L~. ~' W~ .a.~rI ___________________ Limai Msaisle spha* te-pt ï la a very a Md la bIda em otipe's letti taip Déixh, in thé nay wiag thé .1 ySecrts NobIngbon,1 se vise me "teu leux itai, iliu*M mgé couat ~Ib hétrué méasuure gn T-héuréac a Fédrai Isatitauilc, anti (T ade faureachus lu thé - wIL onnI aitraxa ams ' Wouxé ht-hé i'eésonale ant -for p7m th'a ale>llassuag OCagrésa no tsatI lu May b Tb Irriter w vauggu Umt. realuiig thé ativntq ý%« tmIai,5ed m"34ao the UÇ ftbatthey Ma hé léadéro am la thepropoessla thlwon Uorio1iJapon. - Thounsofaiargmentsi féret, 1 blléve, in favari r noement as thé aboyé, anti a~u-tby oi coultierallon. can hévoéagaliSi Il.. 'IéRV. Sincerely antipatriotlculli ut the eRta.- thé eduet-. S RTAYSEP Dem ar i ymen 1bé; toaîckovloduo' 110 tinu> h our lotirofaithé l4th lis inè an th o h Get Lakes Naval lu weh has no in Thé Nuvp DePsztmoni doc ttiorianditoxuplte thé abantouméx Gréai 'Lakes. Naval Tyaini sai Lake$, OvRiug ta théerédution oi t toairécrults nécessary t tl -Ty Of fJ9 ûn ta maîc up lasses lu t: D. C. personnel ai the navy, thé en ai aur rocrits t Great Lakes ha vandenful cotinueti; but thé Aiatic 0(1 lu thé Ina' Scbal anti thé Radia y. inviitd bel" cantinueti anti vili hi hàttc de- ta train are mou for the f bnging ai thé seryIce., Pzincipiés Thé Départinont apprécia "$ey bavé teret lu thé mtter anti '«ter iSsu thank you for your lettér. Urdéti *Adti-EDWIN I ik lu what Secretsry ai t 0»of the 3< atosARIRESTBMy r fie of de- Rap Laké aifthé lhenty MIl I»tu* a~ny reporiflul tatho policé laob e nng t sixthity o'clack 5010 iboy* standing on thé bit>! i îO e lng "Mes téeauthé vindlovi is and me- 1» Spuingsrest. Thq poli tatho té h Boyd Baiowien, 132 sp *!!~éa b! hsegsvIéw hUýbianI su on i ow ultiva -'twc sp j ~tnsvile wo-ow~ndsee e#er ry ow ettng xaely /wcultivai (b ave yo thnkwh a blessin ~1bvemachine todo aIlha 1 woi t$ii teycol ~yerhefeId rapidly, Cnd=un t*svife "Floýin Arghes solve the proble: by44r u*m froin the top bar and sm xd with a pendulum movemet You ~s~sinherowwith your féet. omMs naturay foflow the rows, but you o efflxr ode so quickly and so etusiy that iýj l wthout Btoppiflg the team, lse#m te etasacasalvr ,jàwe m;d.-m wM 1 'ai - 4- - I 4"0L a"s ANI' V M. Teéd bau rrned thé gaines 111#Ir* bemuylaut 1for.t,étourfluetlt, wblah promise W -Xw tUthé ,O3dii mhé e!t na vu, it moaime-hte cmm,- my adeauh 80<te héézlt g 1l1als'wlihipispét ettêNor * asibsould héeasy.e.2 or 3. m »M40ti4 qIomt $20 for thé Nau. Thons vIU *hsie béatsr-oclsty.tén- ne uu& O g MMé. Tb* iaciety vbie w ina Tih.SU wvmI hé ulther msal r1Y, thée =40rity of amtos v*ll einMoa 0 eMii»* bebg thé opéra, -Th$ for thé nov lorlg c«p. wm vlImore tuba fil , 414 A %j4NTErgý VN hmté stn saarriveti yet. As la Engl'isix W- 0iS cott'% v1aa te 'hé t.ned on se5mu'U=19«lothé e aI t 0f aabbs onks." f. s l h -te d LÊIIAYous e51 554 ai aisething, yout'tiboiter 0001 ta oi nita nlht anti