fi-LAKE COUNY IDND DE&T OeMsto BfZideSnout WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN. ÏVOL. XXX.-N0. 12. "IBERTYVtLLE LAX COtNTfLOIYf%., &X1 O12. $1 .50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANC$ * 7 Uasc **~~* T; *~~* lu- bar Dt the iip va RIL SLu one Sa. elii.; s at fore d IOAiDS OF C OUNTY IN-IITIER SURP TM ANELSI3W1ERE P.hiiiiinnmotor uclub makes The lait four jurors ta hoi OtSti '. w11111-n p wrre: favorable repor of thée* Th mas iuney-Nortir Chcago. Courity raads John Eul-HIghlin4 Park. Josph Kerriga-Lake F'orest. John Peter--Hlghland Park. Trhe other elgt men msklag up the WEEKL.Y REPORT IS ISSUI jury are aU tallows: Fred fnMk-Wakgma. . Lake coanty raids an the vholu Carence Colhy-ULbertyville. la mach botter skhape thon thoy Ra C. B. fltx-*ntl0ch. othes' umallues tu the tite accai 17. C. Iindee Roaund Lake. te tb .e iékîy report of raid candit Ot okelah-.Nostll Chicago. senot ub the Chicago Motar clut Earl Sheabîn--Highiilid Park îsaforeem that the. ras ilu Ibis i EhanetmE. ies Wiukgam. - ty, howevet, vi b ecome varie as Clarenue. Robtmon-ZIOS. £test 1.5.W the gressnd. Thre trial af th» case vas tarieS Éofllwng la the repart subint thibi.morrig mand judging by th in 'tIm regçcd1tea aeln genîril teýlfty ith vlich vîtueimoes i*O ioame ofI llinos: dlsposed af t lb.Qite evl4întt lia Generai tire case vili ho campleted beoote é Weather la govirnlug roid c endilof the veela k, - tioca thranghant the cauntry. Pi Thre tiret ltesaem acd n h mhways- are open xcept lu extr *,and hy the stato ver. Coroner 3. lartiern sections. Gled roais are I. Tayli; aSDr.. J. Q. Foley. 'XJleyai5fllfair. thaangh brokisi Sarougi tit o hln ,rfouugd tie ilto$p ictsGravel ronds o«0 god n l ssdtobÀ ( S.usuer.e!ofthe Dguis»dffaitte itobert. v 'aie evdansare, genra»' oit ie raid:ts" »d Mchigan perml oni ele 4ui ln te Pterain capaclty laids. o ,eeda 4 e mliai u heurb byalIt in nta dvismale ta venture ft ,piA ou3y misslng soin, clldr*-i o, or dût raids. Illinos v~spilaS bealde tire raad . Hes Improvei. or otied raids ouiy sîrituItatPetersea heS a U irsMe- ala ie for travel nov; grrvel trad aneCl id itarted alter the car. Pin officeri ofthtIe village at Win- tairin luemctions, but raugh, mti t ,,q, Harbor bstleld te the tact ruity la rnny places; drt raids 1;1:it Pelermea vii employed by thre serg biS artd antier veek or ton 1! Iage as a mnot;auycte policeman,. o! dry Warta veather viii b. ruti l-:a r- Cas persan. a contable altet make them Sft for tris-ci. 7i-îri Cty sailai he vai standing lun MDu Page cauti ta netrictingt 5 ~ rid ner 'tenty4g Icelledmte six tons on ail hîgirva: sir(,ft viren the automobile. faldved RraaîÀ«velt raid tram Marchr lobacks behina by Peter-arn flair- rl 15. et1 by golul 40 ta 45 miles an heur Ad.-llicounty, Marchr 21.