CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Mar 1922, p. 13

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IJER ADVISEMENT Zion officiais teil state oom- ,mission why the name shOUld be ,changed .MARSHAI2 FIELD -/OPPO>SES The heariflg af the case O! the City Ofvitn versus the Chicago NOrtbý western R4IsAiy. lb wblcb the Cty CounCtl an" the Zica Institutions na" Industries Ire aseiug to eomveI the 3IortbwesteVfl ta change the -aM. on tbetr devot and rS.IW&Y Ilterature ta "Zian" inated 01 "ZMonlcity. sno as te conforDi to ithe ofIletitis eo! the City, vas up for bedrli% betare tthe XiiosCommerce Coin.miiSlofl yes. terllay. Alderman H. E. Nueneryager. lu behaif of the Cty ol Zion, wast the compilaiiflg vtOCafi antd he testified that considrable annoYanfce andi Con fusion had reaulted through the. Northwestern l ingiDg ta the nid tmie. This cofusion, he sald, vaS PartIcti- jarly 5nûOyflIgta elipPerl 01 mer- chand.iss. iie stated tbat durig the year 1921, the Zign Institutions pld thé NOrtbWOest6rlI Saivai the ium of $0079.sho-iliS tbat COnsidect able masi vas spata itb %bat coin- n bshlpmefts. The NorthI Shore E,leil îIwSY bmd caent0rflid ta tIi. change niadeby the City, as did asmo the Telp eComanfy, Rand WcTally, andi others. The Posatal De- ~ patuint itanged the Dame on the l'o rentffiVýce andi on ail t5n5, etc.. on January SBd. 1919. %0 as ta comn- pi! Vith Ciii' COulicllS ruliifg. The cane vas isard by Examilier R. C. Clarke, and Attornelilenry A. ererereanted Zion. wiiie Atty. tNeson j.* WiiroX represpnied ieN W. Ralvai'. Marshall Field and Comn- panly vere obJIf-crs ta the change' sundwer. represftpd b3' AurtY('- li- Nabb. *-groe h AldermiS iluenpr3 grsoe h 'CoomislOn tint the <tvor Zion wag inco'iêorated ,%Iarch jet. 1902. On at.- coat o f a village ln Illinoils hbbg inovU an "Zia. the namne City vas added s0ans not ta cause confusion 1ma mi malter. Tbis village ha$ sInce.,becoine defuiflrl henco the rc- turfl to the original incorparateti saineie n" N .R-iwyrm The (Chicago N. .lala on plalned through their attorfleY that the change of the naine would mean conaiderfible expenge ta thein. AS a relief for this expeilse. tie City' Of Zon througii Mr. Berger, lnforined the canisualoni ihat they vere vlu- Ing te, stand the expeuise of the rhange, thus relis-ving the ralroad of Rny financial embarrasbsint as a re suit of the change- The cage van contîntiedtittiApril 2f,, whefl a deciion hi' the commis- siOn la efbected- By MARY BROOKS PICKEN 'r E Chemise dresi, for, sen. der or atout, anrni favorite, for it cau b. made ta ft lbse andu conceal extrem luencdernena, or It eu b. nmade tb bug close and Dot be bulIcy. Draper 15 a new, artintie toiK-b for spring tbat nets out ta be iU4i(l iavored. becaune Young or oid, fat or gsia, can une draper la s be- conîlng fustilon. The drees of tltis costume la of hevy canton cuni-c;the cape. (if erystal, or crepe, knit. Tlhe-cape inay b. lltied wlth ma- terial of the dresa or of coutrnst- lng intis case, the dres and the cape are of maple;augar color, . ih a %%aria. broWn PUSZY- wiliow linlng for nie cape. soine chose, incevelopIîn.-gurh a cape, te omt the bandi sud use point-six or elgh-as natfinishî fin tbe lover edge. Thltu ibage lsadat- vlsable for thas. wbo degîre tousun- phaize heigbt. Theliehg roses of selfmuuerlID are mac in evidence and are irs-i gen- er.Uosti'. hotu, fer finishtand fur or- Damnent. Ph.elbatI n lita cse la of slluper satin in a î.,lor tu match the hniii; of the dilue. Base Bail Clubs ,We are Lake Couîty Distriblîtors for and are prcpared to outfit your team, up to the minute.