CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Jun 1922, p. 9

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VOL. XXX.-NÔ. 22. thé John est of Dia- ~ ea!ng,, the 0. huiere- i IDBiIIUC Contents. id a large grain'were niekr *t the rtly before ApparéntiT g thén, ac- amis shoot aummoned ly witb her Is of iCeno- o.k onL the prellmiDaY gradlug and LtBERTyVMULÀ" ÂK COITNTy, ILLINOIS, TnfflRDAY, JVJNE 1, 1922. toi' TBEÀT#K INSURED BY SUBSCRIPTION Djayton Bros. Announce Sut - ficientMoney Subsoribed to Settie Plans MUENILETHEATRE FEAT'RE Aniounect'fltt was made today by Iljytou Brohers o!f the Orpheum tto erKnosha, that plans hanit yuigesed ta; éncugh to meure' defl- neannounceenst t&the effet that thb-y and chber interested wauiea c(Iaens have rais"d enficlent money foi thé érection of a new theater1 bufl.ding, a mcvii houte wblcb theYl dcrtare wilîl fot bée eCelled bY anYi i.' ,j:,o along thé laite shore. .hii bouse willt &l* include vaudle- i vî4 in the-prsgramns. According ta 1Jwsx-ad fDayton hd bas alreadycom- pldt h e arrangements witb lMra.1 :oin Conrad whereby the theater wll rii. on the property ef the northwesf titi îî;r of Wter snd Gen esse atrées. mfl recalied that the Dayton gtro.. end their agents lateiY have beénl soiciting subscrlptifins in Waukegafl soif according to thé awiotuiceilléft tbéy bave met wtb ready ieaPoilsu. The entire cosf of the new theatér.i tand, etc.. vil hé about 1325,000.i Tiis tu sligbtlyanuder thxe estpendititi'1 La the Kenosha theater. Thé &îlto iuquestionf neludes sacmé or thé béut business ProPértY ln Wau.- ,tègan vhlich la mentioned as 79 test on Genesee treet. 210 feet deel:. Thé-prico palSto lirB. CODraSfor thé land ln practicaily $1,9W) a front foct On Gfnse Strest. A Thoater for Kwddîi Ais. osne -otthé lnieresintlu eatures cf titistnew tbester la that théré u'iU hbe ft juvenuié theater lu thé upper part j!thie building. Dayton BIrus. halé piOéd this vitb thé end in viév et taking cure o thé childreitWho May con@ uîe thé thuetr vitb their pa- ic-nie and vho ast tiréS of thé big p.îîtures which are loO hey for ttlîem la undestalld. Aecordingly théeIes tlatuhavé a Juvefle étheter vhere educatlesSi, rî.LiglOuS.etc., pcturés Vwfll bu ab111 epewnlaudaptable and lpftrestm f1,, the cblidéél. Thés Ot Ï*rusit m.nias haeuoig a bg pictu!* dovU 4airs and thoir elldrea -vilut properiy entért&inéd lu thé upl port ion of thé building. A spécial at- te.ndant "Iiib. lu Chaste of this .iîuaii théter and seufat' as iruovilfi i. thé firittfime thaï: an Ides of thib Lijnd heu, be iutalléd luna plat'- in thé UnitéS States. ilidicatiiig berbIternit lu thé Pro- j1f t itla oetéréSIta know that lAji.. Conrad tok bockt $30.,00 vOrth ýAf stock In the nov qPMPany, iolow- ing the ar=ageéet tMade vhét'ebl tiw eomptfly abattiSpurchasi' hé i l and. Thé arebft"tt5 for thé OSw tileatel bilding Iar e eOgniteéd as thé mont expert lu thoatér building la. the UniteS StateL Rappa and Rappa have constractéd thé nell!Chcago thafér Tiothé new Rivera snd .athér * nvidprn theters iW thé vicinity- 'rit.refore. théir connectiôla ith tbis niwprolegt aes anov value ta It. 