CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 May 1922, p. 2

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-t.' ,~ s eooty probably houit Aat nlbr j a ting tto cousUs t . j crcuit oSt t e tttglWv -joug on the. dokiet befor tlseY eau0C be trie&.~lV 5 asdb 81 state lallattire fot fite Dut* ~ ItTwoJUlgiS couity vould probably get tva Or tr couaty on.e WitIl two deleut judres .2-90xc ta n.1 a stting hare t lasbelleved tiie dockn otOt le s U n . t i t iS Cou aty coUli b e cl ened l Wx*»" » t up vituli a îesr eA" kepi 11W to ou»4wNg 5, la propoa In date tiiereafter. i tOM "Modi Iy fIe WIB At the barmeting the. commit- l quil bu tiem84tw tA ee aiiid to Couside4r LUQnatttrer la le*ffrd A'coumib t- epsee h rpede-t ý* n atos o#bliug a<* b? the leogiw atnrd P-1 -audmitim e, la to tumais. lis reorTt at, Afuture ineet: *m I&" Sfor the . ryb i ng of the. association, c<msts O! e >«PWRI th~e toiiowlng: Attyx. E. D. BOY- - l*fe a on 0! ficon- usavi D, Kdden and Me al th* pmoofl &on e theyMeClark. 1 StI uceveutioli r UnanleOOW'Y Paeoed. *~~1~te » Thse raIltOS iiapprovlng of ul WMthe. ro=Poq Zpla r fthse tate con.fg lm ijtutjonsIcouvention or consolldat- a circuit tui twq supSle»50 court d11ir1cta âýziay &rtlty civu l ,, atqtO min g mbu F patio jurlactlo t hO souflu? a part oft, vas u"nnmul-a ly passei by the. bar association5.a The constitutionSi convention Pro- l Sf05 Vr.namd n cn-poses to tack on 'Rock Island CouD-o bar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t tooit< a tr tais suprue ecourt d>trlct, the home of Judge Cartwrighit mal-n NeedMor Juds. ng t shoetring acroas the nonsh- pob o! u dacrtUt ortfrern portion of Illinois. RIl asPro- Itefct lastoo iavy, as the. poed tekeep the number cf sv- 1% noV conttuted, for iiree ,m ortjdesa emven, <of -tfiat remsn, the WIn- lig Coo couuty t-omenrso çounty Bar association fa- h"e.per or, iea o e affll o! a new circuit bastone ' andI one The. resolution as passed requesta WMti prbbl one o - t3 members of the conBtitutOnl t o%3sty 4Isrobbl oee c convention f rom this supreme court LW4 et district . i jsdca district tO nslt that the oug nsst o tsedistrict sas it jenov constituted, b ofth nt dlstrubed. The. bar association, Tis nos r tseoweyer, weflt on record as laon The *Xtnbo sthe ms.the giving 10 tbe Cool countY is.tia a vry bavi Thedistrict, wiCh la nov a part of ths laN cour hA i. Thevodistrict. tbree udgesansd of lnu- tise district la mnoub creaslng the. number o! JudgeSGon ~ ire no many he Bii uireme bench f rom seven to bee court doclret la th i ;Dntepositin-htal1 ýwP bâve Issu on the tdpo tisehrepsitio .tiat a la tmi n atvo ye..lshoul lbe pDused i h eiltr *O~~.iSi ~nt o t~ perafting the circuit Mg8es of the. 0W" A e i es-bave ;ual . 