sOW e w o k a a o ,t a to m , . C . IUMON SND Y Nq IO L WSI SPEN IDWOMw r BIaOOi vent ta Gur- wi;y ulin; Bia o v.~f*0;_ W.eoeAg; Dati orns ibrfyile usifas an TisCorseatJuiorber sn CwgbWth ssuî, ÜB f2U the sanoeaaffan wa»,vnryScommendabl. iN , 1 N N EI H O n h ee U h rg r fr'eGv e h o ulig h c ~ U I e orCe leo a -Se H ro ld e t o CPitstrstaitc I'llg ta r po t t vhe r tyv and3 0-, or a y r e O oand42a and CMOS1 ee a mafth ecîofifd i gth a Mr ad bl'Seleycugt ieeyeurha "60 m i$va Hoeod'agd mou' freine smokia le an a knvn aS los ho a nve- The h, ixth. eeenth ,aS ndablybuedsulr SLUO Ira sei~ O~ng hroaugh io efrll tean fOW rora gfortadesar re 'rediay. yestlndrygla pursln abR c eune am e oron FOR SAi-Sie», ngl(3indiMioUA re re orth ltws À0de5.tionalD a te ntort tdbxd *8 a"IikgFri, u h o t 'Mer 05 .J Aoe H NoD NtlGHB(reSpeC daai.he nion salttesanofthefa-Sc heerlmybuil sinent i4 th e rniolrl $-ea S t os r ber torenty A .stre th 1p-d i f ortson .,UL20-t atfgale , ondres P1. 0hoxo41J andnt ou acoclielite1lf conversation an agal hotghoetern Je e- Gumie Tupsry. yrtemda lORpraÂtga *-f18-tey wl o u mokiv iitoughct. i vas consie Cait cor- 'ihol. d aryn otanrtaiicu 1T e Ilh ixths ber and aind a e agybuksegen sgoulefol-Frce Ofesly Ps rO'ec OU S__________________________ àstagavIIfte a lar n te_ wlvas efrhteshn a u mn oan eefor ertate, 1 etlg th grsae aea"klng a dung athautoaintage uthe hfoMares 8 oe te leuton e aboe, 5 bateln bus hels OerÎ$31 mli h c he l-tndsvhcb 2it nall eots mbatendaeroi- h fis s hoghhovoo a mp cfthe jld StatosP.brlgAtkGratLaos carln hm arbesno. C&I111 m. ouent.M tipr ot seed. Chprs Joplnsn A.2 NoJ.LO s ~ ~ ~ 'a lorlî am ah 0 h nî Zre I It p t cain et e igar ee w "un- cage ptar, rulig f"fl P rlicba a n s. duc v b r t . lîoAi t-ont. TMailM.formtiodinMg, fg , RounSU. - 1 1. well b -e J.C I eoirg.ouesafmosp respectthe-oain fhbooka la oftheior ovrstoay i fath e i.avi.TeMnslsa of cbersavemont. slu.ony oui oo fverahiotgit! eter Green fmd Johin- O A- -n1181 uel4ens ac -roem~ , leaes pl6bin'he alwt ote cain an-abneWhenluote ebaesomteertb Georg'Te. Xt rnadaid ckngae song h eiay ncred f teh omealne 'or B theil Nato4a Utiobt 1Pe.fOWR *mer'5Pbueltr a rinPM-r be lled. y.c' tit hounestfygo tbrughsieprcea eholc e aliy. I the Rri- 10 shil Cbaren Shtoday. d lt au t atin badsageerlyton.-mentry md IbehtFvil-,balnce ffOeavne. eaItRI-Us JOi1 y oJhN ett iy t atpGouthat i a a'ou- cbauge. hUp stie boysa nd gopa t a~th te nsfi Li n shoy. hi dren $ VI5W. IL P.PMbonoSSR-2. 184- .Ait ge u t baml lan ountis heroabutro e ado ao v dnshryfenm e ecJden rthe ha oi Te e aran flcbn ds tfrty-onelan. slty 'aFgRa ___________ Weil_______ B.__ tteogentleman eigou amophmd m rtpoaroks in torrar eae sas foreroona . f hasi lmCorenmnd Jo dohtelAhlars ko fr eli-r l' eo is tein ob mendbe wia n te base f.ien t e th e r gela.g t ernad p ri o ld a for t court onv e te nva cO et F n t o naIsere ur 10 p M 'An lftO-.Mat14ets M lL d rd .64 ai bis home ln 1h18 village Sun- i Imîy. lads hero. work steadily and alent keepinti homes raies ln Physlology Accot-ditig ta the authorities John- die Grimes. 