CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Apr 1922, p. 3

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W" A'U'UTT Il ~ ~ sr~ ~ $ .asL55JJ4 ~ ~ Il's a goo t tlg Uihe eadt sgue cames alang as dress fabrica begau ta get more anti mare sheer. and akirtasorter. Otberwlse many s fair voman'a seat diaphanous drap- enlea nalgt bave flattereti away at lias fiast s51f breeze cucountereti. TIse dresay afternoou track for this ation d titnguaseti by aim- pllcity cf lina bat extrema legauce of taba-lc anti arcameutatoaa. lissvy beadlug, rida esabruitiery, or lace makes the altern»=a ract for form- el vear a tbiug of esuty andi a joy for thse whole seasan. ChantllIy laces are macla used Inl bisck, bravu. navy antdecrm Ollaer 511-oer laces andi deep toltances, tiyed ta match Uic fabrlc pre useti. dred ta match tIse fsbric of Uic gov. Oten heavly beadedi pan- els of chiftoa are usea aver tIse lace flaunces. - Jet beada are Moat useti for street frocks, aud are ceeu aiaaou mshay afternoaa ana eveanog gowus. WAUKE<IN LOCAL&S. r M. andi lra. W. J. Allen ratura- cd taday alter 'sPendlug thse vinter in Flnitia. M. anti lra. R. P. Lee7 vi rach bers lu a Couple Of c veeka as tbey are curante home via autq aud vil make severai stops lu tbe Rasi.. A marnlage lceuse vas Issucdtg>ta day ta Nlck' FnitscIse anti Marleu Rçolnen. bth of this place. 8 Il vas ex0cted that the triai a! liquon cases vaulti De tartet inlue County court laIe this sfternoau or the firt îblug tomnorvov moralng.e There will be a egilar rehearsai a! Christ chunch choir tomarrav night t 7:30. Ail young member af thse choir vba are luinIsas» Iare Ilequeesed tg meet at 7 P. M. Thene wvflibe a tagday oua Bat- unday next. Ion the iHattit BirycU Godfellowebip club. i Miss Catherine Stearna daughter ai A. K. Stearna aalled for Europe on thet Aqultaula thia wcek te bc gone about a year. miss Florence Druce anti lilaBs Olive Coleman trove ou nto the country on business yesterday. The Ladies Aid o! Christ church helti an afternaon meeting thisale- ternoon lu thse aPnisiaIlieuse. Came to the Alp!habet parly at the Congregtional church Wednnts- day eveniug. Au eveiug et fun -anti feliovabip la praniseti. The ,Sun bas on diaptay lu îls window some very intereatlng anti novel pictures takten lu Indue, af the burutng gbate. the wahig ',Pool anti aiea a large reprotinctiOu..otishe most beautlful temple In tbe vonîti. Thase photographs vers sent borne by w. J. Smith, editoro! tIse Sun. vIsa basvialtedt he places abovu. A complets description la given of each pictare. The Baptlt ladies vil holti an ail day meeting at thea clurcb Tbursday to do WhbIte Cross vorlt. Passover services aItIshe Jevish Temple vii bu belti this eveulng at 6 p. m. andtfi ursaiay mornlua et 8:30 a. m. vhen a sPecial me- mariai service viii bu heiti at whicia time -Rabbi Adolpb Burgen viii rpeak on the "Immortality o! Lle Soui.,, Priday evenlng the service-e viliihe beldi at ilP. M. Sublect: «Strange Pire." lirg. Beasie Ettlingen, cousin o! E. Goodman, the lotb treet mer. chatnt, vas the vlufler lu an auto- mobile conteat conducteti'bY a Mouint Vernon, 111, nevapaper wheneby abs van a Studehaker au- tomobile. The Ladies AId ofth. Congrega- tiouai churd viii meet ai the bois~ of Mis. Joeeph Hinger. 