w«W gdlways tfui on ne naedar SYEAR AS ÏDAY APART V1*, de!' *th Septmber, »Tirli. Junud November. Ih ru have i31. .WbM"ir3'tiofl, mm~ leap year . Stii. tbtrteeftb l= I4 uck M< h8 dala b>'c4edr st ma attu,. 0 t:bwwi te10b& made, If the. vend b> oftln luRome. nit T>e hqmpye&r ftture la' ti botah- *t he . or çeiIeiice ln reck-uti 43 ti l,«u1anlty orf SuatO arrtv- si't, buOucetd, vlth tie.lander> that the loup yen? bnlvilo'e 5S a nd thé. nlgt to rusah the. 0 O ping bat abait itot b. Ne obJection lu, 1k,!>'to tl eiedar cti> asensible ~4M'balaualii b 1 omposed lf~d.i eri; 8. Blourdan. di- *' or the, Parla observatw7i 'M. 4%*t.hii#e.directen of the, Uccle Oh- *m"rvWt 1Brusel; W. HM Camp- WL et. itipiioicii drector of the Lck .0nrtiOy Of Caiforne: M. De.' '1»AMdnt ldretor 0f the Meldeli Ob- kervatory lunr Parla, Sir P. W. »!>- lj'Ofl *I, a st>'oniielr t Grenwich; IL. & lampees. profesuor e0fu.urona- Vmut lidiubcrg nuverait>'. -. T» primai? objecof the, Pro- >c. S1ndar refoiluil lutomike the. -a-a-eift tkw-m tb --OUÙouthe *W* ate lhe. yer & Aroiu AU that 4atelet fh is t lhe proet IP.hth e!laumeu of3865d&Ylsl *^Ir,âtud4 o 84; hich woild 1w àiUUI1>' YIblvtbbY theil 5veka $,»or wani Oie QUOntion 4'f loup -ve.sr te 1"av 14Day Te aïommm se ie t obatacle Il là ~ nsoNe* Ye&r'* dey ibt ad>' atlelyoutaide ef the ~aa~ to«im I~~ing oui>' 164 4as te ho ý#Oâ"iteilfor. Thon, for 'the iMp, yB!u.itIr lprpond, letreat the. ai thle su» . vs'> inking Il i uqOrte day $Wi t ter June 30, en- tira, #«Êsldethe ealbmdar. lu Or- der la ake »uale! a flxed lnstead of a mol&eat dey It 'v«Iiib. oece.- *KuFtoImw thae iuconest othe liol S". xgnul neollationa -sre already un- 'id v >' te; twt end at -tique. Pre*emni that the *Important cjbuo».um.ntloned above vili b. pen- tbitt lie ù01>'Se. mbu amont ou- ftmocnoeW1<remodeling the. caiendar. îhbi. udland otiier Intemibt. 0< thevorUi ould ho id te. bavre fer -,éaimportant chang-ea 1th" tios OuAgeste# mail,0 and if propor mtOu- 0*-il ecuned for the mater, il a bOdooQs, for the greul benefit et coin- Ang genleratlona. 71 . Triat.! lthe Chid tii. trials eoftthe chld Who bas te lea the. pagan nomenclature fMr inghaand day-Buudai for vor- ui. f sua; Monde>' of thi e O; Wedneady oethtie gos! Wodeu; Marcb 6«ottathe gos! of var. and a. 014 exmet Septumber the. seventi, Oeto- b be lii.ghth, .November the ShMmli Dégemben lthe tenth-vhieb Il lu't. bd nt chbumade. se. If bo ho a Qu&- ker cb»& , ho leara la u»Y. "Int tmg$.4kthlrd day," ad eus!0.1onte avld *nom oi±lg Idoistn>. Wh:, you figure itereat there's la *boie 10f 0f unuaaceary trouble. yoâ !ever haev vbafr day oet týbe UUaUiYtIaY viii b. on snd yen bave:, to."okottor teir.luteti. Yen are il" .t. baie s flght wlhh the bbard- Mg bou a au>'dey or suyhedy aiae Us t. rhMs 'Mowh, meua viethen cal- emnar Or "biner. É'ow'. la'thiIs &ili vong, eapeclal- t jýy îO tua sreconstrutionl age? A bort- cg^ igtakt wM hobumade that future çgaatlans vilii hardi>' emdque, If tàicalendar commissioni le met la A Idont make mors important iautesth"au- tii.e propsed-wblIeh 'taa ~*yW!! If the. proper Inluhenicela *begit te beur. 4lii. Yer ih-deterinos!b>' the ~Uia rvoittoi, ii.varlation belng iU"e w by )*P aapysr. 