CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Apr 1922, p. 12

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~J~~YRX~E RE~IW1T. -A 1'I 922.___________________ ~1N RINfÎDAIL 5~CFUD CllAIR~ Wfd iý 3"lnsred qt meeting held today lueld !Menday *rttn ofaidsîI tHighland lPark, = C t~ereld tovtlnlip was r# i ta u heý,0ar*t isUp- at asepecisi meeting fieldl Mon 1 tÈïuaa unthe sopervîsors room. i, Xfngdahl has Ieen e meilier o' bosardlfor about in yemansd bas og cIea tIseliard sorking nii oftbnt body. Mr ingaahls rann qphmbe lssakuao foi 'teveta' ýRc »dalhic frcuds ralhtedinta 151i port.nt thse nmottnc Mon te ..î' kis board mt- ai 1:301fui the Puîtr- o~f! elect!ng s cbahirmara ii' 'i" hg-buiness ais msghi co:i-heton, A Mettng t lis t utc-cntih 4avaeheld just flt is" h vi B*1so tbt the new sp"'aî. ~isa sve a volce 1la the elpeciie ni iýmaD for tIlt-ensatng Yen] t-sp were probaliy mare changes ni%' bemal ai tiis meeting tissu ha' arred lu several veaisr.lP.1Y !1 cbera who vere opposedan sdti o6 bath o! tht-se couse cor.îîlri"' bke the personnel quita. unçhauu The bonard adJuurned anti> Apr'ii b tor tis, argqutztcnn it omuili- A AP T A KISIC a qia tisatel is at home hel ptug vitit W&i work. fie bad been t vork ilea-oy ila Wukegau. 1garvas a fflitor in to *ugds are somewhat better of p4d besoral trucks bave again *4 ta*trips. oi * ceatain mainlu ur tovu , t-ta be very inquisitive of Sever s0 many questions up*n iyau anveriug theni Rit*e- youbeau assesseal ysitIf ui4it hell oan caii ou yoa. EmUwma Sturm and daugbier,l ýk'audJea w veoeiaIs callers «U-le, nLdaf eternoan. none usch epent F' idcy ai the Sa., N. F. Buschi, Mr. me mi-Mms J. N. Buset t Adlmgtru Bssghta tant a roUa Mlnne Salus £ peat msay years sd id» .up fithe pria. vas 3 FOR TH1E DEST R1YIFS. A new contest la mest belug started wblch wîll interest every vomanad girl Wha reads chia piper. Any woman or girl cen enter lbisCantcst-any- uneS cen l Ail h ineoessary to doils ho write a 4-hune rhvme ou Dr. Prîce s Phosphate Bakiag 1"owder, using auly the words vhlch appear elther on tIhe label of thé Dr. Price eau (front and back) or on the prlntcd slip 'wbich le faund in eaeh Dr. Prices cn. lsn't that easy? Everycue llkes to make rhymes sud bere la a chance ta spead a tascinatlss1 hour or two wrlt- ingrhyeson hl popular Bakiug Powder anid perbapa wfnig a euh- etantial prime for your effortis. le CASH 1PRIZES For the rhyme selected as best a prise of $100 viii le gîent for the second. third and fourthbeet chymes Il iscs of $75, $50, and 2e, res e- ively wlll lie given. Andl besides t e prise there wllbe35 pise a3 echifor the aext 43 best r ~ wit such a long lIit f prises as these, it woulal be a puty nat to try your hand ntlitlI Ilere la a 4-lnt rhyr-.-e as an ex- amples Two l'easpooma of this powdor snaki Bi#Mtds, atuiOs, pis or qe The Prieé3s Co., quarantes Na aclonein the cana fa be. As Dr. ?rlce's Phosphate Bakin~ Powder sells for anîy 25 cents ail oz. cati at grocery stores, some rhymsacoald play a the reeuarkable economy o! this pure sud wisolesome hiaking powder wblcb contains no alida. Al Thyas muet be received by Mt.