311 Stewart avenue, Thurea4ay afteruon. The ladies o! St. X*Iigartt Qulit o! Christ church heW à a ie ue- ceroful rummage sale sta ahe 110 formeriy ocupleti bY thé BecritY Tlle & Tsunst co-*"!,~ but color, etiher delcate or viviti, la senau 8verywbiere ln,,à~e beasis1 BSilbeadsanarausedtu fa adatage u navY bine; tolt. bronz, or y*jl- kW beadas appear on m-ny bravam rocks. Thse lrick of maklng the aleeves of anuther colon, freqonafly or an- othar fabric more shser tIssasthe body of the tiness. le an lnteraating tievelapment In afternon dreoses One auch cambînation isported. troua Paris la et santi-colareti C&>i ton crepe villa long. vlde sîcereset banna Georgette Ieavlly embroi&- ereti ln al-over design ln yam- lte exact color Of Canton a.kTlhe hanna nota vafr introduced &gain lu a uarrow prinig vbere thiejong walst vas Joiuedto taheb.airalght shirt. Zfavy sud beige la aiso mucb laset la these Iva-color costumes. vitb th uavy admlnfistereti lu aparlng do3es. s removedto tahtIe lcAflter baspit'l. Services vere beld Tuesday evecng at the Jevih Temple. An orchestra practîce vas bcld on Tuesday eseulng aithtIe bigbla chool ,o the higb achool orchestra. Ben C. Siegel Of Prescott street vis- Ited relatives lu Chlcs.g Tuesasy. Goyernment séeds bave becu dlstrlh- uteti to thse chiltiren of the North school of North Chicago. Nelli Anderson o! 10th atreet visit- ati relatives lu Milwaukee Tuesday. Mis.Joseph Bosiklavaky bas raturn esto ta er homc"on Jackson street foi- loving an ilucea lu the hospitai. lira. Zeve anti deughter Hazel of South Jackson street bave returueti home tram a week's visit lu Hpiaboro, WU_.. vIera ira. Zewe's aiter livea. Mmra George Britten, 108 North West street unudeaveut a minor aperation at the Vlctory Memoril~. hospitLgI here this morning. Lemuel Col-reli cp! <alc street bas recoveret f rom a aligIsI Illnea. Mrn. John Nowlin of Herrick, Eli., la visitlng et the home of lir. anti Nfrs. John Scbiitz, 109 Falrvew Pi. Rev. H. E. Rompel o! Joliet, for- meriy of ibis city, epent the day here on business., 'Cliutou Burnett vas a Chicago visitor yesler&sy. The Sewlug Circle o! the German Cougregatlonal Church viii meet at the churcb perlons Thuaday after- noon. lire. F. G. Siait:- entertaluedtihe Wedue5dsy afternoon club toay et 1:00 o'clock et ber home. Mullen's caterers serveti the luncheon. Cer<ls vere ptayeti duriiug the sfteruàoc>n. The social service ciasa of the liettlodist cburch. o! vbIcb lira.J. M. Phelpa la the teacher, vhile Mis Hazel Selle la the preaident gave a veny succeseful chlcken, sup- per lait evessing st thse Meth"dit r.hurcb. The proceeda o! tIse din- uer were 10 he given ta the Ptilp- vine Y. W.. C. A. Music vas fur- nisheti hy Enlckaon's orchestra. About 240 people vene preseut Mis. C. H. Lane o! Kansas CitY, le visiting with lira. E. Burgess o! North Sheridian Roati. FIREMEN RESCIJE MORE THAN - 100 GIRLS FROM DEATH New York, APril 19-Firemen anti patrolmen using an aeriai latiter, ta- day rescueti more than 100 girls em- ployed inluthe Tappe building aen 11h street nean flftb evenuec vben tbey vere trappeti hy dre çihicb brolte out lu thse batemant. Fîften of'tIsa girls vere partlally overcorue by emolte anti bystenical vlth friglit . Walter Murphy, a firemns vl b" -basa n Bet eava. vho bappencdtà i bO pasaali At the tIns. of the ire. t UV UTY&TII PARAU I DIW Ii!I iRUAT; RB DAC- CIDENT AVERTED %i 'Y Expert in work conducting il- Iustrated course for local re- cruits in drill work MEETING TOMORROW NITE With the popularlty of the radio lad fast reaching a national sensation, the instructions and talks ona Ibis work bas struck Waukegan full force. Three talks are biledtor the viclnity within the near future, anc of which 'wili be 'gîven ta the naval reýerve recruita tomorrow nlght In the course of their drill 'work. R. H. Weeks, au expert on thé subject. who li doing aLiilar work at the naval station lu a civilian cap- acity wil continue a course started lest Wek. ; Thlis bas proyed one o! thie Most ~P ular diversions of the local establish. ment andi onc iu whlch the majority of the men ettachedte t the bra.ucb are 'nteresed. Weeks la nov constructlng an instrument for recelviag the taIks and varou pragrama by radio whicb wiil be piaced lu working order as soon as conapleteti. He la nov teaching a number of men how the machines are worked aud the technicalltes thet are attached to the very