CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Jun 1922, p. 7

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murI-'je wanuw>N TBU IDÂY. lUNE 2, 1922. lii j¶¶~ti Mmndmy, vWeo tbey viii make tbofr jf p>'~tfVulats b b.0"i lna Invth prepared be * «R futuIre home. j JIA ~t~Jt oi. MIla -- an 5beon deter- <J Th' hox ~ lat5aUi5~ nttred troai tattlflEagardon by the M&WI' v or, "«t Otu . tht ii.U Iibor lho 1K diroctd to Perfarr n u i u n e r W e l tt e d * al h o t h h eg a rd e n u i ItO k s s nd p e rio d ic a is. A l'n WA PU R crd vas lcm au lsrpeas vo wlahed II51.1v14AsIo It 10 ho. il wuS TvierOienW5L -a OUY A spaded depth Of tho eti Ambdyejoye4 tiiOlpOlvél lOf ly. Î 1y tnomenu'necessary in prepar- As m ïout il Bon; iwtai'Gt rli.t? IjAqSIO ing the oi. If one foot Is wel Igvtrbody la expected 10 attend the spaded, unieus thoro le a dlay sub- 5eflactmen5t oO Oour public 0 oilwbere deeper digging is neces- -COntraoWo Who Installe Deep ,b5'aT&umy4s evowuget I'l ock, Paper Sayvs Voliva Yields Noth- sary tao show for Crainagu- Cour wu indoi Con-lmat t @I gatn- ing to [oye on The Spirit lrtzer6îusfd, oo egtetablukv l b4urF ~IWatm. ln titis township. À gond pregram Wold Knowledge aie growu. It finit ü ont'n;,nt ta prepared, and overyofle lo cordally gardon gets dug as deeluly ,,. on That s recelvor lie mppointed ta int@ The devil gays the Chilcago jour- footela tis entlrety. ln ordin it> A ruthe Northi Chicago vater works The choir vil met Wridm evening namiof Commerce, l8 an lnt0reBUtng g00d so, a foont dePtb isibi ( ni'lPerr: and tbat thie Ciyof Northi Chicago ai the cburch snd the. Boy Ocont-a Bat- character, and lie la the saune de-vil -Fow vegelýabi seud Ibeiroo_ A.N ho coenpefled to )ive u ta certain ,rday évening atheo hall. NexI Sunl- Dwu liat ho as ln lte Old Tresta- furthurcdovn that a foot lu si-i. (.î court prTvilonn of ita conutraci. ise1the de- daython Wl» ho no0tanheYV traiinlg ment. of food, sud thon oniy wvite' h cUtoi mand made by William H. Cater Iluam (for k»WUronS1). but Bsn- ,Overseer Vliva," gays Ihat paper» upper oui laso impovorisbed il i,, ta du & b'fe »«12 pefomane- lld dy Ohol a 109 t 1:30a.M. vbo ylelds nothkog toi sirAthur for thom ta do an. Ma- blind Ini eih"& 'ort '"idYiby Lly. ml, sondai eveniit, .1e04tÎ. aieight MI ~sei<promne io a oola se t1:0a . Cons= iOYie lu kwbedig et what la ,,, buried, o deeDly that the coZI PriyMktformr ciy atorne of 'clok. tere M 1»Unio di g o tespirit vorld, reportestherente are neyer le)Y ta oca, b If serve .Nrth Chicag o.rm e r lty atrey fo'lcktitr ii at 'i iry- t dovil a constant 5*1501te0 frcim hiedons littie good gave ta lu ni8h lPorec Nth Celcag olo i th qesle atrthe churhe, at Vl" htiUw vo viii havre relsnln realu a. m 10buSison-hum s ud ret atoistitre. Manure way Gork rclv]rcnut e viterty oor baving lie Prre eosut1,sasys Voiva, dirocting suicides ievC051000f Ii 1s. Ma fi udrwsadcimvos a* eould lie 70G r,-ly amd inely 1in- forn mvOra unt efaucltmeand p I l crimes tte*05-copraed 9011 tali 0do the er pi oa nope t effiCleima proi- Out1 andjigive Our mighbtO in ossiY acceptecd by tlice, vitolhe- estive the omprntatioCa e am e-cuurch a Ii.arty w*ZOD3. We asoIl e. ina porsonai and active ui rmostgond and bocomne quickl impc, ceveti. opesalo de