hé oanviA boéim thereare s«Cb Uti". "THIS QM&utSLIPPER" Tué 0»«% la céinlasen uaot5y. Mnr. Wallon amithé mexubers Oi thée osai asweigharti «ryniday iIO ,,as» t u -sa.Undoubietly thé pealle ci = j-tyifl Iov a gooti thlag wvoi tisey ses it, an nather bear l, for fleuri)' ail aithe aoatm are salit. Tiseop~n u ain Sùg ta héthe hast evsr ince praciémule perfect. Hav- evén, let éerpmIon camé andihear fan themoiva th épe 4-- aigor Mr. RaI': "If pou éant s.. thraugh thai propostiom4'i M ru througb it Agent: "'la 'abat business have you the. mont Imonéy?" Mr. Hupck: "UMIlluryl" - A Xmonphis lsvyer suteréti bis ean- novsat ut s." "A nipniévo?" exctaiméti thé Pris- mner.,éagenly. "No, but your uncie has tileti leav. tnu you $6,000, anti pou can go tg outi - lthi thé sutliffylng feeling thait te noble efforts air yaur livyér lu pour b ehaufvilt Rat go nwre. sondeuisl Was*éan, Dlt, 1 --uia to d t 1billmon, vshtue h be aeCOMi Attornéy Le Pr ofé, aité4sm, réea i l1,ih Io nth&tth , dè et that ho cuttinm Me IxioWnut aiti ta 11V-1 alle gaveru' au vhat theory thé plan ta prodee41 W ei hav. vftbthéirikl-vhéthoir It shIl hé4 6édeou111tioft for couspiraci te émbésléor Ite td théipMd.a.obéit and defrat" thé staits ,of nd oifl na- fijnals. Attorney Le Forge demandeti cî hé b of- that üthé question bé sttléd.'beidr of sucb a thé trial procseti tunther,; clalming noué, ver- that th,* counts it thé Indictmentà hob made are ai a dual. nature.-. 't'he jury vas éxcusoti irom thé y patins, court roant vhlle thé luvyers ar- IPII. guéai thé question. bLy: Thé motion vas avorruléd hy .recelpt af Jutige Etivande "for thé timo belng" ,t relative anti thé jury cai back ta thé IL Trnng court roomb Théef lrst vituesé, Léwis Vogel. xis net COu: an employé in thé office of thée Mt Of the secretary ai staté vas calieti ta the Ig Station, stand by thé prosecutian at 10:30 hé nauthén a. m. te énîluett Vogel presenteti records showfçg training of that Len Small vas el"cted -te thé s heen dis- office of eMats treesurer lu thé years m MecohAu. 1916, anti Froti Sterling ta thé samne School are Off ice lu- 1918. )e nuomary ÂII othén wltnésgés présent xvore Se branchés éxcuséiltin the court roodi dur- lng Vagei's quéstianîng. ates pour in- Hurry C.t.Iuehrs, assistant satte v inhea ta treasurer vas next calîdi to thé DM , stand. thé Navy, Luehrs,- quetianéd hy Attorney Raiart iPrés. ai thé proseoution.> etaéteti that among thé accolute car- rieti on thé boaks ai the troasurér'm office lu 1917 vhéu n âàul hoarné inuetroasurér, vas thé so-calléti "vauit N.flWS account," Luehrs tostifleti.oalte of "certificates of teposit front banks vhich véro kept lu thé sae y 011 Camp- of thé trexsurer's offiee." - >Suaday ev- Amont g*5 ,0 hnks veré Inclutied kthat miDaI lu thé "Yuttit account" Lueliva salt t ere throv Luokirs ttfiéti that thora von r% at ho01s1a no records ln thé suite treaui's Ce anéitéti affice lu Springfield frein