of wIU»ett. al1ed onold tsda W ter 't f mr3.s.mSuWwbo auta Oeeu aid up wth a£b fiit hrv t tliOb0E0of lOi daueger, r. C. 0. Pettis. ebie -te X Tbi orcas Socioty ,njoyed hivi R ÀD coin shower (in5tesd of uain, hc - roehafdolli'ar tta 0E. ý » mids areocalled fortoaY; In- t '~ O~ aU hfor t ,Ie o do h pino -dicates _iht Ifllp!VOIfft T Food aQ4 botli 40 bc held utt the Coi- et - t Rl ouse, i Definite stop& towaird the paving of X, gln &,k g Ki lkeep la proper Tho ladies of the United Bv=cgeUCai Nortli Sheridan road in WauksWt ua %etai healtb on do ce.abfPl4a mOy suOewoW l k«7hteenGlez Fiera avenue snd the 9 Mx Oq4 ailoirancé'?0 et a etrkee-à tc lAt 134t- City imtts, ve.tal.;.e today vheu th delioi f hre *14". ~ >~~ theé dty advertised for bide. thidubo o trehraat the City ,vi4Bfltly pans to c tu&..business wO1uàîR Wh0 w ereth Snday guesta 0ftBéE. rush the impravemeut wit.h &11 008-, ý f« rone 10» usjTbna. ible apeed vili ha good ne"s for tbe Ji PMW10O £ l es , * »M 'realisd bath 'm1-entire cltY, espeeielly tii. mOt rla, qu* i eDim- <n i 4ý M h Pebye" for tWiasection of rosit bas bheon l etuIloyeras teatlmoy be-Chirch. depiorahesae aiéi5fvt Ë@ hascourt of tudustrial Mns. C. K. OrOOmie snd soin wor ably -vlth the terrible hAll MeU ~abeaing ou vailOflé wags.tise goets of Mr. snd Mrs. GUe aO tretch -ln Zion Cty. Durtng thc é-. 1s*v "Ïeàw li as changeit bis mind stanger sunday cent raina the sectionOff ieIU go Ray Gunchl of Vbica<o noved bis rosa in uwaukegau hecame a vSftgWe ii p~ CarltteE. Avi, 5Clfty nMiy .nta thse Ooldring hast Satur- quagmire andt dosons of autÔmobiles tu three and. ane quarter titrealu o s ens alyda>' sank taWthe luths ln the soIt mwl sandS aft eaingon 0 cntsdalyMr. aud MMs.Gus KlemP and Mr. had tota h towed out. Ket ae wme teat;rlusn Mrs F'. Hrenhérgér vére guésta This section of road recéntly vas t :plcke doawbere foo a . of Mr and Mrs. Olils en< Cf lrivc veréit vlth macadam but tbis longd Brakas uualyConsiste s Park àiuday. sincé bas worn out. Thé cty expects réS ud~ cofee or 1 cets. ité Kent sud daughter, Lilian, have ta pave meréîy the conter section1 of returnéd froin Califonla, and ar thé thé streét wîth brick. makling ItP013- t conte. A03J, Johntsonbs vd i al sibe taphenthé ecsttoit on ler ffalway'a vwent ta bed hungry," A .Jhiôila oetbsfml sd hntéucslyi ét Lt [ M4ss Livis. '«Andt e aitl bat .inn the Strylcer fiaitet thé fari hoped that thé macadam cen hé usedp gh'I t an't b. doneé." home lately vacateit by the Mac Wadé afundatlon, reducing the cost Of i>thé ste ieUr sys :am1ly. thé improvemeut.e m"pt admt that the 60 cent ',%r. Taylor froin thé i$. P. Johinson e toiantu!loint a h ver- tarin, bas movedbhie famlily tetthe ,oooBoooiloooo OooO< epêrsoz a .tQr berlnghté-resut hOUse Jtst v&c5tedhy théeBHertel 0 LAKE VILLA 0 té tral."an1t _____00000096 00000 64SO S S'a 0 0 0 0 S0 0 000000000 YOtREMEMBER Ms ui alo icnail WAY BACK WHEN- speniin - Baies lt ClnpeplIl DEERFIELD 01I Be are thé days of léctntc liihtas -h peuamvelther>Pé ý,* C o io , ê 00 0 0 * .gas, cdéphonée sud other prezétt-day ;ater KopPeél uredMonday tW 1 