CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Mar 1922, p. 11

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WeebJy;Sun T. A. S'iipson is the. Bepublican candidate for ýre- 'etion as County Superintendent of Sehools and there more than a few reasons why lie shouk1 receive the ba bensuerntnen o te n.k Mr.. Simpson bsbe ueitneto h -k County sehools for a number of years and through bis ineumbeney, Lake County public seliQols have ma*de strldes unequallcd throughout the istate. The.. Sun be- lieves that wbatever iittle opposition pievails against bls renoininatiôfl cornes because of persoxinal vUlification and a laek of understanding of the duties of a competent superintendent. Mr. Simpson is not owned or managed by anyone. H 1e uses bis own judgment in the control of the scboo]s and is not permitting anyone to speak for hira ordcclare bis policies. 'lHe should be complimented rather than Fle. bas miade an annual audit t the aceounts, o! the township treasurers. For the past two years his rural sehool exhibit at thie State F=_x ise won first place and reeeived the maxi- mum award because it qualified in the seven depart- mnente.-This, la an exception witb the scbool exhibits. For fli p ast four or five years lie bas eoilectedand ar- ranged the sehool exhibit at the County Fair which bas wo5n mnue praise for its excelence. Mi this brings credit te the county sud worth while publielty. That he is Well regarded by hie feilow county super- intendente je cvidenced by the recognition that bhs corne te, -hlm.*Re bas' been vice-president of their oIrganiza- tien, a niember of the executive conuittee *udfor the past four.years -a member of the Teaeher' Read1Irg Circle Bdard, an eleet ion te wbieb eommittee je regarded as one of the higliest honors that cv- i me te, a membe I. U. S.4iTSBUSY Às BILL eÂOLLECTOR not mi m as h. çriticizedfor the enmies lîe as made; lie is not seek- liHRReHN ing endorserrnentt9 from any faction or clique but is ask- Washington, March 2S-Washilg- Fr ing re-election for what lie bas done for the Sehools .of ton iwlll again draw te international inm th ~spotllbt. early lnAÂprt, wth a a0rleâ Nc th ounty of ronferences wtli European nationsra Assistant State Suiperintendent, Mr. IU. J. Hoffman, thir d~etto ae gongtSoa bouth-e the State Inspecter of rural and village scbools, lbas stat- byes conferences wiII bSaen eaifo ed tbat wlien Mr. Simpson went iuto office teb rur llir toesfo France, Great wl sehlools of this country were as poorly provided for as rtaiunand ItaIy to.Etbonha. Finland ne .tuy lu the state. Last November lie made a report in Thelndebteýdness of the varions bcehli stated that the improvexueent in the rural and countries ta the united statas retire- la ilaesebools of the county was remarkable, giying $100 f <:eh ma , waman and cilid th thlese fichools a bigli rank among the sebools of the state; In thi. c.-try, the total lneluding ftz that the physical conditions were net the only indications 0rdue Interest belng 1l.233.194,00. bi Atbanah the sonate bas held nP d of improvement but that the teaching was mucli btter. îeanorsrîly on a question of constitul- te tgi~nty, the confirmatlin of two The institutes held by Mr. Simpson for the help of. members of COngres-4mmitor Emoot the eaeershav bee rearkblefor he nStUctrS nd Iteprseftattve Burton-as mem- the eacers avebeenremrkabe fr th intrucorebers of the toregn dffl reunadîng that bave beeÇw brought to the county; that the teacliers commission, asrrangemencfts aiready are ti appreciate these advantages was evidenced by a unani- manto tes o&g ich,11yat the l mous vote at the close of the meeting of March 4 COM- esrieat possible moment. c lais mending bim for bis-- efforts and expressing confidence obT51r«t ou 'iae amSecretaryt in bis seeetfén