vuiuIim aa WOe. ots.-z .t né-~ e. - --- land ta situ a Iaev-ththé e14"I je4. cheter Wile (jaunty TitIs andl Trust Comapany Woiha"i.s.a...... - LAKECOU~NTY BOARD 0F SUPERVISORS tb ,eepu eit and. ~a -e in t.1'ia as _________ lreuise, local-ad il 220 WnuIiinÊton piles - Street. Waukes-nn -Illinois, At lte jAjn, & Dr. Lt. ae OI ERGTLA.R~ EO ~JE UiGrate af $100.00 pet mastia to' n a ,. . î.W. Cela, HELD IN THE COURT HOURVL te=ofIB etaie year tram Jeuner? lit. repaire _. _ 1S22. vithi the.privilege et -reabvins- ia. 7. Post Cilice, WAUKEGA. ILLINOIS saeiti lease for nilike terni at lie sanie *ept. 20. W. C. Trial 1922 -.rentl. Inn. 9. Dr-. O. F. M . ~~Aye anti Nny vole biems ha& S u- 5 ervices ..-.... pérvisar DlIgser'a motiannv-ne carried Jan. o. P. )K. Mec W*a*esai, Illinois, Mardi < 19212 animons vote. by lie toltovuns- vole. -7 teeios- . --.. .. T 3ue Board af Supervisera meotlIL Superviser Es-or mvedti laI lie Tiase votIngs Aye are Supervteone Jan. 6. H. W. ilmit t» suopervisr%, Racrn te <Courtactionoft hie Finance Commites lanAustin, Banatbe, Brova, Cru»o. apera-........ « Mah WaUkes-an.- lUisais. pucen- aulicclsuns- a reward ton lhe cnpturd DiIs-er. iciler. Eger, Efins-en, PlIe, I an. 1I& Public Servi r tnê ta adjourunnent. vili Cbinnn itle murderer of William Paterson Hlscn aheMvmn on ni~vr pïadock presins- and the fllovtig b. ratideti anti appraveti. Malien car- -han, Murpiy, Martin, Mculiocg, IJ". 18. Posi t tics à1mbers Preseul: SaUPe"rls Anls- cleul by a unanimaus vote. Naber, Oiteo. O'Connor, Rins-de-hn, Jan. 12. C. M. & St t, ;s-tav-. arstblBrownt. Tii. folowîns- estimai.v-ns pro- SamsonandulTiomRaota. freiglat-..... . BaýligrEcnme, t. flage, t.Tioee votIns- No, None., - CWItlie Jordan, W21e, oIstelo.i Hulléa.liKreciner. Waukegan. Illinois, Dec, 17. 1921 Supervisons Bairstew, Crain. Dra*, abitoc.Jian. anti1 .~treo Mnhhe. Mwmnn NeerTa i. anniai upevlsrs- Hoîdritige, Huttan, .Krachner, Lai- rFait.18. hUt* Smih Mouabana. Murphy. Martin, MéCal- Wnulces-n, 111 son, Sirmttn. Verece anti WebitbeW Fai. l., Public Servi loua, Naber, Oiee..OConnor. Pad- Honorable Sica: lnts absent anti Dot votint.. -ad ower 4ecI., tngdnii, Samon, Sîrttico. 1ierewiîi subril lIae oîlovîns- Superviser Dus-et move t lisheie RoitU.3.G.B. Wr "unmfeon, IWebb-30. estimais ,iln favar ydtho i.e eeral County Clerk ieb. uihrzd ta drcn 2 vali britses - - ey spervisors Crain, Drew. Bridge ana IulrlC.O ca warranta quarierly ta lite -Lake P -. 3P . W. Weel He64drtisge. Vecoe.-4. of conîcacu. titet Ans-nt 27. 1921, Ceunty Titi. & Trust Camppyin u iot ase igiantes of precedin.smeeting rend fec lie ereclIen oetg63tacot lteel ri n yiment ai lie tentailoet hie plBieFeit. $8. leolSeoul tua pen otio of uperise Cmp, lnNipprsin 220 Washilngton Street. -- "Aso-------- Sudixpn mtio cfSuprvIer rait, u Nppeelu Brflse.Aye anti Nsy vote beg bad, gm. Pcb. 28. Titus Bmi e-profed by a uns-nirusi vole. Seel Span ln place. except evsrDIIrsMto ascrid'lgt n ear Ii éfailo'wilg cmmnattttinv-sm torcocncrele fl#er anti valla - - heîarllgerie pvoteo.vsenro4 lie s Epa. i Srend: estimatid vaine------------.....2000.00 îy îîe îolong voiae - pet ff1erabo.e. W.------ Chumben et comimer-ce o auk-Lm n-hl etprcent Asi. an1aiBrvCrape Pb. 28. W. C. Tris-i s-as-NantitChite-go. Fox Lakte--------------......1000.00 DAusten,B-Elcile, Bgro,B s-nFe,3. byv Wauikes-an. iliol, Dac. 20, 1921. Payable by Counli .-... 1000.00 Dllir e lhlerl, MEe 1 Mav-r', --II. 2.Lombe-vi At metin ailieBani o » 1 I eroby certity above estImaI. ta Meyer.' Monaien. Murpity. Mactin.Polit, 28. Lans-jorti: t ao meeticgCetame the CoarmomDirce b.correct anti recommenti pnymeni. McCuîîousî, Naber, Obee. Rins-dahl' liane- . ........... 