CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Jun 1922, p. 10

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Jnd.eW nt- Waukegon Week1ly Sun ~*ut~,ihtdollars Amnerican rnioney maltes a mîBlionaire ini ïmwgad on the Isteat value of the crown there. WeUl, to uýct trtit on tome foks you anid ail of us couic in contact with, Wttikepri it takes less tihan $48 to' get into thet Millionaire tl*tA $.oo a day--job gimesmne lolkIs the desired effect judg- Aa by -thcir auperior knowedge of thingei, etc. And so Austria. bu litile on certain Ainemicn folks. ýî -A former county board chairman on Tuesday ruggsted tc 4bou1d bc changed so that anialer board should bandit Lake Coun- ýty 4fairs While it migit be a bus1nesb-like suggesftion it could , *àe ad DID NOT produce any great outhurut of àpycovai on the fart.of the. BUpervisors. It's natural-that is humnan nature.. And ibm the. former chairman may have intended riglit 4it we pre- immi every meznber said to hixself: "0E thy'*ort.en Up tbt board, .*mald that leave ME, out?" We prescnme thât evcW mamber feit tbkt. if Mr. Millercç suggestion were caried out ant:tii board cut la ha4, which half they would be ini? HE'S THROUGH, THAT'S ALL. i>oc. Brown "«officiall y announ'cd Tucsday, but flot tÔ tht board of asupervisors, that lie would, automatically retire on June aotb, when bi "contract» expires. Tht fat ije autonatically reorejru at wtek when he doerted the fifteen poor patletwat 'the Çounty Hospital a"d haant paid any, attention to theni since. Tht 4get tbat lits nane mas not tonsidered it tht diasajon as to WbIO ;"Oould direct the hoapital thç coring year, icattd ho'w th~e boardl ý Wti that they recognized hm as Peixng ai l trugh even BEFORE Jyme Soth. Andi 80 the announcement'froin the former head that 18 i ta quit isn't tha east startiing - HE ALRF.ADY HAS QUITI He quit cold 1 Ht movcd ont and b4sn't been back to »e' tiiose. patients since. Brosviis explanatioi,. "offiicially muade," that bc "would resign ÀM juue 3oth,» reminde ûs of a gil enipioyed onetitue whom we enté discharging. She was toid that %ho wouldn't be needed any mort after a certain Saturday night. "I won't lie fired. l'il quit," iuld ahe in anger. She was toit that it didn't ratter how she did it, so long as she DID it. -Brown's terni is up june 3oth-and s0 If the board 'isn't even thihig of wanting hirn any longer, how ho b RESIGN? HîJ, just through because lie', through, that's Rift L« b "etb opon 0 uh&tu* 41.s ta Mè"is, otit tuur hesati lbi d tbe IPAOo lo -U 'liai tu lu i t al t Ch Sorne Items Show Case WiII Run frnto Hundredi of Thousands of Dolbrs 'SANGAUN JCO'. PAYS BILLS That niany persans connectet i wth the Umali trial arc gettl g lgbiy sich of h. that it le proyingau er- pensive UIlng for-Uic state, for sang. amon county andi for Goveruor mail la evident whcu anc bears uett tacts about Uic case. Lût O0euVi doenz't pay tuicoosi of ibis'trl- Sangamon couty bas ta 4td t because the case vas trausferred tram tant county. The jury whlch la hearitt.,ils case le migbty tîreti ot Uicelon or. dead. That they wlsh Il ver. over tbare ls no doubi. Thenallit dowu in hard-bottometi chairs vblh ir ae conducive ta uellu, irousers'seata anti a&lbut go toa lcop. Ali ay gei autt f itare 83 a da a&i their moule. That -ibm>'haveta'tuwey been satils!ed vlth ibeir *food, te a tact madie plain by a couâie 0f -kicks- Uic>' regstered vlth the court. ROtcentlY, bOWeYer, the>' haYle matie no complainte about theit "chùttý" The>' go -ta picturseshows or pilay penny alie or ther card saes ei aight. Inciutiing their dm11>' pay andi theiri mals the