~1, 19.2. Only vords appeari.n eithite on thse label' ufthtIe Dr. Price can (front andl hack> or on thse printea sip couteineal inside thse cen May bc useal. These words tnay be useal as often as desired, but nu other words wm be allowed. If yoa haven't a cen of Dr. Price's, a copy a! the label and the printeal slip vill be sent ta yot f rec upon request. Auy wvan or - girl may enter the Contest but only ane rhymne tram each rm on iiili e cansidereal. In case af te.the fulernount of the prise will lie given to aécl tying contestant. Write plalnly ou auly one aide of a sheet af paptr sud be sure ta give y=omrerne d addrems Send your rhyme before May leitat P~Bklng Pawder Fetary 10W 1 . nce Blvd., Chicago, IR1 -~Hights. She passd avay on Satur- dey mla-niug, April 16. The ueraI vas helal Tuesday moa-ung et 9 o'clock at the resideoce. burnal ai Buffalo Grave cemetery. The liereaved i amlily have oaa- sympatby. Ray Busch sud f emiy apent Suaday t atie N.' F. Busch bote. Peter Sievers bas a ford toua'lngcmr. This commnisty eardly han a wvarmn çp> for therealgSoode. [ftir. 4Udt- oir a acaler et b te J. N. Busch haie ¶a-may eybant.g i W. daa't cll out auta'a Iver vs %hat daftlie disbvashlng tay 1The fariner ploya lu bope soya lu your alavisa- anal you fait, haravesta lit chance anc1 marksts *ut ta stop. by accident. Novvsvhwila.acesseauder- Gseut la casmevhat aider thewby. neerly eveaylody insista on linig ~wc iegrippe. well Erni f a-mer. Oh yes 'IVas ba e i ' O -Alet.w arinera bere siarteal saving - W. lcb b saipeedy g6ti10611.thek eastaand visai vs vaut nov is a ld Gisn caUslon ber motbea, lttia letiip on the wet (olLI $thîr Icat Friday. Fred aid Victoria Wsidaisa- vet ta ýe«S gras invu Sa Snday. Chieago Weduesday. p.~~~ he- o-yt eur of ethê Aloi s RUp bougît a teani of clta f i Rokenlach lut ai Frank Tnley. rr "cauigofp e ia.,511' John Barnisofen, Jr..- is employed hy d Gtaff boardeal the train boe' Miss Riehm vent ta Ares, Thuasday ,e mrnnug, enrouts for Wiieaion, evn. A. Buton, Jr., vas a businesas caîer t aar-w vs announce th', deatb ai Wleeling, Wedneadiy. t. Peter 1uâsd ut Arlintan F'rsd Busch apet Thurasdeyaie -Max Miller- home in LibeatyviIle. mi U?-George Weinser suent gîiuraey anal W IL sJ MADirLF Thes.Matausek family anal tiends, ivo auto laids, se.nt Sanday ai tIse N. F. Bu2ch hume. Fred Sush orked ftua-Max Milles- ose dîy ai vseek, tiking aadeas for Max for Zsal gouas. Max inteuds ta put au about tisa-e men io the uer attire, Ils business la dalug fine. Talk about sons. psople living iu c aovalea qwears. There is a teriniof ..iîty âcres on ch. oui skiraftot av witit fous- familles living tainsne ose uasd mure comiug, fox vhicb ihey are remodellug a comu ca-b for a bouse. lov'a chai for boomng a tava? 1The electilal sionsa of lest wesk vas qiite severs lu thîistumeiliate locaity. i .igbtniug aia-uek tIse garage ai J. N. Busth, lia it aidn't hua-n. It put the .7 ~ lelephoues ont sud eut several tels- grapli vires. We vers Il tbankui tn OÉWMSvaen't wcrae. Le out ears IFred Weiduer ls working in thse city. WWiir orrubber This "Balil-Band" e, with leather Up- Per, lias a waterproof *l fspecialcoonpound Ikjt outwears the usual ýubbker ec- ather sole. Jf you wvant thé most frnm C81 work shoe ,Uaa.Osis 15it -thai kLo Sole Letho CARî4LSON, W. s#atm= -YOU CAN HAVE SERA lES UNTI. FROST Is addition toata leat tha-se o!ftae abuse varielles, yau ebouuti aia plant ane et tise ever'leisang" kinds. Tise everliearIng bers-les are no langer an expenhaset; they ire pranUagîI, anal wIi vaath vilie, particuierly for borne use. JlverIbearlng vtietles set outtaov p» %pt Weil cultivateal dna-ig tise stimme, willl begli learhng ln ufn-pt onr oe ber, andl kesp niat on iutil liard