êed lm IgYoungGreek 18, Wablen fora suffabi Mate Rkgh Now OMO INCOM, G000 LOOK$ wUa yeast a a blonde whs -bona at.? l*,tà te ongac a se s Xc al ood h4*& Mot mb-and. vhge a blonde lu,94ed.& a brunette woId not ho % Ub Ochpailoa, &$asitant manacer mifttu àw*hg tor a vIte a" bho te *t4soaoub et ySa m caSete.. m tat. to date. lie bamt liioe V"11a0acceptable odi decl that m m&« le abhot en Rez&*wtl Wvkl Uyears ouaMd h e. ferc a gIrlAbout he «» anbut a tbIrfhe ovW Or guider Wtei't hoe dotavn ast es tprvdl a" at ommes la it»o city- À awk by brtb. ki(1 bai beonla Aer.OM Opme yb sOeaks farly £èo4 EngOL ansd >i of auin lago" od h&l. -m ai u W- wack e«. hitU*k uikasjet &aud vau being 'hdderla. h. tOld et hi 4,8fr, et baye th* *awpaper helphlm Whoux at ont.ths e rqtor thouilit he tire te have M the obfflr hm»p bé pla vite, ho a... UWde hlm undtt stAndthat sncb vau ont the caae. 0 NIck saya thit be bu. been locai« lon sd ,olaeP= era oua vhom ho wuld 1k.teo a'o hW p1bammreafahiprolûta but te date hutt Atruok ou* that appeeledjo hu*. Têt lwam %ea pot oft'tho dty ho feela rther.', a eart 1 sngfor e~t theo sort cf affoctil n aulwoly goeda ho la Ioled Oco --cf Tis iatM ysoids 1k a bum.ra effort en thq part of Nck but Itbse r ec aucn. Re vautsa awife and os rho lea patcvlar felow hàmacU about .hàm percoual appearanco, habits. ge. h bo els It la bot ara t tmU11-a 1uome cf the perticular Qualifications ho yrubikoe bu VIle te posm. Auy gir lu tc'wn or uar b>' W" Mbaks $ho. tau MI the bll sud vhO M1m Nck. à@ loneoma, in lavit6tet L gt*tg tçacli vith ibe young Gr.sIc 1 h. tor ali's aaid and dous vould I make someody a goed m-te. 1 amn pleaaed.to- ldorm you that 1Ihhem Mr~ pointed by a. Yondorté- Qompany fo (llape, tirirexelu8ivs agenft crloin»eouty,7 t ý sale of thelr flut mortgage 9,Wi Estate Bondc, Ž ps.ying from 8% te 79.,iintcre±.' 1 WiIlbe pleased to heur froma any one deairig to make a gafe inves±oeent. Roy W. Bracher Wimkegau.lint Glbbe and sava Mer ~kmoe ~IN AU: AtPiric.s YTou lWant to Pay ........ 1j 1.y . - --- - - - -- - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - Jane Bides Durig the entire nionth of June, we are ollering speciai prices to the June Bride en a~ co'nplete mi.flt-We also have a handsome useful gift that we give you FREE derig this'month. Corne in and find out what we are going to give you. To you Miss HouSewif, who has been keepn house for smetim, we offer SPE- CIAL PRICES during-this entire month. BLIJMB ERGS-22 'years i Waulegan- -f or« 10w prices. 1 ' 25Conpm ee Bedrooni Suites PlÉced on sale at extremely low prices. They are in arat, nÀhogany, bird 's eye rnaple and ivory. A special 3-pie6e walnut bedroom suite, a regular $120 seller, placed on sale at only $74.95. Othuer sites prioed up t.$M00 * Ae Desîg'iizngRoomgiuite in 1h. ImMet Itahian Walaut, Uilr desigu; site cm- sisfing of oblong tal>kt, extends to 8 foot; à straight and 1 amrn hair; coyereul in tapestry; 'withbuffet to match A regular $225,00 ontlit, for oyy JersSuts Just the thing for mo- toring, outing and vaca- tienWear. Here ' a£ vanied youl'l be deight- ed. Absolutely the big- rst -bargain you ever àwat -this price. Tweed Suits 13 50 Tweeds are fushion's favorites and we've a wonderful array in this sale. They'rr ru seri fitting and box coat sty- les with inverted pleatsf and pinch baeks. Ai are silk lined. Splendd #29.75 'values. S-& Dresses Exquisitc silk frocks in the newest of the new modes. Thev 're in al the popular weavea and eolors and possessaa i'harminoe individualitv. Frocks that sell regu- larly up to $49.75. A --l" Qcnstion. $189.50 Our livumg Roont Furture display is the largest ini Lake couinty and it should bo for Ours is the largest fumniture storeini Lake ôDunty. We have ail grades and styles udteg§ with heds as well as the Koxnfy Settees. Suftes priced $7.0 to$395*uv THE ORiAL*aEhas bèen our lhue .111>i Myears. Every one guwna=teed. See our display. rid from $16.50 '»$eû5.OU Fashionabl e Tailored Suiti Ie're de4rrnn* to clear away every tuiloreul sut in the house and here are unjearmo draue. .Yo cai't omit a tailozed sut from your wardrohe you know ând every faahiMoble woman will welemo àenei pportunity to seenre oe. They're in tricotinea, poiret twil 15, etc.ad anl are zilk lined. Two groupa a25~ Swage New Sport Coats Sumrner eveninga ame ooo and you¶ need qm et these Sport C" »sA tsuai- mer. They're utylishun- deed, and surprisingly lew pricod for clearawDe- i295 They're beatififly taler- ett of swagger mannish eloth, herringboeies, eam- elshair andl twilla. EveTy onê in a reaIly wondednl value at tis price. StuningSpiringWrp Stylish inew wraps su"ces that bouat both indi-vidualdity sud uncommme style distinctioeu. TbsyWeins a, splendid range of fabries in ail wanted colora and niany are in eouIwidere eifects. Bell regularly up to W5, but are 14 two grup for'e1eair&ace t . WondkèfuI New Wagh Frôcke The largQst assriueni -of dA *ity Wask Procks we've yet -shovn. ItS reaUyl an array that 'wilt delight you. They1*.i'i harxning r«tie,ý linens, Ezmis voiles, dotted swissès, etc., in a wouerfulavariety of patterns and al apped.- ing]y fre.§h and erisp. Just the fromks you '11 want to'wear for your eqffmer outings. jarge sizes ' re iineliuded at * 4'to2500 Redetta Pi .JI GIray $1.35, for - Blue à and$ for 8, 12 à $1.2r) for . Guara $1.50 LLOYD'S BABY CARl RIAGE--ýAmeriea's 'beat. 25 styles to choose fronM. $22 *75 te $55%0 25 ÂIJ)4~ZÂR RANGES-Ail white po'ce- lain trun; gags 8mg burn- ers A $*TiO,Uwge for only $*2.00 Pans 2-qt ~ l'ail, Oil m $2.50 at - 4 pkg! for - 1 Che qt 011 3 pkg Blade for Auto $5.00 Spt Do n( coutil goodsç You f ing t] For 100 f 2 Inr 20 f t. in W 200 fi per -A 3 50-1 (nof 2 FUt 2 Ch. for. 8 Kel .2 Fu; 15 ft. ConI~ One , SO< Ir( One, Ty Larni Six f for. Ail I1 displ; n Mu Dl~pla~