'ro tart in 30 pays. The Dayton Brothers annoumcé that woik will proceed on thé nov build- ingait vtin a vérY short time. lu tact ihymamy breaki ground wffhin 30 days from Salé.. Thé seaiing caPacitY Of thé nél 1thçet" c~4l be &PpééiidateSylY im ni rifle amaler thala thé Kenna~ theater. yb 'Téconstruction yl hé modém thrlioughout and naturally vilii hé s tiîeiy fdreproot with exiti Don Génését _Wattr anS CouutY afréets. on thé Génese treet front thét' wili be three stores and thé thésté ùtrance. The front wili confora to théi front of thé new Conrad building vhich stands on thé cornet' of the two tt'éts. No &teps havé heén takén as yet to award thé contract but thé DaytonA ffly that thé contraCt wyul go f0 the lowésit biSer provldlng If le Possible for him to bauSte a. proposition 01 this magnitude. ln thé construction ai thé building la represenfédl oneofc thé blggest tuvéitmtninluthé busi nets -section that bas ovr bééz cirriéd through lu Wauirégan. * Spécial attention viii hépaiS ie the munie vhIcb vl hé providéfilI tIin théater. Mr. Dayton statua thal an organ thai WEl cot about $11,009 wili -bc insalled vifth al thé lateal appilances, etc. While thé theatér la openéd Pti nairlliy as a inoving picturé and van. doville house thé stage vîlI hé lartj enougla to aecommodato sny r o a show thai May conéethrOUgh thi communiy Mrt.. Dayton. bas dot titis vif hthé enn uvlew of tagi novr anS thén saimé o!thé big pro Mictions whlch, conéeout of Chicago A tact of interest la that DaYtoi liros. have also heén gîven chargé thé conélfuction o! s név théatét'a Janenvifle, Wla., for Saxe Bros.o Mlwauke'-a nd Minneapolis, v I otierate 21 théatérs ln varlous part of thé country. * To tue $lkin,;,.eé $afta. o i l* i iîî ine shahft hrongh vater buarin gilxindii, bobo. afl &t ,drjos lu SENAL TOSTAY ,, . tlSSLAZ1 tinder Prsfft Plan None Bt TradesMet W11 be Trainod at the Naval Station N 0 APPRENTICE SEAMEN CongrésanCari Cbindhlomn bun appéied lu Senatora MClBléy anS Mcçormicir to tend afl thelr Offerts te prevent thé enacumént or the a4- propriation bill- asamééaiddad passéS by the house, for, if'thé sén- t@ acta favorabty, IL meanuethât grnaU*Lates wiinl flger'tr*ili ap- prentic e omnnbut vili hé regérvéd for the put'9oé of traniung ilu "trade schoote."» etc.. lu fact,lils personnel vifi hé rétiocéd 10 vsre if vas be- foré thé var.cnre9a Thun thécne e mnfrom file district ia trylng is het to tay thé nov plans suntisbtélttér te thé sens- foraeibelonsbows thé statua of thé rtation et thé présent time-the radi- cal change te hé due ln casé thé sénsts passes thé bill thé bouse al- réaS? bas»iasééd. ilspiaiuing ie pation.Congressman Chindhtoiti, wring to thé Sun. says: .1 enclose a capy of e letter vhlcb i have writfen et hi$ requeat té Sena- for àMciormtck vrith référence to thé apprporiatlon for maintenance cf thé Great Léhés Naval Training station. Bo1h Sénator Meccormicir and Senator kfeKiffley are anSiotta te do al they cmu to hélp la thia matter. Tb# son- ate commttee bas not 7et actéS on thé appropriat ion bill for tée nalvy VasséS by thé bousne. but ln tilt c6là- ducting hearings upon IL. Thé Nay départmnent lnov tairesthé Position f ba t apprentieésé»amén shcuid ho trainéS on board ahip sud on the séaboard vhere they