CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Jun 1922, p. 14

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Laye Couii" Iepêndn-deP ett4W~éf SIGNO 0Or UTURNING PE8EIY - The Publie Serviee ceompany, 'which suplies elee-' Irrity for lighting and power and gas for fuel tIVotughÔut, ellie great industrial zone extending around Ckgre- r irts that its eontraets inade for additional electrie power Rîieg thxe first four montits of 1922 are far in etcess of .1,11o0e for the same period for 1921. Theâfgurefiin;fact ar -ht- Iargest for any fottr months since the7boon yepar, of Tho saie approxunate figures are noted as the rtoiipany 's contracts for wiring houses. They are nearly 000> per cent above those of January, Fcbruaryv, March and !April, 1921. The industiial district referred to is one of the most remiarkable in the xworld with repect to the nuniber of ;:rnatnfactu ring, plants ini it and the diversification of pro-. dicts. Some of t he plants are iromense employing smnall orrnies of workcrs and dcrnanding electrical energy and gas to the extent in thé first caue of as much as six and sex'en thousand horme power dailv in individital cases and lit the latter to the e\leint of ncearly one million cuibie foet "Oètir mien are out through the district which extends (r'om Waukegau southward through fhe towns tothe west .pf C'hicago, Maywoitd, Meirose Park, Cicero, Clearing, to 1tic Island, Harvey, (Chica go fleights, Jolijet and on the s(tith as far as Kankakce and, Streator, " said au officiai of the Public Servic e onipany. "Tbey sec the operaters ofnany of the plants tiot occasionally but ahinost dailý' andt sowc are enabled to kecp in close touch with the situaâtion. The figures of our new contraeted business are the hest posy-ible indication that the tide has turned and that pros- perity 18 coming back. A year ago there was very little encouragement given us. The owners of the factories were pretty glooîny in a great many cases. It eau he stated flow that even in the instance of plants that are not yet in futit operation, plans are being carried out for an enlarge- nient of productive capacity. There i8 no doubt in my inid that we have not only tuxned the corner with re-,, speet to the revival of industry'ýbut have gone a consider- able distance on the road toi t. Our eompany is calculat- ing on a heavy inercase in both its power and gas busi- nes~s.' LAKEIP OREST 'S WINGED CLOGKRIVALS FLYING- PJG e0F E VANSTr-YONIA-NS Cities Battis Through CtiIcad lliam at exactlly S o'cloc-k everyrav Press 0ler Natural Hitory - -Wen dayligt aavlog tim,, as ln- coteruco vitk Oblcge custom. The Lake Porent la rivallil;Evansth* ppisLtire vai t fthe vlppoorwll Mdl mas lb eomme of naturel hintùr? vend- ipilihU.y ou eczs ulied by tUr ndut ors. ecerdlng to a Chicage PÀaPer. cuitentandi coaseuutly It vW« Dot Thot the vhippeorvllI. fer Ï6 -retr arfl utainght that Lake Parmitvotre the alarm dork et lb. do'wuabOrcit7, nI> to tho tact thâtt h, vbippoorwml basu changed o daylight sayvlgu ime, bd change tat da>llght aa',ing Urne ln eaouàh te rose the ire of anY lor- as qiokland as unootbiy as hiedte ai Eysiitefllfl. Who contend that ther realdents. atitg plg and White iLeck-tled oMI "The houtr et the tileoory belongs cstndatone ln naturel hlstorr ireak te lira. Andrew Russel.wuilet et b amuala. coubtr a urverr ho collait ihe attes- mhe iake shore citiez handy back tien of the îelghbertieed te the pheu- sidforth ln the Chcago presln Iis oenn u at lght. lier Iiuabad steet nanner: wftii vatch ln bond ani exactiy st "But Lakte Forest la standing pot on 9.011 dayllght savlug time theb Mr lia latest