- Our Spring order was of goodly proportionis and cmi- bracc.s a complete une Of Basebail Equipment, includ- ing TO THRE CITIZENS Suits, Sboes OF LAKE COUNTY: I.ouieviR ll uggr yul During niy campaigni for WýL Bat, Probate Judge I have car- G1~ ttaBAM8 ncstly requested that ini- aioteMitta, Baw150 quiry be miade into xny eligi- .4 thero-Oenter 150unng ility. Some are teiling me Guarafteed BaL Emat in eainpain finies they hear, ail sorts of things Have your secretary get about candida'tes. 1 suppose in toucli with us for " Çlib this is true but odly in a Prices." They are right. measure. The Truth cari bc Our Mr. Leonard F. Hll ascertained by any one ac- bas taken charge of the ont- tually interested, as you al of-town trade and is at your certainly must be. iPlease do commnand. - Phone 6 wilI not conent yourselves with reach him. the stdtements of those in- lined to extravagance ini Write for Spring and either praise dr disparage- Suinner atalgue.ment Sucli are ikely to be partisan and1 unsafe guides. ÇU1U~ Fair ininded, level-headed folks are alwaÏys to be found whào can bc t1iisted to speak the, truth - you ail know many. Kindly a$k them M p about. Meno 1w - not later UFowtm3( oodu when the votes are counted. 30 N Gexiesee St. RmmeL please, t h a t Waukgguwhile this office is imuport- Waukgî~iant to me, it is also go to tiiiiiIIIIHHIUIihlIhIIIIIliIIiyou. Vhoever la elected serves four years. It is quite __________________a whlle. You niay need the ight man during that tixne -but you cannot select bui then - for ithat will have been doue on April i lth, this year, so it igeNOW that You imust decide wkether or not I amn the right man-not 'tw9 :yeàr% hence. PRJN~ 9gx p-o The pipes of Pal' at-, souuding over the huIs anîd Spring ~.J J la awakening te lier task of rejuvenating a Winter-worn worlrl. Outdoors and iýai the eall is heard and hecded-nesta are build- ing, homeB aile being rc-fiîiisbed and wardrobes are in the mak- -iîîg. Inli kppy accord 'with this bcautifying and rcvivifying spirit the Store bas put () il s gayclKt airs. Prom ta roof and f rom front ta rear the blibEome spirit of Sprlng prevails andi memciafldire for the homne and for the Individuai la vîbranthi' attuned 1o Springs pUlsIng theme. The New Fabrics; The atari' tolti bi the aLev Fabrica for Spinus tà one of a n'any-toned voIre, and fulil o! harmonies. Varying from tic ich depth ai the. Wa0leta, throiiciî the safte-at o! ilîken notes ta the aeicate, dreaiMie vlisperîngs o! sheer Voiles, Tissucuu arid Cottons, the lovely theine vinds tè vsy--colorful, radiant, intriguing. In obscure luttle tavns the vorld aver. bains have ihird ai a desperate apeüd for weeks -and montha lest in order. liait ten» beatItlUi atsriais nîght be ready. Andi 00w --the tins ha* art-ied. ln aIl the bovelinees whIck mastei nîtnd,, and master craflaieit couiti accomplielb, they are assembied ber. for the Sprila Fdhlouî E,uiti0fl. Siike 98e ta $4.98 yard. Cotton Faix-fr-i19u Io 79c yard. Clever Suits Expreass tbeCostunmer'$ Skii .sensng -the important place wbici th1e Suit voulti assume ln the Spring outfit, master costum- esnsbave employedti ur highest art ln devislng new and unex- vecteti waes for aaking It smîart and desirablê. The Three-plece Sui.t. he Conu- po-qet Suit, lte Sports Suit, thue nonchalant litJ Box-Coat Sult. the"e at Iheir bs-t make Up ihI9 disllnguished pr"senftlo. $25 Ia $7950.