o! speakers. of lhes andicrats.BrmCoflmOtCO Althougli the clerical work of the office bas at least ti r.Weeermy. Sl e cou, doubled and probably tripled during bis tenu ot service, ibis. three will b. the gong spiritsti ye t this work lias been attended to with ne more, eVeen ofthe i Brlha comiss ion.frt o lesassistance than formerly and ail because lieha beh taken np. Bésidas Seing the larg-1 an untiring workcr doing mucli of this work bimself in est, It la the only one that offrs l7 the evening. cosdrbehp e al cash. With ail this work lie bas not neglected the visita- States, on anoneY' and cradt advaflced tion of the rural schools but has given more time to this ddtin.the wr i n leaf 5917. work than je usually given. 937 ovardue Interent.I He bas been comxnendcd by the State Department LaTo ciarifylte ttal trse0i. i for the aceuracy of bis reports to that office, of wbich îunfl b 11Grat n issuMinz bonda tere are many; he la prompt and for that reason bas thel"th a unnîoTm lntartrte ad mar advantageonaly spacait matvlty par- 41ýnfidençe of the biglier officiais. Ris own reeorè~ hav( eud écli two ycars heen audited by the person exnployed by nemSch ondrîtte forth ban Onlc' Controillinf.Drtart. Ther dûes flot garn , lehamuch doubtuamoflg Mental §-peclalisti tuat dreains <an lie t<'ctrolied ta a certain etti-t. Int 1lie .'dovnt " pllowi. whc anse tuO ni lent. TheY should be 10w, titiS rellevilng fte wark or tle iwfrt. Windows ,houldlieft wide open. Jet uerrois ehltiren have a night tiabit. lhee tirea anong the biants giv<flby n, ette't fa tloaa v.ha woud Lha%ë a-i ruis ^eh Cottiients of F*ad. The lurciion Of tLe saht contht enta aoft'»w plato bulitd ta hotte, teetl.t niWéq, caries-àn tItsaes; te enter hile the 4cornpitiôfl t taeliving ceii in everLe part C thet.body andI regan. laie Iodv protea"CS. ~ ~tL08 .in84tLue weut on re- cord l it wU,ïail meeting at - Monmouth, Yeébru-. ary 22-24,W" & a1utof! reâolutionx tbat created muciitemet; th#" fflowing 18 one' of the.import- aut thenon-hlgh school districts b. e yrdto pay ttton, 1>aon the per oaplta'ce8to! oPtUting blgh 8011001 înclu~ proper building and overhead' Lake Oounty bas about one-alf cf -its Area imcluded in the.non-liigh uchool district and la Cgivlg 9ilti.young people living in that district ti I =datg of a bigh echool 8edUton On & medium tu Mrte. V.ry fewt couties in tii. state M,~ show go ljuge a part of the. couuty in the non-bigla achool district, cian t*for I4iOM131ton As Your couir iýpbty midu* of S8*oo18. ie necessarilithave ta- hi heltItiti jatnrhty for Uncle ain btelgaisLa iney back. TheY vanld Se negotiabie td as market conditionna Justitied. nld Le sold totaprivais Uveotot JuRt aur awn gavernient bolide v.ould soit.1 The rofiuaacing or reiýdiflg oufie .sncb mhd Stalia loas viaii atfor arte finesse ïbaix Gseat. Brîtaine. qo oe la officiai circîliexperts al) >eul wuth thesa uhat w111 picuc a an naI maney at an earily date. llowevi'r. ey can ha gotten ts*etber le th,- rai iiiunifiait loins, &t & a ddrate )faitereat and a singi@ matnrity datal bic il t!simPltfY CaaPutatlOns andI aegotiations et sncb tirait as Suit or partial pptyment le Possible. Aftr these vil! came Belgin, POa laed. Czecbailotakta, Sarbia. Roman- i and a toean amaller frT amoeg un oas. EaitS vil! senti te Wahington lnanclilrepreseatattesi ta 9,341t arn ba.sadors or minlateas jn.gettIc9 their ahit ta Uncle Samn refnnded "cd el- snded. Nebula riiékOftèS. biacy of the. g&awtcg 9gaI cUMndelk the teavens, kaown $as ai. PrutIt ahapes that Lave gAves Sise ta uick- Mmies, nsait by sstr*OIit 91155atter- natives ai te morp foMRi,-Cutatogna anmbars aof oJct.Auneng «ET wVÀSE ON HIAM CORPUS etition is directeci against Waukegan police officiais who hold hlm RELATES FACTS IN CASE A wrlt of babeas corpus was Ouled titis