LAfl oum'~INE ENDEN LU" CosnUty', Big Weely W VOUME OMMN~Ie0 4.UERWILLAEC~W., )MO.S TURSDAY, 99MUL6, 1922$10ATRM SL4YE PT~ II i$ tH S ft§MýN IS.frtEF ABOVTA)72 IfIV IJURT WIIIN OLD RESII>ENT EQiIR ELECTe, I3OUND 6ilILTY; _________ AUTOS COURI1 OF (iURNE ES SUPieSO WIL BEIIA6EDCEMI3NT ROAD William B. Washburn aged 67d(iedS compnios hwevr Ihomne in G¶lrnee atter an extendedfl 14red en nose and bruises; is Inflinity for the past 21 years and a year EngorcttiCmd~ iotNare fied jury detiberates the hospital ago rettred tram, the tarn maklng Gur-nlbeh orcm e on case two hours n>.-er b~ is place of residence. sioner of Hîghways g W SA Party of ie Waukegar, a to - Beides lis vite lie leaves tour cl- o a~OW4 deierto lat utlt m 50, 1 sta bad almos a miraclouR p dren. Ee.rl Wahburn at Gurnee, ayne on lcto dev Afler aw heoetn t bu lte cape front leat i unday aftec noon of the Navy, Justus ot Lake Thvle ann towhi lct lue* Wlliaem Petersen inurder case retnirn- wben thel.mahn a ,P*ý, nMi.CalsMrft)Jae fottelrgtvtectla» natzns 1o z tBCK 12.ening "ta !ti <Ic? on ei a Lihertyville. Chcgo and 1used bis road hait a nil south of Five The funerai was iieid Tuesday a lpfo eerlyar lh aeiina P t T verdic -f1 - ontse . ieva îic.h ternoon at 1:30 o'ciack troa the reni- were out ln farce, and tkelrg louale ag reached at midnlght SaturdaY -;r -dence.itretto lc nWr terest seerned ta b. CsmËete4' nigîM1et. A verdic caf cna guiltyn vask plc cndiates a -fer~e nih Avrito Dtgit"wsThe occupants or the Waiîkegan ren ceinetery. H.B. or as ere-lt t. IIayreturned ln the cases of John Bar- mahn____M._n___r.JckH . grwn "etfl o machin Mieree Radi. and Jorep L. 3 office for lies setentb tern y,, rivets 3ae ic, hae Radîc sudn accsep WYlie, 321 Center Street, Mr. Wyi lh1e'11êE D madle no specl tlglit for'b Iýs ha-sreb hywi ntein accesmobile lie's brother Alex and Mr: and Mirs BD $2K1 7 VI- aliavlng the votera ta m&ký ou the atternoan of January 13, last. WilamILESo'Bsonwiohv vbenPot tird te tv shts wichbeen visitiag at the Wyiiie home f gond vark on*te cSuity , tarn thez iastd tee days Tboe Chicag c11Vhoe vo te y lie re i t. god , uu ~~~kiiled Petersen. Winthrop Harbor moa-fothtetfwdy.TeCiao 9 4 M E OFtevtelercva ucMs . 0tarcycle poiemn car, a he.avy Cadilise sedan, was 1 the confidence of the ~àyi deliv- ~~~~~the attorneys ln makng their closing Plargo avenue, Chicago, rA II N 0 N Y htle e416MsWyilie and Mrs. Wilkie are P IN N O TY rty d.W E illerv tal AtreBlk pndfrtesaerecoveriug tram, their injuries ln "8hartY" Miller, patt»d 318a sAte arn umes talo e the foutr aterto-Me ora cepia .Mr W hite Construction CO- - Of Miller las rnny frindu l L Ibo neya for the detense. At 7:30 P. M. WlclorYsMferoia roentnos ad Ciaoi o nra hv n ereie arYW 194Udva oivd ytetoratr numerous bruIses; SIrs Wyikle re e R oa lp %dbl. e man" States Attorney A. V. Smithi rose ta ceived ce deep eut over one o[ lier work in Lake Co. intembei of the board o make hie closing plea. He taîkesi until eyea. ivo deep cuts on ber lips - ram tht.s township. air*& Din o'clock. Judge Edwards theti and nurnerous brulaes. The male Springfield. Ill., April 1.