6! Waa'ofte a antiNofComc e ~. Respectfuly umitteti, Samseon, Strathon, Thompson anf eliCi.28. pubic ite etWuea m&NrhCiaoteChas. E. Russell, Web. lishi bulbe. enelosed ceeluian v-as presenleti anti Ça. Supt. of Ribisva Lake Caunîy. Tiose voting No, None Feit. 28. John Lester &f evted relatade ta te imCennty ApProveti: Geo. IH. Birstaw, Fred Supervisons Barstow, Crala. Drew, Toal Expenditures of ar he rebt lntileCut îorw r Kihner, Rond anti Bridge Coin- Hoîdritige, Huthoat. Iirsciier. , i:Total necelpis. foryur coasiueratiota, mle.. . son. O'Connor andl Vercos beins - bBaaconiuc tII aYonrs ver? tti>iy. esupmervieor 1s- o vet laIlieset notavolIns-.PHI] B. iB. Cliliord. siai eplSoi uperviser Moyen mlivedtialadnu- - îmaesI Ma Secretnry-MSas-er. Aye anti Nay Vole Ladt Superviser journountil Iomoa-naw marnins- Manc 1 aes 0 en Board et Supervisera Lake Couniy. Eser's motion vas carrieti iy the tol- tIiA. D., 1922 St 10 O' cOk or qu artes, erS-ec CeunI? Court Hanse, Wnukèls-n , lwns vl..os ols-AeatiCmnteyor. Mtion carrIetiun- day ~93. REOLTINS ou Pe r v i a o c s Austin. Baatabie, anlmeuBly.1 lm RovoettLTIer Rn Bromn, Crapa, Dligser. Eicilec. Es-or, Wnukes-nn, Illinois, Mnrcc tii 1922 Sporb eerorMeyît Imprvemnt Blviere ond Etas-er. Fie,,Holltein, Itinman, suant 10 adJeurnent, miCair- 1repartit. e WBEREAB, The peope of, Lake A-edereUn Meyer, Monnian, Murphy, Martin, The Board et Supervisons met pur- mg(um()sy CoenI?, in lie tai <of 1917, voietia ' 3cÇullaug-i Nai>ec O'Connor, Ring-e- lus- membece present: Suu(rnimorLar. five hundredt tiusanti dlar ($500.- dail, Samseon, St ration, Tianlpsn.- man Paddock presidins- andte lta- <lOMMItt.e on Sel 000) baud Issue ta ever ilts PrOPOr- 23. S n p o r v i a ,r s Austin, Bairalew, >Çiccut Clerk, sobi Itn f tlb. cosrtictieta ai h. ye-l era Ai -rojt i iproef rods Tee 'otig No, None. Barnostable, Brow-n, Crina Crape, ing repart. tram Chicago ta Wisconsin, &nfloc Supel'vlsors Bnirsoow, Crin, Drew, Dis-en. Elchier. Eg-er, Eins-en. Fiole, Waukes-an, Illini lie mprvemut i le BlviereHoidritige, Hutton, irsciner, bar- Halistein, Hutton, Iircner. Me- tlehorae Roati tramn Waukee-an ha Vole, neat ~Obe,, Vercôs anti Web heins- lier. Mnwman. 'Meyer, Manaanu, scrs et Laite Cor lia, vest ulne ot Lake County, aud, absent andtifa votilas. Murphy, Martin, McCullous-i, Ne-uer, Your Committee, WHBRLEAS, When it camne ime tac The tqilowuns- estimaI, v-ns pro- Oiee, Padidock, ingdnil, lhtittsot, Circuit Cerî v-au tie takins-of. bîda tan tie ImProve- senteti: Sîraîton, Tiotipson, Web.-29. Port tint w. bave mtent ai saIi Beliroe Rand the cesi Woukegan. Illinois, Oct. 31. 1921 Absent. Supervisors Drew;. Hatl-ienrts anti Accodnls -et Construactian liadtinrenn etibyond Ta lie Board of Sulervisors Lake ritige, Larsen, OConnor, Verce.-5. way, circuit Ciechi tie alilmrent ln UIs bond Isue anti County. Minutes of precedlng meeting rend lie half year outtit it uecane necessacy la slnd lihe iw . Wsukes-an, Il., Oc. 31, 1921. anti upon motion ni Supervisar Meyer tlndtheliarne carri proveunent ai Milwaukee Avenue ave Honorable Sics: appreveil by a unanimone vote. We findt tit du (6) miles tram Waukes-Sn ln aider ta1 5Uinil herewithins follows final Fio Burgess, Superintontient ofi hoeehave been4 bulld thie roai aven the uad tiiretela estimaI. luntn4or ai T. 35001tfoc lie the Lake County Forci, suimitteti card dtlaI the eE et Belvîdere Rond belveen Milv-au- construction ai lie Wilweh Bridge ln the following repart, cuit Lir: turing liée Avenue anti Voleansd the 10551of West Deerfiolti: STATE 6p ILLINOIS1 amount la lie sac 'WHERRIAS, Thae State hae passeti Bridge'as per ccntrnct ...2820.0016 anti Four Hundrt au 5appropiatIionprovidinfotr a re- 995 Isn. BeIntarcins- Steel 6.8.COUNTV OPt'LAKE 1 e ~ 30-100 Dollars, ta 1tndofth t t t taeBond ot xr - cents-.......-. ---M. Ciairman andl Gentlemen o h office ferth sali Nlinher 20, înewn as 'Btlvidere Tetal--------------------.........2884.68 Beard> cf Supervisera: ta lie saua ofTe Rond, anti Less entrttate dateti Sept. 4y lundmed Thilty ta 2W-"XUBAS Ai tie lIme ai pasains- iStia. 1921----------------.......1600.00 Philo Burs-ess voulti bes- leave letars; tintt he, lot slUd e-anti Isse la 1917 the CCouuly 1284.68 subinit the follavins- statement o a m a li year arn Blond 'pau"t reeluitions previditis- Ament psyable by Lake hus recelpts anti oxpendîlures ns Su- endl Four Hunti -ha laeny luturticfunti ceceiveti tramn ny--------- ..642.34 Periniendenl oi tie Lak eCa.C<'ilt?23/100 Dolasi5th lte Ste-t eh.ould b. apentla thle in-1- AenIpaabiy We Fa fr ~thd fiscal Y L>" a oafTec e tehaile Expeï Vws-.ement ofthle Raud Bond la Wo- Deerflld------------------.... 