-. ar-Pr the romgh rand». veLidragged and ry; aulns mtir Water J. Arnold viro li on nmare raluptiri l ylonr.ri Smidn raid nar Beach r-aidsth mumil n ogr 4--uSagood witueme for the. tile.1 Champaild couty, Mircir 23. il Ite said thit hi and hlm vite vire id raids ritted lu places bt puni -1rding la a buggy vinai the speed- fei mpros-ed earth ruade gari r'itme machine flaireS by, baril>' miss- mainder baS, mauj' Impassible. lac iis buggy. HIf saiS ire turimed Jasper Couty. March 22-t- uai luIn ime ta ses thre foc Of tino cunt o! récent r-eine sud averSl driver. Hi identifIeS John Bartoie., treams, ronds are very liaSt ad on, of th defendints viraBait lnthe bottou roaids practlcally lmpisa cmir-.roani as the min hi 58w iltnttLike counts, Mincir 28-Ram tire, ýlu goed condition considerlugn Arnod saiS m-li. -r- o a golamg Pin- raina and tbawm. Soine placosinlu hans 60 miles an bautr vin I as&p«.' roade havebhein badly brQkMel ilita). He agid tire mtarcYle wuvi truck traffle. Dirt roaidilu nuails 1«1t0illIng about So0 yards behind. A conditloti sud vill bicorne val mii le urnhmn airtire raid he came tae tirant leaves tire graund. thre place vire Peter-min lay deid LaS4ello unty,. March 2.- ~'beide tire raiS. hls ebot-tlddied Me Valleiy dtour onroaid ta Peorla toi-cycle lu tire diteir. aspsbe, but 65.0 ruts. Go oner Constable Caperon tîstitiîd tirat nartir of Hick's Park tien veit tht ire looked at the cycloinelet' on tire Seatonville and Holiovayville; mot orcycle ialtor Ihi accident and mle yest of lollovayvIlle turm siw il regstet'ed 72 miles n bout. ta Bureau. Ota-La Sallet * George Pivlik vira lives nortiro!fîirould athU mltal on tire noth st tire Dur-km place ou Shridani rond river ai far as tItca. then cro proveS an Important witness. Hi saanconcreti on oulin aide. hé erS bie noiîy appromicir 0!tire Le counly.Mach 22.-A auto aid moorcycle a'nd hbarmid tg trouble tire paît twa veika. fro0: * the raid ta Ose the cusea! tire cam- mil watir. IlIrias brokin tireas motion, He. sayî ire recogrized John tram ueîov: even mtise anS Ba rtoli anS Iguat» Potsvina mt lu tire roada havi broken up badlylni front sent of ti utoanmd pointeS tinta Mac=n couuiy, Mýrci 29.-New ouin th ie court roon. Pot almiscarg- iai Boded al roaidseat; al ef i vth ir eilg ir-id tire mat. . rougir and badl- l'avlik ssid tIrai alter the machines Muion Counnu, Matchr 22.-Al 1ai prsseS hlm hire md tire soud o! reids passable; main raids Sr iluOts, amiv ,mOck eer-gi froimitire mid lu > shape. Hivmna vest1 r-crcofthtie auto aildsamy Peter-mon fai ton coanty raidi stllI viry bi * ro brrniis motorcycle. nemly inpassable. lire. Fili vire livîsaon Sireridan rdl Singamrn Counby. Mach 23 * i.b taiS o! bearing tire autos ap- raide thr'ugi conft gare pisa * îroricbiag, iearnmg tie miraissudme- fisfr; nme closîdl yet. lmg Peterse fail rm iis motorcycle. St. Clair couty. Matcir 24- m-ade ar- inl gond condition. EflrATEDWhtesidî counly,-Mer-eh 2.- RE E TE AYS sud uarti renods are being dae soit spots lu all reids. lIE C flliTTNfi Will county, Machr 22.