lT IN CITY ul * jeeer williamnsAve. bu- ra"dS b ISJIJ~ T.!rIndicated $10,411.60 adgaebci &Vef n 8%ationa f o er ixat Te- j> V ru',t deed fol' $5.275. io hae fai l. weu tip t m et brd oat,. e izel Hlen Wells Moody bought 9 pressing botb their piseures ad lhe 1 feet adjriaing the above for $4,96S.40 he bkfail Wte undérmare d nvthe *ty business *,r0, Ist 'd gave back trust deed for $2,SbO. .Waukegafl car 10Ms froiIt <oa3led6te teracherois fromtbe Fred A Prestoni bought the Fred r'e nii wedIt ~ f~ tse omc h Neek as titisi "' N. Bai lies property at NorthSenstOr- heanihUedlt fraTeuchue 8mete ccr Central saga Dole Aves. for $6675. ditch by crah - etter "ti the tce cr0am, thankas t Ion~ae eayRoger Shermani bougt the, Chas. - brneGibbons buasthe lunber ou -Boehm property with 330 feet front- william Hallbeck and wife, 310 COrY tégon o ac )afrth 13Y A. K. BGWES r- Z4re on weat aide LInCOI1n Ave. be- avenue, and t, marrlsd couple wli ntndgro uf dne po rni e t.,Sec Security Title & Tust Ca. îwevrn Beed St. and Cedar Ave, for in- wvere out ridiug wltb themlu thel lu Teua et Inulld liugi the o lgoe. M»Ifl415 of the Recordera office for dicaled $10.000. fet1 411il u h 0- ý"ek rxdinlg April 22, 1922. genj. Lowenmey'er bought the Bar Ford. touriflg car had a close escape ierTgrades thxe ptwkwr t off ouvyancs, 40. ris anld Jackson property on SoÙth from *Mbus l1tIu;y ai eleven o'ciock Kontsi, dl, 441 Van Landuyt. Reui' ~rof U. S. dschargpa, 2 - -ide Hazel Ave. Just eaut of Linden Sat«rday nigbt 1ývhen their car' WeaRtHItBsl Ksil ale e IètChttel Mortgagea. 40. Ave, for indicaled $7.500. sent crasbing into the ditch and turunead u. u r Vriole. q b«e r Tit Deeds and Mort- Esther R. Stone bought the Beni. lurtîs as the resut of the Impact witii' Yan ansd James Yora are 111 wltb . 4b. F5 . Clifford place with 200 fe9t front- anotier car. chOlOS p=X oti nuber oi Instruts fil ied. agaenounorlh aide Woodlaud Ave, for Mr. Halbeck wua érivlng sout' i JluIuatheorecvas electo cho indicated $8.500 and gave baclc trust ihe lime, îeîng about a Mile Souor Tof é Dwoo n I as niection. u rtal. rcOuut of ibans. $168.840. dec'd for $4,250. Kenoaba. ' Ylay1nsbvissg the eud of ona of bis >4»iliaaa as been ver>' brial with IN DfirER3'l1LD VILLAGE- Approachii!g hlm frem lieS oulth finges.takexl off when ha attempted an aboya tIhe average. Albert C. C. Timm ioughl tie ROS-s- atte lve hc etik u net i rbs, f*lowing are the more Impor- lo- Wesling property on aouli aide wsaste ivrwihh edrfonbhn i xi dents.