eau gt Immé- dtats practicat expérience. For that réason. thet' do flot recommenti a tuf- ficient appropriation for Great Laites te continué thé training cf seaméa thoes but only luclude thé f radé scheol." Té thon 8fesIers AnS. natter date etf May 29, bere lé what ho wroté te Benatos McKileIy and MCrmkcit: 1 wrte to con*irmmMy oral sté- ment* té. yos lar Vrl'o ~és qPp- r fasSi "ao Cor thé pré" nt iscal Isa çadiag Jus& 31,122, fer ua8In- isêsacé of thé varlous naval trlalas tatiomi. The figures are es fol- Naral Training Station. California.. 133. $126.00; 1*921, $125.000. Reduc- tic., nonl.. t Naval Training Station. Newport. aSoe 18a"n, 1lm, 11.0;1912, ' $185,00. -Réduction, 140. r Naval Training Statical, 0réea t r *ke., 1923, $16000o; 1922t $400,00. Rédution, 1240,000. rNaval Trahnig Station. Ham"to Roasa. 1123, $360,000; 1922. 11376.000. I 5é5niSom. 115,000. 0 ou viii obéerve thé enormous ré- r. Inctim la thé appropirsiion for Gréai Lake s »compareS vltb ail Othér -stations and partlcularly as compérél i th lisapton Boas. ta thé houae, asuiiicwn by the Cou- gréenat" Record o! April 14, 1922, 1 ýt proosd an equalization o! thé ap- 1- proporiationa lot' maintenance at 4 Great Lake& and Ramptoît lceS.sud IO offeréti au amendméent lncréasing f h9 appropriation for Great Lakea trot w 160,000 l $210.00, sisting that Ir k f- i aéntimnt ver. adopted . 1 A woutd proposeé te réduce thé appro- priation for SHampton Roqjsaf r 0 M a 1360.000 te $260.000. %I as sumeS that l- the toalio!flan appropriations vould . hé adéquate 'or training apprenficél lu thé uavy. O! course, these aPPro. Oe prlations lu théetIouse. bill vers préS- >r icatéd upan a total average numbei ýO of enlîsted men, lncluding 2000 ap Lg prenticésamen, o! 67,000. Thia nom- le ber vas increaaed hy the bouse te 86,00 énllated imen, lncludlng 6,000 .p to prenUcé sèsmen. The anticipat la numaber o! apprénticé séamén bai le théérforé heep tripleS. Thé estîmnatél le subiitted 10 théeflousé COMtmtté Or on Appropraions veré baséS upon ml an eulistédl personel of 106,000 'anc of contained thé follovlng amounta for ù-maintenance, ai thé naval traiuni n stations: - Cal foinia: $126,000. 10 Newport: $76,00. In Great Laites: $360,000. t Hamxpton. Roada: 1360.000. N Tou viii observe that thée ionse et coaxitteIncreased thé Newport as- ProtirrailOU frets $75009 te$126,0(m), i- snd madie oniy one réduction. that In I- thé casé c! Great Lakés front 1860,- 15 000 te 1160,000.,- 1 am utônrmeS Ibis d Sénator Gary bas today Introducei las améudment ta furthér lucréaneéthe Re appropriation for Newport frotu 112s. 19 0 leto1226,000. 0O* Thé N ayvy departmlent, ibrougli Ç. Aduirel Washngton, bas recoma Ou tueuSeS su increasé lu ttxd approprIa Of tion for Great Laites of $40,000, palý et tîcalariyte t cover the cost o! coal, 0 O! as to maire thé total appropriation for 10 Great Lakis $200,000. T bl e Sénate rtâ commttéé bas not acteS tapon any ct these xmtters-a yet. Thé propoééd appropriation or 1100000 for réat .Laites Wviii uly hb a- sefltilnt for malntalning thé origlai Lng ea"tblnxet practlcatly- as it existed il Itéfore thé var-n f Sfer cOIouti *1- .h.aItInA -dti. -ehoola wlc YOIVUTII FOR PILOT Yoth