ioy,éncea--You choIpedvooad ie Walte rkgLas e ores %* 41' ÂAM Of St. Paul's churcl riùdit ia thé bouse ta i bt cholvrkatLseFo-et th. chldren f. the or- J for fuel for hetng sud cookng? Dooty Yrmand léft test* véek1 ai 'Bpbmiue lwlth basketsi îoa filéd lthé casda011 lampsars- for Llbertyvillté tea p>éid ote ture aM 4other glfte for Buater. i ujly trimiuéd the wick sud ouiled with her nurse, Mrs .Neson, as ber ýÂ Kakakseevith lerm ther. héflampe vb linI ounit MMildemanda attention, jtho'1 *solge Qodinantaeu'rs- thein amper ta siti ae la ',nin& s. o n ourmotér vrnel yu ~ Mn.. Morrison sud Helen aPeut Bey- wiadeourta her r b.d olo u tc er doglas vas a (lrsyslChica rs tAie le .l niude ndit tsiete theo nrut C.W.Cionralsetbunss Whoâ ynur grda cnsadmo e a li r .M etn a nd nom< heti at t cbgdaMuis a uaY. avante mmoffldesd te te CudiéScludaye"ê hu ve, x » f St p*nW, ws LnhIghlyfrth o r huseesolctthe te is eek. idl u vos hoirlu a ttib, ra" "tiIna le eDtouga . Thé. mêak cle c t Eio4er a *lin Blnxatrou biuke, r ehMeMte 0xc.- ta uth !Jsu Qd Lbh. îe 01014 vith h wa.théu Sredq âhste tl us .iOt, t ed bGI10 04.ine ln- la m ;xs. V C. 1 ter- 1tuvhela y r'vre e yor- U it tlukety Satue"y0 f .r uic aca o 7 aà oki y a Imls? tlcl siteeragnd tothépoitbc hé a- DflSe~RTHPRS. MDT~I~ CM~ It la owne4 lby my who con afford' t 0 pay anythkRg they wial for tlip thinga they use. it isa- lwaya bought bcause of its kuown, value and ite aftcrS,.ononmims The gacteconuimmlas 15usmulmIo Twé itm lsue 5 ruhsmllyme Liberty""#leaa e, J. N. BERAO D rprso Phone 202, Lîbertyville, ~1 Abundant vitamlin nbW con -. in3ed in YmaFmmTablis am bu"74 to5 <hu as c.antta<#tt qos#he or 11847ba&lut yoattTh< ,iecouasrYv'tmh' POMWYOwav pw*e .s<mhs.s lia amuch mouev dose w #re te mk. 'Th-meres ot talks ~lso! e a~'cbo0 hepu-, P 'sob , t "h e T ituM ph of b e' 2 lacéth*S teguiar evéuing service. 101 Ore .CQ iy nvlted. Poaler viol~dbrduh C'hunstiaïy. :Wrs. Chgrlotte Ficli of Evanston rys Itedh trot of the véék vit4 bler M-q. É R lVery vlsltéd lber parénts nt @*aynlfkt Wlday. IM'Bt»W éiglibors beldti 0 5éoUi>1w .9dleoday of this *eek b.- c&9àý of %Rection held inlu be bail 1 ê , v o cn d id ates v ere ta k e a M.=as véré aU scrsAed k&tl rAynd Monday sud are mach ips. twenla isimprariflg. Mns. breturned hoipe, but Mrs. i saidter, Mné. lot, of Wau- ikégii. .otaylug vus hér for a th. Thée ecavation ici rthb aeinet Of the »V -home of R. E. HuséOYla iUn- Mmi Nelson and daugisier, MISs Olive or Waukegau visitéd friénits ln the- villi < recontly. MMs. Leuise Koppen lias béén bar- Iqlg a serions limé wiih quiUsy thé piat week.' We hffe you wiii attend aur achool élection, ai thé achool Ibouge SaturdsY éealng. L.AKJE VIL.LA SCm-bOL NOTES -Bertha Sebora i.4 stililunQuarantiné vith scarlét foyer. Elizabeth Rîce lias returneid to lier soci tftInluChicago. jameg« Quinu eutéréd thé hourth grade lant wvel. Josephi sud Axuelia Bérnilfo bavé beem absent for two véeké an acco)unt of thbad m ods. Gnsidy Lyvérs sud Gardon HaMIln have beau enjoylug a tvo vééks' va- catiion frot -théir récesés. Eunlcé Skinner is a uév pupil lu