- - eerfilh Ave.,aal of Lincoln Ave. waa goîng fully 45 miles an hdur. It wagon. The hoess were frial>' and ~WAUVKEAN- for indicated $8000 and gave back waas Baylng back and forth Iu the begu iIting a oah other, backiug the "~ P. Le bougit lhe Calvin Dodge 'ruaI deed for $4.000. road because of its high apeed. -Hall- wagonlenctoblng Toa" finger bet*eeu te on aouih aide Pac [fie Ave.. 3ust. N DI'ERFIELD TONHP eklodda frt n ieo h b. eedr pole and chaiui. The inury TOWNHIP b.dcroded s fr toon.aide0f isela extsruiely palatal, retuilg lthe doc- nt of Hickory Si. for iudieated1* Fritz Bahr bougit the Isaac Gold- road as possible. bS:a. ure.Bcb ea ccident conesat XOand gave bacix trut deed for ý ierg 20 acres lu Sec. in for liadicaled The other car dld ual slaciçen speed a mot iopportune lime, wttb arlu M,00. as il drew closer. Juat as il vas about vqrk oev<.ag to b. doue, due to the ré- m ah B. Owensansd wlt e bougt the 'fý LIBERTYVILLE VILLAGE- to page the local machine lhe reir of tarded, geiiooL Tonena bouseeon auiti aide Loy Anna S. Esentrot bougit the Mary the otier machine swayed arouud, Rober-t erbeke was lucky to escaPe m. for 43300-. a TrJM property on Lake Si. for lu- anappisg off oue of the front wbeels wlth mliiek re ieni lpe ~urr V.Cramnd ud wfe bugh -"< ied $.00 andgîr bac trstof the HaIlieck car and hurllug the fr0111 lhe ha>' mow andarckoli .6 Meteaif lot on west ite Hickory tl ci, for $2500. mciem i ic.Ama yacretforblW JUst ,uortb of Liudsay Ave, for 1 mcieli h ic.Ams vaýee.tforblw Pslai ouideatln.IN'1 IBE31RTYVILLE TOWNSHIP- mrcele qipapeecptsr The. dance given by the Everett Ail'- qntuler G. Nellin sd wteboui A. Brixei and wife bougit the <milete oclpeply p ellc club -wan Weillatlended. Ail re- G.itci laciunoraide iierl>' I oua-njry.portat a ver>' enjoyable limte. e ithplc o orh ie iery Geniug 10 acres lu SIN 14 Sec. Halibeck tol fihe number cV theeba'ns bh ace at Everetl Lbetweeu MeAlia1ter Avel sud So.-f1 itdieted $4.000. Atotheraehal a tc.SI. for ludicated $3.500 and gave n 4 P. %uiliug okl tle under ote ar whici bore Illinoiss iceusei a numiser of lie young people atleuded number 305.746. State records show1 MaCI Maoua tdance at lhe Hertel pa- SéX trust teet for $1.600. Hans C. ion -)rnceedings of the Sahll n etereen and nife bought Past of thef~-v- 661. acres lu Sec. 3 Liberty- liaI Iis liea astlu ub>'D. villon bas.HB. Crapo place at Belvîdere and vil' -d Sec. 34 Warren for $ 6425. E. BroL,' 15 Mldrefl avenue. Chicn- an RtockAve, for $2900. -nd ,i --s-d 10 acres iu SE lî Sec. 34 go. RIllbeci vent; 10 Kenoshatoday o O l CuisA Jickliig et aI bought the 'Wst- su in Abert Suiling bor $1,500. verefy lie name from the recordaso o ' S A )G AT UC K o e i Aurewq place ou West- ite 'N'&KI4 ZITIICH- tie Kenosha sherllf. . 00 o000o0000000000O OO000 ë, Jackson St. Jbal norti ef Belvi- 1 ("-a R. Leonard boughl lie Pearq Immedlatel>' afler lie accilent the aisS.frtdctd$2.000. PDnsPlace on Asi St. for 16000. Waukegau people were taken 10 Keno- Mr. anid Mrs. Thom-a Wilkes enter- jreerlek W. sud Cara M. Ateison 'r--nan 1,.Preim boughl the Wm. sa Isl n lhr car and vent ietai cmra aie uay obgIt fhe Clars Han place ou norli C P--"m pla' ou Pains St. for $1.150. 