CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 May 1922, p. 1

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LIIEýRT.YVI-,L ,NDEPENDEý NT LAME COU ffl LakeV, Cot's Beg Weekly WU MWU UiY u '-VOUJM XXX.-NUMER 20.. Il- TO SERVE 8 MS. P =oritr of Maries Plaue at ForhLake, Sought For Monthe, id in.1ad "*Qot oalied for ime lier "asked Joe Pauls vhen SiIeriff - EIlmaer1 Green opened tise bosit doo tW tlie pounty jli Snda>' afternoou. ,- "Weii. ve've bave une matde UV for you for several Mon core rigtt l," repiied thlie h*, vliO bas lad an mon>'unusuti periefl- ces ln te20 ysasis eba been on Officer li.ddIdn'i even appear toulie surprsed. 49 Poulevlio wilihlmie ie, Marie Poule, have been conducting a DO- toi-ous rmort ai Pourth T I-e, icuavu çs Marie'$ Place, vas cou- vicied ln thiq Lakte coulit> Circuit 'court laut spri-lg on a charge of vigilatitSthe prohlbiory loy and mitiniung s commun nuisance The place vas held up as one o! tihe muaI vile lu ihiI3section. Poule vazsenstenced to sîglt months lu *tise ount>' jalI and ta psy a fuse O! $a. Me gave bond peudîn du appoal. The Appellate court affina- ed the deciion !oite local court and effors vers tissu made b>' Prosecutoi- A. V. Simithi tu have * Paule sur-eudered ?)>' -hils bonda- tien. Pouls manoged La, evude tse a uthorltlea for more tisait&amout :a- su the Court ordered that hls boudaslie forfelted- Paule tLd Shoniff Green tisai le lbs coi been irylug.teW bide fr001 fIte authorlttO5 and tai lie liasb$ee lu Chicagoansd motel> vttOd tu reicjOUP 50111basin- ea à d b- u fore beginuint bis .m setoc& Poule arrlved aitise - cou2tY MU5 ,lme adaurtw is lialong torza hmditel>' t LwflRYîLLELAK~E 69M, *. WIS, THURSDAY. MAY 1I. 19Z q rýt0Green bis padtacked t e Plf., vhlch utIl thir Marie- Poule. joe Paulle conylied bindplggei-, la evudlng tise offibers, vito vont hlm on a Charge et pumpig is bond. If lie la appreliended he, mua pay' a fine o! $800 tand mrve' elgiti mont.balut the wcotijlI. Thse order W closePaule's place vas Issued by Stat's Attorney' A. V. Omib. MAiN'S END SEEN BY ZION LEADER; POINTS TO-9S6(NS With Return of icws to Paes- tine Armageddon Will Be Here, He Cays -With the returu of the Jeva t. pal eatilu the liaitie of Armiageddoit viiili at baud. 'bers viiili e 200e- o00,.000 soidiers on ssci ide. They wiii fligtinl the voley of the Je!2oso- p,lit And vIeil the batte la 01er it viiil tks seven imenthe ta gather Up the bodies. For sieven Yeara thereafier the people viii heap up the deliris for 3ithe huge bonfire vhlcli viii start the 1second destruction o! ma»." 