wil hé servedý Hiomer Cooke, Wauconda. cames to Waukegan today te taire charge of the Small jury durlng thé trial of t4#g governor. Juror cornplained that the bail- Ifs were closing tlîem Up for the night too son and askéd tkat a younger man be placed In charge of them. PowerfutThought. ()h If w Weid teRt aide thé veil and se but fr aà"iour wýhat it a*g aiýdes f0e hé Etst1t in thé powor M o en endless lire, whait a rmeéatlpu it vould b.4oeeBualifell. C#tttlq fr Great Laites là <»ii V-Jthioa set m y get lis shgWiécf Vie 'paw 01 a00renticésesmem iQ neegeaary' to this end, pprppriatigna forbtifet stations Should -116 cOt FATS MAÀTCIES, BITTHEENDSOI Paul Nazitas Amaxes Friei By an UnusuaAct While Playlou Cardtr EATS A WHOLE HANDFI DiII yOU évor béar of a man l i a trente o! rind btI hé ould Ri a banltul o!fihatches lu Iront of frinds bite of thé phoaphore llaicitly.chév s»d svallov thern tomrs lits reatiéknev vhst hé Who, Itive ntI bta sdr vswuM tut a social gamin cf carda vltb oa friens ansd qulckbî décidéS la utalofe!thé game that hé veouid0 et' euS bis lité or bavé an mie lunh--b i iésSouldu't dec vbinl? motive promptéd hlm. At any i tb ey véré playint Ce 44t hé vhs oceocf thoseWo altb, éuloytng himaseémîratin thé mi On thé tablé sitood a large boxt of! obî.--thé tinS with phosphor. wv light hy- rubbing thrni on sisything Of a auddén sud no apparent iq ioeq. Nacitas grabbed a baad fulo matches, shovod thé béatsbinte Imouth. focir a vicions bite off Ibunela of Wood aud, hefore MbIs ie W ho thougbt hé vas codmlttlm i joe coulti Interfère, hohadS aa éd the phoaphor and, yen sehortly térvarti hé kéeled over lu gréai ouî. lu a fév minutes hé vas uni scions. A hurt-y rail was sent te a l doctor vho rushed hîi te thé MCA et' hospifal anS therée a stoMaCh pi vas uééd ou thé vit-imn hel hy regaiféd lis senses but hie Co lion vas flot entit'elvbey-enS s a point even today. taL" l about 44.year* olS bas a famîl>', SUUK TO CONDEMAN FOR ROUNDftOUSI AT IOIIWO Northwestern Railroad F Prooeedings Againat ee eral Highwood People THEY FAIL IN SEETE ÇCndemnation piotéédlUge W started lu circuit court laIs sîternoon by- thé North-Wsten *read. against. thé folloving Yaet ef 3lghvcod: John A.Svoéléy lani W. Svéénéy-, Sophie. O'u Mat-y 3. Drigcoil, Ellen MK fivi r aa & . Polé>, FralnCes C. R id others. Itla t. ted ihat fixé landtSat.eS for thé puropsé o! lacatlug a1 ne.v, zou4dS.ose. ainS alofor t1% Pes ao éa.ling additim<ali trpdtg jiasseuger coaeo# tla sep. Tbe rail-oaS, 4cC<ý tet Éllmad e, ha oudeavO ca a sssoro!thta".pê< tffia héovuérs but hame -tafl T%46 court lt u ikte le eimue ppty ovurs halo courtaS a tar vaine placeS ou thé lsW i Ilt. jeoired to condému. W ington. lMai 8,'*h ftdé S Lteon goaetnnU s !ara d fee reui9, é 1I t 0.cliélamdsli- h. Déoix le PEN, "e maA WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN i i ~l $1 .50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANoe LAKE COUNTY' INDEPENDENT iND LaeCqun ' igWeekly Lakb ie â..LeW.IIest onyCmie LOCUSIS IIEAIED 11115 WAY AFTIl1 VEARS Of REST Downstate Towns Warn Wau- kegan as Pests Devastate Crops in Invasion LAKE CO. FARMERS WORRY Tradition may bolS trus. Syaralfg rapldly aetoI- f uocki