CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Jun 1922, p. 7

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1 MME RwUIM . I)er.¶H Y. lUN15, 1922 ASK POLIGI ' i House ompany r-aId daugli- e2 Belvîdere bave kett the laast twa disapparesi oct made t0 faf ber. Bbc unday affai'- borne. >thera Verni burcb fa at- way towazsl -r and aister Instructions 'cding f0 thé t scanger la ansi walked tban nofblng ippeared and vsld~ ator> of mud halsi Cap- oice Investi- mît-I has i pent la Companty mean. Thara inection wl*b stîrlcs se tle bat aIe wil or tha>' bave bacis. Tluey at sIc mna> ndsi o! white vi., sWBEh1£PI~j~ Hmo"Mr. Bon Ritzenthaler who gïuv 'NU1T May 31 A. L. Dorfier, same Il 00 Feb. 28 Bert Roue, aame. Geor. Guenther pet th. put wokIIK fUIq Il lgS dvfrmNthIuK.w li rlu May 31 Edwin Roder. sanie 14 00 Feb. 28 H. C. W. Meyer, 8mne SACISao wtbin NndimdrDEtiV D.vJ.SAM NT OF.v 1weten coegewhe e e bubeen ' "May 31 G. H. Smithi, scraper 13 17 Feb. 28 Fred Zeneu, ame..-. ~ *~ I g~ The A. N. Tiffany family moed o suying mnalc, the puit year, asaistedFO May 31 Anna Wells, election 3 00 Feb. 28FP. E. G;oaswlller, saame Igladd 1U M Y violm and ln the evening with bis May Il Iladt.v t'olph, saine. 3 (10 colvert. 4 », Kr.Da thé e r pet aoponthe music was enjoyed by yJV A 1~ue310uin W Meye, saine 3 00 Feli.28 A.T. Smih, p am_ 4 gaea usteptt wek t1Fox Lakeal.hoe, LTeI30 H."EIMaW.11J Meyer3Iifk, same 3 O0 Feb. 28 A.T. mthnip te, SCh..' ON aumiu lira. Daiziel's mother. SIAII BAR ASS1'1. 1IIG U AY I, TJoN c anTuse 0' . - . .~ 0 13.I GSunday school next Suriayas usuat i e .PyeTute 0 cage,......o MrWilson MeGee spent Thureday ai- 100aelc andi chidren's day services! June j-. . . Bros. rosit 5 Feli. 28 H. C. Zersen, refond - * geSewod auea, nCli. Ato tre a pigil t ilo'lok.Smal o CtyGirl Flees From work 22 5~ onsewer ditch 2 W Wakean T h iao 18 ef i-F.E-Ato -atda rnfedj t 'ioc. 'n JflIIY -c Jone, 1) oue Bros, road Feb. 29 Ueo. Smith, aceaper <G eges eood rankpianiPOPIlI Alia . AtonyWhDe I Wm. saoei' and famiiy of Wauconda, ,Zion Police Statio'fland ls iiso bad...........3G to ralk irnim rectauatghiofradl100i n n, gaaAy intAtrn - movediinto E. Knopf's bixngalow and us of McHenry rénnoistek hrcital attwaafî nF ida fended Beer Runners H. Faeiz and wile ta Arlington Heights,i Found Here Jue30 Latke County Regis 26180Mcli. à Lakte County Regis- evnn f étwek h ectiwamovesi into Dan Herscbberger's bouse.' ter,. annuat report - 2 0 ter, electlon suipplies. 2 Charglng that bis parents had very good ueows well attendesi. Disharment poceedings have been Mr. Faeîz je lte new barber. We are, Arna La Rose, allas Bennett, allas June 30 J. L. Taylor, examnnMc.31LeCutyRgs tenhmtth Fo rIeona The Rev. A. D. Kolkeheck waa lnstituted in the supreme court at glasi to greet these new friends andi bid eirfewin5st, 30 year-old adopte< ling pupîts ------... 8 00, ter, supples --_........_ 41 " Ilhin excursion snd then hasi de- ordainesi ta thae Ioejitltod on Triity Springfield by the Illinois Bar asaoci- them hearty weieorne into the churcb daughter of \lr. and Mr.