-Roi, HE IS à.) VIIIIisomewiet impnavlug, but venu s soinsi pInces nearly iinpi5sable csteve Malesci o! Lake Forest, just CoïmplgeuSth. vonk o! botllng a go"od mssfa!moosblxau uit night when irîelitons cailed il iis front 5cr-. Stîve toppeS vmuhing tire bttues long enougir ta lock ap mitire face of an efficer. Hi miSe no effort ta gît away anS. virea braugt Into tire. jue;lice couirt Ibis moernlimg piiad gilty ta tir. change. Hoeva fliS $104)mand coïs. sleve ias SireS tu booze cmiii around Lalti foréot betdre.bUiaUt" tIr fires ar-i'getting a 1n oruoit a. Iis mor-imAg staflte tt11o vAi withdiraiîImg trai tire iï<>msirne busainess for Irond. class 15 pr-. .1î embua diffet'. ont mannera. Ii - laus ar-aguS vilin Sand, amoottred siti ery, sud poliihed 'iitir crocuas. A good pDoilai. lug powdur for- show cases Conisste aI rock aluni, barnid and iumlY POv der-eSfilesParts; POwdetred chali, en. purt; mr anmd.ippig wiiir a dry brime. I»pdAmes. -q» moi aburdm en lotigifglyaq troubles oni teSîlvIshave nemi o... EXPECT TOTÂL 0f 740,000 UTO LIRENSES IN, 1#2 -à aFgwes Indicte there are âe 650»00O Pasunger and 90,000 truok in Illinois M. LAST YEAR WAS 670,452 a arn Licînsea for more thasi 500,000am. an la toniobies have been lianeS by the )r"n tate automobile depanimeut for 1922 [tiensa ahb. It st-p offIciais malS yestirday. Bîfore ýcn tire de]mand for license plates lits up, as ibm the Siparlent uxpecis t atlie la tire neighhorhaod a! -i40,00 sets. - mitted Thre fgures ladicite tust there, art kt ad or mse vwi in u per-ation lu 3111 naIs alpraximately 650.000 d1gir cars mand 90.000 trau., Lodi cues for 1921 anmberedt<70451 aved Thre rush ferlilcense plates vblcb munlty Serie. MUn o thrîî as plan- trme bas contibued ince th.&M th e i.nd. >North Chiago may has e thre eges- year l5a trfbuted by oMeicia cS-en priviloge a»d 4ipprtanity of bpcam- gin la ly tg thre Sctmtly inereosing atam- Ing a etty of t"do tans. This is he- smre ber et maçhlnes. but la Me o *ra- coirn 8goIlligr O!a habit thit the bir< ribof a Shretary f aISt.e amer- radis Wme 4U*WUetng deug lcomment ut ' t oalvesI8 lrajal'Ports 9f an senter eu$t*i ;forthç borne, or il$ ~the om» attIetan eveatng. s r eforclnig the n 1mte or feWcl g m & Mo - 9fttirChicage May, have but have 1-à ded many ïigï themi- a, pecal, dutlit hat ta enabie th or ov- selves, wth the resuIt SaiS rarat- large nupnbee o; fins of thi Auditar- lnatnig motorimtm have made appli- lu mte ilatkn lu on- the concerts and citions for leenses mach igriler thlm talks that are bînlg Xghen tirraugir ly areyiar. The businesof putting mnvii. this service,. la ire tigators la the fiedva made Pos- IR. H. Wieks, an electrician wark- Iand mble by a law passedl by the legisia- Ing at thre naval itation. and who tg oa" tari laut year. constructed thre radia phone »et now 1days .,It la eatimated that there are ap- iu use at the naval reaurve iaead- ured proxlmately 260,000 more utoma- quartera here. may bud the set for bilein Ilinois tues year thaft la 1919, the Consmunity Service. If o. hi truck mand 180 000 mare thon ln 1MO. wyul bulld a set sîmlar ta that used' ys ex- Estîmatea by Couftis. hy the army and navy exiermentel 27 ta Thre lait estîmate ofthtie nambîr of stations at Washrington. automobiles lu escir caunty lu Illi- aiinoi vie made by thre depertmeul. tere je for .1920. Departinent officiaIs esti- J ais,312 ae 100 La viii mate that the 1922 totel for iachJoDve. ,1; ae, 100; couny wililb. 