halt oe than Prairie itev '*01 corne ont The satan o! lie Old Testament la avallabie. Spnlnklung commercial uit under the agroeement rzrttlyoe.h utfc or ItleI.relmtatdlunthe bil l tatal-Infoi] force. Lt us f111 the main tGo devil oi the Ne-w Testameht, andfetlertiy oa h sfaecu &Oug th cotrat hn ben un-audtorium aî buait. W@ eam do)it If sud lateresting character 'from lte and 1"Coin15thent la gives te iants the tiogh 11e comtrt ba enrhau- utrearliesl limes. the quickesîgravtli. as gardener eacto nevg recetved a dollar for iustaii- UecOcsns±iouDy vas obser'rod as "Our filons of HeiN and t1he dovil nov mcvw. If Ibis fertilizer were ciue, Ing thepletand i»mi.. the4001 usual, Goe day vas brigt and Vieasent, corne more train Mltain 'Paradise burled asamanure otten lis, il would bot, vola -froiâ wich North Chica0 but a trifle hot. Thore lyas a ygood Lent' ihan fronth11e Bible. althaugit le valuieleas- d la receiviag le source of vater. trmant. The chuiec uvasry con- bIs sources of Information vere the Dont le discourageut by rec- TI Mucli Money la Du. fortably xced. Thie ebudrea bail a Sripitures. But Milton elaborated ions te trench tlie soi. Il isut t bs Under the terme o!f1the are--fev gond 8esetcIOns5and th1e adifross poetioslly mn da o fui uail uecessary lu au ordinary gai te'>. quet ment boivoon Caler and 1the Ci by Dr. W. 8, Campbiel vas very i t-1Our great religions autbority- The iizperlments rit rose grnwer'. nat ie ine-devil vas an angol vho sinned and clofIbt t3hbl enioii-iudu a Goe former la ta recelve 9 centsstin«g snd enjoyed by al. Ho gave ajvscstt0 lave m eu ibridteatroes raati-> nardoes ha milrlousgalln galionsParuiteta in fresOWof te 1315017 f4 tecanme o clon tbell', 1the texI han Il; tite ont go more than a fooit dos-i, and Must milIongalonsdali.Forwatr l frce o!113 voldfroi 13e imeo!gond place alvays being di, sud te l as tee'>show'>fit'.. Oit-' ln oxcetsu o! a million gallons 1the city 1the civil var t0 date. Hia expianatian bad onue dovu. :roi w-.. .eparedi to! . . diii romt la 10psy cens pe thua'> gai- usvery gond, andl 1e brougbt ouI *The devîl lealways aubordinat t lu uuualv a; v-eh rsF-9 ! . i Ions.,Banme very logcal points for us a Con- Got. His limite are set. His indus- Ie crhds odtJt --- i, ury From February I1 taMay i the- Eider. We vere very mucb pleased ta permitted ta use nviolence On os. )' three lt-et rmsnuril -ut1A :i.veu in v Cty cansumed 85207.706 gallons o! bave had villi us Ibree G. A. R. len. The Bible Isexphicit ounIis point. a , g a(ld til eto 10110. u vater. On Iis the clty derived namelY P. Mowers, wbo used tat live So we fiud hie mantanc majesty ai- rite min idea 10 Li, Ai . , -msixt3 froni consuittera a revenue upon ai HaIl Day; Mr (ircillt anti Mr- asys lu the unIe o! a sniooth, adroitcoi oaiy îventy-flve per- cent nif1the ta- Iorearuus. Mr. Churchill readuth1e sud maliciaus temptor, ever seekIngt eatuug the jpait i . 