1 crtit, clv4~,ecaes t thse teken tror the. dock- countty courtu, iuage Fr-ed E. Oa' â4p gebolbur ponter, piesiiOnt of! tie local bar eoinuogsii for assoctUo nand AtAys. Fred -lpI yoar th &te ovm u a acommittees W devise Mar ~ « tbeplansfor tise prewelatatiou o!f aU11 ,' ~ ~ I um iifle- covetlng the.prévisseio0f tihereso- *üohmto lutioula luthe a4te letwaature. The. a *...t out 15* mrtt»0Viu doider tise matter a *,M court dl>-11 land report at a future meeting Of up tora o Ithse barasociation. le* W givt 0,mnl nwthn, U. 1. HA$ -TWO).WTII O F ebiota An fls 41fr la the Uniesd Statée.tod8ýY ther. ie r' A - uaiisn ~ia-'fthe 4 ôt L f niUes. ftlou f Illasmofa ulsa çt*ecrslu ! Wotneaaand on, 1» usceeu7 te g0 10 laathe n.v ter ."d "Ê#At a d çreat- dsiot la a1 iuden- = ,- hodoue, sud Us. PweaquiitlOu bi h. O- Wasu.Its- Astue flnt stop - codstion. o5qs f the. crelti e*nstoioutles cou- ià-tisa s6000 chali oe- taaso h. y&r, lie Aymymat o! such s*qti:0917s sepgnate cor- j -pIuy cutausmore vey Og± e«l et, tue vorliso Tinils te e=lm tyo4tbhie eft * Wi tds*Wb. ,moere anrs ibre pins e CAo han A t u MMOei LSAs aJd PetUM ooàblaad- liiere a00 PiMrteWlX4 ln NeoTrk City, tissula tb Vie of ans forlgu coimri, exceptinx ohly reu »MttanM siIbA auni. The. »Oùl a ystemi-JO suine MA - Di on telpisou -euhb yeu4 a« tbgu re 0lu ail rqww. 'ufor rusai tol.oeies. prsctiesiiy Use oniytas-m toeohso la fil. vpàrin ltfe 'United 8tatese visLe.thes mnier là'Dnov oer 2,600.- Tise expaion o! lie tekepione bus- inea lunAie ZUni teilite. s1Aceh lu voelt*i ý O<ni2b lu vol'T=11 o!fe.uJulieiec*~ as a wiiole. DunIng tinw eui feppltoio i e cotntnreaed45 PMesretthé volume o! genolal busines. effle 100 per cn, i. lite uben of t.b~soee uçroeai900 peentt ET ci b doe eeryday by mneans of the. faitELCIIC (JM CEAN&E. Rugi, fur- notur, h 4ans i included, and there will be wo hdgckry in the operation, for you simpl g" te .machine. .New FEDPEW&Lt Electrie Vacuumi Cleaners seid *on Montlily Payn¶ents lfic ,Servîce Company ffNotheru tlnois CHICAGO MILK MARICWTffl PU AAm4 le 5.1 f01 e t ga Plas 1? sijrgng IW- ot pt etfJes , ract~~~~~~ aD mne o iagsaut a"s 0 oa aq t hages ln iv *0& Ol enphlde a18laid UPOSlAli pose about attacks i1s' '6T$4vsaL ThcomiStto.bas iciiê Att 0 W t Iilao uteres t th Ue prç4qoerg woçid be . =12I<. * - f r ba, bsat served by bnotiq w±b lcee lemr orieey sut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ru gardons tus 5 naî~ <vaia w Colt eti tn per cent 0f tise maIlathse, dit-p.titisuè'us.'is. pî, eet triol, sud ovni plants v4lted at about dfo~ oebisoi efe rn $70,000. ti'ot f htb 8tri,.fi ýdl;z Aaroni sapiro, fanlous co.operattv re i. 5 1vuewl at spot Wb@"sePMin attorney, w'tsobelDed organisevt.«wCestai ter a8,.k"als1u4 U v [f ornia fruit interesta, vas retaiued ieT**, il! thive -veii9u ,a Lo draw Up the cOutract.l bmy 9a<oi Il fil li el mder ~ Tise 110Vcommtret VIIIbeomn.eS et- l 91 feotiVâ Sept. 1, if 6,000 bave been *WY $o asrn h lu ondeb tat UnDitOa geted abose, eCu b. th aeetf oi il eradeln osduction, o! tiis producera who aigu coutracs Teroegu<fllsoif Maiybeha l04poi an operatioflicoenmittesW le v cru-. a s 'p g r gae03 rely as destred. Il bal atei teo keep a chieck on thse bU$illeas it laeset hwVer, to keeP tise b«18 viill b metiiodi and overheai exprlso! the' An visbis tie e pa t reWbe uMtquit. ment Pa compan?. The. producers ln each of: narrov. 