thdlt ttacitmn fhé sty. fthé 17-year localosi hD a"s tbrousb PialfllS near Jouet, anSO la béadéd luvsaýd Waukegsn sud Lake coçl. sccording ta ispatchés frein dova1wstaoies. ' . tbat bavé loft 4i*hsii.' h- lé* la PtainIew are lu tsémotit- hocmS crop detroyers, thé dilpatelles JustIl17sumq3es s go thé ulisadéd tocuat visiteS t la vlcnlfy and féar thakitradition o! théeInséci mai hlaI tnté bas ehaitén thé fermer& ieith foot'. Dovosiate farators have used evee prevenUive ta control thé pueta>ut treés. grain anSdaIl growlng plante are filing bfere théir Séaly as- sattit. Thé histoi-y or thé locust la lnt&reot- lng. Wlib mlgratory habita, thé blstMr o! thé,lInsete shovs that they are flottréd lu larget numuhra évery 17 l'ears, traveling lu vast svarans anS do ing unfold damage in soins sectIona. oflén attacklng fSlda of grain. M.atioaed In thé bible Wltli a tvo thousau yéar bltori.l pesta béllièreS tabehthé samé. are méntionsti In thé Bible lu connection with thé plagué a! thé toculsi h svépt Egypf. Edibie luna a ny countriés fhey votild piovidé food for thosnsInl PlaluflelS. accordlng to olS settlers, vlan aay that Ibis yeas é iarmsaive pi-omise o! beIng évén mors numéeroua than those o!f t years aga. -TheL ...iqsare marteS vllh velues varIoualy lterpréted as "~W" stand- ing fer var or veailah and as 'M" for mpney. Pi-ophxeltea have been vrltten on thé comiug o! thé locusta and théi.r présence has !resiuentiy bheén bitéS upon as a forehodlug o! var or o! fluancialtauccésses. and prosperlty La thé counti-y. SMALL JURY 4iETS y ridmng Splant ,:on you ig it is rwork. see you lie work mii The5ý ig from widen or Or lock can shift you van to tnnthe# e down-iI Co. ATY VILLE ry Lon LLINOIS rlese ware . There la sd valta. ré. clornéts Fine bIgh L tur#acé. undulalxéd D. bamac.e MANY REÂLTY -Another -STÀRT ROOKIN<i DEAUS MADE-DUR- UP 0f EVIDENCE IN# PAST WEEK FOR PROSEeUTION Number Of teidences in Wau- Sinali Case SURf DragaSA'MS kega Ad County Change as Documentary Evudec HadRecords Show us Put Into Records LOANS,AGGREGATE $194-287 CASE IS STL DRAGGINA @y A. K. BOWES, idoBokDu. -%gn"î See'Y. Sécurity Tiftls & Trust . A wagon-baS o! books and recorda B Company.i~o h isSoi ahnéNtoa BUsinegss O!thé recorder', ofnçé fteLv t)kEcag ainl for the veeir endlng May 27, 1922 e . ank il vii hé raught lttujudgéeM&. Nuaber of canveyancea. 1JI6. -wardsa court rootu tomorrav lu or- NuÇIIhér o! chattels, 36de to support thé casé o! thé tat. Nu-ber or frust deéds and mort-.*-~ aantOv fml.A h ocu ga6gea,48. aantGv ml.A h ocu Total number of Instruments fliléS... son a! Harry- M. Swaiazeys testi. 920. MonY today Afttorney- WilkerBon asai- Totalamaunt of! bans 1,P4,28.32. éd théevités- If hé coud brlng thent Busineass bas heen brlsk vfahèeaS eévd uafImtv loans abtivé thé average. br n eevda fimtv Thé foUloving are thé mort) lm. an8ér.- [tfisaheliévéd thé unusual Portat deae inrequet waa muSé ta combat thé de- poranteGat.- uI sSokw fenses réPeafeil objections tu thé awUi<2IbdgAN -thelob Srt irovklfragmentai-y evidéncé tjxat bas béés lots on forth bide May streét, bhé- hw Incutersietetia Iveen Sunderlin Sf réet anSdlicAt- tartéd. and v<taich Gov. finasil lste.r avenue, for lndicatéd $2,6M. counisel ronfendq haï,; no standing ta Ruse Il H. Istlards bonght- thé out Tohias Jensen Placé on oorlh #Ide George avenus, vest o! mcAidtl~' avenue for Indlcated 13,000o.CotoseMa .