freezina- veather. I bave gathereal good ripe real hernies in Ociober. Tht- caltas-e a!the sver.beax-ing Vare- tiee la tbe saine as for aches-s, except that i phng th.e llossorne off lu eps-ha- anal ear]y suusmen vili give a hiIevir sop lai the autamu. Progres- sive la ane a! the lied evea-bearlng sorst. W. may bsamade ai dusi, but smin nover wue kuovai ta settie a crylua- TUX CASE ÀRWD loee Ita an lk, wimdtbat llu BEFOR1 ~ Obatlai an. giî;aursota*à tcto»M lore pale without a flag on u n élir teAPRILe f13 nd _e APARXIL 13twa hours lihard work msnagsd te get It thrufh bh pull7y. At t Everetti Highland Park Seeks' to Have wing x the efforts o a mn w iudge Edards Opnion ur school to rank witb the Set Aside , The :peed cops ar:kept buzy just Springfield, fli.. AprU 11-Erneet S. 1 Sturday and Sunday seenis taelhe thefr Gail af Highland Park and Thomas ii;- usy days. Oon'i step)n ithe acclera- Murray of Cbicago, attorneys, arguedta when yaur an the new road. fot, the appt-lIce and Attorney George TeSield scliool bas aecepted.ou Af'Mason of Cbicago for tbe appellant invittônto speil with us Friday, 21. ln tbe supreme court today. Thé aid blacksmith shop vas tomn Tlh. appeal casýe fronr the crent dovai lest eek as it vas in the patil of cour ofLak coniyofFankS. aw-the n.w road wbich vill moon lie trted. cout o Lae auny oFrnk . Hw-Mr. Yore, Mr. Lyons ard Mr. Swift kisis, appeile, vs. the Caunty of Lake bave given 40 feet of their lend. This and Conty Treasurer. Bracher, in roa4 vilI ruai vest o! the tracka, from wbicb tbe circuit court enjoineal the the Coiway road ta the Sneddan #oad. callectîQai of more thaitwto-thlrds o!f seniuWeneski, the fruit çedplsr, the asseesment made against proper-3 who mnade bis weekly round te Evrett ty lu Highland Park by tbe board a!fvas Inatntly killed by a fust train revlew in 1920, vas ati ssilue. The Thurmday momrning in Morton Grave. case vas taiten uncler advisement by. Mr. Swift's tractera vere Qut thia tbe court and an opinion le expected morning te work in the field, thia la the at the June terni. irat work dons arouind liere, due te the Tbe case le an lm'atat one p etwaer mucb revenue le involved and the yar- -- - loue taxing bodies in Highland Park OOOOOOOaOOOOO0O 0 f ~ they wtll lie crlppled ssdly ln their o H 1 C K 0 R Y 0 'Irkt uless tbey are able bo geltishe o o o o o o o o full anlount of tht- assesanent. %i00000000 0000 00000 000000000000000000j o LAKE ZURICH o i 000000000000000000o Mrs. Fred Doolitile sud dagbtere trrm Wîukegan visiteal sevea-al daye yulh Mrs. Hetry Seip. John Prehniand Wm. Bicknase made a trip ta Chicago Tbnrcdey an business. Miss Elle Ulliz vielteal Wedaesday vith Park Ridlge fa-ende. Ma-s Wm. Elclsman and Mre. Chas. DiehI visiteal Mra. Fred Seip ai Irving Park, Wednesday. Miss Beruice Caryle of Joliet, la Arthur riggs. dy r n n Mr. analMa-. Aug. Batz and children vlited Stindayvwith Mrs. Batz's parents uer Gilmre. Miss Adelle Norton sud Mies AIma Lanlvea- of Beringian. cpeuitIhe Easter vacation viih Ma-s McCardy at Lberty- ville. Vincent Scîrywe vent ta Waukegan Saiarday ta spenal Eater vib h la parents. Mr. anal Mrs. Clans sud childa-eu af Crystal Lake, Mr. sud Ma-s John Sch-ofaf il, andl Mi"sMargart Palmer ai Rlgblsnd Park vers dunet getofMr-. andl ir. Prauiy, Ma-s. C. R. Weavsr anal daugbterc and Arthsur Blanchard da-ove ta Wauke- gau Suuday <terusoL Emq Fiels ittsnded tise aupervisar meting la Waukogan, 