-The White Thse s'eal f4glt M fr the read bis Instructions ta tle jury. Il members of the party aise were Construction campali, of Chicaga vas HIghway Clénuntauloner. E. P'. Ar as uearly tno'clock before teJury brused.,11 dl the lowest bidder for paviitg 3ectiOD.5 brecht wae tise undidâteOR~ biedir t helirata aio th are u r Wl5 wsd5On i Sue and 4 ofroute 21o isais bond issue psjslioan ticket and mM Juge d rds bad nof e ced tbh baker car narth on the cernent lnroads lu Laité county, vben thse bide cmamplgn. is appoeil, 9 Jude Ewars hd nnolncd tAtGreen Bay road. The ailier car vas vere opened Friday afielioOf by the lialland, on-the Demkooratia na e lean byi tceo b ur y an -K>lv approaching fre mthe north. Glass State Department of Publie Works andi eleoited by a majoritouf 384. a vedic OP e mdniht-i itdidleas green driver and vas beiug buildings. Their bld was $214,169. Se- ment rond queutIOK W" Dotcom inby ha tie te jrytauglit ta drive by bis vite vlio ac- tien 1 wyul be paveti for a distance of the matter. rU vould lie locked up for the nlgbt. At conîpanied hlm. Membera af thie seven miles narîli tram Wlieellag, and part at the tatis oM oeI fivemintes e telvethejuryan-Wyllie party sav the machine a Seetion 4 for a distance of tva andi one lng partions ut Route 21 as TIouce defenésbtslree ra verdtict. block avay and uaticed that if vas quarter miles Bouoth tram Lake Villa. the State Higbvay "Ontaim9- Th eednswr ruh uozlz-zagging badly. Charles Russell, caoflty aUPeriAteid- U, D. Hub*5id Z mmmS e lm thed cout rom and thie rne y er. suin, the Chicago car arrived wit- eut ai higlivays of Lake cauatY**Mest Clerk vithout ODpoKMSttm badnet remaine thr Iresmn a tev teet of tlie Wllie car tw ed taday that, le hase not as Yet recelv. ffltowlng ta the -vote by MnI Saed faoscudlsasje ozj. f thie ebeels alippeti off the pave- ed aany staternent tram, 8prlngateld Republcan P*r~ vas unrasd e v erd Potse pV ment iat the dirt and tle driver, wvus regard te state plans. but li ln a nasaeet i lrecssaifaaparently iearing tisat lie vas go, cifined ta tlink t&t DIXaMUcl as tlie For Supervisor- nobaee. Hre tleae becidmas ing loto ike. dittis, pulled bard- at bide vere under $1M09 a miletisai H. B. wegr ...J1 2M *ýJ bore at beng alted. beyn mens-k i te vlieel. caustng the Machine ta the contracta surely vil lie avaulet. For Town eloI..- béand eii faqittrusy anT ueti __________________________ ovre5kapyadde fuil force' Virtualli aU loy btddsrls amoflE the,*D Ei.i2..1 3 *oU r ro ni rue m en.~ m Tcalin as ath aid e s of th W g r uait co tract ra b v io àflbi fl* Pr- f rA nneamo1 .tonY .ea .n .itss .fPI .U ~~A cour lui.m W. me.U M and thse runnlng ïcsrd vers caig m Gqvrur mais55 For Cees Of 'Isar. Attorneys eman and Wlliams, rp. SUICIK TE Feff " ý%Aa J X P tamn Off.- Thse machine was iiuried muvnm e GoenrBar fi-H .E 4 8 reseniingmu Pofirnn ygures et p3,0 er mile, Bte ~ moetin fo s n ev tial d e LrsJIV ffE r-LAT R Ç ED 14ç9 h if iJ violently lata, tle dhtcli, ail occu- highvay Officiais aboanced uncfflc- Fo J1 of tom ...JI& LJcicitcor C US SAMJ C2IA dh.1 bout ibisem ' rn e aw outlan Pakaliy basiag ileir esitinates on figure __ _st tis for isearlag la cici court CAi ARR .) UIAL, th. sJIIJlfJW pWts neet tbav ont.ed FrTuosee 4bo nexi Saturdiay moin at F. vriivi>- r>iurf, ma1ine carne along andI carrieti vhc.te ad iifo i a Plei r Tr. 4fà J.te7&-4 o'clack, hi len teeardis POIS-~~t Ssaîyblnin A IE ~ A1 tb nua ebesu l at for several days. For Trustbe et Sob*ee4i- liement .. can lie hadbecatize 1F Ce F IL r Àane steamer blnigt A H R E T t a te Injal statiron hptaherty Several 10v bidle vers substantlall John H.L Roe.U 2« *.