17 per tent blgher Knox, 6,103; La Salle, 12027; Lee, *-oi- bm he 920fl~rri. l vbch he5,127; Kankabie. 6,091; Logan, 4,- sable; the 1920g ch tded: 861; Macon, 7843; Madison, 8336; -sae Cown oak. 169.431; A iac,17uex-McDonough. 4,Z76; NcLane. 11,809: ander-Coo, 16,061;Cirampalg,10,16x-Margan, 3692; Peoria, 12,897,; kock aner mc hlta.1, ; CFrmalgn, 203; .Island, 10,000; Sangamon. 11511; St. ov or ton, 6.501; Grundy. 2,685; Jacksonclre, .0; Verhlion.01 9,64n;W arb« 1river 2,028; Japer, 1,120; Jefferson, 1,409, a,379 il ,ladWnei iSiego. 11,406. du are IRA E. PEiARSALL Now Depuity County Treasurer REPU,,BLICAN CANDIDATE For Subjeed to the. decison of the RFIPUBLICÀNPRMRE ÀIPRIL 11, 1922 rYour yote and -support wM is1~ appreolale ______________________________________'lu 1000 pairs reclimed Sirois, consisllng o! garrîsan nier-ch- lag and dre shaîbs, 1i'>Ik1 Ibis sale oaly, patir .- LrUd 25piswork Suais 2.50 25 paire Work Sboes, irîavy cîk sole; seortir $6.00. for ibis sale; 29 pair-__--. - - .2 9 60 pair-s U. S. Mua- 32 sort tantshois ..... 2 lûlpeire rnsr-ciig shoma amli are u. S. lnspected and made o! ver>'met leathrn. serli $ 10.00. For-thinsaie,45 pair - ---------- - ----- 4 5 50 pair-a Navy Dreas Shoes; a $12 value. For thie 3 Fale. pair...._--_43 10 pair-s higir top siroeg for rougir yack; cen flot be hat. Sisecil 49 pairn..................49 100 pains brand new hup Boots -midi cf tiret quallly rab- bin; Canaden and Amiricafi mk.Speclal, 29 pair ...................29 100 peina Raibifr Boots, ne- climuid. 0 pair -------------------- 100 Navy Sweaters. brand nese, ail waol; seortir1 q $650. Speclal _- - ... dU 50 pair-s Mariai Trousir,- briard new; ail vool. A bar-- gain il $.00._ 2 95 Our pnieu -... 100 Wlnter-iild Marine Coits; irrand nev, 16 et- ---------.--......._ 16 500 cotlon Army Comtz, niakzs a dandy work coit 79 Spîctli................ 7 c 400 senol Armny Goats, wor-ti $6.00 ..... .~ .. 1 1 200 Denlm Wark 19 c Ilats -_- "«'i ....... A F 500 Campaign HaIs, large felt bini. Soa coet as mach as $10,00, ........ 5 Th&mle ..... 600 Service Ceps, Amy style......... 35c 200 paire reclaimnud Overalli and Jumpers,49 il........ ......... ...... 49 GIG ÇÇI CEAACEAE ARMY AND NVYGOQDS Our warehouses are packed to overflowing. We must maire rOOM for merohandiae bouglit and already paid for. Priesla no object. We buy dil- rect from the Goverument and eau BOU for lesa tissu you eau obtalu any- where. Compare our prîcea. ____________ Bocks. reclaimed; ail are pur- fel anS havi bien sPîctaliY &elected for rhis sal ..-------...--- .... 5 20 dozen new cotton 2 c 'wark Bocks, 2 paires....25 80 dazen new cottou Bocks. ln assortiS colora; vortir 25c a pelr. Tisaile only, 29 2 pairs,------ --...-...-- 9 20 dozen Waol ArnrY Bocks. wortir 76c pair., 35c pair, 3 pairs. AV 300 Wol Draers, 9 neclaimed -......... .. 9 200 wool Underahirts 9 r-îclalaid -.......... 600 cotton Umderahintia reclîlmed - .........25 400 cotton Drivera reclîlmed .. ..... . - ..... 5 500 Cttn ShIrts. Arny 49 c your chiaie . ... .. 