the fiftli gradé. - 111»t-au Kelly cbldren frapi thé IâbiesnnParut havé éuierod thé sec- ond -t. i epplaocfthé élgtisgradé are g.4te Msari théir bird charis 800n. TUE pplIa havlug perfect attend- sucé for 9w* month of Merch are Les- ter aiiu suit Dorathy Hansen. This vitamnin ie neosmsry to digestion snd the convetsiau of foode usto healchy uS and bodily vigor. Without sufficeut quantity of vitarin Tour body go.. sick sud you are only tOo awmreof it in mch igns as lm..of appedte, failing strength sud endurance, nervous- ne.., ssilow ekin sud acherdefinite signais of v itmin tatioI Yeast richest source of vitàmin lu the yem tph= a n nbundant st1sOf thii indispensable vitamin sud in Yemsî of Yeas Foam Tablmt TIi ,i' pure, whoie geam lnu aisytatake Ilwy contain no drap or other ingredients. Ibey do mm tm arnor smccasebelug.n Thy are i-o arpre, whoIe4at iail forchliem taydo mot emmuama Eauh lot la ested ro inhere high snd uniforai viamlapoecy. Nothuwtern Yeas Co., Chicago Mskn ofthe fuso bkins Ymmim Toast oam=d Mmgk Ye J coNGRA M~A 0U,"write. a Fogm Tabista thora ila aoghins u p U~ y - Uie k neiIIhéWdqw lbugçnê-maelosoci deMutin Pa ecidrcanotiofwopoitoMWae m prepertlon. omoenTablaire smade 1y te woruim lrasem ULacereucidrY yenet. This yatsplies the am islc45 lemu of eh. famou bsk- tvhat modem féods Wac mig jue, YesaiFO&m and Magic Ycesst >Yet Faam Ta" Smaorrcta grus deft- They ame the néanis of two Yosm ci experi-. diency l* prmet day diet b, upplylng di.ment conducteci unden th gudance of!Ume essoitial vrmi bihl !ud umny of th.eosamtry's leadin me"icaL celstm raw foadi but which la completsyalimi- Recommendeti by phymicians sud moit by natedin lumany came.,by thé time disse same dUiWgut Oe1«7Where. There viliihé a ply gven by thée -- luh sehool thé latter part of thé oooooosooooooooooo ehlyar. Wgteh han daté. 8?fle sereth and eiglth grades taok 0 HALF'DAY *HU0 F R S L tbélr flialéexamnations lu Illinlà 000 000 0000 000 M U ES F 0OIOOO Hiatory Mai-ch 23. Néanly évéryaue Tonwbne nput tettg ewl elrg.Teeea p-. The primai-y lection vas a ratSn Tamvbueso arbSre ta ovisl rgi.Teevr Thé ppfte,ôtd the elghth grade vho quiet aftair ln thé tovu cf Vernon., and bulit by us cf thé béat materials and by labar on day hbasa Th-n.li diti net puei n iviles tYsear, or dit thé voté vas flot as lange ai et théeI nosainabout thein. Flfty-hoot pradeit lota.-.8hade t-eand 4 vmks. neo ta"e It. teck îthéin final examine- towu céctlcn the wéék prévious Only Hue aelrelvn om it'n w otros he l» tion Satrday. .AU passeti. 90 Républican ballots vere cent, wilts Bue aélreleu om ithittabdrcs he lst Pr'. C. BsIlluq r returned tetohis home éight'Démovi-ais venttured forth. No sud bath on main floor. Tvo bodin rs on second floor. Flue IiOl lu VingU"ia lest vek votés for thé Soclallat or Fam Labor ceméuted ehlesmént. Water, gis, eleotricity, cistéru andi furnace. 