8o Sa>'- 8eth Volva-Wllbilr Glenn Volîv over ser o!fZMon, and liead o! tise Christian Caihollc Apostofl churcli. .And ail thîs viii cone ta paslu moyen yetrs. But there 'an ul tisng as the end o! the vorld." Con- *tinuodVoliva. lit viiitb. ilie end of au axe. bast astishe deluge vas the 0" of e an age. peqpie iaugilad t Noahs v heu ho liegon W build lthe ark. and thse carpoatomuthai voricod on ih muid lie vasoral>'as tlIey s psitchao julco beiveen tle bbards. And tOdzy people lougait aiVeiva. s- rid &Mtnib Up e o NuB FUNiITIYI*3OC M.ILiÀE Tem~ t will go * MOTIEt' (iAV :press anetw onTueslay * * bnumuL.Ail letters from * Paul Ptack, Known To Wau- , correspSd" nt ust bc ini the *W kegan Authorities Arrested * CLien~lt~ hnMna At oin 0fA Gn *mormng to usue publication * Foliowlng a figlit at the side Of in ncrt weed's issue. Get «" a newly dug grave In St. Joeephs yulum*ry.* cemnetery. orirthe wést ide of Chi- Yeuttr IIery cago, Into whlc lithe biody of his * li mother had'just been iowered, Pauil * *da*~** * Ptack, 30 years old, 2303 Green- da ilew avenue. Chicago, was arrestedcr after he bad evaded the police sud RT SherlfCs' office for six mntls on a BÀD A[ fl R charge of hnvlng received stolen th Ptack le wgll kuOwýý to the sber- S A 0 h if! and court authorities of Lake M LIR s Couuty asnlie vas arrested bre PlUTltf o! haviug stoien a quailty of cop- AY«UN per vIre. He vas captured after a b long hunt by Sberfff Green. He Bandmastsr ioholis Has Every- t spent cousiderable tîme lu jail ai- 'lgl Raies o h ter beiog lnducted but finaliy vas hn nRidns o h reieased ou parole. S< 2no 12 Deputy Slieriff Robert Burns .of m no!92h Chicago, made. the latent arrest. Me i- vas forced te drav bis reoler to These warnt agnimer days and the a subdôe Ptack and four eompanlous- balcny eventUg bring to mind the pop- a wh hd ccplda taxicab i wth ular sumamer concerts of the Liberty- G hlm at the funeral. Hia vife and Ville bod 0 vroel sklng h two amal children, Vert, 2 years -"vhen do t.>' ttconcerts?" old. and Mlaine, 1, vept jolentiy as 1Iinqir> diacloeso that extensive the husband and father vas je plans have been lad for a very inter- : aay.estint mrles o! concerts. The band ava>'. i hMn a . 'asbeen miitained tliroughout tem It as ix OUV ag tht Pack! Inter, and tie eUIa.r rebearsols It as .taindontbaog o rt te.have MOfltid t. boyslt, master mnij tcollng stolen proport>'. He vwuplac- $ Bad s, 2qiachlîli opes ,> moke su under $3,000 bonds ad reloosed. tssut o . estIgero t Plotke. dms atMi tbt tthe bondsa he , ,ba utane om naý v er. f<rf.todand Pttck llhtod as atmin la oubàrship. as if uamal i wth1 fg5itive.j ltovp 100<5e but nov aterial bD*5 D Three da7y m o Pt&ees mother ben Wýx » ètebS ation ci bot demb a" paamaagt l e b"Me 0< Pt&eks w aens At 3SUS cb$l awo nae BLODPOISONIN( JUDGE SIIURTLEFF PLAIffl D FATAL TO <iEORE lIEU) NIiIIT COURT fAMRS Nj D A LZ IE L 0 f flU R N UE ng k, hrU gh At .C .B In ,fl NeIF Knon Merohnt Suc-lef! to vacat tit temparar>' Injune-AiBuTo Well- Knon, Merchnt Suc- Ion visich pîrohilts the officiais tfisAilBunT cumibs To Attack Which Came moiasîîng tiiose voýn vialita play Mue M Folloing ljury o Arm baseblal in Zion. Argumenlts on the Mue a Follownq Inury T Arrn motion.vii lie beard ln tlip neae fu- Sf Friends fGog azs of ture, proliobly