mornlng by Atty. ban. Fanmer for Fred Bunge, attesteit lera recent- iy on a charge of larceny hy battens made by officiaIs ln Milwaukee. Bunge was arresteit here ai the re- quegt af the Milwaukee officiais wheil people possesalng iee Looks v.hidi Ilunge Liad isord lte alv.aukcee e- an their suit for the returu af ibeir money. Prlor ta comleg ta Waokegau lait June, Bunga operated au ice business ln Milwaukee. Wban builenesa beau ta wuna, creditars eftiithlteeplant bngafi a neige for puyrnent ai their outatandIcg bis. Bnngè's fleet of ire trucks vere taken and bis buâ- ness crippled. He made un attemPt ta operate for six months, but falleit to make tbe business go. He left Milwaukeaeltait Jue and carne ta Waukegaul where Le Lad tieen wocking. le the bill Oued ta reture Buge ta Milwaukiee, it was charged that Le hadt fallai totadeliver the tce rontracteit for uccording ta the tce bocks he a uisanai. Buege i1 was arresti d ithai tara Pending the action af the Milwaukee author- itles, Ha engaged Attorney Leu Par- nmer ta take the case and wba todaY jifiled taewritut habeas corpus Ie ont- ertu taiueBunge here until taecase ibas been aettlad. 1The habeas corpus petitiOn waa rdirectait againat Aost. Chief Thomas Tyrrell. Desk Sergeanta Frank Me- Manamaui ad General Hicksanad commlasiauier Peter Mcflermatt. Bunge cias that be bas cam- mnitteait no crime anit that therafore L e should net hi beld la custadY. Ha tdcaims that If ha is returned tot Mil- waukee that ha wtfl e hro wn Intao jaii, persecutede. h arassa. H e ays that the efi1ount oweit Ly ghim la but $160. (lrab nebula. the liwbl neb-ula, tLe The Key. Ounbeli tiabula. tii. Ovipl Dbltse tita ckey ta every man ia blis Ihouglit. llorsesboe or Swan nehulx. the WLirI- E m . pool nebult, the O Omega nebijit sit d the N 1orth Aquerlcsa nehisa. The nt line 0f the latter begs eta rather stik- FOR SALE - Case fteain Tuactai' inir resemblance ta tiRet Of the NSote usait 2 yaars, bargan for qulck Ameriron .-ontlcent. sale. Phoane Wankegali 270. WklYlt I TO THE~ VOTERS AND I'ROPERTY OWNERS 0F LAKE COUNTY.- The Pi-ohate Court deals with flhc estates of de4' eased peîsoiis, minors and inconipetents. More Mnciy and p)i î1Ierty is involved ini Ibis Court than in auy otheî-. A Prohate Judge should bc not only a good lawvyer biita man of business eXpQS'ielil'Cand business j~itiiit. ýExperienîte hefoi-e the Courîîts is nccecssary te enable liùn Io conduct propcrly and with dignity contcsted niatteis suc-h asNvills and claims sud te gain for Iinî t lie confidence and r-espect of the at- tornecys svho pr-actice ini bis Court.. Sound business judgment is aise uecessary as bic must fî-equently pass upon questionseoncerning seeurities and< approve investments for the estatea of minois and irîcompetents. The question of controlling the eosts in estates suehi as cxeouttur' and attorncy's fees, etc., is bigh- 1 'important to the interesta of the widows and clldreîî sud t-als for real diseretion oîn the part of the Prohate *iîtý1ge. He should be a lawyer witlî ge.od businiess î,îd-e4 as*wvell as with large ex- perience in tht' lindlixig e! estates tri pîoperly safe- -gadthe riglits and'*interests.of Nvidows anîd or- 1 phanM baving lu bhis Court. If yen bave property ini this county this office is more important te you than any other. MIy friends. will pardon tbis personal refeî-ecee but to those who do not know me I will say that I arn forty-nine yeare o! age, live at 902 N. Shieridan Road,: Waukegan,. bave lived in Lake County ail my Ide, ha-ve a wifh aud thrée eidren, amn a Uni- versity graduate having worked xuy own way through, have practieed law succesefully fer fifteen years, -bave been Master in Cbancery of the Circuit Court of Lake County, hiave bad a wide expenience -in probate matters, have -always