10 tie office of the sherif A tdepty Mrs a Elfering vsited ber is- [60 Iidgeland Ave, for Iudîcated Osrar Ricitei and wite boght tbe wAdpt r»Ca Vandrewerf, Satuda>'. L-n-iplace ou Berîson Ave. for vas sent back and caused the arrest . Mrs-. Bcbreck veflI tu Mlwaukee on L 1i. Yager bougit lthe Henrv Sher- '$2-700. of lie mai Who iad driven the other Sunday mrnling. 6o psse rtv on west aide Blu~ff Ct. i v PrrWND LAKE- car Hslibeck told tie Waiskegan pel- R. B. Thomnas purchased nmrn graDe Di $1100. ChI'les G Braînard bougt the te Ioday fiat lie Kenosha sieriff bad vine~s aid cherry trees. but dit not gel lTheodore Godmih bougâtthelie lI- aIkpFralernal Assu. proper- lnforined hlm liaI be cout not iold 511Y 5VP1tflOeas55reperted- 0besGslotu oMaseuaide igerant, fr % he.tera * f.RelatIves trom Waulegafl visiied M beis e rasslt ueaand aidelaIckqry -b'fr$2 eoer atiathe Van Haecke faiuily Sunda>'. kvm, for nominal couiderallon. 'Mr.5p Ca" serice Laaue ougitcuberbora. 1ýovMe Jackson bougtthle rL,'elfa tianue Mnry Mthr. boneu> a urhital lWiOiiMcKlney ai tIberthefo Mn" L. Sawirer propqrtyin luSec. 0 0 0 0 0 00000 Laasine KueBely vas absent f romt lae Place ou vest aide Sn. Utica St. 2 o n xi.eLlake for $15.000. 0000TT C O L * coîml el twàted M00eud reconveved ilta * INLAKtE ILLA- O _o000 oo 00 000 boulariMllyr Ml wee visited Èe Rft ne Jackson. SelT.Hnzougil a pieca cf ber aussI. Mr%. Schreck. 5id wM a wel- Vai' L,5011 an l ouh t. and 373x9625,4 tet vest of lot 61 Mrs. Van l'ieurwenbayze returned ýore vsitor aI isehec oc Tursday xpar , onrsdwfebui i Fowlers C, tar tle Subdivision lu home Moiday trom the Aile Hohe sud Friday. » l4 S.1 s Yeomi h oiouWasntonside Yi Sec. 2 for Indicatè4l $S,500. bosptl and ln feeling flnseM Purlan, wo eaisooed- on lie tôlx' nominal conaf&eration' aid t -_____Thome receiving a star on thse bonor - Batc'lngoli place, died Sanda>' nigil. *~'»tcl trst dot fo $120. 00 .,~o o,,.<~*** s-ol for not viahk Sg or being lMIe Albert DeMeyes-was pestcîmel W LAxx»Lue-van eLincoln Seyl, Marie homme, Ing for the veek. 19 A NT -0C 9 0 Dorthytors, Charies 'eanver, Bob. ,4IfflT. Butrnas bogt theJ. C. oo0.0 0 oo0 à,o ) ert Verbeke olen PMips an d a tli000S@0@Sê0000OO ahai l ouii eu cone Ms.Chas. Puîlen aMdilMm TColu"i onrvaqlt sol u L N 0 9-4Assd Scranton Avez. for $2,0W0. Yted frlitdi n Grayalake VrjU". Jh =o,«qtepoi te0 L NGGR V ýXeyG. Jacobas bpugbt the a sri PaeePelîrsn and disîghtor.Mim Tst Bro. hae pr0bsé0 nv0 0'meîhe»r place ilu bolc Il V, for luMyin ,aen ad>'l h~ '~ prsntae t e obassa aime Ti bae6bll*e* n ia pedl it KXPRU -etsio. tz1irmds abte Pet, on thehome tr=Our sbool wtthI te boYs aalsat thse- le>' Ra equa and vite Thié play*#'gven h te rIU'de Mr andéMrs. Hansen are neloicini gis. Theegila wvoiselie t gaine 0 e W. Le 3acres aon partbmt of thse M. IES, 0 Tmayovr lthe irthsof a son, on Tue sué lis te baya iso<oé ihl .W ie et"hAme Ws 0 vaigwa ddodSCM heIApril 18. Bomn of the meve5itlian isé t aIïàetnt&Ae v-foovesr a adcl M&$ l is II LleQDoyle vmcl oeaaClr rdogusclesaé the Soucl yard lautI tai~IdIieted $$;M0 Séd gave M fka *did eeextlnlyvlA IIL'o w ae0eItScdr= 1gr 4>'dteed for$10000 Ur.dM-..