4Monday. Peter Jensen, W. C. Pa-ehni, Walter Voslllng John Mysteck are among those aurmnoneal on jury ibis vesit. WaltserPa-ehm vas a Chicago visitar 1Sunday. Mm. and M-a. Eiba-n anal Mn. and M-c. f-eaiCisicago seua ~ dy vus Ma-. nlMa-m. F. Iàoet. Ferge-mon Has-ks atadendeil lui fneràa ofisiencle. Wns. VW esel ai Ohio, Ill., lest vsek. Mrs. Chas. Schultz and ehildren vers oui anal vîsiteil aver Sundiy yul Ma-. suad Ma-s. F. Schaltz. Jas. WiII of Bas-ringtn, le visltlng biescister, Ma-m. H. Anderson, a few days. Mise Edythe Dymoual isspeuding ev days vlth ber sister, Mr8. . Lv-ueat Barrington lefare opeaing bar homne for rtIse summer. Mr. and Mrs.- George Imaussia sud 1baby ot Chicago, spent Sunday witIs Ma-. Adams. Mrs fiera-y Whitcamb andl sons, Leslie, John anal Irving o! Deerfield, vers Sunday callers ut Oea. Wbitcomnb un île Spunner farm. o EYERETT SCHOOLo fWlliaam VanLanduyt, a fariner papi1 of aur sebool bad his tansila rernoveal ia Waukegan, l. la navbarnedalngnicely. B The Evereit Athletit club viii give a dance ai St. Pata-iek's hall, Everet. Apa1l21. Evea-yans eeame. Anyaue vrIa res niay br"ga cake. hîItwlie b vsa-y much appa-eciateal. TIKse perfect lu mpelling for thse p= w-sek vere: Steve Koetial, RObr Calby, Hienry Mantey, Nan Yore, Edith tZienian, Oenevsevs Lnlieck, Julia Vea-leke, AdolpI VanLanduyt. Bessie Koatial and Dorothy Yore. ,W have flaisîsal aeadiog the "Totem of kack Hawk, "a beok hich appeal- Pd ta evea-yone. Packages of seed sent ta us by oua- .coavsemeu, vers j iven ta the childa-en lait vsek. The litile folks are lie- tglnning ta ho afraal thet tise seede vîlI sicat ta eliroutlil.thesuvelopes betors they bave a chance ta plant theni. rWalter- Seyi ba-ought a violet plant ta schoal on Muaday. It bas leen pianted iu a box anal vs are auxiausîy vaiting tes violets b Appear. tThse infant diagister of Mr.. sud Ma-s. 1Van Nieuw-snluya vas hua-ledu 1Friday ln Si. Pata-lck's cemnetery.' The sehool aietan viii hbe hl luoua- achapi Sataa-dsy, April 22, anal vs vlsh t hat ail the pa-enta vould ta-y ta lie 1chers. Tune -7:30. 'Wh.n neya vwas linought ta achool that Ma-. Simpson hsd <van lu tise ehection for Supsrlntendeui af Sclas vs decideal ta celobate, The auly thiUnear ai bal wUeh is ould a iots ai noise vaàs ch. arcLicn r ttacbed hirnel a belrand g ecrtW ave a fine im itatIoa Easser Sunday, April 16, n 10 lb. boy. Mrs. George Reckman sud son ao Waukegan, are visitiug her parents, Mr. . dMas. John Irving. Mr. and Ma-s. Philip Gouldan sd family of Woodvortb also M r. sud d rs. Wrn. Thanipson aud daughter epent Sunday ai George Tbomnpeo's. Mr., and Ma-. MAllister Irving viei- ed relatives et Miliburn an Suuidey Mrp. Wmn. Milleransd con of Wauke. zs. sgnt test week vith ber mother, Mr. Sundail, vbo bas been ill tram an alicece on hie jev hed ih aperated or et bie home lest Saturday marning anc le nov dong nicely. Mr. and Mm. Harvey Dixon and Donad visiteal over Sundsy lu Richmonno Mrý Mrc. Hsrold Dixen :of Richmnd, have a son bora on Satua-day, APril 15.1 Mn. Lou Billand Mise Etinice o: Wards Corners. calleal an O. L.Holien« beck lest Tussday. Mr. anal Mrs. John Irving of Rose. crans spent Sunday vith thala- parent bere. s 0 FROK I CEIU 0o Meesre. Butai. MilsObehani sud~~ Joid -ver aue and Mn Mtal hricli. Word vas receiveil here Satrdy of1 tbodeatb ai Mma.Buscis of Anlugita HogtLMma.Buschs wu former-ly MIn Uli-lefS ai bsplace. Ih vas &bsout tva eûrs ega ta he