- Springtime Frocks Indispcnable-DiverfiiflAigl The fluieti cups o! Easts-r blossonia li- spirs-d the coloringl' o! Taffeta Frocks for Informai svening vear. -Andi afternoan modes or Sportswer Frocka se cbarming i4îey flae qîlue to aimomt any occasion are schasn lit a large vaiety of stlk weaves and beautîful cotoringu. Really the most Inter- eqting feature about these nev !rocks are their wide flowing sleeve-s. - $2250 ta $ 79.O Spring Wraps Dit-play CGracious Attribute CONCEIVED in gracvbobnsiid. are tuese drapey. F'luditùd W xai Soaie show a simple cnulai rUt o! graceful fties it ih of t roitar of clOth or sutk. Somectumi-) a collar of rsggedy chn.o'nîthe inis or flutfy ftur econti b ieq its pictharesq1ne tauxct. Wooliy fabnica with Itw.c oxi. plaids are perfectiloni foiioi jug andi sports, and kiýtuu(l i apu' zre avýerwbeliigiy aPPT ou !- $35 ta $12500. Her Chapeau Expresses lis Modes l)n Color Dclectahi ,oîfi ofo!leghorn, Nlilan or dead-%Nhile lihorsehair. garlanded %wlth flowers or î,a-i.ud wllh lace. Shapes o! faille. rihhon, 3cpc, taffeta, ini coibnation %vitbh hcp, iniho. tagal or other braids. Turbans of Ilca andi isere enricheti with feather spiays. glycerined or ehellacked and crushable Sports modela kuitteti or of felt, chenille or jer.ey to match onesB costume. Cplo s: Poppy, French Blue. Rusi. Birit Oiauîgè, Muajolica, Jade, Canna lRed, File. lex us uikte. Punipiîn. $5.09 ta $2500. Saith the Oracle- "These Thinge Must Milady Bave ý Sînce ail îhilngs el5e acquiesýce the distinction of an enbroîdurcd motif ro v.auld scm, rmust ones Glores. P'ourquoi? Paris lias decreet it. Also, Paris bas lookcd in hier mnirrar anti fo,-ietbiIttle pinns-d-hack Veilu chic beyond ivords. Therefare la the snug-fittlng Vel ihenceford au fait.. . . And doea aone countenaimo se> drab a tbing as a dul1 day? By ail menus. no! Onue dilaels Il-uitb a gay silk Scarf flung la the -iinll iso heaven. If that should Dfot suffire, a Iacy, frllly, frivolous lutile Vtslec <tcka itseif coyly' Iita aies coat sud the nmiracle lacrani- pité. . . . On. mut bave adeéquate prtectias these perilous urnes i-o an Umbrella le the constant coeîpanian o! anea vaîha., ils goîgeous bakette or carveetI mry handie far taa fine ta binsh unseen. - . Anti as for that provacative mmx ofa, Handikernhlef, hile juat a net fr111 embraciue 4 exîculiar bit of neitiiîg colorn That kame aearrhing cator mai' be repealeti in Earriug., if ane sa deolu-es, as essenlial sut one's bots ts-se gala days sud hi' the saine token sa are Bracelts They wuay jingle and jangle In bai! dozen lota an onue arn). if the spirit so movesC. New, SIender Silhouftts Assured By Our Cerset Service O! course proper corseting îîot oni' must acliieve the»loiig stender lînea so neceessary this Spring but t nmust bc done w 1h a full measure o! s-as andi confort Ouri- iew modes are bath fashioîuably and heaithfully deigned, and the Individual service o! expert coreeilcues wil i ge yuu the Partirular modelas uited ta your Individual reutuirenueuts. $2 to $10 , (Second Floor) sports Apparel Impeccably CorretiJn the Dei a ls WVith code as uiîbeiiding a's the laws ot the ý\Uedes alîd Persialu, the Nvorld of sports