80, the. m0*b cydea 'redotermith- 'e4 by -tl«e moue, au vo commol! saJ. .mM, mua"for M.mua'mnIs. I*Me, a imai moth-tbe 0iiy-hiitif ><tae t tiie.ffsr-ba U deys- Tih* propoa.4 ebangeviiimake- the. Year $%34 dys: thisln iib. mua.e eactl> te 13mona sor mntbs.' DOcémbe. meana thé. tentii montb. eibî teii R hoiii i ve-iwchange te jý*t nuslutter uysteu.The romain- !~ lire m cmthe eaut approprl. - andàw&amordlnui. Au-Mi b .03 L*uuiUI r«elcîwthtbhte 'emleOtii. nazmaf et budays o4 ts:week ans!of the Moaewît 0#4 motg~ ,e menel> a te omitih orrl«ti» a.but boue tth ~hiiminOltIiOlm atapîs!If n c *tmwtiie eider o tl#enthei, end èà-qMâ&»= :in. iu ite, vba logiu nin, for e ontJ à hi t tu d Im e* =WL», u s>noth* i e uav"Ifbg lA wnug.le, uorter naine or a6iire vIatiobu; for omnmpe, 'Duoina.. 8 or Duo, W. "C for urnagà& Ever peraonC %s'ia oioiubo -educo& n viiwo bt =I.dnvtoac conmmn vonifis' Id mid, if Ot a i xat- leýin5 of tAt4ibas the ninmes lu mmory immedlately. tIowever, for somn. yara. iioth the. ols! and lhe aev napieu vonis! buou the caiendar. oauuang ne grest incanvenlence te maie the change graduai!>', beglnnhIng uay a year frein not Janunny smugilng in "Merrise ng*nd." Bmuggllngand Illiil lrsdlug vere cuinion roough lu Englans! s cetury ugo, aceordlng to lia jour11alA of lihe duy-but more oftea' nuen net the euh- rosa trtsnations ver. lu thbnga te et. Thiu vas e9peciliy Inue et ginie, wiilcb n ausvermscanee la' lova sud seldoni offeres! for ale. That la, >'l vus net offeres! opul, ncot t holiday lime, but, noue the. le«, baro and taine bîrds appeured on m an>' di-, lier tables.. Trhi pnce t bu>' vus t the *tai of a atîte lune of tihe driver, as a ral, h Wbail sd uderslaudlag viti penchertbroughout-theu territor>', sud who mnages!te keep aupPlIM u a 'band for 'gond customers, la apte et lie gaine vardena. ' Selanres ef gaine off the unda>' guattena et' familleq thet torve veau> of lhe lasto of the, èvelaslpg bet and! matten and! pri are net reerded lu a"y'promInent vu>', but soeuo f the enoesdo.are nethhlg leua thaun - dient famlly portraits of old mn aumuisNature. M MMxww Stores in Minneapolis St. Paul .Suits9 that eniphasize li in nt pleaMlg ways fixe new, styrles for Sping. Itisi difficult todefine thé doxnbnàttrend as indi'viduality seems to be fthe keynote. $25 to$6 4t~b. ii. d ns! t Egypt,' la now xe9ouIbd ,a a eading fruit trov- 4agsu truci garden dessI n id -SM.orabelt Cmi>' T ftier uw-th léat, u gypr tiie"ilgeet -iextensionsao e i.OuarA mouim tait* ot Missuri. Xla nortbaaatre Fo> tput th altitude lu 1,0"5 ge t; i,1'blaI 700 feet above the. "ap 1 t 1 llifnoia betweei tiie OaurIda, ;»*d lthe igged iaudai et Je Deua.,Içeunty rmeuieanue- vatien cf 1.006 fot," MIr. Root naid. The. lowqaI point lun t* talo laà thalow vater mark at thé inaction of the, )gluawep and Ohio rivera The report repruenta vueka 0 f. ef- fort on the part of Mr. Root anld be auatantsa nd ail recorda are ne- dicedte tthe most minute detatlia ln mattem ra cimale.predipltatlon. lemperalures ans! vindu. Vole.. of the Dune& Tîît volces of ie -dunaftare la nia» keya. The. crse o e tegul ans! crowu --the. natodteuet tlb. Pgter*-hbe wliid toues auhuoR lthe trees-the rouf »ftb sor.utn on lthe uor-tiio 1,oft musnor th tome rendu, eddyflp ufioeg the.beaci graseu-the wviin02 gtrted, wntln utle navines-the ppinf hue frogu uuld litUo toada hLa the manubi' spts-lie cdonnaof the "tydidis and! loeus-the prolouiged Rte ofthi.e wls ut nlgit-und ma>' othier Rouds, nli blend loto the the. greater aong t the Jiillsý andtb.