w-s stricen vithp ýea-sE anal lesbeau lu a belpiesa cati aumina..Many rela- tives farnlaore ettendeal ber tuneal whlcis took place ai Aalingtan Heiglits an Tuecday. FranaakBordler anal family of Craym- lake, speut Sunalay with relatives hea-e. Mra. Jas Guérin and childa-en af Waukegai, vers tise gueste of relatives bers ovea- Eetea-. Ma. Guérin, visa 1f t &boultvo montha ago for Denver-, Colorado, for bis lealth is getring along very nicely. By Margaret Hefer. Thase vIsa attensaeal the surprise W ty Weduesday eveuing, April 13, ai tas home ut John TIsuli are as tollove: Rins Steffens, Jas Steinsilorter, Jr., PFÙ xY-Re9a-on, Bobby Vboa. bqc - -Sihtithacb, MasFr- Cafhs an sd family anal ala Mas. Carl. son'e mother, M r. and Ma-. Albiert lisle snd deughters, laeue and al li, Arthbur Hafe, Myrtie Laisman, Bill Biats, Catheaine Sebumachea-. An su- joyable evening vas spent in playing carde anal dancing. Refaeshmeuts vers served and ibey aIl gai horne juet iu tise for breakfast au accoaiof thse lied roaas. Irnusestaer speni lasi week authîe homeot Jas Steiilarfer. The laskçt soci4l ai Vola vas vell attendeal Wednesday svsuing. Bill Este, Rins Steffens sud George Thorutan epent Friday eveuing ai Allient Este. . Ray Hafe speni Eastea- Sunday at lame. Ma-. and Mas. C. A, Nordmeyea- vere in Wauconda, Situa-day. l"aed Beelow, Frank Beelow and Rina St.effens . speni Suuday ai Albert Hafea's. Bert Tua-uer vas lu tawn Satuudey evening. Rine Steffeus attendeal the dantse t Baraingian Saiua-day evening. Mabel Calson ai Chicago, spent Eastea- Senday sýt George Immenoga. Jini Immeuogo vent tao raylake Sunday. Bon H, Mllltr, Attorney. APJUDICATION NOTICÉ PUBAC NOTICE leabsroliy given tisai tiheSubscn#ber, Adhniniata-atos- of thse estute of Louise landau, decessal, wli attend tise County Court oak el Couniy, ai a tes-m ilereof ta ils holal-, su t tise Court Hous. lu Waukeaa,1 In eala Cauaity, onthse fia-at M id, a! Jane next, 192% wheu sud vbsa-s ail vensons baving cdaim enatai asiate are noiliéad a eaetea t présent the sanie ta, sahal Court fani a gjuUibattan * . xLAe DAU Waakegan. Ill., Apvril loch, IgE. 15, 16, 17 AT fiAS PLANT Manager 'Hart explaîns how report of -short supply came to be announoed Thse coal situation, no lar as the North SItars' as ...mpîny le con. cerued, ILeual 5sosrieo sas report ed yesterday lu a Springfield dis- patch. This dlspatcb. quotlng thse i Illinois Commerce Commission, atat- ed that, the- local. gis -colupany'e sitpply of gas coal vga suffileut ta aset bareîy tva veeka. Accardînq tai JulIen CG. Hart, real- dent manager of thse gas compauy, thse roncern la lu no Immedlats dan.I ger ni s COaI ahortage J "Wtteu we sulimItted tai tbe 1111 noie Commerce commission the awuut of coul va lad ou baud vs Mr. Hart as'icried. "We did not liel the coal we are ta. recelve under conîract. Nlany munths ago vs an. ticipated the coal situation tIat ha., Death followlag a lngerlng Iliess. developeal and we coutracted witI 1tIse Ielss Coul dock to brlug us a sulllclent supply of coau, tIese ame -tu he kep i ultIshe company's docks and delivered ta us as we need 15 > s; resulIt e bave un hand aItIsaf local coal î supplY of coal tý la t us uni i! tie first a! Auguet a, l.'i.II tenture ta say vs are tri l; tver shaî,ietaiS luety pt-r cent of tisetitiliies lu the- state. B> or r derlug thruugh tlia Relse coal dock ste 'et-e uabled lu store a suff ; ,.nt suppIýý o! coai which