ý , f' t:ja!.r June 30 Ludlosw Valve Co. Mcli. New York Leathar ansi serted hlm, orderlng hlm neyer ta Sunday et St. aryle church, Par k ation against George Remus, a former snd comnunity. I14nnesmiit ut 2911 :, biiei lll-inue. rubliers ......... 2 081 elIngCO.. bose............. 110 b& raturn borne, George Sherwood, 12- Ridige, Il., and on Mandeyl ori1fl, Chicago attorney who hecome well Rav. and lira. Raton entertained Zion City, was turned over to ftJune 30 S. L. Tripp, gravet- 629 45 Mcb. 31 H. Muller Mfg. Co., Year.old son of Mr. andi Mca. Jay Jue 12, the ordained priet Father kuown lu Waokegan and Lake county compainy ovec the week-end. The Waukegan police late Sunday af- Aug. 31 Art Asiamos 1.-- 15O0 water connectionsaâL2 Bherwood, lieruit avenue. Waukegan, Kolkebock poftoriited bis fiaet prieetly about two yearsaego when he défend- a,.ts beimg Mc. Koten'a ma8ter and ternoün aft'-î ahe liai spei the day Aug. 31 R. F. Rouse, Trustee 16 00 Mcli. 31 H. Muller Mfg. Co., apeaes g héhoe f rni H- etlt t.Iga inehtch, Attodlt. ed scores of nmen who were arreated ?f îy. wandering about Waukegan. She Aug. 31 Standard 011 Ce.. oi 3 38. supie romnimus, Mcflenry, W kfnad ii Thia waSt hie gfrt clébration o the on a charge o! trying ta amuggle heer ne sî,eîî the night ln th(- police sta- Aug. 31 Chas. Stanek, repair- Meli. 31 Neptune Meter Co. w'ek iti eraatemlghly communion. Thé membera of thte tlirogh ZMoa City, The C. I. C'a spent Friday evenîn at1 mî, adtisiuc-ms aatres ngro oulené ee h houskedta le geLadies Goild aerved a breakfast Mon- Attarney Remua. known as the the home of their Sunday acandtas001 . 'v.lured In rot e ekr'f in e.3 m o ra-------,-- haut75Mb _........ohn ....lz.. .ar..... 97f$&2 ae morning in banor of Father. Koke- --mulionaire boottegger" waa convictet teacher, lir. L G. Hutcbinga.Thy crigtateZo ch!te ingavl.. 30< Mch. 31 J.o.han Dir, ara 97,0 heck. b ~~~~~~~~~~~apent the evening praetlclng npasy iirlhs onaa trn hoea ec31WF trkhutn Mr. Hironîmusu tank the boy inoaoa a nomber of vioations of ithgains.oA é-y gosi te ta îjoîr ha in orev a ei .F.Sak huiand nmaterlal.--------- 873 hie home, gave hlm a gos upper Mr. sud Mcm. Arthur Hadlock ans ibiîhtion lawsoin the faderai cut n ats eygn iei i I e llmsni a je e rvl --- --------0 c.3 ae ak od and conifortes i flm. Then hae pt hlm son, Howard of Chicago, $Pent Sonday tincînnati ansift la on thîs record reportesi. tIifeetDansec31aiBilagn. 7VU udCpns .660 lu is utmoblesuddrve a au-wih Atich eltivs.that disaament la asked. lilas Florence 9. Maethar returnas i'ime ran away last weék ansi Dec. 31 Rouse Bras., acraping Mch. 31 Water Mains Bonds kegan wth hlm. Rj van o atw e musta charged wtth living brot home from sebool lest Fridsy, er IIî Wortlredy iv ra 9 25 ansi Coupons --. ----- 2300 00< 9M&nV"Yelenng f as wekabout the uniaw!ui withdrawal frain she wilremnain for theaiurnemmonth8. .sha, sleeping la an automobile luD'ec. 31 W. E. Vacîkinan, Mc- Mcli. 31 Sewer Bonds sud Accordlng ta the story toisi hy the raduatingxercises were belsi at the bonsies warebouses of large qitantit- lic. sud Mmre C. H. Albrecbt visitesi'ha? city ane nlght. On Saturday Brides Conu. 8Il<0 Coupons _. ....... - -- 2425 dé boy ia parents ansi threa brothera igh acoolat wbuch tan poun people lesofwik hhIflcarelerltvsanfindSuay and ltera went fiuhlng at McHenry gaduatenanely:-, Hilié Forhrichi,Io hsywihi adags i eaie u rad ody i ite '<awas ceturnesi tate Zion Dec. 31 R. F. Rause, teato-. 