'mMn.. RUflhmb auste tetafix up cntaesvr ei.Tef11 0 riice -ofone $4800 andt he other $4.200. Tihis place bai unftuld thé lot lie bôuglt-ot' Mn. Shepantison ah thé tovnshup -*111 ho bud luthse seodlorsd ismbsont.Fntayet8.00blaC te bauid is »w home, ticen cftitwaisue. second . wîî pt 21afunac en t 5. OCexra. amn I.O aae The McRémale fmziiy lias movedte t tabulation printedIn l thé second sec- es.Wlpulaurc fi$1000xta Chicago ta lire. Next Stmday ln planter. [t vas aI- NRC<W EFNCCO,'h.U.LETY LL I. fisIYton liemUn, vho lias beeu lu mait 1900 yoar sago that thé greatéit tis U S.siny n urope for thé eat eut of! bary occtrred---"Jé5u lih" tva anti ané-haîf years, le at home an %ien." We are lier. toafy as Chnia I furiough oh thinty days. Hé viii te- tiens bécausé of iliai évent. As vé turu ta a camp ln Maine. EverYqlihé think cf It ve muet lbe soli.zed b>'l maby vas glad to sec lim, tsuFéliéouÀraiiepO5buiisHU l ELA t mg.m5 on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i thao sk -Si ép51 oSndavlnograt s>'Pr oit PCIL thébgem ~Vel Pglt idi» Mr .Cannon la -Mulding a név garage oh living sud preachii< tiis gi-et fat.Lf ~ h al !DU4R lié upaiohth uidnguni lechurch. They are camtng lu td-hélp etc AiseButter a"d w. ges a hoeuse built. begin titescîiurcîa on it.s nev ers- The, CenPr ocead a of C55itW.Ut --0uev building le finisheti, but mécli e a prompty renitisit. Thti ta tkS TH-E RECOGNIZED HIGH la yet talé daoné. Wé aréld iltav#'plîcajn.oldes bn» on h* trOu mf Iu thé Town oh Lake Villa coméailntdaurfstaOShlli Core ami &9» Thére once was aaisbot joitus lun Our gréai vont. Observance oy ~ ~ ,1 nsdpic it umae us Tisai résaived ta maké !quneil'communion vill take, 815110 I Sfold o8, a 0f itseih a recagniseti higis. placé uext Sur5day éveing. EvéryoàllFulo Sree So. ialLare shoulti plan te camne. Thé choir bas M e cial' tCIAGI] Sa thé cartienters started ta huit airasged spécial music han this oc- lu tise Place tisai la caliét thé veat casiont. Th V0m, Laut Saturda.> evening thé annuelai Thépondiug aud bangiug wua gréai, scisaal meeting was hélit and B. W. Il could beh bantail aven thé étaie. $mail vas eleciet a direcian in place .» - oh M. HénaclibeiTer, vitose terniuliadt Tisén tSI went thé framévai-k. xîeisdvs dtntv ah And down veut thé i-bar, eredtend '""e lwi net ard Gardeer Ond vetie pei ae Last Fritiiy nigiitishe-Yaung Ieopiie T sL L Aud hé aintgalne.class came togêtatér ai 7 oclooktet- Then ail af a auditen have an éxaminatient aven their last Wb5.t do we sec? quartirs vorli. Evelyn Peénotvoi Thé littié West it6om thé prizé oh "'ThésLlf e oh Paul,', lu As brîgist as cau le. vnitittg au exainiatioil on thé saine I Wish to annouae that 1 have secured the Ageucy subjéci. Uitervarda f iends wliohait Thén lun usiséitthé ohiliren, béén Invtet enjoyed vitAl théesans i te County for Stirpriséit as yau may knový gooti social heour. 'Wé're gaing ta To ses vitat hait cornéhavé suother"' vas thé verdict cf ailWUte u p eS e o p n Aftténthé long viuter'a anav. préseut. W te u p eS e .o p n -Herniét Freéman. C. M. Gillmasuand famiiy ietiim (Thé hragoiug poom vas vnltten by Monda>' evéntng h nm Mllaukpe, o r1wui i.J a a pulPI oh thé elght4hgradé lu houar vlhere .iliy asitln thé huial a! Oh -thé completion. 'b! thé ne* higil Mn. Glmau'i fathén, vsa paséet theu for al seeds requied for the. gadeu. Place your orders lie écimai raam.