the nexit Ume Judge- wll lie sliocked ta bear that lie suc- Shurtleff cornes beré to hold cut eiibsfloe d uxnbed ta ilie ttack of blood poison- Judge Shurtief! held court tu the eve- of a Laike count>' mpe i. ng vltli vhicb lie vas stricken a few nlng. tdo out of a long mati of dasso i et curdThura- principals lu a iavmssft cM iay evening at ibns.mefolloing MIS Pet whif fctn 2eer vvr t ritîcali lineas vhlcls lasted only a fe'w 111111 szoo urve. TWorth e It wair about Mylst i-lai. wlien aI kA PiNJ etner lias isite-i J. K_: th S. au dpo a Grne e ruh- RY S A RTAL Deerlleîd, piaintif In t e bst Pandin edepotat ouineeli rul- as I1 L mule .cse, yard4 lieislg, liougbt af the mtter but infection DEetfq odyta.1 et in about the t sud frn then on R P R î1O K cnl1912 Paris u se got vorse 'sud on the lt isiicon- Injust1ce orisDeeroum4 dition liecsmecrticai. Ih vas lhopesiedluta e«i1' bat. lie vou-d lie ale ta puli l houbl Have Aîded the Gamne Warden roasessiqito! a mule secua a ovigrat ontiu gtio uin Stc>nping the -Shoting of farifl rut ta James tlie end came duriug the night on the iCo ty Mrsva.D)eIN litb. Song r>Irin ony MorSwn.D Y Mr. Doizisi vas about 64 yesrs 010 -mulie Morrin ..r*# and hod iived lu Gurnee- vinîyaiarilreport oet-work doue b>' year-Odals w~vie hie 11e. He neyer married sud ils sur. Lakte Couuty Humane Socety dur- longing. W Muonie vu i ilved b>' these relatives: Jamles, Tex-- 11 hemnho! April, 1922., Experts diagred* om MU asq Mttliev, Iova; Mra. Elmer Hock One fomily was foiud lu greot teetit. aud Mr&. Frankt Nottingham, bot0of need; man had been IU for veeks; Doyle appued. Thee Guruee. Helilved l th the latter. 6 small chlidren; yeungest aufferlng tried lu thse Olse*Ui Mr. Daiziel vas lu the flour-feed-coai f rom beart t-oubile; lminedatere- houaitbeo InJuga > buinlessansd vas one of the best lie! vas given tie is ouu>. Est> of Wood«to*k, kuovu men lu Warren tovnship. We have co-operated vltb Mr. J»4.40 ltai> Vetrs ago lie vas active In musical Kern, the game vardets; have help- bath ltOIOO, Wt1 i cîrcies. posoesslng a tenor volce of sd ta stop theon ho>oting of song haVI= dck$s o i a mare than averge menit. birds. Nemliers of our soclet>' 51. dollarta W ptol e~ scisool teachera have asaitein t4at s = fOd~5 George Daiziel vas bora Inthibe vcs*b>' reportlg an>' violatins. 'm> Tovn of Grant. about one meWevst Tmore vere sixteen hlePtUl catu third tils* théçà&, O! Fort M 0,*.Aiug t" 5 t, 1865.m de b>' uo ff«icor and members. latO Jidg ( 5f Wben het vas elghteen montha oid Vctory MemoWIal opital knd- ~ ~ b~ t bis parents moved Wto te latin 1>'cared for> tin>' babl, vhaee mo- uto. qgoltl aq kno vn as th a D l l oil t& n, On ite th on v o s d oaP te l>' 111; k ee i lv d a d e d e g4, W ve t odge f G uru... Thene G eorge thisb b> for u n for thne vee s - iates oA" i v e d I t i l h o v o s 3 , a t v h l c h i M e v i t h o t S a y c h a r g e . $ 7 0 . T h e e V 4 lie took p teiogr