&stsrHé sbad Mlle OtDole vas caied for service Mkvoeu. lttd U T. DIs-enset- bo- sadtMr»ioArtlur o.,)ooh andon ltse Smsalî jury, but wv amenui. loreuce MlebUt iie u guAve, erondScottd $t.600W pet»jnsy& oywt . ~Mr CimapWbu lasroved mb theSa cl lWeGneudaY. SuUfoin icoîted$,. dWl-aret godsisé od>'vt 2il arina bungalow. He came front i- ser thle pia-ster caue dwv a l ~uIGRLAN PARK- D roti lo sd h0 weac Mr OwMts men sairted tla vorl 0on W. havea aneq piclt ue ur achool D. . .Morey bosught 14 iota bossé ud-D tyJn andfi Rrutph,9l. Miof d SWsSlto" >'Raibel ,LilcOls CearsudLinonAve. n lisM.mélE e.Mr. Lu=am peued bisirefrasituet t The attendance at sso iulpvvlug m Arthur C. Thomson for Imdl- Grad TI O moftOa,,GudtIS d= .p1I2,fethfrtwt heete.-il 4 41600 and gave îacuc trust tmmeao h L4e' ul iaiséhendai. Apil. 2, forlbhavesIfînleetfour A for $26.500. The property c<ou- Lave a siover Saissida>' ilternonu ,spelime Ibis yeer.Te tIraId re na havewgoe Of about 1040 teît ronlage oniioS of Mns. Lee Watem-sud M T oe erect useîn o h adsSaiaenvrvsil n aIe iuo' 50 ee o nsl Gb. Tiffansy, aI the G.Ilé bal.'rue>' pait veel are Cyrlii Van Landait, Ma- they 'have resd. aide Lincn, f50 fed on ealsîi4recie ai'ueulas eatflrie lomMnise, George Tore. George Liu- We bat Prida>'off, Bo ve didu't I il.A dilat>' lunch vas serveé. ba, lriet'sle.LcouSlinklulc>. e 0M.Hen Phhios, Elizabethi Kostial, Cor- - r e d E o l< o a n da s é i l e b o u g t M i s s V i o l a K u h a u p t e f t .M o d a y t o ~ e l s H i e g n e n r u e k E E H N C U A Y 1ty onsTere w a fev di attenlunMilvas the Charles Van Landuyt sud Rita aud From lie impleat test of isemory e 5dLincoln Ave. mal coulis off a bi ac I IeAtai<s Rose Couwviavîîet aur achooltfeien10thse mont eis.boraes peclfscatîolls, l ehSt. for Inticatel $4.000. alt hl oea h nic pr ek hnvra re agvn lt h 1ý1 Bele Love bougil fie John . Roi- iou.e Saturday evesing. DU f winxs-a re l ie, ll i 1t "place on South aide Higi St. Jut Miss Vrgila Radka and a girl The ixth grade bas accepteit th lu- custom 0o mont people ta put il Ini f rleud off Kensia, vietethle formser'$ vital Ion tronm Shields achool 10 vork wnlllng. Thia le f0 assure accurac>'. - -- - -I Parents, Mr. at Mra. H. A. R+j<d a aithmetic vitiheih n o May' 12. Most people are att-aid te trust the 4over Sanda>'. jMatildaZlCtlai la qute Ill. abitit>' of fie one recedvinsth le onder- ~ Tru xTena'L qfElsLknbbvii avi Cabpbell of Chicago Is a ta get'la correcîl> unleslise conde ris L(I~11HAI4h> ~dance In Ithé nev asdlton off lie Sal~esnev diIntwu i11 fi. irta.