202 IL Cook Avenus, cpryadas ioetyrd ico, ay21 122Cbs.-.Yotig I wn:; the bumpy ruaeis 1cutid ly. No bookse are seen. but ln their Hee-Swen0 1l 10olln an parSmeo ededa ory" -tislO Iliosl-2-P. ame' Cren la Dtte yard;i [ 1myars. Heaq borte af lettitan.', no, keep the citar ln 'My Mouthl" brains are the mtrasfor several sc<ool. la golng te bave final exem ým*ert BSimpson ednlae ibr va WAIUe, 1-4r frgea ouseI ao, ment the boys learu f0 work with 'rue sovexitb rdea ewveing lhe traitbolS for an fme alwet or vr.Mutp4 o9Enls. 121-L OI ticSd Sophia Schola at Wehkra. hiugs rather ihan books. Thoy ael pl & ae are revi n hrgaa bvugsldldJon rospect Avenue, Lake Bluff, III.21-lt. ___vieil___________ Tlmet Uie tte uy18 b.%resaS nelyi n-tW te snohn htfe a O~ The fItst gradehiearlsonh a oui of $10,000. vhicb the latter MONEY TO L.OAN-on lmprovei Lake t, s ae 0UitdSatsJuy1. I' ia riven fi puppy for Christ.feel and haudie. and somethiag phahet for Rendina. daimfs lhoinvested I lu Okibomi Cotity Parma. In«uire George And- Readers of THE INDEPENDENT vili living in Lake Zuich 111. Latet mas and the git ing ai the puppiah that fhoy cïn mast' ihu a Tbe SîxtIt grille niakInga map nil1 lIs.Siîmpqon, Il Is - arged ers 1t<iRoo 216, Anderen u 5g, LASGE H TST-11 oe teho United Statees.d Mwitou tr yeat-. lu 1887 ho moved to "9' -lien *ver'thing lookaUntgoSats.oprtad t luubrter.whoha LkePOes, 11.Éhte89 2-4- EWSANoiT T LLTH etyvîlbe. chew h e bth larder somnefimos than "Y. The sovonth, grade made four be atedihltsbhee. woh"Lk o-s,11 ~hn 1f hi, iiid. )fi, oif, rîîset-taera a s Te aee, %vic 13wl itaps foeography. Lheon ' The Lib.rtyvila ifdepetid82t l thOý -INE. ii yoa ie tiknwth Parai- Alter well for 'îe'l Tuoaday N My 9.v-bile Sft e, Ii'tîîsthe lutie leodg trnelighted hy .everai windlows. te warm Helen Vagel and Albtert Schloasser Att-Sn1loittel, ~i ,II-ding paper of Lake County.,i lin Tus ardo nie..EasstPark lice' tintali, C mi, on. «hen theoanudcomicriable. At the soutb end baS a guarel t recess. generally bellOVOd that the mtte Cv iuinbsgrel !11 '. ' qur o'win a nc sees the auto nieclianica de-. pîîpfiflttIoSelaMo -dbetn%'otted, but ie allege'E! tIti' el the i1 IIç.d:"Hoe- patoentwiere se. <ai boys a-O day. ___________fi'Iat te è a oth been but-led po la sut-viveS by bis vifetl.iM okn v, ope otauoa- flltet h cîhet Sae n bcaie d. '5, hhMs )? fm iit u tpbtW iles. To e fft situafed' Ith» T eAeor L UIdy a t anhr.Pu ike ol I ora ouse lvit-lug departaient. white The psot t iurd hay Fo-ivas that H nd MoX Lake. and tht-oc sons Bout-y and along the sidbs offilie rOoot re, LJIEUA1N LOUS car lp. vas Stiving sftcki<l itoi- Iliton *Mii of Libertyvillo.anS Chat-les honchet anS lathes. Boyce. IWo' ~keTaea l»Jsuhad White Stains o aiirdwoad. The sheet-metal et tin-smthing Mrs, 'Wm. Bauman wha bhas heeon ig ..i, ip f #M ankrank Martin, vba have' A. mixture o sait oanl live ail1vIl deparinent laet aheIbnorth end anc visifing lier ïd-wihber, -Mirs. Chas.