CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Apr 1922, p. 5

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,1922.~-. _ _ More Than Money Theres Mme ILs, eey lu your ccout st the Thu"'s"me off enlm ,ust-"oe of yen hop«s forth ftueu--Theres luaae agalud atwnt. Adu mg aller thius m th sILe may' Wuteda of thisbulinl your future sud your me- ces&. Yu-éere's more than money lu an account Lake County National Bank LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS Reduction in Laundry Prices' W. we mïlig a uanial redudti« Wu p=oulIaadry bon- au ansd u in y wsh ece4 t heuedsoevery liese- 1691L Lo ok vrleecs eyêiwe offer beow, Md sélect the me e u preer. Fthe sevice u istinct savig over suy 0" erws Y« cmauPUulhY bave yn Iauudry w.rk due. FMIL!SERVICE1NO. 1. 23 to 25 11». $2.50 Over 25 lbs., 1lOc ker lb. Ail flatwork ironed andi wearing apparel starched where needed and dried FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Your entire family wash finshed complete, i8 includmng SAf cuff shirts, perlb.18 This-service most include ail your flatwork, as welI as wcarmng appael. Damip Wash FAIM SERVICE No. 3. ,$1.25 Over 25 Ib., 5c per IL No articles markecl. each bundie sorted as to colors andl wash- ed separately. On*e day service. FAIML SERVICE NO. 4. Daxnp wash withi flatwork ironed 12 25ponds for... ........- ................$ 25 Flatwork pieces ironed 5c per lb. extra. One &aY service. The Reiable U~undry LAMNERERS, DRY CLANERSAMl DYER Highlandn Park and LibertyvIlle Phone, Highlandn Park 178. Phonq Lbertyville 67-R LOOK OVER YOUR LAWN ftwIflneed sme new seed anldNew Lfe Futiar OUR LAWN GRASS- SEED Is theVery Best. Sold inPackage or Bulk RIEPAIR TIME IS HERE W. can feruishy«u wM everythin you Beed to Build New or Repair. the Old We bave Screen Stock Alil Ready To Use LIBERTY VILLE LUMBER Co. PHOME 47. VALDURA The pure Asphaît paint stops Ipaks. and rst. Black, Red- and Green SUNNY 1BLACK Auto Paint LAurcA Jerruiceit Local and Périso al ,IRST PR»BBTTnPJANgr- Rev.Ea.rl (Ç. MorgaPastor. Short Items of E8pecWa Interest to Ljbetyvile Peope Sabbat.b School ait 9:45 EL m. W. G., i T. en, there Is a claas for you. lit Triggs vus a Chicago visiter on Mi. and Mma. Jack Suydam were preo.chlng et il ta. m. Obidrens MXonday. geniWinly gurpined Saturday evenlig1 sermon. Topie of the marning mes- by about twenty.ffve of their fri-ends, sage, "The Water of Life." Gond mu-! Mns. Bai-iy Beltzel opent lent ïriday vrno gsihered ait thelr bcme. Pi-ogres- sic. A cordial welcame toalal. witb ber enober lu Chicago. sive euchre vas played. and a joUly Chisjtian Endeavar at 6: 30 p. M. Mr*. Bsn Clybourne spent the week good tre-val ha& Toptc, "AppIying Religion ta EveryI end Ith riens inChicgo.Day Life? Miss Blanche Osborne. endwit frend laChîag 1 A caMs party and dance was given Leader. mms. PWlIlP Flary of Round Lake1 et et. ay.o b*ail iaont, at rahget73p.m Toiof spent Sunday la I4bertyvflle. whicb a numiber of Libertyville people teserbon, aTh730.Messgeo Haak0f were pesseit. Louis Dietz furnliihed te emo,"TeMesaeafiab 1 -Esr Kepper and John Ha is vsited ligbî for theigr ftlrvibons the Wiliys jBey Scouts meet Tues4ay evening In1 fri-ends la Wankegan Sundsy. eiectric lilgb±ng Ottl. conjunction vftt a meeting of the Lib-' Mrm.E. L. Mmga viated Xm's Noet Mrn. dlie. George SmaU were ertyvifle Local Council. B. S. A., No.1 Durand at Lake Bluff Tbnrsday. honte Wou.ds Vening to about one V3. 0peclal announceînents bave beso hundred flons a"a relatives, thre or- sent toalal members. Mr-. and Mm. W. E. Docker ad tam- casjon being thse sirth snniversary of Camp Pire Girls meet at the manse Ily motorsd la Long Lake Siiidfty, their weddicg. 