best makes. in the machine that la being bulit for the local establishmnent, Weelcs vili malae a duplicata o! the Instrument us- ed by the akrmy aud uavy experiment- ai stationje lu Washington. He le doing the work at lals home lu the Fox hotel andi will erect the In- strument as soon as a few atiditional parts are recetved. Programe vili then be heard almost nlghtly. He bas been causldering several affere made by k,. cal people and firms ta construct ver- lous types o! radio phones for home andi commercial use. In addition ta the radio talk, Lieut- enant J. H. Henning bas announceti that the eveuiug progrem tomorrow wiil be the lest on whicb new recrulte may 4a accepted lu the naval reserve force bere anti that be vlI Continue bis orgaiation with 175 members while tbe wvan of costructing th* $40,000 club bouse ou the lake front la lu progreas. It la believeti that thé 175 vilI be aufficient number te mate the club as lufluential as tbey wisb to be lu Waukegau affaire. Second Floor Second Floor 'E1e&çtStoY".sOt thoI1ôrthshore After Easter Price Reductions on Women's and Misses' outerApparel That the first days after Easter-and the ffrst daes of Spring- shoul brin pr~esas radically reduced -ms featured in this announcement is really sen- satona Brefly stated, they'are JuIy reductions inade ini April *CoatSui*tseDesses, lin blown from roof by wind narrowly misses pedestrians; -Wire breaks TREES ARE BLOWN DOWN Walukegan was awept today by a terrific vind atorm. Many> large irees vers blown down. Telephone w ires aud aigne fared litUle better. Mauy inerchanis took dowu iheir signa be- fore the wind hiew tbemn dowu a4à. causeed an accident. A large pise eloftin rooling vwas blowu tram the building being ne- modeleti by the People'a l3ank. and nsrrowly mnisseti striking a number o! peoplie passing by. If the fallof the tin bati not been brul<en by the lele- phone vires, a secrios accident woulti have resulted. The tin struck a ,Ive vire lu lia fali aud the air vas filet trith sparks. As it struck the vire a louti noise vas heard resembling the sound o! an exploding bomb givlug the people standing nearby a chance ln acatter. A la.rge Eim tree vas blowu dowu lu the yard of 218 N. couuty Street. It fli iovard ihe atreet andi cannietithe telephone wires davu wlth il. The. branches extendeti ont Imb the sireet sud blocked the etreet car tra!fic for about an bour. Cars rau from the aouth &s far uortb as the fallen tree aud then passangers ba tet gel eut and walk aroxund the tree te anoiher car which took tiremrou to their des- tiuation. No damage other than bringlng tiown ths telephone vires vas causeti by the fail. If someone bal bean us,- Ing or If a street car bati beau going by at the lime the tree fell. there, no aoubt vould have been a very serions accident. The police recelyved several reporte taday of trees belng biovia do-» lu different parts o! the city. The rnew- 1#1U at noon vas lypical of March irather. Police receiveti a report that tele- phone viras along Belvîdere" Street bati beau blowu dowu sud wre hable ta bSeomdtangerous. The telephone compsny ai clectric comPanY vere notifiati se tlat lths trouble could be reparait Calla tram varions parte af the city reparteti that trees bcd been blown dovu on North Avenue across tram thc achool. and also on licAllis ter streel. At least tveniy reported 10 the po- lDes station thât signa on Sheridan Po" and &long the principal streets of thea tova vere blovu down and, lu "me ienstances, vere obstnuctiug tramel. As speedily as posîble, the ponice attempted ta, clear thse streete. INSTRUCTION IN t 1 #O101L BILLED 'FOR NAVY RÉSER VES Wraps, Suits anc1 Dresses Reducede. $24*75 COATS, WRAPS & CAPES AT $U475 &.tostf Çhlnhls anti wraps &sud Capes of aaftly voven, ail-voal malerll lu ltae uew ahades. Praetically ailtaoflIse Case Capes anti