tIsenia- jo!t of ui illitI-" or., net able toi do'- 0o 00000o-o0a0a0o0o0O0 o- COURTNEY SCHOOL o 00000000000IqOOOOO Our sttçndance vas not verY isguar last month as a nunnier of the ctilîdren vers iII ih influenza. The second grade have finshed reed- tag the Elson Prisca-y Reeder Book Il. A nev scboar in nov attendlng osai achoal. fier namis aCatherine Odett, she la ta the ti-a grade. Monday. Apail 10, vs cleeneal lue aciSl ooluse. Thse boys rakeal the lamm while tiha girls andUlssJohnsauleaued ch. achooalrooni. One af the eigbth rdet rluraab a nolier ofab-na a C btd l b the beauty ofîteheboal grosuds., Miss Rosa Roeulein visiid oura.ho a-cently.1 W. hal acbool on a fev Satnrdaya t. akce up s fev dayc vs mised. Sopha PO"On uegt ber ltl. Niam Pim toacholMonday. Mils Edths converse %Met Wedns.- de5~~t vitisber cou*ins. Allsandsu t.euauig a uu~as~ oeuaw cauveegs~a et Làke *r. XL il. sky à great compouer ow mule. vasIsl-d tut the alOér, noticing lier URMsuI voiço, sslted lier taooMme farwerd aid guni a diait with bige, wblcb ah. did. fibe leates to majaru ber long ans Master, Mrs. Dr. .Janisson. Of Millburn; ane brother, Benja-lu G. Davies, Of Castana,* Iowa; one son, Warren R. Darby; one daugbter, Mis. A. E. Dyer, and twe grsdcblldrenl, beasah5ih0t o! frtends; 'bo will greatly mies ber. HôOW TO 8TART THE KPLANS RIGHT I Winl *i'ê vPltbufor Uty OutS £raulut yard aM f mlWaspMgai ,. mold.haier, LonqgrOffe, EL. 6-l8t FoRt SÂL-* elg room bouge A five acres of very'fine land, miles train Àrea. $300 cash; balazpe lait gardenier or poultry. F. .T Had- lng, Area, IEl.Phlone 184-J. 104f pOR SAL3-A nearly ne- 7room bouse, oie aft tb. best li Ares; bot maer eanid a&Hmodem linvrave- Whatever la done lu thse waY af pre. .msl as pyasu; iaiac parng the rase lieds for Plautln1k. ree Y . M. Harding, Phone 184-3T shauld bliedonsue sfur liadvance, as positible, s ths bives th, gruhd tilnte Ar-a, 11l. 9. ta, settie, Mud the manure, a lime ta F0 R SL 4amnovseelilng the best detomposei3O the uev Bast plana viii miflIi in s Üchla mades, nsinely, get iminediate boni f rm it. I Wbeei the plants yoU bave bouglit -The Bull" aDUllngmachine. 1 bave are dellvered ta You, tlîey shaula lie soMe vorklng close ta tovu. - C. F. unqacked, imMoOedatelY.* If ihelY are Rlcoiards, Antlooh, Il 1. 10tf dornant plants, se ta t hatsa he packing around thei roats la not ai- MOR àwN'-b-fastn for 25 bhAd O, loved ta dry out. If for auy reasan cattîs. "T. R. Welton, Autioeb, IIL . tbey muet lie kepi ssly lengtli 0f lime184 be!ore plaitislg, dlg a ema11 trench end, place them n luI1, claie together, caver-i FOR BALE-Ta» buy, ta fine candI- ing the roats flrmly vlth sait.tilon; nsd but short time. yul ssaiI lai plauting, place tIse Tes sind IIY- cheap. Ths. Corlett, Iliertyville. brf-tear varioties about a toot sud a -134!f hait spart; and the Bylia Perpeiaii about tva fant. The aUtelde plants lu WANTED-.& gond, steady. gentlm. a lied should ble about elght luches ly selesau ta, handle Wards wagon froi~ the edge. Each plant ishUld ble In Lake county. No expea-leuce ueed- et. deep euough so tht the place ed. For fuall partîculars write pronpty where il vas budded (vlsich shows a ta Dr. Ward'e Medlcs.l Campay Wu sort of a svelllng or coller) shauld ble anaMinnesota. Rattlhsheil 1866 a litths lelow thse suaface o! the mil. 1- W. ith plants front pots the top o! the ball of earth sisould bli about 2% ich- FOR SALE--White-faS.d Black Span- e., ,below the surface. A handful o!1tait egas, $1.00 per aettiug ot 15. W. lione-meal. or lietter. of boue-meai andl H. GeHinge. 