642.84 bier 1o, 1921 ta lebruary 28B92 andi Bevsnty tv-a e6»" n nç aalta tG-niAve- Th% yod measbeen satis!actortly RCIPS-tial lie geëelou. aile betv-een Wnnîkes-n anti Fax Performeti anti payment le rqcom- Brous-ht forvard tram asat ce- penses arnount teaIi Lake, 1mne.prt .. ....... ,3teen anti 92-100 E Anul WHERICAS, NotwitiatiRnding Report-----------------suum bs boomn pa Beseciul? eimllei, Sam Salsar, Buter. Dec. Jan. Treasurer andlits -h ri- esoîutioé, lie tact liatI dv (à) Chas . ERussell, & r3. 38t.39 vit tas e miles ai Belvidere Bond stiJacent lea -Ca. SupI. ai Higiways. Aile Mayiield, da-----------.. 7.20 fe vaîthi ee ,ud cotnectins- Waules-anasunet A>proveul:Goea. H!. .BairsIow, Fred D. Hutlon, do---------------4 eldter lpaproveowi v-as ta theh lghs-i o f Rireclior, B. A. BrdWn. Bondt andi H. B. Es-er, do-tlie Repart e! said -Construction, a moral oblis-ation ta Bridge Commuttee, Dan Gabon, do-.............. ., Bocardr, -r, e ne U5st oly la Waukes-an but ta Superviser Crape naoved tint lie George Bs-rstow, ..------------230 I fvli t9*: tipart oflbhecunt? vIici Bel- estimaI. bie Io-ed - Fred ricner. doc__. ......14? teI. k"y$tre Rend connectea wi tiith Aye anti Ny vote biems- iad, Su- Èai-I H. Colett, Butter. Dec, 2 J Axel T. Lnsn Coutsent. tat saiti Blvtdere Rend iervisor Crapo'a motion Was carriet Jnn- --- ---_.........223.92 Jmes O'Connor,. -eiteuld b. completeti -rom;thli flb? thie tollavitis-vote. Mr Houlîhan, 3 clvs.»e. 5. STATE 0F ILLIN, men.ies neelveti tram the reititit, Tiese vatins- Aye are Sopea'vsors Dec, 1l. Fei. 10. .-.-.-------9- 00 -. anA . ~AustIn Barneaaleý.- Bnan, Ci-n', Join Hunt, Inrnm o leis LAKE COUNT I ?EIF'OBE BE IT BESOLVEID, DUsccg Blle, E s-Eer, Eflns-ei, Fiakre, Nov. 2, 1921 ta Jan 25, 1922 42.00 C a Oîs-n, li tinst th~e Cenunt Boardi ai Supervis Holisîcin. Mavin, Monahan. MUn- Dec. 29, 1920. Cui ors e-n bei-evit-lureeetulit requeet- Piy, Martin, MaCulIons-i. Naber, G A. Enton, Rebat. an Ice Billt eceivedtisii id la andi pititioneti ta uns-e upon tie O'Connor,. nsdai, Samnson, Sîrat- Dec. 30, 19" .0-...-..7.00 1922 et Lewis 0. B 5,Rte ,hiwsy Department the toen- ton anti Tiomutean. dreti Nineheeià as slmectian oi Ibis nninpreveti part et Tiose vatins- Na, Nons-. Total Recelutýs 466.57 for Exce5s tee. i0 ËâyIdere Rend as a Stete Bond oaud, guu;ervscrs Bairstov-, Crata, Da9w. 1 EXPENDITURES Inus Dec. 1, 1821. '"dnt Idrige, Huttan, Kînciner, L-- -921-1922 ROY 1 B IT PUBRTKBR RIISOLVE».. son. Maier, Oie, Verce. anti WebbîDon. Jan. Feb. Peter Jacoslsy, liet if lie Blute la s-t tu position boilabnsent andtio votlas-. . Car, John Hunti, blînd ......-ý39.00 By Tix lq">1'til ip -vm9 rou ithe Lewis . BrkY~. Cierk cf tee e. Jan. PeIt. John Hunt, Csh , o~~perv1at *- 7x=_i Wlt u 'tct.'in ttdi tee Ii*- as-o ----- uesvit p.tltieaed- ta apropr 12. Sm 8.00 Superviser Me-e eu#icieut moW f ram tie n.utwmd To the. Hanorable Bar fSpr IsJan, Si. lad BSmee, 100 tous ite repart lb. accepte eiplote tt7xi mpraement ai Delvi- Iors at Lale Counîy. Ilinois. lntield .. ...----...... 40.00 lien carrnl i s 0*- Red ld a oceqhi s-p i j it unlerlsnet, CerI0fjaîCîJaIn, 29. Id& Doctor, Car tare la Superviser Bs-e: 40r Ratan t eoqth iapla oe Cour-nexerof Re crr Pf L Dod-e, Iowa..--------8.00 bil Of J. W. Or tluu-GrantAym.a evemen,belve 0,t Coran xfieRcrdrf Feb. 1. Northi Shore Gas Ca.6 .40 vices te lie luths 111"n 's-d In l IeVila aoc poeridtCeufllnit voul lraptectundyr .- .4. Chiagso Telêpione Ca. 1.40 lifon aairid uns-a àud<ep te-ras alb. etetile ai st ltu»etB y offiRce ipis au x eit . tnard Die & Sp.- Superviser Mou - tt-tawea4 e~ nle - eudlura a tu aiicetra liai. ciilly Ca. pipe, lis-hIer e- Cunoty <jerk ie 'iu -Rumaluioa Adapteti, by lie g. 1921 ta December 3. 1921, Inclus- p aimn.s .......... 