dicevery. much te Eaneu started Re eveninti choruS. stemIi chagrn. For the last twelve or "W'. IL Osgoed, crter et onthol- ateen yeara. reshdet ef the fOrth "il ogy ai the 11014 Museumrnsd A N m of -Lake Ferest have been setins theirlrkrër, Lincoln park soo.koeplt. nid4 watches la.lthe summer Urne by-or, st today Ibet they b.d neyer seejs, a tiur- *i'sby-whippoorwilll. vblch. asi lglâtI SeTIIESvhippoox*lgli,but thonk steny viliitestîfy tarteti ts Weil tlioy admit they hayeest ceeu a fijIng kmovu admonitions about apanklng ptg ollbor." Fury of Mates Coëled by - Z, . À - 1 geK_.f.Wordpý Sharp tongue; deluge ofblows; Putîeie; and pair wedded 18 ycars exnbraee. He wauled te be mater ot bIs evit hatl been cerene untl be wvanted te b.. bouge. 1 mater etfte houese hwept. Rer Site vas euttled te hait of the arg- longue vas more than he ceutti cud- ument, se ahe clal2fld. . ire, ho reteliateti. Her mont couvlnclng phrases vae Theu care the clluge ot teers. large >ai tered down ber titroat vlth his temitue -tes. that vers WIPed av.Y. mighty riglt; then Il got lite justice bi. ber daughter-ln-law, ce the court court. vas bld. This brought tlhe soi t tothe 'te vlelder o e ii.wcked rlght aide di the latter. gave hic ne asc John Dupree et An- libe the cours et justIce toek ttc tiocb. cian ied chargesetfaceut rIL. A ew glom dhu.apdlig rda loft andi battery agalut hlm under the th pair tu each othar'c amis. -. namneetfCen, tlà lasald..'hey tati d onfood lu th yak. iîgiteea yecrs they hai liveti te- - 0 lii"rmdcetrconples Wheoe.,Mem& geiher vtthout any argument, ce the? iought. vent ta, court .and approme4et told Jusice Har-vey Ceuison et Wau- the demeusulet lth the proverblal kegla lIte Wednesdaî etterlooli. t."la-P meutnt f, tai Hygene 15 lune à1 4iuuz~ butTCthe1Vlocal bureau wl close a =et narUter op thaf complte reportasca BUREAU rTOCLOSE b ae .th Ormn IN CITYY àM «Me knd ofworlk VilMb. lakb e r Failoeeto Get Appropriation T. oci rgniatonl eej1 Makes Cortinuance of thelr tumîturetL o t . resydopSit- WorkImpsd*meùtMd avamadie ail praprlîtpe Work Imossîbk te <tcotinueacccordlng to Miseel 219 CASES IN ONE YEAR , 1We deaA theacope fte W Tb*eOki' Pretiedtve Bureau, estab- ail 2» case vre bautiiod »y gin Usbeti jo Wxkogaa dur ln 1, viii Oalighbanani li eccept 6Vea. under tdatsa lay US g Mltsa U yeats etfc"e. WtwitMetiC<iiian. local be"i lie la&a fer the future bave am Tbe o eter teo ce foilevs- the fan'. îee compilee& ae et tho interna Depnutt fSe- -W ela BiWu*ie der vhb the bureax Sepataos, te apply for the a=ual av- 1IUM*f«UadtoaU »4 the bU t6m t bae an wd enra. undé et p blic-ela 1 4rs ti sd 18a6esN 10"~eI)eC5I i '4 EA'< I hi Plain Pigurqa-OniP~ric. DAU. bâ" atipe, speclal19,e. utiloN 8 SIRe vomen, baud top«. pj'1ilOb 4, eucdte So. omasîin, lufront and bacx lace àchies. vllite and aea b pdueodt1J0 âiLtC 11081« for one-oua large table et t-d"alu ait.reets u d -a1=4 SPecIallY- Light v*ih-",4 ol .and-. very iow priceti. Conte la bluuly s=d ail Bizes. Châie' o p r lu a vtriety Qt pretty utifle styles in plain wlite4 bite, bre-wüsuacmina: titc. lu ail cIsea, veiy capetlll, priceti. matioe e xcllnt queltY'sateen andi uually seid for muchtm mInluwhite, fiesh and bldek. Great Sale Womie's- Coveral Aporons UMuh iUnder-Priced At$1O Womm'is and Misses' reverali aProns a reistar anti extra sea« lu plain cotera. strlpeoï . oeçki. polka dots, 1gre4 andi -trne effeets. trlnflnd vlvb wth ni ricks-ack bralti anti ppng-relIy yeon- 1.49 afd 1.98 W*W*eceiI. bungalow *a& pi»rcb drfs A"oma lu aha ffects. niCs!? trhal- a"& vltk trllat â i ppng la u ai lore &"d la&A-I MSea. Wonuanti Misses' llpover. tuiedà - - I and btte ayles lu ary. black, sana,. pr*ervl, cerdea. atrican brovn. 