vhich pring $Ûmtcoulti ho s4certalned thé tatal <p45~Jamouint of money loazéti hp tite 'en sùpuod tate ai Illinolo'during Imall'a sec- * anti térni asu uUré* AUlsuei recor, ho, midthub" hésupi*Ws inIsb a"*ds-aou Si1. Thie quesion çi tise 'sâfé ac- U cunt. 1Luebrn a mit! vus créat04 sanmeté tio- urIng the yean ai This acconai Luebre saai, cou- -o1d, oi Wln- sisted. fo 3fetflit« oi dePosit si rso la Wau- la thée"-'sit accouni." Hé iestiflé< 4rxbt m> a hého ad bhéa-told thé "maie account' ttéo" tu>1. wvasoai ut nature 14y Len Sinafi. i patéaid LuéhmtWs teauiltthat hé hai ni M hif, rcolleeÎlon. ifséu4lng notices far ai drungen- paynet aiinteréét, ta thé OGrn Park baul. -Sncb 'noticesi, Luéi said, ver sesnt tealal bauls luclud. in l thé "véatt fui." Lushia. hat "no récolleotIon" ci ever baving seen anp collatéral fur. nisheti bp thé Grant Park hank. Hg saud hé hati meen cailateral furnial e- d by thé bauks af thé "vanit mund.' Harry C. Luebra, assistant étati e rasurér durlng thé tormsa o Lei Smal a F red Sterling au stat, dtetr rÎ7 ,'basno recolléctian o any lutenitmanop hiving bhéo palti inta théeatte fnis by tbý Grant.. Ps* Baun pao ,ipa etinluthat hait unter'thé so-calie, "1suie account" étreatéti by Lei Luobréo- onthé stand lu the tlio itis morning, tllt Attorney Etivar 'À Prée, inember ai thémuaté légî stait thai hého atino kuovîsigé C sncb payménts having béén mad lnt the, troasury eltitén turing th -second terni oi office menvéti b Smail, or dùring thé éuccégedlug tei -u- of -n iStdnling. Siraug objection vas matie ta th quéetlonlng pif-thé vItuésé aloi, these linos by, thé Sinsil farce " Lohma, ihoy couteudd, vas nc -ta hé consitiéred an authau'iiy0 Vte matérs; that hé servét Inl -cléarleal. capuclty only, Anti Wu nn lu position t tatelitévth thé as thal-lty thé stat1a of fuxuts 4epoal yT __in ed in't ho alogeti cticlaiis li Park Bank. or regaritut Intere, zy plant paymeuts ten . u» y 51herfsellent féatures of thé se tionyou .a o ý te >trial todsr 'ahIc ig it18 lankoti the béglumng of Its four W *,eek, vers u fatbve: Work 1 Inténsu jd .Jigtthe eaté ro Sey0U ury W' bénks whlch vere mélùnh theWork fthe ua.cléd "vault accoui'! v lie work oaéted tiuring thé sectind terrim ~~ Sinaîl As trqaaurer la thée UnkahP S Trust anti Savinga 94Uk.. ot-J" :m. 1111" heo, oi vhlt Sall vas préludau w ing frotn &Apbtox-stgly $1itoOO0O w lu thé "*vault accoRu wid andor- 0 amaunt Or lock ,vpo#tn rcreatiod byLethé 'su I ' ., 8.e acectat" cantinnet In eil entcs until. September. 1921, nt tCan Slif t manths aitonetivdard El. M111 * preéent aste iréaurter. batig Lt you can untetibis,. uti. To thé knovled, ai leihoSatraxiuacions vi tWl=the Malie vifs "siesaccount" fun e~ ~ ~ donhil th ay bonkor banku a thor th àe dwn-hl beGrant.