Wraps at this prie are s1k Ilîneti througlaaut. DRESSES AT $2475 liais graup consista of Dresses of Canton Crepe, eaborately eimbroliereti ithbçbatis anti bouffant Dresses of sof t chiffon taf- feta lu darle or eveing sadtes andi changeable colore. SUITS AT $24.75 Tailareti Suite of flne ail-wool qusiity o! uavy bine, tricotine anti Spart Suite o!fScotch anti Heather Tweeds. Perfect vork- mauslalp la netei throughout this amsotment. Boys' Spririg Suits Reduced These are suits of the kind which boys prefer to Wear and parents prefer to buy, not oxly on acedunt of the low price but for the serviee suits of this$ kind are certain to give. - SOME HAVIE TWO PAIRS tailoreti. Jackets are Iinied witb serviceable matertala. ]Plenty of pockc ta. Sturdy Suite for sturdy boye. Sprirng Dresses Underpriced at $1e29 You will be surpri!ed at this low pricin g when yoiý see these dresses, so chie and be- com'ng thiey are. Xade of FieQuality Gingham la -And trlnaned ln sncb cun- ning vsys of materila aof con- trasting color and -veeve, yl- (,-' lnr~-careful attenion ,Zo de- A Saving of One-Third or More WrapsSuits and Dresses Rèduced:, $39*75 WRAP AT 59,75-~Mtials Ot the hetter sort as Veldyne. Pau-ý dora, anti other decep pila fabrica are ssedt lafahion these beaut- fui garments. They arc tull 11usd vltla Peau-de-Cygne. DREXSSES AT 838 75-Beadedt Dresses of Canton anti Satin-face' crepes, of the vcry fluait quality, andi faslousa favorte-lhe tiarea-plece dresa.-make utaIis group o!fIsantisame frocks. Tona muet sec them ta appreciate their warth. B=T5AT 339,75-TallOrati Suits Of ai-wool Tricotîne sud Poiret Twill. The jackets ara fllmil 1k luneti perfeetiy talloreti vitit careful attention to tietalse. SweaVirs $p2.291dk Ruit Sveaters lu the slip- over atlea!Jersey aud flueiÉeplayr yarn4. MIlthse brigbt anti dark shades are lucludeti. Same are fflde lanlesa. A very speclal Dur- chaoseleattsa cause of this sale. Coverall Aprons 79C -0f closely voven pr cale lu neat patterns over- light grount Theee aprona ara cut full sud ueatiy fln- lshed-790 1-i a Tve pc- Clal prie.. Women's chemisa of pure vwhite Nain- Pcol. Trimmiedtivllalac anti ibboua. Valuesv« I a .8tep-18-.G &lep-la Blootuaz MiA ce fie.cecked i 1 flacl celer. c7 - 'RADS, MM ý -MI1YS -7OC WUIHM et ER After T mk J Easter Sale20O £F1mIIAd 1 £ats --$3,98 is a vcry low price for'these bats and xnôst women 'will choose several, we believe., in this sale tomorrow. For style and smartness they are equal to hats costing several tines as muc.h. Baseo! deairable strawa lu practi-Q cally every colon o! tIse season. Vise q ____ varieti shapes ofter an apportunlty __________ for distIncýiVO cboice. Trîmmeti with ______ l ion flôvars. etc-----------. Women's 511k Georgette BlouMs $2.98 For street vear these blouses are most deairable at this low price. Tlaey are reduced for clearance. Several Styles Short and long sleeve style. All are made of fine silk Georgette ln white andi tlesli roior and âttractivolY 1 au" If tlus is not a timely offering in Spring Cothes there, never was one. It is not a group of "odds and ends" either, but smart new apparel taken from our Ready- to-Wear cases. If you have not yet purchased your Spring Coat or- Dress do xot miss this opportunity. TUE COATS AT $14.75 ara chic, sport mnodela, fasIs- tonai of Herringbone. sud deep pile materilasil tans sud natural. Some are fuil ilk lînei;- otbers half-lineti. THE DRESSES AT $1475 are chanmingly famhioneti of Canton Crepes, Taffeba. Tricatins sud Poiret Twill. Thoee of, Canton Crepe are straight Ue styles white those of Taffeta ,Are lu bouffant style. SUITS AT $14.75-..Sergeà andi Tricotine lu gondi shatica o! navy biue are use t t tailor these be- eomiug suite. They are ubowu la vomen's aud misises' izes at tbis price.

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