250 00 Mcli. 31 Public Service Ca., i yesterday. Wben It came tma ta Willard Cbinn, Fraderck Sheehan, was ablie ta dispose of at euormouae i udysho police by the Kenosha authorities Dec. 31 Geo. Deickman. signa 110 00) street lghts...............---- 851 » r return home has tather refuivesito Foyd liathaws, Gertrude Winnis, profita. When hae was la Chicago andi The attendance lSuaycoltast and her parents were callesi hy thel- Dec. 31 J. H. Rouse. express 4 19 Mcli. 31 Public Service Ca., let hlm get lu the machine sud Lid Margaret Jacks, Beutab Drain Roy Waukeg,în Remua wasa B trugkiing ai Sunday as large ndquit nh a-phoine. %Ven the polce we no! Dec. 31 Thos. Russetl, tabor 21 55l pawer .. .- 227 5< lm le neyer wanted ta oeil hlm Kennedy, Benry Hialey, Fraudas Gray.y tornev. At present finie Itl reporteîi tic, there was angleverywbere. up . ig .11z;e iippeit out uft ttîe a 12 e.31H sLeb ear thaf hie bas amnasesiseveral milltions. andi dawn staira, t the osaller andsin if,1îand disatipeared. She wasslitex t F19228 Mcb.r 31 H. R. Luelia, re-------r--- 825 again. Tbey drove away ans ieîft Thea asdreas of the evening was gîvea the larger ronoma,lit soundeit good. licard frein ln Waukegan when she Fl.2 n up. 25 hlm, accordlng ta the yoongster. by the lion, Wait Ben Saylam ansi the ~I saisi that Remua Ieft ChIcago Thare wera four boinnler classes in askei Lloyd White of Whtte & ion 3.1 f Polcemn atzsu î~oaweo ~music wasafornishesi by the Girls Gtee for (tysinnati wbile under fire for ai- atdsance in scboal. TFnfr0 etetnwi b a. 28 A. H. Knlgge, saine . 3 Di) Tofal Payments . .$10490 03 the Sherwood haine ansi rougbt the clb 'i iihhto he Sunday achool bas decided to sailt .5 ifit eil ,IiyIii, ior 1fhi.ý father ta the police station. Sher- 1ada Aasl-t--r----r taco Jav wood denlesi tlestory Lid by bis son,I Mont., wbere lhe wll spencthe somrmer 10 0 00 0 0 OO0O0O0 0 000 0 0, a e Sui nd copicJuv .l inh, f:I- 1in Z jtittî ,mm .a"lir far He salisithe bol'e.ft bhnme-.Weinei'iwitb bis oce odnJmeo. O L O Plans ,,n svne, befcea an ni 'i f\mi-iori i day mornng andi lie lait no oea Tt.oclGr1înJmiso i rugr' rove o!bco re, atrmiio '-.îimiic t Vfuts, ando h Atoh rd 'cIrws00 0 0 00 00 Ocltrt ît rireVew-nay,.uaesil con away trein home sbe-rt llîi lit the higb scbool auditorium <n 1Miss Vera Vasey iorsthndtn thîs I., i ,e o'J a s before. George went htilsnia ttMsbVr Vgytssenigmhs i. tailh-r. Tuesday evenig, ions 6, at 8 o'clock. week at Gurnea witb bier sîster, Mrs. There wilt hae Cildreaas day in (;rac-e1 At whicb ime %Ira. W. W. WVarrimer Lloyd Benweil. churcb naxt Sunday ait da .Tu Immi. r<rt ii ogvai unn, m'm o oaaooooo abmd the buemr îf çresnting dpleinas lri;a illegvni Leu ing, , . i.u lt v a or 0 FREMONT CE.N1ER ( )lcc,<adys Barthet, Uns IJaîziel. week-end witb relatives at St. Chartes. 1 A god deai of lima hss been in îAf m1\-. <J ~ <<I> I ~< ~ Margaret DirontBernice Folbrick, lr.Ahr <ucbr~rtreIteprepacation ta make a cealt. tVi a -fori Theresa nlay, Helen Kettaîhut. Irene lier home n Waukegan, ouesday after l tbe communtty. Admission wil ,ure a i in tc .eim .,ii'uîm Ray ras.samnlîrm. 