1.30 rectedtat drav v-s t __Of___________etthe_________or____ Trensucer la pay CO»sMea.o Wanku »ànsld Northt Nomber ai Doumente necordeti turing % year-.. ----...... ..4891 turnîey services1 CWçluaoat thein meeting Decembes- Repordins-feue arneul ... ...... . ... $ 7297.20 -sentedt a Mm nai 19. 1*21. -. ecattilas-tees receiveti . .......... 6494.2e.- Cammite4, la à& F. a. Citiard. Becordtns feu rfceiveti. toc fcodi and ueli Secetnnt-Mnneser.- previauly reparteul '. -492.3é.-preeenled. Superviser SamntMove tUnt te Aye anti Nny Commtunicaion b. rtes-resitethélteTotli aecodlas-feeu neceived ..... ..-------....................6986.55 pervisor Naan Roati anti Bridge Coanmittee tor an Couit om e anned .......-. ...-.....30§3.85 ditlb? taflla,% investigation anti repart. Mel10a Court oasts receiveti ......4 .... 21682î Those votingÀ oa-ieti bi a unauilisvote. Court Coite neclived-----......-....-' . .. 30.10 Austin. Bantbl Thé.tolavîins-communication v-as's-r, Elciles-,BO resut. 1, Total Court ceats neceiveti.. ................ ............ 2198-35 Holtel, liaelIt Keneeha, Wi., Peb. 9, 132Mieellansous cone searned----------......$ 112.25 - Mennan, Mus-p To thie Bterd af Supervisons tof Lakt Miscelluneonu cents receiveul.. -.........777.25 bs-ionSrtae, T. ceunIr. El. Miceflaneaus Costa receiveti, 24. atutlemen: prevtouely repued ....--------.. 872.00 hsvtnN , 10111LA lntwl-ty, ai Kenoiin Ceunty Total miactîlaneous receti-------------------------.............. 1149.25 Sueioser las ,"à)5, boreby' U5kesclsii ta anti ai-HarigHul pBella an he a3untnlu idub Total costa eaneti---------...-. - $11486.20.O'Cen..r$a1i86.30 tâme, of te revarrd affes-efi, lious-iOConnran___ U» offie0f te, taies Attortney, etTtal -tesots receiveti ........- - ... ...... . -. -----.............. 10334.15 net Vola«., Vo 0uet. Ut, fWrthe Inorma- .Supervisas- Ob lie.IeedIn#le e e-l-et ani cu- ~... .... XPEBES -oaiH UndermSU- Uv ellas ai li e aoir ersan e- fci.- . . - - 170.00 aiea ficr>f iosbgài beas-mtioe d e s ans Wl» ç---- 73.00 Chicago-. b. ii -*#gtere, leoal fr m ptLofî and l CerkRire-..... .- ---.......---... 82322Cennitles su leot baullng 910 Iding. dentist 3.00 les e, letheri 21 brent ~.79 M g98, isoea...4M80A. Butterfi.d, LII 6.00 X. ý0'-ioek, arv- No] ý-: ..... .00 NO] tii, evening 1D .. ...... . .... 1.66 Nol vie Co. Iight,' -p .......... ..... 3.* NM ie aamps !a1.0 LP. Ry.OI trepairiÉg Plu Isaoes .8.0 vie Co.light pit larons SOnS .......... 60 cCa.og a rdcen S - ......... . _ 12.35 No ros. Eiectrlc jar re 14-64 Ta! Parkhnrat 2 Va] .........-.. 4.50 e te,2 ubbrs 2.10 W. lie Lumber wE hy Store, no- ~wi ......... 13.14 11 Service Co. Wl 2.1 wl ............ 466.67 W, cash ......... 16.33 LO BURGESS, lrcii 1. 1$22 iles. Total 81. FPIrai :st of lomatea Der tee r moved thai the .o the Oanty Farm e. Motion carrled en, Chairman oft1he 1, eItiement with the 1 bmitted the. fellow-Pe lis, Match 7, 1922 b IlBoard et Supervi- A, ilxnty. Illinois., Ci on Settlernent with M Id respecttfly re. MI 1examiined the. Re- la S of Lewis 0. Brock- t ,and Recorder for lg Dec. 3, 1921, and 7rcI. lring the hait year i 4891, documentsa earninga of oad Cir- the. salithai« year jla nm of Eleven Thons- -d Eighty six and ai et he receiptsoft he c Id hall! YAr aMount ai en Thoussnd Tiree et tour anad 15/100 ,Dol- ti tai expense for the an oult ta Nijie Thou- W] drect Fourteen and ai lait tii. earengi Il; ti eàee kr. T liu- là e ud 07-100 Dôllars; t< sln exoess of ex- e vine Hndred Nine- ha Dallars, whlch zald St tid ta thé. Couat Es receipt therefore M ,re reeommend liai oi id Circuit Clerk and eh roved. et respectfully submit- w, IL H. C. W. Meyer. C Nol$ 1 aois, Office of the p, Treaaurer ri 4h day ai Marc, Brockway. Nine Hun- A andl 92/100 Dollars, < >r aue.half year endl- F W. BiL&flml lm Coaty Treasurer. i a E5. Pliàrall Depmty. etbé Moved tbtit thé Il Wa«dadopted. bMo- i imoualy. Br uaayed 10 réter tha t: ay for turnkel ar- il [iiary Committ7e. Mo- i Dimons>'. nâh&n maveul tint the atuthorised an di ,rrinte ou the. CountY ymeut ofatil illa fori ait thie jail when pre- Ld OICed by the 3911 ame manner. au blUsf [at lhe 1a11 ane now vote balug had, Su- in*& motion vas car-1 owlng vote:. Aye art Supersisars1 bl, Craln, Cram ,DlI-1 gv, Xfnger, )'ike, n~ là awman, Meyer, eh Martin. MeCul. Obee, Iingulail, Salm- hompson andl Webb-1 Nôý Noue. lrstow, Brown. Drew. on, Kirachuer, Lainon. rcae beinz absent ind liai the. M qfor sericea La que-v tu the CCity aof1éth aTed ta the Juiidtbré SStaie's Attorney for 1,DO sei tc;o, i-supplIes . Ç.'Vu~2 ta1Is, iW7 Ca. aup- tal Ca, cdock .