- Park Buak. 13 ght CofrtIlt No "Otlciar" record vas képi B.,' Interéat mogey pVWed on tiéposit * thé Kankakée béaik. turing Smal ~oret he> rm as imeusurn. - "4o &'aité. "ade Payable ta qrAnt park Bink véré delivereti Lt Ubll té<dirad C. Cuir ipth nw o ë o the wt kuavlédge, arinlteréét paiti thé statp an deposits by lhé K4nkake 'l'ust9 andi Sîvings ÉI Durlng thé 'tva years Fred Sterl- 2 ing served as treasilrer. state Inter- est papuxents wére truàsferreti front thé Smai! baul ai Kanke ta thé -i Itockford National Bank, oi Rock-v fard, . IRi - IM attempi. vas Matie by the de-p fense vhen cburt coitvénéi ta force thé State lu lot -uffln viîkA clarg e-for conspiracY ta embexzlé, an t. cheat anti dfraut-the trial le ta hé carnieti o..:' '"51ck Stece, chief clerk lu Sec- retary of State iimmnsat1s officeC vas an the stand toay.lHe brougiti vlth hlm froxu - Springfi-ld thé bonds of Len Smiali anti Fred Sterl- ing vheu they véré treaélutr rOC thé Stute. Thtis vas J11at ta prove tke filled théeaffcé guti hIe teStl- mony vas oa itltil - consequence. (Luter newa af thé Gavernnr -9ma tntl vii h ba ud lu thé second sec- tion af tiis veekýý Issue.) ST. LÂwRSNQE'S PO P Rov. Bati. pit< Mai 21, 1922-40tail0un dsy. Churcit Schaol Ît 10 0a. ut.. Morulus pMrpyé MU clock - Choir practice Satunli ai 1.30 P. M. The Women's a 4 tB. 5i rnuos church viii bxo.d a hakery sal ut Wulnir toneSaur yatéroOe PIP.T PRUOBYTMN RoT. EFlnC. MOrglAn.Sstor. Daytitt aitig rne. Sahbath Scitoal &t 9:45 a. M. W. G. IWells, Supi. ]Dwa'tfoiget- tis auto race anti thé inter-elais ccnieS! k Preaching eaIil a. m. Junior ser- vice. Thé Ortier oi BuIttiéréion Baya viii attend titis service lu a body. Thé, tapin oi thé mornnng xfeéags le " Building as a ChU114eti <ot." Goati ,tmusic. Public lu lnvttd Christian Emtiaffl t 6 :80 >p. n *TapII."WVhat Chmitisn flntéavor DObsé fan Mo.' LeWstn, 1sU0 Lésion *anti Frma HSioMulla- preuohlng uti:39-M0. '~Oel thé mos. inc 4~.- Sm P. J. Wright, chorister; Mrs.-E. L. lipré, organist. Session meeting Wétinestiay May 24, falloving thé Friper Meeting. Ou Sabbutit. May 28th. titis chancit wll jalu vith the sister churches aif thé village lu the Union Memoriat ser- vice ut thé M .. l.church t ai1ila. m. lier. Batty, ai 8-t Lavrelaqp's Episca- pal churcit, viii héthesýspealtr. MEYHODIST EPISGOPAL CHURON -,Chartes J. Dickep-, Pastar. Ounday 8chool ut 10 a. m. D. A. Young, Générai Supt. Public. Worship at Il a. mi. Thank Offering service ai thé Woman's Mis- slanary Sacleties. Dr. W. T. Hobat 1la thé speaker. Gooti music by the choir. Epvorth Leugue devotionat service il 6:30Ù p. m. Misé lRya Williamsa, prés- IMent. Tapin, "Grovlng a Chuacer- Thé Gnowth." Mark 4:26-28. Leader, R. Gouiti Public vorship ai 7:30, p. m.Sermon by thé pamian; goati music by thé chair. You are cortiully invitédti t thèef services. Wedueay siter achool at 5 aclock <tiayllghi sevlng) ai the citumc, thé nIais in préparutosy méiuhor0bip vWI. meét. AUl mémbesaifthe ciasé are urgeai to e, é ngatrly présent.