- tomea part of tihe appeai, ln Iis land bf endhunt anit id îystery.-Earl IL C(AL IMWUSAE Nlnýety-nine per cent o!f 81w- minous product under state remains to be deveoped ALSO W}IEAT AND FRUIT, Ninetynin. per cent-et lth.ec.J Slda underlylàg t*o-thlrds ef Iiik- coin -are atfll ufftouciies!,accordfti la Clarence J. iloot, meteorologiat ila Charge of the. haltes! Staites weatiier bureau ber.. Mr. Rootà estimate tiat eily'1 per- cent of the cesuln lulinois ha be removes! vil made, la un exhausative report vblckhobeand! bis staff have lut completes! ai federal ceilmatolo- gîcal recérde for "Egypt." thse seth portion er Illinois. Cokl lien ln au almest unbroken' iffeld frein LA Salle counly aoatiivuru wth the. exception ef uarrow tripa aiong lie Msulualppl river and more tibau W fet lcoa!lluthb. ulul coens tram the are* caveros lu thue report. Here the ven. ai-e hMocrer and te coai la suId te' b. the bout. [Thi amount of ceailu lnInoisla lu mid te oebcedthbat of any sulule aul of the. Mississippi river. Aie Wheat and Fruit ~Irhe seth one-thbrd oft Illiluol. knoov i llmatoioglcal, records au ,section 66,also1p0oD'nreeamom9 wbeat. tien any tiier secton,0ft the ýAn.Announcemént to the Motr C ar OuWjtùs 0f. W#ukegan and, Vkinity Thereî oue11gnew inWauke- gan that 8hudbeo terest to you. It is a Veqta, Battery serv ice. station backed by nine- ym.earewerience ini the nmaI'I'f4ture and service, to automo- bile' btterk"s and will- be open Mon- ïday March 270 Repeiirmateria1s used wil be of high- est'quality, moderately priced to be consistant with quality, resulting ini mnore service per dollar, to your re- paired'baitery. An occasional test with expert ad- vice will prolopg the life of your bat- tery._ Regardless of make it costs no- thing, so yours for better battery ser- vice. No., Shore Waukegan Battéry Station On Genesce, Just South of Bridge HVesta Batteries "'Cost less Per month of Service" Green Bay Oshkosh Decagur, Durmng this week we have arranged for your conven- ien vi*ewmg -the cream of the new Spring modes devel- oped in the most favored of the season's Fabrics. ýamou~s ,fashýon -axbiters havt ive hesWitherepre"t W=', ree4 *Qmionen everw1er wl ierfor -thé, dcomingmots i n 'data nÏ, thatwe halva v M~d*et4&. tt n ~owwa Pr'iceto pesl ~ to$75. An ample range, of styles and- mat- erWasha!ve' beea provided for your choio go thât no .matter whiat your Srequirement they may be exactly sufplied from our stocks. Dr.oesaoing shown, whkeh,,W.b- lovd5yota caniotqa eith.r in.work- mashp r materlea t the prices we ar" quotint. MAnd with our ample rngue of "06es perfect fitting tleaswy. $1650étoê55 Sport SÏveate asuad Shit li att ve colors for Si YLE WITIIO UT 13X1RA VA OANCL~! -~ ~ i i Blouses and Fur Choakers -Per Spring, tinusual Values -------------------------- cil. 1). v- jw* & new