1h couut la mon-Honor Rolsnd niade sanu e iery lfting 10 seduce us fr0oni passons, our il,. ig I i 5tiE -t. ti. coati A total o! $82i) v-as collecteil by rt-markrs as t0aliow beautiul 1the cerne-. avarice, our ambition, sud ail Our 1 s ihu- uV/ the cil> foi wwetr u"eu. Of tiis teties and the- graves of Iheir oid cen-. weaknesses lu order finally ta cap-: uui îrmuurrl'ia autOt Li $7763 vas spoot for the cout of op- rades art eltup After the services ture us and add la the population nuofli';:-tt ctuol1u TI"y - ýi,(ilii- th4 eratian. Caters 13bill for te quarter te ciiltiron marcbed 1taite cemeler>' Hell.We per2onl'v hinmai thp sutho' '0ici teronI Of tii-' itS r, E'm, i eU was$725.Theamuntof onY ad ecoate tent-o gave ltièe ait1 m. scr'uef lu our lîves. but we- 'li' Pdtual. Con oleti ytect atrddt-.. bave divineasesurance ihat if we re- cide coheceutbyîle-Iy. llr ddu inug twenty G. A. R. men snd onelmisl lits wcked tempuations le mus. ,: T ing t1e operaîltig expenbs, lacked uavY surgeon, Dr. Evereît E. Tracy,. 'tee fraim us.,,n Il Js charged that ea iniilar conidi- After thte graves were decoraled,. the PEAS OLO AND ?SNEW n lion previaiod duringe lit revinus congregatlon sang "Amrica."ani1e Eui u'1-c-utinru n IT fI UEZ N quarte r.e ad. boidiction vas sald hy Rov. Keitbmhn. gardcui peu-fromntîih o ailet-t- Moe hags ad. Mac Mason rendereil tva beautîfm Th am p,"i aorri' l, U~ ~ Eter The 111 -hags alan litai coder jcornet solos. Mrs. Mason playesih13e ' ie "Perd "nisutni.l'ofatoictN If[j Aly the commtra hîe tlty la Io supply 1piano sconipanîment. At 1te clOslDg trnu wluucl- s salu taunhave 'S n n lu Caler witb daît> raietr rcadinge so ofthule services laps vas souinded by derivi-ut rorn the- ancu'ent Greel i riy Peel thatli1e cao checck oit tti- eanorit of McKley Mason. 5et1the cemetery. on is itan itatv writien lui Il' valer useul. ?ie city declinest The Petersan andl Coo familles ený Greeksaimes Peson-lu oether wordstReidnS of Zion Petition The do Iis, il us chairgi'd, urning Ove etiedciaocmpa uDcra l eelbeo is 'î n tut Ren the daîly report.,;lunbunichea ai E terlindyhcagdld ms.ernn e cbro-e vgeabeofvere inlnhi ourt toi Enpon Off icers a lin da; g didMrs Emet Shroc1, atural hstory gasys ftlat pt-as e dozen or more ai s lime. der. l.-wo2000 years befor- Christ. From Enforcing It Itl l chrged zurther Ihat the clty does nal aprait, the plant efficient- On June Sîli our pastor Rev. R. R . Il'] ilt - Aryana vet-rel sor4- ly-tbat lucortipeîte suad lneficieot Keithabu, viii hoe ordataed aI the Hali te f t- Introduction toniFu- persans are employedtri tuh1e Opera- DaY citurch. 1 underaland 1the Cuficl-nît-Antony snd 'leopatra. o n- 1 0An attack ou lie coustilutionaslity tio ! o lnt t t ee u 13eatenan n10iei- dvucçe o1t helr physician. ate çuu-o ni the Al-Tob9acco ordinauce lu ZiOn The ddiiona chrge a mde uar eremny HI tke lacein he oy edicnaldpos1e ngoraest n-court laie tls alternoon by Foi-ris that suitable ailusent balag; used Oeveut'l aI 8 ociocl. This viilicoa at-di ciasideri-Potegrtsud an- Brow nd lu b. bih fleyd la.crcui on Goe motars anti pompeand sudCt,--. vrî ipressive service andl some able t iq'.ttin tah1e vegetable garden BUl'meyer, isba daim ta rePresent Mi feas be wll 3erune iakes ra Cicao udoter Th.- sm ooth see.Cd peau z-e 1te 50 alter residenla of Zion. The fouira hey wil lie runed E,,-aktrs romi Chcago an allieront-i ý.:'ut Ir. lar th~e yarliost nf ailCiyo onlmaedfdntn Water le Pot ursi. liurcea v ill ho prssetBrt Smanai l a., S 0'tIE, v-Il ery 11e veatherciioZinlmdo efdntu Thatth11e city a.' ; aib..igéto sud C. J. Herschbborer ar e Wrelire- -I iunerboill.n be duuoped u :ý, -.uàck o.'