'I'I affair vas beld ut Tueeday eveninte, May 2. Business ta M. ad Ms. laue A.Knige ia-the Io" bah ait "3n. sil Mms. fimail lbe tranuacted. Mrte d ats. laude lA.o sa±ur<vay. received many besiful gifts and well Prayer meeting Wedneadal', May S. .ve eaie nCiaogtry isbes. Topic, "MWhat Do You KnOW About Mia.lia-y oges 0fChiagotuae Nit M r My 1 th ~gYour Denomintiant" Mrs HrryRoersofChiag mae Net onday uight, My1Tte heý 1e Ladies' Ad Socety viii ment a brief oel lan Ubertyville Monday. near Montbly mretiug Of tiée village Tbursday. May 4th. Fnrtbsr announce- Mr. and Mrs. Josephi Dada of Gui-ne board viii bu bsdet te village hall. mente vili be made fr'am the pulPit visiteit Libertyville relatives flunds.y. Aàt titis meetiSg *thé nWIY elected off - on Sabbatb. ciaelç wiU bu svor in. The annual i-e- Louim' Geai- and daughter ajf Lake port of tbe vifla treasurer wiii also ST. LAWRENCES EPISCOPAL. Zurich motored ta Libertyville laat be rend. The ctisecs and ta.xpayera Rev. Batty. Pastor. Monday. of! Ubert>'vilU5 boiild take more inter- April 3011. Second SMday after E. ere Gidiy f Cicao isiedest in thse moewhy meetings oi the East r. E. erc Grdly 0 Chcao v.siedvillage faillera nd food crowls ougbt Cildrens Euchanist at 10 a. M. lu, iter, Mri. Harriet Gridley bers ta lis in atends.nce et every meeting. Morning Prayer and Sermon t 11 i Sunday.Mrs. C. M. Pluilereand daughter, Miss a. m. Sermon subject, "The Individuel Mliss Vera Decker baid ber tansiue Ale, left last Erlday for Jefferson, and the Meee." removed et a Chicago hospital last love, for a tva eukz' visit wiîh rela- For the Offertory. the choir wiil sing Thunsday. tes. II vas doubtl'Ilif 1he-',would "Pi-aise Ye the Pather." N-gu,it.Wc.lridge o. Chf-reach their destination on account i ftV 1kiiotihymns. Ail elcome. c.îg., %',ited ber parents bers over thIbe iood Bwept cauntr: neai htn otSL ie -n llinmrs v.eek end. lowa, wbere the. Mississippi river bas 9 )e.î:s old; anc bay hors. 13 years inundated many tbousandi3 of acres of ol<i. Cari Heck, Ilondout, Ill. 17-2t A i rw nin of Waukegan fie rai-m land, but a card fhua ir- ues viýsild rel.ates and iriends in Liber Plier Tuesday says they airirtlt ail METHODIST EPISCOPAL CH-URCH- tyville Tuusday. îi.ght. NMiez FuIlEr 15cls re1 iiThe Charles J. Dirkey. Pastor. lnd-pedent ffice , --nday Sehoor c it a, ni. t). A. Mr. and ris. J. S. Brown motored i'rd"rr.-nent office to Waukegan Sunday andri tîre the ji,' Mober and Daugîter banquet Public worshlp at 11 a. mi. Music by diri w:th '-h d. ,ri.Prr.steriam (1U!' "Ilrc-t Tuies- the choir; sermon by the pestai-. r o lacie ndson , z r. " in ng. was a(ttnrl- d b ane oif 4rt' or L azue devotionai meeting Mis. F. Itittier iRcn n the beat crovds evur eeated a the ban- et 6:30 p.,nm. Mise Eva Williams, Pi-es. Il ýibê@ty r.ilr-. a ce t hrcao uc' cbrisin -he clii.. Ii baemcnt. To-N'c -ur a Charactei-The viitore rhursday. . .;ii., *..îàee places wcie occurd out Sali". Bev. Hill, Leader. Miss D)oris Kaiser retuined hium'e- o! a possible 96 plates. Il-s. Widly, Service of sang, sermon and inipira- last Monday înam an extended viit 0,Wnnctka who hi- charge oi the on ai, 1).ptu. Music by the chair. rith relatives at Joliet. C"a,n4r tire Girls lna tiri ity. vue tbe You are cordîaliy invîtsd ta thee irincipSi speaker af the e' fning. Mns. services;. Mm. ille Davis and Mrs. Sarali M. R. Miller opoke for the W. C. T. U., ThctLadies* Aid Society meute in Morue vers gues at the H. L. But-iNlrs~. Jennie .iust foi- Ire 1'.T.A. and the chai-ch Tue&day afternoan, May 2, dlck home in Area Seturday. Mm Gladys Laveli repies*-nrit7 the at 2:30. Al ith, ladies are issvted. Wamen'a Club. Miss Gladys Eger de- The Preparato'-y Memberahîp clans Mnr. Henry Lawrence, vito bas-been lierdthe ddrsso! welcome ta the meet, the instar in tbe gym Wednea- visting relatives boers.ietcrned lait guestu andt responsvas made b>' Mrs. day aftei'noan et four o'clock. eesk Io ber borne in Wisconsin. J. B. Moi-s. Ms. John VandersPo<>i Wedne-"zdày evening at 7:30. mid- Miss Elizabeth Alkoisi- and Fred sang several beautiful seleétion. The wmek meeting for Prayer, Bible 9tudy .ne embers af s thîsater Boy Scots acted as vaiters. and se- and »silovship- Studies in the Oid- S ýnay vennLr qutteilt tbsmselves nobiy. and mothers Testament. - . ~ ~ ' m.ay eening la fhe boyt' e asved. The table w"s pro- 'Th. montul> meeting of tbe Off iciel Byron Coiby vas a business ta Wau- fuseily decoraed vith roses, and saob Board fliova the Prayeci Meeting.. imn- .irMonda). He says be dldn't go inafier passent Was vi- e*ted wth portant business; ail members ui-gedý .ryta sec G-overnai- Smail. fine rosesau favors. Mme. But C. Nor ta bo prsent a. lcag cIrnt bursey ~actedai toastmaster, and &Il la ail, --- 0 KE .