50 New Jersey Ovetr- 70 dozen niv Chabay 'Inria -À $1.25 value., 5 speil ---- . --.5 100 Marine ShIrts, al site; branS new. worth 2 9 $.00, special ...... 6 50 0. D. Shirts, aie, wortir $6.50. Spenial 34 thIis sale ........ ...3 4 50 Nîvy C. «P. 0. Shirts. brinS nîw. Slected, wool eergu - Worth $.50,..... 34 spîcial ........__34 100 pairs Dunganees 51 Nivy OealIa..........95 100 Nis->'Jarupers. .2 spîcl ....... ....- 1 2 100 Ovralls ,...... 5 sitir bib .....-i ........ 200 paire it ool Spirals, ne- un solS for lima tiran 65e b>' anS Army Star-e.- 2 Speial ---.--...- ..--_- 29 500 large ite "double Cotton Bl nkets, vortin 4. * ThinsBmile... ............ 8 2000 Wool Blankets. Ar-ni>' and Nevy; wiie,' gramy and aver- coat mater-ls et 2 95 ta4.95 I3LY "?LÂàIN(" From $20 to 50 Cents an 5Hour Game- War~ n ex- Pwn-$ Uftflot DUE HERE tif 1+EW OAYS tnox Ivr-m u 1e ianon were ta hav b9 <dluLake lchigan off W .lItber yes- terda or odayte plans aI ~ ~ ~ t thdtt Oi, ,bttr plan laid too v le ~LoIlM. tireroa s. maPlde today b> Game and PlUtWif. Acardlng te xr. tfttan sev era1 large trucks. ladeiii;wi tanks con- t&luiungthem 1mbfry mt Ontt ram the t moivd$20 foraitit s . detor ce the Plhladulphiel mute ~ K huhe7 t 2fàgGros e but fLap Tramfti S .T" dme'hireresut-mi hlmlaurnas a gartman 2hatMatbif0~thtie deep è mi ets au heur. ,-Th. rani .of81W- LUItfew days bave made tire r lum1k miniature plans ta *vLàt the hlgh ichoole et Lake laes» qf- 4iQouble ta dive >lÂIHCHVilla, Wuonda, Lake Zurich, Li ber- amtai trullck tU0~tbem r . aadII15 mass tyville mnd Antioci. strarion s14. ave teta inîluviiting tirese hlir ichoali2Mr. until the roade dry 2io iue CIO Ilanna makes a theough exaaminail pieh terel N ON flot cse 't the urr umrdns but O ve Mnu mke b *t e o Wmukegani» N and hais are iathe ut a Y R3VST D tire teaciers and thre giferai efficlendg the Sprng Gravé iitch.ry but 1h15 afR VSIED etthe achoola. praeusa iad te valt élitii tire trou t -upon bis rituritet Sprngfield he and samn* erd rsi ta ire"platsiiearpr etesael hc ed," Accr4iag ta Mg. trabton these State Supervisor of inh surmits areport to the s uite u vM gahî makohrecaimnendettanseand upo garn 115 vflok o f akbe uae Schools Hanna making im- thme remit of theme ricommendatlons la the riv«rsud kg fLaeCoun-idpnswehro e hu,üg ty sud thraegbout fho- tate by nexi portant inspection sdeoundi aethaed ornethe nigir ÂAgust. Mapy o! th#d eggm train wlicli las c opare te nthe areglzed etinsse lsh vw111ho hatèhed. Ui wic cmprs acontecrdle fram Wisconsin.i M ANS MUCH TO SCHOOLS lst of the larger high sciraq1s. Ta atu- dents vira lntend ta attend college lit lescsentl t tirt teir raining bhi n- No. (MA"o J. C. Henni o! Springfield,.$tlctesu- celved ln a recognized or crOte îervlsor of biglr scirools, 1l; makingamn high achool. a rinspectian of tire rural hirgh scirools ai ,e Ut '~'Lake county.A New fdimmcuri Verion. BECORI.E RAI.II Ur ,H. enni vited the higir sctiool at CAInrty May caser a nni titrade of Garne e Y tertaY* Tody ire vsttd CI tbut curloslty ancovens a lot tire prep îratory co lege et Zion C ity. r ý a r n t u g S a -vu n l 2. If the rr* of tiprenom Hilre ritrrniiig ta Springfte Id hn ue . .reerr trJunl kits. 14000 Ar-ny Ifamrkets, var-ti $6.00 ta 31000; 29 for this mile ..