-nse f5' W.' B. Porter boughit thé Richard Cuthé satsae. t I.-ooirn upthi« Goéidner place on forth aidé BéIè1évIenctae sinth trio!gov. Lésï Sera atreet, jusifaesit o! Povel avé- Stuil hérinétefral orvhs y.n A ssIt aille for ludîcafed $3,000. Bnt borAttoéy wJametg . Wiitéà1t; Jeanne F. Camupbel houghf thé 'Gladys Wal tcê, sorttornybJamesi-L WuléS Jon opéi topry-onvafaié Ota d tonrce r*eu W-T--k b64LII. H4rryM. Svanzey, audtor o! thée fF Hickory af reét, Juif north o! Grisd del i r. Bbc sayq héo di - îv tok &bsg Ntonl aLa.b. avenu, for tndîcaféd $4.000. tribut. e te Support cf Ibir boSs. tbrouh a mass Of docuaments. Harold E. Harrîngien and vîfé __________________ la largely through the Livé Stockt hought the James W. Ellsetotn bani's reporté, according f0 thé proé. . ýnd sOth-as conerGilete aequ, ecution, that tbéy expecttaho0fier évti . JisamuesCt. fornt ilteté$2,000. MAXIM EXPLAINS dénce that viii convince thé -j=7' i Ge.Coutrt, o ndîCated 2,thethat théré vas vrongdoing committéie4 . Saeah. C. Pe ter on a agfthédu ring thé feraso! Leu Saut ali M arketas aile 1 =A~ 5Pi 4 fiai-ah Damet ond b f etyl.ien iiHE lIfllIf Fred EK Sterling as létlétreaaut, . eré,for Indicated $3,000. ArésstéS fhéritro ductIn o! Mi,» FUL IN NOTH CHICAGO.-Tloflla rWse,5,heg1trdutiU 0 5 Steanwsi bugit thé KatieV GILSyanzeyas teatlmnony but voie ove- ProPeity ou north aide blorrow ave. N E E A L ruted by Judge Claire C. Etiardstiu l' îuhfor $3,000. ine xpeceéd that thé étaté v wu seie lséi LAKE BLUF-W. N. Vanu .dmavor te aientrailleé thé Objetions, et lahis Mati-e hought théeAore, m. meQcv- Former L.ake County Man Held Attorney Charteis c. t,éîorgee- andti, snds eu place on north-vaat corner in ChicagQ in Bonds of boossoftéshe iveprockfi théatilt h- ici-antan avenue anS Sheridan loaS ,osi Obas& to! thé LIv. atoctg.~ 8aé fuoru127,5. GarneThongt ah neobjetion of thé dete was EtmaJ.Gar"Itr b ]W4t CHARCIED WW UuLjT.t0$aUt" u ilet thé t. sylàsawx 0 , xffl . smué eam ot Zvaustitop auj avenue for nia oédtU0 ofesiontli4ho .h due10crfytlihéà ita#i ,0OttoR. HénkOaaS ifbiatunad *ég 1 éo#o te .uue ehr f ba. ot #Wbel ait»'- thé Jas. A. Sa1,aioia propérty c. beaufy, trc.s ber homé, boy hé hnI a-o enté ]Sortbt aidéeficrIâton avetuO, ho- brosht ber lt. thé UnitedS ftate fflt to iproducé s«eb vilue4seai the tween Sberian BoaS and Harris uýier tailse preéases, boy hé 1How. tu kéep Sp am ntbim Ilx ettà a" for 83,1»0. amu'ggiéS $30.003 orttt jovéi cn- orthé Jurera ubeauéne oro asa r 1H.&N41) ARK.-Howgrd omonl i oa î héaittrouibles etfthé offIilia a lotinhe onlevs et h acd ea nd iu e h aîlotror RICe cjafome authoitim..