- hit ~ooe hlm te the btter land rrtnio irbîte itaif. lt-oi hat-dwood la nov the buiesf section. A dussen 1liridge, réfurned ta bier haine on PLAN TO MARKET LIVE STOCK 1 ~ ~ .vi ~~~~e~b hurIsrie i ohdonilll tecue »ot dals. hf. e baya lt-rn ., te16 yoars or ago are Lewis avenue. 9wt St.' dr>- spot la covet-eS tbîckly witb sait, workhng busiiy at theit taska. Sine Mrse Chas. Hlodridge . o! Lewis nu~ Rie ~l~ hu-h nfretat St. and.f lien as touch olvt ilt-e ou red at-e Sra"tIug patterns ai thoir pt-avenue visiteS aifile Thos. Grifftn Stitdy of Coutlaand #Mlhiodas "nf 'Pot-i Iametr.aieov,r as the grains NW11 tako up. This lochs, Soine are cutting the fiti. home on Washingtan Street.Md yUieIltaé pr-to 'lndÈ srouttenSl te enig are shaping the fin jtaethe i-Jilro MAe a ament of Agricultuire. . «lads ve nihti ad l th mrtangright farit-,.whie thers are ambi- M. - hi MAe ra, I h Weees Ocuie Wiaa ra,.ibe dlscoloratlcn should ho ht-idi hsmoring teir artcles home. . hcn a cow lingi a caf-retainS ber a.terZbrt-or f ails 're ýWq«m Ocupied Wolle Trin. tioaly hamerita breedartcses lneeueBTeKUnitonceates/)epasciners e tLms odoof oo j."' frttrain wholly occupied by' ule t h itre h .stu a mrepefe shape. George Teesman aiftLevis avenue gTieuî treteiga Dpttm5softli obed h " -3[' toc.We cmthe tiabltt- freI-OI wlped off. If there la SUR 1Roy trace0 For huafructar lu the Separttient. visal tht the A. J. wilî famlly cgou]tU- 8 itkii tdy0 b lth isa ht-oreS ofy alMas- f ite, the applicatin l8 rePeatedo the lads have Mr. George IL onMivaukee toaS. Tuesday even- coite anil toothods o! marketing Uv. a good caif and maks it thmn and roue uB-K" wlllcme it Wrtghlvbo la reatly ntereata ltI&.stock, beglnanfg ut countrty puitsh. The ji,..A be~ Olao I-' t ie chargea anS who la trytag ta Lavis Wall hi building a garage vork la to ho doue imainly ln a numbat-el cafr lic bat gîlu tieemo eth obytlu-l i aemrhoeo radae f selIce rea-as inlm xpottizilira- Dont wait until you have lat a good sum of nmone.yBebaili-it, -~dUegt1 -aillnS IgiMan tut M fr oI-s 'Sportîng 6Oreis 0410.- S yno len? ebÏcôt Tls* 'nue, stock sections of lbe country. Théa plan t ________ "To sport otes oak" la a VltrI boys rangerfront chose iln kaickeer Josph Brackson ta Ming Gbot-ge la ha select arefi-. usuelly coimistinta ns-ikfnfpeae owto e1eo,1:bts18.Lpa u - le ullgnitrfyhu that one las nat et hOtu l ti bockors ta thase tust enterlng the suea oetsjndt fl ue fI 1 1»rMlthunviltors. ,The saylng us-.e-itiM et tisa "long. p=al 'period. Forot- or i Misa Fostot-anS the lughth gradeîuliy ft. hess ad mathodu o «MAu aisl t- ai.uuun i- nl5i ve-ultie5. vuiere th> e t*, tbhet urchollus ceased inbtheltend the "eucatlona autiook" Of the5*uttilg agenciez lateacb fa-ml The plan o ~ <f s taio wads ff he e Ythifldliibi lait tbu9ii4% er and an anter one.,-Me astlir whanf they vr airelutheSixth ot-r a ba oit!hp rldayet tlb.tas enufut-nih ha" Sutifactarj lu- Ointepct- k Wa*gUtoa 4 gb uchool fornation. lTme studY viiil uSe YOI p0ke-QO. i imn aou im do«s le nMade ofk, sud vises iàSerenth grade and do neol viatestre. Pied Johnson and f&MIIY mainly caunat-y bnyers, local sMbigs is wed et"S5Ortetd Il detioes eattisrgo bc for they votild halbig and of Grand at-enue, motored te Cblasocaton, ocMI elevators #andling Tbere at-e may moite ways iu wbh a flw cents worth of "B-K"».~ Il st »ocuate > ~thiifltituant csmareleie tealch u-eosdlaSeinmaesipar. wi rave you inany dollars. You cant aford to be withut it. <i 'té aI ho Seu Dola ta b 14> là- 5iOgae.Charles Matteiofai Telegraph asvriitncshevtlablg , P"Thore are departmnetft. roaS ceslaraedbis alleventh bit-b-n___,l cooar aîean the wse 1 bêlit. o c y 11 t, will neer want to farm withoutlit. Your the cat-potrY aection,' the acta-me- day latit Tridây at luhope. d"_n__ "" >'nw1h hesât& ' chantcs deltartinent, tbe bouse-vit-- À veenie reliât vu etijoyed by à trumber t mati frotte the deperucnnt eighbors te using it andc will tel you wbat it wiil do for Yoei. - luteg *a et asid the' hilln-sulb- , - anom ta the field collectiez data eM o moue lutg deartmeatLàEcb Separtunstb'o ient s ~ t. usje.W. guarntee "B-K" to berarepresentedor erefundedo la constdered a. courue and OtWlt . T» ima ghti grade bain t-e e request- It doea the work that savea you manY doansOr it course lhteleusr seve eke. T1%0thélir bird chart. Il la voriced lu Vatla of assistai $Ir& dcstcttoitacet boys camte e-et-i Mandai, WOdntefuillisl t:anid 'vatar colora. ruiey 'Tb@gratw a raJaset a perobred dmtcs o et elgui t elve. Athough wm o, nirCoppaitiosis. tsaI aue beftter tilt liit dams la &jk Us About It Roy( i K. ow It et day s thfou ti7 ,bor m Gotu bau kforptheUS their byin a rebhelwdm r : - f.o 0set-oral vho aralingt e»'rsnsv garage a"d service station. lais ltlte Sa ibis heno ebêt' ilth o btpopeaon ere tbink of it. pa Heau Tlk No.3.aofthe opportum>teaIlent-naalitte The staqon yl ha an the corner fltp "te yo tepleced.rtin -~ u hevo sd ave10b.IsinoS Those vIsa bat-e been perfect a tilt.HUE B O Evcryday health 01>p OCcaaha1ytiae came:10te chool tendance for lat monlb at-et We-. BPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOVICEI) SCHA ER BRO . Evy' hath"eensofl terni>-but me"ofaIthein are absorbSlua eyBot-ry, Win. Baua=. Luella <Lake Zorich, UIlios the van sand are determined ta WafL La Vet-t Admis. limmof John- 1ýotice lh bereby giron teaail pot-- ltse ertehabits buit moast of a lupon an maie goc<L sou. Auna Koreta iu s. Bouma, sons