JurY tUic for hal ot more thanu M*,0. They 'slaap ln the court bousfe an ritory. beti cimet tees inr the case. Oui>' 102 baf been on the wîtncas standr Wineasges recelve $1 a day and 10 cents a mlle for the round trip te ati tram Waukegan. WO la Moei Bill. A bill1 for $850 for eeodlng thle jurors and the bahutsl for twa weeke was renderet Monday by C. B. Armes. Springfield vtuessea, ct wbom there bave been six ar sassa ta date, gai $21.20,for their mileflabti iheir Il a day tas. Kahakee vit- uv*am- ,theffl OVinS L f-tLWIJJ fi L TIA 15 rasecution «I not, alter gIl, coMn' them, sot _$8.90 mlbeage andtiel tanna 'la expectedto iaraquire sone $8.10 mlleage and tes for ane dey.j asT13D aT(rif ALMr. WlPo#r for Of WituelffseaMore ita" tift> hrtvtug 99 V ATA oistm tcecrUijs-exaailn or ()0f 1. antibond housile e1thtlatCiy. Their ft tS ic hePrasecution hatloinc- milcage Wall $8.60 andi ther dally plete Výýt hÉL ill xcoeds *10,000 Sub Circuit Coart Clark Brochvay bhs Eiîde e, i Fig mflot totaledthetacexpansé, ho aya. t uNs À 4 % .IN bas bc- estIiateti, bowever, that d TodaYCausesCrt. Uic bill up ta date exeftis *10,000.' AdJournm~Lake INE HÂTyWhan advyucd an. Cos Ad» m 1R M zeetin thffeet iineases. 'i'bcs are lient 'ta Spingfield,. Sangaitio MES . MAINEING M INWÀ1 . ÀN county iimatciy bavlngtaepa>' the iOES A MA*NEENG L STIN AIJK34i N BitreOst. shaul thUictrial lastlu.- -m «,tWvsabUtltii téUic ddttle et li>, asn ow «_' p g~al~stij1 vs abupt' -peeteti, th esct vii l e Close to da tut!lmmeovmr Mmg a M arYS ii' s Aa.r 25 accardihus to anc et Uic 1mw- ~~~~~ia4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e l;Jiyvsgvn is.miYQîa1 WTIL uihecase. 'Thii, et course. wklc vas utilifetiby hait -etdons uot laluîde torcys' tes -s loie ÇbICAg, wberé ic>' l After beip.g out sevea bours the j,*y whether the t erner payshis t n eé ae a utisla ti th.caeO Mavg'.-Smi aémat lavycao.,thora.of xvhom .are du Court. ai ase wlt 5.0. LCarrier, th. Chicago, North Shore snd Mlvwant- a couple o!of tl- worla:aise M for te oe lÙOhi, tOi hee ral!ratiriol! la thectcait hcca 11 so theb' idair la ansd Att>. Wliersoa under- ai Eacliue, brough heruavedc frUc n& h&vu.Theevsall ita evlulanverdicorges, cheot coup 1tvrtiuflOlato éidne . 1aintIf, avwariluslber 3.400 for jo hr l Meeg@ Cit *n ýulationl vth es hatipre-jury te persan anti $175 Toi dmage sl rc 8s 100,000 for hiéeser- a umru( fI b evhta. e aUc an cs baho Aabr report le ihat hoels bU fa etIzédcd iýB t hie la-".'.e saiinetaiue a'as Qa day. Lawycra dont talk about il~~ 'bas bcsrcunitodourtiedt ihmng of Uic anganiop, connu lu- ev moxtheaega but resulted lu a serti- w Ich*20 DyM. 9 charge ibat Uic gever4or, Ici for the' ralroad Compay. Then James . WllklaonSm 4 rcsemanu >'ressorer, coiisplret i vth Mise. rlatb braughi sit-l iacl JamUic .eey eri, ta a $00 a da Sterling. Banker Veruoni Cur- where.ib1h.rouldes. The jrywcl the . h e pnraln, lat ho0a not blé brother. the laie enator beard tis ejuue i ryic 5(ch aYrhng hla Prbe tbautbegcla t irit, ta use lineresi auen amie lua Uvsz'a bt discussions but Uechamucl8 imucl ind Éis c ase Thatr f ncç cine a ie p intheetue'n> generarettudts arc net large ebulatIcu, consiste of seven 'sers bitter. Lunch vas tenvedte t e thls year. The goveruar vetocti 8800,- »on she9t, * eicbneavl>' a jury ha the jury room. 000 uf the tems aiioved by Uic ieg- ti a heitlong sud nearl>' al _ The iJur taundti iait t train Of isiture. The governor bas sidt at de, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4ir anW,=uiasait!o ieetat a rnuug 50 mles su ho voult i bt ave heen indictei I eels edeget e!CaoIluthe opera- ver. h