.' ent aur church t the- Couadli moot- wet and coid vhlch rot the wriaî- Tho charge i o al ande ar viater works......A ,si u a - g.The Lýadies' M ill iserve lunch-.1I dvarlolles. The smoth rsedait!dinance ia acnttliulsdi 'ta 3e sre m piét t 13eGen. loi otwbic Ajsîs nti eudm:rely ta bamm sas baso alai causes Il 1. s.-1.'u <iI osradpak auoltei. varleties o c lsaadMaddul eâoeor use tObacco lanim the vater r,à-<.o.t zotu wiicl. S. are typiosi. ladk the sveetness gre otber terni. Numorous ar170515 by City geI.u il-S J;- .tej'5tt-..'. EAT A CARROT A DAY of 1te uwinkled klnds. but are pr- hav beon made sud fines haie bien sir h.îîî tht- mu- . , r.rg u '.1e developmet hlo! vogetable duel lillc anti fine if gatbered vhen admWtnltreti but vhen lie cases tii andi Mat i esui m u a>investigaton ln urban commullies bas beau ie- youug. if alloweil 10 approacli niamar appealeti ta the circuit court au h> te of ni tait'>, as il rnarkable sret- the close of the vau-, turlîy they ]oeC Ibir flavor. - they are dtsniiesedl before liy ou Ea ta chargi a t!*1- a ceal menace lis grovîl udatag tnrn 1the vide- Select thc richest.nieliowest anti came ui toi- trial. Upvmi-ds af 75 co- toate hkitlh :epublc. epread propugauda sud tGo neccssily 'nost nuielure :etainittg setdut Ofo!casertiave been disposed oa!u lu bs e Ftk cUr.form Rate. of tratninghuorne faod during the yaur gzrden. ulthough sogglaese manne:,fIl la charged- AI lie pros- ion i lalu opliutd -n thitibll filat sîreaful days o!f11e grsait combat. should 1e uvoded for the pea, patcIÎ7eut Ilim more Ibun ftly Cases of!u under t1e presi"'i rates te e.i.age A number of vegetabler. treS u tn let il have ail lie soit thero Ibis nature are pouding. lon Consumer- psa ate ni 3b cents graow. Younlg, bave becoi-eutde la, Tfiorolage of 1the peut vil Te lcurt15sakedtatoenjoint Gean pert Gaussodài gu.. ts hbre lm a of tve-day cousumption llu Ile mur- qieafotwtOt(ýIae iyo iniamnocn h e-_ gradate srie.- vhieb providea kets a! ail lavas of 10,000 Or ianre. standqola mtwbOtu-ag.cyo!Zofrmefcîtthms-A for a lover rate ur te larger con- One of Oie nevcomers la13e'uu u the blasmanI nt.Illa at. Toc uit s enyAlnyu been founti that pt-as do uo* take A. .tsuie.t suteus ue ctris arepying cari-t viIh itla green, teruy.,leaves, _________ decorathelicoresareg . indiy ta î:esh stable mnu.'. go-.Pa bol 19 cents :-r thurand galions. 113rtngte show windows liezmpta- e t give tem voîll rotied 0 0 000i00 0 0a As a niQue. ou ýart. accoiding ~ tigi>. 113 bll l t..î, tu clyImni2/ Five yeera aga youag carrots veto fertillzor- The ltrogen Inoculation. cir -2t2e-tathebl.i ýter ityustrinalosarrîylthevitrnonh-n e culture for which is soit uIt-sp- MIL L B U R M m i 1. a 1ccýspe hos gl tn at Ielnvashair altfrly 1y nearly ail dealers, helps to 000 00OOOO 00000000O0O -stI 10 î'p 13 wtt- m 13efatai-Ieat. Head lettuco sud lomataca give themt-m he speedy. tender 'IsJutBthri alui lecs. oenaiu l ai 1 iohave joiued 1the every-day-ia.Ibe-yeai- growth eeaentil'u Ioth îe Productiotutu Jhn - - asAusyfi I-ir Recinmncatin m mdeta heclanse lutht- markels vhereonoly a ni a bountifui crop. putsent writing.e court 1135 .u uuiorni fiaI rate o! few yeara ago tbey vero unluaon inst gardenera make the- mialake aGeorge Crockeuî, Dr. and tIls. Weise e 33 cent-, b.