ô1td évýnad. ichar-geé thé Smgl triai, ftrou i Streett rami Chas . Blck éerInj- m th btl uaf T îIsil dva-d» do"a. Thé JUSs do srdi c&teS $3.000andgavé bocitrtautt hein made tu fédéral iatforié u thé oo!bslavp seoma e, W » iàl beein deeS for $6,000. Chcago hy Max Maxw. t& llsMax allant vlth a coupléo!e et .Wa oit. John A. S chmidt bougla tirucm thé Grêtad r. former propretor ofe t D n iy or sthe s u t -- cl a e mat Master la Cbaucery a lot on nortb- Chateàu Maia, a road bouse tlth. flvaérhlp o! th batil « lâx rhcb eout corner incaiti anS Wooland southéru end of Laire county. MXa- grounda 11, t0h e oepaue ~ &. venues fer $3,000. lmn vascoxvictéd ln thé Laite Amvbladeo! gas bS écw réas- Robert B. Seytarf h bougbt 100 couuty courts of vîoastinX thé pro- naoreoa1btlstha n thef e!w'- tthé feét un nortb aide Parkr avenue, Iai>tory 15v and vass entenceuitu over Stlnday and thé JurY, léaaed- bismatéas o!Lînden avenue (roma pat a big flue anS serve éigbt1~~uénéeiett b 1thé Audioe Campbell for ludîicaléi $4.000 monthm lau mil. Héesacaped lb.h jlu lace on Monday afleraooii aflerthotb énds -and gavé bacit trust SeeS for 13,0-0sentence hy Pay-ment o!f tbe flué. ittîn go! court vas adjourud, eau ig a Eloptt Gililtis anS Mary L. Thé man vas arrestéd on à a tcb: gavé thé grass another close Aase. -' alov- Robertson hougbt a lot adjOltgX nical chargé o! vlolating thé ManuL A crovd e! moving pîcture on u .a-2 IY af- thé aboyé for Indîcated $3.600 anS aci hi transparting[Mis e Mrzog compaled thoratu r iè emea" ms agê- ýt&9 tavé hacir trust deed for $2.600. frotuNev Yorkrte Chicago. Othér a lot of gocti action staff, ItlaI un- acon- Harvey S. and Chailes A. Pardée chargés are pouding &"galt Dia deratood that Judge ES-var lSayo53l loca' bouglt thée Symour place on north Greinedér la représentéS hy Attor- the p a rt or Simson Legrose-lu the ,Ali*t aidé Cory avenue, juat vest Of ney Praucis Borréll. former asalot- tiovlé. Hia ODtY regret us tint hé Ptmi Bronson sf i-est for ladictéS $26,000 ant UnItedStSaies at toi-ney. lacks a vood-pilé tu slip thé -jury f«. flflst- anS gave .hack trust deed for A searcla hy Treasury Agent exorcise =ndi- $19,000. Frankr M. Jéeet anS.lis asale4taat, Attorney Alexander T. Beaubien. figer Wiber E. Iildley and Hugo U James ONeilli, résultéS lu thé dis- thé Waukegsu attorney vho tina Schneider houglat part o! thé C. N.< covéry o! somé or thé geai Qr@lp- méibér o!t(Goy. Smai's eunai, LanS Kitutan elroperty st --- ruer bro.agfI ~tutu, thé United SIftïél. lives -ésemethé street f(rom JOg Bay roait for Indicated $5,500. Thé loels. valueS hy J. T. RooeSu9ltivadrds. Il lnasaIS héotea tudyîing IN HIGI{WOOD-Mary H. Mcliéé and Walter Wood o! thep Depaît- thte ethica o! a request ta thé judtge. houglat thé J. A. Magnusson 25 ment of justic eat $30000l, wveeé ooking tu a boan o! thé Jur-y soins- féet on West aIdé Rau-roaS avenue, fouxxd -lu 4vault lu thé Masonio f ine béforé thé case ends, lu ordér just soutîx o! Washington avenue Temple. tuf havé bi& ovu grass eut. for $4,000. Gréinédér vas ar-algueS béforQ Thé jury vas tairén for an auto IN LAKE FOREST-Wm. H- Fedérai Conmassoner Glass, vhb ride an Mémorial day fu AnLiloclasonf Johnson boulat tvo Iota o! 7 acres cool mueS the casé until Friday. fait up on a reai country chicirea >9on soufla eat corner Green Briar Sondas voe fixéS at 1110.000. dinner vi t ail thé other fixings that Lané snd Wlnston Cii-cIe from Nia The Immigration siitboritioé -és- go vitb It. Affer that théy 1ai4 W. Wlnaton for Indicated $1,00.terSa>' vIréS f0 Washington for a arounti andfishéd and alept, go t4hé -> IN LIBERTYVILLE TWP.