nat for diii veto. lion ta dhis tabulation,,a total bout;tat defendent negiecieti to si- Raipb j. Dati>'of Waukcgaa, aq 175.00 as ltltirV touatie o!lit trin.couinsei for Uic tate, ]las a large te treasur>' turing tise eriod fPl&UaInf leget in iber couplaInt practîce vhlch lhe probabi>' titi no pri 1 117,taAIsit 'b, Ithat ire'bioardet a train o!f<eenaani give up lu arder ta devote hite tita -. Iai -Kcnllvri, DI. havlng a ticket ta taisl case for anything Dire an or- Ove a iotal O! $6t,6bsOO lu for Itacike. ThAi vhen neua Fl'.hep dinar>' foc. The attorney geberal'a )Chicago pachers. but ot« ibis est on ly 21, 192o, Uic train co1liltict office pays hlm, loco. 110,20.f00 are rouevals at wth ait auto truck; ibat abse vas Mortimuer Gais Baisry. *ue o1 ihein turneti lntarState ibrova forvarti agalusi a ceai anti BiaiesaAttorney Morimer antiAd "v a.E.. huelr. austalacti a rupture o! ber Jung ant i sttat StateS Attorney' Etiard J tàMl depi«ts hn the Port Dear- other injuries *"d dat acsh a dua. Pree .at Springfield,, ici oni>'their Atl batikturing thé rerbaaimoud. hinoali vorili $1,000. Sta nd 01resar salaries sud thanin hat], ira-r- ,000900. for 15.000 damages. ellng and ther epenses. ________________èd o th W. W. ebroatier anti A. p, Beau e oam wttrat collecteti 66on héthe Hmt. bien, tae goyeruora otier trial 11w-. 400,37.74w 5 $.135135.thef'fi eal unc. Yen,.are' yaunger ihan their asa-. vareurr s li g$ tas7.- 'PeRrIoalY. YOU hnow, 1 aol very elaies on ecuber ide, but it lo More, daurio h trmin anti 1,16.-rond Of buntIng. But, then, yau ses, than likely that thair pa>' checks'arc anlng Uic terni'o Trau elsoD talO tesocIltY for tie reo~-tar aboye thc average amonntIcfe 'er, tetilmon>' aireati' e tcibu etaiml. Wever, I founti lawYers of iheir expenhançe lu crin- ___ huhwngta Tee awymg0 Y iIai cases. m dti terlhoing co IthiTe 1 vgo tna!1usey dlh!euliy. Wlenver Bach ide bas au expert secouai- .ae ti SrliszUng Moneti La i W0hOité- s bak canrdge.ý- sut, vho bas bat canelderable as. nLe000 trecaur> sotbn smore L eselsistance. They probably average $100 sceiveti turIng their termes or -What L a ay ac.F.. .nTtc lifferencé beiveen tant soya Round eyee, .ilacliInb expression, in« -a , îy nu -r:'n cut . îcî a ,1513,or approximately diiicte gfiieroeliy anti amiauility. Lage 1vi tu o f or vo anantiasati sur- ), eprsete he iferecebe- bine cyca. elear mnd aajot. trans-wtotijdfr w otsadsr wbt h bnis recl anti parent, art gsigne or gVent shîlit>i'I ve. But a spider lans beon briavu to » étaie receiveti. ostiveeess. lte>' Indoinua u tadiPensowlth food for ten mntnlo; the ontntin e thédefnzeJoaous ispsiton.and a betia bas comeausaely ilrousb a ie "t»te athe 2 ner iiet1.te Yasfs. Obkb thse baenkispad ou theo bams Wd' ihai Uicdifference represents Mkr -bat retaliet tram the «u» tatImsa ractioe c pelnug depoators e5 ver niotidth enleding ibe de- *tors moue>' airates sapyles Iran i I -7 cent« . . 1 IU i tbulatios suppliet b>' the clIs4oua tIlt practicali>' avec>' l- paymet vau taeue aor Uic ~Usor iiai'auglr ubir Grat Parh t"hlk Grant Park Trust & bgUk « theCarts 'riieiCa. ~Ifts ogauli db>' the ]lt$ enca OmsIotai bete aaiteto âm lka over tae iate la wbicio ýy'btistdeay 'aaa 10 gbe 1w- ~.IL Becherer, Uic expert at- cs t for tise datense, tiguinegoagis ý~c4bO great table agalas tise rëibft aiuci>pot la as eeidence, begsil 'eMXb"d repiret* : <>X«W lx ite tidtaregthe Mtemiwmorlanti dthen hi j4seiou aswhcn ioe ilon>' bee cmplet. Totiay'c action wili tt ra«uturate Uetand.ta-i of qmoines ritin. abier oai arant Park Trust & Savlagej *Itb ts Io=sheets vwhlch ha bi iaslch vitil! PiSse. or Pibe 