9»gran A. benne, tan tu plat* sud tency 29.7 Chlldren'ç Weih- New dreéeéea t rôtiara. geefgeite anti canton crepe. -crepe de Chine. t&lteta. satin. " the neov Chamois huit sud drep titehb ilk ad crepe toIt lu white. blackt, navy ant i ci coor wlth blouisedor iigbb fitttng bedlces and skirts $1 n- 149 - 1.98 ' tbat are sutber aclm ntd cedate or fulil gathered sud bouffant. reltY littie styles for Utheliiddlea Ni- P" ln oerciPes, plaida. Checksansd tv19tmne Cembinallons, vith cshes, nov New DresesFor ëlasec m ~ "Organdie Dresses -M' M2.98 1n,bwFneSaks, rgand'i£ès A apecic transaction - prevides thése ergandle dresses lu white, erchiti, flah. Gïn ham& Oýga diemal"e Mdticopen te ail aete 14 Iltrou Theme groupe ne stylla t apper" dresse* a thîrd te a >alt ott. reprseeus cmetrïted effort te iueot th~ de- menti for lover prlcos andtit thlb sanie tInte Sale Children s- malatain ta Bgh qualty an ud idatiitneLO et lndividualip doagàed aPpareoselu paPlate whte anti ail Colora..C a s u r p Womm's Imported Gingham Dremees 4j"Miliugtbe demanudceoft he ses by blng sipl.,tastettil and prettlyChdra ea.casanira l tle.tesdrsses answer lb.he iend fauraday. bolag ntgraceeully apprepriate flrnaotsCpea"wp i and becomînu. te ait colort'antisstes. Oft tor fneIrperted sinihasns. llgbt anti dcrk u aiIsesud in ,manY tory becontlng anti exclusive 00 istyles iddy - éSWomeis Wash.SkiW tsI$1.49t 29 Specially Priced 8l~ S "Sft Reduced-to $795 - 141* Zm laras ie an d ail cotera et a gréat umvlag. vhite. bIse, groom antibroM, .te plai asd tors" i p bettema. Wom. 'sNew-.'- And-Coj Sale ot Children's- -ThSs tbree aawrtmta o luet&. y beautti mSmery styles lu voiles, or- gamibes .Abd dimttea. Corsets &pvited at "32 -Boeu front ami baci lacoti stylen lual bis.ý, plain sud brocatel lu R tiea Flue Beaded Waists, Special at $U.5 -T'b*e xelusiimue et tibe bauiseuse crottions la gîlto se appmeag as thplr beauty anti style. ~lla.t-ad-Cuifs omens PureSiIk Hose, at $IL% - 4 -~Wmofft.11k zbere, werh a Ilrd mSe, lu janey anti plain bluet, cordavan, navy 1nornsusi os, 'a1 ~ &t $10itO-uem. gre yete"a ant i lamr or lac. viii rund andi situr. ecir as Wei eil a r suda"cuIt stet»orgigt«", ortantles, vyies n., ti-pitinos ýlm wvbtt sud colora £1$1.50 Ibere are net antilac* ,reste«. Muslin &Crepe Straw Hats -Nlght GOWIM- & 1.40 Chemise $1 & .4k, -Peiticoatv Chiltiie'saail andi large, shapot etraw lau e4, navy. black, brevu andtiô nt-r atai, attrtlvely priceti.B O ii r cIil.e~sRed Hatà 198 to 3.98 Ile e alarge seleetien oe tra1Md ZatI bats lua npystyles, plain sudtfan# 14 lb. midi asked for reti. WauiibIe Pique Hats Obiuleus vashable pique bats "àt boiata 1 pDlin or embroidered t léO~ roduceti ti 1919. ' DoWePae-Sw 40 mweos S"1" S" 1dab 'Pu*.dA, RwJe ana .Cd"., Wome's sud Misses' dalnly envelope cbe*alae. aîgbt gevua, bloomers, pet- Utoesin »1a vblNteflash, orange sud orchlti w an i éta lcely trIrmed. Wonen2'e sd Isses' 11 cmbsoles la vblte anud fleui le a large assortment et novi styles lua il aises. ~eqlsiyIIr a ect t a cerrepon- 0ie large -tablae miaslias of Sak chembs e blht«;s, ih. qOmg**, cy, or- wk*te sd eoiqmg :aa d mt est»a nd - sInu t * uaob, a si% iii la-id erchiti, as t'i oait .Ieoaly prtéedti al whitte, black an&i clers, lu .11k topa and i cli bre m11k, lnuail aisec, ÇBundreds of New Models Are Here lIn 'r~ x i ~- r lleiats you vaut a spe beautitul -capes vtt1~ île tecci bandeoul "wt'agpy" aflatmal dwapS4.beanty et lb. o~'4, il h m r b o e t b e s e ob% Wit a t lhth# - 2' Mu blc 'on as bc gi Zn thi v ai jr Pl el , ý'î

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