- i ~ '~s%~DSer-dA Mtloi Last Montda>'Mn. OMleily galiered This la a ribute to the akill and Leonard Van Dc usen, wio la vork- lie eggs at founé ans wetghilg tIve tans~o mb>5)ofts eein lxx>'IluWtslegan. spent tfi t Oth le ()nteeiOS - >tema off the ,istlofl. LasI >eer More ch wiblîbils fa.mIly bas-e. Mr. Swift sipî>e a car. of ateera liais elevn blion etoti.ons werei Mr. Rhides of Oak Park trausacltèdsad a car of sieep 10 fie Chicago mar- ield over thilinges of h. Bell syStemn busin.eas lutilieci Sat'u'tay. ket Apri, lEU. lotte. Itachof tisefe billios sof con- Frak Cavanaugi and daurglier. The Shieldasobcool accepled aur li_ vensationB. re-"rt le'givlug offan< N IsaHln of Chicago. spent Satur- vifation ts speli viit us at Frita>', order f0 a te jpOi Iil Ye Y5 a>' i Aitioc vils relatives. AprIl 21. Mrs. Edwards etered tirea nof oneS of teeodsScudb u Aifet ticle spnt ond>lu tise I pli5-Mab5ÂAnderon1, Laura. Letta lu vrliting. Alre Sicle sen dndyB:a ,oé ppletou; Mise Keougi Sons.vers girbn 1lunlotit volces, Plan ar alIs-oé>'for ordsuéelteredlizabeth *Xoal, Cosnelus anome spolen Ilu rmers, ot-,sie clehr- ollas- Day is Atiaci Salurda>' ADil HuIzenga suéd Leonard Labeck. nre 1>' stated, somne uniblf etV4 o T-e- Cg. Five inudreé dollars iunIrissa t» olier pupîla of Our achool aos vs-ote. markaile la the standard of accuracY genavai'. Plan 10 attend. One hunéreé vard vas-e vsiIon. The amortg telephone eniployes tint more Mns. Mary Assar a sa eo far recov- higiesl score vas site iy Elizabehithan 99 per- cent ot all thheftosders -oset tram ber Tennt nineusa as 10be Ksil9,Mai01 Ander-son, 95;, vere cosrecti>' recelved and execitet.1 aile 10 conne dovu tairs.- Entr PeteM= 3nSud Vida eierq ___________________________ Tt& -apsul Thars"YIn>'lChicago vlth Aguas veterson a"d repos-iliat Ages Ia do- Ina ulcel>'. Mm ..W Van Adeit and Mra. Kim- -ý» oùwe,,off nein Trevor, wye n Atioci vis- C O I G N TC iton Saturés>'. îIPtber or rubber i hm o erdagtMs.lJohaICoi- Commencing Wedrî"sday, May talion atIlIicimnd tSunta>' moruihia. 3 n a z . f iad eenailig fr Sotefinie, ad ber. 1 TèS h " lér p. nt unxp Rled b hn uu, serve a weekly half-holiday and a waterproof wtKbuia t A:ioc eet u will not be open for busireso ~1~ei1ioxdI155 hw a o11, whhere uglterWe.dnesday after 12 o'clock f0011n. t.Ibat outwefrs the USUai Thc-c" alas-g ecrové ai lie M. ." br rletersEe . chanci lutI Thunsda>' evening. bath LAKE VILA TRUST & SAVINOS BANK, Lake Villa. ~ x~ibbe or leater sole. ai tie slplerndmlecture afles-vards. ,ECUT AINLBNLryie OcOnomCal wrk.she-PUBICANOICEEFRST N TONA BA N K, Libertyville. VOL. X Hupmno býle F'lnely 1t1 it ije-alsnost gpeebe Wo«r opt ti 12 ad 1 r ago, are lfluse oday ov:erdsord Ownereý and those who buy in the used car markets, would tell you its dce»reciation jes slower and emaller; that its prite as la used car is proportionately higher.