IVAUCONDA INERandltie BurkeEI Itis t h e LIor ta. Ac r oMeor EIlUBeS Is Lake County fast are dia- uh e h t a p op sti au o ! be h ae itcr t R S TO S VE H R SON app arng and are ieing replaceti b> DIDU D V leted Iin time te take care of tise new Laodensrcue ihtelts BlED MON AY E E ts i the eooInt ipantetH. Atter bas ing walkcd f romo ber bomne ________ - Weber la aise a member aftie Webser in Sioux Falls, S. D., ta Waasingtons, Was prominent i county poli- Departmsent Store wiicb vas estalb- D. C.. wbere aelleIntcrccded wlt >fPr AR P GE N Ise ytbe laie R. W'eber. Ident Htarding for tbe release o e ics for many Years as re- Anotise feature tisat maltes the an f rom tise tederal prison et Leav F R À E N publican proposition sounti like a " go" la tis edan wth Kn.s s e îîv. d n are nd IS u n LD A tact tisaItbe National Hotel Eup erson. aged 63, s apn sat nigist and ta O i ment comapany. wilcissupplies prq'p acti- nea Waukegen r Sny e eIand i Up toD À M. L Povna, ioner raldet01 cally everytising needed in Use ecauip- bu. tr tyasea e et 15T f W'LucOat*. andi veli kucwn in Lake eta sc netaisse i a n eam aue van frSa-cn, ie a re-K L UN~ ~ cos0ltyas ea leader in poiltica, died mt etd lh u t l ent caaîîbyut a nuorero Yars gd etaie M ~n ilgisat bis home near tisat -Attsep een ue ais le la n e w5YB U 2 village. Mr. Poa-eri for malt>'years aldbanu erorsint r. - ab t is e cs tons o!iet n le ctrrn hrD U A ore. convinced tiaI Preide.t H rd P togram Planned to Ob serve' irm d s c s l d i e t h e P 14r « a in- 1K llR in g w ill c a rry o u t is P ro m is e te p e rd A n v r a u o a s s s j l 5 bis ~~TE dethOCid i -tAOs 0 If~ UAcrigt r.Adra er Son P3Fl1 nBureau Movemnent Yeins olti andi had been Ili for three IlU3Uig te Jue Anders en a wy rmhm a M r. w r . a t o g ev r e n r N iIn 1917 vsen se -as 16 y a s old and i À ta te vi d e r nibureau celebra. n. oy ser liags poneye tbly ni~ rnr T ~ rIeliste Inlatise an>'. In September, lion sud pageant a-il be iseltiet 1Da- an~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~h riisty E1~ iIE IIE 98 e-Asroneoffeniegase a alb an. Wednesday. Jute 2s, la bos- itientitled vîti tise republicali part> iseUue-Argatnedoffnd si ede in r !ts ensanvnar tts anti took a keen anti active iiteresî anti was Invelideti home. being taketi beginning o! tise tarm bureau mcle. La poitica. Paria, Mercis 22.-Tise Inter Allisti firslt t a isospîtal ln Taxas ad later ment lu Illinois, Il a-as &nnouned e Hie la survivei b>' ishite. aena son, Reparatians Commission la tisecaten ta a hoapital near Denver. d>' b>' Use Ilinois Agniculturai à#%>- A S. Pavera. town clerk ot Wancon- ing furtiser penalties upon German>', He deserted b>' running a-s>'feuS& dallisn. djL, ana daugiter, Mes. Coca Dovell, includug increaseti militar>' occupe- tise ispital and re-enlisteti under tise This event viii ha knova astb oae braIser. Cîsyton. la Calitornia. tion and augmentation of Geemanys name o! John Joison, belng assigieti Fanm Bureau Decenniai Celebéiè anti ons aliter, Hautie, at Elgin, and 1922 intiemnil>' paymsnta ta 90,000,- taFrD.ARuelienissbielin" anti viii be heiti under tise 5158184 Mr. Paveraseo as &actmive Lista ffect tise atdies' Oea- rpara- quently asadiscovereti and sentened recul offlios, tise Illino4ula agtn member af tise 1. O. 0. F. sud a-taIL tiens demanda hefore May' 1, accord- o serve 2 years et Leavenvontis. tural association, tise American Fu* Pat Nomîs Grand In Ibat artier. îug ltiste matin toila>. It waes on Auguat 28. 1919. tisat Anti Bureaut tederatian anti offteciatqua- Fuaneral Tisursda>' aftenoan at 2 Tiese demanda are nnderstoad laenson detired. HaiaIsoter spenl aine nectedti -i coliege a! agriculture OF .o'ciock framtise Metisodiat cisucis; be: Ifnnotatapn rmcl'thie Universlity o! Illinois. tatemen luW.acýnd ceetey. çea ente tampng fontcit teBgun in 1912. ilen e t u a c~ da c mssr. 1. Limitation of tise issuance of ..15v sm-in. te finti bis. Sise vîsiteti 0v ,,,llnoi f ra* buea* ye Il A $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCF. 1