1 arn pleased to inforrnyoù that 1 havo been appointed by, S. Yondort & CJo.,, of Obicago, their exclusive agent for Lake Oounty, for the sale of their first rnortgage Real Estate, Bonds, paying from 6 1-2 to 7% interest. -1 will be pleased to.hear fromi anyone desirîng to make a safe investrnent. ROY W. BRACHER, Waukegan, Illinois. Betg2kc tan, trey andi blaCk icatbferE ai elzet; fioc vulue; 20c ln thiasalMe ~h~B0~t 79e of whlte andi pinah materils of goati qualiy.. ShOwroomn RIpieS of the beet modeis. Styles for wonen andti nees, lna&Il mIses, are includeti ln thc loi. Choies 79C1 WhQIeue&darance Sl in thé bargain Basem .ent, Thursday, re Fdy and Saturday Many of the leading ýWbolesae honiflet o"Aerica haWve just held their Semi-Annual Pre-Inventory andi Clearance Sales and report recoia- àleu. , Our basement buyer was able to secure many choiee lots of sub- stantiil merchaxidise. Beinig ini a positio to use case lots lie was offered still greater concessions in ina#y instances. The low. priees geen on ths page-eeature sorne of the niany saving possibilities. 2000 Yards retonnes 25c and 35ç yd. Lenetls troam 1 ta 5 yirds. ¶'be cretonnsa*ri made by the came mli that BUpplci '1ir sicod foor drapery secton. Tbey ae cxceptloaiilY attractive Il dedi~n and color effcte. Cre- tmnes wortb up to 750 yard ari lu thee lots. Men's Work Shirts, 59e- Weil made Shkts of serviceable qualtty blue cbambray tbai vashes «ccfihntly. These shirts are m»aeistrue to sise. Wbolesaler'a Clearance ......-« ...... ..... ..........»59 Black Beauty Sateen Shirts, 198C Of hlgbly merceied sateen witb colaer attacbeti andi pocket fl_ A big valIu eat.............---VuC Moua Drm sand Sport Shrsworib np tae11.10 aa" tuthis lot. Tbey*re smade o! §ne airtinge in sport andi Irew styles 89 Oboice .... ......................89 lien'.. Work.-Pants, . 1.98 Pair Ceut trom beaoas'urieabie materialesud trongi>'seveti. Wboelr'a Ciecrance ... ...-.- $1.9 Boys'1 Wasbable Rs paRts Nitalkenbocheet o!light vegît gray' mixeti59 suitng . ...........-. 9 Min's Overdanad Jacket,96e Of 'heavy quality bine dealmn, cci full snd strongi>'$$e& Jachei or9c Caverails ............ Boys' )veralh,' Madc at me Ma!ofplain bhuas tenlm aud Anlaises .-........-.. 9 Boys, Sport Blouses, at 89C Elso !liglt caloreti shirt'. 1*9 UUlPee s * Plia bîmia ehambra>. Wbol* 9 wsalr.Clearanceo...39 Boys' Sport and Regu'. A ation mouesl, WC matie a! white madras andi ihgbt abIting strîpes; il asti $1.25 values . 9 i ......1...............69 An- otitilot'o! rnen's sud beys' Caps andi Rats wll be claed out during tibis sale ai cboice 25. ~ gmc Men's Balbnggan Shirts and' Draw#ers. at 29c, each The man vwho vears separate pIste under wcar vll be qulch ta re- alize ibis remarkable vlue. TMese «ahirts andi drawerà are knit of ,,ne babrlggan yara, smmcv vclgbt sud perfect fItting.29 Wortb t60c. Wbolcniler's Clearance iBale................_29 Boys',Xalin Walsts, 2Me Unterwaîsis o! gond mueali; reinforceti; tapeti but- tons; -ail sizte.Wboieeler's Cearance Sale ................ --«- -- -----..... 2 c Aise Wouns 'eKut Wone' Gaute Union Suite aKtI"0 union Buts, 490 hun kit gaîment. hn Boys' an i 1rIS boeor bantitop sai- 'Union ESuit, 49C les. Ail 81500Up to 50. Athletle anti huit gar- Wbol«eee. mente, ail ajizes. Wholc- Clearnice ... .4c baers Clearauce, e choie .......... .. 4c Men's Union Suita at 79e Women's Vente Ankie îeugth. ah aort Veste are lu white and slee'vc, bubrizgan puits pInk. A splenidid . valinc, anti athIaetIc sut. of fine Wbolesler's 5 nolnook.79 Clearance Bale.AIC Choie.............9 lien's .