1.,- . Ketteihut, Juc Kret, Wm. Laac(t, Samnspending tbree weeks witb bier intther,teatutnofengwlb animf.I fmiimrCi-fi their ne pas ilion onttiliti..III LevinoRlt. Morley, Wrn. Musc Ms Jh ato Missions.!i police. tesitor MyrtiNsomn , onOso,1 Mrs Johîmmn ,gui a!t)assdLat taura ngmt un- rtosig.Ca. Stic isonMc.ansrMc. rhmasVasy hve 01 .emod LkeS urluitgt, u' RslnV ha.iSiium fM. ndMms -mms VsI hve 17îh. Music by MurlmjysH Famous Or-ueiit hi ieawhm. T A ~ IKJ lcimrm miremm r cite-at-a(now pis> ing ai Elecef ic 'ark Tueaday morning Mr. Water Cinn Movdiss Matha earfi ea w ofmHuaTiy, S R LIi1gt k,ý, ira h ealaat lu Wukegn>.241f'motoredita DeKalli. Ha was scam- spent tbe past week witb bier aittr, t Iw~un o saine sellaot for gicla. Mcani ca Hny iais. nt tint anas y ilar Cir.Emily For- Ruliy ansi visitasi many friends in thîs " esi friands £r-om the <mt ysondia). brick, Ida Runyard, Anna Dnotm and communiey.:. L YI L N E Joe Hîronimus of Stffe'aie Ge-trode Winnis, wbo will attend tha callesi on bis sisteca ansi brottîcr bei Normai collage at that paca for six lic. ansi Mca. Edward Hals nsiON R&NE 2 AUTOS COLLIDE lionsiay. wek.daugbter. Ruth of Chico g aapeNnt aD,ý few isys thelpuat waek witb the latter'____A liiiW O Mc. arc ! licgowa te ust m.Clama Wilett and Ms eneparants. Mc. andsi m.Chas. Rasa- IG W O o! bier slaýer, Mcm. Catherine leIaui, wr i hicago on.bsue MondaY deoteher. North Shore Line Admts Peo-1 ovrthe weak andi. and that evening Misa Wllet la! t tocri lser Patricia, teacher ut Sf i.v> rysDealb h wbamahe will attend school lira. Vincent Martin andi son, Wrq. pl on That Street Are to Harry Bengston, of W nc ka, péacia ahol.rîune lt oni.yfor te next six weeks. a nt Wedneeday with relatives ta brother-in-Iaw o! J.A. Jensen of lThc proialasoit ta r fler last Iha ul m.Geré nimcenry, i Get Service Soon 1 sIly Sun, wtite drivîng nartb on ern part o! the state, who bas b-e-n-n 1Di grawohae e n et Whtey, Mr. ansi lrs. J. Ft. Stabl ansi family -Hherid.ioasiSny trot t ç.ooc heath for salieome -DooywohvhenWtty. of Long Grave, viaytesi W. C. Dillo's mThat the North Shore Uine bas tunRlhwood, collisias witb -inother auto- C. mrr ase n ltl duhId. foc the puit thtres, montha rtura- the opeatian of a tracktestrot mable drîvea hy a lIHghwooi man, .SunÏ brhm br au day. ley lie-on Grand avenue ta serve the. resultlnig la considerabte daiageta W lir. acr Kisr asilute au Lesi t d ahe ho e eresatomyeh VlaLdisoirwImetaihpublic o! the greaf northwest aide ln the lattera machinema Ford, Norte .a Mca. Peter Mayer. mef r D. V. Wait, Thuireday afterroon, Waukegmim --, 'ha admission o! C. E. were injumed. Benaton andsitbs famiiîy N yo sveT o-Rnowa n theesy The WIat son of M. andi Mca. Jas- tew days aiter hein yon6.e Ladiefs are equested ta bring Thampson assistant ta tIc preslident we ce an thelr way Io W:'î'kegmiiin ansvi aa e epb Titua diesiletit riday. thb- American Ca Co-. t6. por o n a bsower. atc Blib in.the in ccr-a.every row gettig exaly the ad vau yu Miss Marie Fredaricis la spcndinm Mr. andi lir. Message entertainesi apron are ta ho kept for their camaing Mv. the oI Shorlness