- mode un ait l onsie.5s during 11e' mitiinler meuthe. Ail o! pianling peut-ac00 tbickiy-te ad Miss Jetsut' Cannon o! Chiîcago de big antI lit: '- . s.i Mens o! plac- ibIsis l 10ta1te greal benefit 'o! tht- oid-taehioneti way. Au inch spart matai-edut nuSnday and vîitet 1Mr. ing the- hua: - t. a îîay ng baste. A!- national healîli. vili give lusîler vines vîit a cou-rt--sud Mca. E, . NCaînuou. returuiilgta 1 îerward Il - - îianned 10 reduce tht- The cari-atlias btcame indisfiens- spoudlag heavior yleld. The depth the city Monday evenlug. n flat rate ta 25 cents a thousauti. able. bath eaI_-. - 2:veeetsbL- e 10.te1plant slisoti13le regiLltdaed by tht- lIty- F0015 tntetOiSfld campaflY Il. The prOpoýe.Ii change-5o v.! nitaffect antinluils malured teoimas5a tavof'- cuallty o!f11e soi] anti tht- aire oftram Chicagl'ti t weekoo. ,' um the sttali ,ins>u--ns.lui wilt inakt- ing for soupa. slows andkiludredth 1e stet. Tht- ightor 1the sailI,te Sunday. dune 4, 1a Memarlal day te the bg conu-mu'rE 0ou satt-t psy dishes. idot-pt-r tht- peausa ao'ld ho plantet, for the M. W. A. anut R. N. A. tu more. . The carri-C nlils vil taletai a na- vhile au inclila1the tirmit lu bt-se> Decoration des waa obgerveil by the-It Th- 'ou.u il i> e- - argei. ce- ilve o! Europe, Asia and th1e BritisitClay sali. Tva ta Iliret luches or communiîy at MlillburiL coelery. v iuýs-u l. o %iake 'z> acj~ustmt in juolaes. Ilf was develapeti as a voge- diuariiy la a gond depîli. aithougli Mre. Nete Ber don o! Washington, Ir te watt-r tale :.0 re-tef mult conit table. originally ln Hollanti. When ln ighter saliasoanme gardent-r' D. C., is visitint- lier alter, Mrs. Don- w irouithe curIl Etaiite Virginia coonuy vas being planled plant as; deeply as ive Iacites. lit-- man. c ________________ in tht- United-ta îtes te carri-I leving tat the dot-pt-r planint 1Mr. and Mrs. Adams motoreil out 00o00000o0oo0o ()o00o0000oo0omort-t acrose ftromnHollaud 10a tlie gligaco- -n -npoog .sdvatdtt ts place in Engliahlic'lnary affairsatht- at-asoo! eiug. fn roons rainiChicagto hutidayadut i h 0 H A L F D A Y O sud Qut-en Elizabeth samitiet il. Ah.rere f ni at d Ertpt-as -'mv. E. A. Mai-in familY. 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 Hawever, the Fre-nch erethebtex- Araeobitd r:Cfod ac isueigtana pert gardeners la develop al1the fiue itg 10 a leiglil o! about tIret-te et lfodPrel stelgf-r Tht- Vernonu Cet-tttry Association carnettes o! carrats, sud Ihei- remalnu contains sonie tht-fltst quaii tOn.assudtluisn. atd tboa os met aI tht- Town Hall Thursday o a st 1the motois o! thet ribt-. Il la a vege- S samyeDd.vM. ped Tht-se br.- ou laiat-tilu veel, and lil vas decide ta have s table t0 1e put lu as Battu as tle bt-en growo witbnul supports in i5 .M.Whiui ellgbras basar ut anc aIHt-it-a Pvilongrountdn ert v orlet, sud plauteti muulithe sasme usunnor as 1the troet-eti-thie veek,. w ose busband, WiII on 1the eveing o! Jue 711. A large Et intercala for a contianu rpo iaf.bttreisIa rvtaec il uuola.M- tirl crovd la expectot ta attend. and a Yongu carroIe. It needa la gm-av te teet or more un ht-taIt do niot-tbt-t- better. U royal goodt ime anticipated. The aeue- perfectian, a. light, friable raili, but