- of île Small case occipylag ail tle William Hutchlin of Waukegau tnie he the C0,00structln Coani 1.eml a.y - tun !iecut hieh the pallbearers at the tunerai te receivedti fret nid tre4tinent Telv hile C3,00 arktliey safl Y ecod. at Smith ini Strong Pies Man who drank blue vitriol tep of 9-year-old Lenare Lamnson. daugh- Father of former weII known Tley vre losiagîte ta the evictr of Chicago vas the apparent 10W ltt-1 Attruys fo Ptzba sogî - tr t m.anti Mrs. F'rank ans.Meriloptalart Ieen-der on 12.16 miles in Cook and Dupag *i cîemencY for ileir client ou the . , sao sp n ight in - ver. riîng te LibertyrIlle, vîera eiet et i conues. The biti vas $247,936, vithaut For n'Mipervia' City 'ail th neen okpae hr Y $3,00(,000 estate e ntwhhleursedb té-11 22 41ý grauind fIat lie vas unider île influi h neettto lc.Tiisa eet iil afmlhdb l For Ausesor-11l ence to s.urI an citent that lie did afterisoan. caiigtt fire, creating con- state. This a stlie camtsani' tbat matie IL 5êi-- 142 2e4-m net knav -bat lie was doing. Poiz Cý F. Kelîner. aged 28, living at sid!erable excitemetit. The flaines The viii ofthîe laie CharlesPpbdo$2419n9.mielnCk ê e« IhAà isimei f had tegtlfled hie vas drunk 1206 North avenue, vas placed unde, .4re extinguislied yulh lire exile- father of J, William Pope sh Pae, OLINA PR P Rý anbd Lak 321,19 nte.5 mite l. Coolh oit, .-27 e294gwsu- for til> fi1st turne un lis fe. arrest Wednesday nught ai 9:2k) -iihers froin other cars but the au- sided lu Waukegan for many yeara Th~T N D U N îe l o n bldont 4.8 r miles i te Fao r Jus: tie.. of the 84 65a*4- The pr mclriadeï fie mOst o'clock atter ftle police laed received 16 was put ouI of commission tein- andt is veit knovn there, farnier sugar telwbdo ; ie nMcnJ'W*Bte-.-,.8 6 pow rfu ct ornî eloqliett apI)eal of eatta evsa l a anrrl.N .shr and tle manufacturer, dlsposinig af an esi-sie MiU U VAflCH ON county. The board'a figure vas 8106e- For Trustes af Soho«1is- hi- caseer. He pounted oui ibaLt îhe the lake tb drava limlncî. A suicide damage ta île car vas net large. valued et more than $3,000,000 vas 972. . IL Wett&-.-.1. 64 157 * Illinois îaw provlîtes fIai drunkcness note vas taund in Kelluer's ------- file4 for probate yesterday lietore wsaawrmPR L anar Wulcouny siecton,4,8.5 its For arute o ...ho8 1 - I e no detenise for fIe commiission Ofat wven lie was arrested lu a littie res- sitn rbt ug alCrelWt ony eto,4 .5mls .Drlr--ý 817.4 crime, He -anp a 0i odpe arato ae te.f Cbicago. The fer-mer Waukegan -Boots & Gilgrlst. Gardner, Ill.. $146,- - ture ot Motorcycle Policeman Peler- The note read as foilows: iAA E AIJIYTO man's slare ofthîe esnte viit lie in 042; Section 14, 2.56 miles, Chicago in ves'on:township a haîfi 04 sen î-sng fini dowa in tle disclarge FRANCES:- thle nelglibarhood of $600.000. Valu a is preparîng to mai ci on Heigisis Construction' CompanY. $53.- made ta ousi A. G. Maetisar or hI.