whemp n teacdn ocr .0 ansvera weeks ai the haome of bac relatives frotta Chicago aver the week- bazaar. lias under con saaanIlic opan a IJIJJ SATM Tt i-> t o have a machine Wto o ata t w sount. Mma. Joseph Guettn. of Wauke a- ndi. stabllshlng amaor bus uine an ail -'s e an. lir. Guet-su bas gone ta Dienver, Miss Margaret Drain returnesi homee 00000000 00000000 Grand avenue ln he nesr future, con The oldtimers would thmlk §0 if they coru sS e (trd.ta vieitli er huabansi, who tromam pa wbeme able bas ben L Oo 04 i hn sfpunl stept ba ee heesveral mastha ii - hnpi g leg o tep aît tNuLA K E nOfhma r~un step f fTreamuer of the Village of getting over the fiel so rapidily, and doing tbe lias eat i iatwih a-re e yatandng0cllagefor0he0@0st0turaranage waî ranis.Ar&B os ee F= tyev d . .uc,eratafotuaieiti. wlhbsbe em. OOO00 S Th( utîisle plan towaver la ta as- AO fiij.b±e hnLe vrdd deiiml o ai un.Chas. Maan ansi Met-cl Sabin have The Albert Brau. were sean lace talliihal tracistess troley, a forni o! 9evleFotn rhssletepol c-nde Mma. V,.?mHironinus î.nd ndhaine frotta Urbana, wbema s:'<f cci a iitoperp'e- IL' atectrcity STATE 0F ILLINOIS, Tl ~evIeFotn rhssletepolu s a(~. sarau- f'i ns M- N ratas-i t . Saucdy asiSuniay soit d1,-a tolybut wbich doas LAKE COUNTY. sas: aeh.1 yp-iuui rmtetpbrads 't affa nsictîlden f Run thy wreOur saxaphane playes, John Martian rat ý'mi o-trails. Thîstemt Lf iceo .Dateu.AeII. set 2ha pendulum movement. You widen Laske suent Suuday ai the Wilo!fPara. Misas JesBie Runyacd returnes borne is getting ta ho quite a muaican. -'un m'Ih neavty as mnucli freadoni as The folowing la a statement by W. î1- Jut Takampe andi famflly. Mi. ansi the latter part o! lunt waek ftmro tt ùth o ih orfe Mca. Mika Obessauf andi son, Car!, ansi i Uchana, whaeeeleba bhon attending Qite a taw fram bat-e attendesite anl u inr-bml.. Ca v o! ibis kînsi are D. Porteous, Treasurar o! the Village nro h ag iterwwt orfe. O dance at Channel lake Saturday nigbt. liing ci : esi wif b great succese ina 0f Ares, ta the County andi Stata afora- them at any widt des"&ed daughtecs a. ran d Tkala. ansi Misa acisool. sevcat citie.saisi, f the amount of publicftf ond - fe 1. i Lt 'bu Kaibryn HîcaUlmus were Waukegan lice. Clata Turner returnasi home Tain Caoîe la again at work ostar A' 1hi- )u, esi t unm, tle r".sdentf !jcelves ansi dibursesi byltindurlng Th s.ovei ls naturay aoaaow the rows, bu y3ou can at Ray o Lihatyvîl asa ii asswt e dugteliast amnuin og laid op sev'rat says wîtb injuries ;,,d-* --- andnearhy streafs the fiscal yeac ensllug an the 3lst day them to either aide so quickly and so eamly tat1 aul ay of T bury l wsa F riday aff i ler edingher th. ar n to u stiei ri afl. i i ': nI-'soim i o-vie f farcli, A. D. 1922, ahawing fiche eeeyb ihu i>pgteem mont business calter Thursday. et Norwood Park. Mr. Wolf ta ding a ruahing business amoont a! public fonds on lians iat the heeeyhl ihu tpigfi e Fiierscu Bbeac andi lady friand t !