-Fran- Warrant for deportaf ion for Mise day dis not prove quite as bidaSi,#-~ cia C. Yarveill ought thé Mary J. Herzog. vbo ta lu a Chicago hà- threatened. Durkln 40 acres ln SE 1-1 Sec 35 pIfalinl a delicafe condition, Aitother bright spot in thé jury' Ibo ýV- for Indlcated $7.500. ________ la thé returu o! Humer Cook, «e of IN EAST AYTIOCl.-Ma-ga i-et, No . HICÀ6 MI théoriginal batîlits assigneS te il* - Beitache bouglat thé Hugla Lowry tjjlJ.&îil i cars. If ta expected that héo*l*hs .'A 20 acres in SW 1-4 Sec 24, foi-r 'ewiII '. aai back the <i Job tht. veok andti 1t IENT 11,000.f hhe alUg sthen viiihéo l e A IN W. ANTIOCH AND GRAN T CUT B Y ii .ASS às thé jurora more exorcise thm Uggi Bénj. H. Harolà and Geo. D. Watts ' ha vo eem gttlug. Baii fCo*k Wnê t ère bouglat thé Win. Watts éstalé fat'rm, ué>t7l>f~ catIeS bhorné tuWauconda hî the tPl- ibisl lu Sec 4 Grant. and Section 33 W. j IT RN1 UIL< neigeo! bis mother a fév vreeku agé, i rail- Antiocl f rom theo heurs for $22,000é Whou court adjeumed for thé nm idnts anS gave back trust déed for rocous Ioday. Mr. Svanséy a Mlivau ,WiI- $18,000. mi.chdt60 Hîbota teuti!y-lng fu checks, draft requgii"- aUey. IN GRANT-Edvard J. anS Jase- l.cmdt 0 emhS v ions sud otixér documenta théeste- Iéflél pliné A. Tatidén bouglaf fie Oco. V. enue, vas badlî out about the t.Ilreîying tapon f0 prove ibeir cotél&- Uffly Mluiy-re properf y la lo%,Cnand shoulders tlut nlgbt litaau & tou, vers selad. luSE 4 S Con* taohll vwréck t aiShesiSrosa M va ersWer aeud. i Eo- ec2 141 h Street vbén lb. rd ho va s Wbeitlcourt restetuod Isbis tter- esr WotrLkfor indicatel 15,100.-ae ment noon Wlliam M. Sarier Ot 1th large î INLA.KE VILLA TWP.--Ft'd 0. riigra .' u-s va * pur- Johanson bought 4 lots in NélSO ansd turned turtIo. Tvc couapssionq Northetu Trust oompany, aisd P. P isie ld sbd, o ént idéFox~ scapeti uninjured. IChaptuan of thé Bank o! N6nà Ses- vbéalu ec.1. djonlogthéBase POP- Schmidtl vas Srina f orth On SU~-lavr itc h iuo lnl wiaiSe.1 donthBusedlg étyOfo ISs atda»Out 1i cleck, lu re Théy Ideatillil - - pffl abow éd t forI FRE.5T00. n Tckt"morlng vhén lte stsertfl gegar <a transactions btveéu thé big s8=é fte ouglIN fRliéOttoT gtxueyer Vl'bet-théFordS a nop d. 'liTecarwvaSa yards concerna and Canadien bsé* -' 6 y ïE1- e.2 a rslt .avell#g eaI a fair' raté ci speé hc oe rn h oIin' oiï tbp n $4.500. 2 e Aesfo f orefSchmit colI Janathe braites, Uvas tandtg thé pacitérs. aui - iYA é T lq $4,LAK-00.nitthé car ekIdSed to, th@v sitievan sd 1D. rogks, assistant salés mganau whleb Mafousek anS vîfe hou glat10 lois overtitutdi. tis by cofP!lts !hébnderfono!téas' Iu Lake Vies' auhd1. la NW 1-i leaped over thé aidée.4" O.cspéd Lu>- tnon& & Commeurcial Trust 4 Sec '6. LbétyvlleonDlamond jury,. vhliéSchmulit vas pinbd te dr Savifga hant. aIseoCéltiSeS. Sec Laite , brot muit lnsilt théel>yrtirned par. Lae6 rot000. B Fsk fr llylng glass cut binaabout thé lape ,'. Foi-. $8,000.anS ibouidmr. Thé compaens moug, éd hlm le a physican, vho h USu aaxe AnmilIhSi Ic Thé Lijulte of! £leéwaei-ex thé.-volfda antd vaahéd th'eealoes! As ve.'ift Matsé.Jaon h

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