intorested Ibat thse Prealdoent anS eea aoaois Mdsn icni.jt dttmxEtW active liver. A multitudeof troiN>es The boys tpay have niseil a Howard Waldan, ClIton Wotdan, Board ai Truste..aof tliVillage oaib- Soeal labo rs. Maisu, /iCofflic -t yoar or tvoatafScheel, but this Ennico Johnson, Banna Guantafson. ertyville, Caunty of Lake andStSale aof olcou. BK'. fi' cace'> on h trai of the iman who doosn't maile them slow, mentaliy. Doroîhea Rasmussen,. Wesley Gus- Illinois, harlng at-Set-d the construit- i :-lr. Wrighltemarked thal theY are tafion, Edvl upis n ielen flan ai a local iinprat-Oint cansitig sufera frornmaMCtiVehlver. BoWel uteulck at-nonanS laite te the Gnst5,fson. ai the hmpt-<semenl of Milwaukee wot-k readlly. The Separtmnenl dB ThoBo who iare baS pot-bot Avenue ta saiS, village by Improving wastcs are po)isenou and will quick- tring ta, make the vork as iter- spelling maris for lest montb are and grading the said avenue and Iayiag coq Iybra cow uehalh fflt oo-rsting anS practîcel as possilio 50 unico Johnson, Alle Bauman, on the, roadvay thereaf a PotlandSce a. lybea ow hehathi, o cr-that the lads .ilii came regularly. Hennah GustaiSt, Howard We+tge mont Centiste pavsnenl elght fincites the-, \1 Sme of tein are ait-eaSy pufflag anS Howard Waldan. thci, canstrt-ntg a PottanS ceii ont ItW ltay ouT C-lA lainmore tItan the- ,-oilied autouaf Niessrs wn.PlooS.0 Oison, Spaul- concrete combineS cet-b and guttot-.1 loSi Whee e sluggish hivet is dule tb iterference thofgtiraa. theq.-t-ata ding anS De Young bave purchased construcllng PotlanS centat conu-t li' wih h poet ramamsso o ereinpuélses there. nide la the sheet tuetal SpartTtiOit nplr' blde !Gan riure-fl wit th prpertrasmisin simeve e eesimneus.. Tehepatpatterasorei The -Idrteordrnd d n constcovers, ton cfluetig hee ibBa.tteryater /i no110relief to bu obt.ained >except dthrough skillfuIy 'vet-o Stat . drawit- anS Ihen the et--avenue, epentt Sutida>' vîtb t euS ndconaoctlng. storin ver 50w -5c ,T~ vas baer w r du. t-lad- South Sheridanl Roe.d. catch basins, coneft-ucthng valve man- a&hnnsered chropractîc spinal adjustnients. It isfies oro varieet ouf. 4th ugb ais 11ter Msui. t-t MManafliaaand &couatt-nclSeganSeonnucîlu piesof v wrnthesaneathe s a W.1d8.OnnetyStee ofs n soietirnes the case whe the condition je on of long-pe II vr h anea hs pent Snd wthberpret f cate j ais ith& Elctaiter ic St ti n . slow -o! mredifihîuttiIprojects. Milwiaukeo t-oad. set-y appurtenancos, and otltrwise in- f . .i Tetiampeaflng atIrent bas jleBoutis, Il ihrhuwptong the oraeSvky aisaiS MuIvau- YCfeIîi~.o Standing tbat thee ou stln,. Will b lwin i be Ol lrt ek. jmtutwlI W erRcag an Rele 'ig resuilts, but i otcssresults are -quily rot a. greet doal oai van bas beenMichael Millet- af Laie For-est, kee ~ Afeurtth oth villagea(- accamlilsboS. Mrt: Wright shvvIsiteS eitthe Boulina home on Tel- 00111 fron