- at ia new store. *OO00000 00000000 commencemet o alfaisical year; the 1your own weight on the seat bars acta aaever te tulI ChicagovisfdIre leao er Mca. Kettlesan hs Mt-. Frani KînHouse sud friens e pent the A n E A amaunt o! public t udssrecelvasi. aud wheels sightl uhill -this M~ advantage takes thec At l er acof isea.speof St.' ra 'at- M a. Water Setter ansi Ma. Herb week-end at the Fait-insuhome. n o o oo o o o a u tofpbi fnd ex n ead cr po tof =iwn ieba hn sfii tl o h aiaiAesetFiaai-Vos ware Kenosha viitara Tbucsday. Our champion fiabarnuan, John Andre for w latp-osas expendasi. dut-lng pact, Pide -n ùlfieiuetinwelbm ctinaoOfi '<f bthe sîsters Of St. Marys of Chicago, sent theaweak at bis Ray Bras. aunounici-the opeiug of saisi fiscal yaenl saarai. Ultivate with a Janeevi1le Two-Rw-adyou wM lfoget I Mc. .W.Wrrnr a aKloh cott e. Flsbing bas not hoan very t heir ni- wdancy- pa% iit!on on fha shore The salisi W. D. Pocteous, beîng duty 4hee evcr was bard work in cuItivation. 'seoo. _________shopper Thucaday. goo i atety due ta the higb winds. of DisanndLake SaLrday nlglt. Joule sworn, dafl isdpose ansi say, that the 00000<Jo00000ooo0o00o0o00oMc. sud Mca. John R. licHride bave l7tb. Musc lis Murpitjs ' Famous Ot- foîtowing tatement by bi subacrties 10 CH o uttr'n n Ia Waon. soicitheir cottage ansi are building a che-scra (assai tmting ai Elactria Park lsa rrecf tatament offlie annouat of 0 ANTIOC 0 betteiln an Ie Wagon. borne inAntiacli whcce the aspect ta in Waukegant. 24-lt publie fculOs oanai t the commence- Shnk H rw r o 900000000ilin0000000 Wben two littie Irihbosasked X liva in tde future. Mm.MryMSchaannck i.-oimntafrheficauwaîe oe taed Me. Guenthar entactainas ieba neice woinaa ln an lecfric machina for a Mcr sud Mca. E. G. Becker enter- Chicago are making acxtanded visît ftli amut a! public fonds cecelvesiPhn 39 LIBERTYYM andi ittte son, aim e br daughtec o! rida. she tookas i mb the upturueti tainesi company at thair cottage on wifh Aresandi I'avalîoc relatives. ansithe sources tram wlitcli cceivasi6- Mca. Louise Huff, who bas spent drlvtng te the street fbey hld desig- cbitanad their neai boat "Daniino. " a n Mc. and Mcri. IH. J. Swantesat poses for whcîi axpandesi, as sea-t,__________________________________ &orne tume la Chicago eturnesi ta -ber natesiý they st perfactlyit'sf1wttb 5rank Dranz sud famiîy spant Satur- Stinsay. tn aallaient, home bat-e on Fiday. eyez fac'used stratght aheasi, but whcn day sud Snnday at their cottage. Mca. J. t}oltenmeier andsosn o! Liilasasiw. D. PORTEOUS. lit-. Pate Petarsen ansi daugbtera, fbey ttout she licard oaa say: *'Ge*. The Aniecican Lagien bave eractesi Mryichset auyt h M - - scbd ad o!rta 922. m Myrtîe ansi Agites wecc Cbtiagu passea- thala baffeecra din' a tee wagon, six large tente and a mess hall is being "The Sheik-is ou gonsi flat (basa*tt-t JOHN H. BOUSE, io 1n ________________________________________________ Wasiding blals will rng next Saturday bacit ansi seec iSun(a-'Tols us by' FUNOS RECEIVED AND FROM ~ ) a e ( o gar onFrday bîttl f?'plnnei îthaI eqipnene.whus sec.-if on Frisa i.s> wîtwst ta conta iI Notai-y Public.a ansi expect ta heac the tingie Of more a competifivése 5C4l1.. 