__ ... . -..... 4.75 foie Bol Ttlepnne Co., -niepione service -. 422.88 C. Jmnsen, bouliez- garbage 42.09 S. KMnedY. tee. .....---.....73.50 1erly 011 Ca.. supiUes -t....... t" R. Lavree, keye---------- 3.00 orli Sinars Gas Ca., gls-n .237-68 viit Sitars Wlxture Ca., sup- DU"s, ...........- -US Ors-t ire piton, QCo. sin- Pies . ..... . ..... . l.41 ti 8Itai' Tl in Ooi, supplies 14.00 S. . Pihoe, bries,. --v-. ... 21.90 lihen Bras, ensilons, -,.------ 16,20 hbea Brons, urumné, ......... 49.70 s5kett Chemiel:Ca., supplies 15.00 llsiuns-i Plate Glass Ca. 1111anges ~9.00 itbnrs- Plaie Glass Co. sup- P1148 ---------Ï - ... ........ ... 2.03 ttaburgit Plate Glass Co., nitrmai.... _1661 bu)p Service 9e., electrine d hat_..... ....- .. 271.48 .r. C:abnet Ca. aie cabinet --639.40 It aBavwet unes A. Salmon, plumius-- 18.60 ylor & Gulhie, supplie. - 60 anflyke & BrBtibst< aPeriuÉ Etc. Btienlf't 1eideBs ...289-80 anukeasal imber & Caou : o 3.26 7estern Union TelegrapitCo reni a ofck ----------- hyte Furnilune Ca., corl car- pet - .. .....-_------------------ - 2.68 ïnyte Fmauriltore Co., inculture 142.Ç ïules-an. GlasCa.,glass 9-C1 aaiusto Liunadry. uauutiry.. 10.28 Varer fElctricCa., suppliesa..,.62-30 VuIesan Lumnber & Coal Ca. supplie$-.------.... $5016,62 Alloweti-$4476.22. AIl ot -vich te 1espectftilly suimit- W. 0. SANTlSON. Ciairman. ANDREW EFINGER E. H. MAWMAN. Superviser Fichai movedthtithle ce nrt b. accepleti anti adoitteti. AI*- and Nay voie beins-hall, Su- *rviaor Ficke'a motion vas cacried li te tallowing vote: Those votIns- AYe andi Supervlaars istin. Baiceiov-. itrsl le,cri-nt. -sapa, Mglser. lctsEger, Efins-et e.e Bliulteln. Maether, Mnwm-n, eyer. Monsasu.Murphy, MeCul' us-i. Ns-ber. Obee. Rîngdabi, Samsnl :nattaii. Thaopson., Webb. 24. Votins- Na, Noue. SuperviseasBrownt, Drev-, 110i1 Ige, Hution. Kicciner, lArsan. Mat in, O'Connon. anti Vercoe being ai nt aud nttohvotlng. Superviser Es-er suimittedtheiii. ta vwins- lesalutiall: 'Be il; Resolvedti lit tie Ciairmal )f lie Board lit Supereleora oft ti 1uniy of Lake and lie Cannty Cleci )fsaid Caunty of LaIe nI lhe tinf li te execution ci lie save men Joneti cantract by tue State afi lunail id by lie Village af Lltaerlyvilie. il hici the County of Lakeassome$ th( )bs-atian te pay tie cost of constrcn an af lie vest huit of lte ImProv neut an agid Milvaukes Ave. adjaceit » the Caunly ooa r " r POPertY ceptlng lte naeh.t01if ait vas! eh viwlcitlete tab. paiti o by ti Isate. Tint lie Caunty Superintiet to Mgiways andtihle Rond anti Britis- nmmitlee ofthe Board cf Sopervis -ea ai salti County f aiIke mvi inageaofsad supervision cf theCocc ruction o alolnidportion o at en1 i0roS way la b. canlrcced' for bya-i outy ofaLakte ns afocesalid. H. B. EG<ER B. C. THOMPSON SupervIser Balrstcv moevedti tit th tesoluticti b. acceptetid a aplet. A-y. snd Nayxvate itels-hati SI pervison -Baii0stomo tion "0eCce red by lie fallowing vote: Tiose voings- ye are SuPervisat Austin, Balratov, Bantstable, Crai Irapa. Dis-ar, Eichlen, Eger, Ellus-. pick., Halisteiti, Maeeler, MawrnS Mieyer, Monaitan, Monphy, MeCi joigb, Naber. Obe.. Itins-tail, Banane ittrtan, TItanpsan, Webb.-2,. Voilas-No, Nons. Superviser. Brawn, Drev«, l, 14sm-,.tton, Kir.ciuismLarson Ml lan 0'Connor. Verco. beins- absent ni lleriot rslov-.Cutarmani the an. sd Bridge .Cammiilee. 'su mitted lhe foîlOviis- Xesolutonas K molvet theîr adoption. RAM» ROAT>. sECr '.16&i PRIELîMîNARY RESOLUTb0N or Connty Board Requestins- APPrit or lte Improveutint ai a Public Hig way «- a E Aid ond =der Se lion 18-p ai the Boodnd 4Bridge ILe . StLVED, Tint lie publie ltt est di5l te improventtas State Ali Rond or lie section cf DU lic his-ivay. described. as folIovE» Be-ligg sts- a paint an tie publ itgiy d.slgtated as propaaed 81< Aid roqd, Boutle . 