plsy. T iis oce  num b r 0f boaba da visa h t u d u td *M Sption ho f ollood 1for t<gg en abused v if. U&4. ildreu -ove. autîe eut rea andt tim bouq*t th. . leéd e wzi 0 ut sM Mi a d -r etplor i d tW G u M a ndeed thie Itmm. Rée uotmi tb. t«WAlaee"der PU" .bond. h < MM. uap b iSaSssgatimçt* vbloi tboe h. s St 0 h~W. . s__i *mnbais -u ma tem dtMMd0&d1wDeit M ------ lier 10Y - '10- at Cases oreosià*n the ah. r- M I- "1cisiudermisd 1hvw80ny mel Siait terS. o f t, ho saith508ilée40inou = 10 th tuff tht Collait11014OltvwOuid be a' riligiOti. But ho hta6" irs. ::r:k±tt . U : L ~18of Tne VituTmgs tt pi ui o aatho>' aresmesklntetado lis dut>' aud so falowed tis C onet " . eprNei..Lé'e StvIatr.Mn 0Sebi aeBenHuit Intuni- cMars up linoen aud tat ir as>' funel'oi cortage te the ceoutau'. v.r.icoa'ent i. Margaret Mo-ot ib !GUI- XS i lOs- lo btoit aly ln crash. te. set mors-l 9 P tiso.- 1 el mers va&lplteýtod stith oe siise tuai rScs d e pr",,..aI>ags ueo.on et 1 eagu.4vgigs Seencict mnrecoiveti serious a jumpingS jac religion but the>'piy u oe ed'~ Serenade, "Quenl4 'fO « Dit 1 h inea 'arleiie u Ot 17Houesau> BnuieynCi>' undOmen itvs fun t ai n. towered luto tegrave. 'l Th1snilOV' WOel3 hou ai, nature v- te.u t dtff1 umYUd Ail tiISol; pesbossiniOuIrI> But os Piac inrued ova-Tshe visontise bfrdà idth ldren belooe 011 LIIh*«lag kit orE ilsor auto vas hurlai aitise diteh eai 0e-sesWitt Foit tiemtd ta mstop iota the taxie»b Marcl,"u îtsaiLsu" vd~ olvet~hpls.frarvn 1bo lrv oi nt ez l.ctiu on Geen g moi-e ihan tva-tidsof the vorld Burna' baud tell on bis bai-m. I.........1ýagjls turing the, t*entl-fve yeara t.e Local papers helipeil;rmt'lu In card fr i tVcoIT Memoial lias- vllt prli f ram fane sud .pesti 'eiie "tc.Ivsira"Braaîd eeto."igDd" ueawxiteI baintlnsateit lsavuhim ib is vont b>' giving spoce and liai- o!y Thmat ldvsel1(b)cuineLev>OfiiI le vuld Ptaave 'o ursl ," ho admni s ad e to,-ing d:! "- cliabie t e a dbau fn aile abut is.lndY You td rig t e wekýp « internai injurring.laltheracierivoncyears. Manlla'enu. ann mors ilanttvabiliunpred'sudaOue. WaeiztyHeastred te&perar-ty for P 'or our ilm.. - sudcritableus so m cifaocube footostlong a joua. th irvhirah. ict a cm..e> uwpl.. nIlnd".d5l5twenty-flve furai occasions ise bia tvaboys wvitns e fOthdii~nderiug or fou tiMe. andchargng unse muh a cble fnt aslong s posible. urprsed, March "Virgnsang ta thoas ivenlue Umoulile. vo Ingluaraun envvarda tises.foodboyslover.a ThseIothse chnlutte iîler heamac beth.insk ascailteyaibecton "arneMe foi- edycofotigeesleecte n ban. js at"Campthu oy wr Genoa s n'i poing ta striaglteIt but he recavsred quicitly. leaped Mai-gb. "port Artu" - - ------ SeiszHeas -liesu o comrade tae 1051y turned oves'tetahîe CoiutyCourt. I vere: comfoi-ilugigGne h wrd wy addewbckhserea Fi-anktC. Novait. 