24 iL WHAT SOURCES RECEIVED . A la the near future. Seema taon Laite Mc. anu Mr-. Henry Kane enter- Roy W. Bracher, taxes-.... $ 4431 91 M onuments and îvausoîeums la getting ta ho qite a rmantic aPet taiaed Lake Forest reltives Sunday. Sewar ansi water connections 460 0O foc aur Cicagoans. Mca. J. T Mitchell ansi Bath Coak Water ranI s__----------- 1708 90 Down By 'The Electric Station it il Pa Y u o C llAtwrc Chicago visitis Moday. Spciat Assssinnts, No. 2 It ViI0000ouTo0000A00o0oo0000000o i t Mrs. Walter Stark andi son, Busisi> Seer a. ...... 1709 86 Phone 200-i Libertyville, Illinois- 0 PRAIRI VIEW oware Evast isitrs Suinday. Spectal seint.No1 000000000000000000oooo Mr. sud Mrs. C. G. Smsti apent Sun- Wafcr matas------------------ 1120 62 The ibe tyv lle Bat eryday wlfh Mr. ansi Nrs. Geo. Susail ansi P o t i c c Magitrate Court Ray Bras. annaunce fiha opanin.g o! family of Lîbectyvitte. fines -_.*- ------ ... 15 où _____________________ tl ta i n haîr ne wsiance pavillon on fha shore Mca. . C. Jaccetf andi daugbter a! Speciat Uen-se '. _- 217 00) iontr c Se v c of Diamonsi Lake Saturda>' niglit, Juna Round Laite are spendiug a few ssys Hall cent ----- -.. 8 (0 & l c rc S r i e S ai17th. Music by Mucpliy's Farnous Oc- witli M. ansi Mca. J. J. Jacrett. Rani foc Scrapmer--------------.... 15 O H0S0FO A cliestra taow ptsYing ait Electric Park lr. tturKmi ni hlu-na We Repair, Recharge and Replace Il auea) Mc.l surfed Mres FcgaukMicell.Aniunton9a6s86tI29 i Two naw bousseson Fourth Street rbat wa wlll seit right. Thea. wer The Ladies' Aid was entartainesi Ist Mr. ansi Mca. Everef t Rcharsisoni n-lorn ----............. 3241 71 butît b> uso!f tle hast matecials and by ilamou on day balis. Tbkérln-. waek liy*Mrs. Chpctas.Sfurm, thera ansi son et Waukegan wece Ar -e1--Tt no '<ai about tLIa ifth!y- n rds aa hd re u a~ wuB a goosi numblir present. Ail ifors Sunday. j t.. -------------- $12928 00, Heusea lava large living routa, kif cheu, two basi roo ma.te eloéq. A il N lakes repart having bail, a ver>' enjoyalile Mise Ethel Haines teavea f11,5 week Total disbursemea s ------- - 10490 GO I sud bath an main floor. Two lied mvoc un second floot-. Fln. hle, Friday veing. Juna 16, the Ladies' achool titis sommer. Batance on iansi --- ---------$2437 97; cmneiaeann.Wtrgi c Ti spaclse ns ufng Adwlenaatflccmuiytan Mrs. F. MII. Harding ans i er slter,1 FUNDS EXPENOED AND FOR seic o!aa 4800 sud the other $4200. Ti lc e nlhh~ Batteries inspectedl, Tested and ite reai andi cake axcial on the chut-ch Miss Harciet Brainert, o! Watermaa, WHAT PURPOSE EXPENOED second floor sud lias ne baseinent. Firat payment $100, baba", aw.You at-e cariall>' invitesi. Comaettt -cf t Muîni].a manlng for an ex- 1921 AinOunt easy. WilI put la furuace for $150.-00 extra. Watered F'REE su~~~~~~~~~ad bava a nice -time. geL htteriteadel trn through flic asat. Chi.April 30 Thos. Russell, presi- 1 ( K. EC O,'lin 0 IETVLE 1. DIES D CRASH deput>' sartiff nown la Wau- ià Misa Mary mmry 30, bot ,Chicago. and MHyde Park j brules whon i over In WUI- cornera wben (er eau. le furnes avec ha t-oea. néé.r nt 24, a! Ré- ed skulul sud la oncle, Fred officiai o! the and liit chi d AUbret 12. ain. Leonard. e, bast control eerln.g knuckle lsh used very- ou to Floor prose - off er abso- Iing Duse Var- ables, Wood- h and- rej uv- terior apply ) ves a ar or very a laige 0 I aM , M lýj

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