8. salol point 1 lithle intersection vii tn tte A Itaute No. 10, la the Villas-e oaLae Zurich, anti extondhns thaeseal« sialod Route ini a nottierly directi for -a disace cf 29,400 feel mare legs, te an intersection wli SkIteA Route No. 9 la lie Village cf Wi canuL,.1- Be it itflier resalveti, liai vs,t Caunt Boardl (1) siedtfy tit <of the folles' types -et noatiimprovemt a utitoct bv le-w, Vis; earth, gravel, macada conicretes.eancretq snd macadam, brdck) the pS'posed improvemeul il igateul lei'.In$hall b. cf Peuhl Qeinet 18 fi, vidte vilisix (15) ear't'bi bouudera iabWray deaisU*04 a rOsulâ tâe GB N BAT DBSec. V.1li Aid lBoad, Route MN. 9, satl Doratte1>- PftL#INABlY SRKOLUTIO.'y int Mu Jaienseçiion vili lie <Chica- 0f (Iouffly »Uia t eqetlng Anplriti Wisconsin FeuleraI Aid -Raute Pr1alct Of tiei.lRibieàeat ut a Public >1*i No. 4) sud extending thence Rien& enid w9y 5M R State-Aid Rond under Sn Route (a) ln a Westeriv direction.,o -tion 15.» ifrlte Rýmsd and Bridize Is the 'West lise at the Town of Liii- BESOLVM. Fbat he .public-, ine: értyvllle, including a relocatiôtt af Pst dowande'hthe inaproveulent s,.. % 1about 2 miles. State Ad Roadof te Section nt PuUlie 1Be Il furtlmer resolveul. tint we, the iilhway. deacrubeul aa toliaws- 1ConuctyBoard, Beginning ai a pointOth. niltaîîî (1) ap'iry 1fiai lie faliowl; iviie'E désiompai , aprojapae, tîte '<4 af raid'IMPrOýeMeiit auuiioriaed bY ROad. Boft e No. 4, sold iboint beinpi.- law vis, earti, gravel, nacpadam, con- Intersectionl wili Washlington f'" croie. concret. aaÀ Macadamn cOMoul- a <aed. End extendtnq liae. ep "- bineul. or brick) the proposed Imiatar@- sait! Route ln a Narttli"ly <îrecjo" r - ment deatguaLte4 herein allait b. oT a dietanCe <Pl fi'e(5) miles Mor" an- Porlandl cîment concret. 18 fi. vide 0l easfaflhP J*tIlin.<of gertion M.1. -i witi six (6) It. earti sioulders. Re. Town or jp.nton. location le bc graded»: bridgea ut Be Il f1.rresolved ltint we, e" andi rogd paveu as fer as appràpriation County Board Witt permit. <1) snecliv liai <aolbthoLIawir:ý Hnndred Hinti fîve Tiand and tYPes Of rend Imurovement nutilioi,,,l (3) Approtiate the. suin of One bv kwv. viz. fiarh. grave. macadama. 0/100 Dollars (19,00.) ta colicecOncrete Andl macsdam cun. CounnU Bond Isaue. fertle canstrue- bined or brick) fthe proposed iop tien et ilibs sectIon. ta be known aa "lent d.'aignated herein shahi- r' Sections P., a Q. 15-di. Portland Cernent congrâee 18 ft.i. . Aud It lan equested lian t he glore- wif fi 21:(6) fi. earih abonifiera. Raidu descrub6l section et highlwiy ho <3) Approprinte tbe Cu of oi impraved naea State Aid Rosd under H-updred FarUtisfle Tiousand ?-1'. Section 16-d of the Rosau and Bridge 00/100( Dollars <$145,000.00)1,f)-.1 Lnw, andth fe counn Clerk ln iereby C'ounty Bond lIse for thei. nsflv.. directed te transmit a coiiy ai tiis re-a lion of thîs apetion. te bo known r; Olution ta lie Departinent c or uie E'inI 5 Worksanmd Buildings witiain ten (10) AndIt Ili requesteu tintthe ie p.).- days of tie date hereot. A. Id deserlbed section of higbltwae, e LXKEE ViLLA-FOX LAItE ROAT>. improved RAa Se Snte Aid Raej I,,t-" secW -1Sec-tien 15 D ft h i e lRod and Rri-:zM" à PRELIMINARY RESOI.UTION wadteCuyCerjeh.I- 0 f Counety Board RequestIng APProval <aleterl te transmit a copy Of? i.ý of the. Impravemlenfia a PubflcH igi- resolution ta tie Department of Ptue- wsy as a state Aid Ronad under Sec- lie Warlus and Buildings wifiin -, flou16-) o theRha an Brige Aw. (10) laa of the date heref. lion15.) a th RiO ad Bidg La. (RiNT) AVFtNTTE, Section X-151 5 RESOI.XED. Tint the pubiIntCloer- PRELIMINARY RE SOLUTION -est demanda fie Improverneit se a 0f V'annty Board Requeehing State Aid Rond of the Section of Pub- < flîoe ntiaPbicl- lic higivay, describeil sn follows «nsf">a Siavmte i oa Pubnier-,p Beginning at n point ou the Publie ilionas-fa ni le fld Oa É! antBrda, li. higiwsydeegnasd s popaed kie RESOLVED, Tuat lhe public iner. Aid Rond. Route No. f4. satu Point Wb.