& titc union suits Matie aI berreti nalnaook h ii asile bath. Cool anti ' comtal-lable. Câ e o ati lu *il aItes. f Wbolcalcrs Cearance Bale ___... ....... . _ 9 Bathing Suits, $1098 Jersey BathintsSuite, la at tractive color combinattonri. These mùto are wortb at ]ostîwce . it. $1.98 Bathing Cape 25c and 39e Best styles ad coloriagei. 'lho"e at 39e are vain-er uV to 100. 'lhome &t 25c arc values UV to boc. 14yge as, burtinent. Bathing Suit, 98e Mle and aswomen'a Jersey Suislain anteti styles anti color coin- bizations. A very apecia purchase In a wholenaler'a Clearance sale briage ibis sxtremeély low prlclag..1............ .98C Beach Cape%Às $3.98 Made of knitted camelshair these capes are very desirable for nxoforing, beach or street wear. They are made ini two becomiug styles in tan and blue and fringe trimmed. Them $ .9 eapeS have whilesaled at$1 _ _$ Childen's Play Suits, 69e Of plain bine charabray anti exccpitonally velI mad% In faact tiiey aure ansd eut thec mre as suite ihat oei ai $1.29, Ail aises. Bale price.... ........... ......................69 Woinen'u 511k Women'isCoverali Waintà, $2.W . Aprons, 49e Borne arc embroldereti. Also Aprons of goed grade percale cilla vouge Mititles are la the la llgbt colore, Rickraçk lot. trimimed. sale cbte ..... ....... 2.98 pis ................49c Clearance Sale Hosiery, 15c Tor Men, Women and Chidren Àt Ibc pair la ibis Sac'. aé: Men'a âne liasebase; boys' hcavy home; girls' fine rihbed bosc; Infants',rnercerlzed ilà5le boss; Fchu-1 drensa coloreti top oche and womc's )aIe hume. Fuir -'--.----- 1C Women's 811k Ro-se, 69e, 98c, $1.49 Pair Tbree groupe ut women'a pure thread s11h hose are ln ibis, sale. Borne are slight seconds. but aU are values above thc usual ai tbese prîces. Women's Fibre -811k Rose, 49C Fibre siIt ehase witbh laie top anti sole. A 765c value ad ai pair ................... C9 Woxneu's Lisle 8111< Hose, 35e Pair Lavender top hase ln black, tan atdibte. 69e antid 76 values, pair - ...«....3 C 'lTres pàirs $1. Men's Fibre,8111< nose, 35C Flace Quallty lre aeuh. a houe ibat vear$ exceslenti>' .> pair ........._ ..-----3 c Children's 8SU1< ocks, 49c Pair S'ubstandîrtis et regular855c ad $1 values. Thua ibIs sale Io au opportun1ty ta bu>' tben ai about ans bal! prîce -.......-- --........ 9 Chidren's Mure. Lw~e &COk, 29e Pair Substandarde o! 75e values. Tires-quarter anti regular et$-. les. Phoenix mahe ... Remxunants -of Sumnier Fabriecs 5e 121c- 18Sc, 25e, 49C Seven large tables piled high with reninants and short lengths of cotton fabrics of practically every desirable weave and patteru. Each yard i pricedat.a very wox th-vwhiIe saving according to quality and width. -AT E TARD are* Grey percale curtil gootis anti crash iavcilng. 4 price matie possible oui>' ibrugi a ver>' spatIal purchase. -AT lUe 'YARD arcLiDrese giagiame, ceuriaIn marqulsaites, cambrlc mue1tn, 36-lach percale' anti ouher equaily deirable naterials. -AT 25oc TARD are: Il-eavy cretonnes, catton ptpllip. white dres voile, white madras etc. Weavee and patienm ts athe most deirable mort. -AT 18e YARV are: Cretonnes, tines gingisama. curtain materinis, 36-hacb chambra>'.beavy ileacieti nuulin, anti coiton airting Plaids. - AT15e YARD are: Lingerie crepes, floral dresa cpepes, cainulr- ter chale, light anti tank percales. -AT 49c YARD are:ý FinesUtineusgluglama, curiain netsý,wvinte akirting materlala, beavy cretonnes cf heautîful Datterne anti colon -effeeta. Ti CMM 'Catonv Oz- mnailthm vite th cupler c f 14 1 MW ia VI 1u41a th ta deti'. ti Ut la «» as mt% au et tic i »8" la la use faf t n. eMa md v

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