worked and fr4. the present outlook always wil1, whetber I arn eleet- &dPrebate Judge or net. I ask that yen conider the iMportance o! tliis office sud if yen. believe me worthy and qualifled I wil appreciate your vote and supporte- Respectfully, MARTIN C. DECKER, Candidate for Probaten Judge o! Lake County. Ri. IS $4,307$21 F TWO 10NMIS Shingle roof s mest usual caus- es of blazes through - thp state Proparty vatued at $4.307.921 was dastrpyed by tira in lilinoJs dnrlng the firet two mnths this year, ac- cording ta January and February rec- orda complated by State ire Mar'- ahal John- ê Gambar. Fites, wbich started n ahingle roofs caused the votai havac, se- j2.197 lires lit Jannary, with a los o I$2441,361. aparks an ahingle roafs cansed 946. There were 1,916 fire lan PFPbruary andI 846 were sbtngle roof n owncassand luases: Sparks on cools. 46 t-a $23.533 lois: bet- teKequpetnt,221 tres. $46&.039 loss, defetIve or overheated. flues, 149 tires. $130.591 bas. Fîtes ln itwelllng hanses numberetl 1,256 and the-loa aunountei tot $749,- 548, Other classes or property bav- lng beuvy lasses were: Stores. 377.- 073; barns and stables, $103.145; of- fice buildings, $88,432, garages. $76e- The ee~t covenion ai an- 332; warehonses, $64,925; tactariai, Tal meanmul t M ou.a $62,642. the attention of stataneuiof aul Match records ar axet e natins.Tht laa tyt2a woaa how a tremendoos Jurin athealir l's0 i.mongoi4 8 . boss as a resuit ai a tira lnChco that itestrayed a block ai buildings. the yOOtiger boy. BIOYS ST AIL TO Among te articles taken wete: A ailderwatch. UIDi A gold chain., MACIINESDtme bank contatung $8 or $9. MACHIN S HERE The boys admltted havlng atOlenà these articles wbtbe the Johnwnes ofvere awaY f rOïom re. Novak sali Boy leads chum te home e aSava the golit watth toauan ader parents where the theftS brotar and sait the 811190Tw&tch take place attendIng a baikethall garni. The bossaid. tbay &pont nearly al i te GAMBLO A.~Y M NEY ey playing penny alot machines. GAMBED A AY M NEY They cliim ta bave leat $4 ln en* place andt $1.50 ln anotber place. Frank Novak. agait 14. af 625 They hava promiseilto ta ilathe ElghiL treet. a student ai the Jack- gald watch. son achool, and Miler Johnson, agit Thie politce oritered thteS raprletors 8, of 619 Btgbth airait, a student at of the two 5quth aide stases te re- the McÂlister achool, vers ta ken ln- mara thre penny alot inachifliiand ta cnstady late )Mands.y attrnoon by Issuad a warntng today tiret If therl the Waukegan police on a charge ar are ag other socb machinéesfauna haylag stolon gaverai articles be- te town ibey wiil e wcite&c4d GRIN FOR fEFF To the Men and Women of Lae Couty- In asking you te vote for and support me for the noelin- ation for Sheriff, at the Primary te lie held Tumaday. April Il, 1 amn deeply appreciative of the preferinent you have showri, and the confidence you have placed in me during the paît. As a public servant, 1 have always tried te do-rmy duty regardicas of the polutical consequences to rnyseif. lI se doing, I have at urnes gained the hatred o(persoas who do net possess a sncere respect fer iaw and order. To such I have ne apologies te offer, ner promises ta make. Wîth yeu, rny fellow citizens, my sole recemmendation fer further favors mnuet le rny past record. If yo" nom- inate and elect me, 1 shail adeninister affaire of the. office 1 seek,, in accordance with the Iaws of the state and ithe orders of your courts, 1 shall endeavor to safeguard yot* livesansd prepeey~ in-so-far as the office of hiffme=ay require. 1 will co-operate with aIl law regulatiigsuda en- forcing bodies and efficers at all turnes. - EL VIN J. RIFFIN Pirimary., Tuesdayr. Aprl1 1.7 y W LJvote 'for ThiomatsE. Gi'ahc State' ýL K son"**

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