t-r aud give a tnt-r yield wlaen F. E. Bovute'>i 'omnet tramn Settl ciaio lu40g ondvol.vhlb ouisn't vtry parlicular. being a masrtsut- givo'> supportutoa' whidl ta cimb. lest veel aad stut-tt a short time vith vli havladit igondyourt- ahich it- <oniadatiug i-tgetabl. vwhlch wyl do tht- nrrow widtit chieken wirl-e. ie-iscousins heu-e, etrintaug 0Wash- cem he taamturing 113e er tiotheayils dty aimat anywhei-e. log Ideal for thePiti- ooe. ington, D. C. cemetery during tThe i-oato dY T e rrol set-t germinales mroll Plant n double rowa anti aitaw Misa Margaret Wlnter bas relurned services. <t! you veren't you aughl mare lowly than oîber early Nege- tromn eiglieeo licles 10aIliret- foi-ta10li-rhomo in JtosecraIIs. ta have bt-on lu ardor ta 1e a trime tables, taling from Ibret- veols la 0.- belweon tht- murs, depentilue upor Chllren'a Bey willNlio observet ou patrint.) Tht- cemt-atltiy. tare aay, lusmntsifour lusarnie cases. Itlausbtst t113eligitoth le pt-aantid vitler Suntay. June 11,ut;ifte Miliburra Con- lt-pt as ueatly as any lun1the surnount- ta plant letttde ni- radîshos vilI ltte il ta givon brusit or vire tîpon gregatIonal churci' Iug country sud much le tue 1the failli- cari-nI set-t, sud Ihese vili 1e reatiy liicb 10 itb. Theo hait dwarfr., The Ladie§' Aid Societyy ' l give an ful cai-olaler. Mr. Holstein, w-ebno1ta pull anti harveal by 11e time thé If allove ot10gi-ow prostrate. vîllice10edut social Thurtay evening. vemy parliculuI- thal il should stand cari-at 5e-dtla breaking thi-ougit. Tht-y needti ht- vititlrEiws.Iflau realiy June 8th. ' . Inspection. ai-o usetul, alun, 10 mai-I the i-ow for ecotno!o spart- un give tht-a up- 1>Mr. ansi Mn. J. S. Deumnan matou-et Mm-. J. G. Cook lad ht-en plannlig purposes of cultlvation. pr.t hcg rdy te les-vo tiis -wee tai- a three menh' Tht-y sioulti ho sovu abotut lat aun poittae Chicagif AeicnWo- Mr.Ruta~i sono ItilehadveeptutnAdi-rid'> WO-taMa. RuI sutaOchteshcaga are trip ta Calforiia. but we ai-O riY sphort-pn t h inw ui 0th aluce der are poputar ando rine types spenting sorne funie wth h leu.ler-m-- gîad that sell aaly tecite et tIalgo, sati iei-W uln h- a-o h-e i daut posa growiug a îaw, Mca. Pooks. auet aelots o!f-e-nik piannoti foc lubishansd lettuce piant-i with them o IsWbisave nicno afr amS saiyalnaial p--om ii oo t b18 !riche, wilt- taxtoulen. Decoratton Miril ulservices at tht- -slilCtt atsmaicaho planît-t illerwaastoc -a1.- 11- .1. -o Mliuu ereto->vrefie J A - I alunby niakig bis fata a atuth moi- DOEP U NSbas bt-tn luerotoiore. TRial 113h vilI STÀtRS PlV5OIf hve osne infiuence lu pi-ovng agri- ~~IU S ATES A l!. 1turat conditilons. csf bartiy ite doo bld IIVrU For the ateu tgo tivllor ln s lova SiMURIN ~CLASH lor ciati It as great etucational possi- iltîtes-as t ii-h-s to hlMmumsic and STATUS 0F A] FOREST 105? - 'iticdas i. 1I -uttaIt e voulti nver- irt Denies Motion of State ollt-cw'- ge- Nor muaI il's speclal Bill is Filèd in Court WhIO Wl to R elease Blindpigger church IitM ateeTome Institutiond Under Pauper Act. tht-eehsapaver for goad in tit ai More Public spîritet clash belvoenJudgo 1the future viti bring t a sditticult A change lun1the statua of t"h ry L, Paruaus andi States Attorney te teterine vltb certaluty. btl Iat Alice Home Hospital in Ls,&X ooe Vu. Smalit occOanutinlucnunty ibis systeni vilI have tar-reachlag so- lu coutempiated iun a bill*1.4 i j« rt 1h18 morning wbou tht- prose- didi anti ecouomlc resmlts usa bayent! cuit court at Waukegsn Iodai byu )r filet a motion asling th3e court question.