î, ýI>ii and iavî,ked fthc nid Mo- The deed wtmch i have dons la EIT N P R V L Untier the termis of lis viii. Mr. Chicago once more. eH la ta hld a 483.eR taurio.b - sale las of "An eve for an eye. a 1imb absolute4y mna fauli af yaurs as it I4AILi V P RO A Pope, knova as île "glucose king," big meeting ai the Cicîago Auditor- rotes ire tiasted it for a limb. ilid a llfe for a lite.' He was my fault for allowing myseif irecied tisai lis entire estate lie iumn an Sunday atternoon, Aprîl 9ts, ai.ide for Mr, Maetber. Es hîi4. N d lu tr - o tIe lieudit ot is aud lie announces tlat lie viii speak ejf tUI wor*ed for tbe-be op urgedP AN tîare tor Po 1040i thke la teer~ lis se<AJ depl lnlv IIIo.pae l rs o isandei lono to M oses: ..if yau laIte a May yau have a very*tappy and yN R D Lwdo, -rs Luc Poe- 14,aeo oie fwrdwd neeshefR D11 thea Veopie and at ail lite you ssal surlv clip." sud alove prosperous lite with your new ___ Shore drive, andrileir five sons, subieet îeing "The tourtl vatel ai ressIy te support i e ssg_ and slow t0 Ile 73,000 residents of No Where -rhat Lakte County inay le able ta Incaine af $15,000) and tise balance of of 325 voices sud about 80 musicians, the gondi vili of bis neigbb6Ï&a li opaA.Lake igroin within île near future la imdi- beiveen the sons, Arthur Wilson, gramn tisai was ¶ýven lu tle Milwaui- F R PS M & T R ts oegviim .en Liai 0f Jurars Keliter spent flie night lu a ccli 'Caîed ly a letter just recelved by James William, Richard Dale, Charles kee Auditorium betore 6,000 persans l ob oga l Fploin t aIlI t is Jro l n of flic clty lau. This nsorning lie toîs îalsFisel ont ueitn Edvard. sud Benjamin Burton Pope. on Marri 12. l ~~gM.Msie the Petersen rase: tle police fIat lise note lad licen ail- dent ai Lyýhways of Lake Counti Ai île limie tise J. William Pope Amon gile lopirs ta lie included A dispatcl recetved tram Wasllag- et the connity board.- Thomas 1Mr1Kinneb oî hcg.desd aMa rne ai of tramn Frank T. Sheets, state superla- famlly resided lu Waukegart l n labis address are: ton Frlday annaunced the resudt a!ofreecinny vib m John Eul-Higlnd Park, xvntusrap Harbior and Zion Ciy, but Itendent of biglysys. liveti ln île Warner lame. 794 Nomth "The Times of tle Gentiles." Hoy tle examînaîlan for po8tmaster beli Ip tise aecond Section ot ibis ÜLsa Josephl Kerrigan-Lake Forest. vIa las been living un Waulcegau far tn île letter Mr. Sheets pitnts oui Sheridan rond, ssow accupieti by tise did tley isegin? How sud vlcn viii in Wautcegau a few months ago by tue John Peicrs-Higland Park. saine turne. H-e sais this yaung vain- i fat Mr. iussells plana are ait mlght R. B. Reaume family. He vas sagse- tîey endl" United States Clvii Service commis, Fred Funk.-Waukegafi. an separatcd tram lier firsi Iusband ' and acceptable ta tle state vitI oine ciated wyul lis tatiser la tic glucose Thc significascc ofthîe Zionisi Sion Ont of tle six or efghi Wauke. AV Clarence Colby-Lliertyville. four years ago and dlvorced unm onli or tva minoir exceptions sud aseri- business. Tley moved ta Chicago movement sud uts operaiona in tle ga*e wh mmmh xmiain L ;U B Uf l C. B. iIix-Antiocl. a day or tvoago5. He saiI lie lad cd that state approval vill liegiven several yeara ago lann mfPlsin.tecaomso tanitîles exaninathean il. C. Hendee-itlund Lakte. been paîing lier attention fer saine within a fev days. He suggeaied The______ land. a of ae te Roanlmie cm ision nnounwh ceoied île OuaBokeîh aukga tme.Itvasvln e lai Mr. Russell lase no tlime lis- O - .and tIc