> gréa tbeyodut e el, on Tuesday, - ~~~April 4th, and vas 'hurie léth ilG. A.' .epes 0000000000cocoooooocoo R ad mericanLegiouliahore. Wé,»lai zm o MILL-$'SCMOOL ~ ail Ëemember Mn. Gilais, Bn., aish usit oTs lier 0- a00c noutwüsilw re eL R Fou sT ,EED ,ToR Stan..Oui- aynsathy las vtI, thise h- A INE rpit Thé scisool usoisilioh Mardi éndeit revedrelatives. XBMM-ple« Moutay. Repart obrtis vére giren out Mrs.. M'ne Olsen is nov again héel- Telephoues: -Laite Foees 952; Rtesdence L. F. 762. Wedneaday. Théré ver. no allUrés. L* ing hétér and- came homse fi-cm Chi- TiSoeevho récéiréti a biaith holidayr cago lasi week. Mn. Kruger, Sr., sund _______ Frday. fon perfect ,aiteudaucé vere Giandins Stauclif are aise ateaduly Opel kniggc-, Albert 1<ngge and Carl hsaautkn Clayton Hutcltiu bai- burnéti dovn tW "odDIohblW' for haullng thé mail, ESTMÂTES FIJýNISED FOR REBUU.DING Suitia>' afiénnoon. as théeronds vere Impassable h6r fLis t q W9 re vérin giaitet have Mns. 1 OitrerAD AW IFout Towilerge lMns.. :dwardé rviait Chantée H. Kreger madé aSti-p te edCtlgwl emiefecirqet lachool Thur&day eaftçi-20<ln. fChresdaKy. -#tlgwZb ogd reo rq« W0trLisca lha eheen vlsiiinig thé Chiéego Tuedy ae ortïeyQér epstto Maes i8chroeter carne haine ro w a m s T m r f p i l u - ai t a h s c h o l - vo n t lu t M o n d a y f hr a ' Mm.éJes. -v n Ms gy eek'a vactiai. I>0< >Ocl< Mneid d e. m e tvln atthe me ao'f Misn Lydia hMeyer sd Miss Alice _ _ _ _ aiteded hé uéis~ng i té hoe Brochbei-ger spefli pari of Sunida>'________________________________' Mrs. W. J. Cooper Tiléltili aftsieronu. atron h hm hM. rn Wé are aorry t report that Lucy aiiÀnittehm fMs rn Fry>leba béé n ut thep ast véék Cook' Theodore Hl. Oui-st, Prosident W. B. Smith, VIîes Presîdont ou accomani of a aévre cold. Mma. Ben Cook lias already 300 little F. W. Churchill, Soentir>' and Manager. .Mn. and Mre. 'Fred Tovuien and chicks. Ver>' gooti, Chitine. yt>iiareTLE>OE8 daughier Fi-suesceileti at thé haine' qiteta' potilti->'fancien."RP NE8 oh Cash Manou Tueistia évéulug. Choir praetice Wednesday evening Mn.. Judson Muaou bas héén riaIt- ai 7:30 at thé home cf Mrs. Cook, afit dgeWgqd lug lu Chtcago tRié oust vék. , Friday événing ai thé saine isoun ai SE URIY IT ULL & TRUST iCO. ýMns. Robent Bouse sut daughitei- thé chisrch. We vwant ta ses hairtise .Betty Jane vîsitet Mr. and Mre. Hér- soumit sln luthéeitév buliding, eABSTRAMISOF TwuE - TiTLES U&RANTED inu ils WedgaPliF afternacD-. Boy Scôuts vili meét Saturday ai, -'Thaest M MaeP bsily aSjit Sun- 7; 0 Y. rm. aithé hall. Capital: $1 25,000.00 *iéiol tIb6 o orn f Mn. id Sutiay School ai 1Q: 30 a. mn., as fin. FedTowa~uncusl. Thé gaod véathér la uov bar. AJCGE ::..Iu Mini. 37hnes tocwuer ve'WU bint-anti a gooti atteina a holidhéiethé ville ylitor Ffldq. rida -1, Îi Yest Ibaua~kb1ets dl. *ps.w .4*>~a ~ oemhut *Mv> pi dri. Bc bus tbe2 pi lion coul bion are qe oal vier l thi ro cari ten $Pr tha fors f lot ter foar dom 80% ans big der Wh Pli dia' tac t la 0< th dy Ve he thi t 1< an an os i thi il el h b b Il eI