3 to, 5 ft, as tis mises te durlBg nine districts viii elect on. of tlseir possible to, eut thie biomeasud tend th&af de nuaiber to thié coni.mittee. Ithe plants vithont eteppDing On the so11 grain. It la planned later to creata a non- betveen them. profit sa]es organization vh h abl The. Second ielp--Prpsrflgthee Soit. 1"Y bave entire charge, of marketing and iHaving elected tise spot ",ierse e'"o ln vhicii eacb contracttng prodilcer gardent la to ha placeil, the. nue ia1 hAnk « saal b. a votiug member. in tW <et Il reaily, so tisaI the Plantsg'.îo The. comnittee of nina vhtch vas, may be set ni.t ImmediatêIy theyare "Yeu, appointedii y the Amertc.1 Frum Bui-1 recelved. A 'very large perceutag o! reau Federa.tion 10 settle the problein s ueiifallurea as thora are viti roses. tiai have arisen ln ithe Cicago pro- mayhW tracail dlrectly ta thse fact, tint- fiuctng district lu s ôl .v C. V. the plants ware allowed to lie groUnd Gregory. editor Prairie Frmer; C. several dais alter baing neceivai, be- Laren. Illinois Agricultuire Associa- fore hin&lu set lu the grouni. tien; H. HeMmngwai, Wisconsin ffld- strong plants vini grov andi Parm Bureau 'aedoratlou; Terri bloom thi firat seaon iu n a$rtly Crane, Indiana Frrm Bureau Federa- fertile, soil, undor the conditions mez- tion; J. T. Willlama, Thonias eflue tilmed above. and A. C. 8tonans. o! the. market21g But If yen are golug to have roses companyl Dan Qfllay, of Cook county. at ail, you uatureli vaut the. best, sud ohnRatbun 0fDupge oun?» iiitise moat roses ths.t you eau gef. and ohnRathunof IUPfl cmtY-and lu'order te malt aure or that r.- TOAI F.00 SFnES siAtnd iv deatrable to maise a TCi ID LOODSUFERER iutie extra pains wltii thè preparation The I. A. A., tise collet? farmn bus- o!the.beds Viiere roses are We W rejsus of Illinois, the IExtensionl Ber.. planted. vice o! the College or AgricuIlture and AOn. of thé htiugs wu vaut 10 mais the rarmers' Instituts elua meeting sure et, tau tiste roots viii ho able at 8prlngtiWd. In vilc i t vas declded te, gOW d.ep down, and oonsetlueIiilY Wo co'eerate in tise ralslng et a land be salle*.me.*mer drouths and vin-- cf IIM0,00 by aubscrtpttolm tW pur- ter freesis, ani alsahave £mXlatlf cbasie îeee sud fo fr f iaile iae u'tic 1 fte ood. For wi3lei ot iy tii. f1004 tis saprine. tss a0~5i iipyto dig Use ft la estimateil Ibat, mretissu 100boM lt f0 deth o! I feet or so, faroxfamillsgA i lMg ous thbeir sud lu refflag Sth-e1, to aid somes cropsand a large Ïbar. 'offietir lAva exra ricis, nie sgol te that wich has stock lu hAI ail11b )vater. been talten- oui mhe -.L t kSCi*ocf the distributior -food. 'ie Clge 0ft.FARS SUWAU 40Y'SAt4 A gooùSture viii direct thee distribution 1-. 1MaL-O0D SOUED BEP, of *es& Boy b"as, viii nt ifa elicCessOif Mi or Ahç fond11bu1 iregai? ien tiseay i ompoetei.Vttb a gooi raiseud dIo lu, tite ý"ads -flocal t ope cispters ut fie EiC08 4W~ 8r .fieoit__ -Perbapa i.niW pra f s - ý ii*MAat bave W to ontrolA ine lUe 1t, woqe av- sprwaIthub al phi*»e . çolya, 1 botgodl v1s afefeu tls*b !adbe ptlst%5'Avt1ulaten A > If the. oreisard bus trees of!