-William H. Eaiton, Ph. D., îiiree truistees o!11the lglu[ isme Frasnk Leooard, convîcît-t in Foi-boa Magazine.- Deleran Smthl, GiSce ftrveil&* LdplgerofWautegn forntpeGan sud AnIur D. îlvaa .ty jail vbore 13e aireody bas tyolaePrs-e rd a sentence of 12 0 tays. Juulge BO IDN l - st un 1the bill. ans dealot the motion sutlu InLIa BOY11 he b reateslIa un rcensurd 1te States Attrney aswç,a tartet vltb an edawmott f0* 0 nt haviag recatumendet. a llght- 1$11 l WI1 5,000 fi-rn Mrs. Henry Ciai16 penalty bofore the sentence vas L54,d I .. tma4 ut Th bqes8ai -Mla used. hoapîlal 13e narnosifon honý. vasu plain te ho seen Ihat 1t3e V IIIU l~ mIAlice Burtsal Burbans. Shf t vas aroused hi 1the requesI af D""U S $0,0K let that 1the Intitutin bu s prooeulor n d tho lattervasu ,the tii-oct supervision of Lake, iiiy roile o t ial Ibal bis i-e- Pbi ecc -DfnatetUniversity. Thtis vas oice i~è ot vas Ignored. The argument'Pbi ecc o eedn et88 uet-e3 tva hocame' qulte beat- In Action Started by On April 17. 1907 MM J EtT lieoutomevastht 13e our i George Hagen. ýDurant loft the oiuahl. rhe utcoe wa tha thecour 1 An addition waa built la 1918. l-nîey retuset ta girnt13e i-e- 1Claimlng that te boy vas riPPlt-d, At 1te presenI lime lier. l8u&,a ut o! 1the states attorney laei-e-1 rog aighsbnebrejtgludprtn ftehiv sLeonard untul the- sentence bas i1bog aigbsbnabrnttgastpiltn !G m completet an d lntormod hlm wben ht- seizet bout o! an ele clr c Ilalat at is lau nd r et 0 tuc e "à ýtIf th3e prîsouer ie relesset r vire vhile ciimbing a trot- near us'înlienie opta.AcofrI t came as tht- resulI of a pardon h ome a year ago, Ht-i-oan Hagen, bas bàotheit anti alArcote m the govornor. ,falbe- o! George i-agen o! Northt Cl a enhl n i ate cage,,lits tiledt-u lrougb Attorney jcornet haie teciie t liaI lite Lenard vas tount guilty by a Beaublen. t- suii foi' $10.000i ugainst couit lie contuctet more econox- Y etDecember. o! eelllnglqunitht- Publuic Service cnmpauy. y anti mare offîcietnli if Il-t violation ofth11e prohibition law. - lve es -o II h .»-tnter or- managemnew.n'. r t-i- sons senteneet hlm te serve cItnleui a u ir '.. tth Ie blireas on the loalt ut ualLdI ty tiays un jalu on ecdio! thet- wo c i pas ;ity o!pt undof.a int. H aie ine h $20 nure' tnul a s.uiloirecut-t im. Ht'L, îurîng lime cnntrny o!flthe hos lit. H ai-a ot-i hm $50 -ot bands w-ret erile hurneti anti thmeovr101eHaptlAocs i' s on eaet o! tle r un15. The' c luin) u tirs 1î(, aperînaneoî>' ai-- aer teleHotal e mi latto-'id .5s ho tht- iat-e enuot'ntt-d te $55.40, fieut-ut, un; bit- lu te t humb and Lk Frs'tkn- - u fth f Lennarti aiueady tt- ir u mt ui.u Teacdn icirtu1mIo! oftht- LaIt-Foi-est unIlvOrS*. 3t the- 120 day'. but cdaIms 10tot b -nu.- uue; iti -îîu t. At th3e pi-tsont lIme 1the h moelle te puty tthe'fine tutf.;55.5.40 ati ~u .