1538 Northi Leavitithlg 1.F ivn ennii ot vy udd-vbc l im~boys andan une friend ta man>' Work habeau faunE for a nunt- 5tiret. crisisaos piedlcted li-liseBibis viii ihougli te aiilie. At the saule timae men. He lias tralued clitdreuis' lier of men and vamen b>' aur sa- Pol Penit, 1337 Augustaai-i-et, corne. The age o! tie ciuistian dispen- hie companious isaped fi-arn the;BS O çr ctia issevdiscucl at-ce>'dru lemai.W il John Ronow, 1538 North Leavtt et. sation la cioslng. Pist iliere vii lie taxîcali upon Burnts. The deputy ' fou>' lu ch c oIssrve su ou anY ethu- taiatuinthurmon frie w nd Edvord MuaPhI. 1335 luan avenue. ths Zionisi maternent for the, -eiurn tien drew. iiis rvover, subdued es a iitrdt h lk abr o býrl epl u matin ofthe reatNortwestrn cn Bi ýfiinT OR uand piouted mnemoriais ta tiRe dsad, aur gaad ok Vincent Martytn kii, 1152 Noble fmealb a ! nsg isotthoitite cune,____Il_ at-set. tdrr' aili ualetue andiie -burot.~sd ,w e he liasani-ved ha Rep=CoTfui ' ubps T TIMC trani ~ 3828 avtrM5 > ,ptfu5 rW-'ri- the foi5fo f tud »JLE66ER KESu i VENUE IWANhl lqflced by brther la luet PUEICofON N ly>an slabeing cared for' ai theslocal Uîe ine ! M'L~sdile~-mor l o CDra vIe oa Epr h.hwl n And suci liasbeeun ils example TEHlCE IEI l hoaPital. The otheri-menive aie vive-I Roma ie vd hli he CA ESiii lu- l n sud ail of us miglit veili H I S M an ai- lesa _eetottslY hiused sdcu.cld eEytsud Afria sdtins -J 11154Reue o aesachorharswt heqeto Tliey veeres nsoved ta tle office oa!-foi-maion tS !leSepNtasScn11h u.> idea~ oi hat iiîeqeto n Dr. Chailes Lîsher Inu us Mur-a>' fedei-acy hesded iy i-he Unitette s ER14OFIII LLET Cse141% redto askedlnu theile posus suiled 111(11 Erg building foiiowlng i-le accident viere sud Giet Bri-halu. A<othe Coun FRIEND TO FRIENO.iCegsi tle>' recelvsd fi-t aid tresinsent. Six "The stage will tien lis set for Ar- 540h155<viers feat ta pii o! Lie men then retui-ned liy train taaeddo.isb ai-l ee sa Oer nte est i siî~iO-5o ot aOW N EE liu-hoesluCllcga Pieile udusgiso ~nfdeacssPoliceman Gould Pursues Fu-This good oid sarti vorili vhlte, This caresun Cld himgo e 2td viii ci-leadci tier tiers. Tien tedh us othCiao literai fuflmlnent io! tle destruction o!f<gitive Who Drops Gallon Ofcaged iltiolao!nofth ieogro- ht'a usolIps TaylorudBi- varda thfttha lng. su Essex, vas bing driven norti 0fhvi.rla violatin a! the pro- moit in Green Bay road.usoii ifisilleaiid. Booze In His Flight hbItion lave, lbit .ls1s igbt for a i-le care-erasIug amile, RoetTalraoyVrlme t co lea-ig lcus nmbrchange of venue ta suaiber canti>'And I asic my seul ti i-usian WandrustiReturnslo wu oi A2Na0h8car., alto pi-ceenurîl.vs OIEM N-ven Jufge DeWolf decided lu couniY vîu ileqestien~y5 poiercrd ci oicor la owIle D ON B CM NA fusiiode af butiets firoapolie- court tuis afteritoaO- îlot the people My gaadly gilatsec- f 1 lio mous rvolver18Usd a haitans- po! Laits muni-Y are pot preJudicsd Arn t a !