*RArY andibeS are llise. lu 4dition Llate varletlés tisere ll b. e 41fd- 1 kS 1nvi Ulreimed L erenceiu tise date 0f bloombg etseql, V80±ch tVeosseistial aa spray viiibave f0 be applied at a time %Ghai 19 Abtat >etrikesa ILbaffl Mieium afor aul "l5y ueei~Y117 IO$tiey eau <get )varietiês. 'reuite cn a.ybe just to encoulragerapi groVtii icidevol- 1 4gliiag t10 drop a fev petahs sMd lise oP asAd mature a sel crop bof ore : arly -oses May have lost au thse Peals. sau iupeted eryfo 1suocesé viti ibis spray ilopends on Varities for Abs iim*e must ma, geting tie spray Ma&terial Iniseteh ture lu 100 to 116 Èai. inytin later ecolyx. A fev days atter the puetlshan tbat la pretty sure W gel,,Mped b ave failen the colyn viiiclose and f0 ila !rost uniass t As harv.s W- Ilsamount et spraying viiib. effective fots itla15mature enougi 10 bave Max- 'in controîllus the. vorsus from Ails Imum f oid value. lfirsl brooi of coidling moth. The.--o- ,poison MusAt a nudethe. clyn befora At closes. To do tis thAe spray shouli SECOND SPRAy FOR CHERRIES b. applAetl vtth enougi pressure to The. nait spray for cherries là ap- f- orceIt Into the colyn opening. - pliai mainly to control the. curCulol. SThe. vorras do not haici utl a!ter Thsis et leaves Wvintir QUDrteri the colyx bas closed. Ausesoon as tiieyI about tii. lima tie trets blosapm sud sué a&blé)to cravi tisey'tak.a'xurea .fftda on Ah.e-navly tormeifruit' Tisey e.route to the bloisuom andi Jonce thbir. siso deposil aggs on tis1e green fruit. vtswy tiirough tisiýy opeuingsa timay 1'hase iialch Mo grublile pinkisb làb. let ln thee. da up colin. AX soon wisite vorme that eut Auto thsecherries >das they are Insd tiiey heglu W eatiland plume causIng muni OS! tleul te su ad if the. poison la not thera liai ýdrop to the. grtrufi. continua to est aud the. remuit la a Thay hubernate unier thea treas dur- v ormy apple. lug the. vinter btding theraselves An M Even A! the. dormant spray bas not Aaaves and trash. been appliai, beglW»your sesou' A cultIvaled orebard loPt free fromi apraylng vlth the colin spray. veais and undergrovAis o! anl Inde Use 4 pounis poviereil lime sul- As mucii lass apitote a Infestai et phur an ion, pounil powiered leai the. curcullo. asat t 50 gallons o!fvsier. Xin Tii. naxt spray te colitrol this Pest tsliesipiiur andi usensto viti h aoilia eappliai soon aller thse peals 'naler lu a piAl before dumping ln the telanlsd agaîn ln ten inys or ivo barrel or tank, v eeks. '.Be sure W laeep h. solution wel Use four pouns o! dry lime suiphur iirod ail tis, tins. or the srsoiste sud ona pounil o! arsenal. Of ladi W tviii setlt Wth. bottom MAklngthe 50 galons of 'nater. top part o! the solution wea sd.Ah. o- laut part of tisé application ton, sirofS. THIS yEARI8 WOOA- POOL - Ondars for sinteenusudred i ss 140W TO START A ROSE GARDEN iiandîe lb. 1922 vool pool bavé minouy Othen flovers hase tisetr admIrera boenracalvad hy thse Ilielsanil. sud devotées ln varying nmniena, but tiraI Associalon. It la predlcted Abat avenyboili loves Ah. roDss year's poolyul