a Ulne perallel te anS Iwo l saine unels, fin cupe. leundt-y-dIp- erp od iyo 2 etsuhryo hsuhryA a e pot-s anSd tr0 rtcls h -tGteregrab antf-oailofthS.hcao Nrt Sorean o GENEKAL HEALTH ~~~~~~~~lass bas mado, andS aed that cher -Garigton Srtî nS aemîl i 2 blsutol a hosuho-yAiteUe Wahigta trot hvemaeS 1Mrilwaukehe Chaoalt Unhorande vJ ere goad piecea 5 or. 18 Frtanklin at-eetMlvneRaradtalnop-aeivrkOt There la net euough lime tae i-, Sapa -opt-hsSthe tean~d two (2) fot northbrly aiftet-il mm INROVED. OU0fmCC*TS mi iihd tnr n nchatt r.gbl ainS an whgo caseot nr1se-lorilathe Chicago Norths Batteries In s-aected, Tested- a-nd t Fora ubet- ! yeats I siferaSfroinput-psedof iferi adwonSreet mdotglIesn aOlso ratln aallt nSaS ~~ ~ 'a trN u les.icof the boys, but thal vas not te rerodlgteboutse. So-IaSMlaieRUo aiggahliereS ndgethn.ItrieS ooç ' alo hoby fi-y Inliert sud Prankt , Gad(2) foot antbetly af che soutiserîy Wraidl'~ E~ n0 slany h igv itbu nodigestion indsho r ieS ui l hea tes u I le o . a o u , a e visîin g relatives in af the Chicago, M ilw auke & St. Paul e may nigswih oappreciable1oMen -o elkdàd a uie o.ChIcago. Railvay Company ho a lins par-ailtaGnmo n eto ear tgisbeloef are dviaed tetry chîro- /~vsThon he o uid maie htmseli More ,MS.- ito, h bas been et ey- euS tva (2) foot notherlY ai che noir-. «nrtr dI ithRear beatth ferom»dyufa day laiecellent euS hg ln Chic Ia# sturned la Ras- thet-ly rail aiflte Chicaga, Mlwukee p'aci. aunw aytatm gnr ach orhe adsil ~t tlsta hpedmussons for a lait, & st. Peut Railvar Company) and »Il t tchoo aluisetn, iigvotene Josephine Zeve af McAreP t-aed ntrectiug st-set, at-enues, rods'When in trouble eaU Libertyvilie 400 G inV cri ayt ayl xclet n hance st hmme s gieîî pth ng a vas hurt vhite playlng hall and places and caurts as producod f-ont wokr ntewrd lhuhweek. theo'Bide Unqs thereol, theo atdine-nde "'fr A Av theclase.haenetmadpmchS onter of Countr for the Salie batitg on file ta ch. office DL&t 8eluisa~s se rhBureu Statomelit Na. 1314 H. IOM CI lIes o! the boys, tboy have gi Sr et, motred fi) W aukesba. W hs.. aite Village Clet-It of saiS Village, MrIClbU4 the lads so eintet-est ta Scee Saturdar. ad tUe selS Village Itaing -aplied ta 551 NORH MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 1 DR.J. *. ESLN SLEE an ba kot tom u god ur- We at-e husy preparhng- inapi lthte Cannty Court a! Lake C<uuty, 111 DR. J H. ESLIN-aufndtags for avblle. Maeafthi theIle Fait-; Onrt- othr exhibite have nats, for an assesment of the Costa t-I KIDUM are gtigthe Sesiro fa leamre heen tre n ho Seveath gt-eof aid iSimproreeint, ecct-diiig to a, ChP" 8ws f hercorss n t iak ois hohd h e vanh wr, have Itenofils, and an assassit totefor - APPfNDIII o f ci accoss ta lit. voried very.. ard ln clloctng anS, bavta.g beau maSo anS rettitneS ta q TOUR HELTH i ditot-,Mo Bioom. &&a SCourt, the final hoarlng thereonIr '