-isud ta as mon>' menS, Glgoit e icvndo -the by Jacob .Hay of Anthl aud laiRlieeau»abain As u am. cycle is is dravwbacks, Itobert Tay- Ts lu Ig bootegger' on Mai-kct St., Waiike- fair a trial lere as on>'vbee. i 1 o !MaMiyGa !jusl byupnt oftassxcari oaya!hentaci VUIIE UtN U lastSatuay 'morniug, but re- tai ,t16,anone tfr pekMaryordook of-but Ocuat !i-i ae o s> s ~ ju 814t gnBlsiop iad preastdfiais Wti5rt5hs eakaw £Jeffersons avenus, badecîded afteri-o Nash car passed îhem ai s speed o! sulted lu tic capture b>' te police trom seversi men lu vhidhl lu as pi-aisegentafo-sWtrltau c about thiri>' mles au liaur. sud tien Wt£'I Cof a galion af hoochi vhsvascbarged ithalebccoulditat oltain a gMy vavessfaias Wgtsaut, t., iid, siacitened its speedutli-lie Essex ON T lyvu UJJ11Jdropped b>' i-lisfugitive lu hie vlid tMiyntl cui wicn~ ! aIver ielrt ln, long Vi-yt. orian w thEwr ie one, n ,Mn lsdpased . henticdriero! he ilgt.prejudice wvlid lad beaun crsaied ty varda liave lergltsi- Mode. moutoanslin Micisanssd lava," de- p Nah ginSeee adPogt eIlceman George Gouid vas Pa4 Ithrough île nswspapetO. Aud i-o my isoni- I brinsugain ciared itobert, *via, reiUrned âMnda>' ponsa tle Essex again. Ht miOOlcuiot- Jury in County Court Returned triaiighils beat an hjsrkei t-e ai Thes tate presented doiumter affidav- Thilt eagesr. carnest pa- lIsooentnt8 id qoe i c sd ils distance and st-udt the tsar i edc tTo 1 oaciacitSaturda>' mornlug *e eIs lu vîlci thil tatensent wasden- Dii! moite me as gcagdaaiftgends- ta visel onuths le! i ede, ituockil t sedit. T5O! ae ea go fin_ eaat ha h titd n he h car suotedithad cauabng Ittaeskuiing arauud a au . dr tiat tiers voulu lie nadifficeulty liengauîo hefltd u in a i-nin over severa1 tins. rUrnicucaana -e o a StteHîivy olc~e5. ~xluin Toms udGerg Gltgldi, -v lsni-m lie carried a suspicions givlng him faittriai..AS as 100 thisfrleid ta m.theiibngylertlaorea1 STa>' Habala yo! N ith-. encogo e aii-l g- T hp m ass andolice raffi aer agu qFr li>'. laoilng package. T iiere lob is = A t-aineya foi- iishop ioda>' m ode aO a de i-lus 'h om sdn île b t tay e v T o n G a a l o f N o r h - h i s u d, a I L s p a l p l c ii e r s g u I n' o n t O ! 0a i - s t t i n t t e g g aof_ ' f>ico nbc a e u aest o uF L a f i a I t T e P A YS E R I U I i u g n h i l n e a y n . ed au tle scene about thîstibm, sud vers lound oly n tvoa bytieaoif utthi'mtion vuadi- ssusvo-d.Th md toak charge o!fi-le Ns a n is as y a.jury Incounit>'coifn si4e ai honcie vaa s s ntd te s AbtEfilleMo waI dîvulg segthevr os 10 anyaele tw 1cok ti atroo.Matupiciost oc. a dne ylvliscourt Tie latter ter , eWtrooo h bie. w driver. .taocaiii airo atn "H-ait." le cri-ld as he drew hils tien ook i-le mati-si-Under aulvise HUT AI RAÀl fiA ME sleingnvatWiraouticseandbuy the A!sv minui-es later another car Ruesci sud o young wva rian red, revolver n tadIntedie-1meut adanuedh l i l VRIAIL A food fUfrsleepngeluervetattit and0buylu a d V i t y , e s t is u d ta t wr tl edtlu WL is nd e- d t h n n o t u i o u ldch a g î t f ee tf o d s -a n ks o r e r a i i i $ 4 9 t l i t t ' Park avenue, Nor-t