- t dmande fie Impravement P, ;t 1.igatintersection with State Aid Stafd Rn ftescino , 1 iR e g t aN oS.s1 A idn ah ei t ba ge c tof nLa k e Rote a Ii h.Vla a tla l'c hiRliwaY, described as folio,-- Villa and Fztendinig uience aiong P u aînn atapit nlmepti Route.( s) ln a Soutiweqterly direction îmigayig-tea Pronte Pubir- for a distance oi tise and One-ietfrth Aid Roend. Rouie No. 0. Raid point i1- . Mlle-, or Ilce thfe Villaire et FOX mg tfile <IVetend et Section .1-wd t,'% aLake co: as far as Stale Refunti money Roue NO 6, anti etending thée, Bi f rmit. r so v d ha e il l OK raid Route in a N rthrps, '1 Be l fri er esovet, ul -e. ue irection tor a distance of 27,60 ) re.. -Countir Board,. t .re or Ifs, .te te West une o et (1) Speclty tint the foliowiiig tpsj - ,.1 fWre.i ak 'cn ;i ,ao road împrosenioft autiaoized by <.'a Wren n ae ont law. viz. enrtb. gravel. macadam, con- 1 BIel elr-Iesots-ed.ifiat we. I1 erete, roncrete vmd Macadam, . oCunty Board. brick) the uropoged improveOiPot des- <t1) sPecify fiaiettlie followl- Ignntted erein shall he af Portlandi ce- 1tYPes ot rond Impres-ement an;ba:-Iz,,! ment concrete. 18 fi. witie wif i ail rby lnw, vit,: earti, gravel. nfacadz,".. r- 6) it. earth shoulders. rcencrele. conret, and macadam c",j b, 3() Appropriste the. balance IPftl lned. or brick) tie prepaset i irptosî-. tram State Retuiid roney afler corn- ment designafed lierein s5hail be f j.pletioti et section s 8. T. and X. as Pro-. Portland eeeat cancrete. 18 ft. e-::. videti for ih.l'. eatructia f ibis cee- witiî six (6) ft. enrth siaulders. ,tien. taelae lnown as Section W 1"-. (3) AppropriaI, ithe sum af Or- Le nd il la requç$tEd tint tie niere- liîtindred Fiftt7Tieusant andi0 ksaiddtegei-iled section of highway be Doçllars <l50,000.00> front Stale R.'- Le Improved es a State Aid BReul under funti for the construction oi Ibis a-Spction ifi-ti ai the Rond andi Bridge lien, ta bc k4own as Section X 11<' IS lw, andthe i.Courty Cirk lk ieceiy And Inla equestedti tnthle afo-r [n d rec e ti te tt:nnsm ita copy ofet iti alti d ecrbed ection of hlghw av le Le resointlon te 1he Deparlrnett of Publi'c e inProve<u 5as aStaAlAd Rond un,',- Works and Buildings wthlng teun O $o St ileRaiat rC. 4. tinys of lie date hereof. Law, and tie Cannty ClerI t3 e h-by I ai Il110 H b A N TDPAIIK.t1RRRFiFLT>dr'ctfd te transmît a capy'oai -île YROAT> section Z-lsd. Irescluilon ta the Depariment af p 'ili st PAELIMINARY RESOIUTlON 'licWerke aud Buildings wltbln t-a eé Of Conty Board Requesting APPrOvati 410) dava of lte date. hereof. orfh liImtîrvemttnt ai a Public Higit- ILAX" VILLA.ANfIOCH RO % r) at way as a Ski, Aid Roand under Sec- Sec . 15di. ea lion 16-D ofethle Rond anti Bridge Lnaw. PRELIMINARY REtIOLUTION a- RESOLVED: Tilt tie public inter- OfCf (01 ty Board Requesiing Appl,,.-î ýe est-demanda lie improvemnft asILf tiiç IniPrvement ai a Public iîirg, n- Siate aid road ai tic section Of Public 1 w 55an£&State Aid Rondl under s 1. a- higiway, ecbd as falowe: tiO 15-Do!ntle Rond and Bridgelev Id Beginning ai a point ou hlpbi PRSLViThtte publiei highway desIgnateti as praPOsed Stat t demtande the ImProvemeol as Aid Rond, Route Na.o. saidl point be. litai e Aid Rond efthle section ef pub:.C Ing an intersectiont wltia Skie Aid higltwaY ,escribed aLS taîlowa: he Route No. 4 (Chicago-Wise.naln Feti- Reguuhing et a Palntotheii puhl'- erat Aid Route) in tie Village of Deer- bigiway denIgnated au PrePaeed Staie ;u- fieldi andi extending tience along aa iAd Ron.Ratite Ne. 6. saiti polpt i- Ir Route (a) lai a nortieasterly directionl Ing tlePreeent endi cf coucrete et East ,for a distance af 12740 tedt more or Villagre limite ai Lake Villa: tience ex- er les. le lie West Lmitâ of the. City of teUâding West la Route Na. 1, then'-r In. iiigianul Park. Mortieriy an RoUt@ NO. 1 te the Soui r, Be il furter resolvEul thst v, tie Village I m-ite ai An io ci sd exten t-. In, CuntyBoar, ln thence aiong Raidl Rouie ila a Ner- il- (1) specity liai <oi tie followltti 26 i.rly direction for a distance ' ! n, types of roaul miroemleni authorized 2-M etM19Or lecs. exceptian b1, law, vis: erti, gravel. Macadam, emiselon for an averienti bridge le- cencrete, concret@ and maedm m la e ut r ths esolvet, tnt. I ,d- buneul or brick), tie proposeti imlarove- BConn u srd.rrsle. htw.ti NI -n " dîjeignaui 4hecein allait b. < 01 > COuMtaî<aiiii tliin id Portlsjd coelent concret. 