320 North Ave.. Liberty- tankage, thoraiaghty mixeal vith the ville. &Il. 144t salivhére each plant inte t le set.,ii________ liehp give *tiiema s tratig. Vigara THE PAMOUS LUGERMItTGMAic start, sud help prodace a good isui.pply j';o'. nt-wly Importeal. Cal. 7.65 ai blooms the fIa-t season. r. mni. Guarauteed or money back, for FLvsayone who graws rases &hauld $1 9.75 postpald. C. O. D. W.ndlaaid lie a nieniler of the Americati Rose Bron. I& Co., 160 N. La Salle St.. Chi- Society and gel a copy of thse"Rose cago, MI., lmtîartersý 14-4t Aunul'. vlch it publlehes everY sprlng. Whoever you boy yotar rases FORL SALE-Whihe Wysndotte euea trom vîlIlie gad ta, tellI),Ou all abou1t for batclalug. "riDe 75e for 15. J. the Society, or yon cii w rite direct t0 F. l)ryer. Phane 301,1. 15-21 Rosarlati J. C. Witar. et tIse Widener- -Building Phladelphie, Ps., vho ta tIse WANTED TO RENT-Of avaler, me- eecertary of the eociety. dhlm itilzed house, in goad usîglilir- hood. Will guarantes gond cars of r praperty ana lli pay gond a-et aid a J. Smolin. of the- Army sud Navy bonusIntahIe chape of payrnent for op- Store. of Lliertyvilîe, viehes ta tbank ilan ta purchase. Adda-eas Renter, car. a 1- .-.-t.of ladependent. 15tf is Ma-SainPez anal tire chialaen speat Ester eltb cous ins uC cagli Mr-. aid Ma-. P. A. Havley, Ma-. anal Ma-s Henry Donis anal danghtea- o! g~roicalleal Sud evsnin ai th - o;m home. ;,adL P. A. H4wley bave jusi a-oently returneil *:me irons spending tie vintea- viti chir on aid 1ev, Ma. anal Mas. James fiavley ai Beaurnont, Cailornia. 000000000000000000 0% GRAYSLAKE e 000000000000oO00000 Epîscupal Service svea-y Sandîy afterucon ai tise Congregatiaili cisurcli et 4:30. Everynne Invîteal. Mrs. John McCurdy of Kenosha, Wla., speut thse'week-sud vis h lier. daugistea-, Mas. Maurice Marrie. Thse E. V. Neville home i sunder .Clarntine for scarlet fev-ea. - ,Âlnmond TIs5uzF-o3t "d mi)y have' niaved ta the RDwllng bouse on Lske street. Eugène Wîllmngiuu visa bas spent tht- wîntea-luInlshesolallers' lame ai Banvitte, retua-ned ta oua- village lai Tuesdsy. E. J. Wlgbtman la isavlng bis home on Lake sireet singleal anal a nev porch aldeal. Ma-. sud Ma-. Grant Lusk of Lierty- ville spent Sunday vitI Ma-s. Lusk's mather, Mas. J. E. Smth: Chia-les Sebrosaler a- sstise mîstor- tuais ta bus-i lis lefi banal bîdly lu an encaunter wltb a cia-cuiarsa ivlai Saturday. Cea-bard HIart bas discontInusal bis restaurant bers anal moveal ta Ingle- aide. OBITUARY Ma-a. AnnaI Bell Daa-by (use Bivies> wass boa-n Pelraay 28, 1854, neir tbe Swan scbool houslu Lake county, moving with ber parente ta Diamnn Lake aitishe age o! ans yea-, w-eres cie speut ber lite untilthIres yîrss go. ba'ng maveal ta Libertyville. Bise depîrteal ibis lite April 12, 1922, ai tbe age o! 6$ yeîns, 1 niontb anal 15 dams Ail Ibrougli ber slcknese se vas 9a ptatientt auffener and bal a amIe for t-veryone. Ohe w-as maia--ed ta Thsomas Daa-ly Ma-ch 22, 1873. Ma. Darsby departeal tus 111e twenty-seven ysaa-a aga. To tibis union :w-sae baru tva ciildaen- Warren Rtussell anda Hast-i Ada, nav Mas. Allient Bys-. She w-es one a! a family ai nîne dbiii da-en, mosi of w-boni have passeal on BIshevas convertealsadJluiea ile Dia- nional Lake M. B. cburch at the sgt- of eleven yeàrs. She aemsined i failli. fuii