-t nandi-toror Neso!ofa pite ltIIS nvincet ot Ibis tetate attorney td- 'tin.Under 113e proposeit pl"'.1 ut Ithat 13e should hocolt-ast-t. -ault ho moi-e accessible te teICÇ~ 'ho refusai 'uth11e roui-t malt-s il , i o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o s c 0x c xo sat-raipubie. cessary for Leonard t0 'vomki o TH-E INDEPENDENT as Itheci t' te in e on te rm ata o f tht- a m o t w ldely r ad n e pape rI n a Fi t e ýL 3ECO O n t - h M nty aI $1.50 a day as pmovîdet '0 Lake coiinty. 0 ou7 II Fudge Foi-sous intorniet States At- ut-y Sniith that ho bas no author- lat change th3e sentence nov anti ni-mot hlm Ihat ho shouit uni ex- et hlm tOto se. WHY LET- YOUR HOGS'GET- SICK OR ia We guau-utoo aur remedi ta Bave 95% u! of thelickhoga. stop k»)10jPHiONE- cougiting, ant tostroy ail vormulu i tmdyaNif il don't dWout~i Wtt AT I is ÀNDsay, rnoney i-o!uuded. Gels mare vo=m u =1aY alteOr Worm WlL4T T DOESEvenmam S&ok & P.uItY.Fax, Galatin. Ne., L 5. any Interestinq Fqcts Are- Explained ta Tse W" se UWlIfitBRhlliII1 Knowledgje is Limi'i The radio telephoe - test contribUtions of c - f snany. It l, briefliy r i' " 'the voleof n 5PPP' -., inger can b- beard ln natu eta toues o istances of a huindred or e',eD thous.M n d o f m lu e r, 6peclal recelviflg apparatUs imust, of Drse, bce used to hear the messages! mt ont fronith11e transcnlttlflg stat- j \7c yrit )nr hs instruments are. bowevr tigate our large si LrpeigYsimple and. exCept forth agest distances, can be operated bY~ consists of a vari .yone without techulcal. experience. I ~ ~ b I tl4at la necesBary is to nin a well s are ya nuiated wire, prefera ly over if iy h v h e y et long. from any twn convenient-baete ey mIjns, such as the hbuse and garage, Ld connect the receiver to it. The gettlng out this rado wavea. sent out by the ran -! Strictly first da ss ittlng stations in ail directions at the ute o! 186,000 miles a second, strike disappointed on is wire and nduce lu it currents cor-orrsmte 7erponding to those generated by the odr ntm ceiver and transforined back into j=Creeal n ceved the message Jut as il a- deivered. be Pleased with1 vered. Some ni the economic aspects of this new enterprise 'are very Interesting. COU isp ra c tic atly a n e w in d u stry. hO r4 t - "e foe ery iimited, it is now running In- tmauy millions of dollars uiY. It ie also beniting th~e nation by ~o vinding farinera with a ineans oi et instantly, news, mariet reportsI weallier tor-asts, and nthei uselt on tintn oIIIer tI gIt.IIIIsIIoIoIIoniiUii iuments, ro0i to visit aur plant Md nt ws- stock of Monuments. Our stock rety of Granites and ia the lare-- any fixm in Lakte County. We latest impraveti machny for awork and einpoy noue bit m workmen. Many pensons are 1account ef noî placing thir to have themwok completeci inspect our stock andi you wihl our work andi prices. & Doane Co. RTV=. iLL1LU -. Premium List anid I-and Bool of the Lake County Fawr To be HeId at Libertyvilie, Illinois Sept. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1922 » Labor Day W" ADVERTISING SPACE in this book is the best publicity on eart, --or anywher e else Mail in your copy --you do not need o wathw ADDRESS: LAKE COUNTY FAIR, Libertyvigeb,J Lae t and LiBat- homo Ruh ils or entez'- h ut1 d to oom- aies Juvis nxt attndt iduate ?enng neet esday - qll lie l. a- Ledarti mmmner t 2:30 Boe- Sacra-4 e ad t MIII a tr- Il

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