de- mîands that its devotees bc imîpcccably attire'd acu'Iordinig to uile. CoiigpigibotisIy correct Sports Apparel of the ncwest mnade i; featurcd in the Spiing presentatioii. The cocky littho Hat of Feit. fabr or wool, tbe amart compose Suit lu ail ils intere-stIig phases; tailireti shirts. knittted Frocksansd auter vwear; Sport$ Rose. Scanfs. Gloves. ail lind adeqtiate and authoritative rePreseutatiott. Fashi ons BeliingjJunior Bde Takiîîg Its modes and ti inou! eurely lesa serlously tilan' ils iderm the yiaunger genration's Apparel liai al duninant place lu the diulays of he Sprlng Exposition. With unerrIng Instlict foi fitness, neyer designers have adaptedtheiîs fashions ai the hour ta youlhfui needs. Fascinating ns-w collections are gatti- -ered ln the Junilor Sections, represent- Ing the new mode atitli bet lu Froaekq ant i Sts for g;portsansd echlnsd drew-up wear; Tub Fraclts aîud Taffeta }'rorks ln piatruiariy adorable guise viil intrigue Miss; Pally. And What TheY Wil Weau Tuie diminuUJve amartnean Of the littie jts a! both sexes leacol. o! tie beautifUl thinga about the mode 0f the us-w season. Na more interesing Port tal a le be fun d Jn la ah the yo dern ai the Spring EYPalttan than the. Juven- le Sections. Charmjng displays presetit nev and lovely ibinga ln Plai' ebothes, acho&i tlotheun. dresas Upclothes andi rel Par' ty clothea for bath w.. Girls andi -»OyS. Play clathes shov the peanant ltta-" ence. Qualntiy amocked and crue5- stitched ltile garments have a de- cideti ald-warld flavor. A Spring Touch To the New Oxford A sîîart Oxford o!faslecleti patent leather. tdlth fiat heci, the exact Prototype of a mnnlbb modes-, was orlgiualiy deslgned for dancing but la lu perfect tante for the treet. Patent leatb*T by the way, la the chaîne o! the faîhionable for 0ay-timne nusar. Long vampe, are ani inter-' etiug dev£.lapuent of the season. Street Oxi ords nlu a oriatie styles offer faecin&tllg choira lu the Stores Sprlng presesntailaf- $5ff to $12.50 (ilret Floor) Interesting Bits For the Home In the Spirit 0i1he Spriiv Sealon Sp'-ing ai mosphere in à~ll the deightful details of furnishing which the season sîîggcsts. Clean, swcet freshuess spcaks froin curtains, rugs and furnituire and nature herseif supplies the color schenies. The Store invites you b a Spring Festival of homne-refurnishing aînd places its Departiments of Iinterior Dccorating at yoit' ser-vice. Nothiîîg eau cqual the loveliness of the new Cretonnes and Chiutzes ýspreading a îiot of tropical spiendor over thc Drapery Section. Suitable color-sclienies and patterns for ail pur- poses hint of the harning interiors to be created with their aid. Ad if one bas a treasured hope chst-no Spring bride could. asic a lovelier contribution than these, Lin-, ens, of heîrloom quality, assembled for dining-room, bedrooni and batbxom, and rcpresenting the choicest weaves of great loms the world over. 12 The Kenilwod~h Shop A Treasure Trove 01 inexpensîve Art Thing. to Tone-TJp the Homo>. Pavored Noo.k New things have been arriving ahnost daily and here you will be isurrounded by the newest ideas in mahogany, decorative nietal and art glasswares-a host of decorative accessories7 for the home! And not only are Kenilworth -wares modestly prie- ed bult reliable quality' un every article is assured. (Thîrd Floor) 1!?zeB~çt &o'e-~On~h#.

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