b. mo f the Most suc- Cailed Ahe Queen et flovers aine e.dsa!ul -ln tise bistory o! the. I. A. A. th. tirât garn, eu.ferose bu nomy A reductIon bas. issu maile An serv- hellihem ovn but bas beuoe ever 1le charges sud thse experiene Of the more sud more popular and bas devel- paît .tvo yaansieAhtO pool bail W opod Ita venreMtypeesuad Varie- combat sharp maflet fluctutions; ties, euaci ung »oMe ne. ciaml or les& thea 1. A. A. to predici ithlse 11 ovrcomln.g sbme obpectiona lu au older 1922 pooîl ha beMore succesafui th"1 sortf until-now i aMitui.e BUOIAOY tié pools of altier o! the puti Avo sont. until nov At eau b. sald tbat Yeats5 everybody ecr grow roses. Tvauty statas ara non poolAUg Wy01 ,A»d yet not everybody dloa nov under plans simila 0tOOfoa rose. l111n Illinois. T NViiy1 oro Ibo ouMa4 d th*D - Ja rdseit n ai :Orsq 2m PWb - eII4gé& be4, a6 ad eflgtiMMt eors loD, at evide tbat thse vtlg b a a e o r ' b a m @61 bd ratios. ed & edm t po àà been observed that soya bave been ted grainu W sufflo- Muture, soem to produce botter the !o1owiIIS Iseatiofi perld IoO- c w-blch bavé, flot bai Ur voice tbis M«tflg makés me of nsy de"r teacher." ur teacber?," B.tls ta husky." flvor *Ixon you q»QLçi !2&Akt -W. .4.i b the easdg E u. baie 9.t14 YYom çunne tim BdUI Y: thCUmon the "station to ato r lvkh tbpmomy and tb cý%I madle betwee. 8:30 p. m. and midighet on the. "station to staùon>bsai cot but littie UIQT than one-hag the day charges, and nmcle afher aingh bout sevcnty-five per cent lesu ILLNOI BLL ELEHONB COMPANY amofhdA& . ta ne hdq..ât scre rnuk. ve th.n a tilaimm A Ube eosvhmeId vEnin a usihe <eL Theedos . Ourot, preeatW. 5& Seth. VwI. reed t or.W. ChtremiIl, S.e.tary aUmM. SECURITY TITI£ & TRUST CO. AÉSTEACISOF m TflE - YLFS GlAEAM Capital: $1 25m000 WAIJIE :: ::lLIWS A àýqstfa Journey to Ciç on a N orth Shore Train Railopiconnections la ~iag te 4oti mone Trainstae jon mahi e of <sc . a tansortation h1m- ehetie sd sea rlirod. rChecked AlPoints Confort! Ymwc fd it ine sw îft,ees Pace cf thé. beavy electric trb"; à the. deam4 reomy cars sud comfortable seia; te the ab"c osm f the. cout" sempoya t. every pacar of safety aad coxves- he.; in the. iiowWege tat you vii arrive -ai your destination refreshed sMd on trne. Tii. frequeacy of train service on the. Norti Siiere Unme, sud the. couavemt temb4 )lou- tisas, reuaoye, for the. Iravelr ever Mturoute, rnay of thse aoyaaces muuay attemaaut pon raroail trave. Trains leâe lbertyvile aitbiùrty-minute in- tervals froni 5:-48 a. m to 10: 48'a. mi, then at 1:48 a.m.d everyhalf hor tereafter until 8: 48 p. m. ;then 9: 48 p. ra. and every bour thereafter util 12:48 a. mi.'flese trains make pÏ1omp connections at Lake Bluf f for Chicago. Ail Limited Trains to Chicago operate through to Woodlawn. cbc~oNortiSbw &MiwukR.R -lm Ulm is~ <TATII~ BUC Chiel j and self, valua *ork bai rivai Tho' sine barn Burkc the 1I salis de del o 904 Mil the I Wsis tise y bette Mr vui faine day. Wm, BMu Peut mi end, t"l Smn day, S om bSl TOLOMM 74

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