- Back of its longer life axad rare cconomy, 1e, of course, the way the upmobile je built. The fact .je that many of its important parts are identical, in matedri andl in rnanufac- turing coste, with the amre parts in the cars of the highest price; and Hupmnobile shop practicee aýe exceptionally fine and close. Tusùsj Car, 012M0; Roa<ter, 1250 J RaadtCo Lpi usadl-Prie. F. 0. B. Detroit. Revenue Fax Extra. REE MOTOR COMPANY TEPONE NO. S. LiBERTraVLLE, nii.. -Iupmoble uwsuy'ui FOR SALE-Dreiaex', lu flue condition. AIlE Will sen reailonable. Plose Liber- WÀR ÀDS tyUle220-R, or &Moues P. 0. Box 242. in illaveyarpeui for' fIjty cents Imr-.Mary Bae- la roporlassele- runnlag yard abé ftiul'nrap. MrmI all>II vIl wtisbait l4rebleataiber ALoLdeAsser, Lou(kOve, à mhameine uBt-minoré avenue. MOR SALE-A aix soom, bouteanais Lyeîî H. Mrris, Attomey <ly ace.0f osy txielasé.1~ ADJUDICATION NOTICE tiveacrs ofyer fiie, and 1% Public notice la hbot-ai>'ven tuat sUles tram Aiea. $300 cashs; balaisce lise Subecriber. Atinsitral'ix of lie like ren. Excellenst opeisina fortl- mat mate of Anisa E. Bsn>', deceaased, Witt -kst garéoxer or poultry. F. M. Hrd- allandtheboCeont>' Cnçrt; of LIeM Coau- ig, Area, I. Pusone 184-J. 10-tf î>', &t a îerm hem'et to bo holdeU laI -lte court House ln Wukegais. lu salé FOR SL- noar>' uev7-rom scount>'. on lie finI Mandai Oft lui>' boue, oim of the bail lu Area; bot next. 1922. vbes and vie-e ait Perlona rater Iseat sud ail moder npt-Pova- havina clamsa *gainât saléaestate an meulis. Small cashs payrnt; balanOe aotified and requeie.tet 10 pt-Osent lis like ent. F. M. Har-ding. Phone 184-J saine t10nié court fer ad-qadicalloil Are, 11.WARREN R. DARBY bs-sa luI.9-If.Admnist -tr. FOR SALE-1 arn nov sellng tie bestý WaukegazoIll., Aprîl 24, 1922. mulklms machine made, name!>'. -__17__18___and___ 19 'Tise Bull" rnilklng maciue. i bave, Fit-at lmi Lalte Count>'- rhe INDE some vorkiug close f0 town. C F.1 ED Richards. Antiaci. Il h. 10 If1ENEN FOR RENT-Papture for 25 head o cattle. T. R. WeliQi, Antiocti, Ill 13-4t FOR SALE-Top buggy. ln fine condiý tion; used but short tiine. viil sel] cheap. Thos. Corlett, Libertyville. wANTED-A good, ateady, gentleman. ly salesmau to haudie Ward'a 'wagon in Lake county., No experience need- ed. For full particulars write Dromptly to Dr. Ward's Medîcal Company, Win- ona, Minnesota. Established 1856. up14-3t FOR SALE,-Whte-faced Black Spail- lis egge. $1.00 per oetting off 15. W. H. GeRluge, 320 Nortk Ave., LlbertY- Ville, Ili. 14-4t THE FAMOUS LUGER .AU'tOIATIO pletol. newly 4mported. Cal. 7.66 M. M. Guarankeed or money bail, for $19.75 postpaid. C. O. D. Wemiafld Brou. & Co., 160 N. La Salle St.. Chi- cago, Ill., Imp)ortera. 