appearance of tac Laviess tlree hIgh .ains ail over 70 ver , Earl Shcalen-HighlanI Park. -laid, thai sIc vas ieaving toda>' for tauning tle neAUTIIII righi ofii'inine, cent, a re anga IA.Fd Clas curen RPosa- .as inar, i te ndle "sicde tle îîropoaed routes yvhith are ta b. SAW 1INCHI ICE , -Wlv île year 1922 inay be a Tise tlree higlesi candidatsinil Av'~ tY Cout Cngrtulie Juy nte o 1r.paved. IlLU"~'greater epochal year élan tise ycar fleir order of rattng are: iW!P5 Tlaens laisn-in via Mr.or Russei use pen19e1siie"H Cnoudrtel Coatlte t Juvriy notd lIai. hsIf ht r usel attempt- 1914.A aîon FIRST-Danil A. Grady.- benrediuaedy uder te dvardi con h drv K llsei Hen shalie lanned teIng ta do but la eurounteruing dmlay an xIN CAIlil M "Thc piresent distreas oftin SE)COND-William L. Fariner.j be pundJdpEwrsvn rw isl.H adlie planned 1 the part of tIc villages tîrougl viili and tle siveisf reatiesaneas of lu- THIRD-Mancel Tairait. Supt. Russell sounds gratuiaied the Jury for lavlug laed tIc ta lcave the note at Mrs. Wale's tIc nev liglays arc 1o pags. aty1 -curgel returo a verdict lu ar- roigbouse sud tIen lie intended Mr. Sîcets sugcsted fIai- tle Mr. sud Mrs Isra t{oldge.rcturned iat)These ilirce candidates are etigile says further dIilay' rardanre wiIh fleir convlitions. Tise ta leave for Lierti>vlle vîcre lie laed rurve at Grand avenue and tise .Anti- Saturday tram 4 menthea' visit ln Cal. frposinte Mr y las ures as rv aa - - deep esirne"tness of th or bronght livesI fer cigîleen ycarB althougl lia ocl ronad trous a radius of 600 teet i on a sud île f est. BURseu nsiIEAU TOl> leld tlie office ot poatinaser for ter eteee fmn.relatives nov live in Waukegan. He steati af 300 feci as; Proposeti. Mr, of their lime su L.os Angele. MrF R U cry tv hs Frnri ie TIat tle Village af e acortuaig tIen, lie sad: proinised ta go te Libertyvulle If the Rusaelt las sent bacit word ia s Holdmîdgc says If i.t aaitycue WIa lin-O eryt %msM.Frergt4e Ge cntul n f fIet Jlrieecutpoievnt ieli uoprui> assistant pastmaster. ?%Ir. Tairait ta Mai loac is oppartunity' ta b" den tle ofinie Jta lsaTh cu fr pndle wugvas d itarged. tuit cousiders tle saaher radius ample agines ilat noittîn Calitomnia ls a E~ ~ T D c a a meniber af tle tiri of'Talcott andi mlle anti a hl stretci of Blier -desies a (hi tim te tank ou fr an lie aB dschaged.unite thc exisiing -conditions. His place of blmy breezea ail the ifIne C L B À E O N Srelonr fteT n .Sd odpvdtruhdlaoy tle services rendered. You lave per~- It vas onhy ten days ago tuai Keli- Ides; vrbb iii lie acceptcd. Gsiitkn eby ia rrz aSrvll, atienr aIîeTtndShoaR a ave be tîraugli i t ou uit n a credible in- ne dan a "~ q ant o bine vitio proiabi> t-i. prlYUiens Grill. Mr. la bfCavles bas adopiet cal-mu ( oul îy's-.-.-.- i, rnts ~ iiss a_______ thickuvr of user an lach white lie pT f 6F LU ne l rsdnaodr m ferna! saofrles uia,. cofr ner Ilje pera tle inosi soenwn a uieit l iiss ea as tîcre. Iu tii> Holdrldge pariy ÀT S I Talcott, as an ex-service. niAi, get an eitulu !hgiasa s prha 0len ad ws ruhedte he Vctov Mmo-T-HREE TICKETS IN FIELD -FOR -wereMr. and Ms-ý Edvard Dolili1 dut y you ever viii le caited upan t0 rial Bospital 'ln vlat vas belleveti ta VILLAnE ELECTrION APRIL 18TH fGrîae nlNsAusloeaiextra credit of tîve points, sud thc counnu. s- -