%fi. and Mrs. J. P. May an a-iY' fair.!'as a p2enxoufltid scemS. DIAIdOND LK c,ý spntThrsaynigti ht ______________ unday ichool ait 1:451,i.MS sNi parents. Mi-. and Mrî fDY- Caroline Mitchell, SuPt.. T' e attEnd- ion E oîbi'. -ance lu iocreasing ever>' Sunda4,: aver- William Speliman bas zold bis reat- This Week's Theatrical tbirty ont lest Sunday. Corne and help dence on Mapie avenue, ta Garrett Attraction* it grav. Public vorahip ut 2:30 P. m. Ser- NeboeofAes wo lasOnmO- tThe mon 1w the pastar. I!ou are invited Ing ta Libertyvilie uoon. obtthssevc. Mi-. and Mms. Harvey' Mosvilii mave l g tbtbtessric. in Chicago next week. The parents K U Seow's Auto ivev-Taxi Sa- of Mrs. Mass plan 10 SccmOPnl'themii I vice. I'hose Lihtyvile386-I. and inake their home In tbe rit>'. Mes. Hannah Ebringer suffered a sti-oke Of paralysis lait Sunda>', and FRIAY eud SATURDAT bas since heen unconBdciuz. She fis CIRE A considei-ed in a serions condition.CHRE RA Mrs. Car-ence CoibY and tva enil- ciren eturned home Pila>', alter a "FORTY-FVE MINTES visit o! Ibree days ini Milwaukee at FROM BROADWAY" et the home of Nirs. Frances Wodworth.t'FulOPo -irs. .iudsan Mason. a! Prairie Vîew, Let your heart give is in Libertyvlle titis week ai the "DINING ROOM, KITCHEN titanks for flowers. home a!faira. Sarah Mason, Whoa is and 5111K" Corne to cheer your Ï serioumly fl at her home on Milwau- Comedy weai-y houna. Lux & Lucas, o! Wadswarth, recent ARE ve tiankiul for the 1> sold a Wiiys Light arrifit t0 Clai-- 5U N DA Y bessizigs of 'ne fhaver suce Wedge. hwivii il rnstailed in S '='~gardens and tire glass hsrfehetstand at Wedgeb 1Car- ANITA STWART' shelteîed gaîden spots ners. near Laite Villa.1-i-tR r fruthted lin. ackl3adindwen t Chcao THE FIGHTING SHEPARD- er, pi v biossanis ai Wednesday ta meet Mns. R. J. licCar- -ES v - tby Of Chicago HeigitS, wfli -ccoapa- A Western Drama j. li,(l hpr home and wlli remain aver Sanday tisiting rtre Bradford fanili>. "OI A) F. A. Miiiett, o! Sycaifont, an agent Comedy a ftrc Dietz Wiiiys Ligbt Ca., ecenti>' sold une ai the Ikghting outfila ta a COMING SOON custamer near Sycamore. Mn. Dicîz DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS etates tbe outiook fan business in their Uine ihis summer is ver>' Promlising. 'THE THREE MUSKETEERS Glien Hubband, connectedl with the We show oniy the highest grade ifiililuitiiiIiiiltiffhiIj Nichais Band Course. vas In Mai-.g pcture. II Mi 11 *i*i* **S Monda>' arra.nging a dtspiay of musical You wiii be plessed with your instruments ion the Dixie Music Houas svenî.ng's entertaînment in our o! Chicago. Nin. Nicboils is alaý ntm large air>' theatre. pioyed by this tii-n, as anr expert band fAI iJ £10rIl Trouble Insurance* Don't congraiulate yourself that you're fuI)>' pratected until you've secured trouble insur- ance. Like every other kind of mesurance, you must buy it when you don't need it, or you can't get it at ail. Pay a f ixed sum each montb into your savings4 accounit as a premium on your trouble insur- ance. Then no matter what happens, you'll have the protection of ready money. Bought RedwWge Rented BATTERIES R'u Sold M. 5. 1-IAGERTY R""~e Telephone 21 118 E. Cook Avmmu. Yéùr lumber and buidin requirements can, befildbr your financial advantage. In other words, we will save oumoue on these prices. Every price advantttge that the mairk'1 affords will ho ycprs if you trade, with u 'G AI1NIýl Nýew and Up-to-date Styles in-- Men's Oxfords Priced at $5"50 to $7 RAY N. SMITH White Dainty Checks, 36-in. per yd. 2C Bleached Sheeting, 81-in. per yd. 6,( Pure LinenTableDamask, 70-in. yd. $2À W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANI IP I '~. i THE »ENDffi ENFONLY $1.50, YEAR' Libertyville, 111. lhone 29 1

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