member of Ibis chus-ch alliraugil ber lite, litg superntendent sud a' isiches- lu the Sunay School tfs- about 15 ysaa-s. She wau aiea a stewardal "d trustes o! the oisurcb for rny years. Ohe was st-en t&suglt!ui lu doi anal carng ion others, neyer thlukiig o! beasel!. Bie w-asaimo sIgreat Iloves- of mamie. Wheu a girl et 16 w-ile -ai- tavns. Be lapes tIsai le yIl seider thse same servce ta il. patrons lu the future tle saine as in the putl. Oua- intentionsbubaslesu ta caiduet thîs business permanenit, but vs do ual kuov boy long a luessWB eau abtalu. as thls Lake CouantY Na- tional liank lutends, ta btilld. We tberefore viali ta oel ths attentli o!o aur cu-'anera te, take avautaga o! aur special offers. Lîberyvîlle Arrny & Navy Store. TO THE PU19LIC Raisvng besu calied avay on imuport- anC business. wblsch meana an indefI tnits absence. 1hbave tua-u.d over MY office aid practice ta Dr. J. IH. Heelin. I eau heartlly recominenal binau as very hlgh type gentleman and prailti- Uouer. fully entitled ta the cairtefese and patronage accadealm int the aP9t. Charles D. Nixon, D. C.. P. N. C. Of Dra. Nixon sud 1Davis. ANNOUNGEMENT TIse underaigneal bas taken over the practîce o! Dra. Nixon andl Davis aid w-IIl occupy thie saine offite, Suite 10-11, Nev Castle Hotel. Yaur i4<11- vîdual cases vîli h. given carefjg sud palutaklag attention, liaaed upati yeara at experience. J. H. HEBLIN. ISoctor ov Chiropractie, 7 1FOR SÂL9-House. baru and chi"ka bouge, vitIl % acre of land. 100 fout soul f rotae on Laeke Street. for UM-00- lishae ombuldinglobs there 324 feet deep, nt $M0.00 ver lot. P. O. mddrae lAlac. 1. Locke, Llberty- ville, or plione t316. 15-st FOR SALE-Potatoes and ou.e team. 4 sund 5 years aid. wt. 1300 ecb. Misa Mary Eltering. Phlons 2814-1. MOR SALF.-fSchaeffer piano ad 7 er furnhture. luquire 329 West a-~ ple &ae, Ltb.rtyrl., IEL 16-it mO aLf-Agad 'wOrk mre, four years ad, welOlt 1300 cheap if tek. su at once. Plhone 323-W-i. A. J. Raupp, Prairie View, 111. 18-2t 9 CARO 0F THANKS. We wislsta siepress our mincere th-aks to carr ta anad n.lgld>ors for tiie many deeo ehowni us dirring the sicknses s ad death or aur dear motiier; aISa to thle singera and aiea for the floral tributes. Warren R. Darby. Mr. and Mrs. Albiert E. Dyer. 0 0o 0oo0 0 0OO0 0 1: FOR ALL THEýNEW8 OF LAKE o k!oCOUNTY. SUBSCR'BE FOR TH-E < ô INDEPENDENT-41JO A VEAR t 0 0 0 0 0 ao0 WHY LET YOUR HOGS GET SICK OR DIE Wé guarantee our remiedy tu save .951;4aofthse. sck hogs, stop lhe cougbltln, und destroy- ai-werm-- !77-17_ .~-,e. il14 4ounýio wbat w say. money refunded. Gets more worms than any other worm capsuls. Wrlte fônr fe information an dizeases asnd cure of hogs and chickent. Evetma Stock & Poultry Faimn, Gain. Mo.,. R. 5. Gutter and Spouting There is a very Iow price on this material now. We Can Do It Promptly Schanck' Hardware Co.. VOLI. LOI ser Spriz dion at the 1IR misali the lue cause' aide tii îles ai page, I eaoti!a ahion, -to clail t~~ he mi Met= tIse Po paay 1 rates i when vas ni pretsu Ciels c show q lie de< lugtIth Just lis prai sanda Waulcq avait the rem v1i SM WinI Ths m-i flea" of tIi T4l f rom be s lýietr agres tion. viii May yl vill * naine lie '5 icals wort a pi la lb unde *At luhe Fr JE Le Geai Faid pt-us It le tIse alur ulgl' hua buri stoc c'cl( tout tue bu nigl fa-ut Vi k,,y etu rt-s pri ter pt-r val fea en thi Ths un th] tnt

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