18 fi- tpso!ra tw r heni nihaize * vli <~ it eetiahoidea. by lkw, vis; .3db. gravelmacadam. Of (3) Apuropnlnte tie sttm <of Seyeutîcancrele concret. sud Macadam dam- b- tbree. Thousanti sud 00/100 Dllarebnd rbikli rpst u m Md ($73,000.00) tram Couniy Bon i lsiu raen e abnd rbik),te iteceinaau . for lie coostruction of aisiisection, teaiProretianu cernet conret,, hasit. be knovn as Section Z 15 a. wOfePwrtilnd (6) it. cadncue rs f. And h le requested.ti laI ltieafore- wldewithMxo(6 faiert sm ci On. va1 aId describeti section Z 15-". (8Hund -reu iytioteussdsm ,1On 911- And itlils requestedthtint iiafore- Dollars ($160.000.00) fr-u Countv eti- salaideacribed Section af higivaY b@ Bond Issue fer lie construaction ai t)mi s WI. impraveti as a State Aid Rend tnder section, taei e-n as Section bL 15d. Bdr- Section 16-d etithie Rond sud Bridge At li eusella i.soe A Lw, nndlieCauty ler isieriysSiddecrubed Section of ighway t>. tb- directeul ta transmit a copy cfiis Improveal asaSkeAdRnunr resoîntion te the. Department aifPPlicteSection 15a a 1h. Bodud rg D111 Works sud Buildings vithin ten (10) Lw nilie OCt@ oadaniBrIlidge. Lie ateof h. directedte t transmit a copy ati fus Md- y IIWO-HLD BO» e.resalutian te the Deçantuent ai Publie Y1frd.Wocls sud Buildings- wthiiuton 110) ae PItELIMINARY RESOLUTION daya etflthe dats iereot. ns- 0fCp<tly Board requesting Appreval ROUND LAKE. Sec l0)otf aMe8 Inapravemeut ot a Public HIb- -PRELIMINARY RIESOLUTION o r vay as a StaIe Aid Rond under Seo. Of Caunty Board Requeating Appi-asai hid lion 16-)ofthle Rond anti Bridge Lav. ef lb. I-provemn± of a Publicliî;gîî- ,a- RESOLVE»F, Thai lie publie lInter- way as S Skie Aid Rond under Sec- est demande the -Improvement as a lion 15SD Oi the Rand andi Bridge Law. lie Skite Ad Road the i section of public RESOLVEDThaTit the public Inter- ii-i way desc nbd ase olo ve: est demande le improvement as a Min- gBegiunlng Let a paint on ltepublice-Skie Aid Road af the, section af pbilic zed ilgvay designateti as ProposeuSkIS iilgiWny, describeti as follave:- ami Aid Bond, Boute NO. 10, Raidi Point Beghnnings- a a point ou tie publie 1r beins- tie West Carparate limite at ishvaY designaiti asn propoS84 Sf ate les- th. City eoflilghwood, and extending Aid Rond,. Boule No. 12. *&Id point ft d irec ne fa us-a deRZ t ln a W batere 1bein s- an In ersection vt i S kI. A d il.dirctin tr atta(e el 12,204 feed Boute Ne. 7. and extendins- tient. i-ef or less, ta in inlerseellon vith 1 along galat Route ln a Nnrlhvesterîy adexludi*g r~y'~oad -a.ine or imat jUnt desins gr os& toadvl "ô0."6,fIt thesuotri ued lpa ns ieihw t PfiUL.IM te- of I40fCuntBe eaeiA» Ra r bitbdeused ini sn fubi ilgbvs " ttey ieu No.- le l h lu a Narlit types o rôa brinveiysi big*& or lus-t I_ ment destifl Portlanid me v-i bsix (4) <M)APP MVO 0010Dolar seetion. la hi * A"nlit lo] mlt deseribe Ç itonlaI days of lte I sled by tit* 'naze'joli Î Austin, Balu Cre-PODits- Picte, - HallS Ions-i. Nabe e-on, SmalltU li, 0'Coanol e-nulnet w4i Joursi ntul I BIh, 1#22 sit s-ask. Matit dock DTe09Mh brs- Prem Bairelav. M Crs-ut, Dit- Fike, 1Hoa1 MsotetlnudM Sason, St -30. -4Absent, titise. Lrat MinLutue sud Ulp= tn aptuieti i Isme. G et'mal'5 f nais, ant INr provethie 10 tihe5sa lvestgalla rieti unarmi Supervisa ititIf Aube renderedti l ferne tola lth - Its.- Mollo Vie felIc reaul. -- TG tic Cia ]Mard ai Su Bllitacs. r - Gentlemnt: r ly preqeni tat d att prciperi? a ta lite thi nu te a lb be saalit. i - tloa ai lb prtmisse- t Ailen sol neduceul te danînees e Ilsfur tial liere lie necess asmuci as mUnity ta s-net bocal