- Wédnesdip eveuing ai /8 a'clock <diyggght suving) thé miti-veél meet- ing fon prayer, Bible study andti iéliô ship. piéés nais that for thé con, veniénce ai those vito founti 7:311 taô osrly, thé service in movoti a haîf haun lIter-to 9 o'cltuL- Thursay évenlng, chair réitoars. DIAMOND LA"RE FL. COMMUNITY OHtTRdH. C. J. Dlckéy, Piston, I-4bertyvlle, 111. '(Ai srvtosa on Standard Tîms> euntay Schoal ut 1:45 P. Iu. Mra. Caroline MItcheIl,ut. public varshlp jet 2:30 P. rM. sermon by thé pastan. Ton are cortiualli Inviteti ta thèe - services. 1 Rural Litse Conférence ut Graysaké M. B. cbumch ffiday, Saturday anti Su=* day, MaY 26, 27 anti 28. A splendid Dm0- I rgram Jiu been aangeti. A strong tisle- rgation f nm otu IhéertYvlîlé anti]1 I innt Lake vante t ut a - sCanfOr- o'ooc oeééo 00Il.e Oef,.AL iýNEW* 0FLA1 VET HOsPVrAL MM'f Ui3rEALAAES URGU W s l gt u M y 1.-R co=U nei abbés an a ovtérans' bouita propsfl tio 12i,7 >00 a"Se t izy=uuOd.ntot r t U» nfluai BO&M of ft.~O4-4é sv eaor tt.; -ns ;V 0sio Miss.,014 osé0la ,d» f gàhf mm te athiCah cIta' ~ ~ t o u ev Tank Pr- I 'in the mgJtvkeê. Rarow mba glàt thee forwh"cit s cocoit iMêossvr As " m îatedd li.spread ove« 1 1,M )mâl.of ril- ro&& caaffl vVOém, ineccuay to pre"ul waste adi lss For year a cm out om anefation Cmug a been under wa y a flsy mm. Odrd f let. ters are sent m by employés -howhmwat i & ve saved by salvaging material and, othewise avokdig waste Mnd lm. Chicago, Miwaukoe& St Paul RYO MAY SPECIALS: AT Tpe Rexail store The hupargsmummoed hure art ai frnrn - regular dock ana are ,srtic" of t.he keedMi uly ad meriL The a9ia price. e hmucalhreae f« " i .m" i y. Make yew =réa "e uw n aem mey. y« e rm ete msa $mre -oftbdmeg".dssL'Onteof madaof the euiesbu àdm " t g ay Saie Saves 1'ou Two Dollars WrapWe Cream Carmels, regurice 50c IL; 33 SPécialfor die May Sa!-' 33 K"dI Stick Candy, regular price 60c l 9 Spécialfor the May _Çai39 Symphonytwntaimery, regular price 75c a box;, 59c $c4d lor àe May SL periona e Vnig Céme egla 79ct2c -Specwalfor the May sak ______ [sc No. 6 Disinfectant, k&l germs andi sects, 25c value19 Special for the May 19e.C... Peari Tooth Powdr, andi a 35c Tootb bruali,; 39c regula price 60c; both dutrig May Sale Dazira Face Powder, value $1 .50, anda 60e box $5 of Dazira Talc= Powder, both fr Rainbow Play Bal. the childrea's favorite; 19c SpeUia for the May Sale= DECKER & NE VILLE Phoneo5LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS yï $100 Deposited With the FIRST NATION-AL BANK of Libertyviie1 Ilinois CASH PRIZE for the three best names submitted for the South Lake, by Our ICE CUSTOMERS Ask for Conitest Blanku NOW INTERSTATE, SANtD & GRNýVEL Co. Telenuone 75 m 1 T.oýlie tH. S., -J. s T, '24. Mary," Raid the mistreas oe thé U T.]EL8. 0 J. ., '4. house, when skie discovered dust ou ATHLEIC CANIVAL the tabeý 'I cm "te my naine on ATM'ETICCARhVeLtlils table' The Athietto, CarnAàval hi9d atth 'Yes, Ma'm," repUeti Mary, besm.. high school Auditorium lest Pridé.y night vas a marketi étccessé The lnz, _"I lwayé siti dthore lénothiug whle performance vent Off irnoothly like educatlan.'