Chicao a d *v Clisi esth stet iuils le>' ve s ta of s aapticbothecitr ils dtcîMrn tilt fieritaal, Wlsumu R. McMaliou, 316 Sout ei-ils-drdan aitngad tîlbsret uhebror>' luto a!,.in evirmi enued i-le oti onf or ecange j!y E hnereLi H ot so o! i-ake the Talore h' ivslescame-te came)C' Hl:o li ho, teofcerýwssare meiteyad, l x e ier.iFijrdSna The'alse uidicmoi ioif caealong from tise nortli.Tie' pc o io yand>' er mted b' ts iOelI iuvnee vonta! aiifermgeajury s-a.John oni ! rasilkarva sd up tie injured men adsud hi-~t advr etnati ai i 'lsia, fIer a sited t Imedhactel>tia' s d c ud it la ex- us plcofd ainitiutlte>aan - he io It Lehi-s !lcssu ien viy ers piacef under errnta.-s. pcedLairi cuoerIlvoi leve>ternous>'Iiue Sua>a fre sva te oms the dlrg thmt r ibrsofc n hnRuescli chorged tht lie vas beaten Thia added opeed La ths otiere under way loittis afternoon or er oou ai Auetiadlitdurnt a bae; ea cnaat iepof i au reporiLd thes atour taeithe po - . ater ie vas -toien taetse police imeslea oa--vmvlt.of w ei l mmer udo.At Waterlooaths gylabodede The isasex car la saad ta bave besen o. Thte dotains ugit aproveoer'nsat t 5irfie. At thîs te ut - t from Kenoaha. ta discontinus his globe trottin« tour vreeited as a resut o! tle occident,- tht oui>' ufficient 1re. a 0 iv e rpe ii a aelea u- - -- - r *Whl idigt irilse las hie cyclometer registered 3US miles The occident bappensd ei 5: 30 o'cici ta placetse tva andesi arrtat. bieu carrylug, sud disapppared fmia spained the ligaments o! hie lipS sud b. tooi oaitrain bock ta Obicago, Pt% Sunda>' morning. -Tise evidence slaved t tit' the taue the dat'ines a!tise nilfoad ysirds. an I *n hyiin elrdriighabcce eWu«ubt& gnv oui anonement a! Zlou'a The éfficen seercbod Sanie tisse but HAVEa athe udugl hs einsitaus d ei ridn biS bicyc le o Wauke<An butaa 0 6 9_9« o 0 0 00 0 0 ntqrmokl nta rdiuand . It ls id thoî watt fi011>' obliged ta give u.H i5fIew, Bolrcvr oniun t rs wtir.-o« u FOR M OF iII K : e scisvas'smoking a ettre ime .retuffled snd laund t»t5 ihe pack- hIisidssta &io- bi ysyO s SonSemp o rtustingta ies soltvay b5 an COR 0F &V@etlAKE r* v'pl*ceduder errent. Tede- IWM*e=UeOMta 'ed eto oioo mo*~eU,~~~lt ujr>' lakeaO eWiluIL n' asked,:ue bies anone oo i Inhiloi eW O INSPU I'.n.iAS AX1 is fndaitis ai once aoi-ved notice o! a rwoonshine 1vhisie>'. Thil s NVWU'ge a GaelS >'tU I l us stdbstole afriehmSl0 .00 * @e o **eoiotornvt-al tue n atthtoQi4csationS. g -ler campau>'. M"nn139Sa>&'. 0 0 e 0e 0,Wýw 0 0 a,6 iotto fo a ew ruv to Ieov Vord lias met b 1Olsen, 18 Y*"r. 1H. E. 012-4 i114 sas paseed tise em ie ta, .&nD*poti Mr. sud Mil. 4ÔI esfonelo8e' nat ofiit îltb f«Mu!>' rssEuil Cat Oison sa of 1921. Lutt'a ac-adeo>'. T'bo ) ppolslim"lllfrt il O. Cilndbl= a pî, a t f-m te t ý baatvais3. F-Aî ut ral gse es1 as caus ie $0 m erved st thésa 0k0 ao Yorm go Vbed Seilutes. The WatlcOf oet f=o the 't u4u1$or. "t --be&aI! 1

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