-.....29 5000 branS nîw U. S.,Navv Blnkets, vorlir 49 $12.00. Specli.....49 -500 Gaid Medil lting Cals, eclalmeel; ll ire lu à Li perfect condition .-.. af 601S Sielter Hilves <Pap tots) buttons togetir anduinlawater- proof. Large enaîmgi for 'tva' ca. Spial. .7 200 Navy Hammocka, heavy wite duck, caomplets >j vilin cliva, rapi .....24 500 Fied Bmgs. brn d nesv. voe'h 2,0.. 200 Bria Couia, branS nev ........25 200 Curry Conrbs, mmi mvnè. or thir 50C.1 9 it--..------ ----------- 240 Halters. tie srsinithvii snape, black heavy grain lia- irler-. *brapd sew 65 ... .... . - - ---.. 500 leithim' Maltera .2 yotin chirlC - - - 10 Bili, wvthr blinde, secil ..-.. *6 250 Homes Brumes, letir boack, bl;ck bristl, Clama A-----.... .--------- 49c 50n1 Ponchos. rabben- 8 ized silk ....... ........98 100 Arnmy Rîlucoaba «p aC yolmr cioci--------. s.eI% 200 wool Army Overcoats, - waihr$10 ta $112; manie are dyed blark. For Ibisa ale anly .-....-....... .... 600 Pairs Balla Slip pers. pair----------.. ... -25c 1000 pairs notIon 98 Brecche, r-cinied. 98 1000 pairs vool Breecinis- reclaliid. 12 et....--- -------- .... 200 woi Arany Shirts 2 reclaimed -......... 50 Pairs nîw kinski Breeches-----------.... ..&V STAýTE WELDING ITS CHAIN4 j Wth 4 .440. hea iichir as qO «ûorprîs1*g ln view of the deimys wWaoi rPsd occUred PrevIonslY, tire ataruys obtained a Jw ury«iday atternoon mirrly belor. fise clück, Judge Ed yards ladi tjmetud ta bld court nigiti s Sac 'Innjuryas obtilud by tint lime. > the mmS y la hour Ou, Oime &Bg* the acide Liait- «Ing. Sday nu a . now Wood ikeme im- tii Itl a -I WAUKEGAN ARMY ANMD NAvy STORE NOTE:-The àbove l anm8>ar Onaosou a'atOur' Lietyil*8 LIbertIvfile ÂAMya Navy Mtore, three doors north of Luire 0p tiomi aL Ear Supt. Russeillsysriot t * way is obtained for oI# section, of roa DEPLORES MANY DUAie, l'alure ta get neceaary rai0 vay. according tb Charles Kuiell. couty iiipertenîfdiiit of hllWam la Lake county ta holdil9gup Prgct ally all of the propoffl pOO,bm4 raid program. Accordlflg te-Mg, n' sel the tetch f Ro nalmîb e wb - Lake Zuflîh and. Wue0d*ale tW o ly o ne l n w hlch the uu» l* ab « * obiained the rtght of WaY. tiThere le no means et tulling WbEa the state wlll approve aur roa uVA Ui log program and we wll in .Lu >MI- tian ta proceed," 2Mr. Rusefll6eà t> day. "The tact that we have not é.ý tsdned the necessary rlght of *w _; will hoif us np indeffiteiy. 1 reffff that the people of the varlous emk- munities cmnflt forget tbelr ickf#*" luge arnd Set together on the PrO<,& alion, or good rada.- There la rMO treason why there shaiild b. the- delaYm in gettlng tire- rght af val. ad 1 hope that no tarther tinte vIl be lait as it- lamute ta result disaiý- trouslY when wo get au r PPravat tram the etate." For sme lime Nr. Ruissellbas heen eudeaecrflg ta get the varions cammunltiés ta get busy but bas not met wlth much iguccema3. Rpt'd" .1