- the boys shovlng their ably, giace' Teucher: "Nov, chltiren, îf you fUlness anti snapy onk. The Llber, vint ta subtract one thlng frein an- tyville, handi donatet i ts services and other, bath must he of th e "me de- madie the boys go about thelr Péri cri- nomination. You cannot taire tvo ap- anSsa fuli l p a nd vim. Thé Ca=ml. pies frnai four peuches. You must val sitarteti out vith clésthelutlCs, an titsetiree appiça from ftotr apples, shovéti the routine of exercise the andi so an. Do you umderstand r' boys go tbrough ln Gym cinés. Tain- Ute]c.Yz utahr blig flloedwhih mnypeople de-ouldn't you tare three quarts of milk claroet 511ud that of good vaudeville. froin four cows The triplé rail prably veut acro8ol thé blggeut of aIL. Tumblng vas fol- A young mani entéreti a bank anti toveti hy a roostér fght, lu which each addresséd the héati oi thé boan desk: contestanit #taetopuh thé other Off "I'd I iieta négotateo a saui loan, said vlth the Musof i> uliaulder antY. The thé a4orésald yaung min. néit >UàW'm l~the, prograiw-asthé "Gladti taaccommadate," returneti vork eX tbhé pallétl bars, on wbich thé cashier. "What sécurity can yoIi Ma 7dfluit utsuints voré pulleti. Thé givé?" batti roal (goeé1ng nov lu thé "Ten thousand dollars lu Llberty hoxing- gaffé) - adé biht IWlthehébonds," vas théeauver. cravai phd ebmo v8t t Whoiosév e s That's goat secuirty, provideti that purU~tag. ïWCil buing end- you dou't vint toca mueki ou It. Hav d thl.W.P'rfrbncé. Thé mOltiniuch de> you wVit? interpstln of thesé vers thé latdéer "Ton dollar., vas thé modéut an- pyraxai", - aen. ,raoeb roh fr C aiM be hégiven "'Ton dolars!" jaculatét théecash- Mn. r2sdiie"««tb I imtttiwW eforts te te, ,on leu thounusudt" alk b .xv tff ec "TI>an 1 vit." insistétithe for tbé TP».e«Oor lkM't i hlm hrll, ex IM, b Qt glé$5tbut vItiiout more &&a madie out thé tbâ ee4ý ý 1911 for E t thffl los for tai dollars for on. peur with ol otlvga 09mtI -oer *> ý i-'- .ine.t a sixVpr cent Ia client who, d414 noS *OS4 1>51,554gave thénéfor thé toit thouanti dollars Nit 10ve't l - i51OM »b . slnu Lberty DBonds, buts ho vas tur»- i 501 14 Od bOOP b1>551t On thé îng to. wuike uvay, appareutiy quito 'a 815. 4 V., '42 satlsfiéd vith thé transaction, the '~-'~*.- 'cashier calledt ihm * "Toil me vhat's back of this," lie "Thats My gam. urgéti. "Thére's a nigger in thé wood, r And sb t goés. '1C.s tennis courts pile éomevheré. vhena min vants tare fil isiwth loveil 0f this gaine oly ton dllars on ton thauuanti." a irom early morning t talie at night.- "Weil," sali'thé youug man, "lt's Tennis bas grovu lu papularty thip 'Hke this: I've béen to evory baul lu yéar, anti many are tuking Intéréét lu tovu anti 1 cs't get a sase tioposit ithé gaine. box anyvhore undor five dollars a year. - ,7:ý77r r7rl etýý ---p -