14-4t for isalciing. Price 76e for 15. J. F. Ds-yer. Phsone 301-& 15-21 WANTED TO RENTr-0f ovuer, me- tisum atzed boussI n goosi neigibor- hoot. WiII guaranîse goot cire Of praperty and wviiipa> goot s-sut ait a bonus ln fie sisape of payrnenl for Op- lIon to purciase. Atéreas Renter, cat-e of Intependent.1-f FOR SALE-tosS, bas-n aud chlcken houe, vls 54 acre offlaut; 100 teet ,souli frontage an Lake att-set, for $2500.00. Aisa have tour building lots lier. 324 feel deep, at $800.00 pas- lot. P. O. asitseusaAces I. Lodke, Liber>'- ville, or pions 316-T. 15-21 FOR SALE-Pofaloes aud one Iearn& 4 aud 5 yean abéd, wl. 1300 eubc. Misa Mtary' Eltes-iug. Phone 287-J-1. 15-2t R SAJ..-Scsaeffen .piano andé li- s- furnlture. Inquire 329 West Ma- FOR BAL-A goot vas-I mare, fou yearsohé, veigtt 1300; cheap if tal en3 aI onoe.-t Phoane 288-W-i. A. J. -RaWip, Prairie View, 111. 1641t puBiC NOTION la -hosdwZ Mleu that the. Subacrlb, Mmliiitrm Ct the estate or euueL diU. 6oe. wml att t"endt1. o aomrt oet IAXe Couny. Kt a torm tharof té lie boed en1 at te the Eaunm a Waxukal in milé CoUMtY, onthtii1r« Al f June no e st,122 henm MUwaoeW aiu peruom biavinf l lm, au"ai ostate are noufl andé requesteé prement te Mie te uaid Court f« ajdatmWILLIAM L&WDÂU, . Adminitrater. ,Wauke&an. IB., AprlI lotis, 1922. 15, 16, 17 a. F08 l 1I. HE -E-. 0F LAKE o o COUNTY, SUS80RIBE FOR THE o oINDEPENOENT-41.5O A VEARo 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 WIIY LET YOUR HOGS GET SICK OR DIE W. guarant e Oas- s-enstt save 95% of the aidk hoga. stop tIse cougiing anué deatro>' aIl'wolina in six days. If Il don' do visaI vo say. moue>' refunted. Gefa more vormis liaian>' other vos-m capsula. Writc frs-free'lnforfisifflbu < isss and cure af hôg ansd chiciOfl Evennmn Stock & Poultry Faru. Gallatin, Mo.' R. 5. I Gutter and Spoutiftg There is a very low price on this material now. We Can Do It Promptly, Schanck Hardware Co. Phone 39 LIBERTY VILE As IArs. Jobai of Waul in 1 r4.iI>IIS. Id Brit4i, sDime lu San Fs-= Isoaai. C. I Cil>' a tew nm recisperate b iesd iecoverî ber isiabinil bloo tola la ciaus salé l Mnà. Love bs-. Lasalemi val staiona fqw y>earm à li-isîti fot-ai Wasslgss. bes"if tisaItt d> her gond iliýr coidii lait,,a bava i-1 t bat lis .ssi-nifce. Ph ,-I lloot va Arl uaxpro' < I'Pse. à f" 'snIon f the Ilecesar>' ai i',usl gae aa l,.1*silans I P-M-usient. s lghiig ei LiI. M Alinost 1 tise Prêtsent es "Put ai tie .ewisbà ssud la sailé "Trisdell Il1w loplike pislysed. ail treistel bas its5î lettes- is'.'o so5x, %v. as partOt- - - ,aue the tlissasleli' "ttlhainsd faitsWit -plsys? tas- .1gimet" fa takes hait ting -01for Notice i ed propos the ofaces Court Ho until 2 o'c b>' lie Ra. forth ie Ih dions offSi ait eigile ers, luchai * age. as tol Section nîxssingi l 17912 ceu 49440 sq 3c555 cu. etc. Seccion conda- ". 0.9 Cu 45010 m 304.7 ci crc.te, etc, Certtid of propos Bsacier,< oranahi bd Datet St For fulr